Adding more columns in a matrix report that don€™t belong to the columns drilldown dimensions€¦
That is, for example, having the following report:
Product Family
Country City Number of units sold
Then I would add some ratios, that is, Units Sold/Months (sold per month) and other that is the average for Product Family (Units Sold/Number of Product Family), for putting an example€¦ some columns should be precalculated prior to the report so do not get into it, the real problem I don€™t see how to solve is adding one or two columns for showing these calculated column that doesn€™t depend on the column groups but they do for the rows groups€¦
Any guidance on that?
The only way I am seeing by now is to set it as two different reports, and that is not what my client wants€¦
I have a stored procedure which returns a result set as follows:
(Headers)Total,WV1,WV2,WV3,WV4,WV5..... (Example data) "Some total name",1,2,3,4,5.....
The WV1, WV2, WV3 column names will be different depending on parameters passed to the stored procedure. In other words, the column names or number of columns aren't fixed (apart from "Total").
What I would like to be able to do is to just force SSRS to use the column headers supplied by the stored procedure as the column names in the report.
I have columns like week1,week2....... displayed in the matrix and i want to add both these columns and put them in a third column as Week 1-2. Is there any way I could do this through matrices???
I am creating a report in Reporting Services 2000. I have a stored procedure that returns 4 columns with one column having 21 weeks of entries in it. I am using matrix to group these 21 weeks as 21 week columns created dynamically but when I preview the report it is only displaying columns for first 5 weeks.
Any idea why Reporting services is not displaying the rest of the columns? Any limitation on maxiumum number of columns that can be generated dynamically in SSRS 2000?
Measurement M1 Measurement M2 etc.... Unit U1 Unit U2 Unit U1 Unit U2 etc...
Item I1 123 456 120 450 Item I2 111 444 110 440
I'd need to add the manufacturing date of the item to the report. For this I need an extra column next to the row header column (in red) and also a field header (in purple).
Measurement M1 Measurement M2 etc.... Art. Date Unit U1 Unit U2 Unit U1 Unit U2 etc...
I've tried copying and pasting the first column of the matrix, inserting columns or rows, but I allways end up with an extra grouping level, which I don't want. The date is the manufacturing date of the item, so it is an attribute of the item, not a separate level of detail.
Anyone knows how to add this extra column to the row header ?
Also, how do I add a column header like "Art." or "Date" in the example above ? I was thinking of placing a text box above the first cell of the matrix, as a kludge.
Hi I have a matrix report. It expands to the right when the user chooses the amounts of months he/she wishes to see. Then it is populated with revenues for each month and deportment. On the matrix report I have put in a couple of Subtotals. Some of the totals are empty due to a month in a department with no revenue.
I wish to see a 0 on the subtotal column but I don€™t want to see a 0 on the month column. If I use =IIF( Fields!Revenue.Value is Nothing, "0", Fields!Revenue.Value) on the month columns I will see 0 all over the place. But I only want a 0 on the subtotal column. Can I do this?
Hi everybody, I've a big Matrix with 50 columns and 20 rows, I would like to hide the columns in 'real time' is it possible? for example:
-col_1 -col_2 -col_3 -col_N row_1 a b c d row_2 a b c d row_3 a b c d row_N . . . .
If we don't want to see the col_1 and col_3 , we can give a click and hiding, is it possible? maybe with the option 'visibility can be toggled by another report item' or expanded and collapsed option, some idea?
I need to be able to add an extra column to my matrix - I've searched high and low on the net and I cant seem to find the answer anywhere.
I have grouped data which displays as it should and I can get the SubTotal part for my Dailys to run - I need to add a total for MTD and YTD (which is a part of the SQL Data) after the subtotal - is there a straight forward way of doing this?
This is an example of how I want my report to look (I can already achieve the bits highlighted bold)
Daily Data
Commission (GroupData cell 1) Interest (GroupData CELL 2) GroupData etc €¦ SUBTOTAL (DTD) MTD TOTAL YTD TOTAL
Book Currency =sum(Fields!DTD.VALUE)
=sum(Fields!MTD.VALUE) =sum(Fields!YTD.VALUE)
and this is an example of the data being returned by my Sproc
Book CCY GroupedData DTD MTD YTD
ABC GBP Commission £0.01 £0.09 -£0.10
ABC GBP Interest £0.02 £0.29 £0.11
ABC GBP Brokerage £0.12 £0.06 £0.20
When I use the "Add Column" functionality - I get a repeat of the MTD and YTD under each of the groupData cells - where as i only need it as a summary after the subtotal.
Daily Data
Grouped Data CELL 1 Grouped Data CELL 2
I have a matrix report and it doesn't add titles to the different groupings. And when you try and add a text box it spans across all grouping columns. How do you add titles to these columns?
I have a report that is set up as a matrix. The repor shows data relating to review numbers (for example 1-6). Based on the date range selected from my parameters the report will show stats and the matrix grouping is by the review number.
My question is this, if the dataset returns only some of the review numbers, can I do anything to show the other review numbers? They will always be from 1-6.
I have a matrxi report with 6 Columns (Col 1, 2, ...6). Based on the parameters I select I wanted to hide 3 of the columns (Col 2, 4 and 6. But the problem is when I hide the columns, it leaves a gap. That means, the matrix report shows Col 1, 3 and 5 with gap in between the Columns.
There is no Column Visibility property in matrix report.
Please help me as I am looking to solve this issue for a long time now.
I want detailed subtotals but I don't want the "Amount" and "Amount Class." values in the details of my Matrix.
I've not found other way to show the "amount" and "amount class." in the subtotal without adding those values in the details are of the matrix. But when I select "Hide" in the properties those values are hidden in the subtotal as well. Is there any way to hide a value in the details area but not in the subtotals ?
