Find All Applications That Are Calling DB Server

Jun 10, 2015

I need to get the application lists calling our DB. I need both dormant and current. I thought profiler can give only active ones.

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Calling Applications In Unix Platform

Sep 14, 2007

Dear all,

How do i call an application, which is reside in another unix platform in my flow of execution.
I'll need to call this application after my data extraction is successfully run.

Thanks for the helps in advance.

Thanks & Best Regards,

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Find Out Applications

Aug 3, 2007

how do i find out what application is using certain DB?.


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2 Web Applications To Same Sql Server

Nov 2, 2000

If there are 2 different web application connecting to a sql server database through ODBC connection, both of them have full privilege to update , create , add column etc. Would there any issues of SQL server impacts when actually on live.

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Web Applications And SQL Server

Jan 11, 2008

Hi all,

Can anyone tell about impact of SQL server in web applications

Thanks in advance

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Why Can't Applications See My SQL Server?

Jul 6, 2006

I am running SQL Server 2005 Dev x86 with SSRS SP1 on Windows2003 Svr SP1.

My SQL Server is running and SSRS is working. When I come to run certain installs though, my Server name is not present in the dropdowns or in the browse for installed server lists.

I entered the name of my SQL server manually, but when I ran the application, it gave me an error: 00250 unable to run dtabase locator service.

Any ideas?

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Do We Need Extra Server To Run Web Applications?

Feb 5, 2002

Our company wants to run web based application
in folowing way.

Browser --> WebServer -->Sql Server

Sql server is part part of corporation domain and has about 25 more databases

Should we dedicate extra SQL server to run Web apps , or it would be safe to run web apps on corporation Sql Server?
If any one can point on links on this subject?.
Thank you

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SQL Server Backup Applications

Jul 23, 2005

Hi All,During the past couple of years I have been maintaining the company'sAccess databases, in the coming weeks I will be migrating data to SQLserver, I will be using the Access forms as a frontend to access datawhile we developed a new front end through VB.Net.I was wondering if anyone will recommend an application that makes anexact replica or backup of the SQL server in the case the SQL serverfails. With MS Access, if a record is corrupted we needed to go backto the previous day backup of the database, we cant afford to havethis issue any longer.Regards,John

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Is Sql Server Express Edition Enough For My Web-applications?

Apr 28, 2008

Good morning,After long hours of search on the subject, I could not find a clear answer to my question.I understand what are ths physical limit fo the express version (1Gb or Ram, 4Gb database, 64 bit WOW).My configuration is as follow, windows webserver 64bit, I have 4 database of 10Mb each for 4 web-application. The maximum concurent connection  is a total fo about 8 for all the web-application together.Therefore due to the cost of buying a workgroup of standard license, I was hoping to be able to  use the express edition.Please let me know your thought.ThanksArno

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(Could Not Find Stored Procedure ''.) When Calling A User Defined Procedure

Feb 4, 2008

Hi,I'm tring to call a stored procedure i'v made from a DNN module, via .net control.When I try to execute this sql statement: EXEC my_proc_name 'prm_1', 'prm_2', ... the system displays this error: Could not find stored procedure ''. (including the trailings [".] chars :)I've tried to run the EXEC statement from SqlServerManagement Studio, and seems to works fine, but sometimes it displays the same error. So i've added the dbname and dbowner as prefix to my procedure name in the exec statement and then in SqlSrv ManStudio ALWAYS works, but in dnn it NEVER worked... Why? I think it could be a db permission problem but i'm not able to fix this trouble, since i'm not a db specialist and i don't know which contraint could give this problem. Also i've set to the ASPNET user the execute permissions for my procedure... nothing changes :( Shoud someone could help me? Note that I'm using a SqlDataSource object running the statement with the select() method (and by setting the appropriate SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure ) and I'm using the 2005 sql server express Thank in advance,(/d    

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Two Different Database Belong To Two Different Applications Stay In The Same Server

Aug 17, 2000


Does anyone know if two different database belong to two different applications stay in the same physical SQL server 7.0 with one server license would affect their performance?

Would the performance be better off if each database stored in different physical SQL Server 7.0 with different server license?

Thank you in advance!

