Fold The Detailed Lines

Apr 23, 2008


I would like to know how to set the grouping lines or the detailed line to get the function like in Excel: group plan

+ Group line GL1
Detailed Line 1
Detailed Line 2

When the grouping function is active, you see the Group line GL1 only. By clicking on the + icone, you will see all the detailed lines (like in Excel document).

Thank you in advance for your replies.

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Detailed Db Configuration With MS SQL

Oct 23, 2001

I would like to determine the configuration for a given database in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000.

If you examine the properties of databases using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, you can see that certain options exist for a database.
For example:
- ANSI NULL Default
- Recursive triggers
- Auto Update statistics
- Torn page detection
- Auto close
- Auto shrink
- Auto create statistics
- Use quoted identifiers

Can this information be obtain via a stored procedure?

What about information regarding the SQL server configuration itself?
If I use SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I can get properties for the
For example:
- "Dynamcially configure SQL server memory" vs "Use a fixed memory size"

Is this information available?


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Detailed Log Information

Apr 5, 2004

We just started using SQL Server. I'm new on the SQL side of things. We have SQL setup in a test environment with users connecting and performing job related functions. An in house programmer has developed software for our users which connects to the SQL Server

I'm looking for information pertaining to events that have teken place within SQL. Does SQL give you details on updates and changes made to specific tables. I'm looking for some way of looking up item numbers and the user that entered the data. We have noticed that some of the users may be entering in wrong data within certain tables. And would like to educate them on what they are doing wrong.

I need to know what certain users are logging and entering into our SQL Server.

What are the most detailed logs that SQL Server provides that has information on what the users are doing has far an entering in data.

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More Detailed Logs

Mar 17, 2008

How do I get more details on maintenance plan tasks? I have "log extended information" checked but it doesn't add much detail.

For example, I would like to see all objects listed on the update statistics job like this:
Object 'cpf' was successfully marked for recompilation

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Detailed View In C#

Apr 19, 2007

Hi there,
I was wondering if there is a detailed view control (that can be linked to grid view control) in ordinary C# applications as we have in ASP.NET applications? Please if anyone has information regarding that let me know.


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Detailed Technical Design (DTD)

Apr 10, 2007


I'm a newbe in SQL Server and I have to build "Detailed Technical Design" Document regarding the SQL Server . If anybody knows something or has an example / structure about this document please send me a replay.....

Thank you in advance

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Detailed Date Calculation

Jul 25, 2007


if a customer DOB is 1933-06-30 and a date of service is on 2007-06-21
that makes them 73 and not 74. How do I calculate an accurate years of age?

Thanks in advance.

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Detailed Error Reporting. How To?

May 25, 2006

The best I can get out of my detail log is this which is no help. How do I find out what really happened. My windows app log is no help either

Date 5/24/2006 9:51:41 PM
Log Job History (DTS_xx)

Step ID 1
Server xx
Job Name DTS_xx
Step Name DTS_xx
Duration 00:00:01
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0

Executed as user: xxadministrator. The package execution failed. The step failed.

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How To Get Detailed Logging Info?

Feb 22, 2006


I have a master package with 5 Execute Package Task for sub_packages.
How to get the detailed logging information as I see in the debug model in the local file system?

Thanks A lot

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?combine Detailed And Count In One Query?

Aug 15, 2003

Is it possible to combine a detailed query with its related count and sum without using any #temp tables at all?

ex. select customerID, customerName,
(select count(orderID) from tblOrder where orderDate > '01/01/2003'
and orderStatus = 'active') as countActive,
(select count(orderID) from tblOrder where orderDate > '01/01/2003'
and orderStatus = 'inactive') as countInActive
from rfCustomers

something like that? I was heard SQL2k has some new feature like this, or a UDF may be required? Currently, I have to use #temp table to get it.


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XML Task Validation - No Detailed Errors

Sep 18, 2007

I am using the XML Task to validate an XML file against the XSD schema.
Everything works fine, but about detailed errors in the case of the failed validation?

1) I specified €śOperationsResult€? Destination property to save the task execution outcome into a file.
2) Also, I turned on all possible events for logging.

Unfortunately, neither option produces a detailed validation error message.
Option 1 saves one single word €śtrue€? or €śfalse€? to a file.
Logging produces the following message:
Task failed to validate "A validation error occurred when validating the instance document.".

