ForEachLoop Container - How To Force Next Iteration -

Aug 29, 2007

How can I force a Next Iteration in a ForEach Loop container?

I am looping through a folder(ForEach Loop Container) looking for a specific File Name ( Child 'Script Task') to evaluate name).

If the current file is not the File Name I need, get the next file, other wise drop down to a Exec Proc task.

Is it possible to force "Next Interation' on the parent container?

Thanks - Covi

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ForEachLoop Container - How To Force Next Iteration -

Aug 29, 2007

How can I force a Next Iteration in a ForEach Loop container?

I am looping through a folder(ForEach Loop Container) looking for a specific File Name ( Child 'Script Task') to evaluate name).

If the current file is not the File Name I need, get the next file, other wise drop down to a Exec Proc task.

Is it possible to force "Next Interation' on the parent container?

Thanks - Covi

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ForEachLoop - Failed Task In It Doesn't Change Back To Green On Next Successful Iteration

Apr 23, 2008

How do I change the color of the task icon back to green? I have and FEL with tasks in it that occessionally fail. The error is trapped to allow the container to continue processing. I would like to change the color of the icon back to green on the next successful iteration of a task but I haven't found a way to do it.

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ForEachLoop Container And Variables

Apr 20, 2007

Hi Guys

I am trying to do the following and am quite new to SSIS.

I have to select a dataset from a database on server A, check if it exists on server B and perform an Update or Insert dependant on the existence.

I have created a SQL task to do the Select from server A with the results set passed to a variable of Vendors. I have added a ForEach Loop container with an enumerator of Foreach ADO Enumerator and the source variable is set to Vendors.

I have created 2 variables in the Foreach Loop called Code and Supplier - both as strings - as there are 2 fields from the initial Select that need to be passed to the final Update/ Insert.

I have then created another SQL task insert the Foreach which will perform the Update/Insert.

obviously when I run it at the moment it performs the Update/ Insert but just adds the rows with both Code and Supplier as NULL.

having looked at a couple of examples in books I have i know i need to add something in the Expressions of the Update/Insert SQL task but it is here i get a bit lost.

Which of the properties from the drop down do i need to use to map the variables against?

Any help would be massively appreciated asI am tearing my hair out!



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What Does The (seemingly Undocumented) FileNameRetrieval Property Of ForEachLoop Container Do?

Oct 4, 2007

Just wondering.

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Loop Container Inside A Sequence Container

Jul 25, 2007

Has anyone ever seen this issue?

If i place a loop container inside a sequence container the connectors within the loop container disappear.... is this a bug - will the loop tasks still run in the correct order?? or will they fire off willy nilly??

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Need Basic Help With ForEachLoop (ADO)

Mar 8, 2008

I'm missing something fundamental in getting a ForEachLoop to read ADO data.
The database connection is configured and tested, the query parses Ok, but then I get confused.

I've defined an Object variable to hoild the results, but I can't seem to figure out how to get to values (column) data.
When I go to the Variable Mapping tab, there is only my Object variable listed. Where are the columns?
The query has the column names in the Select (as opposed to Select *), but I still don't see them.
What am I missing?


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ForEachLoop And Object-Variable

Nov 20, 2006

Hi there!

I want to use a ForEachLoop. I've an object variable what i fill before going into the ForEachLoop. It contains 4 columns and in my testscenario it has two rows. In the ForEachLoop i want to set the current row values to 4 package variables (within package scope).

So i set the Enumerater as "Foreach-ADO-Enumerator", the Ado-source-variable is my objectvariable (what contains the recordset), and the enumerator-configuration i set to "rows in all tables" ("rows in the first table" works with equal result).

The variable-mapping looks like that:

Mypackvar1        - Index 0
Mypackvar2        - Index 1
Mypackvar3        - Index 2
Mypackvar4        - Index 3

Seems to be really simple, but always i get into my first parameter the value "0" - what is not in my record set (i am relatively sure).

