When Station = 'D_CC' then Cycle_Index suppose to start a new cycle. So my problem is trying to find the next 'D_CC' and store the incremental cycle # in a New_Cycle column.
Sorry to confuse you by changing the text color!
Case when Station = 'D_CC' then Cycle_Index = Cycle_Index + 1; based on the prior cycle # and continuos to find next 'D_CC' until the end; regardles whatever in between the prior D_CC to next D_CC.
Bottom line is searching the next value from Station = D_CC then cycle # in Cycle_Index column need to be incremented by 1 and stored the new cycle # in New_Cycle column as the actual cycle.
I have a store procedure that works fine when tested in SQL Management Studio and Visual Studio but when I actually running the page in a browser, it does not work. There is no result generated. Below is my store procedure.1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spSearch] 2 -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here 3 @schoolID int = NULL, 4 @scholarship varchar(250) = NULL, 5 @major varchar(250) = NULL, 6 @requirement varchar(250) = NULL 7 --@debug bit = 0 8 AS 9 BEGIN 10 -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from 11 -- interfering with SELECT statements. 12 SET NOCOUNT ON; 13 14 -- Insert statements for procedure here 15 16 Declare @SQL as NVarchar(4000); 17 Declare @Params as NVarchar(3000); 18 Set @SQL = N'SELECT * FROM [scholarship] WHERE [sectionID] = @schoolID'; 19 Set @Params = N'@schoolID int,@scholarship varchar(250),@major varchar(250),@requirement varchar(250)' 20 21 If @scholarship IS NOT NULL 22 Set @SQL = @SQL + N' AND [scholarship].[schlrName] LIKE + ''%'' + @scholarship + ''%''' 23 If @major IS NOT NULL 24 Set @SQL = @SQL + N' AND [scholarship].[Specification] LIKE + ''%'' + @major + ''%''' 25 If @requirement IS NOT NULL 26 Set @SQL = @SQL + N' AND ([scholarship].[reqr1] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%''' 27 If @requirement IS NOT NULL 28 Set @SQL = @SQL + N' OR [scholarship].[reqr2] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%''' 29 If @requirement IS NOT NULL 30 Set @SQL = @SQL + N' OR [scholarship].[reqr3] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%''' 31 If @requirement IS NOT NULL 32 Set @SQL = @SQL + N' OR [scholarship].[reqr4] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%''' 33 If @requirement IS NOT NULL 34 Set @SQL = @SQL + N' OR [scholarship].[reqr5] LIKE + ''%'' + @requirement + ''%'')' 35 --If @debug = 1 36 --PRINT @SQL 37 Exec sp_executesql @SQL, @Params, @schoolID, @scholarship, @major, @requirement 38 END 39
Hi guys. I have been struggling for days now to store the result of a stored procedure from a linkedserver. To make a long story short, here is my code...
CREATE PROCEDURE F_GET_KRONOS_HRS @wono varchar(12) AS BEGIN declare @str nvarchar(2000) declare @a varchar(10)
create table #t (paycode varchar(7), hrs varchar(255)) insert into #t exec sp_executesql @str select @a = hrs from #t where paycode='ST' drop table #t print @a
if i call exec sp_execute @str, it will output this PAYCODE HRS ------- -------- ST 08: 30 OT 54: 00
(2 row(s) affected)
I want those #'s store into a temp variable OR be passed to another procedure. HOW DO I DO IT. This is the last step holding me back from completing my DataWareHouse.
One column in my table stores SQL queries(QueryCoulmn). Another coulmn supposed to store the result of those queries(ResultColumn). Can I run an update query or how can I do that? I could not figure out the syntax.
update tablename set ResultColumn=exec(QueryCoulmn)
I am building a simple package that looks at the results of a sql query, prior to running the next step.
Basically Outline and settings
SQL task
Result Set: Full result set
SQL Source: Direct Input
SQL Statement: Select Count (*) FROM X
Parameter Mapping
Variable Name: User::C
Direction: Return Value
Data Type: Numeric
Parameter Name: NewParameterName
Result Set = NewResultName: User::C
Precedence Constraint
Evaluation Operation: Expression and Constraint
Value: Success
Expression: @C > 0 ( I originally tried User::C and received an error message)
Execute SQL Server Agent Job
If step one results greater than 1, then execute the SQL agent job (SRS Report) Using this setup I receive an error message stating "
TITLE: Package Validation Error ------------------------------ Package Validation Error ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Error at Package: The expression "@C > 0" must evaluate to True or False. Change the expression to evaluate to a Boolean value. Error at Package: There was an error in the precedence constraint between "Execute SQL Task" and "Execute SQL Server Agent Job Task". (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration)
Any thought or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I excute sp_columns in my Stored Procedure script to get the data type of a table column. EXEC sp_columns @table_name = 'XXX', @column_name='YYY' How do i store the column 'TYPE_NAME' in the return row into a variable so that i can use it later in my stored procedure? Thanks Hannah
I wrote a stored procedure that finds a number. I want to store the number it finds into a variable so i can use it within another procedure. I hope i'm being clear. Any help will be appreciated. Here is an example of how i am finding my number Employee is the name of my table and Number is the name of my column.
