FlatFile For LookUp Mismatch

Mar 27, 2007

Hi all,

my package has a lot of lookups of fact table fields against dimension tables.

i did a redirect row for each lookup error to a flat file.

i wanted to put all lookup mismatch on the same file, but i couldn't do it because there'll be error saying that

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

i don't think it's practical to have flat files for each lookups. how is this normally done? please help...


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Data Type Mismatch In Oracle Lookup On 64 Bit

Mar 6, 2006

I have SS on 64bit trying to do a lookup to an Oracle 10G db - I'm reading from a SS table and using a column to be part of the 'where' clause on my lookup against a table in oracle - I get Data Type mismatch even though both columns are strings (the input SS column is mapped to a string Derived column which is then mapped to the lookup). If I run on a 32bit machine it works fine. I have a task that can successfully update the Oracle DB table (on 64bit), I just can't get the lookup to work on 64 bit.

Anyone else seen this?


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Performance Expectations For Fuzzy Lookup Against 25mill Row Lookup Table

Oct 31, 2007

We did some "at scale" fuzzy lookup tests today and were rather disappointed with the performance. I'm wanting to know your experience so I can set my performance expectations appropriately.

We were doing a fuzzy lookup against a lookup table with 25 million rows. Each row has 11 columns used in the fuzzy lookup, each between 10-100 chars. We set CopyReferenceTable=0 and MatchIndexOptions=GenerateAndPersistNewIndex and WarmCaches=true. It took about 60 minutes to build that index table, during which, dtexec got up to 4.5GB memory usage. (Is there a way to tell what % of the index table got cached in memory? Memory kept rising as each "Finished building X% of fuzzy index" progress event scrolled by all the way up to 100% progress when it peaked at 4.5GB.) The MaxMemoryUsage setting we left blank so it would use as much as possible on this 64-bit box with 16GB of memory (but only about 4GB was available for SSIS).

After it got done building the index table, it started flowing data through the pipeline. We saw the first buffer of ~9,000 rows get passed from the source to the fuzzy lookup transform. Six hours later it had not finished doing the fuzzy lookup on that first buffer!!! Running profiler showed us it was firing off lots of singelton SQL queries doing lookups as expected. So it was making progress, just very, very slowly.

We had set MinSimilarity=0.45 and Exhaustive=False. Those seemed to be reasonable settings for smaller datasets.

Does that performance seem inline with expectations? Any thoughts to improve performance?

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Fuzzy Lookup Error When Adding Additional Lookup Columns

Sep 26, 2007

I'm working with an existing package that uses the fuzzy lookup transform. The package is currently working; however, I need to add some columns to the lookup columns from the reference table that is being used.

It seems that I am hitting a memory threshold of some sort, as when I add 3 or 4 columns, the package works, but when I add 5 columns, the fuzzy lookup transform fails pre-execute:

Taking a snapshot of the reference table
Taking a snapshot of the reference table
Building Fuzzy Match Index
component "Fuzzy Lookup Existing Member" (8351) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0x8007007A.

These errors occur regardless of what columns I am attempting to add to the lookup list.

I have tried setting the MaxMemoryUsage custom property of the transform to 0, and to explicit values that should be much more than enough to hold the fuzzy match index (the reference table is only about 3000 rows, and the entire table is stored in less than 2MB of disk space.

Any ideas on what else could be causing this?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Lookup - Can Use More Than One Field When Doing Lookup

Sep 23, 2015

Say I want to lookup a value in another dataset, but there is a grouping that requires you to know what the values for each level is in order to get to the correct detail record.   Can you still use the lookup function with more than one field to compare against? So for example


I want to be able to add a new row at the Measure level, but lookup each field from another dataset.  In order to do that I will need the Department AND SalesPerson values to do the lookup, but I dont think the Lookup function will let us do that will.

