ForEach Loop AMO Enumerator

Jul 13, 2006

Does anyone have a need for an AMO Enumerator in the ForEach loop as well as an SMO Enumerator? I think this would be a fantastic addition to SSIS.

If you agree, vote for it here: and LEAVE A COMMENT!!!!


[Microsoft follow-up]

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SSIS Package Foreach Loop Container - For Each File Enumerator - Ger Enumerator Configuration From Variable

Apr 21, 2008


I am trying to use Foreach loop container - Foreach File Enumerator

Is there easy way to retrieve enumerator configuration folder from variable - so I can easily move package from server to server?

I would like to have name of the folder we getting files from retrieved from variable by using this control

Thank you in advance
Armine Bell

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Foreach Loop Container Foreach File Enumerator Sort Files

Apr 4, 2007

How do you sort files from the Foreach loop container?

I love this component, except I can't get it to sort by filename.

Nice to know how to sort by timestamps also.


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Foreach Loop Container - Foreach ADO Enumerator How Performance Compares To Use Of Cursors In Stored Procs

Apr 22, 2008


I have a question

How is foreach loop container - foreach ADO enumerator performace in SSIS package compares to use of cursors in stored procedures

Is there any articles comparing them

I understand a lot of factors can affect the performance, however what is expected performance for the foreach ADO enumerator loop for large dataset. What is Microsoft recommendation for that - recommended - not recommended (using large datasets - over million records)

Thank you
Arminr Bell

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Foreach File Enumerator - Is Absent In Foreach Loop Component

Apr 11, 2007


I have no "Foreach File Enumerator" oprtion in the Enumerator Property of the Foreach Loop Component.

I have this enumerator in the c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSForEachEnumerators folder.

Also I check it in the GAC - it does not here. I try to execute gacutil.exe -iF ForEachFileEnumerator.dll, but it is failed with "Failure adding assembly to the cache: The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest." Seems it is not managed enumerator.

Please help me.

Also information on how to regeister unmanaged enumerators are welcome!

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Can I Register A New SSIS ForEach Loop Enumerator

Feb 20, 2008

Is there a way to register a new ForEach Enumerator within SSIS, for example ForEach Email in Exchange Inbox?

Or is the solution to create an SSIS variable and use the ForEach From Variable Enumerator? I take it the variable has to implement IEnumerable, or IEnumerable<T>.

My preference out of the two would be to register a new foreach enumerator which would take some implementation away from the developers and reduce time spent on the tasks at hand.

thanks for your help


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ForEach Loop - Testing For When Enumerator Is Empty

Nov 15, 2006

I have a SSIS package this set to run at a specific time each day. If there are no files for the ForEach tool to work upon...while it doesn't 'fail'...I would like to test for the condition that the enumerator was that I could send an email message reminding someone to followup and investigate.

What would be the best way to test for that condition?

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Using Variable Of Foreach Loop - File Enumerator

Jun 6, 2006

I have a Foreeach loop container that is looking for all the files in a specified directory. For each file in the directory I need to open the file, extract the contents, and pass the contents as a variable for a stored procedure call.

I was able to loop thru the files in the directory and see each file and store the name to a variable.

I was able to use an XML task to open one file via a file connection that connects to a specified file and store the contents in a variable and then execute the SQL task using the variable.

What I am unable to figure out is how to put the two processes together and get the XML task to open the file by using the variable that contains the filename. If anyone could help I would really appreciate it.



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Missing Foreach File Enumerator And Foreach Item Enumerator

Aug 4, 2006

Ever since installing SQL Server 2005 SP1, when using the Foreach Loop
container in SSIS the Foreach File Enumerator and Foreach Item Enumerator are
missing from the Enumerator drop down box. Anyone else seen this issue? and
know how to fix it?



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How To Specify Multiple File Types In SSIS Foreach Loop (File Enumerator)?

May 2, 2007

I want to enumerate all *.xls and *.csv file. How to fill the Files box? I tried

*.xls, *.csv

*.xls *.csv


all doesn't work

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Help With ForEach ADO Enumerator

Mar 5, 2007


Would like to do a file System task and a data flow for each row in a table.

I use a ForEach container with ADO enumerator set to a rowset variable. The rowset contains all rows from a single table. What I want to do is as in pseudo-code below:

for each row in ADO rowset



FilesystemTask.Copy(Source to Destination)(copy excel file from fixed folder to multiple variable folders)

DataFlowtask.Destination=varDestination(Write data to an excel destination
My problem is that I dont know how to access the values of fileds from my current row in the rowset. Request help and pointers to samples.

