Finding Which Mode Was Used

Dec 12, 2007

I was not here for the installation of our current SQL server and those who did the install are no longer with the company. Is there a way I can figure out which mode was used? A query?

Any help would be great!


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Finding The Licensing Mode For The Server?

May 8, 2000

Is there any way in which I can determine the licensing mode (per server/per seat and no. of licenses) for a particular server?

I have been working on this but no clues so far...

- Manoj

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Finding Mode (frequent Occurrence)

Jun 5, 2007

What function(s) can be used to find the mode of data? I have a column that is populated with codes and I'd like to summarize the data by the code that occurs the most frequently. Any help is appreciated!!

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Is It Possible To Switch From Pure Window's Authenticated Mode Ro Mixed Mode? (SQL 2005)

Jan 18, 2007

Durning install I selected Window's Authentication only, but now it seems we may need to use a Mixed Mode with an SA account etc... is there anyway to switch SQL 2005 to use Mixed Mode after the fact?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: SSRS SharePoint Integrated Mode Versus Native Mode

Jul 25, 2014

We have reports in SharePoint integrated mode which are really slow when compared to native mode. I have been asked to research and give info on what exactly causes the delays.

Any articles which give me information as to what happens when a report is run from SharePoint server and where does it log.

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Query Executes Faster In Grid Mode Than In Text Mode!!

Mar 9, 2000


There is a query which when executed in the grid mode(ctrl+d) takes approx 0.02 seconds(about 21,000
rows) But when I execute in the text mode, it takes about 0.40 seconds!!
Why is this difference?
Also, when the records from this table are read from a VB application, they are equally slow (as in the text mode!)
Why is it so slow on the text mode & relatively faster in the grid mode?
Has anyone got any idea on ‘Firehose’ style cursor ?(which may speed up access of data in the VB application)


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Transact SQL :: Trigger Database In Suspect Mode And Get It Out To Normal Mode?

Jul 27, 2015

how to put sql server database in suspect mode intensely and  get it out from suspect mode to normal mode.

   i am using SQL server 2008 R2

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What Is The Fiber Mode(lightweighting Pool Mode) Of SQL Server?

Mar 26, 2005

Recently I read such statments 'When SQL Server is run in "lightweight pooling" mode (fiber mode) and the DTC service is started, unexpected behavior may occur.'
Can someone say anything about fibe mode?I am appreciated for it.:)

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Local Intranet Mode Versus Internet Mode.

Jul 16, 2007


Currently, our Report Builder is running on Local Intranet mode. I'm investigating what the security implications are in changing it to Internet mode. However, I've not been able to find any documentation on this.

Does anyone know of any documentation that addresses this issue or have experience that they can share with changing Report Builder security zone from Intranet mode to Internet mode?

Thanks very much.

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Mixed Mode To Windows Mode Without Trace....

Jan 3, 2006

Hi folks,

I have a SQL 2005 OTC. CTP version running on Windows 2003 server.

I would like to find out how the SQL server option changed to Windows Authentication mode from Mixed mode over the weekend.  From the SQL log, I don't see when it changed.  I would like to see Date/Time and client IP.  If I can see User ID (windows) that would be great.  Where I can find these info in SQL server?

Thank you in advance...


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Finding Something In SQL

Jun 22, 2007


I am very new to SQL and I have an issue. We have a website that has pictures on the site. We want to take them down but the pictures are somehow tied into the database, they aren't on any of the servers. How can I find these pictures that seem to be somehow hard coded into the database?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Finding Right Row

Mar 11, 2008

i have

create table test

(id_text int
,text_name varchar(10)
,id_author int)

insert into test (id_text, text_name, id_author) values (205, 'name1', 123)
insert into test (id_text, text_name, id_author) values (205, 'name2', 124)
insert into test (id_text, text_name, id_author) values (205, 'name2', 125)
insert into test (id_text, text_name, id_author) values (206, 'name2', 124)
insert into test (id_text, text_name, id_author) values (207, 'name2', 122)
insert into test (id_text, text_name, id_author) values (207, 'name2', 128)

select id_text, id_author from test

and i need to get out only id_text with the first author.
any solutions for sql server 2000?

thank you

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Finding The Max Value

Aug 16, 2006

I have a report that is grouped by week. The details of the week have the date, time interval (half hour), and the maximum value for that day. So in the example below I am showing the week of May 21st. Then I have all of the days of that week, sorted by date as requested, with the halfhour the maximum value occured in on that day. So Monday the 22nd has the maximum value for the week at 254 (and is highlighted in red). Where the ????? are below, I need to display '1400' which is the interval, but have not yet been able to figure out how to do this.

I tried the following expression:
=iif(max(Fields!MaxValue.Value) = Fields!MaxValue.Value, Fields!Interva.Value, "X")

but this only works if the first day is the maximum value.



Sun, 5/21/2006

Mon, 5/22/2006

Tue, 5/23/2006

Wed, 5/24/2006

Thu, 5/25/2006

Fri, 5/26/2006

Sat, 5/27/2006

Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

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Hot Mode

Aug 4, 2006

I need to put my SQL Server 2000 database in "hot mode" similar to the way Oracle can be placed in "hot mode" so we can sync a mirror and split it back off. How do I do this from the command line?

