For MSFT: Change Of Behaviour In Configurations In SP1???

Jul 7, 2006

In SSIS SP1, if you use a .dtsconfig file that references a non-existent object in your package then you get a warning.

I don't have a pre-SP1 install to hand so I can't test it out but I seem to remember that pre-SP1 this used to cause an error.

Can anyone confirm that this behaviour has been changed in SP1?



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Change Reporing Services Configurations

Oct 16, 2007

Hi All,

Originally when I installed SSRS, I set all to default vlues.

Once I configured reporting server configurations to default values, can i change it later..I try to do that but it does not allow me to do that.
When I click new in reportserver virtual directory, it brings up the dafualt web site.
How do I change this?


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Empty String Equals To Blank: How To Change This Behaviour?

Feb 11, 2008

This seems to be a rather old problem ( but I couldn't find an answer yet.

The problem is: I have two tables t1 and t2 where t1 is a staging area of t2.
t1: (id int not null, phone varchar(30))
t2: (id int not null, phone varchar(30))

Data in t1: (1, '') <- empty string
Data in t2: (1, ' ') <- a blank

Comparing with results in equality which in my opinion isn't correct.

The question ist: How can I change the behaviour of SQL-Server to result in inequality so that the change in my staging table is detected correctly?

Thanks in advance

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Jan 23, 2004

Hi All,
I need a huge help ! I am planning to prepare for MCSE 70-228 exam.
Have a desktop computer with windows XP on it, not connected to any network. I am using the Micosoft SQl server 2000 System Administration book for practice. Now my question is, the book is saying that " Ensure that you are logged on to the SelfPacedSQl.MSFT domain controller as Administrator". Can any one help me how to configure my computer as SelPacedSQL.MSFT as domain controller.

I am sure Brett will come up with something !

Thanks in Advance!

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For MSFT, What Are The New Log Messages In SP2

Jan 15, 2007

[Reposted because no-one answered me before:]


Quick one for anyone from Microsoft. Does there exist anywhere a definative list of all the new log messages that are being introduced in SP2?



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Beginner Book For MSFT SQL Server 2000

Aug 24, 2006

Can someone recommend a good book for a beginner to learn MSFT SQL SEVER 2000 ? Thank you. lar

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Sending Table Variable Argument Using MSFT JDBC Driver

Nov 21, 2006

I want to call a stored procedure that has a table variable as its parameter. I am using the MSFT SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver 1.1, however I don't know how to construct a table variable from the Java side to place within a CallableStatement. The CallableStatement interface allows me to set various types of parameters (e.g. Boolean, Byte, Blob, Array, etc.) but I don't see anything for table variable.

Is there a way to do this?

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Sending Table Variable Argument Using MSFT JDBC Driver

Nov 20, 2006

Hi. I want to call a stored procedure that has a table variable as its parameter. I am using the MSFT SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver 1.1, however I don't know how to construct a table variable from the Java side to place within a CallableStatement. The CallableStatement interface allows me to set various types of parameters (e.g. Boolean, Byte, Blob, Array, etc.) but I don't see anything for table variable.

Is there a way to do this?

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Continuous Priniting - PDF (MSFT Workaround: Make Sure That Your Report Does Not Use The Subreport Control.)

Nov 6, 2007

I have a report that has one subreport. I am finding that if the entire content of the subreport will not fit within the space remaining on the page that it will not start displaying data from that subreport until the next page of the report, leaving a blank section in the report. I would like it to display as much as possible on the first page and then continue on subsequent pages.

Is there a way?

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Jun 15, 2007

Hello, I had a question I thought someone might be able to answer before I test my theory.

If I run an outer package through SQL Server Agent and specify it to use a configuration file, will the children packages it call also use the configuration file? My instinct is no it will not.

If this is in fact the case, would it be considered best practice to just specify the configuration file for each package through an indirect environment variable? Is it possible to set an environment variable on the set values tab within sql server agent?

