Final Attemp -Sql Stored Procedure Tough Question

Mar 17, 2004

I have a procedure I need to get the values out of..I am using outputs...I have no idea why it wont work......I need all values listed in the select part of procedure....

CREATE procedure dbo.Appt_Login_NET


@LoginName nvarchar(15),

@Password NvarChar(15),

@UserName nvarchar(15)Output,

@UserPassword nvarchar(15)Output,

@UserClinic nvarchar(3)Output,

@UserTester bit Output











UserName = @LoginName


UserPassword = @Password


my code to retrive this info is

Private Sub Button1_ServerClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ServerClick

Dim con As New SqlConnection("Server=myserver;database=APPOINTMENTS;uid=webtest;pwd=webtest")

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand

Dim parmuser As SqlParameter

Dim parmus As SqlParameter

Dim parmpass As SqlParameter

Dim parmtest As SqlParameter

Dim struser As String

Dim strpass As String

Dim strclinic As String

Dim strnames As String

Dim tester As String

strpass = txtPass.Value

struser = txtUser.Value

cmd = New SqlCommand("Appt_Login_NET", con)

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

cmd.Parameters.Add("@LoginName", struser)

cmd.Parameters.Add("@Password", strpass)

parmus = cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)

parmus.Size = 15

parmus.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

parmuser = cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserClinic", SqlDbType.NVarChar)

parmuser.Size = 3

parmuser.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

parmpass = cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserPassword", SqlDbType.NVarChar)

parmpass.Size = 15

parmpass.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

parmtest = cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserTester", SqlDbType.Bit)

parmtest.Size = 1

parmtest.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output



If Not IsDBNull(cmd.Parameters("@UserName").Value) Then

Label1.Text = cmd.Parameters("@UserName").Value()


Label1.Text = "No Results Found"

End If


End Sub

Why does this always show as "DBNUll" I get nothing when I debug any of my parm variables.I searched the SQl Server and in Query analyzer instead of the output variables in the procedure being just outputs they are input/outputs...................What does it take to get this working??? Do I need a conversion datatype I would prefer I gain the values and store them in variables......

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Call Stored Procedure For Last 4 Months Then Combine Into Final Result Set Row

May 3, 2006

I want to call my stored proc for that last 4 months. Basically all I need to do is pass each month's first date and it will do the rest. Should I shove this into a UDF first? I'm not sure if I can do that. The struction is here behind my stored proc:

EXEC IT_Get_Dashboard_Monthly '2006-05-03 12:03:43.910' <-- change to UDF or leave it? Then how can I loop and change each month to cover the last 4 months?

I also need to ensure all 4 values returned in each interation show up in one row in the final result set that is produced

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Invalid Attemp To Read.

Jun 9, 2008

I'm getting an error and the user selected the "Program Name" right before they pressed the button that uses the DataReader.  Do you see anything wrong? Here is my code: 
OnClick1 this.txtCourseIDHidden.Text = cboChooseProgram.SelectedValue.ToString();
2 pnlAssignParticipants.Visible = true;
4 string strChosenCourse;
5 strChosenCourse = "select Program_Name from Programs WHERE Course_ID = @CourseID";
7 SqlDataReader drChosenCourse = null;
9 SqlConnection connChosenCourse = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["cs"].ConnectionString);
11 SqlCommand cmdChosenCourse = new SqlCommand(strChosenCourse, connChosenCourse);
12 cmdChosenCourse.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CourseID", this.txtCourseIDHidden.Text);
13 try
14 {
15 connChosenCourse.Open();
16 drChosenCourse = cmdChosenCourse.ExecuteReader();
17 if (drChosenCourse.HasRows)
18 {
19 this.lblChosenProgram.Text = "You have selected: " + drChosenCourse[0].ToString() + ".";
20 }
21 else
22 {
23 lblChosenProgram.Text = "Error";
24 }
25 }

 The error is "Invalid attempt to read when no data is present." Is it because I'm looking for a CourseID as a string but in the table its a bigint?

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Attemp To Fetch Logical Page

Jul 4, 2007

Hi all,

I ecountered this error serveral times.

"Attempt to fetch logical page (3:25921) in database 'DOCUMENT' belongs to object '6357108', not to object 'SYS_Documents'."

also, I captured this error and I'm not sure if this had caused the error above.

"Error: 0, Severity: 19, State: 0
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 52 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process."

Thanks in advace,


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CHECKDB Returns Attemp To Fecth Logical Page

May 29, 2008

I have a problem with a database in SQL Server 2000 8.00.194. I have read similar cases in the forum, but in all the cases the expert paulrandal requests sent it a detail of dbcc page ().
By mistake the user try to restore a backup on this database, the user realized the error and press the "stop" button of the SQL Server, the process stopped but the database is not recognized from SQL Server 2000.
I have opened the file. mdf and the previous data are inside.
I attach the database in "DBO Use Only" state using the tool "REBUILD_LOG"
when I execute DBCC CHECKDB ('<db_name>') I have the same symptoms that in the post

Attemp to fecth logical page (1:8945) in data base belong to object 'sysindexes', not to object 'syscolumns'

But I don't understand like it has been solved finally.

Does is it possible to recover these data?.
It is not obligatory it recovered all the database, only some tables to complete manually on to backup of this database.
I try BCP, but I have the same error

Thank you very much for your collaboration.

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Final Build?

Nov 16, 1998

Anyone know the final build # for the RTM version?


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SP2 Final This Year ?

Dec 12, 2006

Does anyone know if the final SP2 will be out this year ?

Really need it for a production enviroment....

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Calling A Stored Procedure Inside Another Stored Procedure (or Nested Stored Procedures)

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all - I'm trying to optimized my stored procedures to be a bit easier to maintain, and am sure this is possible, not am very unclear on the syntax to doing this correctly.  For example, I have a simple stored procedure that takes a string as a parameter, and returns its resolved index that corresponds to a record in my database. ie
exec dbo.DeriveStatusID 'Created'
returns an int value as 1
(performed by "SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName= 'Created') 
but I also have a second stored procedure that needs to make reference to this procedure first, in order to resolve an id - ie:
exec dbo.AddProduct_Insert 'widget1'
which currently performs:SET @statusID = (SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName='Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
I want to simply the insert to perform (in one sproc):
SET @statusID = EXEC deriveStatusID ('Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
This works fine if I call this stored procedure in code first, then pass it to the second stored procedure, but NOT if it is reference in the second stored procedure directly (I end up with an empty value for @statusID in this example).
My actual "Insert" stored procedures are far more complicated, but I am working towards lightening the business logic in my application ( it shouldn't have to pre-vet the data prior to executing a valid insert). 
Hopefully this makes some sense - it doesn't seem right to me that this is impossible, and am fairly sure I'm just missing some simple syntax - can anyone assist?

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Final Part - Min() Function

May 23, 2006

I have the final part of my report to complete. Yesterday I posted the most confusing set of threads ever on a public forum. So to cut the confusion, I am starting this thread again as now I know exactly what I need.

I have two tables each of which have a function that gathers data from them based around a set of parameters. This is then manipulated by a third function and the results of which are passed into a Stored Procedure. Here is the T-SQL syntax used for the SP;

SELECT fnWTRalldataReport.Areacode, fnWTRalldataReport.siteref, fnWTRalldataReport.estatename, fnWTRalldataReport.Securitised,

fnWTRalldataReport.unitref, fnWTRalldataReport.unittype, fnWTRalldataReport.unittype_count, fnWTRalldataReport.tenantname,

fnWTRalldataReport.tenantstatus, fnWTRalldataReport.tenantstatus_count, fnWTRalldataReport.unitstatus, fnWTRalldataReport.unitstatus_count,

fnWTRalldataReport.floortotal, fnWTRalldataReport.floortotocc, fnWTRalldataReport.floorspaceperc, fnWTRalldataReport.initialvacarea,

fnWTRalldataReport.initialvacnet, fnWTRalldataReport.TotalRent, fnWTRalldataReport.NetRent, fnWTRalldataReport.FinalRtLsincSC,

fnWTRalldataReport.rentrolldiscperc, fnWTRalldataReport.netrentpersqft, fnWTRalldataReport.ErvTot, fnWTRalldataReport.tenancyterm,

fnWTRalldataReport.landact, fnWTRalldataReport.datadate, fnWTRalldataReport.div_mgr, fnWTRalldataReport.portfolio_mgr,

fnWTRalldataReport.propcat, fnWTRalldataReport.budgeted_net_rent, fnWTRalldataReport.budgeted_occupancy,

fnWTRbudgetdata_1.budgeted_net_rent AS budget_rent, fnWTRbudgetdata_1.budgeted_occupancy AS budget_occ

FROM dbo.fnWTRalldataReport(@dt_src_date, @chr_div, @vch_portfolio_no, @vch_prop_cat) AS fnWTRalldataReport LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.fnWTRbudgetdata(@dt_src_date) AS fnWTRbudgetdata_1 ON fnWTRalldataReport.siteref = fnWTRbudgetdata_1.site_ref

The result of this SQL places a value for budget_rent and budget_occ against every row that the 1st function's result set. What I want to achieve is that where the site_ref is equal in both functions results, I want it to place the budget_rent & budget_occ value against the first row only of each site_ref only.

