Find Records For X Previous Days

Jul 13, 2005

On a webform, I have three button ... [7 days]  [15 days]  [30 days]When the user clicks one of the buttons, I want to return their orders for the past X days. The WHERE clause would include something like this (for 7 days):WHERE (Order_Date BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, GETDATE() - 7, 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, GETDATE(), 102))How do I parameterize the number of days?Thanks,Tim

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SQL Server - Select Records Added Today, Last 3 Days, 7 Days...

Oct 25, 2006

Hello,I am writing a query to select records added to a table today, in the last 3 days, in the last 7 days, and so on.Here is what I have (which seems that its not working exactly).   -- total listed today
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM mytable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, mydatecolumn, getdate() ) <= 0-- total listed yesterday
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM mytable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, mydatecolumn, getdate() ) <= 1-- total listed in the last 3 days
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM mytable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, mydatecolumn, getdate() ) <= 3I'd like to be able to select the count for records added within the last X number of days. Can someone please help me out?  Thanks so much in advance.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Running Totals For Previous X Days?

May 13, 2015

get the desired results for the following sample data set. I was able to come up with a query that returns the the expected results however only for a given day, so I'd need to union several select statements the get the desired results which is definitely not ideal. I'd like to pass a parameter in (number of days) instead of doing a unions for each select.

SELECT 1 AS Id, 'A' AS Category, '2015-5-13' AS ActivationDate UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'A', '2015-5-13' UNION ALL


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Use A Date To Select Out Previous 14 Days Record From The Table

Dec 10, 2007

May I know how to use a "date" to select out previous 14 days record from the table? and find the duplicated records?

-- sort out duplicate order from tblOrder

Select * FROM tblOrder

WHERE DDay > @prmDDay("day", -14, getDate())

Group by DDay

Many thanks~~~~~
Fr New Learner

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Power Pivot :: Creating Measure That Looks Only At Previous X Number Of Days

Jul 20, 2015

I have a table with date in the following format:

orderID | dateOrdered | customerID 

101 | 01/01/2015 | 1
102 | 02/02/2015 | 2
103 | 05/06/2015 | 3 

I need to create a measure that tells me how many customer's placed an order in the previous 91 days of any given date, not necessarily today. 

So, if you imagine a PivotTable which has a series of dates down the left hand side and 'totalNoCustomersLast60Days' as the only column, I need each day to tell me how many customers ordered in the x number of days.

For example if we say 60 days my table would look like the following:

Each row in this table would be telling me that "x number of customers placed orders within the period 60 days prior to,and including, the date on the left".

I have tried numerous ways of doing this and despite thinking it should be incredible simple it eludes me.

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How To Find My Previous Topic??

Jul 23, 2005

Plz helpHow to find my previous topic??CheersDishan

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How Find Rowcount Of The Previous Query

Oct 15, 2007

Query1: SELECT TOP 5 A,B,C from Table1 where A > 10 or B < 10

Query2: SELECT @@rowcount

After 'Query1' if 'Query2' is executed will return 5.

But how to get the total resultset number of rows for 'Query1' (without TOP) by executing the 'Query2' or others.
The above option is available in mysql.

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Power Pivot :: Cumulative Total For Current Week Days And Previous Week

Nov 30, 2015

We are trying to compare our current calendar week (based on Monday being the first day of the week) with the previous calendar week. 

I'm trying to produce a line chart with 2 axis:

- x axis; the day of the week (Mon, Tues, Wed etc - it is fine for this to be a # rather than text e.g. 1 = Mon, 2 = Tues etc)
- y axis; the cumulative number of orders 

The chart needs two series:

Previous Week. The running count of orders placed that week. 
Current Week. The running count of orders placed this week. 

Obviously in such a chart the 'Current Week' series is going not going to have values along the whole axis until the end of the week. This is expected and the aim of the chart is to see the current week compares against the previous week for the same day. 

I have two tables:

Orders TableCalendar Table

The calendar table's main date column is [calDate] and there are columns for the usual [calWeekNum], [calMonth] etc. 

