File Name Dynamically

Apr 11, 2008

I have CSV file as source for SSIS package every time the filename will be changing like trd_1990M1_1990M12.csv

trd_1991M1_1991M12.csv , trd_1992M1_1992M12.csv so it will vary as per user selection . i need to run the same SSIS package to execute the package whichever the file name.

Please let me know the solution for that how to pass the file name dynamically to SSIS package.

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Reporting Services :: Parsing SSRS Config File And Dynamically Changing File Path Of Config File In Code

Sep 2, 2015

Currently have a single hard coded file path to the SSRS config file which parses the file and provides the reporting services web service url.  My question is how would i run this same query against 100s of servers that may or may not share the same file path as the one hard coded ?

Is there a way to query the registry to find the location of the config file of any server ? which could be on D, E, F, H, etc. 

I know I can string together the address followed by "reports" and named instance if needed, but some instances may not have used the default virtual directory name (Reports).

Am I going about this the hard way ? Is there a location where the web service url exists in a table ? I could not locate anything in the Reporting service database. Basically need to inventory all of my reporting services url's.

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Dynamically Importing Csv File Into MS SQL

Feb 14, 2007

I have an app written in delphi v5 with a MS SQL Database and I'm struggling with an import feature i need

The user needs a function to import Contact data from a txt/csv file into the Contact Table

Details of feature:
the user enters the different parameters into the Delphi app e.g.
File Location
Files Includes Column Headings or not
Whether the file Comma or Tab Seperated
Mapping the fields

Then i need to use those parameters and run some sort of import routine putting the data into the specific table.

The tables consists of 3 fields - First Name, Surname, Mob Number - but these fields can be in any order in the file. for example Col 1 (in file) needs to go into Field 3 in DB. this is sorted in the Mapping Fields above

How do I do this using MS SQL??

I've been looking at using the BULK INSERT command e.g
FROM 'C:Import_data.csv'
but at the minute i just get error -
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation.

Is this the correct command to use??

Do you know any websites that can point me in the right direction??

I have an app written in delphi v5 with a MS SQL Database and I'm struggling with an import feature i need

The user needs a function to import Contact data from a txt/csv file into the Contact Table

Details of feature:
the user enters the different parameters into the Delphi app e.g.
File Location
Files Includes Column Headings or not
Whether the file Comma or Tab Seperated
Mapping the fields

Then i need to use those parameters and run some sort of import routine putting the data into the specific table.

The tables consists of 3 fields - First Name, Surname, Mob Number - but these fields can be in any order in the file. for example Col 1 (in file) needs to go into Field 3 in DB. this is sorted in the Mapping Fields above

How do I do this using MS SQL??

I've been looking at using the BULK INSERT command e.g
FROM 'C:Import_data.csv'
but at the minute i just get error -
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation.

Is this the correct command to use??

Do you know any websites that can point me in the right direction??

Hope all this makes sense


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Reading From A File Which Changes Its Name Dynamically

Oct 7, 2007

Hi,I have a requirement to load data from a flat file.The flat file has a naming convention and thus a timestamp is appended to it. eg : RMRS_07102007_001.delThis makes the file name different each day, Is there any method where by I can provide a dynamic name in the file connection manager.P.S. I tried a variable in For each loop with file enumatror and stored that in a variable , but I was not able to use that variable in File connection manager. pls guide if i was missing anything.Thanks in Advance, Ashish Prasad

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Dynamically Creating A Excel File In DTS

Feb 13, 2006

Some one Please guide me... How to create a Excel File Dynamically in DTS.

Once i run my DTS Package the result should be moved to a new Excel sheet( This should be created dynamically).

I tries in this way but it says....Syntax error at the DTS GlobalVariables.....

