Thanks in advanace for taking the time to read this post. I am using MSSQL 2005 and have created a function that allows me to use regular expressions in my SQL queries. My question is I have a pattern buried in a field of misc data that I need to pull out just that pattern and discard the rest of the data. Here is the Regular Expression I am using select field1 from table1 where dbo.RegExMatch (field1,'[a-zA-Z]{4}[0-9]{6}[a-zA-Z]{2,4}')=1 This returns all values in the field that match the expression. What I want to do now is remove all data from the field on the left and right of the expression that does not match the expression. How would I accomplish this without reading through the 200k+ records and writing rules for every exception I run across? so I could have Gar b/a ge 'THE GOOD DATA' m/or1 ba4d da....ta. All I want to do is return 'THE GOOD DATA'
Table structure is very simple as below and I know there are solutions with joins (Left outer joins), need to know if it is possible to get o/p without using joins
Note:- also need records who doesn't have manager (null)
How do I find sales trend of an employee via comparing current month and previous month sales?
I got so far query upto following,
I am getting following error: The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML is also specified.
Let us assume that there are 100 employee in a company. And sum of salary of all employee is 10000. Find list of highest paid employees whose sum of salary is 8000. Remaining employee will fall in 20% bracket.
Design patterns are indispensable to improve the quality and productivity of system under development. Even though there are books available addressing the needs of object oriented programming, but useful information for SQL design patterns are hard to find.
I would appreciate if you could share any of the resources that you may have come across.
I am looking for something similar to patterns for table design, but I have been unable to find anything on that, or good rule of thumb performance guides for table design.
Most of the situations we face look like perfect candidates for patterns, and some good rules of thumb -- problems like scalable OLAP requirements PLUS real time reporting.
I am looking for several differnet approaches and a good summary of the trade-offs for each one.
Hi, I am Suhasini. While saving data from front end( to back end(Sql server 2005 express edition) i am getting junk characters also added to the database. This character just look like a checkbox. Basically i am adding options using a multiline text box, is there any thing wrong with that. options are saved in the database as junk character followed by option1...... etc. Kindly suggest me on this.
I am trying to design some functionality that emulates the recurrence functionality of MS Outlook calendar. In the calendar, users can choose a recurrence pattern (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly or yearly). Depending on the radio button that is selected, different choices appear. I am unsure as to how to model this in the database.
Here's what I have so far:
A ScheduleDetails table that will store information applicable to all schedules, regardless of recurrence pattern. One of the columns in this table will store the recurrence pattern type (0 for daily, 1 for weekly, etc.). The valid values for this column will be stored in a look-up table.
Now, if daily is selected, the user can select a radio button called 'Every <#> days' OR a radio button called 'Every weekday'. My plan is to have a new ScheduleDailyRecurrences table that has a Days field. If 'Every <#> days' is selected, the value of Days will be the value entered by the user. Otherwise, if the user has selected 'Every weekday', the value will be -1. Is this a good way to do it? I feel as though I may be attaching too much meaning to the particular value.
If monthly is selected, it gets even more complicated. The user can either select 'Day <#> of every <#> month(s)' OR 'The <count> <day> of every <#> month(s)'. I'm not sure how to model this. In my ScheduleMonthlyRecurrences table, should I have a field called 'Pattern'? Depending on the value of this field, the details would be then be stored in yet another table? Or should I just have columns in ScheduleMonthlyRecurrences for each user-entered value? This would mean that some of the fields would not be applicable depending on the radio button that the user has selected.
It's a little difficult to explain, but if you go to the Recurrence button in Outlook calendar, you'll see what I mean.
I have a database which contains time series data (historical stock prices) which I have to search for patterns on a day to day basis. But searching this historical data for patterns is very time consuming not only in writing the complex t-sql scripts but also executing them.
