Hi, I've got a situation where a table column is composed of decimal numbersthat have to be converted to whole numbers. I want to use CEILING and FLOOR functions to round them up or down, but how do I extract the part after the decimal point to evaluate which operation to apply? I don't think there is a function in sql server that looks for a position of a character within a string. I tried INSTR (the vb function) and that gave me an error msg.
Hi All, How to find if , if more than 1 on string? Like Address ........... Maidenhead, Berkshire, No SL6-3QH Queretaro, 76802 22451-041 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Neyork city, 900789 Xing City,Petthity,Thaui90 ..................................
I need only .................... Address ........... Maidenhead, Berkshire, No SL6-3QH 22451-041 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Xing City,Petthity,Thaui90
I'm trying to figure out how to find the last whitespace character in avarchar string. To complicate things, it's not just spaces that I'mlooking for, but certain ascii characters (otherwise, obviously, justuse LEN). My initial thought was to REVERSE it, find the location(using CHARINDEX) looking for each of those characters (so, multiplequeries), then subtract that from the LEN of the string.The problem I'm running into is that there are about a dozen differentcharacters we're looking for. Any suggestions? My thought was to(this sounds silly, so there's gotta be a better way) dump the resultsfrom each CHARINDEX into a table, then find the MAX of the table anduse that. But, like I said, it sounds silly. I don't think I can do a[^0-9A-Z] either, since there are non-Alphanumeric characters we'relooking for.Many thanks.
I am trying to figure out how I can find the names of people who have a double occurrence or more of characters either in their first name or last name.
Hi ...I have a weblog database where I want to count the occurences of atable of string values that appear in all the urls viewed.My tblWebLog as a field that contains the url ...tblWebLog.[cs-uri-stem]I have another table ... tblStrings ... that has a field [strSearch]for a string value and an integer field [intViewCount] to count theoccurence of the string in tblWebLog.[cs-uri-stem]I've been trying ...Update tblStringsSet [intViewCount] = (Select Count(*) From tblWebLog Where[cs-uri-stem] Like '%_' + tblStrings.[strSearch] + '.htm%').... but it doesn't fly and I'm stumped. Any thoughts?Cheers.
Hi All, I want to extract a numeric value from a string. Example, in a string like - Mgmt Pack: Processor Exception Threshold >80% Every 10 Minutes. - I want to extract that number 80. Since, later I'll want this number to plot a graph.
Since this is going to be an alert pulled from OnePoint (MOM Operational Database), the number will vary, and so I cannot look for the same number. So, can anyone help me how to get this working?
Thanks a lot in advance and let me know if the question is not clear.
Hi Everyone- i woder if someone know Built in function to search the occurence of char in string in T-SQL
and iam not talking about the Index of the first occurence (e.g CHARINDEX ) but it is more generic
i want to send to the function to ask about the index the second or the third or N occurence of the char. and i wonder if it is built in for performance reasons
example getseachIndex("M|d|d","|",2)==> the result is 4
khosara writes "I have one parameter @String with value "My name is Khosara". How to get the value only "Is khos". Could you please help me, witch method shold i use. Thank in advance."
I'm trying to import a large .txt file into SQL but a regular bulk insert will not do as there are no delimiters. Each line contains roughly 1080 bytes of data that are scrunched together. (1 byte - represents one character) The only thing I know for sure is the start and end position for each column entry which is fixed-format. For example:
In t-sql 2008 r2, I would like to know how to select a specific string in a varchar(50) field. The field in question is called 'CalendarId'.
This field can contain values like:
xxIN187 13-14 W Elem HS321 13-14 D Elem IN636 13-14 C Elem 030 13-14 clark middle.
What I am looking for is the first position that contains a number value for the length of 3. Thus what I want are values that look like the following: 030, 636, 187.What I know that I want is substring(CalendarId,?,3).The question mark is where I want the starting location of a number value (0 to 9) of the value in CalendarId . I tried pathindex but my syntax did not work.
We have some URLs within a bulk block of text some of which are very long. I need to identify rows where such urls exceed say 100 characters in length in amongst other text.So the rule would be return a record if within the string there is a string (without spaces) longer than 100 characters.
I am trying to insert a row into a table of Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
There are various columns.
[SNO] [numeric](3, 0) NOT NULL , [DATT] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [DATTA] [char] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [CODECS] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
The [DATTA] column is causing a problem. Even if I am trying to put only 1700 character string into [DATTA], the java code throws the following exception:-
StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following SQLException, with ErrorCode 0 and SQLState 08S01, to a StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Connection reset
at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createException(Unknown Source)
Why is it throwing an exception even though the sum-total of this row doesn't exceed 8000 characters?
I am currently doing a mapping from text file to sql table. there is one column in the text file that contain more than 15,000 characters in it. it causes me an error because i was using varchar data type, in which i believe can only store 8000 char. can anybody tell me which data type to use? and also, will i be able to change the data type in the input column also? if yes, which data type should i change it to?
I want to read a String - character by character.I mean If the string is 'SAMPLE' then I want to go to each and every character in it 'S','A','M','P','L','E' to compare with another string for equality. I hope I am clear.Is there a way that I can read it?
I'm running into a couple of performance issues with regards to the parsing of a text string. We have a function that will take a comma delimited character string, parse out the individual values, and then populate a temp table with those values. The two issues are 1.) the parsing process is VERY slow and 2.) there's a max to how large the string can be - at some point it could easily be 8000 characters or more in length.
Here are the function and the stored procedure wher eit occurs:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Split](@String varchar(MAX), @Delimiter char(1))
RETURNS @Results TABLE (Item nvarchar(4000))
DECLARE @SLICE nvarchar(4000)
Basically I need to insert underscore in between a string when there is a space in the content of the string. For Example say we have string 'ABC XYZ', I've to convert it into something like this 'ABC_XYZ'. Some strings do not have space in between and I should not add underscore in such cases. I'm working with MSSQL Server 2008 version.
I simply need to separate the string for each row by the & character and then I'm assuming i ll be able to COUNT and GROUP BY the occurrences of each separate value in order to find the most commonly used inputs.I have a column Variables in the table Functions, that contains a string of values separated by the & character that shows the inputs each student inserted into a function.
How would I go about splitting that string without the use of a function or stored procedure and the find the most commonly used variables? (I was thinking the latter part could be easily solved with a COUNT(*) and appropriate GROUP BY.)
In a column I have some values for part names. The 6th character tellsyou where the part came from, and this is the same scheme for everysingle part in the database.If I want to do something like return the basic name of a given part,without the factory identifier character, I need to replace thatcharacter with a '_' character. (So for instance '11256CA' and'11265AA' and '11256MA' would all just get turned into '11256_A' andonly one row would be returned in the SELECT DISTINCT statement)I know how to replace an instance of a given character using replace(),but how can I alter a specific character in a string if all I know isthe index of the character within the string?TIA,-CS
I need to creat distinct terms of the example parsing the term on the '|' character. I will be using mysql.
example: 1885-1974.|Johnson family|Frontier and pioneer life - Alberta - Black Hill district|Cadogan region (Alta.) - Biography|Black Hill district (Alta.) - Biography