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Using SQL Server 2005 CE Embedded In Desktop Applications

Jan 3, 2007

Is it ok to use SQL Server 2005 CE as an embedded DBMS inside a desktop (Windows XP / w2k3 / Vista) application?

The whitepaper available here: describes this as one of the primary usages of the product. However, I've seen information elsewhere on this forum that seems to imply that SQL Server 2005 CE is not allowed in desktop applications.

Can you please clarify this, and specify any limitations of this usage?

Also, the whitepaper refers to an online redistribution agreement that needs to be signed in order to freely redistribute SQL Server 2005 CE inside a commercial application. Can you please point to this agreement?



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Develop Multiusers Applications With SQL Server Express

Feb 3, 2006

Can I develop applications with SQL Server Express that I have more than one user in several computers working with the same database on a server, or I can only develop applications with only one user with a local database with SQL Server Express?

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SQL Server Express Starter Kits (Sample Applications)

Aug 30, 2007

When I registered SQL Server Express I received an e-mail back showing all of the resources available to get started. There were 6 Starter Kits available, Teacher, Colection Manager, Amazon Enabled Movie Collection, and three others. When I click on the links to download the Starter Kits, the link comes back as invalid. Can you provide the correct links to use to get the Starter Applications, or can you e-mail me code? Thanks for you attention to this matter.
Charlie Cappello

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Is It Possible To Send Message From SQL Server Express To Applications Using It On Different Machines ?

Mar 8, 2008


Is it possible to send message from SQL Server Express to Applications using it on different machines ?

For example When an important record is inserted or updated, a message appears on Application user's screen.

If yes then how ?


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What's The Difference Between The Application Developer Tools And Server Applications CD

Apr 19, 2007

I have 2 questions about Sql Server 2005.

1. I have 2 sets of CDs, one is called Sql Server 2005 Developer Edition, Applications Developer Tools, and another one called Sql Server 2005 Developer Edition Servers Server Applications.

I installed the Applications Developer Tools on my development pc, and I was able to use create and populate a database, and use Sql Server Management Studio fine. I wonders what 's the Servers Server Applications set of cds for.

2. I just like to install Sql Server 2005 on a test pc also. Can I use my Developer Edition Applications Developer Tools to install it ?


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SQL Server 2005 For Two Applications With Different Collation Setting On Same Platform?

Nov 13, 2007

Hi ,

We want to install 2 applications that run on SQL server 2005 but the requirement of database installation are different Collation setting ( One require Dictionary order, case-insensitive, for use with 1252 Character Set and other require Dictionary order, case-sensitive, for use with the 437 (US English) Character set).
So the question here could I install both two applications successfully on same platform ? and if yes how?

Thanks and regards,


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SQL Server Full-text Search Option On ASP.NET Live Applications.

May 29, 2007

Is it advisable to use full text search on live applications? Will live database servers allow full text search?. If so what are the problems we could face in future.
My DB server is SQL Server2000 and ASP version is 1.1. 
Thanks in advance 
Hamlin Stephen 

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SQL Server Express Starter Kits And Sample Applications Downloads Links Are Bad

Sep 22, 2007

1. The download links shown below for the Starter Kits found at this URL do not work:

Teacher Starter Kit
Collection Manager Starter Kit
Club Web Site EventCalendar control source code

2. None of the download links shown below for the Sample Applications found at this URL work:

Internet Explorer Favorites Sample
Skills Manager Sample
Survey Manager Sample
Help Desk Sample
Reports for Web Sample
Reports for Windows Sample

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Calling Dll`s/exe`s From SQL Server

Oct 5, 1998

I need a simple example of calling a dll or exe with params
from a stored procedure.

Robert Kapciuk

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Calling Sp From DTS On Different Server

Sep 16, 2004

Is it possibe to call a Stored Proc on a remote server in a DTS package?

Thanks in advance,


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How Can I Connect To .MDF Through 2 Applications?

Dec 2, 2006

Here is the big problem:

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 login control. this control connect to ASPNET.MDF database.
I built another application using windows service, and this application also connects to ASPNET.MDF database.
problem is that the first application that connects to the database, locks the database, and so the other application cannot use the database untill the other application is closed.
I am going on circles about this, and just don't know what to do.
Please please please. love me do.

