File Allocation Unit Size
Mar 20, 2007
This is a question that has always intrigued me: what is the ideal File Allocation Unit Size for a disk holding only data or index pages on a server running SQL Server? It seems to me that 8,192 would be the ideal size as it would enable the system to gobble up an entire page in one go. Any ideas?
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May 4, 2015
Since a couple days, we are getting this message the errorlog of one of our SQL2012 server
LogEntry: Error [36, 17, 145] occurred while attempting to drop allocation unit ID 451879652360192 belonging to worktable with partition ID 451879652360192.
(version Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5058.0 (X64))
I am wondering what is the best way trying to troubleshoot this issues? I do not know from which of out database this is coming.
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Feb 15, 2007
I am using DTS to transfer tables from Oracle 9i to SQL Server 2000 sitting in a shared environment and managed to migrate
a lot of tables without glitch..
When I was migration a table <XYZ> from Oracle to SQL Server..The table was created in the SQL Server whilst the DTS threw an error that read when it was copying data and 0 rows were copied with the error message being
"Cannot create a row of size 8387 which is greater than the allowed maximum of 8060"
Incidentally the have a table in the Oracle DB that has 152 Rows of Data with 94 Columns..
Does any change needs do be done on the Admin side of the SQL Server to resolve this problem and faciliate effective transfer of data from the DB's?
Thanks in Advance
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Feb 15, 2007
I am using DTS to transfer tables from Oracle 9i to SQL Server 2000 sitting in a shared environment and managed to migrate
a lot of tables without glitch..
When I was migration a table <XYZ> from Oracle to SQL Server..The table was created in the SQL Server whilst the DTS threw an error that read when it was copying data and 0 rows were copied with the error message being
"Cannot create a row of size 8387 which is greater than the allowed maximum of 8060"
Incidentally the have a table in the Oracle DB that has 152 Rows of Data with 94 Columns..
Does any change needs do be done on the Admin side of the SQL Server to resolve this problem and faciliate effective transfer of data from the DB's?
Sorry Had I started this topic in the wrong forum.
Thanks in Advance
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Jul 12, 2007
I have a Db that is 1.7 gigs. The table data takes approximately 200megs. The transaction logs were truncated. Where else can this large size be coming from and how can I confirm?
DB is generally small. ~25 tables, 100 SPs, 10 views, etc.
I have 4 queues using SQL Notifications, but when selecting from them results in no data.
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Aug 21, 2007
The following query returns a value of 0 for the unit percent when I do a count/subquery count. Is there a way to get the percent count using a subquery? Another section of the query using the sum() works.
Here is a test code snippet:
--Test Count/Count subquery
declare @Date datetime
set @date = '8/15/2007'
-- count returns unit data
Count(substring(m.PTNumber,3,3)) as PTCnt,
-- count returns total for all units
(select Count(substring(m1.PTNumber,3,3))
from tblVGD1_Master m1
left join tblVGD1_ClassIII v1 on m1.SlotNum_ID = v1.SlotNum_ID
Where left(m1.PTNumber,2) = 'PT' and m1.Denom_ID <> 9
and v1.Act = 1 and m1.Active = 1 and v1.MnyPlyd <> 0
and not (v1.MnyPlyd = v1.MnyWon and v1.ActWin = 0)
and v1.[Date] between DateAdd(dd,-90,@Date) and @Date) as TotalCnt,
-- attempting to calculate the percent by PTCnt/TotalCnt returns 0
(Count(substring(m.PTNumber,3,3)) /
(select Count(substring(m1.PTNumber,3,3))
from tblVGD1_Master m1
left join tblVGD1_ClassIII v1 on m1.SlotNum_ID = v1.SlotNum_ID
Where left(m1.PTNumber,2) = 'PT' and m1.Denom_ID <> 9
and v1.Act = 1 and m1.Active = 1 and v1.MnyPlyd <> 0
and not (v1.MnyPlyd = v1.MnyWon and v1.ActWin = 0)
and v1.[Date] between DateAdd(dd,-90,@Date) and @Date)) as AUPct
-- main select
from tblVGD1_Master m
left join tblVGD1_ClassIII v on m.SlotNum_ID = v.SlotNum_ID
Where left(m.PTNumber,2) = 'PT' and m.Denom_ID <> 9
and v.Act = 1 and m.Active = 1 and v.MnyPlyd <> 0
and not (v.MnyPlyd = v.MnyWon and v.ActWin = 0)
and v.[Date] between DateAdd(dd,-90,@Date) and @Date
group by substring(m.PTNumber, 3,3)
order by AUPct Desc
Thanks. Dan
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Sep 4, 2007
I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?