As end result, it is impossible to pinpoint the problem with the xml file and, consequently, fix the issue.

The expected behavior should be a detailed error message like the following (produced by StylusStudio):
file:///c:/temp/fafa/feed_bad.xml:12824,52: Datatype error: Type:InvalidDatatypeFacetException,
Message:Value '244212' must be less than or equal to MaxInclusive '4'.

It shows a precise location of the error in the XML file plus the specific XSD rule which failed.

Any idea what could be done to get the detailed error message for the XML Task Validation?


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Detailed Error Information In An E-mail

Aug 9, 2006


Is there a way to get detailed error information in an e-mail?



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Creating A View With Detailed Informations

Mar 30, 2006

I have a code for creating view in T-SQL. I want to ask you guys, i want to make this result set should grouped by DepoAdi column and StokKodu (this is an alias sure you can get it from code). Did i make it on group by line? My second problem is i want to add 2 columns to this query. This 2 column will calculate some values with SUM function and - operator. At CRM.Depolar.DepoBilgileri table i have a column named Miktar (this one stores int type datas) and i have a column named islemturu(this one stores 1 or 0). I want to calculate Miktar values which rows has islemturu column 0 and subtract them from which rows has islemturu column 1 value and this computing action must be based on Grouped columns.

DepoAdi | StokKodu | Miktar | IslemTuru
ABS SK101 5 0
ABS SK101 3 1
ABS SK102 4 0
ABS SK102 3 1

This is the table and i'm imaging view what i want now...

DepoAdi | StokKodu | Miktar
ABS SK101 2
ABS SK102 1

How can i add this resultset to my code..

Thanks for reading... Waiting your answers.. Happy coding...

CREATE VIEW [CRM.Depolar.DepoDurumlari]


SELECT [CRM.Depolar.DepoBilgileri].DepoAdi,

[CRM.Objeler.TemelGruplar.TureyenGruplar].GrupKodu + [CRM.Objeler.ObjeKodlari].ObjeKodu AS StokKodu

FROM [CRM.Depolar.DepoBilgileri], [CRM.Objeler.TemelGruplar.TureyenGruplar], [CRM.Objeler.ObjeKodlari], [CRM.Depolar.DepoHareketleri]

WHERE [CRM.Depolar.DepoBilgileri].Id IN (SELECT DepoBilgileri

FROM [CRM.Depolar]


FROM [CRM.Depolar.DepoHareketleri]))

AND [CRM.Objeler.TemelGruplar.TureyenGruplar].Id IN (SELECT ObjeGrubu

FROM [CRM.Objeler]


FROM [CRM.StokKartlar]


FROM [CRM.Depolar.DepoHareketleri])))

AND [CRM.Objeler.ObjeKodlari].Id IN (SELECT StokKodu

FROM [CRM.StokKartlar.KartBilgileri]

WHERE Id IN (SELECT KartBilgileri

FROM [CRM.StokKartlar]


FROM [CRM.Depolar.DepoHareketleri])))

GROUP BY [CRM.Depolar.DepoBilgileri].DepoAdi, [CRM.Objeler.TemelGruplar.TureyenGruplar].GrupKodu, [CRM.Objeler.ObjeKodlari].ObjeKodu

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Detailed Error Message For Conversation Marked With ER

Jan 15, 2008

How can I find the cause on the error that marked one conversation with status 'ER' in sys.conversation_endpoints?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: Detailed Deadlock Event Notifications Via Email?

Nov 1, 2015

We have (running SQL 2012 Std) and have enabled trace flag 1204 and 1222 for capturing deadlock through extended events. I have enabled deadlock notification through email .But it only send deadlock event occurred notification from the sql server error log . I was wondering if its possible to email the deadlock details they get generated in extended events via DB mail.

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Where To Find Detailed Error Report When Setting Up Mirroring Fails

Dec 14, 2006

I had a problem with mirroring that I only was able to resolve when I attempted to replicate instead. Replication gave me an error message that expained the problem; mirroring simply failed.

Is there any place where mirroring logs the details of what it is doing & why it is failing?

BTW, the problem was that the server name was changed after SQL was installed. Although i knew this, the forums indicated taht SQL 2005 automatically picks up the new name after it is restarted. This apparently is not true...