Am i on the right way? Is it great bullshit what i am doing?

Thanks for any suggestion,


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Issue With The ForEachLoop Task In SSIS

May 8, 2007


I am using a SQL task to execute a stored procedure which returns a single field with multiple records. I want the records returned by the stored procedure to be processed one by one within a ForEachLoop container. How do I assign the records one by one to one variable and use it in a Script task running inside the ForEachLoop container.

I am using 2 tasks in my package.

In my first task I call a SQL task that executes a stored procedure which returns a list of reference numbers (TrackData). This works perfectly.

However, in my second task I must use the ForEachLoop task to loop through the above list and set the value of var_TrackData (a user variable declared by me) with the value of the TrackData present in it during that particular loop. I am not sure how to go about the second task. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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ForEachLoop Task Not Behaving As Expected

Mar 30, 2007


I have a ForEach Loop that has 3 script tasks in it.

I have them set up so that they execute in order, such as:

script1 ---> script2 ---> script3

script1 creates a file

script2 creates a file

script3 compares the files using a diff command

Problem is, when I execute the container, it shows that script3 finishes BEFORE script2, which of course gives an error b/c the file from script2 doesn't exist yet.

The error is "The system cannot find the file specified".


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Iteration In SQL

Apr 15, 2005

I have an application that needs to create invoices on a daily basis to multiple clients based on orders shipped that day.  This is easy to do on the front-end.  But how can I do this on the back end in SQL Server.
I want to sort orders by Client ID and put all orders belonging to one customer on one invoice.  When customer id changes, I change the Invoice ID.  Is this possible in SQL?

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Stored Procedure - Iteration

May 18, 2007

Hi there,
I need to create a stored procedure that I can pass in an arbitrarily long list of record IDs and have an SQL statement executed for each one.
For instance, I want to be able to pass in 1, 2, 5, 78, 100, 216 and have it automatically execute:
UPDATE table SET value='blah' WHERE id=1; UPDATE table SET value='blah' WHERE id=2; UPDATE table SET value='blah' WHERE id=5; UPDATE table SET value='blah' WHERE id=78; UPDATE table SET value='blah' WHERE id=100; UPDATE table SET value='blah' WHERE id=216
Can anyone please show me how I would structure a stored procedure like this?  Specifically, how would I pass the list of IDs in as a parameter, and how would I iterate through them.
Much appreciated!!

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How Can I Jump Out Of An Iteration When Using A Cursor?

Jan 24, 2008

Is there a key word one can use to immediately jump out of an iteration when using a cursor, and move to the next record using 'fetch next' cursor?

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Iteration Within Stored Procedure

Feb 16, 2006

A Stored Procedure inserts a record in a base table. I want to add n records (n=1 to 5) into a related table. Another SP (tdAuthorityInsert) is already set up to insert one record into the related table.

So, two questions
1. What is the form of an iterative loop in a Stored Procedure?
2. How do you call a Stored Procedure from inside another?

Thanks, td

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Updating Based On A Select Iteration

Jan 8, 2001

Okay I'm going nuts.

I have a table with a max key value in it, and another table with a few rows in it. I'm trying to update the two new rows with key values that are iterative from the MAX value in the first table. Could anyone point me to some good LOOP...UPDATE, etc resources or pointers before I go postal?


Example: first table has a key field, last value in it is say 1000. The second table has two records. They need keys too, and those keys need to start at the last value in the first table + 1, so 1001, and end on the last row of the second table, or, say 1002. I cannot figure out how to read the last value of the first table, and create an update loop to iteratively update the key value in the second table based on the max value of the first, and looping based on the number of records in the second, in this case 2.



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Cross Join Iteration Problem...

Feb 5, 2004

I am having a mental fart...