And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.
Any help with this process?
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Apr 15, 2008
I have a log file that is approximately 50 GIG. I backed up just the log and the file size of the .bak is 192 GIG . Why is this? Shouldn't it be closer to the 50 GIG.
Normally I wouldn't let log grow this much. But we are in process of getting new server up and running and don't have backups going yet. They are working on getting that up and running this week.
So I did a log backup to give me back some log space for now but was concerned when I saw the size of the .bak file.
When I view media contents of the backup device it shows one tranaction log back up and size of 192 GIG.
What is up with this. I know in SQL 2000 the log backup files where never this big. they were about the size of the log itself.
Any ideas?
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Jun 15, 2006
I installed sql 2005 a while back. Then I recently found out my file system was fat32 (I don't understand why the hardware people did this...) and I had to convert to NTFS. Naturally the sql service no longer worked so I uninstalled inorder to reinstall now I can't reinstall it I keep getting this message
native_error=5039, msg=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size.
I'll try to post the full log in a new post.
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Jul 25, 2007
I have one db test with one .mdf and .ldf file...mdf file size is 100mb and for some reson i removed all the tablesfrom that .mdf file and transfer it into new secondary file so all thetables moved into secondary file now i want to reduce the first .mdffile from 100 mb to 50mb is that possible,it's showing 90mb is free.Please reply
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Apr 14, 2015
Here are my scenarios:
We have an application with replicated environment setup on sql server 2012 . Users will have a replica on their machines and they will replicate to the master database. It has 3 subscriptions subscribed to the publications on the master db.
1) We set up a replica(which uses sql server 2012) on a machine with no sql server on it. After the initial synchronization(used replmerge tool) the mdf file has grown to 33gigs and ldf has grown to 41 gigs. I went to sql server management studion . Right click and checked the properties of the local database. over all size is around 84 gb with little empty free space available.
2) We set up a replica(which uses sql server 2012) on a machine with sql server 2008 on it. After the initial synchronization(used replmerge tool) the mdf file has grown to 49 gigs and ldf has grown to 41 gigs. I went to sql server management studio , Right click and checked the properties of the local database. over all size is around 90 gb with 16 gb free space available.
3) We set up a replica(which uses sql server 2012) on a machine with sql server 2012 on it. We have dropped the local database and recreated the local db and did the initial synchronization using replmerge tool. The mdf file has grown to 49 gigs and ldf has grown to 41 gigs. I went to sql server management studio , Right click and checked the properties of the local database. over all size is around 90 gb with 16 gb free space available.
Why it is allocating the space differently? This is effecting our initial replica set up times.
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Jul 31, 2014
I need to write a process to get file size in kb and record count in a file. I was planning on writing a c# console app that takes the file path and name as a param however should i use a CLR?
I cant put a script in the ssis when it's bringing the file down because it has been deemed that we only use ssis for file consumption.
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Sep 22, 2015
What is the recommended size and file growth for a database and log file? We will be storing approx 10000 records a day.Currently we have the following:
( NAME = Dummy_data,
  FILENAME = 'D:....DATADummy.mdf',
  SIZE = 250MB,
( NAME = Dummy_log,
  FILENAME = 'D:....DATADummy_log.ldf',
  SIZE = 50MB,
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Feb 19, 2013
I have a database whose log file size is 4 time greater then data file size, and its continuously growing day by day. Recently face limited disk related issue.