To explain briefly the structure. Table one has various fields including site_ref and unit_ref. There are many unit_ref's per site_ref in this table. Table 2 has only site_ref and budget info. Someone yesterday suggested that I could achieve this my using something along the lines of the Min() function e.g. Min(unit_ref).

Could someone please elaborate on this for me. I have gone through my SQL book and read about min() and also BOL, but I can't quite work the syntax out to put the budget info against only one line per site based around the lowest unit_ref per site_ref.

This might seem confusing, but it is easier to read than the other thread I assure you.


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Getting A Final Version Of A Person Into A DW

Feb 14, 2007

I have about 8 databases to integrate. All of the databases have ssno, address city...ect. I need to create a DW table with one unique record for each actual person. In other words,

Joe Smith,123 Main St, Anytown, State,....+ssno

goes into the DW table and is the same person as Joseph S. Smith,123 Main Street... and any other versions.

Could someone point me to a reference or give me an outline of how to do this in and SSIS package?

Is fuzzy logic used here?

Do I need to deduplicate the feeder systems first??

It needs to handle a situation in, for example, the Bronx New York where there could be an apartment buiding with 7 people named Jose Sanchez .

I hope I've been clear, I'm a newbie at this DW stuff, but it's fascinating. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Calling A Stored Procedure From ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express: Working With SELECT Statements In The Stored Procedure-4 Errors?

Mar 3, 2008

Hi all,

I have 2 sets of sql code in my SQL Server Management Stidio Express (SSMSE):

(1) /////--spTopSixAnalytes.sql--///

USE ssmsExpressDB


CREATE Procedure [dbo].[spTopSixAnalytes]



SELECT Labtests.Result AS TopSixAnalytes, LabTests.Unit, LabTests.AnalyteName

FROM LabTests

ORDER BY LabTests.Result DESC


(2) /////--spTopSixAnalytesEXEC.sql--//////////////

USE ssmsExpressDB

EXEC spTopSixAnalytes

I executed them and got the following results in SSMSE:
TopSixAnalytes Unit AnalyteName
1 222.10 ug/Kg Acetone
2 220.30 ug/Kg Acetone
3 211.90 ug/Kg Acetone
4 140.30 ug/L Acetone
5 120.70 ug/L Acetone
6 90.70 ug/L Acetone
Now, I try to use this Stored Procedure in my ADO.NET-VB 2005 Express programming:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = ssmsExpressDB;")

Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdaptor("[spTopSixAnalytes]", sqlConnection)

sqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Command.Type = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'Pass the name of the DataSet through the overloaded contructor

'of the DataSet class.

Dim dataSet As DataSet ("ssmsExpressDB")




End Sub

End Class

I executed the above code and I got the following 4 errors:
Error #1: Type 'SqlConnection' is not defined (in Form1.vb)
Error #2: Type 'SqlDataAdapter' is not defined (in Form1.vb)
Error #3: Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers (in Form1.vb)
Error #4: 'DataSet' is not a type and cannot be used as an expression (in Form1)

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

More Information for you to know:
I have the "ssmsExpressDB" database in the Database Expolorer of VB 2005 Express. But I do not know how to get the SqlConnection and the SqlDataAdapter into the Form1. I do not know how to get the Fill Method implemented properly.
I try to learn "Working with SELECT Statement in a Stored Procedure" for printing the 6 rows that are selected - they are not parameterized.

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XMLDocument I/O With DataTables And TableAdapters (final Version?)

May 25, 2006

The test sub below operates on a SQL Server Table  with an xml-type field ("xml").  The purpose of the sub is to learn about storing and retrieving a whole xml document as a single field in a SQL Server table row.When the code saves to the xml field, it somehow automagically strips the xml.document.declaration (<?xml...>).  So when it reads the xml field back and tries to create an xmldocument from it, it halts at the xmldocument.load.I order to  get the save/retrieve from the xmlfield to work, I add the <?xml declaration to the string when I read it back in from the xml field (this is in the code below).At that point the quickwatch on the string I'm attempting to load into the xmldocument is this:-----------------------------------------------------<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?><Control type="TypeA"><Value1><SubVal1A>Units</SubVal1A><SubVal1Btype="TypeA">Type</SubVal1B></Value1><Value2><SubVal2A>Over</SubVal2A><SubVal2B>Load</SubVal2B></Value2></Control>-----------------------------------------------------The original xml document string is this:-----------------------------------------------------<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?><Control type="TypeA">     <Value1>          <SubVal1A>Units</SubVal1A>          <SubVal1B type="TypeA">Type</SubVal1B>          </Value1>     <Value2>          <SubVal2A>Over</SubVal2A>          <SubVal2B>Load</SubVal2B>     </Value2></Control>-----------------------------------------------------which seems to have all the same characters as the quickwatch result above, but clearly is formatted differently because of the indenting.THE FIRST QUESTION:  Is there a simpler way to do this whole thing using more appropriate methods that don't require adding the xml.document.declaration back in after reading the .xml field, or don't require using the memorystream to convert the .xml field in order to load it back to the XML document.THE SECOND QUESTION:  Why does the original document open in the browser with "utf-16", but when I write the second document back to disk with "utf-16" it won't open...I have to change it to "utf-8" to open the second document in the browser.Here's the test sub'============================================               Public Sub XMLDSTest()          '===========================================          Dim ColumnType As String = "XML"                    '===========================================          '----------Set up dataset, datatable, xmldocument          Dim wrkDS As New DSet1()          Dim wrkTable As New DSet1.Table1DataTable          Dim wrkAdapter As New DSet1TableAdapters.Table1TableAdapter          Dim wrkXDoc As New XmlDocument          wrkXDoc.Load(SitePath & "App_XML" & "XMLFile.xml")          Dim str1 = wrkXDoc.OuterXml          Dim wrkRow As DSet1.Table1Row          wrkRow = wrkTable.NewRow          '=======WRITE to SQL Server==============          '------ build new row          With wrkRow               Dim wrkG As Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid               TestKey = wrkG.ToString               .RecordKey = TestKey               .xml = wrkXDoc.OuterXml     '<<< maps to SQL Server xml-type field          End With          '----- add row to table and update to disk          wrkTable.Rows.Add(wrkRow)          wrkAdapter.Update(wrkTable)          wrkTable.AcceptChanges()          '----- clear table          wrkTable.Clear()          '=======READ From SQL Server ==============          '----refill table, read row,           wrkAdapter.FillBy(wrkTable, TestKey)          Dim wrkRow2 As DSet1.Table1Row = _             wrkTable.Select("RecordKey = '" & TestKey & "'")(0)          '=====  WRITE TO New .xml FILE ===========================          Dim wrkS1 As New StringBuilder          Select Case ColumnType               Case "XML"                    '---if xml build xml declaration:                      '---add this to xml from sql table   =>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>                    wrkS1.Append("<?xml version=" & Chr(34) & "1.0" & Chr(34))                    wrkS1.Append(" encoding=" & Chr(34) & "utf-16" & Chr(34) & " ?>")                    wrkS1.Append(wrkRow2.xml)          End Select          Dim wrkBytes As Byte() = (New UnicodeEncoding).GetBytes(wrkS1.ToString)          Dim wrkXDoc2 As New XmlDocument          Dim wrkStream As New MemoryStream(wrkBytes)          wrkXDoc2.Load(wrkStream)          '===========================================          '---- this just shows that the file actually was touched           Dim wrkN2 As XmlNode = wrkXDoc2.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Text, "ss", "TestNode2")          wrkN2 = wrkXDoc2.SelectSingleNode("//Value1/SubVal1B")          wrkN2.Attributes("type").Value = "This was from the xml field"          '----------------          '------  update the encoding....otherwise the file won't open in the browser with utf-16          Dim wrkN1 As XmlNode = wrkXDoc2.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ss", "TestNode")          wrkN1 = wrkXDoc2.FirstChild          wrkN1.InnerText = Replace(wrkN1.InnerText, "utf-16", "utf-8")          '------------Now write the file back as an .xml file          Dim wrkFilePath As String = SitePath & "App_XML" & "XMLFile2.xml"          Dim wrkXW As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(wrkFilePath)          wrkXDoc2.WriteContentTo(wrkXW)          wrkXW.Close()     End Sub===============================

