ForEachLoop Container And Variables

Apr 20, 2007

Hi Guys

I am trying to do the following and am quite new to SSIS.

I have to select a dataset from a database on server A, check if it exists on server B and perform an Update or Insert dependant on the existence.

I have created a SQL task to do the Select from server A with the results set passed to a variable of Vendors. I have added a ForEach Loop container with an enumerator of Foreach ADO Enumerator and the source variable is set to Vendors.

I have created 2 variables in the Foreach Loop called Code and Supplier - both as strings - as there are 2 fields from the initial Select that need to be passed to the final Update/ Insert.

I have then created another SQL task insert the Foreach which will perform the Update/Insert.

obviously when I run it at the moment it performs the Update/ Insert but just adds the rows with both Code and Supplier as NULL.

having looked at a couple of examples in books I have i know i need to add something in the Expressions of the Update/Insert SQL task but it is here i get a bit lost.

Which of the properties from the drop down do i need to use to map the variables against?

Any help would be massively appreciated asI am tearing my hair out!



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ForEachLoop Container - How To Force Next Iteration -

Aug 29, 2007

How can I force a Next Iteration in a ForEach Loop container?

I am looping through a folder(ForEach Loop Container) looking for a specific File Name ( Child 'Script Task') to evaluate name).

If the current file is not the File Name I need, get the next file, other wise drop down to a Exec Proc task.

Is it possible to force "Next Interation' on the parent container?

Thanks - Covi

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ForEachLoop Container - How To Force Next Iteration -

Aug 29, 2007

How can I force a Next Iteration in a ForEach Loop container?

I am looping through a folder(ForEach Loop Container) looking for a specific File Name ( Child 'Script Task') to evaluate name).

If the current file is not the File Name I need, get the next file, other wise drop down to a Exec Proc task.

Is it possible to force "Next Interation' on the parent container?

Thanks - Covi

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What Does The (seemingly Undocumented) FileNameRetrieval Property Of ForEachLoop Container Do?

Oct 4, 2007

Just wondering.

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Variables And ForEach Container

Aug 22, 2006

Is there a way to set a variable as a substring of the enumerator in a Foreach File Enumerator type? The Variable Mappings tab in the Foreach Loop Editor does not allow you to enter an expression.


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Logging The Foreach Loop Container's Variables

Apr 23, 2008


I would like to loop through a folder and then log the folder's content, as in the names of the files, into a database like all the events get logged. Here is what i have done. I put some files into the folder c: emp made a loop through it, set up a variable 'temp' scope is the foreach loop, set the variable raisechangedevent to true. I have also confgigured the loop to put the result of the looping, in the temp variable in the variable mappings tab.

Strangely nothing is recorded into the "execution results" when i test run the package ? Do i need to make a event handler for the onvariablevaluechanged event for the foreach loop container to be able to get the value of the variable logged or is there something other that i'm missing ?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Foreach Loop Container Passing Variables To Store Procedure

Sep 8, 2015

I am having a challenge to pass the filename variable from SSIS Foreach Loop Container to SQL store procedure.  I have an "Execute SQL Task" inside "Foreach Loop Container" which will receive the input filename parameter passed by the Foreach Loop Container.  The store procedure command line is defined as "EXEC sp_mySQLStoreProcedure  ?" within the "Execute SQL Task".  The Foreach loop container will gather the filenames from File System then put it in the filename variable one by one.  I would like to pass the filename variable as the input parameter to the sp_mySQLStoreProcedure in the "Execute SQL Task".  How can I connect the variable and the store procedure so that it will process all the input files gathered by the Foreach Loop Container?

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Loop Container Inside A Sequence Container

Jul 25, 2007

Has anyone ever seen this issue?

If i place a loop container inside a sequence container the connectors within the loop container disappear.... is this a bug - will the loop tasks still run in the correct order?? or will they fire off willy nilly??

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Need Basic Help With ForEachLoop (ADO)

Mar 8, 2008

I'm missing something fundamental in getting a ForEachLoop to read ADO data.
The database connection is configured and tested, the query parses Ok, but then I get confused.

I've defined an Object variable to hoild the results, but I can't seem to figure out how to get to values (column) data.
When I go to the Variable Mapping tab, there is only my Object variable listed. Where are the columns?
The query has the column names in the Select (as opposed to Select *), but I still don't see them.
What am I missing?


