Find A Record Out Of Place

Oct 15, 2013

I have a table called Register that has the following in it

Policy_number, Policy_date_time, Portfolio_set, Status..The rule for the table is that the last record for each portfolio_set for a policy the status needs to be 'A' but there have been instances that the last record status is 'I'

I need to identify the record that is out of place..In the example below record number 2.


policy_number Policy_date_time Portfolio_set, status
12345 1/1/2011 1 I
12345 1/2/2011 1 A
12345 1/3/2011 1 I
12345 1/4/2011 1 I

I need to identify that the second record is in the wrong place...

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Is There A Place Where I Can Find The Events That Takes Place In Sql Server?

Jul 20, 2007

Is there a place where i can find events that takes place in the sql server? Like adding data to a database or something like that....



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Insert A Record In A Particular Place

May 27, 2006

i have a table name is HH tableit has two columns 'hhno' and hhname'HH tabelehhno hhname100 suresh101 baba103 rami want to insert a one record(102 , chandra) in HH table between(101,baba) and( 103 ,ram).how can i insert them please help ,me thanks

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I Need A Quick Way To Return Place/rank/postion Of A Record?

Nov 14, 2007

I run an ASP.NET website with a monthly contest.  Members can enter 1 script for each contest.  Scripts can then be voted on.
There are three relevant SQL tables:
Contest with the field: ContestIDScript with the fields: ContestID, ScriptID, and TitleScriptComment with the fields: ScriptID and Score
Scripts are grouped by contest and come in place (first, second, third, etc.) based on the average of all the scores they received.
I need a QUICK stored procedure that will accept ScriptID as a parameter and return back the place that script came in, in that particular contest.
Currently, I get this information by creating a virtual table and populating it with joined data from Script and ScriptComment.  I order the table by average Score desc.  I then use a select statement against that table using the ScriptID and return back the row number.  This works, but it is very slow.  There are times where I might need to list 300 scripts and I need to do this lookup for each script to display what place they came in.
I need a much faster way to get the place of any script in a contest.  I think the Virtual Table is killing the speed.  I have been trying to find a solution using a view or the new SQL 2005 command Row_Number(), but I have been unsuccessful.
If anyone has a speedy solution, I would love to hear it.
Thanks a lot,
Chris Messineo

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Grabbing First Record Rather Than The Record I Am Trying To Find.

Mar 24, 2007

I tried checking to see if the point at which the reader was, that if it was the record I am looking for to go ahead and add the table data to a label. But for some reason it's only taking the first record in the database and not the one I  thought I was at.[CODE]     public void UpdateMaleHistLbl()    {        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Server=localhost\SqlExpress;Database=MyFamTree;" + "Integrated Security=True");        SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM FatherHistTable, MotherHistTable, UsersTable WHERE UsersTable.UserName = @usrnmeLbl ", conn);        comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usrnmeLbl", usrnmeLbl.Text);        conn.Open();        SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();        while (reader.Read())        {            string usr = reader["username"].ToString();            usr = usr.TrimEnd();            string pss = reader["password"].ToString();            pss = pss.TrimEnd();            if (usrnmeLbl.Text == usr)            {                if (hiddenpassLbl.Text == pss)                {                    maleHistLbl.Text = reader["GG_Grandfather"] + " > ";                    maleHistLbl.Text += reader["G_Grandfather"] + " > ";                    maleHistLbl.Text += reader["Grandfather"] + " > ";                    maleHistLbl.Text += reader["Father"] + " > ";                    maleHistLbl.Text += reader["Son"] + " > ";                    maleHistLbl.Text += reader["Grandson"] + " > ";                    maleHistLbl.Text += reader["G_Grandson"] + " > ";                    maleHistLbl.Text += reader["GG_Grandson"] + "<br /><br />";                }            }            break; //exit out of the loop since user found        }        reader.Close();        conn.Close();     }}[/CODE]Thanks in advance

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How To Find The Odd Record Out....

Mar 22, 2007


"SELECT " & _
"Asset_Number, Inv_ID " & _
"FROM " & _
"tbl_Asset "

OKay looking at this highly simplified query here is my problem.
We have a ton of Asset numbers that are the same and for each asset number the inv_id should also be the same.....