I have a dynamic query which returns me a result and I want to capture that value to make further use of it in the same code. Is that possible?? exec ('select col_nm from table_name'). i want the result of this query to be captured. DP
I use new query to execute my store procedure but didnt return any value is that any error for my sql statement??
USE [Pharmacy_posicnet] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_sysconf] Script Date: 22/07/2015 4:01:38 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER procedure [dbo].[usp_sysconf]
name age weightaaa 23 50bbb 23 60ccc 22 70ddd 24 20 eee 22 30i need the output that calculate the sum of weight group by name input : age limit ex: 22 - 23 output : age total weight 23 11022 100 this output must stored in a sql declared variable for some other further process .
First, I have that code whenever i disregard the "having ranges<=3" it selects record but when I include it it returns error. The problem is I want to just select records with ranges less than 3 miles..how do I do that.. and I want to count the number of selected rows and store it on a column on the same table.
I have a stored procedure that returns XML using FOR XML Explicit. I need to use the output of this procedure in another procedure, and modify the xml output before it is saved somewhere.
Say StoredProc1 is the one returning xml output and StoredProc2 needs to consume the output of StoredProc1
I declared a nvarchar(max) variable and trying to saved the result of StoredProc1
I wanted to insert the result-set of a Exec(@sqlcommand) into a temp table. I can do that by using:
Insert into #temp Exec(@sqlcommand)
For this to accomplish we need to define the table structure in advance. But am preparing a dynamic-sql command and storing that in variable @sqlcommand and the output changes for each query execution. So my question is how to insert/capture the result-set of Exec(@sqlcommand) into a temp table when we don't know the table structure.
I cannot find the data type for parameter mapping from Execute SQL Task Editor to make this works.
1. Execute SQL Task 1 - select max(columnA) from tableA. ColumnA is varbinary(8); set result to variable which data type is Object.
2. Execute SQL Task 2 - update tableB set columnB = ? What data type should I use to map the parameter? I tried different data types, none working except GUI but it returned wrong result.
Does SSIS variable support varbinary data type? I know there's a bug issue with bigint data type and there's a work-around. Is it same situation with varbinary?
We have some reports run quite slow because the queries are complicate and tables are large. So we create a materialized view in Oracle which store the result from the query and refresh it occationally. How to do this in MSSQL? I try the indexed view but seems it has lots of restrictions, our query has sub queries and cross database table joins so can't use the indexed view. Any other object or temp table can be used to cache the report data and be accessed globally by other procedures?
I have two tables in my database. Some matching rules are associated with these tables and I want a query which will retrieve those data based on the matching rules provided below:
Is anyone has store procedure that find city and zipcode by radius (10 miles, 30 miles, 50 miles.......) and also table that has all zipcodes. I finded one, but it's look like very old one, not updated since 2005
I am trying to get a result like below without using the cursor.
col1 col2 col3 col4
1111 date uniquenumber 6 1111 date uniquenumber 5 1111 date uniquenumber 4 1111 date uniquenumber 3 1111 date uniquenumber 2 1111 date uniquenumber 1 2222 date uniquenumber 4 2222 date uniquenumber 3 2222 date uniquenumber 2 2222 date uniquenumber 1 3333 date uniquenumber 2 3333 date uniquenumber 1
the column that say unique number is unique and is not duplicated and date column might have duplicates
Please advise whether it is possible to write a query without cursor.
I am looking to create a incremental value based on the resulting insert that I am using. There already is another field being used as an identity field. I have a beginning value that I just want to add the row number to for the insert.
insert into lineitem select substring(group_id,4,len(ltrim(rtrim(group_id)))-3) as co_code, 0,0,(case when enddate < cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(10))+cast(day(getdate()) as varchar(10)) then 'Prior' else 'Current' end ), left(acct_type,2) as bene_type, convert(smalldatetime,left(ltrim(rtrim(eff_date)), 8)), 0,trans_amt,0,0,convert(smalldatetime,left(ltrim(r trim(sett_date)),8)), ltrim(rtrim(b.fname)) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(b.lname)) as payee,0,0,a.ssn,'Y',999+count(*), (case when isnull(b.location,'') = '' then '' else b.location end) as location from mbi_tran_temp a left join enrollees b on a.ssn = b.ssn and ltrim(rtrim(a.group_id)) = ltrim(rtrim(b.mbicode))
The '999+count(*)' is where I would like to have the incremental value.