For XML: Create Elements Using Cell Values

Aug 5, 2005

Hi All,
If have a sql table with 2 columns and 2 rows with values

Using t-SQL with "for xml"
How can i create a xml where the cell values (not column names) appear
as elements?



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Ordering Values In A Cell

Jul 21, 2004

10 13 15 3 26
10 13 20 35 29
10 13 5 26 2
10 15 27 34 33

Declare @num1 char(5)
Set @num1 = (SELECT ltrim(Substring(ltrim(number2), 8, CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(number2)))) FROM Num2played)
SELECT @num1 FROM Num2played

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

Any suggestions or fix?

Thank you.
The data above is in one colum. I would like to rearange the
numbers in order. e.g. from "10 13 15 3 26" to "3 10 13 15 26".

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Multiple Values Per Table Cell?

Mar 2, 2004

I am converting a site from asp to .net and the previus writer did something I never saw.(I am somewhat new to programming all together). He put multiple values in a single cell of the database. I have always learned to use a seperate column for each value.
Is this a classic asp thing and there are better ways now? Or is this something I should do myself? The columns type is text and the contents look like this:<Details Expertise="bla bla" Description="We are a three-divisional company ...," WebSite="" AccountLevel="Free" AccountStatus="Active" WorkHomeZIP="22222" ContractStartDate="01/01/2003" ContractEndDate="12/31/2003"><Address Location="Work" State="Oh" ZIP="22222"/><Email Location="Work" Value=""/><Phone Location="Fax" Code="9801" Ext=""/></Details>

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Multiple Values Into Single Cell

May 18, 2007

Taking the Northwind database as an example,I have an order table: 'Orders'a order details table: 'Order Details'and a products table: 'Products'For reasons best ignored, I want to produce a query which has columns:Orders.OrderID, Productswhich has results like:10248, 'Queso Cabrales, Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee, Mozzarella diGiovanni'10249, 'Tofu, Manjimup Dried Apples'________so for those who don't really know what I'm on about and haven't gotaccess to northwind, I want the second cell to contain the returnedcolumn of a second query (but in text format)could anyone suggest a way this could be done? am I entering the landof cursors?Many thanks,Neil

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Find Values From String In A Single Cell

Jan 10, 2014

I have a program which feeds back information to a table within my database. The annoying thing is that only 1 of the table cells has all of the information I need so essentially I have a large string of data I need to retrieve values from.I retrieve my cell with a simple select details from alerts where ID = (alert number).The results I have are as follows:

[INFO] Dashboard Output Information:

As you can see I have a list (its larger but this is a sample), the only thing I need are the values for each section so for last processed i want the 2911 so I can use it on my dashboard and the last received I want the 10 for that section.i have read about using substrings but am really not sure where to start and how I'd go about getting these values to then use elsewhere?

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Checking For Null Values In A Table/Matrix Cell

Jun 12, 2007

What would be an equivalent expression for ISNULL(datafield, 0) for a table/matrix cell? I am using iif( Len().. to find out if there is something in the cell, and displaying zero in the cell if the length of cell item is 0, however am wondering if there is any better/elegant way of doing that?

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How To Add Two Cell Values In Table In Reporting Services(on 27th)

Mar 27, 2008

Hi all
I have two cells,having first cell 0 and other cell 5.
How can i add these two cell values.
I used following expression

=Fields!LITMIN.Value + Fields!NUMMIN.Value
But i am getting Concatenated result ie:05
But i need 5.
How can i do it.Pls help me

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Power Pivot :: Selected Report Filter Values Display In A Cell

Oct 28, 2015

I have a power pivot with 2 multi valued report filters   student_branch & blood_group. These report filters are used to fetch the data set that contain below result set

student_branch               blood_group           count

Everything works fine. But, what i am looking for , is there any way to show the what are all the report filters that are selected currently by , separated in a separate cell ? below is the image for output reference.

