Field Too Small; Cannot Use Text Or NText; Ugh, Little Help.
Sep 9, 2006
My Stored Proc runs through a loop and concats the contents of each field into one big nvarchar. Procedure works fine on a smaller scale but now it is being implemented on a very large table and the results of the sequel overflow the nvarchar limits. I looked into using text and ntext but both cannot be declared locally. Does anyone know how I can work aroudn this limitation?
Summary:The problem is that the temporary variable I am using (nvarchar) is too small to contain the robust size that the SQL is concating into it. The final field it winds up in is a text field and will be able to handle the amount of data, its just getting the data there is the issue..... Your thoughts please....
I have a table that holds a large amount of text in a field that is the body of the email. For example, it might say something like:
Quote: Email tech support at if you have any questions about the results of this test.
I need to change the email address in this field. Using this example I need to change to; however I do not want to change the other text in that field.
It is also important to note that the rest of the body of the emails stored here is different depending on the email.
So basically what I need is a statement that would look at a particular field, search for an email address, and replace that email address with another one without disturbing the rest of the text in that field. I already checked the w3 update tutorial and the update there is for the entire field.
I'm using DTS to import data from an Access memo field into a SQL Server ntext field. DTS is only importing the first 255 characters of the memo field and truncating the rest.I'd appreciate any insights into what may be causing this problem, and what I can do about it.Thanks in advance for any help!
Hi,I have a problem to insert(update) a long text (more than 64K) intoSQL 2000 (datatype - 'text'). It cuts the data and insert only 64K.MSDN says: "When the ntext, text, and image data values get larger,however, they must be handled on a block-by-block basis. BothTransact-SQL and the database APIs contain functions that allow applications towork with ntext, text, and image data block by block." Could somebodygive me an example how to do this, please.Thank you
I have a field that is stored as a smalldatetime but I want to filter on that field only for the date. How do I ignore the time stamp and only go by the date?
HiThis is a question of "what does it cost me".Lets say I have an integer value which would fit into a smallint fieldbut the field is actually defined as int or even larger as bigint.What would that "cost" me ? How would definitions larger than I need forthe values in the field affect me ?Its obvious that the volume of the database would grow but with the sizeof resources etc that we have nowadays disc space isn't a problem likeit used to be and i/o is much faster and many people would tell me "whocares" , or IS it a problem ?How does it affect performance of data retrieves ? Searches ? Updatesand inserts ? How would it affect all db access if tables are pointingat each other with foreign keys ?Thanks !David Greenberg
Maybe a stupid question but I'm new to the db admin work so please bear with me.
I've imported an Access db into SQL, in the Access db the field type was 'memo' to accomodate the large amount of text (on avg ruffly 4100 chars. with spaces). Now in SQL the field in the table I have set up as an ntext field, which I understood to be equivalent to a memo field in Access.
My problem is when saving data to the field the first time it saves all the data correctly with the exception of the field in question. The data in the field is '<LongText>', now when I try to update the data in the table I get a 'Data Truncated' error message and no update takes place throughout the table.
After testing this and trying different things, I've found that if I shorten this one field and try to save to the db I still get the 'Data Truncated' error message. If I shorten the data in the field AND delete the record from the SQL table then it will save just fine from there on out (which won't work for the reports).
I'm not sure what I'm missing here to get this to work the way it did in Access.
Loading thousands of records to the DB through bulk insert. There's one field NText which I have left NULL because it will be hard to gen dummy flat file to it.
I have another table which has the Ntext Value which i will want to copy and duplicate to the other table.
what is the way to do it?
simply said i want to update a record with NULL value from one table with NText field with the value from another table..
I am trying to view all the ntext from a profiler trace. The data istruncated at 256 and I am not sure why... The max length is 1820 viathis command:select max(datalength(textdata)) from "monitor forms usage"where textdata like '%gforms%' .I then issueset textsize 8000select (textdata) from "monitor forms usage" where textdata like'%gforms%' and datalength(textdata) >1800and still only 256 is returned. this is true even if I redirect theoutput to a file.Any ideas on how a humble man like me can see all of the data.Mike--Posted via
I'm trying to parse an ntext field that in my SQL View contains an invoice comment in order to be able to group on parts of the comment. I have two problems--one, the syntax to do this, and two, the best way to deal with the parts that I want.