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ForEachLoop And Object-Variable

Nov 20, 2006

Hi there!

I want to use a ForEachLoop. I've an object variable what i fill before going into the ForEachLoop. It contains 4 columns and in my testscenario it has two rows. In the ForEachLoop i want to set the current row values to 4 package variables (within package scope).

So i set the Enumerater as "Foreach-ADO-Enumerator", the Ado-source-variable is my objectvariable (what contains the recordset), and the enumerator-configuration i set to "rows in all tables" ("rows in the first table" works with equal result).

The variable-mapping looks like that:

Mypackvar1        - Index 0
Mypackvar2        - Index 1
Mypackvar3        - Index 2
Mypackvar4        - Index 3

Seems to be really simple, but always i get into my first parameter the value "0" - what is not in my record set (i am relatively sure).

Am i on the right way? Is it great bullshit what i am doing?

Thanks for any suggestion,


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Issue With The ForEachLoop Task In SSIS

May 8, 2007


I am using a SQL task to execute a stored procedure which returns a single field with multiple records. I want the records returned by the stored procedure to be processed one by one within a ForEachLoop container. How do I assign the records one by one to one variable and use it in a Script task running inside the ForEachLoop container.

I am using 2 tasks in my package.

In my first task I call a SQL task that executes a stored procedure which returns a list of reference numbers (TrackData). This works perfectly.

However, in my second task I must use the ForEachLoop task to loop through the above list and set the value of var_TrackData (a user variable declared by me) with the value of the TrackData present in it during that particular loop. I am not sure how to go about the second task. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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ForEachLoop Task Not Behaving As Expected

Mar 30, 2007


I have a ForEach Loop that has 3 script tasks in it.

I have them set up so that they execute in order, such as:

script1 ---> script2 ---> script3

script1 creates a file

script2 creates a file

script3 compares the files using a diff command

Problem is, when I execute the container, it shows that script3 finishes BEFORE script2, which of course gives an error b/c the file from script2 doesn't exist yet.

The error is "The system cannot find the file specified".


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ForEachLoop - Failed Task In It Doesn't Change Back To Green On Next Successful Iteration

Apr 23, 2008

How do I change the color of the task icon back to green? I have and FEL with tasks in it that occessionally fail. The error is trapped to allow the container to continue processing. I would like to change the color of the icon back to green on the next successful iteration of a task but I haven't found a way to do it.

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Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor (Inner Variables Vs Outer Variables)

Sep 4, 2006


I am not comfortable with DTS 2000 but I need to execute a encapsulated DTS 2000 package from a SSIS package. The real problem is when I need to pass SSIS variables to DTS 2000 package. The DTS 2000 package have 3 global variables that I can identify on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - Inner Variables ". I believe the SSIS variables must be mapped on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - OuterVariables ". How can I associate the SSIS variables(OuterVariables ) to "Inner Variables"? How can I do it? Much Thanks.


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How To Design A Package With Variables So That I Can Run It By Dos Command Assigning Values To Variables?

Jan 24, 2006


I would like to design a SSIS package, which have couple of variables. It loads a xls file specified in a variable [varExcelFileFullPath] .

I will run it by commands: exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL ....' (pls see an example below).

It seems it does not get the values passed in for those variables. I deployed the package to a sql server.

are there any grammar errors here? I copied it from dtexecui. It worked inside Dtexecui not in dos command.

exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL "LoadExcelDB" /SERVER test /USER *** /PASSWORD ****


/LOGGER "{6AA833A1-E4B2-4431-831B-DE695049DC61}";"Test.SuperBowl"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileName].Properties[Value];"TestAdHocLayer"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelWorkbookName].Value;"Sheet1$"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileFullPath].Value;"D: estshareTestAdHocLayer.xls"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varDestinationTableName].Value;"FeaturesTmp"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varPreSQLAction].Value;"delete from FeaturesTmp"




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For Each Container With XML

Apr 18, 2008

I have an execute sql task that uses the following query: (modified for this thread but normally its going to return all records in the table)

Code Snippet


'PrimaryID' AS 'Parameter/name',
PrimaryID AS 'Parameter/value',
'LastName' AS 'Parameter/name',
LastName AS 'Parameter/value'

FROM ParkingUpload
WHERE primaryid = '1234' or primaryid = '4321'

FOR XML PATH('T2Method')

The output of this query looks like this: (I know normally this would be a bad xml file, but its needed for my purpose)

Code Snippet

That xml is stored in a user variable in the Execute SQL Task. I need to take that user variable and send out that xml to a webservice. The web service is expecting one record at a time(a new record is defined by the <T2Method> node.

