Finding All Minimal Cyclic Paths In The Graph

Oct 1, 2003

Here a code for finding all minimal loops (cyclic paths) in a graph
with vertexes of degree >= 3. Almost obviously that before seeking
for loops we should eliminate from the graph all its vertexes of degree < 3
(degree of a vertex is the number of edges outcoming from the vertex).
Note: there are no any 'parent' - 'child' nodes here. All vertexes are
absolutely equitable.
if object_id('g3')>0 drop table g3
if object_id('g3x')>0 drop table g3x
if object_id('g3y')>0 drop table g3y
if object_id('g3l')>0 drop table g3l
create table g3y(v1 int, v2 int) -- ancillary table
create table g3x(n int, v1 int, v2 int) -- ancillary table
create table g3l(nl int, v1 int, v2 int)
-- table for storing of 'detected' loops
create table g3(v1 int, v2 int)
-- table of test data with pairs of adjoining vertexes
-- each vertex is named by an arbitrary number
insert into g3
select 2, 3 union all
select 2, 4 union all
select 1, 4 union all
select 3, 5 union all
select 5, 6 union all
select 1, 6 union all
select 4, 7 union all
select 6, 8 union all
select 3, 9 union all
select 1, 7 union all
select 2, 7 union all
select 1, 8 union all
select 5, 8 union all
select 2, 9 union all
select 5, 9 ----union all
select 2, 13 union all
select 3, 13 union all
select 13, 14 union all
select 12, 14 union all
select 12, 15 union all
select 11, 15 union all
select 11, 13 union all
select 10, 11 union all
select 10, 12 union all
select 10, 14 union all
select 10, 15
insert into g3 select v2, v1 from g3

declare @i int, @n int, @v1 int, @v2 int
set @i=1

while 0=0
set @n=1
truncate table g3x truncate table g3y
select top 1 @v1=g3.v1, @v2=g3.v2 from g3 left join g3l on
(g3.v1=g3l.v1 and g3.v2=g3l.v2)or(g3.v1=g3l.v2 and g3.v2=g3l.v1)
where is null if @@rowcount=0 break
insert into g3x select @n, @v1, @v2

while @v1<>(select top 1 v2 from g3x order by n desc)
set @n=@n+1
insert into g3x select top 1 @n, v1, v2 from g3 where v2=@v1
and v1<>@v2 and v1=(select top 1 v2 from g3x order by n desc)

if @@rowcount=0
insert into g3x select top 1 @n, v1, v2 from g3 where
v2 not in (select v1 from g3x union all select v2 from g3x) and
v1=(select top 1 v2 from g3x order by n desc) and not exists
(select 0 from g3y where g3y.v1=g3.v1 and g3y.v2=g3.v2)
if @@rowcount=0
if @n>2
insert into g3y select v1, v2 from g3x where n=@n-1
delete from g3x where n=@n-1
set @n=@n-2
begin insert into g3l select 0, v1, v2 from g3x break end
insert into g3l select @i, v1, v2 from g3x set @i=@i+1
select * from g3l order by nl
Below is what we get:

nl v1 v2
----------- ----------- -----------
1 2 3
1 3 5
1 5 6
1 6 8
1 8 1
1 1 4
1 4 2

2 1 6
2 6 8
2 8 1

3 4 7
3 7 1
3 1 4

4 3 9
4 9 2
4 2 3

5 2 7
5 7 4
5 4 2

6 5 8
6 8 6
6 6 5

7 5 9
7 9 3
7 3 5
Of course, in general case not all found by the code loops are minimal.
But this is exactly my approach:
firstly find any possible loops (avoiding excessiveness!!),
then, in WHILE loop, try to mark out minimal loop(s) from intersection of
two non-minimal loops... seems it will be an interesting t-sql job.

View 17 Replies


Path Query In Cyclic Graph? --recursive CTE

Jun 11, 2006


I wrote a simple sql query to get the shortest path length from node 1 to all the other nodes. Since there's a loop in the graph, I want to prevent it from going back to some nodes it has expanded before.

I got the following error:

Msg 253, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Recursive member of a common table expression 'CTE_Sample' has multiple recursive references.

