Finding Locally Installed SQL Server 2005 Instances Via C# Code.
Apr 30, 2008
I have found code on how to find sql server instances on your local network but my question is. Is there an easy way to find a local copy of SQL Server 2005 and what the name of the instance is. Beacuse the program I am writing will need a sql server installed somewhere on the network then it will allow the user to select either the local copy or a network copy of the sql server
on my computer I have SQL Server 2005 express installed and mine is Daniel-LaptopSQLEXPRESS
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May 16, 2007
I installed SQL Server Express trail for 3 times each with new instance. Now I came to know that I need to have a default instance. I un-installed the SQL Server Express and tried to install it again. It still says I have installed instances and if I select default instance the option buttons are un-checked and disabled. I tried to delete all the folders related to the SQL Server installationa dn tried but still I see the same thing. Please help me in istalling the default instance.
Thank you.
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Mar 12, 2007
I have a visual basic 2005 application where I am storing some data in a Sequel Server Database. It's my first attempt using SQL Server. It was developed on my machine and the database is on my local hard drive.
It was put onto an industrial PC and shipped last December (the vb app is an HMI).
Our service guy is installing the machine and asked for some changes to the VB screens. I ran my app (on my computer) and it crashed when I selected the screen where I use the db.
So I decided to look at the database using Visual Basic and I get the following error:
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
I then tried to create a new database via Visual Basic and get the same error. My boss has it installed on his machine. Same error there. These are both machines that had no problem back in December!
I also have a industrial PC on my desk to test my app and it STILL WORKS there. That one though is not connected to the internet and hasn't gotten any updates or changes or whatever since I last had it on in December. I don't know if it was a windows update or a network change? But as I said, I'm not connecting remotely - SQL Server and the db are on our local machines.
Interesting enough, if I go to the control panel | Administrative Tools | Services, SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) is set to automatic and is NOT started. I attempt to start it and get an error
Windows could not start the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 3417.
I am lost.
Thanks in advance for any help!
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Dec 16, 2004
Hello y'all,
I am trying to find out if there is code to find out all the MS Servers installed over a Network.
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Dec 16, 2004
Hello y'all,
I am trying to find out if there is code to find out all the MS Servers installed over a Network.
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Mar 10, 2015
I am tasked with correcting 600 SQL Server instances default settings. I would like to use powershell, if possible to loop thorough each named instances (I have a list) and apply the following settings. I also need to query the server for the installed memory and apply * 80% logic for maxmem, and look at the VCPU count and adjust the MAXDOP to that number.
EXEC sp_configure 'recovery interval (min)', '0';
EXEC sp_configure 'allow updates', '0';
EXEC sp_configure 'user connections', '0';
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Jun 9, 2015
Have a production server, 12 Enterprise, and we are adding a new app to an existing instance. Next app needs SSRS and that was not put in the install request a year ago for the instance.
I do not think a reboot is required but have been wrong before. There are no SPs applied to this server and only last week we were given go ahead from one app vendor to apply SPs. That would have been done in monthly maintenance cycle next weekend. Our test server is doing just fine with all apps on SP1.
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Feb 11, 2008
We're currently developing an application against SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition. Recently, we've started to consider deploying certain installations against SQL Server Express. We're particularly worried about some stored procedures we've written taking advantages of features which will not be available in SQL Server Express, is there a simple compliance tool or such that we can scan our existing tables/functions/stored procedures/etc with to identify potential pitfalls when running on SQL Server Express?
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Jul 20, 2007
I want to find whether SQL Server 2005 x86 is installed or SQL Server 2005 x64 is installed programatically(Any API would do.) If anyone can recommend a registry key that I can rely on find whether it is a 32 bit or 64 bit SQL Server that would suffice.
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Aug 30, 2006
I am trying to do the Chapter 1 project of Getting Started with 2.0 Step by Step (microsoft press)...
I enter the data source configuration wizard and select database, and press next.
I then press the new connection button, and the Choose data source screen appears.
In the List are only 2 options:
Microsoft Access Database File
Microsoft SQL Server Database File.
The option they want me to choose does not appear in the list.
Microsoft SQL Server sqlclient
I tried following the instructions in this thread [] where a user had a similar problem, but had no success.
I have reinstalled C#, reinstalled SQL Server Express 2005 with Advanced Tools, but neither helped.
Any help would be greatly appriciated.
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Nov 5, 2006
My SQL2000 databases did not upgrade to SQL2005. When I look at the Properties>>Options>>Compatibility Level the only options I have is version 7 and version 8... version 9 - which is SQL2005, is not there.
