I have a created a database with nearly 20 tables in it, so I cannot post all of my statements. I am having an issue though with two tables' referential integrity when it comes to foreign key constraints. I want to constrain them to cascade updates from the primary key tables, but I keep getting the error msg 1785
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK__PURCHASE___ITEM___64F971E5' on table 'PURCHASE_ORDER_LINE' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Here is the table with the primary key:
create table MERCHANDISE (
I have tried making an update trigger but it does not work.
student --- enrollment is 1- to - many . ssn is pk in student. ssn and courseid is pk in enrollment. later I added the foreign key constraint FK_SSN in enrollment table reference student table. it is ok. enrollment --- lessonhistory is 1-to -many, ssn, courseid and lessonid is pk in lessonhistory . I tried to set FK_SSN foreign key constraint in lessonhistory table reference enrollment table, it always show error message " no primary key in referewnce talbe enrollment " I don't know how to fix it. could you help me out, thanks!!
I am attempting to write a DTS package that copies the data across from one instance of a db on a test server to a second instance on to the live server. It has to replace all the exisiting date so I can't append. Unfortunately, the package keeps giving me errors all of the type "unable to truncate tbl due to foreign key constraints". Is there a way round this?
"Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK__APPLICANTMA__SEX__414EAC47' on table 'APPLICANTMASTER' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints."
Hi all, I'm new here so I hope this is the right place to post!!
I'm having a really big problem trying to make a table. I'm not new to the coding, but I'm no expert either.... as far as I can see I haven't done anything wrong...
I have many tables, but the first two are JobDetails and Promotions... in JobDetails, there is a primary key Job which needs to link to Promotions as a foreign key.... here is my code and errors, I'd really appreciate some help...
create table JOBDETAIL (Job varchar2(15) primary key, Dept varchar2(10) not null, Salary number(7) not null);
alter table tblV add constraint foreign key (T_ID) references tblT(T_ID) on delete set null on update cascade Error is: Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 25501 There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 3,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = foreign ]
I'm new with SQL Mobile, so sorry for the novice question.
Hi, I am fairly new to SQL server Express and I have quite a simple database set up and I am trying to test it out with data. I have €śPain Reading€? and €śWorsen Factors€? tables with a 1: M relationship. The primary key in the Pain reading table is ReadingID which is being set using getdate() for the default value. I am getting the following error when attempting to add a new row to the €śWorsen Factors€? table:
No row was updated
The data in row 1 was not committed. Error source:.Net SqlClient Data Provider Error Message: The insert statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_WorsenFactor_PainReading1". The confilct occurred in database "paindata", table "dbo.PainReading", column 'ReadingID'. The statement has been terminated.
When I try to like Rkey from both tables as a foreign key relationship, I get an error that the columns in one table "do not match an existing primary key or UNIQUE constraint. (I've tried it both ways and get the same error.)
Hi, i have two tables, one is department-Table(Master table) and other is employee-table(Child table). DNO is a data field which is common in both the table. "DNO" is primary key in department-table and "DNO" is foreign key in child table.
I am trying to insert rows in the table i found the following error:
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Employee_Department". The conflict occurred in database "Project", table "dbo.Department", column 'Dno'.
Yesterday I made alot of updates to to various tables within a databse, to update some records I had to drop the foreign key constraint, but when I try to add the constraint back I get an error message (in red) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ITEMS] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ITEMS__ITEM_CATEGORIES] FOREIGN KEY ( [ITC_ID] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[ITEM_CATEGORIES] ( [ITC_ID] ) ON UPDATE CASCADE NOT FOR REPLICATION , CONSTRAINT [FK_ITEMS__ITEM_TYPES] FOREIGN KEY ( [ITY_ID] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[ITEM_TYPES] ( [ITY_ID] ) ON UPDATE CASCADE NOT FOR REPLICATION GO Server: Msg 1785, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_ITEMS__ITEM_CATEGORIES' on table 'ITEMS' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints. Server: Msg 1750, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Could not create constraint. See previous errors
any suggestions? I tried modifying the statement to ON UPDATE NO ACTION, but I get exactly the same error message. Any help would be much appreciated...thanks in advance
A website that I'm working on has users sign in and keeps a log of the pages they go to. The log table has a foreign key in it that links to the username is the users table. I need to update the username for one of the users but the foreign key is preventing me from doing so. What is the benefit of having a foreign key like this? Can I delete it to update the username or is there a better way?
Hi, I don't know if this is possible, i believe not, so I'm here to ask the experts if is possible to have a foreign key constraint that references the key of one of two tables. Like this: I have 3 tables: TABLE X, TABLE A and TABLE B Is it possible to the FK on TABLE X refernce the PK of TABLE A OR TABLE B? If yes, how can I do this? If not, I need to have a fourth table, so TABLE X references TABLE A and TABLE Y references TABLE B. Thanks!
I have two tables: table 1 and table 2. The primary key of table is composite key of two collumns and table 2 is the child of parent table 1. Is it possible to create / define a foreign key constraint using a composite primary key?