Function Main()

Dim appExcel
Dim newBook
Dim oSheet

dim oPackage
dim oConn

Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set newBook = appExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set oSheet = newBook.Worksheets(1)

oSheet.Range("A1").Value = "au_lname"
oSheet.Range("B1").Value = "au_fname"
oSheet.Range("C1").Value = "phone"
oSheet.Range("D1").Value = "address"
oSheet.Range("E1").Value = "city"

DTSGlobalVariables("fileName").Value = "C:\" & Month(Now) & "-" &
Day(Now) & "-" & Year(Now) & "-" & Hour(Time) & "-" &Minute(Time) & "-" &
Second(Time) & ".xls"

With newBook
.SaveAs DTSGlobalVariables("fileName").Value
End With


set oPackage = DTSGlobalVariables.parent

set oConn = oPackage.connections(2)
oConn.datasource = DTSGlobalVariables("fileName").Value

set oPackage = nothing
set oConn = nothing

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

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Create File Location Dynamically

Apr 10, 2008


Can you guys please give me the steps of how to create a destination file dynamically. What i mean is for example i want to get everything from a table and ssis should create a file distination according to today's date and save it in a specific folder.


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Dynamically Naming An Excel File

Dec 17, 2007


I am trying to import a SQL dataset run through SQL Execute task to an excel file.

I would like the excel file to be generated each night.

My question is

1. How would I dynamically name the excel file to be report_daterun?

2. Also I would like to automatically zip the file up can ssis do this as well?


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Dec 1, 2007

hi all

I have a table which has the paths where the source files need to be collected.

So I have a set of files which I need to collect. So I need to iterate through the result set which retrieves the paths

where the files can be found and set this dynamically to connection string of flat file connection manager.

Can anyone please let me know how to do this.

Can you be a little elaborate as to how we can do this because I am really new to SSIS.

Please help me as I am new to SSIS.



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Dynamically Creating File Name With Todays Date

Jun 15, 2008


My SSIS package automatically creates Excel files everyday.
i want the excel files to get todays date when they are created .
Eg:06152008 for today and 06162008 for tomorrow
please help

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Import More Than One Excel File Using SSIS (Dynamically)

Dec 6, 2007

I have one share folder ,every month end-user will copy & paste excel file into particular share folder. Ok .
Now i have to create new SSIS package as schedule should run every month to find the file and then load automatically into Sql server tables and then move those excel file to another share folder if file successfully loaded only.
The excel file name will be changing every month. but the format wont change. If any body knows this process or steps.
Please share with me .

Thanks in Advance.

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Change Flat File Source Dynamically

May 21, 2007

I am a relative newbie to SSIS. I have been tasked with writing packages to import data from our clients. We have about 100 clients. Each client has a few different file formats. None of the clients have the same format as each other. We load files from each client each day. Each day the file name changes. I have done all of my current development work with a constant file name in a text file connection manager.

Ultimately we will write a VB application for the computer operator to select the flat file to load and the SSIS package to load it with. I had been planning on accomplishing this thru the SSIS command line interface. Can I specify the flat file to load via a variable that is passed through the command line? Do I need to use a Script Component to take the variable and assign it to the connection manager?

Is there a better way to do this? I have seen glimpses of a VB interface to SSIS. Maybe that is a better way to kick off the packages from a VB app?



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Dynamically Create Text File As Destination

Feb 16, 2007

I am trying to create a text file from an SQL query on a SQL table. I would like the SSIS package to prompt for the file name and path. The text file is tab delimited and the text qualifier is a double quote.



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Dynamically Exporting Data To Access File

Jun 19, 2007

I am looking a way to export SQL Server 2005 DB tables to Access file dynamically. Like if i have added or removed any tables from SQL DB then when i run SSIS package it should export that table with data to Access file. is there any easy way to do this. if it is not them please someone please tell me which controls should i look at and which technique i should use to do this.

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Dynamically Changing Configuration File Path

Apr 30, 2008

Before I launch into a long description of the issue, I was wondering whether its possible to dynamically amend the file path held in a configuration string? (I'm looking at the Package Configurations Organizer)

Basically recreating the /CONF switch in the dtexec utility

So a parent package could somehow tell a child package to pull its configuration from a selection of different xml config files at run time... I couldn't see a variable in the child package to set from the former

My only idea at the moment is to replace the Execute Package Task with an Execute Process Task, and directly invoke the child using dtexec & an expression to dynamically set the /CONF switch..