Then my only concern is how would developers test packages on their machines, should they also set up the same environment variable on their machine?

Any thoughts?

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Apr 24, 2006

I have read many posts about configurations. However, in practice, I cannot solve a problem that is bothering me. I have connection managers (that manage SQL Server 2005 connections) configured in a local package. I have ProtectionLevel = 1 (By the way, where do you state that you want it "DontSaveSensitive", etc?). When I deploy the package to another computer (using the deployment utility) though, I get the error "The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager ... failed". Could someone tell me, very explicitly, how can I use configurations to solve this problem? Or are there other ways to solve the problem? The problem, of course, is that the connection managers' passwords aren't being migrated from a computer o another. Thanks a lot.

Pedro Martins

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Strange Behaviour

Oct 3, 2006

This is the actual statement displayed from Response.Write in classic ASP. INSERT INTO WOTasks (WoNum,TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,ModifyDate,Estimate,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost) SELECT '06-012497',TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,'2006-Oct-3',1,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost FROM Tasks WHERE procnum = '000002' There are 4 records returned from the SELECT part of the statement. In some situations, 4 records are inserted to WOTasks table, in others, only 1 record is inserted. I can't find out why 1 record, instead of 4, record is inserted. A form page submits the form to the save page using post method. The above statement is contained in the save page. When one of the form textbox is filled, 1 record is inserted. When the textbox is not filled, 4 records are inserted. You may think the textbox has something to do with the behaviour. I also think so but the content of the textbox does not affect the sql statement. In both cases, the insert statement is the same. In the actual codes, only strings in quotes are variables and the rest are hardcoded. When I run the statement in SQL Server, 4 records are affected. No such problem when connected with Access.The actual code belowSub AddTask(ByVal proc, ByVal wonum)   Dim sSQL   sSQL = "INSERT INTO WOTasks (WoNum,TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,ModifyDate,Estimate,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost) SELECT '" & wonum & _          "',TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,'" & curDate & "',1,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost FROM Tasks WHERE procnum='" & proc & "'" 'Response.Write sSQL:Response.End   conn.Execute sSQL, , 128 End Sub

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Odd Order By Behaviour

Feb 24, 2004

Might be out to lunch, but I can't figure why this is being ordered the way it is:

SELECT '1' as t
SELECT 'A' as t
union all
SELECT '['as t

I'd expect it to be 1, A, [ but instead it's [, 1, A [ is ascii 91 which is greater than both 1 and A, so why does it come first?


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Odd (slow Behaviour Of SQL)

Apr 13, 2006


I am using MSDE and Analysis Services (lastest packs) and the same installation on the same machine has been working great for the last 18 months or so untill yesterday. Whenever I try to open a DTS (in order to edit it) the machine just goes into a coma.... I have tried to re-start many times but of no use.

Can someone kindly guide me what should I look for in order to solve this.

I will be very grateful for your help.

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Weird Behaviour On Net Use

Jul 5, 2004

When I run the command:
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'NET USE'
from the analyzer the box responds there are no entries in the list.

After that, I run the command:
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'NET USE Z: /DELETE'
after which the box responds with a "network connection could not be found."
and that's all okay.

The weird thing is:
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'NET USE Z: \MACHINESHARENAME'
results in a "The local device name is already in use.".

The machine in this particular case is the box itself. I have no problem accessing other disks on other systems. I can see the share using the view command. There's no maximum on the share itself and I can connect to the share using another sql box with the same user.

I don't know why it won't budge, worked before like a charm. After six months or so it just stopped. Anyone seen/solved this behaviour?


