Find Missing Records In Identical Tables

Oct 31, 2007

Im wondering if it is possible to write a procedure that check two identical tables for any missing records. The table design is excatly the same, but some records (of the 40,000) have not copied over to the second table.

Any help would be great, cheers.

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Comparing Data In Two Tables To Find Missing Records

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables of book information. One that has descriptions of thebook in it, and the isbn, and the other that has the book title,inventory data, prices, the isbn.Because of some techncal constraints I won't get into now, I can'tcombine them both into one table. No problem. Things are going fine aslong as there is a description in the one table to corrispond to theisbn and other data in the other table.However, about half of the products are not yet entered into thedescrition table. I'd like to run a sql query that pulls up all theisbns that don't exist in the other. In other words, I'd like to get aquery that tells me exactly which isbns do not yet have descrition datain them. I know there is some sql that says to search from one filewhere the number does not exist in the other, but it slips my mind. Cansomeone help me on this please?Thank you!Bill*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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How To Find Missing Records From Tables Involving Composite Primary Keys

Nov 23, 2006

Table 1








Table 2





I have these two identical tables with the columns CODE & Qtr being COMPOSITE PRIMARY KEYS

Can anybody help me with how to compare the two tables to find the records not present in Table 2

That is i need this result





I have come up with this solution

select scrip_cd,Qtr,scrip_cd+Qtr from Table1 where
scrip_cd+Qtr not in (select scrip_cd+qtr as 'con' from Table2)

i need to know if there is some other way of doing the same

Thanks in Advance


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SQL Server - Finding The Different Records In Two Identical Tables

Jul 30, 2007

Does anyone have a good query that would return records from two tables that are found in one, but not it the other table?  In my situation I have 2 tables that are duplicate tables and I need to find an additional 3000 records that were added to one of the tables.  I also have a composite key so the query would have col1, col2 and col3 as the composite key.  So far I have tried concatenating the 3 columns and giving the result an alias and then trying to show the ones that were not in both tables, but have been struggling.  Thanks.. 

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Find Missing/deleted Records?

Jul 20, 2005

I have 2 tables say table1 and table2 with the same structure. Each recordis identified by a field 'SerialNo'. Now there should be a total of 500000records in both tables with serialno from 1 to 500000. Either a record is intable1 or table2. I want to find records (or SerialNo's) that are inneither table (if deleted by accident etc). What would be the sql query?I'm using SQL 6.5thx

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How To Find Out Missing Columns Between Tables

Apr 21, 2015

We are trying to find out the difference between tables in CUSTOMER database and CUSTOMER_coded database. The goal is to find out if there are any columns missing in each table of CUSTOMER_coded database.

We need the list of tables in CUSTOMER_coded database that misses some column compare to its peer in CUSTOMER database (list of columns being missing also).

I googled, but I get only all the columns in tables of database.

I need missing columns of all the tables when we compare these 2 databases( CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER_coded  databases).

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Transact SQL :: Missing Records In One Tables

Oct 11, 2015

I want to know one small query..

id Name
1 hi
2 how
3 are
4 you
6 can
7 do
8 not
9 did 
10 to 

I deleted some records now my table have below mentioned rows..

id Name
1 hi
2 how
4 you
6 can
8 not
10 to 

I want to know  the missing records in my table.

OUTPUT IS. 3,7,9

how can  i do that using sql query.

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Return Missing Records Over Multiple Tables. Query Challenge!

Mar 6, 2008

I have received some data out of a relational database that is incomplete and I need to find where the holes are. Essentially, I have three tables. One table has a primary key of PID. The other two tables have PID as a foreign key. Each table should have at least one instance of every available PID.

I need to find out which ones are in the second and third table that do not show up in the first one,
which ones are in the first and third but not in the second,
and which ones are in the first and second but not in the third.