However, since this data gets entered by humans - sometimes the inv_id is wrong....
I need to figure out a query that fleshes out the rows where asset_nums are the same but inv_id is different than other rows...?

Of course this may be impossible.....
I mean what if there was only two records by the same asset_num and each inv_id was different?
How could the query know which was the right one......

I need to run a report that finds the invalid inv_id's so that they can corrected.....

any thoughts on how this is done?

My thoughts are - using an inner select...
something to the effect of :

(SELECT * WHERE (inv_id = inv_id) > 1)
GROUP BY asset_num.........

I just dont know exactly what the correct syntax is....

muchas gracias....

(btw this is actually ms-sql but mysql forum is so much more popular and the syntaxes are similar enough....thank you...)

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Find Last Record ........

Apr 14, 2008

sno Empid Address Date
1100bhopal2008-01-02 00:00:00.000
2100indore2008-02-02 00:00:00.000
3100gwalior2008-03-03 00:00:00.000
4101gwalior2008-01-02 00:00:00.000
5101Indore2008-02-02 00:00:00.000
6102bhopal2008-01-01 00:00:00.000
I want last update Address of employee from this table like

100 Gwalior
101 Indore
102 Bhopal

pls help me out ...............


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Find X Record

Mar 20, 2007

hi all,

if we have 100 same records, how can we select any 50 of it? thanks

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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How To Find Who Has Changed The Record

Aug 14, 2001

Is there any method so that I can find that the particular user has changed the record in the particualr table..?

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Need To Find Where In Db Record Is Stored

Feb 8, 2005

I have a mystery database on my is part of an application that my company bought, and it uses SQL server for its backend. The reporting features built in are not good enough, so I need to write some queries by hand...trouble is I am having a hard time figuring out how the schema works...using the front end they gave us I put a value of "12345" for a field I need to get to, but I can not locate where in the db it gets stored....can anyone tell me a way to query that will look at every single record and every single field in the db to find the value "12345"??

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How To Find Updating A Record In .net

Sep 23, 2007

I need an alarm or raise an event from SQL Server after updating to get it in .net.
I use SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and vb.net2 for my programming language.
Suppose that in a windows form I have a grid and I'm working with this page
another client is working with this same page .He is editing the information of
a record of a grid and save it in database so I want to give an alarm or an event
that raise from SQL Server (for example in a trigger) , what can I do?

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How To Find How A Record Was Deleted

Jul 23, 2005

Is there a way to tell who or what process deleted a record in a SQL table.I know you can setup triggers or Profiler - but is there a way to see how arecord was deleted if you DO NOT have a trigger or Profiler already running?This is SQL 2000 Standard, sp3a with default options and configuration.Thanks

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Find A RowSize On A Record

Dec 11, 2007

I have a select statment that gives me an error, cannot go more than rowsize 8094.
I am trying to find the particualr record/acctno, where the rowsize is excedding the max limi of 8094 chars. Once I have the acctno, I will correct it.
But how do I find which acct has this issue? Bascailly how can I find which record size is more than 8094 chars?

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Find Most Recent Record For Each Item?

Oct 29, 2014

We have a work order notes table in our ERP system, and I want to see the most recent note record for each work order. Sometimes there will one be one, so I want to see all those, but sometimes there will be several notes for each work order and in this case I want to see only the most recently added note for that work order.

The query below shows some results as an example. In this case I want to see all the records except for work order number DN-000023 where I only want to see the note dated/timed 07-12-2011 16:52 (the most recent one).

select id, worknumber, date, notes from worksordernotes

id worknumber date
----------- ------------ ----------------------- --------------------
1 DN-000056 2011-12-07 13:22:00 13.20 PM JAMES- SPOK
2 DN-000079 2011-12-07 14:24:00 JCB HAVE TOLD ME THE
4 DN-000065 2011-12-07 15:48:00 ANDY FROM SITE RANG
5 DN-000023 2011-12-07 15:54:00 CHASED THIS 4 TIMES
6 DN-000023 2011-12-07 16:52:00 HOLTS ATTENDED THIS
7 DN-000092 2011-12-08 09:50:00 RETURNING WITH PARTS

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Find Record Where 1 Field Value Has Changed

Apr 2, 2015

I need to find all items in an inventory table where a field has been unticked in the last 24 hours (there is no audit trail), as well as the contract number of the contract it has been added to (it will not have existed in that table before).