So what did I do? During the upgrade process - the installation wizard - I made a couple of choices that I believe might have lead to my current condition. The first thing is that I chose to select a installed instance. The second choice I made was to use a domain user account for the Authentication. The second selection I believe had nothing to do with the condition, but I did notice that my Systems Admin user account for SQL is no longer availble... which is a problem because now when I log into the SQL Management Console... it's using the domain name to authenticate rather than using the SA name like it was in SQL2000.
So here is what I think the solution is... I need to create a new Server Registration and create the databases in the new instance and then restore the data from SQL2000 to SQL2005 new instance, and then I can change the Compatibility Level to version 9.
The only issue I still don't have an answer for is the authentication into SQL. I want to not use the domain user account... how can I change this or can I? This also creates an issue when creating the ODBC connection as it wants to use the domain user account to verify.
So if someone can let me know if this is the right direction? Also any suggestions... i would greatly appreciate it!
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Jul 20, 2005
I am writing an installer that needs to put a dll file with a bunch ofextended stored procedures in the BINN directory. The problem is thatif the machine is running multiple instances of SQL Server, there ismore than one BINN directory. The installer has a dynamicallypopulated dropdown with the name of the instances, so does anyone knowif this logic is correct and/or reliable assuming SQL Server 2000?If the instance name = "MSSQLSERVER"then path to BINN directory = registry value ofHLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftMSSQLServerSetupSQLPath + "BINN"If the instance name != "MSSQLSERVER"then path to BINN directory = registry value of HLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftSQL Server<Instance Name>SetupSQLPath + "BINN"Thanks in advance for any help.
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Sep 3, 2007
I installed Visual Studio 2005 Professional then after that was installed and running, I tried to install the the SQL Server 2005 Developer's Edition which installed but I do not get the SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager. I have remove and reinstalled but it never gets installed. Any ideas?
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Jul 27, 2006
Hi all--I'm trying to convert a function which I inherited from a SQL Server 2000 DTS package to something usable in an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005. Given the original code here:
Function Main()
on error resume next
dim cn, i, rs, sSQL
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Server=<server_name>;Database=<db_name>;User ID=<sysadmin_user>;Password=<password>"
set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set rs = DTSGlobalVariables("SQLstring").value
for i = 1 to rs.RecordCount
sSQL = rs.Fields(0).value
cn.Execute sSQL, , 128 'adExecuteNoRecords option for faster execution
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
This code was originally programmed in the SQL Server ActiveX Task type in a DTS package designed to take an open-ended number of SQL statements generated by another task as input, then execute each SQL statement sequentially. Upon this code's success, move on to the next step. (Of course, there was no additional documentation with this code. :-)
Based on other postings, I attempted to push this code into a Visual Studio BI 2005 Script Task with the following change:
public Sub Main()
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Class
I get the following error when I attempt to compile this:
Error 30209: Option Strict On requires all variable declarations to have an 'As' clause.
I am new to Visual Basic, so I'm on a learning curve here. From what I know of this script:
- The variables here violate the new Option Strict On requirement in VS 2005 to declare what type of object your variable is supposed to use.
- I need to explicitly declare each object, unless I turn off the Option Strict On (which didn't seem recommended, based on what I read).
Given this statement:
dim cn, i, rs, sSQL
I'm looking at "i" as type Integer; rs and sSQL are open-ended arrays, but can't quite figure out how to read the code here:
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Server=<server_name>;Database=<db_name>;User ID=<sysadmin_user>;Password=<password>"
set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
This code seems to create an instance of a COM component, then pass provider information and create the recordset being passed in by the previous task, but am not sure whether this syntax is correct for VS 2005 or what data type declaration to make here. Any ideas/help on how to rewrite this code would be greatly appreciated!
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Nov 19, 2007
Can we install reporting services 2005 in a machine in which is not installed SQL server 2005.?
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Sep 28, 2007
When I am in Visual Studio 2005, and I try to add an SQL database, I get the following error "generating user instances in sql server is disabled. use sp_configure user instances enabled to generate user instances." I am currently using SQL server 2005 Express. What do I need to do, to create an SQL database? Thanks in advance.
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Dec 6, 2007
Hello. Is it possible on a server with 2 instances of SQL 2005 running, to have EACH instance get up to 2.8 GB of RAM. I've done that on single instance machines, just not sure about multi-instances, if you can use the same settings to get 2.8 GB each, assuming the overall memory is at least 6GB... Thanks, Bruce
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Apr 4, 2006
I would like to have more info on UserInstances concept of SQLExpress 2005.