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Is It Possible To Lookup Value Based On Two Tables Using Lookup Task

Jun 27, 2007

Hi All,

Actually this is in regard to SCD Type 2 Dimension, Scenario is like that I am moving Fact table from some old source and I have dimensionA description value in fact which I want to replace with appropriate id from Dimension Table and that Dimension table is SCD Type 2 based on StartDate and EndDate and Fact Table doesn't contains direct date value rather there is timeId in Fact so to update the value in Fact table I have to Join Time Dimension table and other Dimension Table to replace fact Description with proper Id.

Lets assume DimensionA Structure





Fact Table






Time Dimension




Hour ...

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Row Yielded No Match During Lookup When Using 2 Columns In Lookup

Jul 24, 2007

I am doing a lookup that requires mapping 2 columns in the column mapping section. When I do this, I get the error "Row yielded no match during lookup" . The SQL that I captured in SQL profiler does find the record when I run it in Management Studio. I have already tried trimming everything to no avail.

Why is this happening?

I tried enabling memory restrictions but then I my package hangs and I get a SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG.log file with the following logged:

07/24/07 13:35:48, ERROR , SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, AdjustTokenPrivileges () failed (00000514)
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 5952
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 0
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x0
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x0
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x0100C5D0
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x00000000
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x00000000
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used
07/24/07 13:35:48, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used
07/24/07 13:35:49, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used
07/24/07 13:35:49, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SharedErrorDumpsSQLDmpr0033.mdmp
07/24/07 13:35:49, ACTION, DtsDebugHost.exe, Watson Invoke: No

Why am I getting this error with "Enable Memory Restriction"?

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Flatfile Into MSSQL

Aug 3, 2004

I currently have a flatfile with a seperate COBOL copybook. I need to be able to import all of it correctly into a db in mssql. Are there any *free programs that will turn the flatfile into some form for insertion into the db? What about csv format into the db?

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Row Yielded No Match During Lookup While There Is No Row Going Through The Lookup

Sep 29, 2006

Hi all,

I don't understand what's happening here.

I have a Conditional Split with 3 outputs. On the first output I have a lookup, when I execute the package I have 56 rows going through the Conditional Split, all rows are then going to the 2nd and 3rd output but the lookup on the first output generates an error "Row yielded no match during lookup".

I don't understand why the lookup is generating an error while there is no row going through it.

Any idea ?


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How To Replace A Row From A Flatfile In A Table

Jun 30, 2006

Hello again,

As a beginner I would like to replace records in a Table with Records from a Flatfile.

ILet's say, I got a custnum from the Flatfile and I like to replace the whole record of custnum (Primary Key) in a Table.

Can someone give me a hint how to do?

I'm looking forward to an early answer.



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What Is The Difference Between FlatFile And File ?

Jul 18, 2007

What is the true difference between FlatFile and File in terms of ConnectionManagerType? If FlatFile is just a subset, why does SSIS architechture need it? What is the reasoning behind?

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Get FlatFile Columns Through ConnectionManager

Mar 29, 2006

The CreatePackage sample provided with SQL Server programmatically creates a package that has a source type of OLEDB to a flat file destination. I am building exactly the opposite, source=flatfile, destination=SQL Server. I expect that will be a more common scenario is using SSIS.

The problem I have is populating the source columns in the FlatFileSource connection manager programmatically. I know it can be done because it happens when you build a package in Visual Studio. What I'd like to know is how to do it programmatically in the object model. How can I interrogate the datasource through the connection manager to find out what columns it has? If I know, I can add the columns to the connection manager. My sample below does this, but it doesn't know the number of columns in the source so that value is hardcoded. I'm guessing there is a better way to do this than what I've got below.

How can I find the number of columns in my source so I can add the columns to the connection manager?


