Find Out The Columns Should Be Referred Through Foreign Key
Aug 2, 2007
For example if we clearly define a foreign key in the master and child table as following script -
CREATE TABLE master(pkey int PRIMARY KEY, data varchar(10))
CREATE TABLE child (fkey int CONSTRAINT fk_master_child
FOREIGN KEY (fkey) REFERENCES master(pkey))
We can find out the two tables reference relationship by looking at INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables.
However, if the two tables are created in this way €“
CREATE TABLE master(pkey int PRIMARY KEY, data varchar(10))
CREATE TABLE child (fkey int)
Does any one know how to programming verify the actual reference relationship exists between pkey and fkey in these two tables?
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Apr 17, 2014
how to find all primary key columns & foreign key columns in all database tables?
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Oct 20, 2015
Is there a way to find all the table names that have a foreign key that references FILE_ID_IN([FILE_ID])
Note: The table def below has a foreign key
Print 'Creating table CODE_MAP_IN...'
Create table CODE_MAP_IN
[CODE_MAP_FR] [varchar] (53),
[CODE_MAP_TO] [varchar] (53),
[FILE_ID] [float] DEFAULT 1000
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Aug 8, 2006
I am deleting a column from a table in code. Before I drop the colum I need to find if the column belongs to a foreign key. I have the names of the foreign keys for the table from sysobjects.How can I determine what columns are part of the foreign key?
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Apr 10, 2015
How can i find the primary field name and primary table name of a given foreign key.
For example
Table A:
Table B:
column3 <---- this is foreign key to table A's IDa
What i want to do is i pass input of tableB, column3 and i get name of Primary tableA and field name IDa. How is it possible to do in tsql ?
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Dec 20, 2006
I am trying to query the database to get me the foreign key columns and the tables they belong to.I have: The name of the tableI need:The name of the column in the target tableThe name of the column in the referenced tableThe name of the referenced table Any help would be great, thanks
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Feb 12, 2006
Could anyone tell me why it is not possible to create a foreign key on two columns those references on 2 columns in another table? Those 2 columns have each a unique constraint.
I have:
And I want to do:
I see no reason why this is not working because always
a row in the table T_FK referencing only one row in table T_PK.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hei,We have 2 MS SQL SERVER 2000 installed on 2 different servers (2 separatedmachines).I am triing to connect them sĺ that when one row is added to the table inthe database in main server - then the same row is added to the same tablein the second server database.I made the insert trigger on the table in the first server ( the secondserver is added as a linked server):-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------create trigger ti_myTabe1 on myTable1 for insert asbegindeclare ........BEGINinsert into server2.myDatabase2.owner.myTable2(column1, column2, column3)SELECT column1, column2, column3FROM inserted insEND......end-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When I run the statement in "SQL Query Analyzer"on the first server:insert into Table1 values(va1,val2,val3)then error is coming:Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ti_myTabe1 , Line 19The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'was unable to begin a distributed transaction.[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in thespecified transaction coordinator. ]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB'ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].The straing thing is: if I run the statement in "SQL Query Analyzer"on thefirst server:insert into server2.myDatabase2.owner.myTable2 values(va1,val2,val3)then it works!But not inside the trigger!!! - What I am doing wrong ?Any idea is greatly appeciated.
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Apr 24, 2006
Hi Friends,
me again. I am trying to find out if all of my intended foreign keys are actually set as foreign keys programmatically.
Ive stuffed something up, please find my error
SELECT DISTINCT 'Alter table '+ table_name +
' ADD CONSTRAINT DF_'+ table_name + '_' + column_name +
' DEFAULT ' + ''''' FOR '+ column_name FROM Information_schema.columns
WHERE ((column_name Like '%fk%') AND (FROM Information_schema.type = F))
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Oct 14, 2015
I've a table named Master in which a column is referenced in other tables like Child1, Child2,.. ChildN. I've deleted a part of data( say Column Id values 1,2,3,4,5) from all the Child tables which pointed to Master table Id column.
Now, I want to delete the same Id values from Master table as there rows are not referred in any of the child tables. When I try to delete the Id values 1 thru 5 from Master table, it is scanning all child tables for the references and taking lot of time for the deletion.
Is there any way to specify to the system(in the query) to delete the Master table values without scanning the child tables..?
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Sep 2, 2015
We are getting below error while stored proc is being run:
SqlException: Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "sqlcdsclustersqlcds".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "sqlcdsclustersqlcds" returned message "Row handle referred to a deleted row or a row marked for deletion.".