I've come up with quite a few ways of working it but they all involve multiple union statements (or dumping to temp tables) that are joining back to the original tables and then unioning and sorting the results. It just seems like there should be a clean elegant way to do this.

Here is an example:

create table TBL1(PID int, info1 varchar(10) )

Create table TBL2(TID int,PID int)

Create table TBL3(XID int,PID int)

insert into TBL1

select '1','Someone' union all

select '2','Will ' union all

select '4','Have' union all

select '7','An' union all

select '8','Answer' union all

select '9','ForMe'

insert into TBL2

select '1','1' union all

select '2','1' union all

select '3','8' union all

select '4','2' union all

select '5','3' union all

select '6','3' union all

select '7','5' union all

select '8','9'

insert into TBL3

select '1','10' union all

select '2','10' union all

select '3','8' union all

select '4','6' union all

select '5','7' union all

select '6','3' union all

select '7','5' union all

select '8','9'

I need to find the PID and the table it is missing from. So the results should look like:













Thanks all.

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Inserted Records Missing In Sql Table Yet Tables' Primary Key Field Has Been Incremented.

Jun 18, 2007

I have a sql sever 2005 express table with an automatically incremented primary key field. I use a Detailsview to insert new records and on the Detailsview itemInserted event, i send out automated notification emails.
I then received two automated emails(indicating two records have been inserted) but looking at the database, the records are not there. Whats confusing me is that even the tables primary key field had been incremented by two, an indication that indeed the two records should actually be in table.  Recovering these records is not abig deal because i can re-enter them but iam wondering what the possible cause is. How come the id field was even incremented and the records are not there yet iam 100% sure no one deleted them. Its only me who can delete a record.
And then how come i insert new records now and they are all there in the database but now with two id numbers for those missing records skipped. Its not crucial data but for my learning, i feel i deserve understanding why it happened because next time, it might be costly.

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Different MD5 Hash For Identical Records

Apr 8, 2008

I have implemented a script to perform a MD5 hash on each row processed by the SSIS package so that it can be compared with a stored value to see if there has been a change in the record. This package processes over 1 million rows. In 12 of these rows I get a hash value that is different than the stored value despite the fact that the rows "look" identical. Curious about this, I used the both the CheckSum and Binary_Checksum feature from t-sql to check the rows and they both show the identical checksum value. I have exported the rows into text and did a compare and the records are identical. I assume there must be some hidden characters that is causing the hash to be different, has anyone else run into this issue? Any help is much appreciated.

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INSERT Creating 2 Identical Records

Nov 28, 2006

i created a simple table to record all uploaded files to my website. now, it works, but the problem is, it posts to the table 2 times, as in it executes "Button1_Click"  event twice. The result is i get two records which are the same, and only differs in primary key (because i set it as an autonumber). how do i fix this? thanks in advance
here's the code:
HTML:  <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Base_Files] ([User_ID], [Date_Posted], [File_Type], [File_Size], [File_Name], [File_Description]) VALUES (@User_ID, @Date_Posted, @File_Type, @File_Size, @File_Name, @File_Description)">

<asp:Parameter Name="User_ID" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Date_Posted" />
<asp:Parameter Name="File_Type" />
<asp:Parameter Name="File_Size" />
<asp:Parameter Name="File_Name" />
<asp:Parameter Name="File_Description" />

 VB:Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

If FileUpLoad1.HasFile Then FileUpLoad1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(".") & "files" & FileUpLoad1.FileName)
Label1.Text = "Received <strong>" & FileUpLoad1.FileName & "</strong> Content Type: " & FileUpLoad1.PostedFile.ContentType & ", Length: " & FileUpLoad1.PostedFile.ContentLength & "bytes, at " & Date.Now.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy, h:mmtt")

SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters("File_Name").DefaultValue = FileUpLoad1.FileName.ToString()
SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters("User_ID").DefaultValue = User.Identity.Name.ToString()
SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters("File_Type").DefaultValue = FileUpLoad1.PostedFile.ContentType
SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters("File_Size").DefaultValue = FileUpLoad1.PostedFile.ContentLength
SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters("File_Description").DefaultValue = txtDescription.Text.ToString()
SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters("Date_Posted").DefaultValue = Date.Now.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy, h:mmtt")

Label1.Text = "No uploaded file"
End If

End Sub

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Finding Identical Values For A Given Set Of Records??