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Foreach ADO Enumerator?

Dec 18, 2006

my setting in foreach component like below shown

Enumerator: Foreach ADO Enumerator

ADO Object source variable: user::strsql

strsql like "select distinct name from table"

Enumeration mode: Rows in the first table

my goal: transform data according to the distinct every name

however execute error

prompt: Variable "User::strsql" does not contain a valid data object

pls help,thanks in advance

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Need Help With Foreach SMO Enumerator Or....Anyone.......Please....

Nov 7, 2006


I am new to SSIS. I need to create a SSIS package that can loop through the databases and create a flat file of each table.

Some one suggested me SMO Enumerator in Foreach Loop. But how can I create flat files of each table in AdventureWorks Database.

Is it possible with Foreach to loop through databases and tables?

I would probably need step by step procedure because I am new.

I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you.

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Foreach NodeList Enumerator

Sep 19, 2005

Does anyone have any experience of using the NodeList enumerator in a Foreach loop? BOL is a bit light on this.

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Foreach File Enumerator -

Jan 30, 2006

I am trying to use the Foreach File Enumerator and map it to a user variable.

I select a folder in the colletion.

I use *.* for file name.

I left the default value for retrive file name.

I assigned it to my user variable ( data type string)

I am get the following error "The element cannot be found in a collection"

I am sure that I have at lest 10 file in the folder.

Can anyone tell me why I get the error?

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ForEach File Enumerator Extension Bug?

Jul 5, 2006

I set up a basic ForEach enumerator loop and specified files of type *.sql.

In the directory, I had some files I needed to keep but didn't want the package to touch, so I changed the extension to *.sqlo. Much to my dismay, the ForEach loop picked up those files. (Though it did skip the *.xml and *.bat and a few other types...)

Sounds like a bug to me.

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Setting A Variable In A Foreach ADO Enumerator

Sep 13, 2006


im using a Foreach ADO Enumerator in my SSIS Package, which iterate on a DataSet from a SQL Task.

I use the "Variable Mappings" on my Foreach Loop to retrieve the values into User-variables. But what i need is a way to combine a value from the DataSet with a User-variable and assign this new value to a new User-variable.

Anybody tried something like this?

Regards, Martin

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ForEach SMO Enumerator - Limit Results

Nov 12, 2007

I have a simple ForEach SMO Enumerator that returns the names of all the databases in the server identified by the SMO connection manager. I would like to populate the ForEach collection with just a subset of the names, based on some simple pattern matching. In his helpful book Integration Services, Kirk Haselden indicates that this can be done directly in the Enumerate field by adding qualifiers. However, I'm at a loss in regards to syntax.

What I have is: SMOEnumObj[@Name='Databases']/SMOEnumType[@Name='Names']
which returns the database names

What I want is to limit the names returned to those where Left(DBName,5) == "abcdb" (for example).

I have tried adding some test expressions to the Enumerate field, however, the URN is constructed based on the properties of a combination of the Connection Manager and Enumerate fields, and I'm just created invalid URNs.

Has anyone done something like this?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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Foreach ADO Enumerator Calling Web Service Task?

Mar 1, 2008

Hi: I a SSIS beginner and am hoping this is an easy one. I am using a Foreach loop container with an in-memory ADO recordset as the enumerator. The recordset has 3 columns and one of them I wish to fixup data in by calling a web service task that returns an integer. I see how to call the web service and return the integer into a variable but am unsure how to approach putting that variable back into the in-memory ADO recordset? Should I even be trying to do it this way?

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How To Fail When ForEach File Enumerator Doesn't See Files

Aug 28, 2006

I have a ForEach file enumerator that executes a data flow for every source file in a specified directory. If there are no files in the directory, the package executes with a result code of 0.

I need the package to fail if there aren't any files found in the specified load directory. Is there a simple way to do this with the SSIS component, or will I have to script the entire file enumeration process inside script tasks to handle this requirement?

Thanks in advance for any assistance with this question. Please post replies to this forum.


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ForEach Container With ADO Enumerator - Accessing The Current DataRow?

May 2, 2008

I will attempt to explain my situation more clearly.

I need to get data from a data source using a DataFlow Task (which pushes the DataSet into a Variable) and process the data row by row in a ForNext (ADO Enumerated) Container. I don't want to map the columns into variables because the number of columns and the data types vary considerably and I want to make my package as "generic" as possible.