Can i find any code samples for this feature in MSDN.
I have tried using the following links..
any other links will be helpful for me in this regard.
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Aug 1, 2014
I wanted to determine the date of the last Saturday with respect to the current date so that I could create a temp table with date ranges numbered 1-4 e.g. up to that date, post link below: URL....I now want to make this function that any time I pass it a day name (mon-sun) it will calculate the date of the previous (mon-sun) with respect to the current day. This date will then be the last date in my range.
So for example I run the function and pass it 'Friday' then I want last date in my range to be the 25th of July (today being Friday so need last Friday), I pass it Thursday I want it to give me the 31st of July etc. I need last date of that date but if I call Friday and today is Friday then need last friday; I think this is the trickier part of it.
This calculation I would image would need to use a combination of datediff dateadd etc. but really don't know how to do this dynamically.Currently I have a function that I pass the last date for the date range I want for my weeks range, I also give it the numbere of weeks I want in my range and also pass the date from the query that I want to know what week range it is in.
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[daterangeweeknumber]
-- Add the parameters for the function here
@refDate datetime,
@Weeks INT,
@lastdate datetime
But now I want just to be able to pass it the day name - in this instance would be 'Wednesday' and want it to return date ranges with last date as Wed the 30th of July. Reason I want to use day name is that people will be running these reports on a certain day - for instance on Wednesday and last day to be Monday - and this will mean they do not have to keep changing the date in the call to function.
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Oct 4, 2006
hi !!I have just downloaded 180 days trial version....It is not getting installed by me...It shows : minimum hardware requirement does not match. .... I have computer with 512MB RAM and 1.60 Ghz process with XP professional installed on it with SP2.I have just formated my pc and trying to install SQL2005...i have already VS2005 installed in my PC..Any idea???
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Aug 20, 2007
I've installed the MS SQL Server 2005, and when I click on Start->Programs-> MS SQL Server 2005->Configuration Tools, there are 3 options given:
1.SQL Server Error and Usage Reporting
2.SQL Server Configuration Manager
3.SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
My objective is to have a database where I can play and refresh my skills in T-SQL. I would want to create or view tables and data. I've already downloaded CodePlex's sample database and installed it, but it is not showing. How can I configure these server to show tables and stuff?
I'm not a DBA but a programmer, and don't have the luxury of going through tons of documentation for this thing to get going. Any help would be appreciated.
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May 14, 2007
Hi all
I have a server with SQL Server2000 databases in it..
Now i would like to install SQL Server 2005 on the same server with out disturbing SQL Server 2000 databases
I need to create a seperate instance for SQL Server 2005..
is it possible to have both the instances on the same server.
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Mar 24, 2008
I've been able to make a linked server to an access document as follows and it works perfectly:
EXECUTE sp_addlinkedserver 'North', 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',
'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','C:Practice FilesNorthwind.mdb'
SELECT * FROM North...Customers
I have 2x sql 2005 servers at home at different machines. I'm logging on both machines by using windows authentication. How can I make a linked server between them?
Thank you.
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Aug 19, 2007
I just installed sql server 2005 and trying to pick it up before I start a new job as a developer using sql server 2005. The problem is that I have three instances installed, the one that works was installed prior to installing sql server 2005 when I installed System Architect a CASE tool which utilizes sql server for its encyclopedias.
My initial installed I used the default settings with the default instance and that does not work. I later ran set up again and installed another instance and that does not work. For some apparent reason the POKIN10SQL instance is over riding everything rendering every other instance non-functional.
When I try to connect to the one of the other instances, the error message is
"An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connection to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL does not allow remote connections. (Provider Network Interface, error: 26 - Error locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server)"
I don't think the remote connection is the problem as I went into the properties settings and checked the connection settings and allow remote connections is checked.
In terms of locating the instance, I installed SQL Server as specified in the handbook ... with the default instance and then a named instance.
Something seems to be wrong with the POKIN10SQL instance which was installed with System Architect, I need System Architect so I need a work around rather then an uninstall.
Can someone help please?
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Jul 20, 2005
I am interested in installing both SQL Server 2005 Express and SQL Server2005 b2 on the same machine. Can they both be installed on the same machinewithout conflicts? As in two different instances?John Dalberg
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May 29, 2008
Hi i've to table where i have a product code and a area code.