It is referring to "and Table1.t NOT IN (select fr from CTE_Sample)"

Can somebody help me to solve it?

btw. How to use the UNION, EXCEPT or INTERSECT operators when doing the recursive join? It seems I must use UNION ALL.


drop table Table1
CREATE TABLE Table1 ( fr int, t int)
INSERT Table1 VALUES (1, 2)
INSERT Table1 VALUES (2, 3)
INSERT Table1 VALUES (3, 4)
INSERT Table1 VALUES (1, 3)
INSERT Table1 VALUES (1, 4)
INSERT Table1 VALUES (4, 5)

INSERT Table1 VALUES (4, 2)


WITH CTE_Sample (fr, t, level) AS
SELECT, Table1.t, 1 AS level
FROM Table1
WHERE fr=1
SELECT, Table1.t, level+1
FROM Table1
INNER JOIN CTE_Sample ON = CTE_Sample.t
and Table1.t NOT IN (select fr from CTE_Sample)
SELECT CTE_Sample.t, min(CTE_Sample.level)
group by CTE_Sample.t

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Cyclic Redundancy Check?

Feb 25, 2000

I was trying to modify a table and I got a "data error: cyclic redundancy check"

So I ran a DBCC CHECKDB and got this:

Server: Msg 823, Level 24, State 1, Line 3
I/O error 23(Data error (cyclic redundancy check)) detected during read of BUF pointer = 0x11c902c0, page ptr = 0x14d66000, pageid = (0x1:0x3d), dbid = 26, status = 0x801, file = d:MSSQL7datacontent_Data.MDF.

Connection Broken

This is scary stuff! What does it mean and how do I fix it?

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SQL 2012 :: Write Query Which Runs In Background On Cyclic Basis

Jul 9, 2014

I want to write sql query which runs in a background on cyclic basis. Basically i want to count the row entries of 1 table and store the data and the count in two distinct columns.

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Is Is Possible To Have More Than 1 Graph Type In One Graph?

Jan 7, 2008

I'm hoping to create a graph with durations as bar graphs and % met as a line graph. Is this possible in BIDS?

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Minimal Install Possible?

Jul 22, 2006

The smallest downloadable version seems to be 53MB. Is there any way to create a smaller version to use as an embedded DB for an application? I only need it to be single-user, for what that's worth. I'm thinking more in the 10MB to 20MB range.

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Minimal Components To Install

Jul 25, 2006


I have bought SQL Server 2005 Standard Ed. which will be used only to host databases for different applications like WSUS, McAfee Protection Pilot and CA Brightstor ArcServer.
I do not have intention to create corporate applications using SQL Server.

In fact, I am using the SQL Server as a "multiple MSDE database server"...

My question is what are the minimal components between the following features to install (as I do not not really what they are doing) :
-SQL Server
-Analysis Services
-Reporting Services
-Notification Services
-Data Tranformation Services
-Workstation Components

Thanks in advance

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Why Does Database Need Minimal Space In Transaction Log?

Jul 27, 2000

The transaction log takes up a lot of space on my database, and even after I try truncating the log, doing a transaction log backup, and then shrinking it, I am not allowed to reduce the size of the transaction log to less than 250MB. Is there some reason why this space is required?

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Upgrade To Sql 2000 With Minimal Downtime

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I'm upgrading from SQL 7 to SQL 2000 on another box. To minimize thedowntime I would like to1) backup my sql 7 database,2) copy it to the new box with SQL 2000 already installed,3) restore the database on the SQL 2000 box,4) Shutdown my sql 7 database,5) Copy the transaction logs to the SQL 2000 database,6) Restore the transaction logs to the SQl 2000 database,7) Bring up SQL 2000.My only concern with this is restoring the transaction logs that werecreated on SQL 7 to SQL 2000. Do you know if I can do this?Do you see any (other) problem(s) with my plan.Thanks, Scott

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How Would You Modify These Permissions In SQL 2005 For Minimal Exposure

