Find Models And Prices For All The Products By Maker B
Aug 9, 2013
Find out the models and prices for all the products (of any type) produced by maker B.
Product(maker, model, type)
PC(code, model, speed, ram, hd, cd, price)
Laptop(code, model, speed, ram, hd, screen, price)
Printer(code, model, color, type, price)
select product.type,
pc.price as pcprice,
laptop.price lapprice,
pc.model as pcmod,
laptop.model as lapmod
from product
pc on product.model=pc.model
laptop on laptop.model=product.model
where maker = 'B'
the syntex runs but its not displaying any results + I know that I have some extra columns there but its for some thing else I was trying
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Sep 22, 2007
Dear all
I have a company that sells fruit and vegetables to the catering industry.
I take orders in the evening for the next day, and buy my fruit and vegetables from wholesale market to deliver to my customers on the next day.
I have sage simply accounting.
I have to enter invoices day before I print them, so I can get a list of items i should buy next day (and also sort them into different routes)
My question is, is there a way to update all the prices on the active invoices (i.e. not printed or posted) for the previous day, after I enter new prices for the fruit and vegetables???
I need this as at the moment I hava to go into individual invoices and enter the products and quantities again.
Many thanks
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Dec 10, 2006
When using the 2005 SQL Server Management Studio Express to create a new query, most of the necesary keyboard functions do not work (Return/Enter, Backspace, Delete, etc). The only way to edit in the New Query tab is to select the undesired text and re-type it. The 'Enter' key is non-functioning so all text appears on one line.
A second issue arises when trying to execute a query. I always get an error message stating that the designated database cannot be found in the System Databases group. I have right-clicked on the database (Northwnd) I am querying to create the new query and I have also used the 'USE' statement but I still get the same error message.
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Oct 23, 2013
Let suppose that we have a table which look like this
BillDate Price
01.01.2013 2.00
01.01.2013 1.00
02.01.2013 3.00
02.01.2013 2.00
03.01.2013 1.00
I would like to sum a prices day by day and output to be like this
BillDate SumDaylyPrice
01.01.2013 3.00
02.01.2013 5.00
03.01.2013 1.00
To point I’ve reached myself is a query:
SELECT BillDate, (SELECT SUM( Price) FROM Table1 ) AS SumDaylyPrice
FROM Table1
(SELECT Min(BillDate) FROM Table1)
(SELECT Max(BillDate) FROM Table1)
but this doesn’t work- summing everityng
I don’t know how to indicate in first row of query
SELECT BillDate, (SELECT SUM( Price) FROM Table1 WHERE DATE = ????) AS SumPrice
a WHERE clause for every day separately.
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Feb 5, 2008
I want to update price of products table from an imported table B.
Here is the code:
Code Snippet
update dbo.tbl_product
set product_wholesale_price = (SELECT dbo.B.WS FROM dbo.B
where dbo.tbl_product.product_id = dbo.B.product_code)
But I am getting the following error:
Msg 107, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The column prefix 'dbo.B' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
Msg 107, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The column prefix 'dbo.B' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
Please tell me where I am wrong..or is there a better way to do it?
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Feb 17, 2013
I have 2 test tables one for stock and one for prices.
I need to select all the rows from Stock but also the price on the stock but the price table doesn't always have the date, so I can not do stock date = price date.
What it needs to do is if the Stoc Date isn't in the price table use the price before... this would also have to be able to run on my rows...
-- Create Test Table (not sure if dates USA or UK format on your machine...
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TheStockLedger](
[EntryID] [int] NULL,
[TheDate] [datetime] NULL,
[StoreCode] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Item] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[ColorCode] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
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Apr 24, 2008
I have a SQL2005 db for tracking the prices of products at multiple retailers. The basic structure is, 'products' table lists individual products, 'retailer_products' table lists current prices of the products at multiple retailers, and 'price_history' table records when the price of a product changes at any retailer. The prices are checked from each retailer daily, but a row is added to the 'price_history' only when the price at the retailer changes.