Is there a way, in Script, to read the current row of the ForEach Container from into an ADO DataRow so that thie names and values of each column can be accessed?

I know how to read the entire DataSet object from a Variable into an ADO DataSet and iterate through the rows in the normal way but this doesn't suit my purpose. It would be really useful if there was a way to do somehing similar with the current DataRow in the ForEach Container.

To explain what I am doing, the idea is to use the Column Names and Values for each row to construct an xml fragement, store it in a string Variable and (in the next step) use the Web Services Task to call a Web Method with the xml fragment (from the Variable) as one of the inputs.

A less attarctive alernative would be to use a Scipt outside a ForEach Container and loop through the rows of teh DataTable as descibed above and perhaps call the Web Service Task from teh Script. The proble is that I don't know how to do this either and it woudl be much "neater" anyway to use the ForEach Container.

Any ideas?

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Adding Foreach Container Programmatically And Setting The Enumerator Properties

Jul 10, 2007


I have a package which contains a foreach container. Can anyone help me in setting the properties for the enumerators programmatically??? I am trying to set the properties for the enumerator "ForEach File Enumerator"

The properties which i need to set are

1. Folder

2. File Type

3. Traverse Subfolder

4. Retrieve File Name

Thanks in Advance


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Integration Services :: SSIS 2012 - Managing The Failure Of A Foreach ADO Enumerator Container

Jul 9, 2015

in a my SSIS 2012 pkg I'm using a Foreach ADO Enumerator container that reads an object variable in order to get an id value.This identifier is passed as an input parameter to an Execute SQL task to update an Oracle table: if this task fails the id is written on a SQL Server table. After the Execute SQL task execution, with success or failure, the flow go to another task in the container.

When an error occurs for the update on Oracle table, each tasks inside the container are executed but the container fails and the loop ends.I'd like to complete the entire loop respect to the identifiers present in the object variable also if the update operation on Oracle table goes in error.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Difference Between FOR LOOP And FOREACH LOOP?

May 28, 2010

difference between FOR LOOP and FOREACH LOOP with example(if possible) in SSIS.

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Foreach Loop Doesn't Loop

Mar 3, 2006

I have a foreach loop that is supposed to loop through a recordset, however it doesn't loop. It just repeats the same row, row after row.

I would like to look into the recordset variable but I can't because it is a COM object and the ADODB namespace is not available in the script task.

Any solution to this? anyone experienced anything similar

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Foreach File Enumerator, Skip File On Error.

Mar 11, 2008

I'm struck with a small issue.. would be great if somebody can help me out. Here is te scenario

1. There would be more than one CSV files in INPUT folder.
2. I'm using a Foreach Loop file enumerator to loop thru the files and load the data into database.
3. If loading is successful the file need to be moved to ARCHIVE folder and next file needs to be picked up for loading
4. In case if there is an error in loading the file has to be moved into ERROR folder, Error description should be logged to error log text file and next file needs to be picked up for loading.

I don't think increasing max error count is an option as I don't know how many no. of input files are available as it depends upon the feed.

What is the best way to go.

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Foreach Loop?

Jul 10, 2006

I need to execute about dozen packages from another package... how do I dynamically pass the dozen package names to the package and execute using foreach loop...?

idea is to store the names of packages in a text file and set the file connection property reading each package names from the text file... in this way I can just configure/edit the text file from time to time, the packages and the units that I want to execute...

Someone please provide me steps to make it work.

Thanks in adv.

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For/Foreach Loop

Jun 10, 2007


I'm looping through some query data and doing a Script Task check inside the loop on a datetime field.

If the datetime happens before 10 o'clock:

- Store the data row in Table1

If the datetime happens after 10 o'clock:

- Store the data row in Table2

How can I store the datarow inside the loop without inserting it into a database table?

I need to access the data in the next step after the loop. How can I do this?

Thank you very much!

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SP Not Firing In Foreach Loop

Feb 28, 2008

The foreach loop below runs fine and it sends emails as expected but the SP does not update the Companies table.  Any thoughts?  How do I cause the SP to execute?  
 PROCEDURE newdawn.EmailSentDate      @CID intAS     UPDATE Companies      SET Companies.LastEmailDate = (GetDate())     WHERE tblCompanies.C_ID = @CID RETURN
foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView3.Rows)        {            pstrTo = row.Cells[2].Text;            CEmail = row.Cells[2].Text;            CName = row.Cells[3].Text;            CID = row.Cells[1].Text;            CState = TextBox1.Text;            CCity = row.Cells[5].Text;            CCat = row.Cells[4].Text;            CCID = row.Cells[0].Text;
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["localhomeexpoConnectionString2"].ConnectionString);            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("EmailSentDate", con);            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CID", CCID);                                    try            {                System.String mailServerName = "";
                               REST of code sends email to email address found in each row all works find but SP above does not fire.