So question is, does my approach seem fine so far? I was wondering if my next step should be to put this variable in a For Each Container and send out one record at a time to the webservice. If so, how would I go about doing that?

If anyone else has a different suggestion as how to approach this, or be able to help with the For Each portion (I am brand new to SSIS), I would really appreciate it.

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Sequence Container

Apr 26, 2006

i am trying to insert data into a table and roll back if this fails. What i have done is created an Execute SQL task with a SQL statement of BEGIN TRANS .. if the constraint = success then it goes to a Sequence Conatiner that amoungst other thing includes an Execute SQl task that does INSERT statement . outsied of the container i have 2 execute sql tasks that to a COMMIT TRANS ond a ROLLBACK Trans . when executing it i get an error the Rollback Transaction request has no corrasponding Begin tranaction. I have seen this in a SSIS created by one of the Wizards and it works fine, im oviously missing something fundemental .. any pointers ?

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Foreach Loop Container

Jan 22, 2008

Hello Experts,

Sorry that I open a new thread again but I didn€™t found any good tutorials about foreach loop container. I would like to read every row from one table and do something.
I red something about sql task€¦ Can someone give a little instruction, please?

Kind regards,

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Roll Back In For Each Container

Jul 31, 2007

I'm using data flow as flat file source -> derived column ->Data Conversion-> oledb destination
I have a fifty thousand record in a delimited file. while processing i got error in 45000th row. In database only 40000 records are there(why is there no all 45000 records). Is there any way to roll back all the 40000 records.

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Using Foreach Loop Container

Feb 15, 2007


I using data flow task to import from flat file to database but i need to use Foreach Loop Container to import multiple files in specific folder and all will be insert in the same table

tahnks & Regards

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Sequence Container And Checkpoints

Mar 6, 2008

hi people, i have crashed on a this problem. I have a sequence container and on this container I have set "FailPackageOnFailure=true". Now in this container there are 2 tasks. The first one is preceeding the second one. Now both this task have set "FailParentOnFailure=true". Both task are the same and their purpose is to drop table A.

1) I run the package and it fails, because there is no table to drop.
2) I create the table manualy and run package again.
3) I see, that the first task is beeing just SIMPLE OMMITED and the second task runs

In general, everytime any task in a sequence container invokes failure, next time is beeing ommited regardelss of its status. How can this be fixed ? Thanks

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AssignExpression In For Loop Container

Feb 27, 2006

What I'm trying to do is take multiple "snapshots" of a membership for many months. I was trying to do this in a For Loop Container in which I added one to the month variable and subtracted one from an iteration variable each loop, unless the month variable = 13...then I would add one to the year variable, set the month variable to 1 and subtract one from the iteration variable. This, I was hoping, would allow me to initialize 24 to the iteration variable, 1 to the month variable and 2004 to the year variable, kick off the package, and get 2 years worth of "snapshots" in seperate files (one for each month). Here is the AssignExpression I thought would work:

@Member_Month == 13 ? @Member_Month = 1 && @Member_Year= @Member_Year + 1 && @Member_Iteration = @Member_Iteration - 1 : @Member_Month = @Member_Month + 1 && @Member_Iteration = @Member_Iteration - 1

The package states that the single "=" should be double, but I don't think that that is what I want to do (I tried doing this just to check, and it didn't like this either). I think that it is having problems with doing multiple things on both sides of the ":". What am I doing wrong?


Brian Layden

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RAID 10 Container And How To Carve It Up

Oct 19, 2007

Afternoon Folk ...

Here is the question.

I have a RAID 10 container consisting of 4 146GB, SAS, 3.5-inch 15K RPM Hard Drives.

We have the OS on its own RAID so we are strictly dealing with setting up SQL Server 2005 on the RAID 10.

SO ... is it better to create seperate volumes for the Data, TLog and TempDB file placements (i,e, C:, F: and G or is it alright to create just plain-jane folders for the file placements?