Here is the definition of the stored proc:
CREATE PROC [dbo].[usp_MobileAppOnClick_InsertNoCabsTranData_Log]
@CustomerMobileNo VARCHAR(40),
@City VARCHAR(50) = '',
@PickUpLat REAL,
@PickUpLng REAL,
@NextAvailableSlot_Meru VARCHAR(20),
[Code] ....
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Mar 19, 2014
I have a table called Appointment, for storing (you guessed it) appointments at a medical practice. If an appointment is cancelled, I want to collect a cancellation reason, so let's say that I create a second table called Cancellation which has a foreign key relating to the Appointment table's primary key, AppointmentID, and another column, Reason. Now, in order to indicate that an appointment was cancelled, I could include a Cancelled column in the Appointment table with a bit datatype, or instead I could infer that an appointment must be cancelled if it has a corresponding record in the Cancellation table.
It may be that it'd be better to store the cancellation reason in the Appointment table - But regardless, let's say I stick with the two-table solution described above, and I subsequently want to write a query to list all appointments which have been cancelled. If I had the Cancelled column in the Appointment table, I could simply query for all records in that table where that column's value was FALSE. If I went the other way and DIDN'T have a Cancelled column, I could instead write a query joining the Appointment and Cancellation tables to return all records in Appointment with a corresponding record in Cancellation.
That latter method, whilst slightly more complicated because it involves joining two tables, seems to me to be the most normalised. Instead of storing the fact that an appointment is cancelled in two different tables, that fact is only stored in the Cancellation table. Would there be a performance hit in using the two-table, 'inferred cancellation' method rather than just having a bit column in the Appointment table? Would that performance hit be enough to persuade you to use a Cancellation column in the Appointment table instead? And what about if I were to apply that method to other things associated with each appointment, e.g. Is it completed? Is it chargeable to the client or an insurance company? Is the client and in-patient or out-patient?
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Aug 25, 2015
We have a database with hundreds of tables, each with "CreatedByLoginId" and "ModifiedByLoginId" FK columns back to the Login table. Â This is all fine and well, but 500+ tables all link back to Login table every time a record is inserted or updated.
For strictly performance reasons, what do you think of us REMOVING the FK constraints on all of our tables? Â While this does mean that a GUID that is not a valid LoginId could potentially be put in a table, I'm not too worried about it because users don't have direct access to the database.
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May 5, 2008
Hi is there any way to find no. of columns in a database table
like we can do that in Oracle by typing DESC tablename
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Mar 9, 2008
Hi I want to find 3 different columns maximum values in one shot. Like I tried to use a reader to go through results but it kept coming back with index out of bounds. Right now to get it to work I got to use a ExecuteScalar() get the first columns max value and then open the connection again(since it seems after ExecuteScalar() it closes the connection) and then do the ExecuteScalar() again. Open the connection again and do the ExecuteScalar() again. Theres got to be a better way of doing this.
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Jun 2, 2008
Im having trouble finding a solution to comparing columns to find the lowest value.
Row 1
COL 1 = 10
COL 2 = 20
COL 3 = 60
COL 4 = 5
COL 5 = 35
I would want to return 5.
I tried to write a case statement such as below but am unable to use Logical Operators.
WHEN C1 <= C2 and C1<= C3 THEN C1
any help would be great.
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Apr 19, 2007
i like to write a sql query to find out similar columns in different tables.
i have something like this. but my logic is wrong.
select *
from information_schema.columns a
join information_schema.columns b
on a.column_name = b.column_name
and a.table_name <> b.table_name
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Nov 27, 2006
In every database we have 'sysobjects' table storing names of all objects(including all keys) in our data base. How can I find all columns, that the key is made of? Sorry about my english :-/
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Oct 16, 2007
Can anyone pls help me to solve my problem in SSRS. Also I wanted to plot the 'Ratio' in to a chart against the 'Year'.
The scenario is:
Year Amount_A Amount_B Ratio(Amount_A/Amount_B)
05 x y x/y
06 a b a/b
07 m n m/n
Its very needy.
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Jul 21, 2007
I have an application that I inherited, and I have a annoying problem. We're using stored procedures to return most of our data, and occasionally we receive errors stating that a particular column cannot be found in the resulting data table. When I run the stored procedure against SQL Server I receive the expected output. What would make this random act happen, any ideas?
Also, I keep receiving errors stating that a connection is already open and needs to be closed before an action to the database is performed. I'm explicitly closing each connection in a finally block for every method in my data access code, so a connection should always be closed, right?