Table structure for one min data: [Date] [Time] [Open] [High], [Low], [Close], [Adjusted_Close], [MA], [DI]..... Tick Data: [Date] [Time] [Trade] Most time consuming queries are with lots of inner joins. So for example if I have to compare first few mins data then I have to do inner join like: With IntervalData AS ( SELECT [Date], Sum(CASE WHEN 1430 = [Time] THEN [PriceRange] END) AS '1430', Sum(CASE WHEN 1431 = [Time] THEN [PriceRange] END) AS '1431', Sum(CASE WHEN 1432 = [Time] THEN [PriceRange] END) AS '1432' FROM [INDU_1] GROUP BY [Date] ) SELECT [Date] ,[1430], [1431], [1432], [1431] - [1430] As 'Range' from IntervalData WHERE ([1430] > 0 AND [1431] < 0 AND [1432] < 0) OR ([1430] < 0 AND [1431] > 0 AND [1430] > 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ select ind1.[Time], ind1.PriceRange,ind2.[Time], ind2.PriceRange from INDU_1 ind1 INNER JOIN INDU_1 ind2 ON ind1.[Time] = ind2.[Time] - 1 AND ind1.[Date] = ind2.[Date] where (ind1.[Time] = 2058) AND ((ind1.PriceRange > 0 AND ind2.PriceRange >0) OR (ind2.PriceRange < 0 AND ind1.PriceRange < 0)) ORDER BY ind1.[Date] DESC; Is there anyway I can use Sql 2005 Data mining models to make this searching faster?
---Checks that input only contains numbers if PatIndex('%[^0-9]%','11') > 0 Begin Print 'Not all numbers' End Else Begin Print 'All numbers' End
---Checks that input only contains letters if PatIndex('%[^a-z]%','aaaaa') > 0 Begin Print 'Not all letters' End Else Begin Print 'All letters' End
--Checking for mixed input If PatIndex('%[^0-9][0-9]%','abc') > 0 Begin Print 'Alpha numeric data' End Else Begin Print 'Either all numbers or all letters' End
--Checks that value must start with a letter and a number If PatIndex('[^0-9][0-9]%','A1anamwar11') > 0 Begin Print 'Starts with a letter and a number' End Else Begin Print 'Does not start with a letter and a number' End
--Checks that value must End with a letter and a number If PatIndex('%[^0-9][0-9]','A1anamwar11a1') > 0 Begin Print 'Ends with a letter and a number' End Else Begin Print 'Does not End with a letter and a number' End
--Checks that value must Start with a letter and Ends with a number If PatIndex('[^0-9]%[0-9]','namwar1') > 0 Begin Print 'Starts with a letter and ends with a number' End Else Begin Print 'Does not start with a letter and ends with a number' End
I have a report with a chart that utilizes both colors and background patterns to distinguish various pieces of data.
The background patterns work great (they are very clear and provide excellent contrast) when viewed in the report viewer or printed straight from the report viewer.
However, when I export to PDF, the background patterns become compressed and small, almost to the point of being too small to distinguish that there is a pattern at all. The result ends up being what appears to be just a different shade of the background color. This is particularly a problem when you then print the PDF on paper, since hatching patterns are similar to how printers create different shades in the first place.
I am somewhat suspicious that this might have to do with resolution settings for PDF exports. If I could lower the resolution, perhaps the patterns would not become so tight and compressed. Below are examples of what I'm describing:
My application has a log table with a timestamp field which represents the time when the record was inserted.
We would like query the the table and group the results into date units based on the value of the timestamp.
The grouping specification is held in another table but only specified for a single week.
For example
WeekDay Start End
1 06:00:00 14:00:00
2 08:10:00 17:00:00
What this specification means is that when the log table is queried records with a timestamp that fall on a Monday between 06:00:00 and 14:00:00 should be grouped together, on Tuesday the group is records between 08:10:00 and 17:00:00 and so on...
The only way I can think of doing this is to generate a temporary table when the log table is queried that has a unique record for each time period for the span of the query and then attempt to join this table to the log table using the timestamp and then group based on the temporary table unique ID.
I'm not sure how to generate such a temporary table from the specification table so any help would be appreciated.
We have quite a strange problem, we have some SP's in our project which is functioning quite well all these days. Suddenly one day we got an error in the SP stating "Invalid Table Name", when we opened the SP and saw in some places the Tablename was replaced with Junk Characters inside the SP !!!!!!!