Does it make a difference?

Is there a better way to carve this RAID 10 up?

Thanks ALL!

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Extending SSIS Container?

Jul 24, 2006

Has anyone investigated extending any of the SSIS Container classes?

I have been looking into it because we'd like to add a set of standard logging calls on events, standard startup procedures, etc. on any package that we execute.

I've been looking into the Sequence Container, For-Each, etc. They are all sealed classes. I'm not sure why MS has sealed them.

We're currently thinking of implementing our own version of the Sequence Container -- we'd really like to be able to extend the functionality of a standard container class, but we don't want to have to implement the actual container class itself.

Any insight appreciated.

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Grouping Container, Is There Any Limitation?

Oct 24, 2006

hi guys,

I was wondering about a silly thing but, anyway, which is the maximum number of grouping for a container? I mean, when you group from, i.e, a sql task and then over that group do again another one and so on...

Thanks in advance for your time,

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Probelm Using For Each Loop Container

May 18, 2007

We have a config table which has columns like pollingfolder, cop to folder etc.
Data looks like this
Config id polling folder
1 d:dataloadacn
2 d:dataloadship
under ACN and Ship folders we can have more than 1 source files which had to be loaded into target
the load process has to be repeated for each file in all the folders like ACN and ship
I have used for each loop container to poll the folder.
Can we set the directory to be polled at runtime taking from config table.
For doing this I have used the property Directory in expression editor of for each loop. But it is not working.
If I hard code the variable value in variables section , then its working.
How to change the directory to be polled value at runtime?

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For Loop Container With Dates

Apr 25, 2007

I'm trying to set up a For Loop Container that steps through the loop based on date logic.

Here's an example of what I'd like to do:

InitExpression | @SomeDate = 1/1/2007

EvalExpression | @SomeDate < GETDATE()

AssignExpression | @SomeDate = DATEADD(DAY, 1, @SomeDate)

The above syntax does not work, and I can't find an example that uses date logic with the For Loop Container.

Can anyone help me with this, or point me to an example that uses the For Loop Container with dats?

Thanks in advance for the help!

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For Each Loop Container In SSIS

Mar 12, 2008


I am using For each loop container in my SSIS package which will loop through more than one input file in the input folder.
All the input files in the input folder are picked by one by one. All the input files in the input folder are executed with the same ExecutionInstanceGUID.

Now, my requirement is to get a new ExecutionInstanceGUID during the execution of each input file in the For each loop container. My package only contains the For each loop container with some logic inside that.

Please let me know if any one can help me for the same.


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For Each Loop Container Do Nothing Inside

Aug 27, 2006


A very strange thing happened to me. I have a package that includes two For each loop containers. Each container has script tasks, sequence containers, etc. Both are Foreach ADO Enumerator basis. It works without any problems until I changed the position of one of them in the Control flow and added some code in the script task. After these changes I executed the package and both of For each loop containers did not execute the tasks inside of them, any task. However the execution color on the containers was green (success). How can it be?

Your help is much welcome. Thanks in Advance.

João Cruz

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Using A ForEach Loop Container

Mar 30, 2007


Can anyone point me to an example of using a ForEach Loop Container to step through the rows in a recordset. I cannot seem to see how this is done from the help files.


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Executing A Whole Container In One Transaction

Oct 15, 2006

Hello all,

I am trying to build a package running a container that includes several tasks: 2 Execute SQL tasks and a data flow task. I would like to execute this container in a single transaction, which means that if any of the tasks fail, no changes are been made by the container execution.
To achieve this, I have followed the instructions of how to configure the DTC on the server and locally, and set the container's TransactionOption Property to "Required".

The problem I encounters is that when using a dataflow task in the container, the running process runs OK until it reaches the dataflow task, then it just gets stuck (marking the task in yellow). When removing the dataflow task, left with only Execute SQL tasks everything works fine.
Any idea?


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For Loop Container In SSIS

Aug 13, 2007




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Expressions In For Loop Container

Feb 26, 2007

I am having problem when setting for-each container's EvalExpression as a variable comparison.

I have set this in expression editor
@[User::Syn] == 1

Editor says that it couldnt convert from System.Bool to System.String.

If I put it in quote, then for-each container says that it needs Bool, not String.

Please help me with this,

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