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DB Engine :: How To Pass CSV File Dynamically From A Path

Jul 14, 2015

I have a query to pass .csv file data into sql table using bulkinsert . I used :

(CouponCode VARCHAR(200))
/* Insertion From csv Source To Table */
FROM 'C:Apple.csv'

[Code] ....

This worked very fine to me. Now, the thing is i should pass the filename as parameter and so that what ever file i specified in execute command , query should take that file and push that file data from .csv file to sql table.

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How To Dynamically Map The Coloumn To A Flat File Destination?

Jun 5, 2007

Hi All,

I am struck at one point. I am trying to this operation and not able to go further.

1. I have got the dataset to a variable in the control flow.

2. I am looping through the dataset based on a coloumn.

3. Now inside my For each loop i have a dataflow task.

4. In the data flow task i am trying to build a dynamic query using the OLEDB Source and i have selected SQL Command from variable. And the variable build the Query as select * from @othervariable.

Now my question is

Can i send the data of each of the Query resultset to an out put text file using Flat File Connection? If yes pls guide me how? I have tried to create a flat file connection but i am failing how to map the data comming from step 4 dynamically for every query, since every query gives you a different resultset with different coloumns.

Thanks in advance..



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Importing Text File: How To Dynamically Change The Row Delimiter

Jul 22, 2004


I have a dts package that imports a number of text files into a SQL Server 2000 database table. The package has been set up to accept a text file with a row delimiter of carriage return and line feed ({CR}{LF}). Some of the text files I receive only have a line feed ({LF}) as the row delimiter and the dts package fails the file. Is there an activex script i can use that will scan the file and change the row delimiter as required?

i was going to use the filesystemobject which allows me to read a line at a time, however the Readline method doesn't read the new line character. The text files are too big to read into one variable and then do a replace.

Any help would be appreciated

I am using SQL Server 2000 SP3, Windows Server 2000 and Windows XP Professional. All systems are fully patched

Regards Justin

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamically Grow A Data File?

Dec 5, 2014

Is it possible to dynamically grow a data file for TempDB?

I have some TSQL that I want to execute (this is raw tsql, not something I'd typically share) when I get an alert that TempDB is growing.

DECLARE @TempDB TABLE (FileID tinyint, name varchar(50), size bigint)
DECLARE @TotalSize decimal(19,4), @TotalFiles int, @CurrentTempDBSize bigint, @SQL varchar(1000), @DBName varchar(50)
SET @SQL = ''


ENDThe code runs fine, but doesn't actually increase the size of the file.

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Can't I Dynamically Read From Any File? - Connection Manager Does Not Exist

Feb 23, 2007

I have a Parent package and a child package.

I have hard coded the value for the User::FilePath variable in the parent package.

I am mapping this variable to the value of the same variable in the Child Package.

I created a directory and sql file: "C: empsqlb.sql". I have verified that the path variable value is passed to the child package by using a Script task with a messgbox call.

How do I define an execute sql task to execute sql file: @[User::FilePath] & "sqlb.sql". I'm using this expression for the SqlStatementSource property. I have entered the OLEDB server information and specified the SQLSourceType = fileconnection.

However I get the error:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Connection manager "D:
lewisdevZsqlb.sql" does not exist.

What am I doing wrong?

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Dynamically Populate Flat File Connection String

Mar 12, 2008

I tried to follow the widely talked about method to dynamically populate the connection string property of my flatfileconnection manager from a variable. I keep getting the following non-fatal error.

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Nonfatal errors occurred while saving the package:
Error at Package [Connection manager "FFCM"]: The file name ""C:ProjectsSSISHLoadTOutputOut.csv"" specified in the connection was not valid.

Error at Package: The result of the expression "@[User::CsvFullFileName]" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.