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Query Behaviour

Dec 2, 2005

Hi there,
I wonder if one of you worthy folks can help me out with some strange behaviour exhibited by a piece of SQL. Its my first post here , so please be gentle. :)

Here is my simple example :-

<my test table>

create table test
(ind int,
message varchar(255))

insert into test (ind, message) values

insert into test (ind, message) values
insert into test (ind, message) values

The first query is

select * from test t1
where t1.ind in (select max(ind) from test t2
where t2.ind = t1.ind
and t2.message like 'date=%' )

fine.... 2 rows

second query

select * from test t1
where t1.ind =1
and convert(datetime, (SUBSTRING(Message, CHARINDEX('=',Message,0)+1, 10)),103) > getdate()

fine same 2 rows...

but If I try to combine the 2 clauses in

select * from test t1
where t1.ind in (select max(ind) from test t2
where t2.ind = t1.ind
and t2.message like 'date=%' )
and convert(datetime, (SUBSTRING(Message, CHARINDEX('=',Message,0)+1, 10)),103) > getdate()

I get a
Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

Please can anyone help me on this?



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Can Someone Explain This Behaviour?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All,The following script is reproducing the problem assuming you haveNorthwind database on the server.Please note it gives you the error message on line 12.USE tempdbGOsp_addlinkedserver 'Test17'GOsp_setnetname 'Test17', @@SERVERNAMEGOIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id =object_id(N'[dbo].[This_works]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[This_works]GOCREATE PROCEDURE This_works@UseLinkedServer bit = 0-- WITH RECOMPILE -- Does not helpASSET NOCOUNT ONIF @UseLinkedServer = 1 -- Linked ServerBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[Orders_TMP]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')= 1)DROP TABLE dbo.Orders_TMPSELECT * INTO dbo.Orders_TMP FROM Test17.Northwind.dbo.OrdersENDELSE -- LocalBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[Orders_TMP]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')= 1)DROP TABLE dbo.Orders_TMPSELECT * INTO dbo.Orders_TMP FROM Northwind.dbo.OrdersSELECT 1 FROM dbo.Orders_TMP WHERE 1 = 2 -- Why do I need this line?ENDBEGIN TRANSACTIONSelect 'Line 25'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Orders_TMPCOMMITgoIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id =object_id(N'[dbo].[This_does_not]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsProcedure') = 1)DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[This_does_not]GOCREATE PROCEDURE This_does_not@UseLinkedServer bit = 0-- WITH RECOMPILE -- Does not helpASSET NOCOUNT ONIF @UseLinkedServer = 1 -- Linked ServerBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[Orders_TMP]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')= 1)DROP TABLE dbo.Orders_TMPSELECT * INTO dbo.Orders_TMP FROM Test17.Northwind.dbo.OrdersENDELSE -- LocalBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[Orders_TMP]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')= 1)DROP TABLE dbo.Orders_TMPSELECT * INTO dbo.Orders_TMP FROM Northwind.dbo.Orders--SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Orders_TMP WHERE 1 = 2 -- Why do I need this line?ENDBEGIN TRANSACTIONSelect 'Line 25'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Orders_TMPCOMMITGOPRINT 'This_works'EXECUTE This_works 0PRINT ' 'PRINT 'This_does_not'EXECUTE This_does_not 0Thanks for any help or hint,Igor Raytsin

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Sp_getapplock Behaviour After SP2

Mar 23, 2007

We have an application that executes a few queries against an SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) database. Since there can be several instances of the application running at any given time, and parts of the logic must be serialized, we've been using sp_getapplock and sp_releaseapplock. This has all been working fine since RC1 on which the system was released. However, after installing SP2 about a week ago, we have been having problems. The serialized portion of the code almost always stall now.

To see what is happening we've been using both Management Studio and Profiler. We have two applications running, let's call them A and B. Both create a prepared statement which begin with a call to sp_getapplock and ends with sp_releaseapplock. In between some tables are queried and inserts may be made in others. The accessed tables are never used anywhere else but in the serialized code. This is what is happening:

Application A: Calls sp_getapplock.
Application A: Queries a table.
Application B: Calls sp_getapplock.
Application A: Inserts a row in a table.
Application A: Calls sp_releaseapplock.
Application B: Waits indefinitely (or at least more than 4 hours, after which we killed the spid).