These are the two table querys in their basic form:

select item (nvarchar(20)), inactive (bit) from inventory

select item (nvarchar(20) , contract (nvarchar(20)) , original_start_rent (datetime) from deltickitem

I would like to see just the item number and the contract number it has been added to.

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SQL Statement To Find The The Maximum Record

Oct 12, 2007

I have a table with member information. Each member has multiple effective dates. I would like to query to find the record for each member that has the maximum effective date. A sample table is below:

------------ ------------------
699361401 20070101
699361401 20070501
732612701 20070101
732612701 20070501
575424301 20070101
575424301 20070501
192939801 20070101
192939801 20070501
458645001 20070101
458645001 20070501

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: CTE Query To Find Specific Record?

Sep 18, 2015

I need to build a CTE query to find for the same Cabstamp (document) where i have different Origin.

I know that i can build this with a correlated subquery, but i´am curious about using CTE.

I post sample create Script:

create table #temp (Cabstamp varchar(10), account varchar(10),document varchar(15), origin varchar(2), debit numeric(10,2), credit numeric(10,2), datalc datetime)

insert into #temp (Cabstamp,account,Document, origin, debit, credit, datalc)
select 'ADM12345',111,'CMP-01','FO',1000,0, '20150110'
select 'ADM12345',112,'CMP-01','FO', 500, 0,'20150110'
select 'ADM12345',6811,'CMP-01','DO',0,1500,'20150110'


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Transact SQL :: How To Find A Non Matched Record In 2 Tables

Jul 15, 2015

I have 2 tables .Lets Say tableA and tableB.Both Have Columns ClaimNumber,Amount. Now, to get the matched records for these 2 tables, i wrote the following query Select * from tableA A Inner Join tableB B on A.ClaimNumber = B.ClaimNumber and A.Amount = B.Amount This query works perfectly fine and gives me only matching records, however if i want to have records which match with ClaimNumber and not with Amount i wrote something like this

Select * from tableA A Inner Join tableB B on A.ClaimNumber = B.ClaimNumber and A.Amount <> B.Amount.

And this query produces wrong results, its giving me match and also non match records.

how to write a query for my non match condition?

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Find The Last Record By Date In A Sub Group Of Records.

Oct 1, 2007

Looking to see if thier is a better way to find the last record entered in a group of records.

What I'm doing now is finding the max for the secound column and then doing a sub query to find the max of the third column having the second columns equal.

Table example using simplied data.


























The parent program addes a row every time the data is changed. To make things worst; the records arn't always in sqenal order like the above table and some time edits the row instead.

The current query returns a single value. from a single table.

Current code used in the select protion on a larger query. bpi = basicpolicyInformation.

( Select c1.limit1
From AFW_Coverage as c1
Where c1.PolId=bpi.PolId
and c1.CoverageId = (select max(CoverageId) as CoverageId
From AFW_Coverage as c
where c.PolId = c1.PolId
and c.CoverageCode = 'Dwelling'
and status <> 'D'
and c1.effDate = (select max(Effdate) as Effdate
From AFW_Coverage as c
where c.PolId = c1.PolId
and c.CoverageID = c1.CoverageId

Explain the current code. It uses the two sub queries to find the correct record ID that has the data needed.

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Find Nearest Date Record Without Cross Apply

Oct 13, 2012

Table :

ChangeID ChangeDate EquipmentID ModuleID EquipStatus
1 12/9/08 230 1789 Normal
2 13/9/08 450 1245 Normal
3 17/9/08 230 1789 Open
4 21/9/08 230 1899 Open
5 21/9/08 450 1674 Normal
6 22/9/08 450 2364 Normal

Given a date, what module was each equipment item in on that date?How do I get the date of the nearest previous event from a list like this? I got a query from one of the post in this Forum only using Cross Apply to find the nearest record from the above table based on Date i.e.

SELECT outerT.*
FROM your_table AS outerT
, change_date
FROM your_table AS innerT
WHERE innerT.change_date <= @point_in_time
AND innerT.equipment_id = outerT.equipment_id
ORDER BY change_date DESC
) AS applicable_records
WHERE applicable_records.change_date = outerT.change_date

The problem is I need to get this query without using Cross Apply as i need to use the same for the LINQ which doesn't support Cross Apply.

