For / While Loop - Enter Data Into A Table
Feb 19, 2015
I want to, for each month of the year 2014 say, to create a loop that will enter data into a table.
Right now I have:
Select [Member Number],
sum(case when [Receipt Date]='2014/01/01' then Amount else 0 end) as [Rec 2014/01/01]
From [Receipts Table]
Group by [Member Number]
Insert into [Receipts 2014/01/01]
[Code] ....
Instead I would just like to do something like…
Declare i date
For i=2014/01/01 to 2014/12/01
Select [Member Number],
sum(case when [Receipt Date]=i then Amount else 0 end) as [Rec +i]
From [Receipts Table]
Group by [Member Number]
Insert into [Receipts + i]
Don’t know if this is at all possible?
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Sep 9, 2005
I have a column defined as smalldatetime. Default length (4), and "allow NULLS" is checked.In the Enterprise Manager UI, when i enter data into that table row, if i just tab past that column, all is well, and the value is represented in the UI as <NULL>.The problem comes once i ever enter a date into that column. Say i have entered a date (all is well), and now i want to remove that entry and go back to NULL (after the date value has been committed, different entry session, say).How is that done?It seems to me, once a date has ever been entered into that column, now, if i try to remove it, i get the error "The value you entered is not consistant with the data type or length of the column, or over grid buffer limit". I have tried deleting the value, entering spaces, entering the string NULL or the string <NULL>; maybe some other tries as well, but none works, i always get that error message and am not allowed to proceed past that cell until i restore a date value to it. I want to get back to <NULL>.Anybody know?Thank you.Tom
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Apr 21, 2015
I want to insert data (month&year) from 2014 till now - into temp table using 2 while loop.
drop table #loop
create table #loop
seq int identity(1,1),
[month] smallint,
[Year] smallint
For some reason I cant not get 2015 data .
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May 30, 2007
I have a field in my table that is varchar:1500:null, but I cannot enter any more that 994 characters. any ideas why?
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Quotes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[Quotes]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Quotes] (
[QuoteID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[DateAdded] [datetime] NULL ,
[CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[ProductName] [varchar] (100) NULL ,
[RepID] [int] NULL ,
[QuoteNumber] [varchar] (30) NULL ,
[QuoteDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[QuoteTerm] [varchar] (10) NULL ,
[QuoteFOB] [varchar] (15) NULL ,
[QuoteNAIRep] [varchar] (30) NULL ,
[QuoteExpiration] [datetime] NULL ,
[Note] [varchar] (700) NULL ,
[Comment] [varchar] (1500) NULL ,
[OrderRequirement] [varchar] (1000) NULL ,
[Status] [varchar] (1) NULL ,
[DateClosed] [datetime] NULL ,
[ProductType] [varchar] (30) NULL ,
[ImageID] [int] NULL ,
[CloseMonth] [int] NULL ,
[CloseYear] [int] NULL ,
[ClosePercent] [int] NULL ,
[Segment] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[AccountID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL ,
[ReplacedQuoteID] [int] NULL ,
[Lead] [varchar] (80) NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Quotes] ADD
CONSTRAINT [DF_Quotes_Closed] DEFAULT ('N') FOR [Status]
CREATE INDEX [idx_RepID] ON [dbo].[Quotes]([RepID]) ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE INDEX [indx_CustomerID] ON [dbo].[Quotes]([CustomerID]) ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE INDEX [indx_QuoteID] ON [dbo].[Quotes]([QuoteID]) ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE INDEX [indx_Status] ON [dbo].[Quotes]([Status]) ON [PRIMARY]
[Comment] [varchar] (1500) NULL , is where I can't enter more than 994 characters.
note - I know very little about SQL, I just had the responsibility placed on me at my job. If this is not enough information to go on to throw an idea at me please let me know what else you need.
Thanks in advance
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Sep 21, 2007
I want to do the following with a ssis package:
A table contains 2 columns with data i need. column A=Filename and column B=FileContent
I need to loop through ea record in the table and retrieve columns A and B. Then for ea column i need to write the Content hold in column B into File hold in column A.
I so far found out, that i need a Execute SQL Task in Control Flow querying the table and get columns A and B into 2 variables, plus a 3rd var holding the object. Then the output goes into a Foreach Loop Container. From this point i don't know how to continue. I tried to put a Data Flow Task inside the Foreach Loop, but couldn't find out how i now get the 2 variables to the Data Flow Task and use them to for the file to be written and the content to be placed in the file.
Is there any example similiar to that so i could learn how to start on that?
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Oct 1, 2015
giving a use access to enter data into one database table.
I know Access is an option, but I was wondering if there was another, like MS Word or Adobe.
This is a SSMS database, 2008.