Here is what I am trying to do.
I have a foreach loop that iterates through a list of xml config files and reads the config information including the destination csv file name and does a data transformation.
So I created a flatfile connection to a csv file did my data mappings.
Created a package level variable to hold the destination file path
In the Flat file conn. manager's properties -> expression -> set the @[User::CsvFullFileName] (which even evaluates fine)

When I try to run the package I keep getting the above mentioned non-fatal error..I checked the path and it is valid. I even tried

the c:\projects\...notation and the UNC path notation...all seem to give the same error

Anyone experience this before ? any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Dynamically Creating SSIS Package For Each Flat File

Apr 18, 2007

Trying to figure out the best method of reading in a number of flat files, all with different number of columns and data types and outputting them to a database.

Here's the problem: They are EBCDIC encoded and some of the columns are packed decimal. I've set up one package that takes the flat file, unpacks the decimal (Using UnpackDecimal component) and then sending the rest through a second component to go from EBCDIC -> ASCII.

What I need is a way to do this for every flat file based on the schema for that flat file. One current solution is to write a script/app to create the .dtsx XML file and then execute that for each flat file. It appears like this may be possible, but I haven't gotten far enough to know for sure. So my questions are this:

1) Is there an easier way to do this (ie somehow feed the schema to the package and use it to dynamically set up the column makers and determine which columns get fed to the unpack decimal component.

2) If there isn't a better way, will dynamically creating the .dtsx XML file based on the necessary input/output columns for each flat file work? If so, what is a good source of information on this (information about how the .dtsx XML file is set up, what needs to be changed/what doesn't, etc).



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How To Dynamically Change Source Text File In Sql Server Dts

Sep 25, 2006

Hi ,

I have a table (source file) where all sourse file(its all text file) name and location stored. i have a dts packeage, through this package all the sourse file will upload. So I need to dynamically change the source file name in dts packages.

How i can do it??????

Can any body plz help me out!



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Dynamically Configure Text File Destination In SSIS

Feb 7, 2008

Good Afternoon,

So this one has been bugging me for a while and I am ready to punt...

Is it possible to dynamically create a text file destination in SSIS and then pump the results of a query stored in a variable to this text file?

So my package looks like this
1) SQL task that pulls back a list of tables to be exported
2) For Each Loop ADO enum that passes the table name to a SQL Task that builds the select * from <DTS.Variables()>
3) Data flow task that sets the command from variable from step 2
4) Text File destinaiton that is built using a varable as the connectionstring

I am delaying validation in steps3 and 4 above without any luck...basically I am curious if i can even do what I am thinking I should be able to do here...I get as far as getting metadata errors because SSIS can't seem to handle dynamically filling the pipeline with the columns from the variable/SQL statement.

Am I missing something? Is this possible?!

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Handling Flat File Destinations Dynamically?

Feb 5, 2015

After performing a join operation on two tables i get the below resultset

pid, fname, typename, pname, pcost

1, cad, bars, product-1, 100

2, har, witte, product-2, 120

3, nes, bars, product-3, 119

Now i need to create files with the obtained resultset like

Column 'fname' is the folder name and 'typename' should be the file in the particular folder.

For example the first record should be inserted into file name 'bars.txt' in the folder 'cad' and third record should be created in file name 'bars.txt' in the folder 'nes'.

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Dynamically Create Text File As Destination From Sql Script In SSIS

Mar 27, 2007

I have a select Script as follows:


, a.Qty AS 'Quantity_Recived'

, b.PC AS 'PC'

, b.PC AS 'PC'

, 'I' AS 'Flag'

FROM TNRInventory.dbo.tInventoryAlloc AS a

LEFT OUTER JOIN vwInventoryAllocMapping AS vwMap ON a.TNRAllocTypeID = vwMap.TNRInventoryAllocID


LEFT OUTER JOIN ABC.dbo.TableJoinKey AS c ON a.TitleID = c.TITLE_ID

WHERE (vwMap.DataSourceID = 3) and vwMap.[DataSourceAllocName] = 'I'

group by c.SKU_NO , vwMap.[DataSourceAllocName],a.Qty , b.Profit_Center

order by c.SKU_NO,vwMap.[DataSourceAllocName]


i have to send the result of aforesaid script in batch of 300 records per file (tab delimited text file)
now the file name must be dynamically created as each file will contain 300 records.