Dave S

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Using SSIS 2005 To Strip Out Bad Rows In Excel And Then Insert Detailed Rows Into OLE DB Data Source

Apr 6, 2006

Running this code on my PC via VS 2005
.Net version 2.0.50727 on the server (shown in IIS)
Code is in ASP.NET 2.0 and is a VB.NET Console application
SSIS 2005
Problem & Info:
I am bringing in an Excel file.  I need to first strip out any non-detail rows such as the breaks you see with totals and what not.  I should in the end have only detail rows left before I start moving them into my SQL Table.  I'm not sure how to first strip this information out in SSIS specfically how down to the right component and how to actually code the component to do this based on my Excel file here:

Then, I assume I just use a Flat File Source coponent or something to actually take the columns in the Excel and split into an OLE DB Datasource to shove each column into a corresponding column in my SQL Server Table.  I have used a Flat File Source in the past to do so with a comma delimited txt file but never tried with an Excel.
Desired Help:

How to perform
1)       stripping out all undesired rows
2)       importing each column into sql table

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May 24, 2006

take a look at the below. I need to sum the real balance of a line with the credit with the line above, or, n + 1. I don't wanna to have to walk across the lines to do the sum. Any idea of how to do that in a easier and better way? I tried using T-SQL, but I couldn't figure out how to do a reference to the next line on the SQL without moving the cursor.

Real Balance
Bank Balance







Thank you!

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SQL Mail And New Lines

Mar 7, 2008

I'm using SQL mail to send an email from a stored procedure which works fine. However I need a line break in the middle of this email which I am struggling to achieve. I've tried adding char(13)+char(10) to the middle of the email body string but this does not seem to do anything.
 Any ideas?

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Lines Per Page

Jan 14, 2008

I am using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and all my reports preview with many more pages, as the preview will show Page 1 of 20, but if I print the report I get say 12 pages. The reports are always correct, but the preview show less data per page? Is there a way to get the preview to be what is going to print out?

This occurs in MS Visual Studio 2005 also as well as from the web. On a drill down report I get on some reports only 10 line when the print out will have 30 lines perpage

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Break SQL Statement Into More Lines?

Jul 16, 2007

 I have long SQL statement  String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO Objekt VALUES(@RegijaID, @StatusID, @VrstaID, @PozicijaID, @Adresa, @Otok, @Ime, @Prezime, @JMBG, @Telefon, @Telefon2, @Mobitel, @Mobitel2, @email, @Cijena, @Cijenam2, @BrojNaloga, @Agent, @BrojSoba, @BrojKatova, @BrojKupaonica, @NaKatuBr, @PovrsinaStambena, @PovrsinaZemljista, @UdaljOdMora, @PrviRed, @PogledNaMore, @Bazen, @Garaza, @Prilozi1, @Prilozi2, @Prilozi3, @Napomena, @smallImage, @KratkiOpisEN, @DugiOpisEN, @KratkiOpisHR, @DugiOpisHR, @PonudaTjednaCroestate, @PonudaTjednaNaslovCroestate, @PonudaTjednaBroker, @PonudaTjednaNaslovBroker, @PonudaTjednaKorcula, @PonudaTjednaNaslovKorcula, @PonudaTjednaCroProperty, @PonudaTjednaNaslovCroProperty, @PonudaTjednaDalmVillas, @PonudaTjednaNaslovDalmVillas, @LinkZaViseoMjestu, @DisplayOnWWW, @TS)";  How broken it into more lines? 

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Executing Multiple Lines Of Sql Via C#

Jan 27, 2008

I am generating hundreds of lines of sql with a tool and wish to execute is in runtime. The sql consists of table creation, procedure creation, aswell as inserts and updates. When i try with SqlDataAdapter I get an error. Does anyone have a solution on what I can do?         

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Pulling Single Lines From A DB

Apr 26, 2004

hi im making a page where i want a single line at a time to be pulled from my MS Database, basically at the moment i have a list of questions, but the page is displaying all the questions from my database, i only want it to pull out 1 and then if the user clicks the true button then it goes to another page and displays another question?

Any ideas



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HTMLto SQL To HTML..... New Lines?