Jan 20, 2008

I have finally gotten a setup to work, but I suspect there are improvements I should make to the permissions. Here's the setup:
I am accessing two databases, (aspnetdb and my own database called custom) on a local SQL 2005 server.
In SQL Server Management Studio (SMS) I created logins at the level of the SQL instance for two users ( "NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" and "viewer"). Then I select each user, and set the properties to access the Server Roles section. There I found each was given the public server role. Now here's where I set the permission to sysadmin. This setting allows my application to work, but I'm sure there are less permissive approaches I should take. However, I just can't seem to find a simple and direct explanation of the procedure to set more appropriate permissions. The "NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" accesses aspnetdb in order to create users and membership settings. The "viewer" login accesses the database called custom, and it reads and alters this database. The application (which is name viewer) performs these operations using a connection string like this:
Data Source=STORE;Initial Catalog=custom;Persist Security Info=True; User ID=viewer; password=xxxxx;
What is the recommended way to set the minimal permissions for these logins on these databases?

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Minimal Permission For Identity Insert On To Work

Jun 12, 2014

We are using sqlserver2005 at our liveserver. Due to some third party attacks which caused loss of data, we changed the sql user permission to only read,write and execute. Now, some of the sps in the db contain code to insert into identity column with line

insert stmts...

This throwing error as

Cannot find the object "tblName" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.

Which minimal permission can be given to get the above code work with identity insert on/off? We have removed the dbo permission due to external attacks.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Restore / Backup Minimal Permissions

Nov 3, 2010

We use Netbackup for our SQL servers to backup and restore databases. I would like the service account used by Netbackup to have as limited permissions as possible. The account should be able to backup and restore a db without being able to read any of the content. Right now the account jobs fail if the service account is not in the sysadmin role.

I removed the account from sysadmin and limited it to dbcreator and public but the job fail.

How to setup an account so that people who know the service account password can't log in with that account and read db information?

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SQL 2012 :: Replaying Workloads With Minimal External Factors

Apr 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a project at work to test the effects of database compression, trying to obtain measurable data on the impact of the compression on other server resources, and therefore whether the reduction in space used is worth the extra overhead. This has involved taking a trace of a production customer's workload for a period of time and replaying it against a backup using Distributed replay in synchronised mode.

I'm then taking a trace of that replay, as well as using perfmon to record useful data about the server, before and after compression is enabled. Finally, I'm loading the traces into a tool called Qure to analyse the impact of the compression on reads, writes, CPU, overall duration etc.

What I'm finding is that even across 2 different 'baseline' runs, which are replaying the exact same workload against the exact same database, performance etc differs to a significant enough degree that it calls into question the validity of the test. I can only put this down to the fact this server is on a VM, which is affecting available resources, which in turn affects execution plans the workload is generating and causes different replays of the same workload. I'm therefore looking at doing this on a standalone server, but I still can't be sure the differences will go away.

How to make tests such as this as similar as possible on multiple runs, when elements outside of SQL Server are in effect out of my control?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Restore Database With Minimal Downtime

Oct 12, 2015

I have a process that restores a production DB, overwriting the existing copy each night. I'd like to keep the solution "up" for as long as possible. And this'll be more important if I want to update it in the day (where there are more queries) too. The nature of queries thrown at the system is that there are about 20 per hour, it's underpinning a reporting system, it's not an OLTP system.

It seems to me I could restore the fresh DB copy into a holding DB, then rename it to the production DB name at the end of the process. The rename process should be pretty much instant.

But I need to think about detecting and waiting for queries to complete on the prod DB, before removing/demoting it (actually, I though to rename it, then reusing it as the next copy to update).

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How To Create A Minimal User In DB With No Access To View Master DB

Sep 11, 2007

We are using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio.

I created a Minimal User in an application DB. The user will access tables through stored procedures.

I do not want this user to view any other objects including objects in the Master DB.

I can prevent the minimal user from viewing objects from our application DB.

How do you prevent the minimal user from viewing objects in the Master DB?