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Release Of JDBC Driver 1.2 Final Version

Sep 12, 2007

Just wondering when the final (non-QA) version of the SQL Server 2005 driver is expected to be released.


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Update Final Table With Values Into Comma Separator?

Mar 24, 2014

I would like to update the final table with values into a comma separator as follows with examples:

I think I have the IDs set correctly for this example:

You can see from the final table that the code column can be a combination of more than one rows from the map tables...

create table #tblTax(TaxStatusID int, FullName varchar(20)
insert into #tblTax values(1, 'Taxable')
insert into #tblTax values(2, 'exempt')

create table #tblTypes(TypeID int, description varchar(100)
insert into #tblTypes values(1, 'cor')
insert into #tblTypes values(2, 'tyr')


Looking at the above example, I would like to have the #tblMain as follows

A, B'dand, Barlow''johnson'133
A, B'dand, Barlow''smith'112

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: One Stored Procedure Return Data (select Statement) Into Another Stored Procedure

Nov 14, 2014

I am new to work on Sql server,

I have One Stored procedure Sp_Process1, it's returns no of columns dynamically.

Now the Question is i wanted to get the "Sp_Process1" procedure return data into Temporary table in another procedure or some thing.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Embed Parameter In Name Of Stored Procedure Called From Within Another Stored Procedure?

Jan 29, 2015

I have some code that I need to run every quarter. I have many that are similar to this one so I wanted to input two parameters rather than searching and replacing the values. I have another stored procedure that's executed from this one that I will also parameter-ize. The problem I'm having is in embedding a parameter in the name of the called procedure (exec statement at the end of the code). I tried it as I'm showing and it errored. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything related to this. Maybe I just don't have the right keywords. what is the syntax?

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[runDMQ3_2014LDLComplete]
@QQ_YYYY char(7),
@YYYYQQ char(8)
select [provider group],provider, NPI, [01-Total Patients with DM], [02-Total DM Patients with LDL],

[Code] ....

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Connect To Oracle Stored Procedure From SQL Server Stored Procedure...and Vice Versa.

Sep 19, 2006

I have a requirement to execute an Oracle procedure from within an SQL Server procedure and vice versa.

How do I do that? Articles, code samples, etc???

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SQL Server 2008 :: Pivot Function - Additional Final Column

Mar 11, 2015

I've managed to use the pivot function using the code below which gives me the following output:

Location_Code Gt 0-1 Gt 1-2 Gt 2-3 Gt 3-4
North 10 0 3 5
West 6 3 2 0
South 4 2 8 2

This is exactly what I want but I would like an additional final column that will total the columns by location_code and weekband.

[Location_Code] AS 'Location Code'
,[Gt 0-1], [Gt 1-2], [Gt 2-3], [Gt 3-4]
from (select [WeekBand]
, count(*) as CountOf

[Code] ....

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Grab IDENTITY From Called Stored Procedure For Use In Second Stored Procedure In ASP.NET Page

Dec 28, 2005

I have a sub that passes values from my form to my stored procedure.  The stored procedure passes back an @@IDENTITY but I'm not sure how to grab that in my asp page and then pass that to my next called procedure from my aspx page.  Here's where I'm stuck:    Public Sub InsertOrder()        Conn.Open()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_NewOrder", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        ' pass customer info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@LastName", txtLName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@AddressLine1", txtStreet.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CityID", dropdown_city.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Zip", intZip.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailPrefix", txtEmailPre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailSuffix", txtEmailSuf.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneAreaCode", txtPhoneArea.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhonePrefix", txtPhonePre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneSuffix", txtPhoneSuf.Text)        ' pass order info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@NumberOfPeopleID", dropdown_people.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@BeanOptionID", dropdown_beans.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@TortillaOptionID", dropdown_tortilla.SelectedValue)        'Session.Add("FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_EntreeItems", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CateringOrderID", get identity from previous stored proc)   <-------------------------        Dim li As ListItem        Dim p As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@EntreeID", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)        For Each li In chbxl_entrees.Items            If li.Selected Then                p.Value = li.Value                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            End If        Next        Conn.Close()I want to somehow grab the @CateringOrderID that was created as an end product of my first called stored procedure (Add_NewOrder)  and pass that to my second stored procedure (Add_EntreeItems)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Executing Dynamic Stored Procedure From A Stored Procedure?

Sep 26, 2014

I have a stored procedure and in that I will be calling a stored procedure. Now, based on the parameter value I will get stored procedure name to be executed. how to execute dynamic sp in a stored rocedure

at present it is like EXECUTE usp_print_list_full @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

I want to do like EXECUTE @SpName @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

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This Is A Tough One

Jun 27, 2007

The following table is counts of the patients that are currently in these statuses. For example, there are 4 people in Triage/Green you look at a screen shot of the tables below, Red/Yellow/Green... These are in the Priority table. Red Being "Immediate or ID of 1 the grid and the db do not match...but here is a scenario from the db screen shot.. Patient 1, 2, 3, and 4 are currently in Sector 2 (transport)Patient 1, 3, and 4 are currently in Priority 1(Immediate)Here is a kicker. Patient 4 can not be counted because he has a dischargeDateTime in the Patient table.So here are the counts I need to get:So there are 3 patients in the transport column ( Patient 1, 2, 3) “4 has been discharged�2 patients in the immediate/Red column ( Patient 1, 3) “4 has been discharged�I would need to return a number 2 for the Transport/Red columnHow can I do this sql? Would I do this in multiple sql calls? Can you give me an example?This is what I triedIt does not seem to use the current status SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1FROM Patient LEFT OUTER JOINSectorHistory ON Patient.PatientID = SectorHistory.PatientID LEFT OUTER JOINPriorityHistory ON Patient.PatientID = PriorityHistory.PatientIDWHERE (Patient.DischargeDateTime IS NULL) AND (PriorityHistory.PriorityID = 1) AND (SectorHistory.SectorID = 2)

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Tough Question

Jun 25, 2004

I have an employee table, which i have to join with itself because I have to findout someones primary boss. An employee can have several bosses...

This is an example of the table.

Emp_Id 1
Emp_name John
Boss 'n/a'

Emp_Id 2
Emp_name Peter
Boss 1

Emp_Id 3
Emp_name Mary
Boss_Id 1

Emp_Id 3
Emp_name Mary
Boss_Id 2

I know this isnt a normalized table, but anyway... for each boss that an employee has there is one record depicting the employes boss.

In this case Mary has 2 bosses, John and Peter.

What I need is a query that returns the employee information and the primary boss( in this case the boss with the lowest id)

So for mary the query would return

Emp_iD, Emp_name, Boss_Id
3 Mary 1

Anyone know how could i do this?

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Tough Problem...

Jun 29, 2004

I need a query that will return data in the following format.

Col1 Col2 Count
A | B | 1
A | C | 2
A | D | 3
A | E | 4
B | A | 1
B | B | 2
B | C | 3

In other words I want to group the results by col1 and when col1 one changes I want to restart my rowcount. I also want to return the row count for each record.

I have tried many different methods, but I am starting to think that this is not even possible.

Any ideas?