Database create script:
Full database backup:
Database diagram:
I have the following query to retrieve the price history of a given product at multiple retailers:
price_history.datetimeofchange,, price_history.price
product, retailer, retailer_product, price_history
WHERE = 'b486ed47-4de4-417d-b77b-89819bc728cd'
retailer_product.retailerid =
retailer_product.associatedproductid =
price_history.retailer_productid =
This gives the following results:
2008-03-08 Example Retailer 22.3
2008-03-28 Example Retailer 11.8
2008-03-30 Example Retailer 22.1
2008-04-01 Example Retailer 11.43
2008-04-03 Example Retailer 11.4
The question(s) I have are how can I:
1 - Get the price of a product at a given retailer at a given date/time
For example, get the price of the product at Retailer 2 on 03/28/2008. Table only contains data for Retailer 1 for this date, the behaviour I want is when there is no data available for the query to find the last data at which there was data from that retailer, and use the price from that point - i.e. so for this example the query should result in 2.3 as the price, given that was the last recorded price change from that retailer (03/08/2008).
2 - Get the average price of a product at a given retailer at a given date/time
In this case we would need to perform (1) across all retailers, then average the results
I'd really appretiate anyone's help on this :)
many thanks in advance,
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Mar 13, 2007
I would like to use analysis services to analyze stock prices.
I want to find conditional probabilities:
P (YpriceChg >= 10% s.t. Ydate between A and B| X Price Chg >= 20%)?
�� Like given a price change of X percent or greater, predict the probability of a price change of Y percent or greater, within a specified time window (like 2 days, 3 months etc.).
I also want to add a support filter, like:
N > 30 cases (i.e., there have been at least 10 instances of a 10% or greater price change, for the chosen time window)
I have a database of prices, monthly, daily, etc. I also have a number of cols that compute statistics such as pChg1M, pChg-1M, vChg1d. Like price chg 1 month forward, price change 1 month backward, volumeChg1d forward. Ideally, I would like to minimize the column flags necessary for the experiment. Can you offer some hints, as far as setting up appropriate columns/flags and choosing a algorithm (maybe decision trees, association rules, or NB)?
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Oct 12, 2006
Hi,I would like to change my select to generate table that will resultsThat will haveService, Room, Season A, Season BWhere season names are saved in database and in their colums I would like to have pricing for rooms.How can I accomplish this - I dont know how to clearly explain - hope SQL will help: String selectCommandBookings = "SELECT dbo.Service.Name AS Service, dbo.Room.Name AS Room, dbo.Season.Name AS Season, dbo.HSRSeason.Price"; selectCommandBookings += " FROM dbo.Season INNER JOIN"; selectCommandBookings += " dbo.HSRSeason ON dbo.Season.SeasonID = dbo.HSRSeason.SeasonID INNER JOIN"; selectCommandBookings += " dbo.HSR ON dbo.HSRSeason.HSRID = dbo.HSR.HSRID INNER JOIN"; selectCommandBookings += " dbo.Room ON dbo.HSR.RoomID = dbo.Room.RoomID INNER JOIN"; selectCommandBookings += " dbo.Service ON dbo.HSR.ServiceID = dbo.Service.ServiceID"; selectCommandBookings += " WHERE (dbo.HSR.HotelID = '" + hotelID + "')"; selectCommandBookings += " ORDER BY dbo.Service.Name, dbo.Room.Name, dbo.HSRSeason.Price";
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Dec 30, 2011
Assume you have a table called Tick with 2 columns
tickId bigint IDENTITY(1,1)
, price int -- usually money data type, making it int for simplicity
I am tasked with creating bars that are 10 units long.
Now the catch is I'm not looking for the tickId where price is >= t1(price) + 10 where t1(price) is the price for the first row where tickId = 1. (it could also be where price <= t1(price) - 10)
Here is sample data:
1, 25
2, 26
3, 23
4, 26
5, 27
6, 30
7, 34
8, 32
9, 30
10, 33
What I am looking for are rows 3 (23) and 7 (34)
Currently I have:
DECLARE @tickDiff int
SET @tickDiff = 10
DECLARE @r1TickId bigint
This seems to work but it is taking multiple minutes to run for about 50k rows of data (which I created off of the 24 million row table I have just looking at data from today). So it takes ~5 minutes to create the first bar which is not acceptible.
If my logic above seems acceptable are there any indexes you could recommend. Database engine tuning advisor didn't find any.