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Finding The Next Record

Apr 26, 2007

I have, say 4 rows for 1 client I want to find the date difference between two(or more) of the rows when the first has a true flag and the next does not
Row1  Date1,falseRow2  Date2,trueRow3  Date3,falseRow4  Date4,false
so I want to find the difference between Row2 Date2 and Row3 Date4I know I can loop through the rows but with 000's of clients each with x numbers of rows this will surely be very slow 

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Finding Data

Feb 2, 2008

I have a form where users can enter an appointment on this form some personal details are entered. I want the users to be able to write in a textbox the users surname. they will then press a button next to the textbox that will bring up a smaller screen displaying that users details :
SELECT * FROM Members where surname = (textbox1)
Alternatively the users can click the button and bring up a screen where the users can put the surname into a textbox and then bring up the users details this way.
I am not sure how to do this or how to select from the database where a field in the database is the same as the information put in to a text.
Is this possible? Thanks in advance Mike

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Finding SQL Triggers

Feb 29, 2008

I have a table TEST.
 I want to find the triggers which use this table test.
For example: If there is a table A, and a insert in A causes a trigger to insert data in TEST,
I want to find this particular trigger.
Any ideas?
I am using SQL server 2000
thank you

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Finding The Unique....

Aug 28, 2001

I have to delete a single row from a table , where there are multiple rows with the same data and i want to delete only one row and i cannot alter my table
Thanks in advance

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Finding Duplicates In SQL

Jul 26, 2002

I have a customer database with the following structure:

Dept ID (int)
Section (varchar)

I need to find only occurrences of a section (eg Admin) where the section name has a record in Dept 1,2 and 3 - only return the result if the record for Admin is associated will these depts.

Example Data:

Dept Section
1 Admin
1 Finance
1 Marketing
2 Admin
2 Sales
2 Marketing
3 Admin
3 Sales
3 Finance

The query would only return 'Admin' since this is the only Section that is represented in Departments 1,2 + 3.

I am not in control of the data design and can't create a bitwise field to achieve this.


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Finding Suid

Oct 18, 1999

How can I find out a user's suid or login name from within a stored procedure?

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Finding The First Distinct Value

Sep 8, 2004


My problem is a little tricky. I am trying to get the first distinct row(s) from a table where one column will have only a few differences, while a second is unique.

Now using "distinct" doesnt help as even though distinct(column1) may return only a few rows, because the next column is unique you will still have all rows returned.

How do I return only 1 row per distinct(column1) and drop the rest? What makes this so annoying is that all columns need to be returned, but only in accordance to distinct(column1)

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Finding Relationships

Sep 23, 2005

Hi, sorry if this comes across as a stupid question, but i'm new to SQL. I have had a look on Google and on these forums but not found the answer..
I am running MS SQL 7 with a database containing around 130 tables.. i want to know if there is a query/command that i can type that will look through all the tables and tell me which ones reference a specified table (through it's key). Hope this makes sense! i've looked at some of the stored procedures but not found any that give me anything useful.

EDIT: Just so you are aware, i did not create this database, hence why i am not aware of the relationships myself, i have only just started working on it.


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Finding The Numbers

Jul 8, 2005

I have a column of data of type varchar. it contains a mix of text id's and numeric id's.
all i want is the highest purely numeric value
The closest i can get is to use a regex expression, but it don;t work and i just know there is a better way of doing it.

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE custref LIKE 'd*d';

I am using MS SQL 7

thanks so much for any help

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Finding The Table Name.

Dec 15, 2006

I have a script that creates these spin off tables (used for lightning fast access) on a near daily basis. But it is possible the table does not exist for that day - in which the script need to check one day back - so on and so forth until finding the most recently created table.

The script I have written fails with overflow error.
I was hoping someone could tell me the correct syntax to accomplish this and also why i recieve this overflow error...


Dim str_SQL_Asset_1
daysBack = 1
tblFound = FALSE
Dim xbl_Holdings_date
Dim xMonth
Dim xDay
xbl_Holdings_date = date()
If Len(Month(xbl_Holdings_date))=1 Then
xMonth = "0" & Month(xbl_Holdings_date)
xMonth = Month(xbl_Holdings_date)
End If
If Len(Day(xbl_Holdings_date))=1 Then
xDay = "0" & Day(xbl_Holdings_date)
xDay = Day(xbl_Holdings_date)
End If

xbl_Holdings_Name = "xbl_Holdings_" & Year(xbl_Holdings_date) & "_" & xMonth & "_" & xDay
"WHERE table_name = '" & xbl_Holdings_Name & "' "

Set MM_checkCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
MM_checkCmd.ActiveConnection = conn_str_ClientDB
MM_checkCmd.Source = SQL_tblCheck_STR
MM_checkCmd.CursorType = 0
MM_checkCmd.CursorLocation = 2
MM_checkCmd.LockType = 3

IF MM_checkCmd.EOF Then
xbl_Holdings_date = (xbl_Holdings_date - daysBack)
daysBack = daysBack + 1
tblFound = FALSE
tblFound = TRUE
SET MM_checkCmd = Nothing

The goal of this snippet is simply to identify and set the value for the existing table name.
An example table name would be "xbl_Holdings_2006_12_10".