Is there any way to truncate log file???
What is impact on db if i truncate log file???
Is there any way to prevent this file continuously growing???
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Dec 5, 2014
is there limitation for size of file to store in db by filestream in sql server 2008?or it accept all sizes?
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Apr 27, 2008
i'm trying to write this script that check my database file and log size(in MB) and insert them into a table.i need the following columns
i try to write this a got stuck.
select sysdb.database_id,,sysdb.compatibility_level,
sysdb.recovery_model_desc,sysmaster.size from sys.databases sysdb,sys.master_files sysmaster
where sysdb.database_id = sysmaster.database_id
can anyone help me with this script?
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Sep 5, 2007
We have 2 SQL Server 2k5 servers running the same build - 9.0.2047 . When I backup any database from one server and attempt to restore it to the other, the log file generally increases by 100 fold. It errors out after I try to restore a 100MB db and it tries to create a 9.8GB log file. This happens both when I use the GUI to restore and when I restore from a T-SQL script. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
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Oct 1, 2005
I've started researching on Unit Testing and I must admitI had never heard of Unit Testing until a couple of monthsago. Obviously I am interested in Unit Testing StoredProcedures.I read the TSQLUnit documentation (not all of it) and i also raninto a newsgroup post saying TSQLUnit is very small comparedto NUnit. The conclusion I am making out of this post is thatI should rather spend time resarching/reading about NUnit thanTSQLUnit. Is that a good assessment?I would like to you what you use and if you use actuallyUnit Testing or some other method? I ran into White Box/Black BoxQA testing. All these are new to me. Any good place to read about"Extreme Programming"? I ran into one link that I saved it at work.That's one place i will read more.Any links, documentation or books you would suggest?I searched Amazon and I didn't find anything interestingregarding SQL Server and Stored Procedures.Thank you
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Jun 20, 2005
Well was wondering this weekend. How do you do unit testing with SSIS? Is anyone trying it?
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May 8, 2007
I build a SSIS Package in Visual Studio 2005 , but i don't know how to test it automated?
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Oct 29, 2014
I have three different columns, hour(s), min(s), sec(s)
I can add it up, but will like to convert it into. hrs, mins and sec.
this is how, i am adding it up into seconds.
SELECT ((TotalTimeSpentHrs*60*60)+(TotalTimeSpentMin*60)+(TotalTimeSpentSec))AS totaltime
How can I convert the total seconds, so that i can input the result in a new column.
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Nov 11, 2007
I want to test my custom component with unit tests and i thought i must only initilize the component to play around with it. But when i calling the ProviderComponentProperties method and there the RemoveAllInputsOutputsAndCustomProperties method a NullReference exception is thrown. After debugging the test i had seen that the ComponentMetaData of the component is null. Is there a way to initilize the ComponentMetaData?
The Code of the Component looks like this:
Code Block
DisplayName = "TestSourceAdapter",
ComponentType = ComponentType.SourceAdapter,
IconResource = "TestSourceAdapter.TestSourceAdapter.ico"
public class TestSourceAdapter: PipelineComponent
public override void ProvideComponentProperties()
IDTSOutput90 output = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.New();
output.Name = "TestSourceAdapter";
["TestSourceAdapter"].ExternalMetadataColumnCollection.IsUsed = true;
ComponentMetaData.ValidateExternalMetadata = false;
ComponentMetaData.UsesDispositions = true;
ComponentMetaData.Name = "TestSourceAdapter";
ComponentMetaData.Description = "TestSourceAdapter";
And in test i call only this
Code Block
TestSourceAdapter testAdapter = new TestSourceAdapter();
i hope anyone can help
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May 2, 2007
saw my AS400 has this time stamp: 2007-05-02-
is SQL2005 able to have time stamp to this details?