Profiler cannot detect any deadlocks when this is happening. There are no blocking operations according to Management Studio. I can see the application lock having been set when I look at the spid for Application B in Management Studio.

Since this started to occur frequently after installing SP2 and had not been seen before, we are wondering if any changes has been made that could cause this behaviour? Has anyone else had problems using application locks, where a query would stall indefinitely waiting for the lock to be released? How then did you resolve it?

Any suggestions or ideas are welcome,

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CTE Behaviour In SQL 2005

Feb 17, 2006

I were trying to achive paging through using a CTE etc, but ran into the following weither thing happening. The CTE allows me to use avariable as the ORder By field, although the CTE do not care at all what is in there? Have any one seen this or maybe can explain this?

USE AdventureWorks;


DECLARE @SortExpression Varchar(50)

Set @SortExpression = 'SalesPersonID ASC';

WITH Sales_CTE (RowNumber, SalesPersonID, NumberOfOrders, MaxDate)




ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Order by @SortExpression) RowNumber,

SalesPersonID, COUNT(*), MAX(OrderDate)

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader

GROUP BY SalesPersonID


Select * From Sales_CTE;

WITH Sales_CTE1 (RowNumber, SalesPersonID, NumberOfOrders, MaxDate)




ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Order by SalesPersonID ASC) RowNumber,

SalesPersonID, COUNT(*), MAX(OrderDate)

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader

GROUP BY SalesPersonID


Select * From Sales_CTE1

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DBDate - Different Behaviour

Nov 20, 2007

When I run the package from business solution environment, DBdate cast converts my date column (correctly) into a European date format dd/mm/yyyy and as such is inserted into sql server table.

When I run a package as a job, the same date in inserted into the database as mm/dd/yyyy.

So, if I have 3rd January 2007 in the source, in the first case i'll find 03/01/2007 in the database.
When I run the package as a job, I find 01/03/2007 in the db.

The problem comes when I run different select statements - the 01/03/2007 behaves as if 1st March 2007

How can I avoid inserting of American data format into the db?

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Strange Behaviour

Aug 8, 2007


In My report I have 2 drop down list called Cusip and Period as parameters and they are populated using a sproc

I have a list and in my list i have 2 textboxes which have the value First(Fields!FundNameNoFee.Value) and First(Fields!FundDescription.Value)

The Cusip drop list has the following values <All Cusips> whchi takes the Value Null, 33335454, 115544454.

If i give all cusips in preview mode Nothing populates in the report, but i just run the dataset i get 2 records with 33335454,1155445454.

and if i give individual cusip, the data shows up in the report...

So can some one tell me how can i show the values on the reports when All Cusips are selected....

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ADS - A Strange Behaviour

Oct 11, 2007

Hi to all!
i had tried to install ads on a windows 5. i am able to connect to the pocket database. however when i trie to connect to the database that's on desktop i see a little window (probably a message) without anything and when i tap ok i see a message telling that the connection to the desktop database was not done! i had made the configuration before.
can you tell me what is going wrong?

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SetRange Behaviour

Jan 22, 2008

I'm trying to use SetRange method on a table with multi-columns index, but I didn't get the result I was hoping for from the query.

Here is the DDL for the table

Code Block

CREATE TABLE [Products] (
[ProductId] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL ,
[ArrivalDate] DATETIME ,
[Name] NVARCHAR(100) ,
[CategoryId] INT,
ON [Products]
([ArrivalDate], [Name], [CategoryId])

--insert some sample data

Insert into [Products] ([ArrivalDate], name, categoryid) values ('2008-1-22 13:00:00', 'PC 1', 1);
Insert into [Products] ([ArrivalDate], name, categoryid) values ('2008-1-22 13:00:00', 'PC 2', 2);
Insert into [Products] ([ArrivalDate], name, categoryid) values ('2008-1-22 13:00:00', 'PC 3', 3);

