Forgot The SQL Authentication Details

Nov 14, 2006

Hi guys,

this is my first post and I am new to SQL server 2005 (well, SQL in general).

I have installed SQL server 2005 but cannot remember if I set authentication for it. I have just tried to access a database on this server through ASP (classic, not .NET) but get the error message saying that login failed for <servername>IUSR_<servername>.

There must be a simple way around this.

Also, is there a way for me to create trusted connections for my server now that it has been installed?

If anyone can give me a few ideas about authentication, etc, I would really appreciate it.

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Forgot How To Do This In SQL

Sep 13, 2007

I am having a serious brain f@rt right now. I am querying a table full of customers, dates and payment amounts
 I am looking to get each customer, the most recent payment amount and most recent payment date.
SELECT Customer, MAX(TranDate) As TranDate, TranAmount GROUP BY Customer, TranAmount
 ...gets me the following:
customer1      9/14/2007   100.00
customer1      9/14/2007    50.00
customer2     9/1/2007       75.00
The problem being that each customer has multiple payment amounts so when I GROUP BY the TranAMount column I am getting multiple rows for the same customer. I am looking for a single row or customer, date and amount for each customer. What am I forgetting?

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Forgot SA Password

Sep 19, 2005

I forgot my SA password how can i know it.

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Jun 21, 1999

I have tried every SA password in our documentation and I cannot get into the database. I want to dump the database and clear up the transaction log. Can anyone help me?

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Resetting Sqlce Forgot Password

Oct 23, 2007

can we reset sql server CE forgotten password ?

Mukesh Gupta

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I Forgot My SA Password For My Instance Of SQL 2000

Sep 5, 2006

Hi all,

I have SQL 2000 and I forgot my SA password and cannot login as administrator using windows authentication.

Is there any way to reset SA password?

"Mixed Mode" authentication is enabled.

If I change authentication mode in register to Windows only and then after restarting SQL change it back to Mixed, will it reset SA password to "null"?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Sever 2005 Express Move Windowns Authentication Choice To Mixed Authentication

Aug 22, 2007

I folks.I Have installed sql server 2005 express and choosed windowsauthentication on instalation, but i make a mistake and now i needmixed authentication, how can i modify this whithout uninstall andinstall again the application?thanks for the help.

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How To Give Authentication For Send Mail Task Component? [not Default Windows Authentication]

May 11, 2007

How to give authentication for Send Mail Task component?

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How Can I Login To My MS SQL Server 2005 If I Forgot My Login Password

Oct 8, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2005 at home.
My problem is I forgot my password to log in to my server.
I only remember user name is 'sa'.
I haven't used it for two to three months. So I forgot password.
Previously, When I used sql server 2000, my login is as windows login. so no problem.
But this time, I set seperate log in and I got this problem.
Any help will be appreciated.

View 11 Replies View Related

Switching SQL 2005 Authentication Mode From Windows To SQL Authentication

Apr 18, 2007

Hi there,I have installed MS SQL Server 2005 on my machine with windows authentication. But now I want to switch the authentication mode to SQL Authentication. I am unable to switch, I can’t find the proper way to do so here in 2005.Could any one help me in doing this?Thank you,-Ahsan

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Sql Authentication = Fast./ Windows Authentication = V.slow!

Mar 25, 2004


(Using win2k, sqlserver2k, framework 1.1)
I have an fairly data-heavy application that uses Windows authentication (Trusted connection/aspnet account) to connect to Sql Server. The site uses IIS basic authentication.

On the dev server everything works fine but when I move to the live server things get strange and it starts to crawl along. (Pages load OK but then it just crawls as it loads the datagrids etc. Sometimes it brings back incomplete/incorrect data )

BUT When I use Sql Authentication to connect to Sql Server and there is no problem at all!

Ok, there is something obviously wrong with the live server (which is identical setup to dev)but I dont know where to start.

Any ideas??

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Using SQL Authentication And Windows Integrated Authentication Concurrently

May 15, 2006

Hi all,

I've got two applications which both have a database on my MS SQL 2000 server. The problem is, one application must use Windows Integrated Authentication (which it is currently using and cannot be changed) whilst the other application which I'm trying to configure must use a SQL password.

Since the server has already been configured to use Windows Integrated Authentication for the existing database and application, how do I configure the other database to use the SQL password?


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Authentication An Application Using Windows Integrated Authentication

May 12, 2006

Hi all,

My work is using a shared application
which accesses a MSSQL 2000 database. To access the application, the
folder on the Windows 2003 Server is shared and users can access the
folder through a shared drive.

For the application to access the
database, it uses an ODBC connection to the MSSQL server which
originally used the SA password.

We have recently switched to using
Windows Integrated Authentication because we believe it offers a
higher level of security. However the only way in which we have been
able to enable this is to add the windows users to the SQL server.