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Jan 30, 2008
I have a set of revenue records where there is a UNIT column and a REVCHARGE column. What I need to do is breakout the records into single records where the unit count is > 1 and calc the actual charge:
3 3.00 ABCD EFGH
Needs to be converted to:
1 1.00 ABCD EFGH
1 1.00 ABCD EFGH
1 1.00 ABCD EFGH
The calc is obvious but how can I do this with a cursor but would like to do it without a cursor if possible? Anybody got an idea?
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Jun 13, 2013
How to select the orderID, order date and the maximum-price unit of each order in the below tables in 2 ways:
1-using correlated sub-query
2-not using correlated sub-query
I only selected orderID, order date and the maximum price of each order but not the unit name.This is my query:
SELECT dbo.[Order Details].OrderID, Max(dbo.[Order Details].UnitPrice)as MaxUnitprice, dbo.Orders.OrderDate
FROM dbo.[Order Details] INNER JOIN
dbo.Products ON dbo.[Order Details].ProductID = dbo.Products.ProductID INNER JOIN
dbo.Orders ON dbo.[Order Details].OrderID = dbo.Orders.OrderID
GROUP BY dbo.[Order Details].OrderID, dbo.Orders.OrderDate
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Jun 4, 2007
I am developing automated .Net Unit Tests, and as a prerequisite of each test, I would like to clear the service broker queues of any messages. Executing the
RECEIVE * FROM statement appears to only return a message at a time, and not all as I expected. Any ideas on how to make this happen, besides not having to delete the queues and then having to rebuild them?
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Nov 14, 2006
Hi friends,
Can anybody tell what all are required for the deployment of a package.
I read from some article that to deploy ur package SSIS runtime and .Net framework should be installed first
and 1)it is not necessary to install sql server 2005. if so Is it True .?
2)whether the ssis runtime is freely available as independent installation package like .Net framework
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Apr 30, 2015
We were asked to create an SQL function to return a unit price based on various criteria. The function works fine except for the tiered pricing (use of BillingPriceTable) calculation. What we need to do is break up the total quantity passed to the function and return the total of prices found. In our example, we passed a quantity of 9,721 units and need to return a total price of 231.92 using the table below.
Low Qty    High Qty    Fee       Actual Qty       Price
0Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 7500Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 0.025Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 7500Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 187.50
7501Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 15000Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 0.020Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2221Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 44.42
Below is the table definition that we have to work with (ugghh).
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BillingPriceTable](
[PriceTableID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[entity] [varchar](4) NULL,
[PriceTableCode] [varchar](10) NULL,
[PriceTableName] [varchar](40) NULL,
[Code] ....
What we have so far is shown below. The columns that start with bdxx are the "High Qty" values and the columns that start with prxx are the price for that quantity range. So, the current SELECT is shown below and it returns the price based on the entire qty of 9,721 and returns a unit price of 0.020 and should return 0.023857628
The current SELECT is shown below and is returning 0.020 which is the fee for the total rather than calculating the fee twice, once for the 0-7500 and again for the 7501-15000 (actually 7501-9721). Two things came to mind, one was a WHILE loop and the other was possibly a ranking function of some sort.Â
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetPrice]
@qtydecimal(10,1) = 1,
[Code] ....
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Apr 3, 2001
How can I find the size of a file/ database in kb/megs?
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Apr 4, 2001
Is there a way to get a particular file/tables size??
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Dec 13, 2000
Hi Everybody
First of all i would like to thank everyone for there time and efforts in this web page
I am new to the feild of DBA and i have some uncleared points that i would like any one to make them clear for me
Why the transactions log file size is not decreasing after the truncation of log?
is there any thing i have to do or is it normal way?
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Dec 6, 2004
I am currently trying to get file sizes and insert them into a table. The table already has the path to the actual file, so its just a matter of using that path and getting the size.
Any help is appreciated
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May 22, 2007
I've an application which saved logs of internet access.. the file size can reach to >150 GB per month.
I don't know till what size I should keep the mdf file before creating a secondary.
what is best size for mdf should be.
Thanks in advanced.
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