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Aug 20, 2006
sorry for my question, maybe it seems un professional but I need to know the answer,
is it possible to enter the data in a sql table in a specific format and how it could be?
for example I want to have a mask in the table to enter the data in this format ##.## so it will not accept any other data to be typed in without this format.
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Oct 15, 2007
Since SQL 2005 Express doesn't appear to let you paste multiple lines of data into a cell -- a task as "basic" as the Commodore 64 -- I'm forced to enter the data for 2 records directly. I'm trying to insert line breaks, which SQL 2000 allowed you to do by simply pressing the Enter key. However, 2005 just moves you to another record. How do I do this extremely simple task?
Many thanks for a speedy reply!
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Sep 21, 2015
I have three tables:
As per below
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PaymentsLog](
[Code] ....
Is there a way to look at the DatePeriod table and use the StartDtae and EndDate as the periods to be used in the select statement and then cursor through each date between these two dates and then insert the data in to the PaymentsLog table?
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Jan 2, 2008
when insert a multiple line string value into a field it display with two squares when open table.
insert into temptest (test,refdetails,cardno)values('test1','this is first line
and second line
and third line',
this record shows in the database with squares for enter key. how to replace these squares with space?
this is first line and [][]second line [][]and third line
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Jun 9, 2007
what is the recommended data type i should use if i want to have a price field that can include "TBA". i can't use smallmoney i suppose, so i should use VARCHAR then validate the String with Visual Studio?
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Apr 27, 2015
Make a few simple pages to enter data into multiple tables in my SQL DB.
I have the DB designed and IIS setup but I am trying to wrap my head around the php connection to the DB and then relating the tables/columns in the "Input" page.
After this is done I will use SRS to use these entries to show reports hourly.
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Feb 22, 2006
I have a table with RowID(identity). I need to loop though the table using RowID(not using a cursor). Please help me.
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Aug 4, 2006
I want to implement error handling my SSIS package. for this I am putting an execute SQL task for a container(which contains different interlinked tasks) in event handler.
Say my first task fails in this container.Immedaitely my sql task which inserts the error code and description should exceute in the event handler and populate my error table in OLAP database.
Any help will be great SSIS gurus.
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 9, 2015
Sometimes I want to quickly to edit a record in a table instead of using an insert statement.
Sometimes there are auditing columns like DateCreated, and CreatedBy,
I know it can be made as default. for DateCreated to be sysdatetime, and createdby to be system user.
But I just curious to know if there is a way to manually enter today's date and the user in the cell?
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Sep 24, 2007
I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns
For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?
Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls
( SQL Server 2005)
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Mar 28, 2007
Hi all can you help me please, I need the users to be able to enter in a date for a self generating report. Usually I use the @Enter_Date but I need them to be able to enter a start date and a end date
But when I run this query SQL gives me an error message Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Invalid column name 'Enter the Start Date'.
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column name 'Enter the End Date'.
What should use in place of BETWEEN [Enter the Start Date] And [Enter the End Date]??
SELECT [Main Table].[IR Number], [Main Table].Date, [Main Table].Inspector, [Main Table].Area, [Main Table].Violation, [Main Table].[Violation Type], [Main Table].Loss, [Main Table].[Loss Type], [Main Table].Employee, [Main Table].Action, [Main Table].[Action Type], [Main Table].Notes
FROM [Main Table]
WHERE ((([Main Table].Date) Between [Enter the Start Date] And [Enter the End Date]))
ORDER BY [Main Table].[IR Number]
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Jan 22, 2012
I have a table that stores a couple of tablenames in the same db.The tablenames in the table can change from time to time.Is it possible to loop through the tablenames in the table and run a query against each table name. I cannot hard code the table names in the query because they can change from time to time.
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May 18, 2004
Is there a way to loop using a cursor in SQL-server so i can see if each columns of each tables that i loop through my DB have a specific string value and change it to something else, renaming the column if the match if correct.
any threads that i can read from or website..
thanx !!
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Jun 4, 2008
I have a table called _phy_greenville. Its a table that was imported from an excel file. I need to take the values in this table, and pass them to the following stored procedure. This stored proc create the physician record correctly for me when doing one record at a time. What I need to do is pass ALL record in this table (_phy_greenville) into this stored proc. Is there anyway I can loop through, or do some sort of bulk insert?