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Tough Question

Apr 21, 2008

Ok, I'm needing to write a view for a 3rd party scripting tool to call. Apparently this scrpting tool cannot call a function or SP.

Here is the problem. The view needs to take a notes col and a date col
and concat them together as one col and the cus acct # as 2nd col.
There will be several rows of notes to one cus acct #.

So if a normal select against this returns

note date acct
txt1 1/1/00 1
txt2 1/2/00 2
txt3 1/3/00 1

I need to return this through a view

notes acct
txt1 1/1/00, txt3 1/3/00 1
txt2 1/2/00 2

I realize there are several ways to do this in a SP or function
but through a view?

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Tough Query

Feb 13, 2004


I have a table with a couple of million rows. Each row as its datetime field spilt between numerous columns (year, month, day, hour... it's a datawarehouse fact table).

Here's what I'd like to do in a query:

If a value is missing (in the column value) it's set to -999. What I'd like to do is to set this column to the value of the hour before this one. For example, here's some data before and after an update:

01 31 21 33.5
01 31 22 -999
03 07 24 87.6
03 08 01 -999

01 31 21 33.5
01 31 22 33.5
03 07 24 87.6
03 08 01 87.6

Here's the complete design of my table
IDENT nvarchar 50
THEDATE datetime
SOURCE nvarchar 255

How can I do this?



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Tough Little Trigger

Jul 23, 2005

Given the following 3 Tables:CREATE TABLE [Company] ([CompanyID] [int] NOT NULL ,[DateTimeCreated] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT[DF_Company_DateTimeCreated] DEFAULT (getdate()),[DateTimeModified] [datetime] NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_Company] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([CompanyID]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [CompanyOffice] ([CompanyID] [int] NOT NULL ,[OfficeID] [int] NOT NULL ,[IsActive] [bit] NOT NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_CompanyOffice] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([CompanyID],[OfficeID]) ON [PRIMARY] ,CONSTRAINT [FK_CompanyOffice_Company] FOREIGN KEY([CompanyID]) REFERENCES [Company] ([CompanyID]),CONSTRAINT [FK_CompanyOffice_Office] FOREIGN KEY([OfficeID]) REFERENCES [Office] ([OfficeID])) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [Office] ([OfficeID] [int] NOT NULL ,[DateTimeCreated] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT[DF_Office_DateTimeCreated] DEFAULT (getdate()),[DateTimeModified] [datetime] NULL ,[FullOfficeName] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNOT NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_Office] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([OfficeID]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOThe CompanyOffice.dbo.IsActive bit field is supposed to be marked"true" for 1 record per a given Office (i.e. there can only be a single"Active" Company for any given Office). I decided the best way toenforce is through a trigger...My initial thoughts were a toggling effect (similar to the behaviorthat a radio button exhibits)... which would work like a champ for aSingle Row Insert or Update but for a Multi Row Insert/Update not thatstaight forward... I fooled around a little with some complicatedsub-queries that did not pan out. The only other way to do this is toutilize a cursor (at least that I can think of). Because of theoverhead with a cursor, I find this incredibly undesirable.My secondary thought was to just restrict an Insert or Update Statementthat leaves the Table in an "error" state (2 or 0 Active Companies peran Office). Then I realized that if the "Toggling Trigger" did notexist from above, it will often be the case that the Table would haveto be left in an "error" state for a short while, until a second updatestatement is run. (example, I insert a new active Company in theCompanyOffice table for an Office, then I go to the other activeCompany record for this Office and set the IsActive flag to false...for that short period of time between the 2 statement the DB is an"error" state, because there are 2 Active Companies for that singleOffice.) That makes this solution very undesirable.Any suggestions?Thanks in Advance --Rich

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Tough Sql Query

Feb 18, 2006

I am going mad with this Query. I need to join 3 Tables. Their FormatsareVouchers[VoucherID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[VoucherTypeID] [int] NOT NULL ,[VoucherNo] [int] NULL ,[VoucherDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[VoucherNarration] [varchar] (255)CONSTRAINT [PK_Vouchers] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([VoucherID]) ON [PRIMARY]Ledgers[LedgerID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[LedgerName] [varchar] (50) COLLATECONSTRAINT [PK_Ledgers] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([LedgerID]) ON [PRIMARY]CREATE TABLE [Transactions] ([TransactionID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[VoucherID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[ByTo] [char] (1)[LedgerID] [int] NOT NULL ,[Credit] [money] NOT NULL ,[Debit] [money] NOT NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_Transactions] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([TransactionID]) ON [PRIMARY] ,CONSTRAINT [FK_Transactions_Ledgers] FOREIGN KEY([LedgerID]) REFERENCES [Ledgers] ([LedgerID]),CONSTRAINT [FK_Transactions_Vouchers] FOREIGN KEY([VoucherID]) REFERENCES [Vouchers] ([VoucherID])) ON [PRIMARY]GOThe Required Output isID VoucherNo VoucherDate LedgerName Amount1 1 2001-09-03 Bank-1 2400.002 2 2001-09-03 Cash 600.003 3 2001-09-03 TAX A/C 0.004 4 2001-09-03 Bank-1 4000.005 5 2001-09-03 Bank-10.00But, I am getting More than One row from the transactions table. I justneed the first matching rowID VoucherNo VoucherDate LedgerName Amount1 1 2001-09-03 Bank-1 2400.002 2 2001-09-03 Cash 600.003 3 2001-09-03 TAX A/C 0.004 4 2001-09-03 Bank-1 4000.005 4 2001-09-03 Cash 400.006 5 2001-09-03 Bank-1 0.007 5 2001-09-03 Cash 5035.00The Query I am using isSELECTdbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherID,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherNo,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherDate,dbo.Ledgers.LedgerName,SUM(dbo.Transactions2001.Debit) AS AmountFROM dbo.Vouchers2001 INNER JOINdbo.Transactions2001ON dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherID =dbo.Transactions2001.VoucherID INNER JOINdbo.Ledgers ON dbo.Transactions2001.LedgerID =dbo.Ledgers.LedgerIDWHERE (dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherTypeID = 1)GROUP BY dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherID,dbo.Ledgers.LedgerName,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherDate,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherNo,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherTypeIDORDER BY dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherID,dbo.Ledgers.LedgerName,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherDate,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherNoPlz help Out*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Tough Query?