I have two tables:

DECLARE @store_options TABLE(store_option_id INT IDENTITY(1,1), store_id INT)

DECLARE @vendor_options TABLE(vendor_option_id INT IDENTITY(1,1), store_option_id INT, item_id INT, vendor_id INT, price NUMERIC(18,4))

I populate the first table with a litst of stores that offer all desired items.

I populate the second table with a list of vendors, the item is, and cost avaiable at each of the stores in the first table.

What I would like is to output all possible the store and vendor combos ordered by combined price.

So, for instance, I have 3 products, A B and C. Store X has A and B by vendor G, and A B and C by vendor H. I want the output to have all iterations of (Store, Product, Vendor, Price) grouped in order of total price. So...





ordered by each group's combined price.

For some reason, I can't get this straight in my head. Must need more coffee.

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Script Component - Column Iteration Within

Apr 6, 2007

I have a synchronous script component and have added 5 fields to the output (field1, field2... field5). Can I iterate those fields?

In sudo language, I'd like to do:

Code Snippet

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
dim i as integer = 1
while i < 6
row.field[i] = "somevalue: " + i.ToString
end while
end sub

Somehow, I'd like to be able to do that without specifying each field individually:

row.field1 = "somevalue: " + "1"
row.field2 = "somevalue: " + "2"

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How Do I Just Stop A Flow And Then Make It Go Into The Next Iteration?

Aug 22, 2007

Hey guys, wonder if you could help.

I have a flow which is within a foreach loop. The first box in the flow is a scrip component which makes some check in a database.

Is there a way to say, inside that script component: 'stop the flow here, don't bother going onto the next box, and go on to the next iteration'?



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EXEC Inside A Cursor Iteration Problem

Jul 20, 2005

I 've have a stored procedure that compares fields across databases.In order to do so it requires 2 values it acquires from 2 tables. Thesearch is based on the ID of the data owner and a subject:proc_evaluate_results @StudentId = '222222', Course = 'PSY101'In order to obtain those values I run a cursor accross my records andSELECT THEM INTO 2 @variables, which then replace 222222 and PSY101with dynamic values eg.--define a cursor etc.etc.WHILE @@cursor_fetch = 0BEGIN--do the cursor call INTO @varsEXEC proc_evaluate_results @StudentId = @studentID, @Course =@CourseCodeENDNow,the vars are being passed to the stored procedure and executed OK,but the cursor gets stuck on the last record and continues to evaluateit until stopped manually.If I comment out the EXEC and replace it with eg. PRINT @Course + ' |' + @CourseCode it runs fine, exiting after the last record.ThanksR>

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Force Detach

Sep 15, 2005


I need to detach a Database, but with "EXEC sp_detach_db 'test','false'" I can't do this because it is in use.
Is there a Possibility to make a "force detach" or something?

Thanks for Help


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Force Shrink Log

Jan 15, 2002

Id like to know how I force the transaction log to shrink in v2000?

I have sp_force_shrink_log but this only works in v7.

... Also, how do I set the log to truncate on checkpoint?

Many thanks,

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Force Primary ID

May 12, 2008

How to force the primary key for a table to begin at a set Primary Id and not standard count (1,2,3,4,5..10,11,12) etc.

Pretty much how to force it being on number I would like to begin.

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Force Restore

Sep 7, 2005

Hi All

Forgive my ignorance. I have been told you cannot run a force restore without SQL Agent running? Is that so?

Also, is it possible to execute a force restore from a command line. If so, how would you go about do this.

I ask these questions because recently our database and MSBD files became corrupted and couldn't restore them in the normal way. Had to manually rebuild MSDB file.


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Can I Force Printing?