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SQL Installation Paths

Nov 12, 2007

I have sql 2000/2005 installation path errors in some of prodution servers. Like we have standards that backup files should go to E: drive and data files to f: and log files to h:. Can any one help me in this issue what can be done with out reinstallation,

Thanks in advance

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Relative Paths

Mar 30, 2006

We have a growing issue where we have a relative dtsconfig file (which stores the absolute base path of the ETL packages). This way we can keep the ETL projects failry portable - only having to modify one value in the dtsconfig file. The master package that defines the dtsconfig location (which is config/Default.dtsconfig) usually interpretates this location to be relative the project. The problem is that every now and again when you open this package in .NETStudio, the path is interpreted differently and causes: config/Default.dtsconfig  to state invalid path. But when we delete the variable (which defines the dtsconfig path), save/close and open/recreate it works again. This may or may not be supported MS method, but I was curious to know why this gets messed up. Is there somehwere in the .NET framework that defines what "/" is relatively under?

For example: Our absolute config path is "D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSPackagesETLProjectETLBaseconfigDefault.dtsconfig" but using: "config/Default.dtsconfig" for xml file value works. However, sometimes we will get an error stating that this file cannot be found, and when we just try to delete (without saving and closing) and immediatelly try to put "config/Default.dtsconfig" again and hit next, we get an error and the path is now:

'D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSPackagesDEVDataExchangeETLBaseconfigconfigDefault.dtsconfig'.


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SQL 2012 :: Apply Primary Key On A Huge Table So Downtime Is Minimal?

Jul 30, 2015

I have a table (named table1) with 20million rows. It takes around 11 minutes to apply the primary key to this table. There are some tables with over 100 million rows so based on the previous time if my calculations are correct it will take close to an hour apply this primary key for tables with around 100 million rows.

My current solution is to create another table (named table2) with no indexs or primary keys. Pump over only like 5 days worth of data, then apply the primary key. Then have a script that will eventually populate table2 with the rest of the data gradually. When I say gradually I mean like insert like every 100k per hour or something. Keep in mind this table2 is heavily updated with new records.

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How Do I Do A Minimal Client Tool Install To Execute SSIS Packages

Jun 15, 2006

I am trying to migrate our processing from command line based scripts and foxpro to SQL so I need to run the SSIS packages using dtexec. I copied the dtexec file and a few dll's that are missing to our production servers but i cant execute the packages. I dont want to install the full client tools (particularly managment/business inteligence studio) on our production servers due to the overhead and limited system disk space.

Can somebody tell me what the minimum install would be so I would be able to run SSIS packages using the dtexec or dtexecui tools? I would also like to install some of the other command line client tools like osql etc.

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Not All Code Paths Return A Value

Jan 7, 2008

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Collections;
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
{ [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName="Obj_Row",
TableDefinition="ObjID int,OjbDataID int,ObjDataValue nvarchar(400)",DataAccess= DataAccessKind.Read)]public static IEnumerable Obj_IDs(SqlInt32 Data_1, SqlInt32 Data_2, SqlInt32 Data_3)
{using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
{ if (!Data_2.IsNull)
{string sql = @"Select Obj_ID, Obj_Data_ID, Obj_Data_Value from tbl_Obj_2";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);DataTable dt = new DataTable();
conn.Open();return dt.Rows;
}if (!Data_3.IsNull)
{string sql = @"Select Obj_ID, Obj_Data_ID, Obj_Data_Value from tbl_Obj_3";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);DataTable dt = new DataTable();
conn.Open();return dt.Rows;
}catch (Exception ex)
}public static void Obj_Row(Object item, out int ObjID, out int ObjDataID, out string ObjDataValue)
{DataRow row = (DataRow)item;
ObjID = Convert.ToInt32(row["Obj_ID"]);ObjDataID = Convert.ToInt32(row["Obj_Data_ID"]);ObjDataValue = row["Obj_Data_Value"].ToString();
//Error 1 'UserDefinedFunctions.Obj_IDs(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32)': not all code paths return a value
I'm newbie. Please, show me how to correct the problem. Thank you.

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Variable Paths For Different Environments

May 22, 2007

This has probably been covered in other posts. I have been working with SSIS for the past month and I am trying to follow best practices on various items. Having worked with a different ETL tool prior to this, I am wondering what is the best approach to use for Connections and File Paths.