For Ex: Inside the SP we have the following SELECT query
"SELECT F1 FROM SampleTable"
the above query is getting replaced with
"SELECT F1 FROM SampleTa?le"
The junk character actually appears like a box!!!.. we were absolutely clueless why this was happening. Then if we change the SP once agin and run it starts to execute but only for a short time and the problem comes back once again. When we went through the SQL logs we got this error repeatedly:
"Error: 17805, Severity: 20, State: 3
Invalid buffer received from clients"
We came to know a little about this problem from kb articles in MS that when you are calling an SP from .Net u should specify the parameter data types explicitly and u should not use SQL Client in Finalise method all which we have not done in the application.
Tha SP was using #Table which we replaced to @Tablevariables but still we got the problem once, we are monitoring with the same Table Variables.
We are using SQL Server 2000 SP4. We have got stuck with this problem for days now . Any help is greatly appreciated.
i am building a new deployment routine for one of our products using NANT (.net version of ANT). I takes all of .sql files out of vault for all non table objects and concatenates them into larger .sql files with IF EXISTS .... DROP ... GO CREATE statements which will then be fired off by osql batch files that will log the errors.
When I open the resulting files in notepad I have junk characters (microsoft OEM stuff) in some of my object definitions which you do not see in the QA or if you opnen the file in Vault. I need to get this stuff out of there and I do not want to write a bunch of filesystem code to do it because I need this tested and ready by Friday COB. I know I can solve this by opening the problematic files in ultraedit and saving them one by one but I do have that kind of time.
I developed a mass mailing tools, but all mails received in junk and spam folder
I use an store procedure 'sp_send_dbmail' which is by default in sql server, when i send an testing mail using object explorer ->Database mail -> right click -> send testing mails, then this mail received in inbox, but when i call 'sp_send_dbmail' this procedure using job with 2 min intervals then mails received in junk or spam folder of recipients..
I configured correctly all information of smtp details ip address...
i got stuck, while sending emails using store procedure sp_send_dbmail, when i m sending simple text format then mail received in inbox but whenever i m trying to send an html format emails with links of images and href tags mails received in spam.. i store procedure is given below..
Is there a way to tell SQL Server 2005 Management Studio that I don't want it to include "USE [dbname]" and "/****** Object: Table [dbo].[TBL_NAME] Script Date: [date] ******/" when it creates scripts? I searched the forums and couldn't find an answer, and I don't see it in Tools->Options.
I have a varchar field which should contain dates but unfortunately it is fill with all sorts of imaginary formats which only the one who has typed may understand.
in a data set of 15000 rows most of them are like '1/15/2007' and 305 roes are like the rest in the sample.
can you sugest ma a simple way to convert posible data to format '1/15/2007' format which i can use in a SELECT...INSERT STATEMENT and convert the rest to NULL
Hi All,I am using command line bcp utility of SQL Server to import data from a textfile to database.I have some german words in the text file and afterimport the German characters are lost.see eg below.Input : Kühner, Klaus -> Text file valueOutPut: K?hner, Klaus -> Table data, after import.I am using unicode in the commad line.The collation setting is LATINcan anyone show some light.Thanks in advanceManoj.
I have a strange situation in an Message queue task in SSIS. I serialize an object in a C# application and add that to an MSMQ as a string. I also ensure that I set the label to "String Message" so that my Message Queue Task can actually receive the message as a String message to variable.
I created an SSIS package that has an Message Queue listener that feeds into a Script task inside a for-each loop. For each message that I obtain, I invoke a script task that retrieves the value of the variable and then processes this information.
When I enter the entry into the MSMQ, it goes in perfectly fine (since I also tested retrieving this entry from a C# app). However when I use the same logic on the SSIS package using the Script task, I get junk chinese characters.
Has this happened to anyone else? Any feedback would be great!