Aug 5, 2006

The following data set is building inspection visits. It consists ofmultiple visits (2+) made to the same building on the same day.I want to get a list of visits made to the same building on the same day,but by different employees, and for different visit codes (eg records 5-6,or 9-11)Here's the table=====================================CREATE TABLE VISITS(VISITID NUMBER(5,0) NOT NULL ,BLDGCODE VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL ,VISITDATE DATE NOT NULL ,EMPID NUMBER(5,0) NOT NULL ,VISITCODE VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL);ALTER TABLE VISITSADD CONSTRAINT PK_VISITS PRIMARY KEY(VISITID);CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UIDX_VISITS ON VISITS(BLDGCODE,VISITDATE,EMPID,VISITCODE);=====================================And here's the data:=====================================VISITID,BLDGCODE,VISITDATE,EMPID,VISITCODE1, BLDG1, 10/18/2005, 128, V62, BLDG1, 10/18/2005, 128, V93, BLDG2, 1/24/2006, 128, V84, BLDG2, 1/24/2006, 165, V225, BLDG3, 2/15/2006, 13, V146, BLDG3, 2/15/2006, 143, V87, BLDG4, 8/1/2006, 319, V98, BLDG4, 8/1/2006, 390, V99, BLDG4, 8/2/2006, 319, V910, BLDG4, 8/2/2006, 390, V911, BLDG4, 8/2/2006, 390, V812, BLDG5, 8/28/2006, 318, V1113, BLDG5, 8/28/2006, 376, V1114, BLDG5, 8/29/2006, 318, V1115, BLDG5, 8/29/2006, 334, V1116, BLDG5, 8/29/2006, 376, V1117, BLDG5, 8/30/2006, 318, V1118, BLDG5, 8/30/2006, 376, V1119, BLDG5, 8/30/2006, 334, V1120, BLDG5, 8/31/2006, 318, V1121, BLDG5, 8/31/2006, 376, V1122, BLDG5, 8/31/2006, 334, V1123, BLDG6, 10/11/2005, 323, V1924, BLDG6, 10/11/2005, 323, V2725, BLDG6, 11/8/2005, 323, V826, BLDG6, 11/8/2005, 323, V2727, BLDG7, 10/18/2005, 323, V328, BLDG7, 10/18/2005, 323, V2729, BLDG7, 11/14/2005, 14, V330, BLDG7, 11/14/2005, 323, V331, BLDG7, 11/14/2005, 143, V332, BLDG7, 12/15/2005, 143, V333, BLDG7, 12/15/2005, 323, V334, BLDG8, 3/8/2006, 15, V2335, BLDG8, 3/8/2006, 120, V2336, BLDG9, 5/22/2006, 25, V237, BLDG9, 5/22/2006, 391, V1438, BLDG10, 11/3/2005, 310, V639, BLDG10, 11/3/2005, 310, V840, BLDG10, 3/15/2006, 139, V2841, BLDG10, 3/15/2006, 310, V2842, BLDG10, 3/16/2006, 139, V2843, BLDG10, 3/16/2006, 310, V2844, BLDG11, 11/3/2005, 323, V2245, BLDG11, 11/3/2005, 323, V2746, BLDG12, 4/18/2006, 71, V247, BLDG12, 4/18/2006, 337, V1348, BLDG12, 4/19/2006, 71, V249, BLDG12, 4/19/2006, 337, V1350, BLDG13, 10/3/2005, 142, V2251, BLDG13, 10/3/2005, 142, V2752, BLDG14, 5/23/2006, 32, V2353, BLDG14, 5/23/2006, 139, V2354, BLDG14, 5/24/2006, 32, V2355, BLDG14, 5/24/2006, 139, V2356, BLDG15, 5/30/2006, 141, V1757, BLDG15, 5/30/2006, 141, V2258, BLDG16, 6/1/2006, 71, V1859, BLDG16, 6/1/2006, 336, V1860, BLDG16, 6/1/2006, 123, V1861, BLDG17, 2/21/2006, 34, V862, BLDG17, 2/21/2006, 34, V1963, BLDG18, 12/14/2005, 141, V764, BLDG18, 12/14/2005, 141, V1765, BLDG19, 10/18/2005, 320, V1466, BLDG19, 10/18/2005, 320, V1667, BLDG20, 3/6/2006, 141, V868, BLDG20, 3/6/2006, 141, V2269, BLDG21, 10/11/2005, 324, V670, BLDG21, 10/11/2005, 324, V771, BLDG22, 7/10/2006, 38, V2372, BLDG22, 7/10/2006, 252, V1173, BLDG22, 7/11/2006, 38, V2374, BLDG22, 7/11/2006, 252, V1175, BLDG22, 7/11/2006, 142, V2276, BLDG23, 11/10/2005, 308, V777, BLDG23, 11/10/2005, 308, V878, BLDG23, 5/11/2006, 308, V879, BLDG23, 5/11/2006, 391, V280, BLDG24, 3/23/2006, 143, V2481, BLDG24, 3/23/2006, 155, V282, BLDG24, 3/24/2006, 143, V2483, BLDG24, 3/24/2006, 155, V2584, BLDG25, 10/3/2005, 31, V1485, BLDG25, 10/3/2005, 31, V1986, BLDG26, 2/20/2006, 31, V1487, BLDG26, 2/20/2006, 31, V2288, BLDG27, 2/15/2006, 13, V1489, BLDG27, 2/15/2006, 143, V890, BLDG28, 10/12/2005, 141, V891, BLDG28, 10/12/2005, 141, V1792, BLDG29, 10/4/2005, 32, V2293, BLDG29, 10/4/2005, 310, V294, BLDG30, 9/12/2005, 53, V2395, BLDG30, 9/12/2005, 123, V2196, BLDG30, 9/12/2005, 141, V2397, BLDG30, 9/13/2005, 53, V2398, BLDG30, 9/13/2005, 141, V2399, BLDG30, 9/13/2005, 123, V21100, BLDG30, 9/14/2005, 53, V23101, BLDG30, 9/14/2005, 141, V23102, BLDG30, 9/14/2005, 123, V21103, BLDG31, 2/14/2006, 13, V14104, BLDG31, 2/14/2006, 143, V8105, BLDG32, 11/1/2005, 320, V3106, BLDG32, 11/1/2005, 320, V27107, BLDG33, 11/3/2005, 34, V7108, BLDG33, 11/3/2005, 34, V19109, BLDG34, 7/10/2006, 37, V23110, BLDG34, 7/10/2006, 62, V23111, BLDG34, 7/11/2006, 37, V23112, BLDG34, 7/11/2006, 62, V23113, BLDG34, 7/12/2006, 37, V23114, BLDG34, 7/12/2006, 62, V23115, BLDG35, 11/21/2005, 78, V27116, BLDG35, 11/21/2005, 334, V8117, BLDG36, 7/10/2006, 358, V1118, BLDG36, 7/10/2006, 358, V8119, BLDG37, 8/14/2006, 50, V14120, BLDG37, 8/14/2006, 71, V11121, BLDG37, 8/15/2006, 50, V14122, BLDG37, 8/15/2006, 71, V11123, BLDG38, 9/13/2005, 130, V6124, BLDG38, 9/13/2005, 130, V8125, BLDG39, 2/22/2006, 34, V8126, BLDG39, 2/22/2006, 34, V14127, BLDG40, 2/14/2006, 13, V14128, BLDG40, 2/14/2006, 143, V8129, BLDG41, 5/22/2006, 252, V17130, BLDG41, 5/22/2006, 326, V17131, BLDG41, 5/23/2006, 252, V17132, BLDG41, 5/23/2006, 326, V17133, BLDG42, 7/10/2006, 309, V2134, BLDG42, 7/10/2006, 318, V23135, BLDG42, 7/11/2006, 309, V2136, BLDG42, 7/11/2006, 318, V23137, BLDG42, 7/12/2006, 309, V2138, BLDG42, 7/12/2006, 318, V23139, BLDG43, 10/18/2005, 206, V8140, BLDG43, 10/18/2005, 206, V14141, BLDG44, 3/9/2006, 142, V24142, BLDG44, 3/9/2006, 233, V23143, BLDG44, 3/9/2006, 319, V24144, BLDG44, 3/10/2006, 142, V24145, BLDG44, 3/10/2006, 319, V24146, BLDG44, 3/10/2006, 233, V23147, BLDG45, 9/15/2005, 128, V6148, BLDG45, 9/15/2005, 128, V9149, BLDG46, 5/24/2006, 25, V2150, BLDG46, 5/24/2006, 391, V8151, BLDG47, 1/17/2006, 321, V6152, BLDG47, 1/17/2006, 321, V22153, BLDG48, 7/13/2006, 38, V18154, BLDG48, 7/13/2006, 318, V11155, BLDG49, 7/12/2006, 142, V23156, BLDG49, 7/12/2006, 263, V23157, BLDG50, 4/11/2006, 62, V24158, BLDG50, 4/11/2006, 142, V24159, BLDG50, 4/12/2006, 62, V24160, BLDG50, 4/12/2006, 142, V24161, BLDG51, 10/13/2005, 78, V13162, BLDG51, 10/13/2005, 325, V13163, BLDG52, 5/2/2006, 145, V9164, BLDG52, 5/2/2006, 390, V12165, BLDG52, 5/2/2006, 390, V9166, BLDG52, 5/3/2006, 145, V8167, BLDG52, 5/3/2006, 390, V9168, BLDG52, 5/3/2006, 390, V12169, BLDG53, 12/14/2005, 76, V9170, BLDG53, 12/14/2005, 322, V9171, BLDG53, 12/15/2005, 76, V9172, BLDG53, 12/15/2005, 322, V9173, BLDG53, 12/15/2005, 322, V22174, BLDG54, 9/6/2005, 323, V3175, BLDG54, 9/6/2005, 323, V27176, BLDG54, 12/13/2005, 323, V22177, BLDG54, 12/13/2005, 323, V27178, BLDG55, 9/6/2005, 129, V21179, BLDG55, 9/6/2005, 233, V23180, BLDG55, 9/7/2005, 38, V23181, BLDG55, 9/7/2005, 233, V23182, BLDG55, 9/7/2005, 142, V23183, BLDG55, 9/7/2005, 129, V21184, BLDG55, 9/8/2005, 38, V23185, BLDG55, 9/8/2005, 233, V23186, BLDG55, 9/8/2005, 142, V23187, BLDG55, 9/8/2005, 129, V21188, BLDG55, 9/9/2005, 129, V21189, BLDG55, 9/9/2005, 233, V23190, BLDG55, 6/20/2006, 142, V8191, BLDG55, 6/20/2006, 142, V29192, BLDG56, 6/28/2006, 131, V13193, BLDG56, 6/28/2006, 319, V13194, BLDG56, 6/29/2006, 131, V13195, BLDG56, 6/29/2006, 319, V13196, BLDG57, 11/8/2005, 320, V22197, BLDG57, 11/8/2005, 320, V27198, BLDG58, 1/25/2006, 