Mar 13, 2008

Here's what I'd like to be able to do: I have a queue that holds any number tasks, so something like this here:

queue_1 task_a


Workers are assigned to teams, Red team, Blue team, Green team. What I need to do is identify instances where all tasks for a given queue have been handled by one team. Once a task has been assigned to a queue any team can work on it, but when only one team has completed every task in a queue a bonus should be awarded.

I'm looking for this to award a bonus:
queue_num task_num team
queue_1 task_a red
task_b red
task_c red
task_d red

No bonus for any team here
queue_num task_num team
queue_1 task_a red
task_b blue
task_c red
task_d green

So the red team earns a bonus. Now, I have thousands of queues each containing any number of tasks. Using T-SQL how can I find all queues where only one team was responsible for completeing every task assigned to the queue? Do I have to use a cursor and eval each task coming through or is there a faster, more efficient way to handle this in SQL?

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Import/Export Records Between Two Identical Databases In SQL Server 2005

Sep 28, 2007

Hi,Currently, I am developing an application for my client. The issue is that the client has the office and warehouse which are in different locations. He wants the application run and updated all the data in to a database (called warehouse database). Every month, all records in warehouse database will be synchronized to another database which is identical with the warehouse database but it is run in his laptop at the office. Since networking is not an option, I have to create two identical database like this. Does any one know what is the good solution to this? Is there any synchronize feature in SQL Server 2005?Many thanks, 

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Run Identical Query On 3 Tables

Feb 18, 2015

I have a database with three different tables having the exact same fields. New records are written to table1, before moving to table2 and ultimately table3. I was wondering if it's possible to run the same query on all three tables at the same time. I need to get all unique instances in the JC field from each table after a specified date. I get an "Ambiguous column name" error on the JC and TimeID fields.

SELECT distinct [JC]
FROM [table1], [table2], [table3]
where timeid > '20090900';

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SQL Server 2014 :: Combine Records That Are Identical And SUM Values In Price Field

Sep 30, 2015

I have a robust query that returns a dataset and the data is good, however some of the records contain the exact same data with the exception of the 'Price' field. I want to combine the records that are identical and SUM the values in the 'Price' field. My query and example return dataset is below.

select distinct
'On-Demand' as 'Business Line',
o.OrderID as 'Order #',
isnull(d.DisplayCode,'UNK') as Hub,
isnull(rz.RouteID,'UNK') as 'Default Route',
'On-Demand' as 'Assigned Route',

[Code] ....

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Data Transfer From Two Identical Tables.

Apr 2, 2008

I have two tables named Tab1 and Tab2. Both are identical in structure. The only diff is Tab2 has two more additional fields (FromDate and ToDate).
The structure is like below :
Col2 (Date field)

Also Tab 2 have
Col5 (From Date)
Col6 (To Date)

Now I want to transfer some set of reocrds from Tab1 to Tab2. The additional Tab2 field (Col5 and Col6) values should be the minimum and maximum values of Tab1 date field for the current set.

How to accomplish this? Kindly help me in this regard.