What I would normally do with DataStage for this would be to assign a Job Variable (and eventually Sequence Variable) of the type: Path. So, if I was developing a job I would create SourceFilePath, ErrorFilePath, etc. I would use these variables in a FlatFile or Dataset Stage. For instance I would assign a filename for a source as: #SourceFilePath#SourceFile1.txt. During execution the job would load the variable and then the filename would be: C:MyDocumentsDatafilesSourceFile1.txt.

When its time to move to another environment, I don't have to worry about changing values for file connections because it is managed dynamically by a config file or whatever method.

What is the best practice that emulates this behaviour for SSIS? I've been thick and can't get my head around this. Any direction to blogs or user sites would be great. Examples, even better!

Thanks in advance.

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Table Paths And .udl Files

May 6, 2007


I am trying to set up a TEST ENIVORNMENT for a reservation software package. I need this setup so that I can run various scheduling scenarios in order to optimize operations. Below I have been given instructions from the software vendor on how to set up my SQL database. However, I am a little confused on what to do for a couple of the steps. They are as follows:

***In SQL server 2000 enterprise manager on the test laptop, change the 2 path settings in the table SGCONFIG. The should be changed to C:StratagenAdept5Server. ** YOU WILL NEED TO DO THIS STEP EVERYTIME YOU RESTORE A BACKUP ADEPT5_CLASTRAN.BAK FROM THE PRODUCTION TO THE TEST ENVIRONMENT

QUESTION: How do you change the path settings on a table?

***Open the .udl files in the apps folder and the server apps folder and check to see that they are pointing to the test laptop server, not the production server.

QUESTION: What are the .udl files and how do you check to see if they are pointing at the test laptop server only?

Thanks sincerely for your help. I am trying to meet a deadline for a meeting tomorrow. Therefore, I am desperate. Please send me email.


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Table Paths And .udl Files

May 6, 2007


I am trying to set up a TEST ENIVORNMENT for a reservation software package. I need this setup so that I can run various scheduling scenarios in order to optimize operations. Below I have been given instructions from the software vendor on how to set up my SQL database. However, I am a little confused on what to do for a couple of the steps. They are as follows:

***In SQL server 2000 enterprise manager on the test laptop, change the 2 path settings in the table SGCONFIG. The should be changed to C:StratagenAdept5Server. ** YOU WILL NEED TO DO THIS STEP EVERYTIME YOU RESTORE A BACKUP ADEPT5_CLASTRAN.BAK FROM THE PRODUCTION TO THE TEST ENVIRONMENT

QUESTION: How do you change the path settings on a table?

***Open the .udl files in the apps folder and the server apps folder and check to see that they are pointing to the test laptop server, not the production server.

QUESTION: What are the .udl files and how do you check to see if they are pointing at the test laptop server only?

Thanks sincerely for your help. I am trying to meet a deadline for a meeting tomorrow. Therefore, I am desperate. Please send me email.


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SQL 2005 Upgrade Paths

Nov 20, 2005

What are the SQL 2005 Upgrade Paths?  For example, is there a direct in-place upgrade for SQL 6.5?  SQL 7.0?  Can someone provide a link please?  Thanks in advance.

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Need To Change Hardcoded Paths

Mar 17, 2008

I have created over a hundred reports and each of them are scheduled to output a pdf. The problem is this was temporary and each week I would like to output the reports to a directory that is based upon time. For example, I have 13 groups of reports and each group has 9 reports. Each group has it's own directory and folder. IE group A would be saved in something like \client filesgroup aweekly reportsMar 17 2008. The next week the reports for the same group need to be saved in \client filesgroup aweekly reportsMar 24 2008. This would be the same for each of the groups; group A, group B etc.

The question is there a way to set these paths dynamically or at least iterate through the subscriptions and change the paths?


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How To Choose One Of Two Success-paths?

Jun 28, 2006

I have an ActiveX Script Task in SQL Server 2000. It chooses one of two
possible success-paths depending on if a file exist or not. (Part of the old ActiveX Script for choosing next step is below)

I need to rewrite this for a Script Task in SQL Server 2005 but it seems like it
doesn't have this functionality and objects.