13, V3199, BLDG58, 1/25/2006, 14, V13200, BLDG59, 11/29/2005, 233, V9201, BLDG59, 11/29/2005, 233, V14202, BLDG60, 2/8/2006, 323, V22203, BLDG60, 2/8/2006, 323, V27204, BLDG61, 1/17/2006, 166, V3205, BLDG61, 1/17/2006, 166, V22206, BLDG62, 9/27/2005, 320, V3207, BLDG62, 9/27/2005, 320, V22208, BLDG62, 2/21/2006, 115, V9209, BLDG62, 2/21/2006, 320, V9210, BLDG62, 2/22/2006, 115, V9211, BLDG62, 2/22/2006, 320, V9212, BLDG63, 11/14/2005, 87, V11213, BLDG63, 11/14/2005, 129, V27214, BLDG63, 11/14/2005, 323, V27215, BLDG63, 11/15/2005, 129, V11216, BLDG63, 11/15/2005, 143, V11217, BLDG63, 11/16/2005, 129, V11218, BLDG63, 11/16/2005, 143, V11219, BLDG63, 11/17/2005, 129, V11220, BLDG63, 11/17/2005, 143, V11221, BLDG63, 11/18/2005, 129, V27222, BLDG63, 11/18/2005, 143, V11223, BLDG64, 6/7/2006, 253, V2224, BLDG64, 6/7/2006, 391, V6225, BLDG65, 6/7/2006, 253, V2226, BLDG65, 6/7/2006, 391, V14227, BLDG66, 1/11/2006, 39, V25228, BLDG66, 1/11/2006, 141, V25229, BLDG66, 1/12/2006, 39, V25230, BLDG66, 1/12/2006, 141, V25231, BLDG66, 3/20/2006, 39, V23232, BLDG66, 3/20/2006, 76, V23233, BLDG66, 3/21/2006, 39, V23234, BLDG66, 3/21/2006, 115, V23235, BLDG66, 3/21/2006, 76, V23236, BLDG66, 3/22/2006, 39, V23237, BLDG66, 3/22/2006, 115, V23238, BLDG66, 3/22/2006, 76, V23239, BLDG67, 5/26/2006, 141, V7240, BLDG67, 5/26/2006, 141, V17241, BLDG68, 12/21/2005, 141, V8242, BLDG68, 12/21/2005, 141, V17243, BLDG69, 5/23/2006, 50, V3244, BLDG69, 5/23/2006, 50, V8245, BLDG70, 2/1/2006, 114, V17246, BLDG70, 2/1/2006, 114, V22247, BLDG71, 10/11/2005, 131, V8248, BLDG71, 10/11/2005, 334, V8249, BLDG71, 3/10/2006, 334, V8250, BLDG71, 3/10/2006, 334, V22251, BLDG72, 7/31/2006, 398, V2252, BLDG72, 7/31/2006, 398, V22253, BLDG73, 11/30/2005, 129, V23254, BLDG73, 11/30/2005, 326, V24255, BLDG74, 11/29/2005, 143, V22256, BLDG74, 11/29/2005, 143, V23257, BLDG75, 4/26/2006, 12, V18258, BLDG75, 4/26/2006, 17, V18259, BLDG76, 6/6/2006, 320, V14260, BLDG76, 6/6/2006, 320, V15261, BLDG77, 1/10/2006, 78, V2262, BLDG77, 1/10/2006, 325, V9263, BLDG77, 1/11/2006, 78, V2264, BLDG77, 1/11/2006, 325, V8265, BLDG77, 1/11/2006, 325, V6266, BLDG78, 5/17/2006, 141, V17267, BLDG78, 5/17/2006, 141, V22268, BLDG79, 9/13/2005, 37, V19269, BLDG79, 9/13/2005, 318, V19270, BLDG80, 12/20/2005, 34, V13271, BLDG80, 12/20/2005, 250, V13272, BLDG81, 4/19/2006, 25, V22273, BLDG81, 4/19/2006, 391, V2274, BLDG82, 5/3/2006, 108, V14275, BLDG82, 5/3/2006, 391, V2276, BLDG83, 6/19/2006, 36, V8277, BLDG83, 6/19/2006, 393, V8278, BLDG84, 2/13/2006, 13, V14279, BLDG84, 2/13/2006, 143, V8280, BLDG85, 5/8/2006, 308, V8281, BLDG85, 5/8/2006, 391, V2282, BLDG86, 4/25/2006, 322, V8283, BLDG86, 4/25/2006, 322, V22284, BLDG87, 7/14/2006, 322, V13285, BLDG87, 7/14/2006, 322, V15286, BLDG88, 2/2/2006, 322, V8287, BLDG88, 2/2/2006, 322, V22288, BLDG89, 4/13/2006, 390, V2289, BLDG89, 4/13/2006, 390, V8290, BLDG90, 10/12/2005, 131, V8291, BLDG90, 10/12/2005, 334, V8292, BLDG91, 6/26/2006, 131, V22293, BLDG91, 6/26/2006, 319, V22294, BLDG91, 6/27/2006, 131, V22295, BLDG91, 6/27/2006, 319, V22296, BLDG92, 3/1/2006, 39, V23297, BLDG92, 3/1/2006, 141, V23298, BLDG92, 3/2/2006, 39, V23299, BLDG92, 3/2/2006, 115, V23300, BLDG92, 3/2/2006, 141, V23301, BLDG92, 3/3/2006, 39, V23302, BLDG92, 3/3/2006, 141, V23303, BLDG92, 3/3/2006, 115, V23304, BLDG92, 7/20/2006, 115, V23305, BLDG92, 7/20/2006, 141, V25306, BLDG92, 7/21/2006, 115, V23307, BLDG92, 7/21/2006, 141, V25308, BLDG93, 5/8/2006, 78, V2309, BLDG93, 5/8/2006, 325, V9310, BLDG93, 5/9/2006, 78, V2311, BLDG93, 5/9/2006, 78, V9312, BLDG93, 5/9/2006, 325, V9313, BLDG94, 6/19/2006, 128, V9314, BLDG94, 6/19/2006, 358, V9315, BLDG94, 6/20/2006, 128, V9316, BLDG94, 6/20/2006, 358, V9317, BLDG95, 6/6/2006, 253, V2318, BLDG95, 6/6/2006, 391, V14319, BLDG96, 6/6/2006, 253, V2320, BLDG96, 6/6/2006, 391, V14321, BLDG97, 6/5/2006, 253, V7322, BLDG97, 6/5/2006, 391, V7323, BLDG98, 1/24/2006, 322, V9324, BLDG98, 1/24/2006, 322, V22325, BLDG99, 10/12/2005, 323, V7326, BLDG99, 10/12/2005, 323, V15327, BLDG100, 12/21/2005, 320, V14328, BLDG100, 12/21/2005, 320, V22329, BLDG100, 2/23/2006, 115, V9330, BLDG100, 2/23/2006, 320, V9331, BLDG100, 2/24/2006, 115, V9332, BLDG100, 2/24/2006, 320, V9333, BLDG101, 2/22/2006, 115, V9334, BLDG101, 2/22/2006, 320, V9335, BLDG101, 2/23/2006, 115, V9336, BLDG101, 2/23/2006, 320, V9337, BLDG102, 10/13/2005, 131, V8338, BLDG102, 10/13/2005, 334, V8339, BLDG103, 1/12/2006, 119, V7340, BLDG103, 1/12/2006, 119, V22341, BLDG104, 5/17/2006, 233, V23342, BLDG104, 5/17/2006, 243, V23343, BLDG104, 5/18/2006, 233, V23344, BLDG104, 5/18/2006, 243, V23345, BLDG105, 11/22/2005, 309, V6346, BLDG105, 11/22/2005, 309, V22347, BLDG106, 1/12/2006, 166, V8348, BLDG106, 1/12/2006, 166, V22349, BLDG107, 9/27/2005, 206, V7350, BLDG107, 9/27/2005, 206, V20351, BLDG108, 4/12/2006, 322, V14352, BLDG108, 4/12/2006, 322, V22353, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 17, V11354, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 358, V11355, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 127, V11356, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 142, V11357, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 144, V11358, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 318, V11359, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 129, V11360, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 17, V11361, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 115, V11362, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 358, V11363, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 334, V11364, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 323, V11365, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 318, V11366, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 144, V11367, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 142, V11368, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 129, V11369, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 127, V11370, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 17, V11371, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 323, V11372, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 358, V11373, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 334, V11374, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 318, V11375, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 144, V11376, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 142, V11377, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 129, V11378, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 127, V11379, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 115, V11380, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 17, V11381, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 129, V11382, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 358, V11383, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 334, V11384, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 