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Find Most Recent Record In Table According To Date Field

Sep 19, 2015

The "Last" function in the query below (line 4 & 5) is not exactly what I'm after. The last function finds the last record in that table, but i need to find the most recent record in the table according to a date field.

Last(tblclassificationhistory.classificationid) AS LastOfclassificationID,
Last(tblsquadhistory.squadid) AS LastOfsquadID,

[Code] ....

The query below finds the most recent record in a table according to a date field, my problem is i dont know how to integrate this Query into the above to replace the "Last" function

SELECT a.inmateID,
SELECT tblClassificationHistory.inmateID,

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Find Record(s) That Exceed Budget Value

Mar 3, 2015

I have the following tables:

--acts as a transaction table
id int not null identity(1,1) primary key,
account varchar(10) not null,
deposit int not null

[Code] ....

--desired results
-- within each account group, when a individual record causes the groups running total to exceed the group's budget, show the difference that causes the groups running total to exceed the budget as unbudgeted. The amount of that transaction upto the budget amount show as renewal. For any succeeding individual records in the group, the amount of that transaction is Unbudgeted.

Here's the SQL I have thus far...

,case when <= a.budget

[Code] ....

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DB Engine :: Can Find A Record Of Stored Procedure Being Called?

Jul 15, 2015

I seem to be able to see where a procedure is being recompiled, but not the actual statement that was executing the procedure.

Note, with 2008 there is a DMV called dm_exec_procedure_stats , which is not present in 2005

USE YourDb;

SELECT qt.[text] AS [SP Name],
qs.execution_count AS [Execution Count]
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS qt
WHERE qt.dbid = DB_ID()
AND objectid = OBJECT_ID('YourProc')

The above shows results that include the CREATE PROCEDURE statements for the procedure in question, but this only indicates that the procedure was being recompiled, not necessarily that it was being executed?

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In Stored Proc - How Do I Find The Next Key Value (integer) And Use It To Populate A Field In The New Record.

Nov 27, 2006

Currently I have the following stored procedure which simply adds a new row in my SQL Express 2005. What I want is that -1). before inserting the record find out the new ID (primary key) value. (ID is automatically a sequential integer generated by SQL Server)2). and set COMPANY_ID = (new) ID Any thoughts? Thanks ALTER PROCEDURE usp_tbl_Company_Insert    @Company_ID int,    @Name varchar(200),    AS<FIND THE NEW ID of the new row in the database> @Company_ID = (new ID)  INSERT INTO tbl_Company (Company_ID, Name,)VALUES (@Company_ID, @Name) 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Find Most Recent Record Of Consecutive Dates

Feb 23, 2015

I have a table full of service invoice records. Some of the invoices are continuous, meaning that there may be an invoice from 01-16-2015 through the end of that month, but then another invoice that starts on feb 1 and goes for 6 months.

I want to only pull the most recent. Keep in mind that there may be other invoices in the same table for a different period. An example might be:

FromDate ToDate Customer Number Contract Number
02/01/2015 07/31/2015 2555 456
01/15/2015 01/31/2015 2555 456
04/01/2013 09/30/2015 2555 123
03/13/2013 03/31/2013 2555 123

From this table, I would like a query that would give me this result:

01/15/2015 07/31/2015 2555 456
03/13/2013 09/30/2015 2555 123

There will likely be more than just 2 consecutive records per contract number.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Find Time Difference Between Two Rows Of Record

Nov 6, 2015

I have the table with the similar set of records which mentioned below, find the time difference between two rows of record. By Using the MsgOut column i have to find time taken b/w PS & PV and some record doesnt have PV .

LogID LocIDClientCert MsgType MsgOutMessageTimeStamp System
1151334934NOT SPECIFIEDQ_T12PS 2015-10-01 00:00:40.980AHR
1151335243NOT SPECIFIEDD_T12PV 2015-10-01 00:00:53.800AHR
1151342944NOT SPECIFIEDQ_T12PS 2015-10-01 00:05:40.957AHR
1151343281NOT SPECIFIEDD_T12PV 2015-10-01 00:05:53.670AHR
1151350046NOT SPECIFIEDQ_T12PS 2015-10-01 00:10:40.970AHR
1152760563759NOT SPECIFIEDQ_T12PS 2015-10-01 15:28:29.617AHR
1152760739690NOT SPECIFIEDQ_T12PS 2015-10-01 15:28:33.633AHR

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query Design - Find Most Recent Datetime Record Each Day For A Customer

Apr 2, 2015

So I have a query that need to find the most recent datetime record each day for a customer. So I have a query that looks like this:

[dbo].[DecisionHistoryItem] as dhi WITH(NOLOCK)

[Code] ....