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Aug 4, 2007
i have a Products table, and i want to make an image data type to one of his rows (Picture1 for example), i want to know, what is best, to store the picture in the database or store only the direction to the picture?
if i store only the direction, i should take it from some output parameters of the Upload function of ASP and the add it to the Database? can i add it to a special folder for example MySiteUserName + file name?
and another thing: let's say i have Promotion - tinyint, to store the promotion value of this product..If i show products using DataList, i could order my products first after Promotion and then after date added? could i use a special CssClass(font weight or other background) for the products witch has the Promotion more than 10 for example?
how can i know the exact date time (yy/mm/dd/hh/mm) ? - it is taked from the Server date?
thank you
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Jan 11, 1999
For the last 2 years we have been using ArcServe for Windows NT (version 6.0 and 6.5) with the Backup Agent for SQL Server. We are now re-evaluating our backup software. Our primary issues with ArcServe are that it has been unstable, unreliable and it does not support the full SQL Server recovery functionality. ArcServe does not include the ability to do point-in-time database recovery. Nor does it support single table restores (when a full database backup was performed). These last 2 items are critical and necessary features at my installation.
What products do people recommend for performs Windows NT files and MS-SQL Server backups?
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Feb 25, 2005
Consider the below tables
Table: Products
| pid | pname | ranking | cat1 | cat2 | cat3 | mid |
| 1 | x1 | 20 | 2 | 3 | -1 | 1 |
| 2 | x2 | 40 | 3 | 2 | -1 | 1 |
| 3 | x3 | 80 | 2 | 4 | -1 | 1 |
| 4 | y1 | 40 | 2 | -1 | -1 | 2 |
| 5 | y2 | 60 | 1 | 3 | -1 | 2 |
| 6 | z1 | 50 | 3 | -1 | -1 | 3 |
| 7 | z2 | 70 | 1 | 3 | -1 | 4 |
Table: Manufacturers
| mid | mname |
| 1 | A1 |
| 2 | B2 |
| 3 | C3 |
Table: Categories
| cid | cname |
| 1 | I1 |
| 2 | J2 |
| 3 | K3 |
Say if I want to get the top 3 products that fall under category "J2" and have them ordered by ranking then I would use the
below query
ELECT DISTINCT TOP 3 mid, pid, pname, prank, mname
FROM Products, Manufacturers, Categories
WHERE Products.mid = Manufacturers.mid AND (cat1=2 OR cat2=2 OR cat3=2)
ORDER BY ranking
Now what if I need the top 3 ranked products that fall under category "J2" and have them ordered by ranking selecting only
one product from each manufacturer. So in order words I want the top ranked product from each manufacturer.
What would that query be?
I am having a really tough time and have already spent quite sometime on it unsuccessfully. I would appreciate any help.
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Nov 6, 2007
Hi guys, I am an absolute beginner to SQL Server, so please excuse my
simple questions. What is the difference between:
1) Microsoft SQL Server 2005
2) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
3) MSDE?
Do both the SQL Server and Express Edition have the same functionality?
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Sep 30, 2007
I want to have visitors to my website get price calculations from my database based on input variables which the visitor enters. I think I need the combination of Access, ASP.NET, and Sql Sever. Is this correct?
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May 3, 2007
I am trying to write a bit of code that I can pass a brand name to. If the brand name exists I want to return the brandid to the calling middle tier. If the brand id does not exist I want to insert and then return the new brand id. The code below works unless the brand does not exist. Then it inserts, and I get an application exception. Next time I run the code it continues on until the next time it has to do an insert. So the inserts are working, but getting the value back is resulting in an application excetio.
Middle Tier Function (
private static int GetBrandForProduct(clsProduct o)
int brandid = -1;
// If the brand name comes in blank use the first word of the overstock product
o.BrandName = o.BrandName.Trim();
// if we do not have a brand for this product
if (o.BrandName.Length == 0) return -1;
Database db = CommonManager.GetDatabase();
// Get the brand id for this brand name
// If it does not exist we will add it and STILL return a brand id
object obj = db.ExecuteScalar("BrandIDGetOrInsert", o.BrandName);
string catid = obj.ToString(); *** FAILING LINE ***
return Convert.ToInt32(obj.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return -1;
return brandid;
Stored Procedure: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[BrandIDGetOrInsert]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@brandnameparm varchar(50)
SELECT brandid from brands
where Lower(brandname) = Lower(@brandnameparm)
-- If we found a record, exit
if @@rowcount > 0 return
-- We did not find a record, so add a new one.
insert into brands (Brandname) values(@brandnameparm)
SELECT brandid from brands
where Lower(brandname) = Lower(@brandnameparm)
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Aug 8, 2007
Hi everyone,
This is probably a very easy question:
I have a shopping cart table and two products tables (legacy reasons...).