Does anyone know how to write the code for choosing the next step in a
Script Task or knows another way to solve my problem?

The package is not suppose to fail if the file is missing, it's must succeed and that's why I need two success-paths.


' Visual Basic ActiveX Script
Function Main ()

Dim pkg
Dim stpContinuePkg
Dim stpExit

SET pkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

SET stpContinuePkg = pkg.Steps("DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_4")
SET stpExit = pkg.Steps("DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_21")

If ...... Then
Main = DTSStepScriptResult_ExecuteTask
stpContinuePkg.DisableStep = False
stpExit.DisableStep = True
End If

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

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SQL 2012 :: Minimal Logging Insert Statement On Non Clustered Index Table

Jul 9, 2014

I understand that minimal logging can occur on a non clustered indexed heap as long as [URL] ...

*not replicated

*tablock is used

*table is empty

The following test seems to contradict this

In the test I create a non indexed heap, insert some record and check the log, then repeat the test on an indexed heap.

The results suggest that even though the conditions for minimal logging into a indexed heap are met, minimal logging is not happening although it does happen on an non indexed heap. What am I doing wrong?

USE logtest
CREATE TABLE test (field varchar(100))

[Code] ....

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Replacing Paths In A Filename Collumn

Jan 16, 2004

[[Disclaimer: I am by no means a highly-skilled DBA. I have just enough db skills to get my job done, which involves light sql server and oracle tasks. I appreciate the help, guys.]]

I am trying to replace the path section of filenames listed in a collumn of my database. The filenames are UNC paths, and all files have 8 digit filenames with the same extension (they are all tif images). The length of the paths in the filenames will change, however.

Here is what my old paths look like:


..and here is the new path (all of the images are being consolidated into one directory):


I have tried using the following query to do this:

update image set filename=replace(filename,'\imageimages50-08','\als-imagealscom31imagesdb')

This returns insanely crazy results like 460239 row affected, when it should be about a thousand.
I have also tried the following:

update image set filename=right(filename,12) + '\als-imagealscom31imagesdb' where left(filename,21) = '\imageimages50-08'

This affects zero rows.

Please guide me down the one true path. My coworkers are clueless and I'm quickly running out of disk on the old box.



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How To Set SQL Server And VS Default Folder Paths?

Jul 24, 2007

Ive just installed VS2005 Pro and SQL Server Developer edition.

Now I want to set the default paths for project, templates, settings. But I want for both VS and SQL files.

For example, right now the default folders for SQL Studio are:

.My DocumentsSQL Server Management StudioProjects

.My DocumentsSQL Server Management StudioSettings

.My DocumentsSQL Server Management StudioTemplates

.My DocumentsSQL Server Management StudioBackup Files

... and so on.

For VS Studio:

.My DocumentsVisual Studio 2005Projects

.My DocumentsVisual Studio 2005Templates

.My DocumentsVisual Studio 2005Code Snippets

... and so on.

I would like for all sub-folders(from SQL Server and VS) to be in one same folder(Development), for example:

.My DocumentsDevelopmentProjects

.My DocumentsDevelopmentSettings

.My DocumentsDevelopmentTemplates

.My DocumentsDevelopmentBackup Files

.My DocumentsDevelopmentCode Snippets

... and so on.

I have tried changing in each applicationīs options the default path for each one, pointing to each folder I listed above.

My problem is that both VS and SQL Server still keeps creating folders in the old locations, for example: ".My DocumentsSQL Server Management StudioProjects". This example happens when I create a new query, and try to save it, it automatically creates that folder.

It only works for a few of them, like the settings folder. Ive managed to create a single folder for SQL and VS setting files.

Is there a way I can join both Application folders? I want to keep both projects files in one folder, both setting files in one folder, and so on...

I hope I explained well my situation.