And here is the code I'm using

Code Block

using System;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
using System.Data;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(@"data source=d:mydb.sdf"))

int counter = 0;
using (SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand("products", conn))

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect;
cmd.IndexName = "IDX_ProductArrival";

object[] start = new object[3];
object[] end = new object[3];

start[0] = new DateTime(2008, 1, 22, 0, 0, 0);
start[1] = "PC 2";
start[2] = 2;

end[0] = new DateTime(2008, 1, 22, 23, 59, 59);
end[1] = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz";
end[2] = 3;

DbRangeOptions.InclusiveStart | DbRangeOptions.InclusiveEnd,
start, end);

using (SqlCeDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())

Console.WriteLine("Row count {0}", counter); //should show row count 2 but shows row count 3 instead

I'm setting the starting range to a date and a product name (PC 2) but it seems that the datareader only see the first array member and completely ignore the product name and show all 3 data instead of 2.

Am I missing something here?


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Transaction Log Configurations

Apr 4, 2004

Hello, everyone:

How to configure transaction log file size, transactional backup interval and log shipping intereval, exactly? Someone told me it depends on the transaction speed. Is it correct? I have an average transaction speed about 10/min., one day, on SQL 2K/W2K. How should set above issues?

Thanks a lot.


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Configurations For Partitions.

Aug 23, 2007

Hi experts,

In SQL Server 2005 database we have partitioned a very big table into 30 partitions each holding few million of records.

Im just curious to know whether there are some configuration related to processors or system hardware in order to benefit from partitioning ? (Ex : If we have multiple processors Whether they need be configured to do a parallel processing ? )

Any real time experience (other than referring links) would be really helpful for me.

Thanks in advance,


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Package Configurations ...

Feb 6, 2008

I have a question about Package Configurations. I had developed a prototype that has connections defined to 2 DEV SQL Servers and runs fine in DEV. I created a Configuration XML file and changed the XML file settings to point to our 2 TEST SQL Servers. I ran this package without issues. However, I was expecting the 2 SQL Server OLE DB connections within BIDS to point to the TEST Server after the package ran. I still was pointing to DEV. Am I missing something here? Thanks in advance.

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Package Configurations

Oct 19, 2006


I have a package configuration for my SSIS packages to allow me to dynamically change the connection string of the connections in my packages. This was done so that when I deploy my packages to my development or test server, the packages would use either the development or test server name in the connection string. I have set the configuration up to use an environment variable to store the location of the config file (an xml config file). The package however does not seem to be using the environment variable though. If I change the location of the config file in the variable's value, it still points to the old location. Can someone please help.


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Package Configurations

Feb 12, 2007


i keep struggling with dtsconfig.

i have 4 packages which all have the same datasource based on the global-datasource.

is there a way i can save that global-datasource, instead of configuring all 4 packages to use a config-file?

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Package Configurations

Aug 5, 2007

Before I started using package configurations, I made several (wrong) assumptions. My primary use for configurations are to move packages between environments (dev, test, prod), so my config files only contain connection information.

My first assumption was I could create 3 different configuration files (XML) with the connection string properties for each environment. Because I use shared data source connections in my packages, these are the only properties I should have to store within my configuration file. Then I use indirect configurations, which I had a system environment variable set up on each server, called SSISConfigPath. On all servers, I have it pointing to a shared folder on our network so us developers can update the configuration files at will, if needed.

Now, in theory if I deploy all of my packages to the SQL Server MSDB on each of the servers, and schedule a job on each server, everything should work, right? Wrong.

First of all, we had to restart the SQL Agent service in order for the package to recognize there is a new system variable (similar to the Indirect Configuration "gotcha" that Jamie blogged about, but in this case, it wasn't a cmd window, but a windows service).

Next, an SSIS package doesn't first read the configuration file, but it tries to validate the connections that were originally stored in the package to begin with before replacing them. This is a problem when the environment you develop on is your local PC (laptop for example), and deploy to production, the SSIS package tries to connect to your laptop PC first, throwing an error because it cannot find it. If it can find your laptop, it succeeds, and only then switches the connection info with what is in the configuration file.