The comment is like: "standard text ABCDE : $99.99" but can have multiple "ABCDE"s, e.g. "standard text ABCDE FGH IJKL $999.99" and I found some that had duplicates like "standard text standard text...". I want to be able to report in SSRS 2005 by grouping the "ABCDE", "FGH", "IJKL" items.
Any ideas? Please be specific as I'm still learning.
what am trying to do is adding an instead of trigger on update which concatenates the old value in the text column with the new value
so the problem is how i can concatenate both values since i cant declare a variable of type text.
A solution may be dividing the text column into many varchar(8000) variables and then add them but i dont know how it can be implemented or if there's an easier solution
the code am trying:
if exists(select null from deleted) begin --am considering updating only 1 row update tbl set theValue=((select theValue from deleted)+(select theValue from inserted)) end
i tried the writetext and updatetext functions and the problem is always related to both columns concatenation
I've just gotten my data into SQL Server, and changed the connection stringon the program.There was a memo field (Access 2000) and we put that in a text field (with adefault length of 16?).Now, when displaying the data online (through asp pages), there are bigwhite-space gaps in the pages (that display the memo field data), imageshave a "double" url( are lots of place with " ".The field data has html tags in it, if that has anything to do with it.It seems like I've heard that there are issues with text fields. Is thiswhat they meant? Is there anything I can do?Thanks, JA
The title says it all. I've used ALTER DATABASE, and ALTER TABLE...ALTER COLUMN to change all my character fields from 'Compatibility_42_409_30003' to the default I want ('Latin1_General_CI_AI') on databases converted from SQL7. Now I just have these ntext fields to change...
Here is the example data <qMultipleChoice><qText>The%20AE%20understands%20what%20conditions%20the%2 0Account%20Manager%20is%20allowed%20to%20sign-off 20on.</qText><qChoice>Strongly20Disagree</qChoice><qChoice>Disagree </qChoice><qChoice>Agree</qChoice><qChoice>Strongly%20Agree</qCh
I want result look like this First Column:The AE Understands what conditions the Account Manager is allowed to sign-off. Second Column: Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
This is what i had so far Select (SUBSTRING(QuestionText, (PATINDEX(N'%<qText>%', QuestionText) + 7),(PATINDEX(N'%</qText>%', QuestionText) - (PATINDEX(N'%<qText>%', QuestionText) + 7)))) From tblQuestion
my result: The%20AE%20understands%20what%20conditions%20the%2 0Account%20Manager%20is%20allowed%20to%20sign-off%20on.
I have problem with replace '%20' and how to make the second column. Any Help? Thanks Shan
My organization have a web-based application and needs it to support multilingual so we will be adapting our app to use unicode. However, one of our problems is to convert existing data from text to ntext. I couldn't find anything that document this. What is the best way to do that? I would like to be able to migrate the data from an existing text column to another ntext column in the table.
If I can't do that, what are the options? If it's possible, I would like to be able to do this in sql script.
Can some one please explain how the storage of a huge text or ntext object ( say a string of characters 100 KB in size ) is carried out please?
With a data page maximum size of 8000 bytes, how does SQL handle the storage of such an string - it would obviously obverlap multiple rows etc. Does the application writing it to the database have to split the object over multiple rows and manually keep track of which bit is in which row so it can be re-created later in correct sequence by adding the bits back together, or is it done some how differently?
Hi there! I've read through several of these forums and am impressed by the talent out there. I'm hoping someone could share some insight on a little complication I've got.
I have a sproc that essentially is pulling all mail items from a profile, reading them in and storing them in a table. It is all working fine MINUS the fact that I cannot pass the message because it won't allow me to pass text or ntext.
If anyone has any ideas I would truly appreciate it. In the meantime I'll be searching through the forum looking for a way to make it happen. Thx, Camey
declare @post_id int declare@topic_id int declare@forum_id int declare@poster_id int declare@post_time int declare@poster_ip int declare@post_username char(25) declare@enable_bbcode smallint declare@enable_html smallint declare@enable_smilies smallint declare@enable_sig smallint declare@post_edit_time int declare@post_edit_count smallint declare@bbcode_uid char(10) declare@post_subject char(60) declare@post_text text
Set @msg_id = NULL while (1=1) begin exec master..xp_findnextmsg @msg_id = @msg_id output if @msg_id is null break
Hello, I have around 7 ntext fields in my data base table and I am getting data from the data base table through executing stored procedure, But when I am displaying data using record set, few of the ntext fields in recored set are empty .Iam sure that these are having data in table. I am not sure why recordset is lossing that ntext field data?Because of this I am unable to display that data in web form. any ideas really appriciated. Thanks Ram
I am having an interesting error. I have a bunch of data that I am updating to a field in my sql server 7.0 database. It updates the data, however only puts the first 64,999 characters into the field. The datatype is ntext. From what I understand, ntext datatype can hold much more than 65,000 characters. Am I right in this? The data I'm putting into the field is html tags/text. I've tried several different data sets. I'm updating the data using Coldfusion/SQL commands.