I want to insert the values from table 1 into table 2 if the product code and area code do not already exists in the table in table 2.
Am using this code below but it does not seem to be working.
select distinct p_code1, area_code
from table1
where not exists
(select p_code, area_code
from table 2 )
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Mar 28, 2007
I've just installed Visual Web Developer Express and SQL Server 2005. I'm running thru the painfully slow video tutorials from Microsoft (see here).
I've open Web Dev and tried to create a new SQL Database Item, only to receive this error:
"Connections to SQL Server files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL"
I'm totally new to this, but this still makes no sense.
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Dec 18, 2007
My company wants to combine our SQL2000 and SQL2005 severs onto one server. If I install SQL2000 and 2005 on one server and migrate the data bases will I have any performance issues? Is there any issues or conflicts known by putting them both on the same server?
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Jul 20, 2007
I want to find whether SQL Server 2005 x86 is installed or SQL Server 2005 x64 is installed programatically(Any API would do.) If anyone can recommend a registry key that I can rely on find whether it is a 32 bit or 64 bit SQL Server that would suffice.
I am building an installer. Based on the version I need to code my install script.
Thanks in advance,
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Apr 3, 2007
I am in the process of installing SQL 2005 on a new server that is also going to have MS CRM 3.0 installed
CRM needs the .net 1.1 which has you run "cscript %SystemDrive%inetpubAdminScriptsadsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1"
I installed .net 1.1 32-Bit and 2.0 64-Bit on the server. Then cscript %SystemDrive%inetpubAdminScriptsadsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1
During the initial stages of the SQL install I receive the foloowing warning:
- ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement (Warning)
ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement
32-bit ASP.Net is Registered. Required 64-bit ASP.Net to install Microsoft Reporting Services 2005(64-bit).
Do I need to run cscript %SystemDrive%inetpubAdminScriptsadsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 0 before the install of SQL and then cscript %SystemDrive%inetpubAdminScriptsadsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1 after?
Or do I need to install SQL 2005 64-bit without reporting services and then install SQL 2005 32-bit reporting services on the same server?
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Mar 13, 2008
I need to be able to programmatically detect whether or not SQL Server 2005, anything from Express on up to the full package with all the bells and whistles, is installed on the computer regardless of which service pack (if any) is installed. I found a forum article that provides a Registry setting that I could look at, but in the reply to the original post, it recommends using WMI instead of Registry keys. Also, I don't know whether or not the Registry key given for SQL Server 2005 would be present for even the minimal package. (Our requirements are for at least the Express package, and I understand that there's an even more basic package than that.) I'm maintaining a couple of installers that use 5-year old InstallShield technology (and Visual Studio 6 for any C/C++ code that I have to create) that have to check whether or not SQL Server 2005 Express (or a fuller package) is installed. I have done no SQL Server programming, so I've never even heard of WMI. Also, because these are installers, they have to work out of the box with no requirements to install anything beforehand to allow the installer to work. (We are working on an MSI-based installer with a bootstrap executable (the latter built using Visual Studio 2005) that will replace the older installers in the next version of our software, but we still need to support the older installers for now. Therefore, an out of the box solution that works with the older technology that we are still using for the older software is imperative. As the older software supports Win2k, the SQL Server detection solution must do so, too.)
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Jul 18, 2001
I had a server with SQL Server 7.0
I installed a named instance of SQL Server 2000 and then i passed all my DB
of the 7.0 instance to the 2000 instance.
Then i removed the 7.0 instance, that was the default instance.
So at the moment there is only the 2000 version, but it isn't the default
Can the 2000 instance become the default instance? (So that clients can
connect to it simply through computer name, and not creating an alias)
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Nov 20, 2006
Hi all,I just asked some people to help me out and phone microsoft with thefollowing information, kindly they refused unless we setup a supportcontract with them first, for pre-sales information. (That really doesnot sound like good business sense to me - anyway here is our problem,if anyone could help thanks)."To tell and ask microsoft:We will be setting up a microsoft sql server 2000 instance running on awindows 2003 server.1) We need to check this can run alongside a microsoft 2003 sql server(either workgroup or standard edition), on the same machine. Are thereany .dll clashes if we do this? If there are can we run SQL Server2000, in a virtual machine running windows 2000 professional. (I have alicenced copy we can use for this).2) If we run one instance of 2000, and one of 2003 of the sql servers,can one use the processor licence model, and one use the CAL licencemodel."Thanks for any help, and any idea why they actually force you to usenews groups for pre-sales information?David
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