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Two Different Tables, Each With Identical Column Names... Query Help

Nov 18, 2005

I have two different tables... one for all Staff, and another for all Temp Staff.  I need both to output to a datagrid, and so I need to grab both tables from a SQL query to output to my datagrid, but I can't seem to get the logic right for it to work.  Can someone give me some suggestions on why my results are blank when I'm running this query?  I thought a simple join would allow both sets of identical column names to coexist in peace...SELECT     TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.StaffDirectory.UserName, dbo.StaffDirectory.LastName, dbo.StaffDirectory.FirstName, dbo.StaffDirectory.Dept,                       dbo.StaffDirectory.Title, dbo.StaffDirectory.EMail, dbo.StaffDirectory.LocationFROM         dbo.StaffDirectory INNER JOIN                      dbo.TempStaff ON dbo.StaffDirectory.Location = dbo.TempStaff.Location AND dbo.StaffDirectory.EMail = dbo.TempStaff.Email AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.Title = dbo.TempStaff.Title AND dbo.StaffDirectory.Dept = dbo.TempStaff.Dept AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.FirstName = dbo.TempStaff.FName AND dbo.StaffDirectory.LastName = dbo.TempStaff.LName AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.UserName = dbo.TempStaff.UName AND dbo.StaffDirectory.MDNo = dbo.TempStaff.MDNoIs something wrong here?  It just doesn't work =(Any suggestions would be really appreciated.Thank you

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SQL Script To Compare Two Identical Tables On Two SQL Servers

May 23, 2007

Hi all,
I have two tables A and B on two both tables have similar architectures bout contain some deferent records.

I like to compare them and find and view the differences in records.

Thanks for any help.


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Join Tables With Almost Identical Column Data

Oct 29, 2014

Selecting the data from these two tables? The columns 'host_ext_id' have the same data BUT in 'adrmst' all data is preceeded by A0000.

table is 'adrmst'

Host External IDAddress NameAddress Line 1Address Line 2City StatePostal Code
A000042401 T-3803VC 1530401 00 WENGER STTOPEKA KS66609
A000042403 CO INC 1420 PP BLVD GARYSBURGNC278319748
A000042405 CO INC 1419 PP BROWN RD KISSIMMEEFL347463415

table is 'shipment'

Shipment IDHost External IDcar_move_idP_DEST_LOC_ID
42401 42401
42402 42402 SDQD_00862TAGSDQD
42403 42403 SDQD_00863TAGSDQD
42404 42404 SDQD_00863TAGSDQD
42405 42405 SDQD_00863TAGSDQD

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Transforming Structurally Identical Tables In A Loop

Dec 12, 2007

I'd like to extend a package functionality.
I created it drag/drop way with hard-coded table names.

Now for the same source and destination connections I'd like somehow in a loop transform 20 source tables of the same structure to 20 destination tables of the same structure providing table names in a loop.
I also have in the package preparation SQL tasks such as dropping destination table if exists, and then re-creation , so it needs to consume a table name as parameter from my loop.

Is it doable ?

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Identical Database W/ Identical Stored Procedures?

Oct 25, 2005

We have written an application which splits up our customers data intotheir individual databases. The structure of the databases is thesame. Is it better to create the same stored procedures in eachdatabase or have them in one central location and use the sp_executesqland execute the generated the SQL statement.Thank you.Mayur Patel

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Looping Through Importing Identical Tables From Multiple Databases

Jan 30, 2008

I'm trying import 7 tables from each of 30 SQL2005 databases into a SQL2005 Consolidation database. I can simply create data flow tasks for each one but instead I would like loop through a list instead.

I've created a table to house the names of the databases from which I want to import the data.
I've created SQL task to return the database names from the table as a "Full Result Set".
I've assigned the result set to a user variable (type = Object) an named the result name 0

What I'd like to do is create a data flow task which connects to each of the databases and imports 7 specified tables from each database appending the table name with my database name in the result set.

I'm stuck on how I'd set the connection strings in my OLE DB Source in my Data Flow task. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Bill Webster

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Two Identical SQL Server Tables That Need To Be Dynamically 'appended' To View In One GridView

Dec 30, 2005

Sorry if this is a super-basic question...I'm used to join selects but not sure how to approach an append select (or something like it)
I have two tables with identical field structures: a Master table with 10,000 rows and a Custom table table with 1,000 rows
To keep it simple, let's say the two tables each have a FirstName field and a LastName Field.
Is it possible to use a View or a Select statement (or any other method) to 'append' the rows of both tables so that the result set still has only the two columns (FirstName and LastName) and has 11,000 rows?
Thanks for your help!