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Copying An Ntext Cell From One Cell Into Another (destination Row Already Exists)

May 6, 2004


What I'd like to do is:

UPDATE table1
A_TEXT_COLUMN = (SELECT another_text_column
FROM table2
WHERE table2_id = @precomputed_id_1)
WHERE table1_ID = @precomputed_id_2

Since the cells are text, this does not work. Since the cell to be updated is in an already exitant row, it's not possible to simply use insert.

I'd like to do something like (PSEUDOcode):

WRITETEXT(table1.A_TEXT_COLUMN, READTEXT(@textptr_initialised_to_point_at_target_c ell))

But the *actual* synatx of WRITETEXT and READTEXT seem totally inappropriate for any such trick...

Any hints or pointers HUGELY appreciated... THANX

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Is There A Way To Do Mass Formatting Of Cells In A Table Instead Of Cell By Cell?

Oct 5, 2007

I'm working with MRS and I've got a table with a lot of entries. For each value in the table I'm trying to get the text colour to be set to 'red' when the value of the cell is less than 0. Otherwise remain black.

I can do this by setting the colour property cell by cell. But I have a lot of cells in the table. Is there a way to set the statement to apply to ALL cells in the table?

Basically I'm asking if there is a way to set the property in bulk instead of going through tediously cell by cell.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Matrix - Centering Higher Level Column Group Values In Viewing Area Instead Of Entire Cell Band Width

Dec 28, 2007

I have 2 higher level column groupings of month name and year above my actual date groups. It looks a little weird aligning them left but there is no guarantee that centering them will even allow them to show until I've scrolled right to the middle of the cell width that they occupy.

Is there a feature that comes with, or a well known trick for making them center in the area that is being viewed instead of the potentially very wide cell that they occupy?

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Jul 20, 2005


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Boolean: {[If [table With This Name] Already Exists In [this Sql Database] Then [ Don't Create Another One] Else [create It And Populate It With These Values]}

May 20, 2008

the subject pretty much says it all, I want to be able to do the following in in code):
{[If [table with this name] already exists [in this sql database] then [ don't create another one] else [create it and populate it with these values]}
How would I do this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Create Union View To Display Current Values From Table A And All Historical Values From Table B

May 6, 2014

I have 2 identical tables one contains current settings, the other contains all historical settings.I could create a union view to display the current values from table A and all historical values from table B, butthat would also require a Variable to hold the tblid for both select statements.

Q. Can this be done with one joined or conditional select statement?

DECLARE @tblid int = 501
SELECT 1,2,3,4,'CurrentSetting'
FROM TableA ta
WHERE tblid = @tblid
SELECT 1,2,3,4,'PreviosSetting'
FROM Tableb tb
WHERE tblid = @tblid

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Create Values From Ranges

Jun 14, 2012

I'll keep the analogy as basic as possible, but lets say we sell vouchers. The vouchers are individually numbered.

We sell the vouchers in batches, and are stored in the DB as one record per sale with a range of the vouchers sold (so they scan the first and last voucher number to get the range)


SalesID Description From To
SalesID0001 Batch of paper 100001 100015
SalesID0002 More paper 100016 100150

The vouchers come back in individually however, so we might get voucher 100011 back and is stored in another table as an individual item.

I'm trying to write a report which shows which vouchers have not come back yet and I'm struggling since the data is stored in ranges not on an individual basis...?

My thinking is leading me to maybe create a temp table where I can convert those ranges into real numbers....which I'll be able to more easily compare - but how I might do that.

(Example output from above example

SalesID Description Voucher
SalesID0001 Batch of paper 100001
SalesID0001 Batch of paper 100002
SalesID0001 Batch of paper 100003
SalesID0001 Batch of paper 100004
SalesID0001 Batch of paper 100005
etc, etc)

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Need To Create A Table With P-values

Dec 4, 2013

I need to create a table with P-values (from statistical t-test).The table should have the following 3 columns: DF (degree of freedom), X, P-value. P-value can be calculated in Excel using the following function : T.DIST.RT(X,DF)

Is there a built-in function in PL/SQL to calculate the p-value ?How can I calculate it without using an Excel ?[It will be a 17M records table- 0.00<X<17.00, 1<DF<10000) ]

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Transact SQL :: XML Elements To Row

Jul 14, 2015

extracting data from XML

DECLARE @xml XML = '<event_result>


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DTS Package Elements At Run Time Through VB6

Jan 31, 2004

How can i configure DTS package elements at run time through VB6..?
Like Specifying the Source,Destination etc

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Drop Down List With Many Elements

May 31, 2007


I am using SSRS 2005 SP2 and I need to allow my users to select the products they want in the report.
I created a data set to get the list of the products and then used it in a multivalue parameter to generate a drop down list.
My problem is that the list is too long (more than 2000 elements) and thus, it takes 10 sec to collapse the drop down list after tickinging the products.

