I have the following code which essentially lists the total sales for an items on the first row, and the total credits for the same item on the second row.
Code: SELECT T0.ItemCode, SUM(T0.LineTotal) as 'Total Sales' FROM INV1 T0 WHERE T0.ItemCode = 'ACR2401010' GROUP BY T0.ItemCode
What I would like to do is write a code block that subtracts the total credits from the total sales, leaving me with only one row of data for the ItemCode.
1. It looks like a 'ª' delimiters between fields. I need to pull out the second column in the above example it is - 9999999999. This is the place reference, so I need that in a separate field. 2. I need a way to compare the two fields and report back the change. So in the above example shows EAST. The After image shows WEST - I need the before image of EAST in one column and the WEST in another column.
--find day,month,year --for day select datediff(d,'01 may 2008',getdate()) -- --for month select datediff(m,'01 jun 2006',getdate()) -- --for year select datediff(year,'01 jun 2006',getdate()) above working fine but suppose difference is 1 year 4 month and 2 month 15 days then It's giving 1 year and 2 month respectively. but I want completely so I can use this in case of expired user in my project. User can be expired in 1 month,3 month and 1 year. So I'm not able to recognize. thanks
Hi,I m searching for some Script / Function ... to find difference in datab/w 2 similar tables (exactly same fields structure) in sql 2000.plz update me asap !thanks in advance !
Hi, I have had this problem for a while and have not been able solve it.
What im looking at doing is looping thru my patient table and trying to organise the patients in to there admission sequence, so when patient "A" comes in and is treated at my hospital and is discharged and admitted to another Hospital within one day then patient "A" will get a code of 1 being there first admission.
then if patient "A" is admitted again but there admission date is greater than one day they get a code of 2 being for there second admission but will need to loop thru table looking for other admissions and discharges.
The table name is Adm_disc_Match_tbl
Basically what i have 4 fields. Index_key = which is the patient common link (text) ur_episode = this wil change for each Hospital (text) Admission_datetime = patient admission date and time (datetime) Discharge_datetime = patient discharge date and time (datetime)
how do you determine the date difference between the current record and the next record. i want to use the enddate on record 1 and calulate the time it took the next occurance to happen (start time) on record 2? and so forth.
To calculate how many months are between the current date minus the First_Post_Date
For example The First_Post_Date is displayed as follows following “25/07/2012”
Current date is 12-02-2014
The difference between the two dates is approx 20 months ..To make the calculation easier, it might be easier to default the day of First_Post_Date to 01 and do the same with the currentdate
I have the table with the similar set of records which mentioned below, find the time difference between two rows of record. By Using the MsgOut column i have to find time taken b/w PS & PV and some record doesnt have PV .
I want to group the records on the time difference
declare @tbl as table(id int,intid int,val int,dt datetime) insert into @tbl select 1,1,10,'03/31/2006 15:05:22' union all select 2,1,12,'03/31/2006 15:10:22' union all select 3,1,15,'03/31/2006 15:15:22' union all select 4,1,12,'03/31/2006 15:25:22' union all select 5,1,8,'03/31/2006 15:30:22' union all select 6,1,6,'03/31/2006 15:35:22' union all select 7,1,4,'03/31/2006 15:40:22' union all select 8,1,3,'03/31/2006 15:45:22' union all select 9,1,10,'03/31/2006 15:50:22'
declare @tbl1 as table(intid int,Tm int,val int) insert into @tbl1 select 1,5,10
I want a output such that when the val in @tbl goes below the val in @tbl1 for the Tm mentioned in @tbl1 then the time difference should be shown.For example record 1 it starts with 10 the records remain more than 10 till record number 5.From 5 the records remains lower than 10 till record number 9.So I need to show the the time difference from record number 5 till 9. But there is a catch.In @tbl1 there is column named Tm.The time difference sould be calculated only if the diff more than Tm value in @tbl1. For example if the value of Tm is changed to say 25 then the there is no need to show the time difference since the time difference value from record 5 to record 9 is less than 25. Hope I am clear.