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Foreach Loop Container

Jan 22, 2008

Hello Experts,

Sorry that I open a new thread again but I didn��t found any good tutorials about foreach loop container. I would like to read every row from one table and do something.
I red something about sql task�� Can someone give a little instruction, please?

Kind regards,

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Using Foreach Loop Container

Feb 15, 2007


I using data flow task to import from flat file to database but i need to use Foreach Loop Container to import multiple files in specific folder and all will be insert in the same table

tahnks & Regards

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Doing An Insert In A ForEach Loop

Feb 27, 2008

Help with Looping in a SSIS Package
We have a web app that lets our existing clients insert new locations into a table (Clients) in a SQL Server DB. This table has an Identity column as the PK. This table also has another ID field HBID that is the PK for another table (HLocation) in another Database system (Sybase). The HBID field is given a Default value of ��1�� during an insert operation in our (SQL Server) table, Clients. The Sybase database uses a Sequence table for inserting a PK into the table. Whenever our clients insert a new record in Clients (SQL Server), I need to generate a new HBID from the Sequence table in (Sybase), update the HBID in the Clients table (SQL Server) and then finally insert the record with the new HBID into table HLocation (Sybase).
I have devised a SSIS package for this as following: Note all variables are scoped at the Package Level.
Execute SQL Task #1 that drives a For Each Loop with the following properties:
Connection Type: OLE DB
Connection: SQL Server DB
SQL SourceType: Direct Input
SELECT COID, HBID, Name, DateCreated
FROM Client

ResultSet: = Full Resultset

Result Set:
Result Name = 0
VariableName = USER::rsClient Variable Type = Object

ForEachLoop with the follwing properties:

Foreach ADO Enumerator
ADO Object Source Variable = USER::rsClient
Enumeration Mode = Rows in first table
Variable Mappings:
Variable: Index:
Name 2
DateCreated 3

Inside of the ForEachLoop I have another Execute SQL Task to generate a new HBID from Sybase set up as following.

Execute SQL Task #2

Connection Type: OLE DB
Connection: Sybase
SQL SourceType: Direct Input

ResultSet = SingleRow

Result Set:
Result Name = NewHBID
VariableName = USER::NewHBID, VariableType = Int32

Also Inside the ForEachLoop is a Script Task that has all of my variables as ReadWrite = COID, HBID, Name, DateCreated and NewHBID. I concatenate the values in a string a pass the string into a Message Box to make sure they are looping correctly and they are.For example the results might look like the following:

12698, 1, John Doe Trucking, 10/1/2007, 14550
13974, 1, Joe Smith Trucking, 10/1/2007, 14551
10542, 1, Dave Jones Trucking, 10/1/2007, 14552

The values 14550 -14552 are the new HBID being generated in the loop.

The problem is that when I try to Update the HBID in the Client table (SQL Server) with another Execute SQL Task I keep getting the same NewHBID number.
In this case 14550 would be updated for every record instead of the next number in the loop.

I have set up Execute SQL Task #3 as follows:

Connection Type: OLE DB
Connection: SQL Server DB
SQL SourceType: Direct Input
WHERE HBID = '1'(SELECT COID, HBID, Name, DateCreated FROM Client)

ResultSet: = Full ResultSet

Result Set:
Result Name = 0
VariableName = USER::rsNewClient, VariableType = Object

Parameter Mapping:
VariableName USER::NewHBID, Direction = INPUT, DataType = Long
ParameterName = 0

I��ve tried putting Execute SQL Task #3 inside of the ForEachLoop, connecting it to the output of the ForEachLoop. I��ve tried setting up a dataflow with a Derived Column using the USER::NewHBID as the Expression.

I still get the same results, 14550 added to every row.

Can any one help or shed some light?

Any and all suggestion will be deeply appreciated!

Thanks !!!

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Foreach Loop - Value Back To 0

Jun 14, 2007


Let's say you have a Data Flow Task that connects to a Foreach Loop, looping through the data.

Somewhere inside the Foreach Loop, you set an int variable MyInt to a value.

My question:

Is it possable when each iteration begins to set MyInt to 0?

Thanks in advance.

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