I need to create a relationship between the ShoppingCart table and the two products tables such that no products are entered in the Cart which don't exist in either product table 1 or product table 2.
Any ideas?
Thanks heaps,
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Nov 20, 2005
I have successfully downloaded and installed the VS C# 2005 Express, Web Developer 2005 Express, and SQL Server 2005 Express.
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Mar 19, 2007
I'm trying to select the TOP 20 Products per Catagory out of my Star Topology Database
if someone would PLEASE be able to help me out.
Here is my Query: -
SELECT Distinct (SELECT TOP 20 DP.[Description]), DP.Mims_Sub_Cat, SUM(FD.Cost) AS 'Cost'
FROM DIM_Product DP, FACT_Dispensary FD, DIM_Time DT, DIM_Client DC
WHERE DP.Product_KEY = FD.Product_Key
AND FD.Client_Key = DC.Client_KEY
AND DT.[Year] = 2007
AND DT.[Month] IN (2)
AND Client_name LIKE '%Medicare%'
AND DP.Manufacture_Name LIKE '%Cipla%'
--AND DP.[Description] IN (SELECT TOP 20 [Description])
AND DP.Mims_Sub_Cat IN (SELECT Mims_Sub_Cat)
GROUP BY DP.Mims_Sub_Cat, DP.[Description], FD.Cost
ORDER by DP.Mims_Sub_Cat, SUM(FD.Cost) DESC
My other problem is that it keeps on selecting the same products although i have a distinct in my query
The query will select a product with the amount and then select the same product again with a different amount.
Example :-
Product Descripion Catagory Cost
ULTAK TABS 150MG 60 Acid Reducers 384.94
ULTAK TABS 150MG 60 Acid Reducers 85.54
ULTAK TABS 150MG 60 Acid Reducers 56.98
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Apr 16, 2007
How can I store more than one category in a products table?
For exampe: I have a dvd website where the admin can add new dvd's. On the website all the categories are listed with a checkbox. If the dvd is a action comedy the admin have to check these two checkboxes. But how do I store that in the sql database an retrieve it?
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Nov 4, 2003
Are there any other products out there to monitor database availability
in SQL server 2000 beside Tivoli by IBM?
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May 29, 2008
Hi i've to table where i have a product code and a area code.
I want to insert the values from table 1 into table 2 if the product code and area code do not already exists in the table in table 2.
Am using this code below but it does not seem to be working.
select distinct p_code1, area_code
from table1
where not exists
(select p_code, area_code
from table 2 )
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Jul 20, 2005
[crossposted]Hi, I wonder if anyone might lend me a brain.I have a stock database to build that covers over 1000 products, whichmight be said to exist in around 50 product families.Obviously, just to be awkward all the types of stock will havedifferent attributes. So one product might be a tube withinside/outside diameter and length and another a T shaped cable joint.All I can come up with is a separate table for each stock type familyand store the table name and product code in the main stock table, so:Tables:ProdAProdBProdCStockStock attributes:ProdIdProdTableAmountDateetc..ProdA attribute:ProdIdAttributeXAttributeYAttributeZetc..Then use code to parse the table and product ID to select the correctquery to get the product details. BUT This seems awefuly inelegant andpotentially wrong so I'm loathe to continue down this route.Can anyone tell me the "right" way to do this, I feel sure it must bea classic db design exercise, but unfortunatly one they didn't teachus at University -- or maybe I was asleep...Thanks!
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Oct 23, 2015
I got a stored proc which returns the result dataset.
My requirement is to sort the final output depending on a parameter value (which is dependent on 2 different amount column from the result dataset) , display only top 10 products and equate the % mix for those 10 products only. Basically the % mix column should sum up to 100% for those top 10 products.