Here is the code for the script task: mports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Math Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main() Dim statusMessage As String statusMessage = CType(ReadVariable("ReviewerHealthXmlMessage"), String) System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(statusMessage) Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub
Private Function ReadVariable(ByVal varName As String) As Object Dim result As Object
Try Dim vars As Variables Dts.VariableDispenser.LockForRead(varName) Dts.VariableDispenser.GetVariables(vars) Try result = vars(varName).Value Catch ex As Exception Throw ex Finally vars.Unlock() End Try Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try
Return result End Function
Private Sub WriteVariable(ByVal varName As String, ByVal varValue As Object) Try Dim vars As Variables Dts.VariableDispenser.LockForWrite(varName) Dts.VariableDispenser.GetVariables(vars) Try vars(varName).Value = varValue Catch ex As Exception Throw ex Finally vars.Unlock() End Try Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try End Sub
I would appreciate any thoughts/ideas on the following use case for the distributed service broker application we plan to migrate from our existing proprietary tcp based message protocol using database tables for reliability.
There are two ssb services running in separate sql server instances, each on a different server machine. For simplicity, let us assume the ssb endpoint names are SSBA, SSBB. SSBB is the Initiator of the Dialog while SSBA is the Target. Now the requirement is that if the underlying network communication between the two ssb endpoints(SSBA and SSBB) is broken or if the critical service SSBB is down, then processing of any incoming message into SSBA's queue from a third service broker service (say SSBEXPR) running within a SqlExpress instance should be delayed until SSBB is alive and network communication between SSBA and SSBB is established. In our existing implementation (wherein SSBA, SSBB and SSBEXPR are windows services) we use a combination of TCP socket disconnects and Heartbeat messages between SSBA and SSBB to determine the health of network connection and that of the SSBB service.
Now my understanding of how the underlying network connection for a ssb dialog works is that if there is no activity on a dialog for a certain amount of time then the underlying network connection is closed. Is there a way to specify the amount of time to say infinite value or something and thus change this behavior? My other question is how can one query the underlying network connection (i.e. a row from sys.dm_broker_connections) associated with a particular conversation? If none of this is possible, then any other patterns/ideas/approach is welcome.
Using the Microsoft Patterns and Practices "Object Builder" (Dependency Injection/Builder library), I wrote an SQL CLR Stored Procedure (using VS 2005 Professional).
All compiles and deploys ok (to SQL Server 2005 Express).
However, at run-time, I get the following error upon a "BuilderContext" object's instantiation: {"Attempted to perform an operation that was forbidden by the CLR host."}
Thoughts on how to get ObjectBuilder working in the SQLCLR?
(posted below is the sample code...with the run-time exception occuring on the ...BuilderContext cxt = new ... call)
Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.BuilderStrategyChain chain = new Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.BuilderStrategyChain();
Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.Locator locator1 = new Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.Locator(null);
// Get error when new'ing BuilderContext: "Attempted to perform an operation that was forbidden by the CLR host." Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.BuilderContext cxt = new Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder.BuilderContext(chain, locator1, null);
I need to select last order for each employees for homework. I use northwind database for testing. I can solve it by correlated subquery but the professor said me it is not optimized.
select orderid, customerid, employeeid, orderdate from orders as o1 where orderdate = (select max(orderdate) from orders as o2 where o1.employeeid = o2.employeeid);
I have a database that has dozens of tables. Many of these tables reference the employee ID.For example tblDaysOff has a column employeeID that is matched on tblEmployees.ID, and there are many such tables.
Now the employee IDs are changing the way they are generated. Instead of a alphanumeric value being stored as a text value, all employee IDs will be uniqueidentifiers stored as text values.The question is, how can I change every instance of "somevalue" in every record in every column where the column name is "employeeID" in every table in the database to "differentvalue" where employeeID = "somevalue"?This is what I have cobbled together from multiple sources ... but there is a syntax error where @max is located.
Code: USE CsDB DECLARE @t TABLE(tRow int identity(1, 1), tSchemaName nvarchar(max), tTableName nvarchar(max)) INSERT INTO @t SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id), FROM sys.tables AS t JOIN sys.columns c ON c.object_id = t.object_id WHERE LIKE '%employeeID%'
Obviously I don't want to run this and then have to try and recover the database when things go away.
I would like to fail a package depending on the error. The package extracts data from Excel files. I would like to continue processing if an Excel file is badly formatted, but stop processing if there is a serious issue. like the file server hosting the Excel files crashed. I was thinking about dynamically changing the MaxeErrorCount property based on the Error ID or description.