My measure for counting orders is simply; # Orders: = countrows[orders].

How do I take this measure and then work out my two series. I have tried numerous things such as adapting TOTALMTD(), following articles such as these:

- [URL] ...
- [URL] ...

But I have had no luck. The standard cumulative formulas do work e.g. if I wanted a MTD or YTD table I would be ok, it's just adjusting to a WTD that is causing me big issues.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Find Previous Date From Table

Nov 4, 2015

I want to find previous date from selected date. below is the sample data.

DECLARE @StartDate SMALLDATETIME = '1/11/2016'

declare @tempdat table(repdate smalldatetime)
insert into @tempdat values ('10/26/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('10/29/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/1/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/27/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/25/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/20/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/10/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/10/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/11/2015')
insert into @tempdat values ('11/11/2015')

Now if i pass the date '10/26/2015' then i want select prev date of passed date. in this example no prev date is available, so result set would be nothing.

if i pass the date '11/10/2015' then result should be '11/1/2015' which is prev small date available in table.

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Rolling Sum To Find Total Of 3 Previous Months Gas Production

Nov 5, 2012

I'm in need of creating a rolling sum to find the sum of 3 previous months gas production. Below is an example of the basic data I will be using to find the sum.

OperatorIDRRCID YearReported MonthReported YearCode DateReported GasProduction
71054993207201222012022012-02-01 89
71054993207201212012012012-01-01 721
710549932072011122011122011-12-01 353
710549932072011112011112011-11-01 409
710549932072011102011102011-10-01 544
71054993207201192011092011-09-01 707
71054993207201182011082011-08-01 506
71054993207201172011072011-07-01 536
71054993207201162011062011-06-01 472

I want the sum of the Year & Month of 2012-2 to be the sum of the gas production for 2012-1, 2011-12, and 2011-11.

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Next / Previous Records From Table

Jan 9, 2008

I have got a table with GUID (PK), COMPANY, CONTACT. There are going to be instances where the company name is the same on multiple records.

What i am trying to do is work out what is the next and previous record

The data is going to be sorted, by COMPANY then GUID.

I am think a stored procedure would be the best to combact this, but very usure how to go about writing it, so i passed the present company and GUID values to it.

Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance.

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How To Find 'x' Number Of Days From 'yyyymmdd' Format?

Nov 15, 2004

I need to find out the count of number of records older than 100 days from a table having 'order_date' as yyyymmdd format eg. 20041115. Thanks in advance.

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Transact SQL :: How To Find If User Not Logged In For 45 Days

Nov 20, 2015

I have created table called Login in sql server where i have column usercode, email and login_date (login_date is datetime type)So, i created web application using .net. whenever user logged in, i am allowing based userLoged table and  i am inserting into login table.

login table usercode  email       login_date
001    2015-11-18 22:02:41.153
001    xxx

I have another table called userLoged where i have column usercode,email and web_access 

UserLoged table usercode email         web_access
001   Y

Now, if (001) is not logged in for 45 days, i need to update web_access to be 'N' how to know if he /she not logged for 45 days.

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Transact SQL :: How To Find Weekend Days Per Month

May 13, 2015

I want to find the first weekend day, second weekend day, third weekend day and fourth weekend day per month using sql query. This is getting from recurring appointment. If weekdays = 65 means it accepts only saturday and sunday. So I want first, second, third and fourth weekend days for a month using query in sql server 2008...

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Reporting Services :: Expression To Find Value For Previous Year SSRS?

Apr 17, 2015

I need a report that shows calcul of a field for current year as well as previous year respecting this rule expression(Last-Last Previous)/Last Previous*100 (I work with MDX Query and i work with SSRS 2008).

Also the report runs on a Year Parameter. Below is an example for the result for example i selected the years 2010 2011 2012 i can select another years because i have the report runs on  a Year Parameter

Data 2010 2011 2012
hp 14 25 30
Dell 17 18 20

and the result i want

Data 2010 2011 2012 2011/2012
hp 14 25 30 0.002 (Last -Last Previous)/(last Previous*100) =(30-25)/(25*100)
Dell 17 18 20 0.0040

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Records That Are 90 Days Old

Feb 3, 2006

How can I select records from a schedule table that have end dates older than 90 days?