Can this "validation" step be disabled? It seems changing the "Delay Validation" = true on the package doesn't work for connections.

And when you open BIDs to run a package, the "Syncronize Connection Strings" dialog always appears. When you say OK, it doesn't stick and always asks you each time you open the file.

Please let me know what I should be doing, because this doesn't seem to work as flawlessly as I thought it should.


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SQL Server Vs. XML Configurations

Jan 5, 2007

I have been experimenting with both XML and SQL Server Configurations. Management would really like to go with the SQL Server Configurations, but I seem to be having problems with them.

The main goal is to be able to create a configuration for each connection and have every package refer to its specific configuration, therefore in the future we could change say our SA password and only have to update this in a few places rather than for every package.

In order to experiment with the problem I am having I developed 2 identical packages, except one uses SQL Server Configurations and the other uses XML. The configurations save the exact same properties. With the XML package I can go into the configuration file and change say the password and initial catalogue properties and have these changes go into effect. With the SQL Server package these changes do not seem to take place. So I guess what seems to be happening is with the XML package the connectionstring seems to be generated with the other properties that have been saved in the configuration, but in the SQL Server package none of this seems to take place and the connectionstring just stays exactly as it is saved in the configuration file.

I was wondering if I just seem to be missing something or if anybody else has experienced this problem and found a solution.

Any help is much appreciated,


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SQL Package Configurations

Nov 15, 2006


Within the SSIS package i am currently developing I have a number of variables relating to folder locations. I have added these to a SQL configuration package as i'd like to be able to change these prior to the SSIS package being executed. I plan to launch the package by calling a SQL Agent job from a web page.

On this web page i'd like to be able to change the values in the SQL database so that the package runs with User specified folder locations.

If anyone has done this before i'd appreciate if you could suggest how best to accomplish this. At present i'm thinking of just interogating the created database but as there are no keys etc set up this may not make updating the table easy.

Many thanks,


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Package Configurations

Mar 25, 2008

I have an SSIS Package that utilizes two Configurations at design time...

1. Environment Variable Configuration sets the root folder variable and subsequently several other variables within the package using expressions (adapted from Jamie Thompson's template package - thanks Jamie)

2. Indirect XML Configuration to set the connection string to the appropriate db.

I've got 3 environments in play.

1. My workstation, using BIDS to design / debug the package. For my PC, the Indirect Config sets the connection to our test server/database.

2. A test server. For the test server, the Indirect Config on the test server sets the connection string to the test database on that server.

3. A production server. For the production server, the Indirect config on the prod server sets the connection string to the prod database on that server.


Running the package in BIDS correctly runs against the test db, no problems.

Running the package on the test server in SSMS (either in the Execute Package Utility or using the Agent) without specifying any Configurations on the Configuration tabs, runs fine against the test db.

Running the package on the prod server in SSMS (again, in the Execute Package Utility or using the Agent) without specifying any Configurations on the Configurations tabs runs the package against the test db.

Is this because I'm not specifying the Configuration I have stored on the production server to use the connection string for production?

Curiously, the Indirect Configuration I have setup to read an environment variable to set the root folder (for logging, etc) works fine without having to specify any configurations on the configuration tabs in SSMS. In fact, I don't think you can specify environment variable configurations on these tabs - they open a Browse window to search the filesystem for a config file.

Any clarification anyone can give me regarding these Configuration tabs, indirect configurations, and what their purpose is would be great. I've spent days researching, reading through the two books I have, etc, and there's not much out there on this.


Jamie Pick (not Thompson)

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Pls Help With Package Configurations

Nov 7, 2007


I created an xml configuration file and specified all the details,i have saved the package with protection level as "dont save sensitive".We are running the package thru autosys.But the package is repeatedly failing,not sure whats wrong with this one.

Pls can someone help me with this??

Thanks in Advance.


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