I am trying to format a matrix report so that columns appear in a specified order.
An example of what I mean is, I have 3 columns; New, Additional and Old.
When these columns are dynamically generated by RS they are put in alphebitic order. I want them to appear in the order in which I have them above.
The dataset returns a sequence (int) for each of the columns, so 'New' = 1, 'Additional' = 2 and 'Old' = 3. I am ordering on that sequence, but still can't get it to work. These are actually column groupings.
What am I doing wrong? I don't want the column sorted (i.e. data sorted within a row), but the columns to appear in a specific order.
I am having a bit of a problem trying to limit a number of columns in a matrix appearing on a page.
At the moment, I have a dataset that lists the month and the mail packages that were sent during the month The matrix works great HOWEVER, if there were more than 8 months in the matrix columns, it does not break and would make the page look like a huge landscape page.
I am trying to limit the number of columns appearing (this is the months column) on the matrix so that the pages stay in a potrait position. IE: every 8 columns appear on one page. Is there an option or an expression I could use in the Matrix ? Thanks!
Hi I€™m having trouble again with a matrix report. I wish to make a matrix report with 5 columns. The right part of course will be filled depending on how many moths the user has chosen. The left part will be field with country, city and then the person names and some other info.
What I want to do is to have the first 2 columns, country and city, with drilldown. That is pushing the plus sign to open the corresponding group. How do I do this?
I have a matrix report that I am using with MonthName(Fields!Month.Value) across the top of the report. However, when there is no data under the column, the month is skipped. So, for example, I get this:
I am creating a report that uses the Matrix control. I need to display a fixed number of columns (5). In my query, I am returning the top 5 rows of data. However, in some cases there are less than 5 rows of data returned from the dataset. Is there a way to force the number of columns displayed in the matrix control and to populate with some text (such as "n/a") if no data is available?
I am wondering if someone has some experience with hiding columns in a Matrix report. I have got two details columns: "Yr to Yr Credits Growth€? and "Yr to Yr Credits Growth %" and those two columns return only one value "N/A" for the earliest year since there is nothing to compare to. Thus, I don't really need them for the earliest year. On top of detail columns, I have got three matrix groups: matrix1-Year, matrix1-Quarter and matrix-Date. Once those two detail columns are hidden, I would like obviously resize (shrink) those three matrix groups columns to reflect the fact that the detail columns were hidden.
I need to display 12 months dynamically in columns of a matrix report, starting with the current MMM, yy - 3 in the first column, current MMM, yy and incrementing by 1 month in columns 2-12.
For example a report that would run on today's MM, yy (5/2007) would look something like this:
I have used two matrix in one of my reports. One matrix is right above other. Both matrix's columns are allocated for month name. I.e there are 12 columns for each month of the year for each matrix. column name of the second matrix was hidden. so end user can see only first matrix column name and corresponding data in each matrix. But the problem is now, when there is no data for perticular month in first matrix, thats month's column does not appear at all. Lets say there is no data for November in first matrix. so Novem column is missing in first mtrix now. but still Novem column is shown on the second matrix as it has some data, although column name is not shown. I wonder how I can show all the columns of both matrix regardless of population of data.
Is it possible to display only a certain number of columns in a matrix, say the first 6 and then hide the rest? That is, does the matrix allow to somehow control how many columns can be displayed from a column group and hide the remaining columns (I need this to limit the number of columns a user is able to see so that the matrix width does not get infinitely long).
In other words.....
I need to display the subtotals for all dynamically generated columns but display only first 6 columns. This way I can avoid having to display 50 columns and not have user scroll to so far right and keep the page width within reasonable limits. Hope I have made it clear.
Could you please anyone tell me how to have static and dynamic columns in a matrix?
We can add static columns by right clicking detail text box and add column. But it will repeat for each column group. I need static columns in the dynamic columns level itself.
We have a matrix report which displays columns in a default sorting order. This report columns vary dynamically depending on the user input.
e.g. If user wants to see the report for column Alfa, Beta , Gama then a report will be genarted with column Alfa, Beta , Gama sorted in alphabetical order.
Site %Risk Alfa Beta Gama
X 2 1 2 3
Y 10 4 5 6 However the users want the Columns to be sorted in the order which they provide the inputs e.g. if the user entered Gama, Alfa, Beta the report should display the columns in the same order instead of applying the default sorting order.
Site %Risk Gama Alfa Beta
X 2 3 1 2
Y 10 6 4 5
Any thoughts on ways to achieve this in SSRS matrix report would really help.
I have one column in a matrix component and it has about 7 items, but the only the items which have values on the page appear at the top of that page.
This is for a labratory so the columns are the different Patient Types and the rows are the different Test Mnemonics. If one of the Patient Types is not used in any of the tests on that page, it doesnt show up. How to I make sure all Patient Types show up on every page?
hii Everybody In my report i have a matrix,but i want to show only 10 columns in one page and rest of the data should come in next page? so is there anyway to control the number of columns in a matrix to be shown in the priview? please help me with some suggestions. its orgent
I have a dataset with 2 columns, a rownumber and a servername - eg
rownumber servername
1 server1
2 server2
15 server15
I want to display the servernames in a report so that you get 3 columns - eg
server1 | server2 | server3
server4 | server5 | server6
server13 | server14 | server15
I have tried using multiple tables and lists and filtering the data on each one but this then makes formating very hard - i either end up with a huge gap between columns or the columns overlap
I have also tried using a matrix control but cant find a way to do this.
Does anybody know an easy way to do this? The data comes from sql 2005 so i can use a pivot clause on the dataset if somebody knows a way to do it this way. The reporting service is also RS2005