Jun 16, 2005

I take some data from a textbox and then dump it in to SQL.. and then try to show it on the page but the new lines in code dont show in HTML.I grab the data via a <%#Eval(xxx>%>so doing a replace isnt really an option there...any other ideas?

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Exporting Data/1st Three Lines NOT CSV..

Oct 3, 2005

I have a specific format that I need to export data to. The first three lines of the document MUST be in the form of:

klg, Eastern Daylight Time,1,1

If I set this up in DTS and do an export, it puts commas after ascii - which I cannot have.

I've also tried using two data sources and exporting twice (hoping to append), however, one just overwrites the other.

Anyone have any ideas?? :o

Thanks in advance,

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Geometry - Parallel Lines

Mar 19, 2014

Assuming I have a line, is there a function I can call to create a parallel line at a given distance away.i.e - with the below I would want to draw a parallel line to the one output.

DECLARE @line geometry = 'LINESTRING(1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4)'
SELECT @line

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Double Lines In The Tables

Nov 29, 2007

Hi all we are student of university
and we trying to make application

We are programming in Tsql.we must make a list of backup sets and backup jobs.

Every backupjob can have more then one backupsets. The problem is when we want to put this in table then. We see the costumors name double in it .

For excample

Mr Jurgen has more backupjobs

We see then in our table then

Loginname Wich Status
Mrjurgen Set 2 Good
Mrjurgen Set 3 NOT ok

What we want that comes like this in a table

Loginname Wich Status
MrJurgen Set 1 Good
Set 2 Good
Set 3 Not ok

But we keep getting MRjurgen in also in the other lines !

The solution that we think that could help is an while loop

But sadly it doesnt work

So we desperate asking here how to do this :(



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Taking An Average From A Few Lines

Mar 4, 2008

I am trying to get an average result from similar records in a view:

Order No: Product: Price:
1 1 5
1 2 3
1 3 7

2 1 5
2 2 3
2 3 7
2 4 2

I need the sql statment to get the average price of order 1 and order 2 seperatly. Giving a result like:

Order No: Av Price:
1 x
2 y

Thanks in advance for you help

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Long SQL Lines For Osql

Feb 23, 2006

We have a very long and complicated SQL script which we run to upgradea version of our software from old to new. It works great in QueryAnalyzer, but when run through osql it takes errors on lines that arevery long and (I think) stops reading after a certain amount ofcharacters. I've searched the net but haven't found anyone mentioningthis before. I have tried the -w 5000 parm to no avail.Any suggestions?

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Adding New Lines Into Results In The

May 15, 2006

I used to be able to enter new lines into the result pane cell for text(and varchar) data in Enterprise Manager, but now that I am using SQL2005 Management Studio, this feature is gone.Is there any way to do this?Also, copying to/from excel chops off part of the text in a cell and isvery infuriating.Any help would be appreciated.Dan

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Chart Dotted Lines

Nov 28, 2007

The chart is set to simple line
I can not get my SSRS chart to show just the dots, instead it is joining the points together and show the points joining together and therefor appear as lines..
even tried setting the chart to simple scatter but then nothing appears on graph.
Any thoughts please?

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Drawing Two Lines On The Same Graph

Jan 7, 2008

i wanna create two line types on the same graph. I'm using the following queries.

Code Block
select count(l.created) as LoanOriginationNumberPreApproved , convert(char( 11), l.Created) as PreApprovedDate
from LoanApplication l
where l.Status <> 'Cancelled'
Group by l.Created


Code Block
select count(l.SubmittedOn) as LoanOriginationNumber , convert(char( 11), l.SubmittedOn) as SubmittedDate
from LoanApplication l
where l.Status <> 'Cancelled'
Group by l.SubmittedOn

I combined these queries. I add clumns of the second query to select statement of first code. also added group by l.submittedon to group by l,created as group by l.created, l.submiited on. This is the problem.(I mean grouping)

But then SSRS does not allow me to put preaaproveddate and submitteddate to drop category filed?
Does anyone know how to do that?

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Extremely Long Lines

Sep 22, 2006


When i open a project in ssis show the message:

"Document contains one or more extremely long lines of text. These lines will cause the editor to respond slowly when you open the file. Do you still want to open the file."

I click Yes and my project open normally. Someone know why this happen? My project is small, have one package with any imports excel files to Sql Server 2005.


André Rentes

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