I have a data set like so:UTC_TIME Timestamp NodeID Message FlagLineStation11/19/2005 10:45:07 1132397107.91 1 3 5 1028103411/3/2005 21:05:35 1131051935.20 2 3 5 1009104311/25/2005 21:12:16 1132953136.59 3 3 5 10371049I added the UTC_TIME column in as aconversion of the unix timestamp inthe TIMESTAMP column.Keeping things simple and straightforward, I need to be able tocalculate the difference from one record to the next (ordered byTIMESTAMP or UTC_TIME) and output the result into another column in thetable.NODEID is the unique id.First, what is the function to do so if, say, I only wanted tocalculate the difference between 2 records as just a basic SELECTstatement. That way I can answer quick question based on any one or twoNODEID's.Second, how would I further that to continually calculate (as statedabove)?WOuld this be a stored procedure? A trigger? A cursor?I am learning as I go here. Any help is greatly appreciated.R.
I have @Year and @Month as parameters , both integers , example @Year = '2013' , @Month = '11'
SELECT T.[Year], T.[Month]
-- select the sum for each year/month combination using a correlated subquery (each result from the main query causes another data retrieval operation to be run) , (SELECT SUM(Stores) FROM #ABC WHERE [Year] = T.[Year] AND [Month] = T.[Month]) AS [Sum_Stores], (SELECT SUM(SalesStores)
What I want to do is to add more columns to the query which show the difference from the last month. as shown below. Example : The Diff beside the Sum_Stores shows the difference in the Sum_Stores from last month to this month.
I am having a table where i have the following columns where the date format is dd/mm/yyyy Purchase Description From_Date To_Date------------------------------- --------------- ----------------Desktop 2/2/2007 2/3/2007Mouse 2/1/2007 28/1/2007Laptop 5/1/2008 15/3/2008Speaker 4/1/2008 21/1/2008 My requirement is i need to create a stored procedure which will look for the from_date and to_date values. If the difference is more than 30 days that record should get deleted automatically. How to write the stored procedure? Please provide me with full stored procedure Thanx in advance
My requirement is i need to create a stored procedure which will look for the from_date and to_date values. If the difference is more than 30 days that record should get deleted automatically. How to write the stored procedure?
I have two columns in my table. Both the columns contains datetime datatypes. I need to write a stored procedure which will calculate the date difference between the two columns and if it exceeds more than 5 days then that record should get deleted. How to do it?Thanx
my table does not have primary key so i created a seperate index on each of the table.
I used the recommended tablediff utility and it works successfully. But its only show the difference of records in each table and does not copy rows from source to destination and destination to source table. I was expecting database1.dbo.table1 contains same records as in database1.dbo.table2.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COM>tablediff /sourceserver kashif-pcs qlexpress /sourcedatabase AB /sourcetable table1 /destinationserver kashif-pcsq lexpress /destinationdatabase CD /destinationtable table2 Microsoft (R) SQL Server Replication Diff Tool Copyright (C) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
User-specified agent parameter values: /sourceserver kashif-pcsqlexpress /sourcedatabase AB /sourcetable table1 /destinationserver kashif-pcsqlexpress /destinationdatabase CD /destinationtable table2
Table [AB].[dbo].[table1] on kashif-pcsqlexpress and Table [CD].[dbo].[table2] on kashif-pcsqlexpress have 5 differences. Err Sno Src. Only 101 Src. Only 102 Dest. Only 103 Dest. Only 104 Dest. Only 105 The requested operation took 0.466767 seconds.
Can you write a short script for my problem, just like comparison of database1.dbo.table1 compares in database2.dbo.table2 and which ever records not present it should copy those and vice-versa.