I could have posted this question in the VB forum but I would like to push as much of the work onto SQL as possible and also - this sort of operation is more likely to be required of a dba imo.

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Finding Duplicates

Jul 7, 2004

I am trying to complete an insert from query but the problem is I have duplicates, so I'm getting an error message. So to correct it I am creating a Find Duplicates statement in the Query analyzer but Its not working can someone tell me whats wrong with this statement (by the way I'm in SQL 2000 Server)

thank you

SELECT EmployeeGamingLicense [TM#]AS [TM# Field], Count([TM#])AS NumberOfDups
HAVING Count([TM#])>1;

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Finding Row Size

Oct 7, 2004

Anyone got any ideas how to calculate the occupied row size of a table?

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Help Finding The Max Total

Dec 3, 2004


I have the following code

SUM(CASE WHEN LedgerAR.Period = '200408' AND LedgerAR.TransType <> 'CR'
THEN Ledgerar.amount * - 1
ELSE '0' END) AS BillExt
LEFT JOIN Ledgerar ON PR.WBS1 = Ledgerar.WBS1 AND
PR.WBS2 = Ledgerar.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = Ledgerar.WBS3
WHERE PR.WBS2 <> '98' AND pr.wbs2 <> '9001'
AND pr.wbs2 <> 'zzz' AND pr.wbs3 <> 'zzz' AND
pr.wbs1 = '001-298'

It prints out:
Wbs2 BillExt
0141 0
0143 0
1217 20580

I want the code to return the wbs2 code '1217' because it has the highest amount in BillExt '20580'.

Can someone help me with this?


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Finding Last Entries

Jan 27, 2005

Hi, I am searching for the most easy SQL solution:

Lets say i have 500000 rows of cars in one table with 30000 different car ID's.
This table contains no keys, no date values, but I need the last row of these 30000 different cars. How do I get them without adapting table structure and without using cursors ?

Thx for reply.


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Finding Duplicates - Is This Right?

May 16, 2007

I've done a search and I THINK I've got my head round this, but I'd be very grateful if someone could reassure me:

SELECT Email FROM List2 WHERE List2.Email= List1.Email
) AND List1.Email <> '44'

That will give me every email address from list one that (a) appears in list two, and (b) isn't '44'. Right?

And to find all the emails from List1 that DON'T occur in List2 (and aren't '44'), I just put "NOT" in front of "EXISTS". Right?

Sorry for asking an obvious question but I'm having a real mental block here. :o

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Finding Some Tables

Feb 8, 2008

I have many tables in one database, and some of them are empty. How can I list / find (for eg. names) only non-empty tables?

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Finding A Set Of Data Not In Another Set

Apr 15, 2013

Our products exist in batches. These batches reference a warehouse.Each warehouse carries a set of 'roles'.Users on our system also carry 'roles'. Comparing user and warehouse roles tells the system what warehouses a user can access.

So, if:

WAREHOUSE1 has roles A + B
WAREHOUSE 2 has role B
WAREHOUSE 3 has roles A + C
USER1 has role A
USER2 has roles A + B + C
USER3 has role C
USER1 will have access to WAREHOUSE1 and WAREHOUSE3
USER2 will have access to all 3 warehouses
USER3 will have access to WAREHOUSE3.

What I need to do is write some SQL which allows a part number to be entered, and a list of batches for that part to be shown with a list of users who *CANNOT* access that part - because they do not have the relevant 'roles' for the warehouse(s) the part is in.

I can do the *opposite* of this quite easily (ie: show users who HAVE got access):

select distinct sb.batchnumber, ur.userid
from stockbatches sb
inner join warehouseroles wr on sb.warehouseid = wr.warehouseid
inner join user_roles ur on wr.roleid = ur.roleid where sb.partid = @part
order by sb.batchnumber, ur.userid

- it's a straightforward join between the warehouse and user roles, with a 'distinct' to eliminate any duplications.

Fair enough, but it's not what I want.

Using the role data above, with the following batch info:

Batch 1000, warehouse WAREHOUSE1
Batch 1001, warehouse WAREHOUSE2
Batch 1002, warehouse WAREHOUSE3

I actually want to get this results set:

Batch Users who can't use this batch
1000 USER3
1001 USER1
1001 USER3

I'm certain I can write the necessary logic programmatically in T-SQL, looking for single-statement SQL call?

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Finding Out Indexes

Feb 26, 2004

Hi All,

Sql server 7

Is there anyway of listing the indexes that are present in a database.


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Finding A View Or Sp

Mar 19, 2004

According to a developer that worked on my db, there is a view :

I cant see it is there any way i can find out it exsist and if so what database on my server it is in?

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