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How To Set Permissions For Accessing Different Server Paths

Apr 10, 2008

Currently I have an sql string which looks like this

INSERT INTO tblPDFFiles (fileType,PDFcontent) SELECT 'First test file', BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(Bulk 'C://Test.pdf, SINGLE_BLOB) AS BLOB

But the files i am trying to access is on a different shared server called 'test2008' now im told I can access this doing

INSERT INTO tblPDFFiles (fileType,PDFcontent) SELECT 'First test file', BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(Bulk '
\test2008 estpdf.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) AS BLOB

Which I made sure had the pdf there I get the following error

SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC002F210 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "INSERT INTO tblPDFFiles (fileType,PDFcontent) SELECT 'First test file', BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(Bulk '\test2008 est.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) AS BLOB" failed with the following error: "Cannot bulk load because the file "\test2008 est.pdf" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Task failed: Execute SQL Task

Warning: 0x80019002 at Foreach Loop Container: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

Warning: 0x80019002 at Package: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Failure.

How do I give access to this other server to my SSIS package

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SQL Server 2012 :: Restore Database And Create Users Using Minimal Elevated Privilege

Apr 29, 2015

What I want to do is :

- restore a backup of a 3rd party database onto one of our servers
- this has no users that I can use
- there is some ETL processing so we're using Control-M to manage the process
- create a database user and grant it db_reader.

I'd like to do this without granting any users elevated privileges if possible.

What I've done so far is grant the Control-M user (this is a domain user) dbcreator rights and made it owner of our copy of the database that is being refreshed.

The refresh is completing, but Control-M is not able to log onto the database to create the user.

What is the best way to accomplish this task without granting the control-m user sysadmin rights?

Would I be able to do it if I used a SQL Agent job for the restore and user creation?

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Cycles Or Multiple Cascade Paths Error

Sep 11, 2006

Hi there.I've been searching for this error specifically but I haven't found anything yet.I have these two tables (USERS and REQUESTS):USERS ( [LOGIN] [varchar] (10) NOT NULL , [NAME] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL)where LOGIN is the primary key.The problem comes when I try to create the "REQUESTS" table.In these requests there's one user who types the request. After one or two days, there's other user who aproves the request. The problem is that I need two foreign keys referencing the table "USERS".CREATE TABLE REQUESTS ([ID] [numeric](5, 0) NOT NULL ,[DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[NOTES] [varchar] (100) NOT NULL ,[TYPED_BY] [varchar] (10) NOT NULL ,[APROVED BY] [varchar] (10) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE REQUESTS ADD CONSTRAINT [PK__REQUESTS__07DE5BCC] PRIMARY KEY ( [ID]) ON [PRIMARY] GOALTER TABLE REQUESTS ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__REQUESTS__TYP__15702E88] FOREIGN KEY ([TYPED_BY]) REFERENCES [USERS] ([LOGIN]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ,CONSTRAINT [FK__REQUESTS__APR__12742E08] FOREIGN KEY ([APROVED_BY]) REFERENCES [USERS] ([LOGIN]) ON UPDATE CASCADEAnd SQL returns:Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK__REQUESTS__APR__12742E08' on table 'REQUESTS' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.Could not create constraint. See previous errors.Ok, after that, I tried creating a new table to store aprovals (Table with two fields: "REQUEST_ID" and "APROVED_BY").So, I removed "APROVED_BY" field from "REQUESTS" and its FK constraint.The same error comes up.I don't think this structure goes into "cycles" or "multiple cascades".How can I do this?Thanks in advanceRegardsRoland

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Setting Up Directories - Data Paths In Server?

Aug 4, 2015

I'm curious if there's a "best practice" for setting up the data directories MS SQL will use for each operation? I've allocated independent disks for things like C: (OS), E: (DATA), etc etc etc but I'm not familiar w/ MS SQL to understand how DBA's commonly configure the folders under each unique disk for things like DATA, LOGS, BACKUP, INDEXES, and TEMPDB. Should I have an identically name folder as show below in my example?

You can see I've just mirrored the drive name to a new folder under the partition so data is being written to: F:DATA and E:LOGS. Is this considered correct / good practice? I assume naming the folder in each mount point to whatever I logically called the drive is correct but if I should change how I configure my drive paths above. I'm trying to learn common good SQL Server practices and while I work on properly installing SQL Server 2012/2014, I want to make sure I configure my partition names SQL will utilize correctly.

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