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Replicating Database Btw Two Sites Why Aren't The Tables Identical In Size?

Apr 30, 2007

I am replicating an 80GB database between NY can CT and would like toknow why table sizes are different between the two.Here is an example of sp_spaceused::NY IOI_2007_04_23 rows(279,664) reserved(464,832)data(439,960) index_size(24,624)CT IOI_2007_04_23 rows(279,666) reserved(542,232)data(493,232) index_size(48,784)Thanks,

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Finding Mismatched Rows Between Identical Tables Based On 2 Or More Cols

Jun 8, 2007

CREATE TABLE [RS_A] ([ColA] [varchar] (10)[ColB] [int] NULL)CREATE TABLE [RS_B] ([ColA] [varchar] (10)[ColB] [int] NULL)INSERT INTO RS_AVALUES ('hemingway' , 1)INSERT INTO RS_AVALUES ('vidal' , 2)INSERT INTO RS_AVALUES ('dickens' , 3)INSERT INTO RS_AVALUES ('rushdie' , 4)INSERT INTO RS_BVALUES ('hemingway' , 1)INSERT INTO RS_BVALUES ('vidal' , 2)I need to find all the rows in A which do not exist in Bby matching on both ColA and ColBso the output should bedickens 3rushdie 4So if i write a query like this , I dont get the right result setSELECT A.ColA, A.ColBFROMRS_A AINNERJOIN RS_B BONA.ColA <B.ColAORB.ColB <B.ColBBut if i do the following, i do get the right result, but followingseems convoluted.SELECT A.ColA, A.ColBFROMRS_A AWHERE ColA + CAST(ColB AS VARCHAR)NOT IN (SELECT ColA+CAST(ColB AS VARCHAR) FROMRS_B B)

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Find First Missing Value Sequence

Feb 22, 2014

I have a alphanumeric column that looks something like this:


How would I go about identifying T0002 as the missing value in the sequence?

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How To Find Dates That Are Missing

May 13, 2006


i have a db that gets real time min by min datas everyday but sometimes somehow some of those dates did not written into that db and i wanna know which dates are missing? how can i do it?


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Looping Thru Records To Find Related Records

Oct 31, 2007

Hi, I have had this problem for a while and have not been able solve it.

What im looking at doing is looping thru my patient table and trying to organise the patients in to there admission sequence, so when patient "A" comes in and is treated at my hospital and is discharged and admitted to another Hospital within one day then patient "A" will get a code of 1 being there first admission.

then if patient "A" is admitted again but there admission date is greater than one day they get a code of 2 being for there second admission but will need to loop thru table looking for other admissions and discharges.

The table name is Adm_disc_Match_tbl

Basically what i have 4 fields.
Index_key = which is the patient common link (text)
ur_episode = this wil change for each Hospital (text)
Admission_datetime = patient admission date and time (datetime)
Discharge_datetime = patient discharge date and time (datetime)

example of data

Code: ( text )
Index_key,ur_episode,Admission_datetime,discharge_ datetime
HERBERT-7/1929,513884-1686900,4/07/2006 10:58,17/07/2006 13:37
HERBERT-7/1929,C023092-1698859,17/07/2006 13:20,24/07/2006 0:30
ELSIE-5/1916,G148445-1720874,8/08/2006 11:00,30/08/2006 10:00
STANISLAWA-3/1918 ,G119981-1720045,8/08/2006 13:01,22/08/2006 12:13
FREDA-11/1925,183772-1998910,27/03/2007 9:53,3/04/2007 11:06
FREDA-11/1925,G147858-2007408,3/04/2007 10:49,26/04/2007 12:39
FREDA-11/1925,183772-2037727,28/04/2007 17:05,9/05/2007 11:41
FREDA-11/1925,G147858-2052082,9/05/2007 12:00,25/05/2007 11:17

If anyone could help it would be much appreciated.