I am importing data from a flat, comma delimited text file. It appears to properly import all the records and then on the last record it give me the error
INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint for 'EOR_ITE_REF_EOR'.
Then it goes on to tell me the database, table and column in which the problem occured which is the first column in the table. It looks like it doesn't like the end of the file for some reason (EOR, end of record?) so I tried deleting the last record from the file and it still does it. I do have a file that I have imported that worked so I tried copying the last record of that file and pasting it into the last record of the file I wanted but that did not work either. The ends of file that works and the file that doesn't work look the same and I can find nothing on 'EOR_ITE_REF_EOR'. Any help would be appreciated.
why it is not possible to create a Foreign key to a Unique constraint?
Table A has column 1 holding a Primay key and two columns (2 and 3) holding a Unique combination (and some more columns).He created an Unique constraint on column 2 and 3 together.
He wanted to use this Unique combination to point to table B (instead of the table 1's PK) so he tried to create a foreign key on a column in table B but an error popped up prompting;
The columns in table 'TABLE_A' do not match an existing primary key or UNIQUE constraint.
Ok - these two columns ar no PK but the hold an Unique constraint......
Hello,I'm working with a number of databases. I need a way to determine if aforeign key with given name exists and determine what tables andfields are linked to it. Any ideas?I know I can issue the following statement to get a list of the fieldsthat are constrained by a foreign key constraint.SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGEHow can I get a list of fields pointed to by the constraints?Thanks,WillJoin Bytes!
I am trying to alter a table adding a column with foreignkey constraint. The table that holds the primary key in that relation has data, so i am not being able to execute the alter statement.
This is the error:
Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_MOPAeroportoICAO_IDMOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo'. The conflict occurred in database 'MOP', table 'MOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo', column 'IDMOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo'.
This is the script:
ALTER TABLE MOPAeroportoICAO ADD IDMOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo [int] DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [FK_MOPAeroportoICAO_IDMOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo] FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES MOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo (IDMOPAlimentacaoFerroviaTipo)
How can i turn of check when i add the foreign key ?
Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with TABLE FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK03_T2_DEMACLIE'. The conflict occurred in database 'Comfruta_dllo', table 't2_pedidoCliente'.
I'm sure there's no other constraint with the same name, and there's no othe one with the same columns...
I am trying to update tables "Table A" & " TableB" with a new value for a particular column1. Now "TableA" contains a foreign key "FK1" defined on it and is referencing another table "Table B" containing the similar column "Column1"
Because of this constraint I was not able to update TableA and TableB. My question is
1) If i wanted to go ahead with this update, what are the possible ways?
2) If only solution is to drop the constraint. Then How do i know the definition for this particular Foreign key, i mean it may refer some columns in Table B. I wanted to know the complete definition of it so that i can rebuild the constraint after the update. Right now i can see only the constraint name when i use sp_help TableA. But how do i know the complete reference made by this foreign key.
Does anyone know a way from within a .net application to find out if a row has a foreign key constraint before updating it? Or possibly in a SQL Stored Procedure if necessary.
What I am trying to do is basicly simulate a delete of a row in a SQL 2005 database from a .net application. Instead of actually deleting the row I want to set a bool column as deleted. The problem is that I can't orphan records that have a relationship to the one deleted.
This is normaly taken care of automaticly with refrential integrity working properly, but not actually calling delete comands I can't seem to find that out without writing a lot of code to check manually in other tables for that key.
Hello Friends How are you?? Friends i am getting problem in SQL Server 2005. I am deployng web application on production server as well as Databse also. In production server i inserted new field in all tables which is rowguid and its type is uniqueidentifier. The default binding for this field is newsequentialid(). In some pages it works ok but in some places it generates error like which is describe below: Error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_TransactionDetails_TransactionMain". The conflict occurred in database "dbname", table "dbo.TransactionMain", column 'TransactionMainID'. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_TransactionDetails_TransactionMain". The conflict occurred in database "dbname", table "dbo.TransactionMain", column 'TransactionMainID'. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_TransactionDetails_TransactionMain". The conflict occurred in database "dbname", table "dbo.TransactionMain", column 'TransactionMainID'. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_TransactionDetails_TransactionMain". The conflict occurred in database "dbname", table "dbo.TransactionMain", column 'TransactionMainID'. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_TransactionDetails_TransactionMain". The conflict occurred in database "dbname", table "dbo.TransactionMain", column 'TransactionMainID'. The statement has been terminated. The statement has been terminated. The statement has been terminated. The statement has been terminated. The statement has been terminated. at MyGeneration.dOOdads.BusinessEntity.LoadFromSql(String sp, ListDictionary Parameters, CommandType commandType) at MyGeneration.dOOdads.BusinessEntity.LoadFromSql(String sp, ListDictionary Parameters) at LCO.pname.DAL.BLL.AccountInfo.funName(Parameters) In above mentioned error, foreign key is availabe in child table. Can anybody help me to solve this problem. Its urgent so plz reply me as soon as possible. I'll be very thankfull to you. Thanks in Advance. Regards,
Hi there, I have a stored procedure which i pass a number of parameters into. One of these parameters is staffNo (only passed this in because i couldn't execute the query without it). The thing is this field can be Null, but when trying to pass null into it it comes up with an Foreign Key conflict. staffNo is a foreign key within the table i'm inserting the data into. This is the error i get: "INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'PropStaffFK'. The conflict occurred in database 'DewMountain', table 'TblStaff', column 'staffNo'. The statement has been terminated. The 'PropertyAdvert' procedure attempted to return a status of NULL, which is not allowed. A status of 0 will be returned instead. "
Does anyone know of away around this? how to pass a null value to the stored procedure without it causing this error. Thank you Melanie
I get this error when inserting data..The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint FK_Participant_ Log_BiometricInstance_ Participant_ Activities". The conflict occurred in database "ProvantCustomerPortal", table "dbo.Activities", column 'Id'.The statement has been terminated.