323, V11385, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 318, V11386, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 144, V11387, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 142, V11388, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 127, V11389, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 115, V11390, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 17, V11391, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 318, V11392, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 358, V11393, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 144, V11394, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 142, V11395, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 129, V11396, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 127, V11397, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 115, V11398, BLDG110, 11/7/2005, 320, V22399, BLDG110, 11/7/2005, 320, V27400, BLDG111, 10/12/2005, 146, V8401, BLDG111, 10/12/2005, 146, V22402, BLDG112, 2/14/2006, 141, V8403, BLDG112, 2/14/2006, 141, V22404, BLDG113, 2/15/2006, 145, V9405, BLDG113, 2/15/2006, 233, V9406, BLDG113, 2/16/2006, 145, V8407, BLDG113, 2/16/2006, 233, V9408, BLDG114, 1/26/2006, 310, V6409, BLDG114, 1/26/2006, 310, V8410, BLDG115, 5/5/2006, 36, V9411, BLDG115, 5/5/2006, 376, V9412, BLDG115, 7/5/2006, 36, V9413, BLDG115, 7/5/2006, 376, V9414, BLDG115, 7/6/2006, 36, V9415, BLDG115, 7/6/2006, 376, V9416, BLDG116, 4/12/2006, 34, V4417, BLDG116, 4/12/2006, 34, V13418, BLDG117, 12/27/2005, 323, V13419, BLDG117, 12/27/2005, 323, V27420, BLDG117, 2/17/2006, 14, V3421, BLDG117, 2/17/2006, 323, V3422, BLDG118, 1/31/2006, 308, V17423, BLDG118, 1/31/2006, 308, V22424, BLDG119, 5/9/2006, 308, V8425, BLDG119, 5/9/2006, 391, V2426, BLDG120, 11/8/2005, 233, V28427, BLDG120, 11/8/2005, 233, V29428, BLDG121, 12/15/2005, 141, V8429, BLDG121, 12/15/2005, 141, V17430, BLDG122, 5/23/2006, 25, V2431, BLDG122, 5/23/2006, 391, V22432, BLDG123, 4/20/2006, 25, V14433, BLDG123, 4/20/2006, 391, V2434, BLDG124, 4/17/2006, 25, V22435, BLDG124, 4/17/2006, 391, V2436, BLDG125, 4/18/2006, 25, V22437, BLDG125, 4/18/2006, 391, V2438, BLDG126, 10/18/2005, 13, V19439, BLDG126, 10/18/2005, 13, V22440, BLDG127, 5/10/2006, 308, V8441, BLDG127, 5/10/2006, 391, V2442, BLDG128, 1/10/2006, 78, V11443, BLDG128, 1/10/2006, 233, V23444, BLDG129, 11/8/2005, 78, V9445, BLDG129, 11/8/2005, 325, V9446, BLDG129, 11/9/2005, 78, V9447, BLDG129, 11/9/2005, 325, V9448, BLDG130, 10/18/2005, 325, V28449, BLDG130, 10/18/2005, 334, V9450, BLDG130, 11/9/2005, 78, V9451, BLDG130, 11/9/2005, 334, V9452, BLDG130, 11/9/2005, 325, V9453, BLDG130, 11/10/2005, 78, V9454, BLDG130, 11/10/2005, 325, V9455, BLDG130, 11/10/2005, 334, V6456, BLDG131, 5/30/2006, 50, V3457, BLDG131, 5/30/2006, 50, V8458, BLDG132, 5/24/2006, 31, V6459, BLDG132, 5/24/2006, 31, V22460, BLDG133, 2/7/2006, 114, V17461, BLDG133, 2/7/2006, 114, V22462, BLDG134, 6/21/2006, 62, V9463, BLDG134, 6/21/2006, 309, V28464, BLDG135, 5/10/2006, 78, V9465, BLDG135, 5/10/2006, 325, V9466, BLDG135, 5/11/2006, 78, V9467, BLDG135, 5/11/2006, 325, V9468, BLDG136, 12/15/2005, 129, V23469, BLDG136, 12/15/2005, 233, V23470, BLDG137, 5/17/2006, 129, V6471, BLDG137, 5/17/2006, 129, V8472, BLDG138, 3/8/2006, 336, V8473, BLDG138, 3/8/2006, 336, V22474, BLDG139, 3/20/2006, 129, V14475, BLDG139, 3/20/2006, 129, V19476, BLDG140, 3/22/2006, 52, V29477, BLDG140, 3/22/2006, 334, V29478, BLDG140, 3/23/2006, 52, V29479, BLDG140, 3/23/2006, 334, V29480, BLDG141, 1/4/2006, 78, V22481, BLDG141, 1/4/2006, 334, V22482, BLDG142, 9/7/2005, 52, V8483, BLDG142, 9/7/2005, 52, V10484, BLDG143, 5/4/2006, 78, V28485, BLDG143, 5/4/2006, 334, V29486, BLDG144, 5/11/2006, 50, V3487, BLDG144, 5/11/2006, 50, V8488, BLDG144, 5/12/2006, 50, V7489, BLDG144, 5/12/2006, 50, V8490, BLDG145, 10/4/2005, 119, V16491, BLDG145, 10/4/2005, 119, V19492, BLDG146, 6/6/2006, 34, V7493, BLDG146, 6/6/2006, 34, V8494, BLDG147, 9/14/2005, 36, V28495, BLDG147, 9/14/2005, 324, V5496, BLDG148, 9/14/2005, 322, V14497, BLDG148, 9/14/2005, 322, V15498, BLDG149, 6/20/2006, 123, V8499, BLDG149, 6/20/2006, 123, V22500, BLDG150, 5/16/2006, 12, V18501, BLDG150, 5/16/2006, 318, V18502, BLDG151, 4/17/2006, 62, V23503, BLDG151, 4/17/2006, 142, V23504, BLDG151, 4/17/2006, 318, V23505, BLDG151, 4/17/2006, 154, V2506, BLDG151, 4/18/2006, 62, V23507, BLDG151, 4/18/2006, 318, V23508, BLDG151, 4/18/2006, 142, V23509, BLDG151, 4/18/2006, 154, V2510, BLDG151, 4/19/2006, 62, V22511, BLDG151, 4/19/2006, 318, V23512, BLDG151, 4/19/2006, 154, V2513, BLDG151, 4/19/2006, 142, V23514, BLDG152, 10/20/2005, 320, V14515, BLDG152, 10/20/2005, 320, V15516, BLDG153, 7/11/2006, 334, V8517, BLDG153, 7/11/2006, 334, V9518, BLDG154, 2/1/2006, 53, V23519, BLDG154, 2/1/2006, 323, V23520, BLDG154, 2/2/2006, 53, V23521, BLDG154, 2/2/2006, 323, V23522, BLDG154, 2/3/2006, 53, V23523, BLDG154, 2/3/2006, 323, V27524, BLDG154, 2/3/2006, 323, V23525, BLDG154, 7/12/2006, 53, V24526, BLDG154, 7/12/2006, 139, V26527, BLDG154, 7/12/2006, 141, V25528, BLDG154, 7/13/2006, 53, V24529, BLDG154, 7/13/2006, 139, V26530, BLDG154, 7/13/2006, 141, V25531, BLDG154, 7/14/2006, 53, V24532, BLDG154, 7/14/2006, 141, V25533, BLDG154, 7/14/2006, 139, V26534, BLDG155, 9/14/2005, 323, V7535, BLDG155, 9/14/2005, 323, V27536, BLDG156, 9/12/2005, 165, V6537, BLDG156, 9/12/2005, 165, V8538, BLDG157, 10/27/2005, 32, V13539, BLDG157, 10/27/2005, 310, V13540, BLDG158, 11/2/2005, 320, V14541, BLDG158, 11/2/2005, 320, V15542, BLDG158, 2/20/2006, 115, V9543, BLDG158, 2/20/2006, 320, V9544, BLDG158, 2/21/2006, 115, V9545, BLDG158, 2/21/2006, 320, V9546, BLDG158, 4/26/2006, 320, V3547, BLDG158, 4/26/2006, 320, V17548, BLDG159, 3/14/2006, 336, V14549, BLDG159, 3/14/2006, 336, V22550, BLDG160, 3/15/2006, 336, V8551, BLDG160, 3/15/2006, 336, V14552, BLDG160, 8/24/2006, 336, V8553, BLDG160, 8/24/2006, 336, V27554, BLDG161, 1/5/2006, 253, V6555, BLDG161, 1/5/2006, 253, V17556, BLDG162, 3/13/2006, 141, V9557, BLDG162, 3/13/2006, 141, V22558, BLDG163, 6/29/2006, 78, V6559, BLDG163, 6/29/2006, 78, V9560, BLDG164, 12/12/2005, 76, V9561, BLDG164, 12/12/2005, 322, V9562, BLDG164, 12/13/2005, 76, V9563, BLDG164, 12/13/2005, 322, V22564, BLDG164, 12/13/2005, 322, V9565, BLDG165, 1/11/2006, 166, V8566, BLDG165, 1/11/2006, 166, V22567, BLDG166, 5/24/2006, 141, V17568, BLDG166, 5/24/2006, 141, V22569, BLDG167, 1/11/2006, 165, V8570, BLDG167, 1/11/2006, 165, V22571, BLDG168, 10/18/2005, 244, V14572, BLDG168, 10/18/2005, 309, V14573, BLDG169, 1/31/2006, 144, V8574, BLDG169, 1/31/2006, 144, V22575, BLDG170, 6/6/2006, 123, V18576, BLDG170, 6/6/2006, 383, V18577, BLDG171, 1/17/2006, 263, V6578, BLDG171, 1/17/2006, 263, V9579, BLDG172, 8/10/2006, 233, V9580, BLDG172, 8/10/2006, 376, V9581, BLDG172, 8/11/2006, 233, V9582, BLDG172, 8/11/2006, 376, V9583, BLDG173, 4/4/2006, 131, V13584, BLDG173, 4/4/2006, 144, V13585, BLDG174, 7/4/2006, 383, V4586, BLDG174, 7/4/2006, 383, V8=====================================Thanks