Private Sub AddColumnsToFlatFileConnectionManager()
Dim ff As wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile90 = Nothing

For Each cm As ConnectionManager In _Package.Connections
If cm.Name.Equals(_ExternalConnectionID) Then
ff = TryCast(cm.InnerObject, wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile90)
End If

If Not ff Is Nothing Then

Dim col As wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn90
Dim name As wrap.IDTSName90
Dim Min As Int32 = 0
Dim Max As Int32 = Min + 3 ' *** HARDCODED LIMIT ***

For cols As Integer = Min To Max
col = ff.Columns.Add()

If cols = Max Then
col.ColumnDelimiter = vbCrLf
col.ColumnDelimiter = ","
End If

Dim width As Int32 = 50
Dim DataType As wrap.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_STR

col.ColumnType = "Delimited"
col.DataType = DataType
col.MaximumWidth = width
col.DataPrecision = 0
col.DataScale = 0
col.ColumnWidth = width
name = TryCast(col, wrap.IDTSName90)
name.Name = "Column " & cols.ToString


End If

End Sub

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Changing The Format In Flatfile

Jan 28, 2008


Iam migration data from a table into a comma delimited flatfile,but i need to specify all the columns within [ " ] in the flatfile

for example

i have a column [Name] the values are John,Mani,Raghu.....

The flat file should be outputted as

Is there anyway to do this.Pls help.


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Using Expressions With FlatFile Connections?

Jan 3, 2007

This seems so obvious, but is causing me a lot of trouble:

The flat files input to my SSIS packages may contain an empty line between each row of data, or may be "continuous" without any extra empty lines. Here are small examples of the data I'm working with:

With the extra line:

"M","SFH","Single Family Mortgage Loans","Single Fam Mtg"

"M","MFH","Multifamily Mortgage Loans","Multi-Fam Mtg"


Without the extra line:

"M","SFH","Single Family Mortgage Loans","Single Fam Mtg"
"M","MFH","Multifamily Mortgage Loans","Multi-Fam Mtg"

Seems to me it should be possible to set up a single FlatFile connection to handle both these formats, but it's not easy.

I can easily manually edit the FlatFile connection and change the "RowDelimiter" to either "{CR}{LF}" or "{CR}{LF}{CR}{LF}" and the package runs against the corresponding flat file.

However, when I try to use an expression (@[User::StrRowDelimiter]) to set the RowDelimiter to the value of a package variable, the expression is completely ignored.

I can only change the RowDelimiter property on the FlatFile connection by manually opening the editor on the connection and changing it to match the incoming file.

Why isn't this connection seeing the expression I've set up for its RowDelimiter property?

Thanks for any help!

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Conditional Split To FlatFile

Sep 10, 2007


I have a Conditional Split to FlatFile Destination.

How can I put the result, that goes in the FlatFile Destination, in a variable also (like in Recordset Destination).

Do I have to runs this thing twise (and put the first time in FlatFile Destination and the second time in Recordset Destination)?

Thank you.

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Skip A Row In The Flatfile Source

May 20, 2008

I am importing a flatfile and cannot seem to deal with an issue that seems quite simple.

The files have a header row with column names and those rows start with '#'

However sometimes this header row will also be present in the middle of the file.

The Source tries to parse this row and fails

Is there any way to tell the flafile source to skip rows that start with a particular character like comment rows?

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FlatFile Connection And Security

Jun 24, 2005

My DTS package, deployed and run from the file system, works just fine for me, but fails when someone else runs it. The only explicit error from the dtexec command is:

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Type Mismatch

Nov 28, 2005

I'm not sure why the numbers aren't being used as ints, all the examples I've found says this works...I appreciate any suggestions.products = trim(request.form("products")) response.Write("prods [" & products&"]") produces the output...prods [423,424,174] however, when i try and pass this to sql server 7 from asp, i get the following error (if i use query analyzer it works fine.)
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Error converting data type varchar to int. cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@prods",adVarChar,adParamInput,255,products) conn.open cmd.ActiveConnection=conn cmd.Execute 'ERROR ON THIS LINE, SO HELPFUL!SP:  @prods nvarchar(255) --paramSET @sql=@sql+' WHERE id in ('+@prods+')' --i've tried with the parens and without

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Value Mismatch Using Join

Feb 1, 2015

Furniture table

Sales table

employee table

select f.furniturename as furniturename,f.quantity as tquantity,s.quantity as squantity,e.fname as fname,e.lname as lname from furnitures f inner join sales s inner join employee e on s.fid=f.fid and e.eid=s.eid";

furniture Name Total Quantity Sales quantity Remaining Quantity person
book rack 40 2 roshan shri
book rack 40 3 roshan shri

It displays 2 records , but it should display in 1 record.output should be like this

bookrack 40 5 35 roshan shri

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Mismatch Between Approaches

Jun 26, 2006

I am retrieving data from an AS400. I used the import data utility to pull the data in initially and to create the table for the data in SQL server. There are a couple of text fields that represent dates in the data I imported.