Does anyone have an miraculous solution?
Thanks in advance for your answers.


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Display Only Time Elements

Jan 18, 2008

This one I hope is easy, but I've been working late and it seems to be aluding me. I have a field called time_in which is a char(6) field type. This field holds time elements such at 10:57

My query below is substracting one hour from Time_In and returning it as Hold_Time. I only want to return the time element without the date portion or the milliseconds, etc.

Code Block
select substring(cu.time_in, 1,5) as time_in,
DATEADD(hour, -1, substring(cu.time_in, 1,5)) as hold_time
from reports.careunits_hold_hours cu

[Current Result Set]

Time_In hold_time
10:57 1900-01-01 09:57:00.000

[Desired Result Set]

Time_In hold_time
10:57 09:57

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Reuse Of Report Elements

Jun 5, 2007

I am working on a project developing a fairly large number of reports with a team of developers. Many of these reports have common elements and code, such as common headers with user-selectable colors. Additionally, many of the common parts of the reports are at mockup stage currently, and many features will have to be added to the reports as time goes on.

We're attempting to create a generalized framework that will minimize the duplication of effort as we develop these reports, and as we go back and modify or fix them later.

What is the best way to approach this?

My first attempt was to create a report template and base all the reports off of the same template. That was fine for the first pass, but as we need to make changes later, they will not be propagated to the already existing reports.

My second attempt was to have each componant of that template reference a subreport, so that changes to the actual report template will be minimized as we go forward. This works great for minimizeing work, but it appears that you lose many features with the use of subreports, and there seems to be a pretty serious performance impact as well. I have posted about one such issue here: Pagination

If anyone has pointers about how to go about this, and where I should start, they would be greatly apreciated!

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Gettting Primary Key Values In A DML CREATE TRIGGER

Jun 10, 2008

I would like to get the primary key values in a DML CREATE TRIGGER as follows:
CustomerID = 12 AND InvoiceID = 50
I create the DML trigger for UPDATE and DELETE only, how do I retrieve the values as above ?
Jon Galloway provided a sample in but the Primary Key Field and Primary Key Value were inserted into separate columns while I need to combine the Primary Key Field and Primary Key Value into 1 single field, using his example, I want to form the primary key as:
ScoreId = 423
ScoreId = 3064
Note that his example only show a single primary key in a table whereas I need to handle multiple primary keys in a table.

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Delete Record Where Values Exist, Else Create Them..

Oct 3, 2000

Dear friends,

I am thinkking there has to be away to do this in a SQL

can't you do some kind of...

Create Procedure sp_update_users
@User_Id Int,
@Title_Id Int

DELETE WHERE @User_ID = User_Id and @Title_Id = @Title_Id

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How To Create A Matrix Of Values From A Single Table

Aug 28, 2013

I'm a real novice user and I we use SQL Server. I have a table called TableLog that has the 4 columns. The first column is repeated x number of times for each value in the second column. I'd like to see this information put into a matrix where I could tell if there are any missing intersections. In addition, I need to insert a WHERE clause that says "BETWEEN 20090000 AND 20100000" for the first and second columns.

Example data in the table:

100 200 63
100 300 63
200 100 63
200 300 63
300 100 63

Desired matrix: P = Pass and F = Fail

100 200 300
100 n/a P P
200 P n/a P
300 P F P

From the example data, there's no intersection for 300 and 200 so a F is displayed.

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Can DTS Automatically Create Primary Key Values Upon Export?