It means Database1.dbo.table1 contains 5 records Database2.dbo.table2 contains 5 records
At my job is a dts package that is failing in SQL 2005. I am not a SQLexpert. I am just trying to fix. I put the query in Query Analyzerand get this error:(4322 row(s) affected)Server: Msg 535, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Difference of two datetime columns caused overflow at runtime.I am just trying to understand what this means, what I should belooking for and what could be wrong. Here is the query:SELECT i.SerialNumber, '' AS mac_number, DATEDIFF([second], 'Jan 1,1970', s.DateOrdered) AS Support_StartDt, DATEDIFF([second], 'Jan 1,1970',s.Warranty_Enddate) AS Support_EndDt,DATEDIFF([second], 'Jan 1, 1970', c.Registration_Date) ASRegistration_Date, c.FirstName AS enduser_fname,c.LastName AS enduser_lname, c.CompanyName ASenduser_companyname, c.ContactEmail AS enduser_email, c.Address ASenduser_address1,c.Address2 AS enduser_address2, c.City ASenduser_city, c.State AS enduser_state, c.Zip AS enduser_zip,c.WorkPhone AS enduser_phone,c.Fax AS enduser_fax, d.DealerName ASdealer_companyname, d.ContactFirstName AS dealer_fname,d.ContactLastName AS dealer_name,d.Address1 AS dealer_address, d.City ASdealer_city, d.State AS dealer_state, d.Zip AS dealer_zip,d.ContactPhone AS dealer_phone,d.ContactFax AS dealer_fax,ISNULL(SUBSTRING(p.ProductName, 11, LEN(p.ProductName) - 10), 'unknownIWP product') AS product_type, '' AS extra1,'' AS extra2, '' AS extra3, '' AS extra4, '' ASextra5, '' AS extra6, '' AS extra7FROM tblInventory i full outer JOINtblDealers d ON i.DealerID = d.DealerID fullOUTER JOINtblSupport s ON i.InventoryID = s.InventoryIDfull outer JOINtblCustomers c ON s.InventoryID = c.InventoryIDLEFT OUTER JOINtblProducts p ON LEFT(i.SerialNumber,PATINDEX('%-%', i.SerialNumber)) = p.SerialPrefixWHERE i.SerialNumber <> ''Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Given the attached report, is there an easy way of calculating the difference between the Today and QTR Start column? Because of the Account Group, the report looks like the sample shown on the second image.
Hi, I already submitted this type of question before and i receive reply. But unfortunately i found out errors when performing on my system.
My problem regarding to this one:
Suppose i have two databases with same tables with different records and I would like to copy the records from one database to another data and vice-versa. So that both the tables contains same number of records inside the tables.
Database1 (EmployeeTable) contains 6 records. Database2 (EmployeeTable) contains 10 records.
It should copy only those records which is not present in each other database. No duplicate records.
Before i was recommend to use Primary key, if it is not present use index.
IF Object_id('GoldenSecurity') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.GoldenSecurity; IF Object_id('GoldenSecurityRowVersion') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.GoldenSecurityRowVersion;
I am really puzzled by an apparent difference between table index key column order and its statistics order. I was under understanding that index statistics mirror index definition. However, in my db 2470 index ordinal definitions match statistics definition but 66 do not. I also can reproduce such discrepancy in 2008 R2, 2012 and 2014.
As per definition,
stats_column_id int
1-based ordinal within set of stats columns
This script duplicates this for me.
BEGIN TRAN GO use tempdb GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ItemProperties]( [itmID] [int] NOT NULL, [cpID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [ipuID] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
I'm looking for a way of taking a query which returns a set of date time fields (probable maximum of 20 rows) and looping through each value to see if it exists in a separate table.
Query 1
Select ID, Person, ProposedEvent, DayField, TimeField from MyOptions where person = 'me'
Select Person, ExistingEvent, DayField, TimeField from MyTimetable where person ='me'
Loop through Query 1 and if it finds ANY matching Dayfield AND Timefield in Query/Table 2, return the ProposedEvent (just as a message, the loop could stop there), if no match a message saying all is fine can proceed to process form blah blah.
I'm essentially wanting somebody to select a bunch of events in a form, query 1 then finds all the days and times those events happen and check that none of them exist in the MyTimetable table.
I have the table below, and I am trying to retrieve TileIDs that have the same ModelIDs.
ModelID TileID HP DL380 G3 120v Dual15400 HP DL380 G3 120v Dual15400 HP DL380 G3 120v Dual15400 HP DL380 G3 120v Dual15400 HP DL380 G3 120v Dual15400 HP DL380 G3 120v Dual15400 Sun SF 280R 120v 15401 Sun SF 280R 120v 15401 Sun SF 280R 120v 15401 Sun SF 280R 120v 15401 Lantronix MSS4 15401
So TileID 15400 would be a keeper, since all ModelIDs are the same.