I have found some document related to same issue on this url

but still there is a catch.

Can any one guide/suggest me better way to do the aforesaid.


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SQL 2012 :: Dynamically Handling Multiple File System With Different / Similar Headers

Apr 18, 2015

Would it be possible to handle multiple file systems (e.g. xlsx, csv, mdb) with different /similar headers in single package without Script Component?

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Integration Services :: Generate CSV File Dynamically With A Fixed Amount Of Rows

Jun 5, 2015

I need to generate a csv file from another csv file, seems to be simple but let's go the trick thing:

Needs to have maximum 1000 lines, if I reach to this, I need to create another csv and fill that new one.


I have a csv file called fileA and this has 2000 lines and another csv called fileB with 1500 lines.

I need to loop a folder and get the fileA, create an output called FileAOutput and start to fill that, if I reach to 1000 lines, I need to create a FileAOutput_2 and fill the other 1000 I'll go to fileB and do the same thing, but in the second case, I'll have 500 lines in the second output.

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Using SSIS Package To Dynamically Load Data From Database Into Three Separate Flat File

Jul 24, 2015

I have three tables in data base:


And i want to use SSIS package dynamically load data from database into three separate flat file, each table into each file.

I know i got to use for each loop task ADO.Net schema row set enumerator, with OLEDB connection manager, select table name or view name variable from access mode list, but the problem comes, as table name is dynamic then flat file connection is also dynamic, i am using visual studio 2013...

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Integration Services :: Load Excel File Dynamically With Different Columns And Worksheet Names

Apr 2, 2014

 I have a situation where I want to load the Excel file dynamically, and the excel file have different columns or even worksheet name. How I could approach this? I believe there's no way to modify the meta data (specifically the mapping) in the data flow.

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Store Procedure To Load Data From Flat File To Staging Table Dynamically - Column Metadata

Apr 9, 2015

I am having one store procedure which use to load data from flat file to staging table dynamically.

Everything is working fine.staging_temp table have single column. All the data stored in that single column. below is the sample row.


After the staging_temp data gets inserted into main probelm is to handle such a file where number of columns are more than the actual table.

If you see the sample rows there are 4 column separated by "¯".but actual I am having only 3 columns in my main how can I get only first 3 column from the satging_temp table.

Output should be like below.


How to achieve above scenario...

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Integration Services :: Create SSIS Package Dynamically For Inserting Data From Flat File To Table?

Sep 30, 2015

I have requirement like  to develop dynamic package for inserting data from flat file to table.

Find below points for more clarification :--

1) if I changed the flat file values and name  in source variable AND  the table name should be also changed based on variable value .

2) it should dynamically mapped with column values with source file as we have to insert data in target table.

See below diagram for more clarification.

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Dynamically Pass Table Names And File Names To IS Package

Mar 1, 2015

I am designing a package to export staging tables into a flat file.The names of the tables will be: TableAStaging_YYYYMM and TableBStaging_YYYYMM. As you can see the names of the tables will be changing each month.

The flat files will have similar naming: C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM and C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM.I want to run the package as an sql job in two steps, one for each table.I need to dynamically pass the table names and file names (together with the path) to the IS package.

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How To Put Table Name At Dynamically ???

Oct 14, 2006

Hi,I have 30 Table with same structure but it will accept different value at RunTime according to AirCraftType. I wand to create a stored prosedure that will accept TableName, FlightDate, FlightNo. whenever i wnat to execute this code in the database I received error :Must declare the variable '@TableName'create proc InsertDataForAirBus330 @FlightNo varchar(5),@TableName varchr(5),@FlightDate datetime
insert into @TableName values(@JourneyDate,@FlightNo,18,42,280,3,7,35)plz suggest me how to solve this pboblem...Jasim...

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