May 5, 2004

I have two practice tables I have created and want to export the values of one into the source table. I want to know if I can export into a table and have the destination table automatically give a primary key value to a record? I haven't been able to figure this out even after fiddling with the "Enable identity insert" checkbox under the Column Mappings tab. I have created source tables with and without primary keys and neither works because of the fact that I need to have a value for a primary key in order to INSERT into the destination.

Do I have to copy the source records into a staging table and assign the PK values myself by hand? This can't be the answer.


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How To Create A Column Group Using Two Field Values?

Mar 11, 2008

Hello Friends,
I am creating a report in which I want to create group column using two field value. Is it possible to do so? We have a requirement in which we are fetching data from two different hierarchy.

L 1 2 3....................4 5
M .............................
N .........................
O .......................

The report matrix look like the above one. The elements A,B,C are coming from one hierarchy and D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K are coming from other hierarchy. But i have created one data set to fetch the values for the report. But while creating the column group I am getting both two diff fields so I am not able to use it in single Column group and I want to use only one column group.

Can anybody help me out to solve this issue?

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Can We Create Distinct Values For Document Map On A Particular Level?

Apr 16, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am having a question about document map on SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. I found one problem with the values retrived for the document level. That is, the values are not distinct, they are duplicate for the document level. Is it possible for us to get the distinct values for a particular document level? Hope my question is clear for your help.

Thank you very much in advance for your help and advices. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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FOR XML AUTO Returns Too Many Additional Elements

Jul 23, 2007

Hi, I use the FOR XML AUTO to retrive native XML from a database with:
SELECT [xml] FROM myxml WHERE id = 81 FOR XML AUTO, elements, root('ROOT')"
However it returns the database name and table name as parent elements. How can I return just my raw XML data without additional elements:
XML is Stored:
  <TITLE>This is a test</TITLE> </CHAPTER>
    <TITLE>This is a test</TITLE>  </CHAPTER>

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Read XML Node Elements Using Query

Dec 29, 2011

I am having the example xml with the data as shown below,

declare @x xml
set @x = '<SinterklaasWishlists>

[Code] ....

I want to extract the elements of xml using sql query and insert the data into the table as shown below:

------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------
Tim1 21491269 Crane 12.50
Tim1 21499517 Keyboard 10
Tim1 21521591 Crime Investigation Game 9.95
Tim2 3145678 Mouse 12.50

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Populate More Than One ComplexType XML Elements

Apr 7, 2015

I need to build an XML file with three sibling ComplexType elements, e.g. finance, itinerary and crew details. I can separately build each of them with no problem at all. Below is an example of the finance part, but how to have three within the same XML,?

What I have found so far was only to build one ComplexType, as I did below, but not a combination of them.

WITH finance AS
(SELECT 200.12 AS fare,
12.78 AS VAT,
45.5 AS Tax
SELECT 150.12 AS fare,

[Code] ......

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Importing XML With Child Elements Using SSIS

Apr 30, 2014

I am new to SSIS. How to import the below xml in sql server using SSIS?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <Employee>
- <EmployeeData>

[Code] ....

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Stuck With WHERE Clause With Multiple Elements

Jul 20, 2005

HiI'm a bit stuck with a SELECT query. This is a simplified version ofwhat I need. I've had a look in a few books and online but I'mdefinitely missing something. I'm trying to avoid looping and cursors.I'll be running this in a stored procedure on SQL 7.I have a separate query which returns a series of numbers, A, say 101103 107 109 113.I have a table (tableB) with a field myFieldB where I have anotherseries of numbers, B. I want return each row in tableB wherei - ALL values in A existii- ANY values in A existFor ii, I can use WHERE myFieldB IN AHow about for i?Is there a good guide on the web or a book on WHERE clauses and/ormore complex SQL?Thanks in advance!Sam

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Max Number Of Elements Allowed In An IN Clause.

May 13, 2008


Can anyone relay to me if there is a max number of elements that are allowed within an IN clause?

Example would be:

SELECT * FROM tblMyTable WHERE ID_Number IN (1,2,3,4,5,...150,000)

where we list all 150,000 numbers between the ( ).


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