I tried the following, but obviously this does not work
EXEC pInsertPersonEX SELECT 1, 'Dr.', FirstName, LastName, Suffix, Email, CAST((LEFT(FirstName, 1) + LastName)as varbinary), 31, PrimarySpecialty, 'Student', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(OffPhone, '(',''),')',''),'-',''), NULL, 0, 0, NULL, Street, NULL, City, 41, Zip,3 FROM _Phy_Greenville
SELECT * FROM Person WHERE PersonOrganizationID = 31
Here is the whole stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pInsertPersonEx]
@Active bit,
@PersonPrefix varchar(5),
@PersonFirstName varchar(50),
@PersonLastName varchar(50),
@PersonSuffix varchar(20),
@PersonEmail varchar(100),
@PersonPassword varchar(20),
@PersonOrganizationID int,
@PersonDepartment varchar(50),
@PersonTitle varchar(100),
@PersonPhone varchar(10),
@PersonFax varchar(10),
@PersonInfoRequested bit,
@PersonHCTrained bit = NULL,
@PersonHCTrainedDate DateTime = NULL,
@AddressAddress1 varchar(100),
@AddressAddress2 varchar(100),
@AddressCity varchar(100),
@StateId int,
@AddressPostalCode varchar(10),
--@DepartmentID int,
@RoleID int
IF @PersonHCTrainedDate = '01/05/1900' SET @PersonHCTrainedDate = NULL
set nocount on
declare @PersonId int,
@AddressTypeID int
0,/* TODO need to get this from form */
set @PersonID = IDENT_CURRENT('Person')
/* look up the default address type */
select@AddressTypeID = AddressTypeID
whereAddressTypeDisplayName = 'Work'
1/* this proc always inserts the default address */
/* - Schema change. Department now a varchar
1/* this proc always inserts the default department */
INSERT INTO tblHospitalsCoordinated
select @PersonID
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Feb 20, 2008
I have a table of CategoryIDs and I want to increment through it passing each categoryID as a parameter to a stored procedure that returns the TOP 1 row, and build a new table from the the result. I do not know how to pass the categoryID into the stored procedure. I do not know how to begin building the new table.
public DataTable GetContractorCats() { // Generates table of all Contractor Category IDs no parameters SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["ConnectionString2"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetContractorCatIDs", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = cmd; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { da.Fill(ds, "ContractorCats"); return ds.Tables["ContractorCats"]; } catch { throw new ApplicationException("Data error"); } }protected void Top1EachCategory(){ // need to build a new table row by row using a stored procedure that finds the top result from a database query int RowIncrement; RowIncrement = 0; DataTable dt1 = GetContractorCats(); foreach (DataRow row in dt1.Rows) { I need to pass value of dt1 table ["CG_ID"] as a parameter to Stored Procedure called "GetTop1" Run the stored procedure which returns a single row if the CG_ID is found and use its field values to build each row in a new table. The stored procedure returns C_Name, Category_Name, C_Email, C_RCode and C_City
RowIncrement++; }
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Sep 10, 2012
I have a table with AmountSold and AmountLeftWith. I have to buy from the customers until the amount bought =250,000.
The max that user can buy is 250,000 so customers 1-3 get left with 0 (AmountLeftWith ) and customer 4 with 577 (AmountLeftWith ) after the update as user couldn't buy the entire amount as it would have exceeded 250,000. Preferably the query should stop afterwards and not proceed to check the other customers.
--===== If the test table already exists, drop it
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#tmpCustomerAmount','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #tmpCustomerAmount
CREATE TABLE #tmpCustomerAmount (
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Code] ......
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Mar 12, 2008
I'd like to loop through a database and get all the user table names and insert them into another table. What's the best way to do this without using a cursor?
This gives me the last table only.
declare @table_name char(50)
select @table_name = object_name(id) from sysindexes where indid =0
INSERT INTO holding.dbo.tbl_inputfiles
(IP_File, IP_Act, IP_Import)
Values (@table_name,'Y','ADV')
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Aug 25, 2015
I was writing a query to get the age and the retirement year for all the employees.And thought of using while loop so that I don't have to write IF conditions or case statements for all the ages.
I'm using the AdventureWorks2012 database.And the actual table looks like this.
SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee
*NOTE:- These tables are not the complete tables.
BusinessEntityID JobTitle BirthDate MaritalStatus Gender
1 Chief Executive Officer 1963-03-02 S M
2 Vice President of Engineering 1965-09-01 S F
3 Engineering Manager 1968-12-13 M M
4 Senior Tool Designer 1969-01-23 S M
[Code] ...
And after I wrote the query to get the age and the retirement year of all the employees I got 70 tables for all the ages from 30 to 70. As the starting age is 30 and the last age is 70 in the table.So,I just want to know how I can settle all the tables into a single table as a sinle result and not as multiple results.
The query for age and retirement year....
SET @Counter=(SELECT MIN(DATEDIFF(YY,BirthDate,GETDATE()))FROM HumanResources.Employee)
SET @Duration=30
[Code] .....
And the result tables.
BusinessEntityID JobTitle BirthDate AGE MaritalStatus Gender Retirement Year69
Production Technician - WC60 1985-05-07 30 S M 2045-08-25 22:36:38.160115
Production Technician - WC50 1985-07-01 30 S F 2045-08-25 22:36:38.160133
Production Technician - WC40 1985-02-04 30 S M 2045-08-25 22:36:38.160144
[Code] ....