Here is my SQL syntax:
UPDATE htmltest SET html_offline = '#form.html#' WHERE htmlid = #form.htmlid#
Hi, I've been reading all sorts of info on the ntext field. I needthis to store xml documents in sql server via a stored proc.Because of its size, I apparently can not use SET (as in UPDATE)therefore I'm trying to do an INSERT of the row with this field (afterdeleting the old row).CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateXmlWF(@varWO varchar(50)@strWF ntext@varCust varchar(50)@varAssy varchar(50))ASINSERT INTO tblWorkOrders (WorkOrder, Customer, Assy, xmlWF) VALUES(@varWO, @varCust, @varAssy, @strWF)I'm using MSDE so I can't tell what's just won't save theproc.PLEASE HELP!Thanks, Kathy
i have a problem with copying (read it from one row and set it to another) a ntext field in a stored procedure. I know how to get a pointer to the data and how to read from it.
But i want to copy the whole data.
Does anybody know how to do that?
Thanks in advance
------------------------------- I'm using SQL Server 2000
I have a third party application with a ntext field that I need to parse the data out of. The data looks like this: <xmlF><FNumber type="int">2421</FNumber><AttachmentPath type="string" /><RequesterId type="int">232</RequesterId><Requester type="string">John Smith</Requester><RequestDate type="DateTime">3/24/2008 11:23:27 AM</RequestDate</xmlF> The fieldname is Data and the tablename is ProcessData Again, this looks like xml, but the field type is ntext. I would like to create a view displaying the parsed data in fields. How would I go about parsing the data? Thanks.
I have a table column type as nText, however there are some Chinese character stored in that field and it is a messed up as it is not readable.
In my code, I did Convert to unicode by getting the byte of each character and encode it with UTF8 e.g:
Public Shared Function ConvertToUnicode(ByVal s As String) As String
' Convert To Unicode
Dim MyBytes As Byte() = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(s)
Dim GBencoding As Encoding = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8
Return GBencoding.GetString(MyBytes)
End Function
This works well but ,the problem is that it slows down the process quite alot, and I wonder are there any text encoding method I can use in SQL that can run when i do the SELECT Statement?
SELECT Convert(MyNTEXTColumn) .... something like that?
Hi, I've read conflicting articles on updating an ntext field in acolumn.My ntext field will exceed 8,000 characters (typically twice that size-- but just a text string).One article (I think from MicroSoft) said you could NOT use ntext inan UPDATE statement, but I've seen examples from other people usingit...but don't know if it's related to the size/characters issue.Is this true or not?Thanks very much...Kathy
Has anyone seen this issue before? We are running a SQL CE 3.5 database on a windows desktop. A couple of our tables have ntext fields. When we do an insert the statement updates the value for all rows, not just the one that was added. I can easily repro this with some of the online samples too. Try the following:
SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(_sConn);
After the second execution the blob column in both rows will have the value 'Name2 Memo'.
This is obviously a huge problem for us and would appreciate it if someone can explain what is happening. Seems like a bug but would like to be certain before I go the support route.
i have created page, one feild of this page text area. when i insert some text through this page in "text feild" of SQL server on few words of this feild cut and inserted to text feild of SQL server but all text that i have written in text area feild.
can u please help me how to handle so that i can all text in text feild of SQL server data type text/next.
I have two SQL 2005 SP2 Server and want to use the transaction replication with updateable subscriber. Now the problem is that i can do any changes on the master server. But if i want to change a record on the subscriber which contains a ntext, text, oder image column - then i geht the error that the field will be NULL on the master.
Is there any solution to fix this problem? I dont wan`t to change the datatype vom ntext to varchar(max) !!