Can I do getdate() -90?


select *
from dbo.schedule
where enddate <> endate-(90 days?)

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Get All Records From Last Two Days?

Apr 18, 2006

Hi Everyone,I use the following to get records from the last two days in MySql:where date_entered <= curdate() and date_entered >=DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 2 day)I'm looking to do the same in MS-Sql server but I'm just not getting it.I've got this so far which does not work:where hit_date <= GETDATE() and hit_date >= DATE_SUB(GETDATE(),INTERVAL 2day)then I tried this:WHERE hit_date >= DATEDIFF(GETDATE(), (GETDATE()-2)>Essentially, I need all records from the last two days.Any help or guidance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.-JohnyB

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Compare With Previous Records

Oct 20, 2014

I am having a table which contains data of students like:


Sample data :


Now i want to compare Result and dislay prevterm where student fail:

Now my output would be as: Now I want to compare latest term i.e. Term5 with prev Terms and if found Mismatch in result then i want to display as below:

studentID PrevFailTerm, CurrentTerm

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Using Previous Records For Date Calculations

May 15, 2008

I have an sub-period end-date column, in a row set of (let's say) 2 records.
How Can I grab a previous record and use it's SUB_PD_END_DT
to add a day and get the current record's sub period beginning date?

row 1 = col1, col2, SUB_PD_END_DT = (2008-05-02)
row 2 = col1, col2, SUB_PD_END_DT = (2008-05-09)

therefore, row 2 = SUB_PD_start_DT = (2008-05-03)

Any help would be great.



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Inline View To Find Arrivals Within Days Period

Oct 4, 2013

I have this query:

FROM Unscheduled_Arrival a INNER JOIN (SELECT Person_ID
,[arrival date]
,[leaving date]
,[unique stay id]
,[area code]
FROM Unscheduled_Arrival

[Code] ....

And what I am trying to do is find instances where a person has arrived back at a different area within 7 days of leaving from a planned visit to any other area different from the last. so lets say we had person ID = 1 and they had had 3 planned visits to one area (not equal to area_gh) in the last 4 months but after the 2nd planned trip to the other area, and before the commencement of the 3rd planned trip to any area not equal to area_gh, they had arrived unscheduled to area_gh, and this unplanned visit was within 7 days of leaving the 2nd last planned visit to any area not equal to area_gh.

The query I have shows data from unscheduled arrivals to the area_gh for a person who has also had visits to any area other than area_gh, but each record for unscheduled visits to area_gh duplicates for the amount of times the person has had scheduled visits to any area not equal to area_gh. This is the first problem but is as a result of not having the correct SQL for the refinement of the data.

This refinement requires that I return only the data that relates to the unscheduled arrival that is within 7 days of the last scheduled arrival, not duplicate rows of area_gh visits for all the scheduled arrivals.

Because my data is showing the data I want but the count is related to the scheduled arrivals I think I need to rewrite the query or alter it.

The data is already restricted to a year's worth of data.

I just need to find any instances of unscheduled arrivals (for arrival at area_gh) within 7 days of the end of any scheduled arrival (determined using leaving date) to area equal to area_gh.

There can be any number of scheduled arrivals and any number of unscheduled arrivals for each person. The [unique stay id] is distinct for each visit so person 1 can have 3 stays, all with a different [unique stay id].

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Find The Difference In Values From Previous Month?