And it goes like this for 70 times. So just want to know how I can merge those 70 tables into a single table.
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Feb 18, 2015
I am trying to loop through a table which has table metadata and create a:
- This will SELECT all the data in the table and add a hashed column at the end
- Each table has a unique ID
Instead of a cursor would there be a set-based approach to achieving this?
111dbo.TableAColA CAST(ISNULL(LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHARColA, 120), 10),'NA') AS varchar) + '|' +
111dbo.TableAColBCAST(ISNULL(LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR,ColB, 120), 10),'NA') AS varchar) + '|' +
111dbo.TableAColCISNULL(ColC,'NA') + '|' +
111dbo.TableAColDISNULL(ColD,'NA') + '|' +
222dbo.TableBColAACAST(ISNULL(LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR,ColAA, 120), 10),'NA') AS varchar) + '|' +
222dbo.TableBColBBISNULL(ColBB,'NA') + '|' +
222dbo.TableBColCCISNULL(ColCC,'NA') + '|' +
From the above data I want to generate:
, (CAST(ISNULL(LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHARColA, 120), 10),'NA') AS varchar) + '|' +
[Code] ....
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May 17, 2008
Hi, how do I loop through a table in a store procedure? I need to check the all the record in a table and do some logic and then insert or update another table base on the logic?
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Sep 20, 2013
I want to make a SP to update table Product with information I get from table Orderdetail.
Create Procedure UpdateVoorraad
§OrderId (int)
Select ProductId, Tal From Orderdetail where OrderId = @OrderId
-- this query get info from table orderdetail : ProductId (integer) and Tal (smallint)
-- Tal = Number of Products
-- Here I want to loop through the query above
-- and for each record in the query I want to update
-- table Product.
Update Product Set Product.Voorraad = Product.Voorraad - Tal where ProductId = ProductId
To do this must I make a create a tempory table, store the query result in the table loop through the table and update table product, or can I try to create a function without a temporary table.
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Feb 6, 2015
I wanted to insert values in columns as explained in below ex.
I am having a table that contains Column1,Column2,Column3,......,Column10.
Inside my for loop, i am getting Column1 value then Column2 then Column3 values and so on till Column10.
My requirement is that on each iteration,I wanted to insert value of Column1 in field Column1, value of Column2 in field Column2 and so on.
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Sep 21, 2005
Hi. It seems to be very simple, actually, but I don't know if it isfeasible in TSQL. I have a sproc which gathers in one place many callsto different other sprocs, all of them taking a 'StoreGroupe'parameter. I would like to add a case where if the call has NOStoreGroupe parameter, the sproc should LOOP thru all records in tableStoreGroupeTable, read the column StoreCode, and pass that value as aparam to the other sprocs, as in:CREATE PROCEDURE MySproc(@StoreGroupe nvarchar(6) = NULL)ASif (@StoreGroupe is not null)BeginExec _Sproc1 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc2 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc3 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc4 @StoreGroupe...............EndElseBeginA 'Group Code' has NOT been specifiedI want to take all the StoreGroups in tableStoreGroupeTable, in turn.I would like to do SOMETHING LIKE THIS:Do While not [StoreGroupeTable].EOFRead [Code] from [StoreGroupeTable]Set @StoreGroupe = The value I just readExec _Sproc1 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc2 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc3 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc4 @StoreGroupe...............LoopEndGOIs that feasible in a sproc, or do I have to do this in the client(ADO) ?Thanks a lot.Alex.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello,Does anyone know of a way to loop thru a SQL table using code in a storedprocedure?I need to go thru each record in a small table and build a string usingvalues from the fields associated with a part number, and I can't find anyway to process each record individually. The string needs to be initializedwith the data associated with the 1st record's part number, and I need tobuild the string until a new part number is incurred. Once a new part numberis found in the table, the string is written to a different table and resetfor this next part number in the table. Need to repeat until all records inthe table have been processed.I use ADO in access 2000 to work thru local recordsets, I just can't findanyway to do this in a stored SQL procedure.Thanks for any suggestions, Eric.
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May 1, 2007
I would like to loop through a SQL Server table that contains the paths to all the reports we need to run and then execute the reports via SSIS. What task should I be doing to do this? Will the For Loop work for something like this?
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Nov 15, 2015
I have two tables i have to update table2 using table1 without using while loop.
example given below.
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Jul 31, 2007
Anyone have any suggestions on creating a query that will randomly select records from a table, but not use those records again. I have some code that does it, but it uses the same fields over again, and also throws in some blank records that I did not specify in the query. I am creating a test engine that has to randomly ask questions.
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