Sep 1, 2005

I have a script or SP that takes a very long time to performmultiple tasks, and after each one there is a PRINT statementthat shows the time and what was just accomplished, to help memonitor what's happening and estimate how long it will take.In a script, I can put a GO after each PRINT to cause the outputto appear immediately, but that's not possible inside an SP.Instead, it seems the output goes to a buffer, and the bufferis only output when a PRINT causes the buffer to become full.Sometimes there is a long delay before the buffer fills. Isthere a way other than GO to cause immediate printing? (Iguess I could just use longer messages, and fill up thebuffer with every one, but that's not very elegant.)Thanks,Jim GCountrywide Home Loans

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How To Force A Commit In A Sp

Jul 20, 2005

I've a complex stored procedure, that makes a lot of insert, update,delete and so on.I would like to make some commits durint this sp, but of course theyare not "real" commit because who call the sp could decide for arollback.But I know that this commit has to be real. In fact, the transactionlog grows really too much during the execution.Is there a way to force a commit durint a sp ?thank you very much!

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Force Sql Login

Oct 23, 2007

I set up odbc to link to sql express from access 2003, using sql authentication to force a login, and did not click 'save password'. when i open up access again, and open table, it goes right in without a login. How can I set so it does a login, at least each time Access opens?

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Force Encryption

Jun 8, 2006

I want to configure SQL 2k5 Express so that all connections are
encrypted. I've found the documentation that gives the How-To steps,
but I don't see the SSL option in the Network Configuration.

Is this possible with the Express edition?

Do I need to do something special with the installation?



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Force A Commit

Sep 3, 2007


My data flow has several transformations:
1. Search an employee, if the employee already exists, update it, otherwise insert it.
2. Once the new employee is created, i have to get its id (with another search transformation )to update another table with it. This id is an autonumeric , thats the reason i have to get it once the record is inserted.

At this momment this second search transformation to get the assigned id for the new reacord doesnt find any employee... i suppose its because these new data is not commited in the database....

the question is, Its possible to force a commit?


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How Do I Force Parameterization?

May 2, 2008

I have a application that runs non-parameterized queries against SQL, that are filling my proc cache. The most common one is like the below:

Code Snippet
DELETE FROM Item_Temp WHERE SessionID = '1232345'

The numeric value of the SessionID changes for every time it runs. How do I force parameterization of this without changing the application code?

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Force New Page.

Apr 3, 2007

I have a report that has multiple graphs on it. I would like to force a page break (new page) in between the different reports causing a report to be generated on it own page. Im assuming that Im missing something here because it seems like a easy/usable feature. Any help would be great.



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Force Exit

Sep 11, 2007


I have a package that goes out and picks up a file off of a ftp server using the ftp task. How do I force the package to stop running if the file is not there?

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For Each Container With XML

Apr 18, 2008

I have an execute sql task that uses the following query: (modified for this thread but normally its going to return all records in the table)

Code Snippet


'PrimaryID' AS 'Parameter/name',
PrimaryID AS 'Parameter/value',
'LastName' AS 'Parameter/name',
LastName AS 'Parameter/value'

FROM ParkingUpload
WHERE primaryid = '1234' or primaryid = '4321'

FOR XML PATH('T2Method')

The output of this query looks like this: (I know normally this would be a bad xml file, but its needed for my purpose)

Code Snippet

That xml is stored in a user variable in the Execute SQL Task. I need to take that user variable and send out that xml to a webservice. The web service is expecting one record at a time(a new record is defined by the <T2Method> node.

So question is, does my approach seem fine so far? I was wondering if my next step should be to put this variable in a For Each Container and send out one record at a time to the webservice. If so, how would I go about doing that?

If anyone else has a different suggestion as how to approach this, or be able to help with the For Each portion (I am brand new to SSIS), I would really appreciate it.

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Force Drop Database

Jul 9, 2004

Hi everybody,

I would like to know if there would be any special way to force drop a database from an ASP.NET page.

When I try to do it in the normal way, it gives me an exception like: Cannot drop the database 'xxxxxxx' because it is currently in use. I'would have to wait until there is a timeout.
In fact that database can be accessed from another pages, but I want to know if I'd be able to force drop database even when another pages are using it.

Thanks in advance

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