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Best Place To Put TempDB

Nov 16, 2001


Can anyone give me any input on this. Recently TempDB one of my production server came down because tempDB got so big that it chewed up all the space in it's drive. My TempDB was in drive C:, where the Operating system and the rest of the SQL systems databases are(msdb,model,master). The actual production data are located in another logical RAID 5(Drive E:) Drive. I want to prevent the problem from happening again. Is it wise or does it degrade performance if i move TEMPDB from drive C: to drive E:? Is this going to cause a major bottom neck in drive E:, where the data are located?

Thank You for any help!


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Sql Box Moved From One Place To Other

Jan 5, 2006

what happens if the physical location of a box(which had sql server 2000 on it) is chaned.
what happens to the replication and distributed queries.

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No Place On Disk

May 20, 2004

I have one big db and i heve no place on disk
the log file is big too. how can i delete the log

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Best Place To Start

Apr 17, 2007

I am fairly versed with SQL 2005 as I have been using it since it came out. Now I have need to learn about Cubes.

Does anybody have any suggestions of where I need to begin to learn about what cubes are, how to create them and use them?

Ultimately we will be incorporating them into Reporting Services.

Thanks for the information.

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Where To Place An Order By

Dec 26, 2007

Where would i place an orderby my DateCreated field...everywhere i try to place it i get this error...
The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated....


( @LoginID nvarchar(50),

@DateRangeFrom datetime,

@DateRangeTo datetime




IF ( @DateRangeFrom = '1/1/1753' ) AND ( @DateRangeTo = '1/1/1753' )

select x.*, x1.TotalExpenses, x2.WorkedCount

from (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, oe.FirstName, oe.LastName

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, oe.FirstName, oe.LastName


select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered,oe.FirstName, oe.LastName

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardHours tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated ,oe.FirstName,tc.DateEntered, oe.LastName ) x

left outer join (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, sum(tce.ExpenseAmount) as TotalExpenses

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered ) x1 on x1.TimeCardID = x.TimeCardID and x1.DateCreated = x.DateCreated and x1.DateEntered = x.DateEntered

left outer join (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, count(*) WorkedCount

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardHours tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated, tc.DateEntered) x2 on x2.TimeCardID = x.TimeCardID and x2.DateCreated = x.DateCreated and x2.DateEntered = x.DateEntered


select x.*, x1.TotalExpenses, x2.WorkedCount

from (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, oe.FirstName, oe.LastName

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID And tc.DateCreated BETWEEN @DateRangeFrom AND @DateRangeTo

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, oe.FirstName, oe.LastName


select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered,oe.FirstName, oe.LastName

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardHours tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID And tc.DateCreated BETWEEN @DateRangeFrom AND @DateRangeTo

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated ,oe.FirstName,tc.DateEntered, oe.LastName ) x

left outer join (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, sum(tce.ExpenseAmount) as TotalExpenses

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered ) x1 on x1.TimeCardID = x.TimeCardID and x1.DateCreated = x.DateCreated and x1.DateEntered = x.DateEntered

left outer join (

select tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated,tc.DateEntered, count(*) WorkedCount

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardHours tce on tc.TimeCardID = tce.TimeCardID

join OPS_Employees oe on oe.EmployeeID = tc.EmployeeID

where oe.LoginID = @LoginID

group by tc.TimeCardID, tc.DateCreated, tc.DateEntered) x2 on x2.TimeCardID = x.TimeCardID and x2.DateCreated = x.DateCreated and x2.DateEntered = x.DateEntered



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Where To Place Articles

May 30, 2006

I have a design that includes articles that will be searched. Obviously its too slow to put them into fields, and impossible because some have photos or are otherwise html documents. So I want to put pointers to their location.

Two questions. For each deployment, both desktop and web, where is the best place to put the articles. In any folder, or only in an iis virtual folder?


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