How do I achieve it in SSRS ?
If I do
=Fields!ProductCurrentBalance.Value/SUM(Fields!ProductCurrentBalance.Value, "ds_Top10ProductMix")
Then it divides by the SUM for all products and not the TOP 10 products only.
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Sep 11, 2007
The query I have written below works fine. However, I now want to uncomment the WHERE clause below to find entries where the PatientAge does not fall between the PAGBeginningAge and PAGEndingAge. However, when I uncomment the WHERE clause line I receive the following error message:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 28
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'.
SELECT ampfm.rpt_AdtVisit.PatientFullName, ampfm.rpt_AdtVisit.AdmitPriorityCode, ampfm.dct_AdmitPriorityType.AdmitPriorityTypeName,
ampfm.rpt_AdtVisit.AccountNumber, ampfm.rpt_PatientDemographics.PatientAge, ampfm.rpt_PatientDemographics.PatientAgeGroup,
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '0 - 14' THEN '0' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '15 - 24' THEN '15' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '25 - 34' THEN '25' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '35 - 44' THEN '35' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '45 - 54' THEN '45' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '55 - 64' THEN '55' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '65 - 74' THEN '65' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '75 - 79' THEN '75' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '80 - OVER' THEN '80'
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '0 - 14' THEN '14' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '15 - 24' THEN '24' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '25 - 34' THEN '34' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '35 - 44' THEN '44' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '45 - 54' THEN '54' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '55 - 64' THEN '64' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '65 - 74' THEN '74' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '75 - 79' THEN '79' ELSE
CASE WHEN PatientAgeGroup = '80 - OVER' THEN '200'
--WHERE PatientAge NOT BETWEEN PAGBeginningAge AND PAGEndingAge
FROM ampfm.dct_AdmitPriorityType INNER JOIN
ampfm.rpt_AdtVisit ON ampfm.dct_AdmitPriorityType.AdmitPriorityTypeCode = ampfm.rpt_AdtVisit.AdmitPriorityCode INNER JOIN
ampfm.rpt_PatientDemographics ON ampfm.rpt_AdtVisit.RegNum = ampfm.rpt_PatientDemographics.RegNum
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Sep 11, 2015
i designed a database for eshop.
i have two table one of them is products and it has id,code,name columns and the other one is option with id,proid,option,optiondes column. and there is a relationship with id from products to proid in option table.
i want to make query that results is compare two or more products with the same option column.
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Feb 27, 2007
I'm wondering what would be the best approach to designing a database that will have different products one of them being T-Shirts of different sizes... for example 1 t-shirt design might only have 2 available sizes while another may have 4. I'm kinda stumped on how to approach this cuz there is multiple products like CD's, DVD's, Magazines etc which is pretty straight forward, but the T-shirts have this "variable" to it.
What i'm really wondering is should i have 1 main "Products" Table or should i have a separate table for the t-shirts? Should there be a column for each available size?
Currently my database has a "products table" that has foreign keys to "Product Type", "Artists", "Genre"
The database is basically for a record company
If anyone has designed a database similar to this i'd love any insight or even possibly to see a database diagram
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Nov 27, 2007
selecting number of products that comes under a parent categorysqlserver2005CREATE TABLE [ProductCategoryAssociation]([CategoryID] [bigint] , --this is primary key of table Category[ProductID] [bigint] ,--this is primary key of table product) the above table binds a product to its category CEATE TABLE [Category]([CategoryID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) -- this is primary key of table category[Name] [nvarchar](255)[ParentCategory] [bigint] NULL,) I have a Category"A" as a supper parentcategoryI have 1product in Category"A"Category"A" have 2 child category A11,A12. A11,A12 both have 2 products in the category (totally 4)Now I can get the count of all product belong Category"A" (ie is 5= 1+2*2) fivelet 1 be the id of category "A" Now the following querry give me the expected resultselect count(ProductId) from ProductCategoryAssociation where categoryid=1 or categoryid in (select categoryid from Category where Parentcategory=1) BUT if i have child for A11 named A111 and if there is ONE product belong to A111 this querry wont take that in to cosiderationso the following querry will do itselect count(ProductId) from ProductCategoryAssociation where categoryid=1 or categoryid in (select categoryid from Category where Parentcategory=1 or Parentcategory in (select categoryid from Category where Parentcategory=1))ie i nested one more selectbuthis has limitationsSo kindly give me a general solution to check up to the las level of category
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Oct 6, 2006
i want to make a web page and when somebody come in. i want show for him which products that everyone often buy at that time ( month or summer ).
how i do in data mining to predict that products ?
more: i want know how much percent of product is like by buyer
or i want show products with desc % of the like of people
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Jan 29, 2008
I'm completely stumped by this one.