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May 9, 2008
TableName: EmployeeCloumns: EmployeeID EmployeeName If I do "Select * From Employee", is there a way to do something like this...
Loop through each result IterateThroughControls.ID &= dbTable & dbColumnName & "<br />"EndSo that the end result would assign ID values...EmployeeEmployeeIDEmployeeEmployeeName
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Jun 15, 2005
I have a sql query which gives me the result set with lots of columns and rows.
a b c allocated unallocated
- ------ 75458702 0484095809
------- 534534 8743857
------- 953459034 90584395
i have to find of which is the smallest number in both allocated and unallocated columns -
here in this case
it would be 534534.
how do i do this ?
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Oct 9, 2006
I want to find the columns which execute updatetriggers. Is there in sqlserver a way to find out?
In Oracle you can say:
I tried: EXEC sp_depends "dba.JobUpdate".
This says nothing about the updatecolumns.
Can anybody help?
thanx and greetz
C Dunnink
The Netherlands
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Jan 24, 2014
I am trying to produce a report in Application express. I want to find records where there is a difference between 2 columns eg
Debt_amount - billed_amount
where debt >billed amount
I only want to see records where the debt is more than the amount billed
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May 30, 2007
Dear experts,
how can i find the ntext datatype columns in a database?
please guide me
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May 30, 2007
Dear Experts, i need one query to find all the indexed columns with table names ,column names and type of indexes....
i'm trying with sysindexes, but i was unable to finish it....i'm not clear about keys column in sysindexes...
please guide me.
thank you very much
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May 26, 2006
I need to create an function similar to the "MATCH" function in Excelthat evaluates a number within a set of numbers and returns whetherthere is a match. I have put the example of what I see in excel in thecheck column. The "0" answer in the result column is in the fourthaccount in the list. Somehow I need to loop through the accountscomparing the result to the total and indicate a match in the checkcolumn. It wouldn't even need to tell me the row number; it could be a0 or 1.account total result check123770266.84124.2112377026131.050 412377026164.38-33.33123770260131.051237702678.7152.3412377167-31.34221.891237716731.34159.211237716738.55152 51237716731.34159.211237716715238.5512377167490.91-300.36123771670190.55123771670190.5512377167-31.3443.341237716731.34-19.341237716738.55-26.551237716731.34-19.3412377167152-14012377167490.91-478.9112377167012123771670121237736347.058412377363131.05012377363-45.38176.4312377363-47.05178.11237736347.0484.0112377363-47.04178.091237736347.058412377363541.11-410.06123773630131.0512377363672.15-541.11237750737.64152.91
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Mar 23, 2006
Is there a query I can write against an INFORMATION_SCHEMA or against the system tables to determine if a column is an identity column?
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Nov 15, 2006
i have a problem where in i have to display the greatest marks scored by each student.
How can i do this?? Is there any built in TSQL function.
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Mar 19, 2008
How do i Find all Columns that have Identity Property in a database. That is i will like to know all columns in a database that are identity columns.
I am using SQL Server 2005. Thanks
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Jul 23, 2015
I am having trouble trying to find the max of 2 columns in one table. I've tried using a common table expression and a subquery, but can't seem to get the correct results. I want to get the max from refnum, then the max "number" associated with that max refnum along with the date and decision
IDCustomerRefnumnumberdate decision
Customer 1 had a max of refnum of 2 and 1st one on number
IDCustomerRefnumnumberdate decision
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Apr 21, 2015
We are trying to find out the difference between tables in CUSTOMER database and CUSTOMER_coded database. The goal is to find out if there are any columns missing in each table of CUSTOMER_coded database.
We need the list of tables in CUSTOMER_coded database that misses some column compare to its peer in CUSTOMER database (list of columns being missing also).
I googled, but I get only all the columns in tables of database.
I need missing columns of all the tables when we compare these 2 databases( CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER_coded databases).
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Jul 16, 2014
what the best practice is for creating indexes on columns that are foreign keys to the primary keys of other tables. For example:
[Schools] [Students]
---------------- -----------------
| SchoolId PK|<-. | StudentId PK|
| SchoolName | '--| SchoolId |
---------------- | StudentName |
The foreign key above is as:
FOREIGN KEY([SchoolId]) REFERENCES [Schools] ([SchoolId])
What kind of index would ensure best performance for INSERTs/UPDATEs, so that SQL Server can most efficiently check the FK constraints? Would it be simply:
CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId)
CREATE INDEX IX_Students_SchlId ON Students (SchoolId, StudentId)
In other words, what's best practice for adding an index which best supports a Foreign Key constraint?
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