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Find Missing Data From Table

Jul 23, 2005

Here is an issue that has me stumped for the past few days. I have atable called MerchTran. Among various columns, the relevant columns forthis issue are:FileDate datetime, SourceTable varchar(25)SQL statement:SELECT DISTINCTFileDate, SourceTableFROMMerchTranORDER BYFileDate, SourceTableData looks like this:FileDate DataSource-----------------------------------2005-02-13 00:00:00.000S12005-02-13 00:00:00.000S22005-02-13 00:00:00.000S32005-02-14 00:00:00.000S12005-02-14 00:00:00.000S22005-02-14 00:00:00.000S32005-02-15 00:00:00.000S22005-02-15 00:00:00.000S32005-02-16 00:00:00.000S12005-02-16 00:00:00.000S22005-02-16 00:00:00.000S32005-02-17 00:00:00.000S12005-02-17 00:00:00.000S22005-02-18 00:00:00.000S12005-02-18 00:00:00.000S22005-02-18 00:00:00.000S32005-02-19 00:00:00.000S12005-02-19 00:00:00.000S3We run a daily process that inserts data in to this table everyday forall 3 sources S1, S2, S3Notice how some data is missing indicating the import process for thatparticular source failed.Example: Missing record2005-02-15 00:00:00.000S12005-02-17 00:00:00.000S32005-02-19 00:00:00.000S2Can someone please help me with a SQL Statement that will return me the3 missing records as above.Thanks in advance for all your help!DBA in distress!Vishal

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Query To Find A Missing Number

Jul 13, 2006

Hello,I need to write a query to find out a set of missing number in a givensequence.Eg : a Column in some table has the following dataCol11234568910Here I need to write a query to find out that number 7 is missing in thegiven sequence.One possible solution is by using any loop. But I am looking out if the samecan be achieved using any query.Thanks in advance.Regards,Mahesh

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Script To Find Out Missing Backups

Jul 22, 2015

Looking for script to find out the databases which are not being backed up only during weekend as we have got about 300 databases and some are not being backed up.

I and my company have a backup history script from where can get the history but I am need of script to find  out the databases that were not backed up only on Saturday and Sunday's.

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Find Missing Sequences By Category

May 22, 2008

I have to identify missing records from the example below.

























I need a script that will identify missing records as below






I do not need to know that CAT1 8 and CAT2 7 are not there as they potentially have not been inserted yet.

I idealy want a nice clean SQL statement and do not particually want to insert new table's or triggers although views i Can deal with to an extent.

up to 50,000 records added per day!!!
Only need script to run once a day and I have insert dates to help me.
Only 12 Categorys
Batch numbers always start at 1 for different categorys

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Anything That You Find In SQL Object Scripts, You Can Also Find Them In System Tables?

Jul 26, 2005

I tried all the INFORMATION_SCHEMA on SQL 2000 andI see that the system tables hold pretty much everything I aminterested in: Objects names (columns, functions, stored procedures, ...)stored procedure statements in syscomments table.My questions are:If you script your whole database everything you end up havingin the text sql scripts, are those also located in the system tables?That means i could simply read those system tables to get any informationI would normally look in the sql script files?Can i quickly generate a SQL statement of all the indexes on my database?I read many places that Microsoftsays not to modify anything in those tables and not query them since theirstructure might change in future SQL versions.Is it safe to use and rely the system tables?I basically want to do at least fetching of information i want from thesystem tables rather than the SQL script files.I also want to know if it's pretty safe for me to make changes in thesetables.Can i rename an object name for example an Index name, a Stored Procedurename?Can i add a new column in the syscolumns table for a user table?Thank you

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