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Tough Problem, Need Help

Jul 20, 2005

I have a very strange database with a very strange problem.Consider 4 tables:Table1:----------------Table1ID INT PKTable2ID INT FKTable3ID INT FKOrderNo VARCHAR(50)Table2----------------Table2ID INT PKTable4ID INT FKTable3----------------Table3ID INT PKTable2ID INT FKTable4----------------Table4ID INT PKOrderTotal VARCHAR(50)With Data:Table1:------------1 1 NULL 900012 2 NULL 900023 NULL 1 900034 NULL 2 90004Table2:------------1 12 1Table3:------------1 12 2Table4:------------1 5002 1000Table1 can have either a Table2ID OR a Table3ID but not both.This is the query I'm attempting:---------------------------SELECT dbo.Table1.OrderNo, dbo.Table4.OrderTotalFROM dbo.Table1 LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.Table4 INNER JOINdbo.Table2 ON dbo.Table4.Table4ID =dbo.Table2.Table4ID INNER JOINdbo.Table3 ON dbo.Table2.Table2ID =dbo.Table3.Table3ID ON dbo.Table1.Table2ID = dbo.Table2.Table2ID ANDdbo.Table1.Table3ID = dbo.Table3.Table3IDWhich gives me:---------------------------90001 NULL90002 NULL90003 NULL90004 NULLWhen I really want:----------------------------90001 50090002 50090003 50090003 1000 (NOT 500)I don't know how to do this. Are any of you sql guru's up to thechallenge?Thanks in advance-Mattp.s. sql to recreate tables includedCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1] ([Table1ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[OrderNo] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[Table2ID] [int] NULL ,[Table3ID] [int] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table2] ([Table2ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[Table4ID] [int] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table3] ([Table3ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[Table2ID] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table4] ([Table4ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[OrderTotal] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table1] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_Table1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([Table1ID]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table2] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_Table2] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([Table2ID]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table3] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_Table3] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([Table3ID]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table4] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_Table4] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([Table4ID]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table1] ADDCONSTRAINT [FK_Table1_Table2] FOREIGN KEY([Table2ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Table2] ([Table2ID]),CONSTRAINT [FK_Table1_Table3] FOREIGN KEY([Table3ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Table3] ([Table3ID])GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table3] ADDCONSTRAINT [FK_Table3_Table2] FOREIGN KEY([Table3ID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Table2] ([Table2ID])GO

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Please Help With This Tough SQL Query

Jul 20, 2005

I've been trying this one for 2-3 hours and can't figure it out. I'deappreciate any help or pointers in the right direction. Thanks.QueryI need the query to return me all the lottery names and results thathave the latest date in the database for that particular game and forthe state [AZ]. So the return data from the data below data would be:Result:--------------------------AZ Atlantic 6/49 2004-08-07 3-6-8-12-19-24 18AZ Atlantic PayDay 2004-08-05 15-51-59-75AZ Atlantic Tag 2004-08-08 4-6-1-6-7-6Example Table "Lottery":----------------------------------------------------State|Game | Date | ResultsAZ Atlantic 6/49 2004-08-04 5-16-17-26-38-44 46AZ Atlantic 6/49 2004-08-07 3-6-8-12-19-24 18AZ Atlantic PayDay 2004-07-29 2-23-62-77AZ Atlantic PayDay 2004-08-05 15-51-59-75AZ Atlantic Tag 2004-08-04 5-8-9-1-2-3AZ Atlantic Tag 2004-08-08 4-6-1-6-7-6

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A Tough Situation To Get ID....

Apr 17, 2008

Hello All

I have a table called Tax Act

In that I have Tax Act ID. Which is supposed to be NOT NULL.

I have to create IDs by my self using some MAX and MAX+1 incrementing function.

Please guide me on how to

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System Stored Procedure Call From Within My Database Stored Procedure

Mar 28, 2007

I have a stored procedure that calls a msdb stored procedure internally. I granted the login execute rights on the outer sproc but it still vomits when it tries to execute the inner. Says I don't have the privileges, which makes sense.

How can I grant permissions to a login to execute msdb.dbo.sp_update_schedule()? Or is there a way I can impersonate the sysadmin user for the call by using Execute As sysadmin some how?

Thanks in advance

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Ad Hoc Query Vs Stored Procedure Performance Vs DTS Execution Of Stored Procedure

Jan 23, 2008

Has anyone encountered cases in which a proc executed by DTS has the following behavior:
1) underperforms the same proc when executed in DTS as opposed to SQL Server Managemet Studio
2) underperforms an ad-hoc version of the same query (UPDATE) executed in SQL Server Managemet Studio

What could explain this?


All three scenarios are executed against the same database and hit the exact same tables and indices.

Query plans show that one step, a Clustered Index Seek, consumes most of the resources (57%) and for that the estimated rows = 1 and actual rows is 10 of 1000's time higher. (~ 23000).

The DTS execution effectively never finishes even after many hours (10+)
The Stored procedure execution will finish in 6 minutes (executed after the update ad-hoc query)
The Update ad-hoc query will finish in 2 minutes

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