The Import data utility imported these fields as character data. That was fine by me.

Now, when I pull new data from the same AS400 data source I have to use the Data Reader source (due to the OLEDB components not being able to work with an SQL command;i,e, it works okay when pulling the entire table but does not work at all with even the simplest of sql statements). The data reader source insists on interpreting the text fields containing date data from the AS400 as DB_DATETIMESTAMP data type. The net effect of this is that the data it pulls in in the DB_DATETIMESTAMP format is too large to fit into the 10 character varchar field that was created when the entire table was imported.

I know I can get around this in a couple of ways. But, my question is this. Why will the DateReader source not let me specify how I want the incoming data to be interpreted? There seems to be no way to change the way the external column is interpreted. By this I mean that I can change the external columns representation on the datareader source to indicate that I want it treated as a 10 character text field but I cannot change the output column representation. When I try to do so I get an error message telling me the data type of the output columns on the component datareader source cannot be changed. It seems a bit odd to me that character data coming in cannot be treated as character data in output.

It looks like I will need to use a script component to force the data conversion that I want and it just doesn't make a lot of sense to me as to why I can't do what I need to do in a conversion component.

I would feel better if I could understand what is going on behind the scenes that makes this state of affairs desirable.

Thanks in advance.

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How To Pick Nearby Text Of Lookup Terms With Help Of Term Extraction/Term Lookup

Oct 4, 2007

I am designing a ssis package,This is intends to mine text data(Data extracted from websites).
Term lookup/Term extraction has been used as tools for mining.
I have lookup terms defined with me for reference table,but the main problem lie in extracting the nearby text/number/charcters to these lookup terms during mining.
For example :
I found noun "Email" 200 (frequency score) times in my text,Now I want to extract nearby email address(this is also true for PhoneNumber,Address attributes also).so how can I achieve this with SSIS.
If u have some idea/suggestion to carry out this challenge with or without Term Extraction/Term Lookup,plz do write here.

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Query Output To Flatfile Wraps

Feb 23, 2001

I am running an ISQL script every day and automatically emailing the output of a query as the body of an email, to a group of people. ISQL executes a SQL file which selects some data and the output of the ISQL is sent to a *.txt file.

The Issue is that the output of the query wraps in the flatfile. It seems that the *.txt file wraps at character 76.

Does anyone have an Idea how to prevent query output data from wrapping in the flatfile?


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Import From A Flatfile With Rows That Have Different Formats

Jan 23, 2008

Hello Folks,

Im trying to use Integrations services to import a file on a daily basis.

My flatfile has to different type of rows that comes from an transaction system, it looks like this:


After the date you can see that there is two digits number either 00 or 01. The rows also have a different lengthts.

When ever that columns contains 00 the line should be inserted to a special text file, if the columns contains 01 it should to another file.

How can I solve this in a good way?

One of the problems I have is that when I try to import the rows the flat file connections indicates(erros message) that I have partial row in the file which is true since the the rows with the columns content 01 have more fields then the other.

Thanks for you help.


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Flatfile Destination Variable Filename

Jun 20, 2007

Why does the raw file have an option for a variable path and the flat file destination does not? Not having this feature makes it impossible to work with variable environments. Please add this option to the Flatfile Destination.

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Flatfile Destination Expression Problems

May 11, 2007


Am trying to write SQL data to multiple flat files.

I use a For Each loop,

store field Values in variables

construct a fileName(variable as expression) for each row,

then create a text file for each row in resultset, (Filesystem task)

and then try to fill each file from a SQL Source to a Flatfile Destination.


Works ok for creation of Text Files, so I know my fileName variable is getting evaluated for each iteration.