Dec 12, 2013

I have my sql tables and query as shown below :

CREATE TABLE #ABC([Year] INT, [Month] INT, Stores INT);
CREATE TABLE #DEF([Year] INT, [Month] INT, SalesStores INT);
CREATE TABLE #GHI([Year] INT, [Month] INT, Products INT);
INSERT #ABC VALUES (2013,1,1);
INSERT #ABC VALUES (2013,1,2);


I have @Year and @Month as parameters , both integers , example @Year = '2013' , @Month = '11'

SELECT T.[Year],

-- select the sum for each year/month combination using a correlated subquery (each result from the main query causes another data retrieval operation to be run)
WHERE [Year] = T.[Year]
AND [Month] = T.[Month]) AS [Sum_Stores],
(SELECT SUM(SalesStores)


What I want to do is to add more columns to the query which show the difference from the last month. as shown below. Example : The Diff beside the Sum_Stores shows the difference in the Sum_Stores from last month to this month.

Something like this :

| Year | Month | Sum_Stores |Diff | Sum_SalesStores |Diff | Sum_Products |Diff|
+------+-------+------------+-----|------------+----|---- |----+--------------|
| 2013 | | | | | | | |
| 2013 | | | | | | | |
| 2013 | | | | | | | |
+------+-------+------------+-----|------------+--- |-----|----+---------| ----

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SQL Server - Get Records From The Last X Days

Oct 25, 2006

Hello,I am writing a SQL query to count records in a table from the last "X" number of days.There is a dateTime column that I want to base this off of:Lets say..  I want to count the records that were added in the last 3 days.  What is the query I should use to get this value?Here is what I have and it seems to not be working correctly:SELECT @TotalListedLast3Days = COUNT (*) FROM myTable WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, DateAdded, getdate() ) <= 3Can someone help so I am able to get the count of records added in the last "X" days?Thank you very much.

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Records Greater Than 30 Days

Sep 10, 2014

I have a query pulling all records with a disconnect date and a transaction date. However, I would like to retrieve any records that have a transaction date greater than 30 days from the disconnect date. I have been unable to figure out the correct formula to use. I think I need to use the datediff function in SQL, but I've never really used this function before.

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How To Return Records Based On Previous Month

Jan 11, 2005

I'm storing records that contain a date/time data type. I am needing two links on a reports page (asp), the first should return all records for the current month and the second link should return all records for the last three months (including current month). I have no idea how to just sort by month.

I'm also not sure what to include here in this post to help you answer my question. On the form that is submitted initially the text field is named "txtSubmitDate" and in the database it's stored in a field called "submitdate" and is 8 characters in length.

I've tried:
SqlJunk = "SELECT * FROM eom WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE())-1"

'SELECT TODAY'S MONTH and the last 2 months
SqlJunk2 = "SELECT * FROM eom WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE()) OR MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE())-1 OR MONTH(submitdate) = MONTH(GETDATE())-2 ORDER BY submitdate ASC"

These are not working because it can't handle the change in year (going from january 2005 back to december 2004, etc).

Any ideas?

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Problem Query For Records For Previous Month

May 23, 2008

I'm working on project for school that involves building a query in a video store database. The query is suppose to pull the total number of movies rented the previous month. I can get it to work if I physically put in the dates. However, part of the requirements is to set it up so the date range is auto calculated. The following is the code I have

SELECT COUNT(RecordNumber) AS TotalRentalsForMonth FROM RentalHistory
WHERE TransactionDate BETWEEN (YEAR(getdate()), MONTH(getdate()), 1)
AND (YEAR(getdate()), MONTH(getdate())+1, 0)

I get the following error message when I try to run it:

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near ','.

Anyone have an idea where my mistake is within the date range

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To Find Older Date That Is Less Than 90 Business Days

Feb 12, 2015

select DateAdd(dd,-90,getdate())

It gives the 90 days older date but i want to exclude the weekdays and holidays (saturday ,sunday,holiday)

As we dont have permission to call a function or Sp in high level environments looking for a simple query .

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Analysis :: SSAS 2012 - MDX To Find Last 7 Days Data In Where Clause?

Jul 6, 2015

I have a MDX query , where I have a date Range in where clause.

I want to replace it with Cuurent Date and Last 7 days date.