Yesterday I installed Microsoft Visio Professional 2003 and Microsoft Project 2003.
Today when I open any of my SSIS packages I get this:
There were errors while the package was being loaded.
The package might be corrupted.
See the Error List for details.
The error list says: Unable to instantiate XML DOM document please verify that the MSXML binaries are properly installed and registered.
When I try to create a new integration services project I get the following modal message box:
Failed to save Package File C:Documents and SettingsMyNameLocalSettingsTemp mp172.tmp with error 0x8002802B - Element Not Found
Yet I can create and run a small C# program no problem, and SQL Server Management Studio seems to be OK.
What do I need to de-install and buy a seperate computer for here? Is it Visio or Project?
Thanks in advance
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Sep 4, 2006
I have developed a product
basket mining model as follows
SELECT C.CustomerId,C.CustomerIdName,P.ProductId,P.ProductIdName
JOIN CustomerProduct
ON C.OpportunityId
= P.OpportunityId
Mining Structure
ProductId TEXT KEY
USING Microsoft_Association_Rules
Prediction Query
Since I want the output in the following format
Items (nested Table)
product B
Product C
Product A
Product C
I have written the prediction query as follows
PredictAssociation([Association].[ ProductId],3)
OPENQUERY([Adventure Works Cycle MSCRM],
(SELECT ProductId FROM ProductBase)
as [Product]
') AS t
[Association].[Product Id] = t.[ProductId]
The model is predicting the
same set of products for every case. Even changes in the algorithm parameter
value do not have any impact on the result.
What is the reason for this and
how can u rectify it?
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Nov 28, 2014
Query that show me a Products Tables and its models, 1 product could have 2 or more models
Example Table Products
id Name
1 Product 1
2 Product 2
3 Product 3
Example Table Models
idmodel idproduct model
1 1 Model 1
2 1 Model 2
3 1 Model 3
4 2 Model 1
5 2 Model 2
6 3 Model 1
And I want to show:
Product Model
Product 1 Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Product 2 Model 1
Model 2
Product 3 Model 1
How can I query to show that?
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Apr 14, 2006
We have a 3 month old quad processor/dual core server running SQLServer 2005 and already it is getting close to hitting the CPU wall.An 8 way CPU box is prohibitively expensive and out of the question. Iam looking desperately for a way to TRULY scale out SQL thesame way that IIS can be scaled out via App Center.The "in the box" solution for SQL Server 2005 scaling out is the DMV.Unfortunately this solution makes the system less available rather thanmore (one server outage takes them all out for that table) and requiresserious rearchitecting of the software to use. Contrast this to IISand AppCenter where each added server makes the system more available,and requires no rearchitecting to work.Before someone says "what you want can't be done in adatabase"...Oracle has an application server middleware product thatlets you do both of the above. Just plug a new server with Oracle onit, and you've doubled your capacity. But SQL Server 2005 doesn't yethave a similar capability.So I read with great interest the following article that talks aboutwhy this is the case with SQL Server. There are two issues that makeit very difficult to do:http://www.sql-server-performance.c...ability_availab...You can create a crude pool using replication, but the performancetimes look horrendous.However, the article also talks about the latest developments in thisfield...specifically MIDDLEWARE that can create a scale out solutionthat is more available and that requires simply adding new servers toscale up.I found two companies which seem to offer this new capability: companies appear to have patents or a patent pending on theprocess. I tried to contact metaverse but got no reply, despite theirrecent press release. I just emailed Pcticorp today to see if I couldlearn more about their product.My question for this group is:Does anyone have experience with either of the two products (or anyothers that provide this capability)?Many thanks in advance for your help.Ian Ippolito
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