But the flat file connection manager is stuck and evaluates to the static part of my expression.

What am I doing wrong?



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Populate Flatfile Source From Variable

May 21, 2007

We are storing incoming flatfiles into a text field in a table and then we are processing this table on a regular basis. What I would like to do is to get this flatfile from the textfield and populate a flatfile source with it, but so far I have only been able to do that with XML files as there are no option for doing that with the flatfile source. Using the disk as a temporary storage for the flatfile is prohibited.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this?

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Two Issues With Bids Flatfile Import

Dec 28, 2007

The first is the

With every keystroke in the flat file connection manager editor on the filename
the bids system goes out and trys to find the file
this is stupidly slow when using \sqldevelopc$zipcode.txt

The second is creating an import from a flat file to database file using data flow task

when you run the task I get the following error trying to open a c:demozipcode.txt file

[AdventureWorks [30]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Could not bulk load because SSIS file mapping object 'GlobalDTSQLIMPORT ' could not be opened. Operating system error code 2(The system cannot find the file specified.). Make sure you are accessing a local server via Windows security.".

I can see there is an issue with BIDS that when you developing it is using the local drive C drive and running it using the servers C drive

I have tried unc paths also and it doesnt work either

Everything in the connection looks fine, i can see the data, the columns etc

I can get this to work using bulk load task and the exact same connection, but not in the data flow task

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Reading Specific Line In Flatfile

Jun 14, 2007


I have a flatfile source. I want to extract a specific row... let say row 2. how do i retrieve that row from the list of rows in my flat file?



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Import From Flatfile With Rows That Have Different Format...

Jan 23, 2008

Hello Folks,

Im trying to use Integrations services to import a file on a daily basis.

My flatfile has to different type of rows that comes from an transaction system, it looks like this:


After the date you can see that there is two digits number either 00 or 01. The rows also have a different lengthts.

When ever that columns contains 00 the line should be inserted to a special text file, if the columns contains 01 it should to another file.

How can I solve this in a good way?

One of the problems I have is that when I try to import the rows the flat file connections indicates(erros message) that I have partial row in the file which is true since the the rows with the columns content 01 have more fields then the other.

Thanks for you help.


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Flatfile Output Truncating After 255 Characters

Apr 2, 2007


iam bringing an output in flatfile which is truncating after 255 characters,some of the data is vanishing because of this.can anyone pls help.

pls advice.



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Import Dedicated Records From A Flatfile To A DB

Jun 29, 2006

Hello all
I got a Problem when I try to store Data from a Flatfile to a DB.
The following Error appears in the Progress Control:
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Products_1'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Products'.".

I have a Flat File Source, and would like to store the needed records in a DB.
In Column 0 in the Flatfile I have multiple Entries with equal Values.
In the DB this Column is set as Primary Key and can only have one Record with the same Value in this Column.

How can I read out (or store) only one Record with the same Value from the Flatfile to store it in the DB?

How can I check if there is a Record from the Flatfile in the DB with the same value in the Primary Key?

How can I change any of the remaining Columns with different Values in the DB to match with the Flatfile?

Thanks in advance for any answer


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Chain Linkage Mismatch....

Dec 8, 2003

Server: Msg 8908, Level 22, State 6,
on index defragmentation on a table.

Table error: Database ID 490, object ID 517576882, index ID 0. Chain linkage mismatch. (1:13020)->next = (1:13021), but (1:13021)->prev = (1:13080).

from error.log found corresponding error on dbcc checkdatabase on this same database:
I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset 0x00000006614000 in file
Waiting for type 0x4, current count 0x100022, current owning EC 0x76A85540.
Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2

is there a way to fix this chain linkage mismatch error?

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Data Type Mismatch

Oct 26, 2007

I am new to SQL.

I have the following SQL query.

Update TimeSheet SET TotalTime=TimeOut - TimeIn;

The data type for TotalTime required by me is (For example)
2 Days 3 Hrs.

So what should is Do?

At present i am getting output as 'Jan 1 1900 1:00AM' where as i want it to show as 0 days 1 hour.

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