I tried multiple ways using NOW function , but could not get it correct .

modifying the Query so that I can fetch DATA for last 7 days 

FROM ( SELECT ( [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2015].&[2015]&[3].&[7].&[20150706] : [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2015].&[2015]&[2].&[6].&[20150629] ) ON COLUMNS

I want to replace Date Hard code value , I have used Calendar Hierarchy of date dimension. to find Last 7 days Data.

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Transact SQL :: Find Total Days Of Stay From First Arrival To Last Departure Day

Nov 12, 2015

i have a table with customer number, arrival and departure days and days difference between them. i need to find out the total number of days from first arrival day to last departure day if departure and next arrival days are same. for example, for customer Number, 1120, departure date and next arrival days are same, so the total number of days of stay is, 28+28+42+42. how to find out this total suing SQL.



[Code] ....

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Select Records From Past 30 Days

Jul 21, 2004

What would my statement look like if I have a column in a table (SoftwareInstall) called InstalledOn which stores a date in shortDateString format and I want to select all the records where that date is <= 30 days previous to today's date. Any ideas?

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Job To Truncate Database Records More Than 15 Days Old

Jan 26, 2005

I have a SQL Server 2K db with some 10 tables and I want to setup a nightly job to truncate all db records which are more than 15 days old. Can anyone provide me with steps involved? Any help will be highly appreciated.

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Delete Records Older Than 5 Days .

Aug 20, 2002

Hello ,

I am little confused in writing the exact query i.e filling the correct details in the query .
To simplify let me explain....

I am using the query as

delete MYTABLE
where datediff(dd,loaddate,getdate())>5

I have a table now with loadate column which gets the default date and time . The loadate shows correct date and time when the data was imported in the table .

Now suppose if i want to delete previous 5 days records from today
( for e.g today is 20/08/2002 3:40:00 PM ) ideally it should delete all records which are 5 days older from today . i.e from 20/08/2002 3:40:00 PM to 15/08/2002 3:40:00 PM )
But when i execute the datediff command , it deletes the records previous than 15/08/2002 till 15/08/2002.
The records from 15/08/2002 to 20/08/2002 remain intact .

I am getting some different results .

Am i missing something in the query or i am confused about the calculation of the dates the datediff command performs .

Is the logic correct or i am missing someting important ?

Thanks and Regards

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Returning Records Within Days Range

Oct 31, 2013

This is a follow on from one of my earlier threads where I was trying to return one specific record. In this case I am trying to return multiple records for the same person ID and within a number of days range. Snapshot of my date with same PersonID:

PersonID Arrival_Date Leaving_Date ArrivalID
======== ============ ============ =========
123456 01/12/2012 01/12/2013 arr_56464
123456 10/12/2012 10/12/2013 arr_56474
123456 13/12/2012 13/12/2013 arr_56494

And from this I want to check if one record's leaving date of the record is within 7 days of another record's arrival date. I also want to return the record that had a leaving date within 7 days of the next arrival date.I understand that if I self join on personID with the data above I will get 9 rows, for each row I will get 3 matches, I am using INNER JOIN to join to the same table but with a different alias so I assume this is the self join I should be using.

But then how do I process this? I would want to say for record 1 check the leaving date is within 7 days of arrival date of any other record matching that PersonId but not ArrivalID, and return both records.From my snapahot of code I would eventually want to return:

PersonID Arrival_Date Leaving_Date ArrivalID
======== ============ ============ =========
123456 10/12/2012 10/12/2013 arr_56474
123456 13/12/2012 13/12/2013 arr_56494

But can't seem to get this using a self join query like this:

select a.PersonID, a.Leaving_date,a.Arrival_Date,a.arrivalID
from arrivals a INNER JOIN arrivals b
ON b.personID = a.personID
a.arrivalid != b.arrivalid
and DATEDIFF(DD, b.[Leaving_date], a.[Arrival_Date]) <=7
and DATEDIFF(DD, b.[Leaving_date], a.[Arrival_Date]) >=0

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Sql Query To Return Records That Are Only 45 Days

Dec 1, 2007

The topic pretty much sums up my question.

What would the sql query be to return only all the records in a table that are 45 days old from today.

Thank you for any help in this matter


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