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MSDE For Web Applications

Dec 10, 2003

Hi, I am needing help on which MSDE version support 25 concurrent users. Can anyone help?

Creating an intranet that I would like to run on msde. My problem is that it wont allow more than one person to access the intranet at a time.

MSDE is running on windows 2000 with IIS.

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SQL Express Db With Both Win / Web Applications

May 17, 2006

I have a SQLexpress db that i would like to be able to access from both a windows app and web app (both running on the same machine) at the same time.  Is this possible. I've been able to connect either one or the other, but not both at the same time.

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Accounting Applications

Dec 11, 2001

Hi to all..
Does anyone know about some useful resources of programming Accounting and General Ledger applications..SQL scripts,books..etc.
Thanks to all..

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Deployment Of Applications

May 23, 2007


I have developed several PPC apps in VS2003, which i have deployed to other PPCs using sqlce.wce4.armv4.CAB for the database runtime.

Now I developed a new app. version in Visual Studio 2005, using the free SQL server express database that came with it.

I can create a .cab file for the app using a setup project, but it eludes me what to install on the PPC of the customer, database wise.

Is there some kind of installable runtime for sql server express ?

(Or what is it called today ?)

thx in advance,


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Restoring Db From Web Applications..

May 17, 2007

i am a computer sciences engineering student and and we have an assignment to create a web project with a database.

Our lecturers will store our submissions on a db server but they want our projects enable the restoring our own databases..

that is, they wanna be able to have a copy of our databases to a new db that they have just created.. and they want us to enable this feature in an install.aspx page in our project.. the new db is guaranteed that will have the same name as ours..

so now what i am supposed to include in install.aspx?

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Calling One Application From SQL Server

Mar 30, 2004

Is it possble to automatically call an application when another application makes an INSERT from inside sql server? If its possible - how do I do that?

Thx in advance


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Calling UDF Over Server Link

Oct 4, 2006

For some reason, over a server link, the following call to a UDF on a linked server does not work, it seems it is treating the UDF as a table.The same UDF called on the local server works fine.--call/select from functionSELECT MASTERID FROM PAUL.RISK_DB.dbo.FNTRADEFILEPRICE('10/2/2006')error:Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 31, Line 5Line 5: Incorrect syntax near '('.Thanks.

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Calling A Function On A Different Server?

Oct 17, 2006

I was wondering if anyone knows the best way to call a function that is located in database on a different server then the database that is calling the function. Is it possible to do this with out linked servers? I am running SQL Server 2000. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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Calling SSIS From SQL Server

Jan 22, 2008

I've created a dll that load a SSIS package and execute it. It works perfectly from outside SQL but when I tried to used it from SQL it always give me the same error: The task has failed to load. The contact information for this task is "".

The assembly has been registered as UNSAFE and the error I received it's like it was not able to load the tasks defined inside the package. I've tried with an empty package and it doesn't generate any error.

I've also see in the logging file that the account used for running the package is different from the windows account I've connected to the SQL Server.

Any idea on how assure that the package is run with the correct user to allow the execution of the package successfully from the SQL?

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Calling Com Dll Object From SQL Server

Feb 13, 2006

Hello All,

I wonder how this can be accomplished.

We have created a class lib wrapper that imports the com dll. Upon placing the assembly in sql 2005, both the wrapper Dll and the com dll (probably a converted version) gets placed inside the sql 2005 assembly store. Next a CLR sp references the 2 assemblies above, but within the call to the CLR sp things fail with exception:
Invalid URI: The URI is empty
The works fine from a windows forms app.
What is the methodology to invoke a COM Dll? How far are we from implementing this in SQL CLR

Thank you,


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Sql Transactions Tiers Applications

Aug 3, 2006

Hi All.. I have an 3 tier web applications and I want to use sql transactions but not in each class.
Example :
I have 3 clases who need to update each table in one transaction how I do use sql transactions. I try to do in this way but not work:
sub cmdupdate_click   dim a as new class1   dim b as new class2   dim c as new class3   dim cn as new sqlconnection......   .....transactions.... scripts =cn ...I pass the same connection via property to each class   a.update   b.update   c.update
   Transaction...scripts to commit   cn.closeend sub
maybe that logic is incorrect.  I dont now is my explain is clear.

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