My query looks like this :
insert into [dbo].[Participant_BiometricInstance](ParticipantId, ActivityId, ProviderTypeId, Fasting, ExternalSystemId, ResultsDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate) select participantID,'','','',NULL,getdate(),NULL,getdate() from [dbo].[Participant_Profile]
Please excuse the rookie question, but I am not sure how to get around this error.
"The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_users_editprofile". The conflict occurred in database "MyDB", table "dbo.editprofile", column 'userid'. The statement has been terminated."
I encountered the error when running a series of test INSERT statements after creating a bunch of FK/PK relationships between the parent table DBO.USERS and several child tables. The one that this error complains about is DBO.EDITPROFILE.
INSERT INTO editprofile(headline, aboutme, userid, date, interests) VALUES('Random Headline', 'random', 1, '1998-12-25', 'I am interested in anything random')
Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[users]( [userid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [lastname] [varchar](50) NULL, [firstname] [varchar](50) NULL, [email] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [alternateemail] [varchar](50) NULL, [password] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [role] [char](50) NOT NULL, [securityquestion] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [securityanswer] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [zipcode] [int] NOT NULL, [birthmonth] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [birthday] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [birthyear] [int] NOT NULL, [gender] [char](10) NULL, [city] [varchar](50) NULL, [state] [varchar](50) NULL, [country] [varchar](50) NULL, [registerdate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [editdate] [datetime] NULL, [confirmed] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__Users__confirmed__4CC05EF3] DEFAULT ((0)), CONSTRAINT [PK_users] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [userid] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY], CONSTRAINT [IX_email] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [email] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_users_editprofile] FOREIGN KEY([userid]) REFERENCES [dbo].[editprofile] ([userid]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_users_editprofile] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_users_lastlogin] FOREIGN KEY([userid]) REFERENCES [dbo].[lastlogin] ([userid]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_users_lastlogin] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_users_precedence] FOREIGN KEY([userid]) REFERENCES [dbo].[precedence] ([userid]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_users_precedence] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_users_savedsearches] FOREIGN KEY([userid]) REFERENCES [dbo].[savedsearches] ([userid]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_users_savedsearches] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_users_userphotos] FOREIGN KEY([userid]) REFERENCES [dbo].[userphotos] ([userid]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[users] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_users_userphotos]
Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[editprofile]( [editprofileid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [headline] [varchar](50) NULL, [aboutme] [text] NULL, [userid] [int] NOT NULL, [date] [datetime] NOT NULL, [interests] [text] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_EditProfile] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [date] ASC, [userid] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]
For some reason, I'm getting this error, even without the DBCC Check:
INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY SAME TABLE constraint 'Category_Category_FK1'. The conflict occurred in database 'mydb', table 'Category', column 'CategoryID'. The statement has been terminated.
The very first insert fails...it was working fine before:
/* Finally, insert the rest and match on the Parent Category Name based on the CategoryStaging table */
WHILE (@@ROWCOUNT <> 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO Category (ParentCategoryID, [Name], [Description], DisplayOrder, DisplayInExplorer, Keywords, Active, CreateDate, CreateUserID, UpdateDate, UpdateUserID) SELECT c.CategoryID, s.CategoryName, '', 1, 1, '', 1, GETDATE(), 1, GETDATE(), 1 FROM Category c INNER JOIN CategoriesStaging s ON c.[Name] = s.ParentCategoryName WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Category c WHERE s.[CategoryName] = c.[Name]) AND s.CategoryName <> 'All'
Here's the schema:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Category]( [CategoryID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ParentCategoryID] [int] NULL, [Name] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
GO USE [mydatabase] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Category] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [Category_Category_FK1] FOREIGN KEY([ParentCategoryID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Category] ([CategoryID])
Am working on sql database table shifting to new database tables. Am getting the following error while truncating the tables:-
Cannot truncate table 'orderItem' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.How can i remove all the items in the table if i found this error.
I know that TRUNCATE TABLE can be used to reset the identity counter, but it can't be used on a table referenced by a foreign key. Anybody knows how to do that? Thanks.