The problem with this is that the
application sets permissions for individual users on what records
they can see within the database. We have found that by adding the
windows users to the SQL Server, they can bypass the permissions the
set by the application by simply using any application that can use
an ODBC connection, such as Enterprise Manager, and see all the

One way around this would be to set up
domains of users with access privileges to the tables which reflect
the permissions set by the application, and configuring a view of the
data so they may only see the records that they have permissions to.
However to do this would require a high administrative cost to ensure
that changes made in the application are reflected in the privileges
of the SQL server.

Instead, is there a way the SQL server
can authenticate that the ODBC connection is coming from the correct
application using Windows Integrated Authentication?

This would allow the applcation to
determine security, and stop users from connecting to the SQL server
using other applications.

Alternatively, can the SQL server,
using Windows Integrated Authentication, also ask the application to
supply a username and password?

Any help with this matter would be
greatly appreciated.


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Switching From SQL Authentication To Integrated Authentication?

Aug 25, 2006

Hi,I'm using SQL Server 2005. My Connection String looks like that at the moment: <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=xx;Initial Catalog=xx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xx;Password=xx" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>    Now I'd like to change this kind of authentication to Integrated Windows AuthenticationI added the WorkerProcess IIS_WPG to the permitted Users but it didn't help.Changed the Connection String to this:connectionString="Server=xx;Database=xx;Trusted_Connection=True;"All I'm getting is that my NetworkService is not permitted to access DB when I try to connect to the DB in ASP.NET.How can I properly configure that? Thanks!

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Difference Between Sql Authentication And Windows Authentication

May 8, 2003


Can anyone tell me what is the difference between sql authentication and windows authentication.

Examples of each would be very useful

Many thanks in advance


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SQL Server Authentication Vs Windows Authentication

Oct 16, 2006

Would anyone please help me out here. which of the 2 modes of authentication is better and why??

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Using Windows Authentication V/s Mixed Authentication

Dec 18, 2006


Say, I have configured my SQL to use Mixed Authentication. Now, I have a applicaiton which uses my SQL Server. The application just creates a database in SQL Server and uses the database to store its information.

This application also has a SYSTEM DSN under ODBC through which it accesses the database. For the application to access this database, should I only use SA (as my SQL instance is configured to use Mixed Authentication) or can I use Windows Authentcation too...

If I should only use SA, do we have a documentation which talks about this.


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Windows Authentication Vs SQL Server Authentication

Mar 12, 2008

For using different services of SQL SERVER 2005 which is better...
Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

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Report Manager With Forms Authentication. Report Server With Windows Authentication.

Feb 1, 2008


I wonder if it is possible to set forms authentication for report manager but leave report server "as it is". I need to authenticate users from external LDAP and can't use windows authentication for report manager, but I would also like to leave report server open for anonymous users. In that way authenticated administrators could create reports which anonymous users could read.

I tested the Security Extension Sample and got it working when I rewrote the authentication part with my own LDAP authentication.

If I have understood correctly, the report manager is just application inside report server so is it possible to use forms authentication with one application but still leave the report server with Windows authentication?

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NT Authentication / SQl Server Authentication

Aug 14, 2001


I need to figure out what kind of Authentication , I need to use for following applicaiton

Product : -

1 ) It resides on a its Domain and has access to Database on that Domain.
2 ) We have a application level login , n based on application login id
display specific pages.

The question that bother me is this

Q ) If i use NT authentication , then a user will be required to

a ) Login to domain (with userid and password) first and then

b ) Then i would require to again login to applicaiton with application
level login and password.(different levels of login as there)
Based on the application level login i will display only specific
asp pages. They have different access rights..and roles.

Requirment is to login only once..and it should authenticate to application display specific pages and authenticate to SQl server database also..

Is there any way thru which i can map my application level login to SQl server.. and what authentication should i use..


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Sql Authentication Vs. Windows Authentication

May 31, 2007

I am in the process of rolling out a sql server 2005 enterprise install and had a question regarding authentication. We will be providing sql hosting for a number of groups on our campus, many who are not using our campus-wide active directory, though they all have an AD account.

Windows authentication via the management studio appears to use your AD authentication tokens and will not allow them to enter a username/password combo. Is there any way to configure this?

I would like to use our campus AD for obvious reasons but if there is a requirement for passing tokens this isn't going to work right? It's also going to make database mirroring more of a challenge.


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Log Details

Nov 30, 2007

Is there any way to capture the log details such as row count of the data flow,number of success rows and failed rows in a separate table?

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Attention To Details

Aug 15, 2004

Well I made a bussiness object for registering users as well as logging them in. I dont know if my bussiness obect is screwed up or if its the database, or the SQL syntax or what. Please take a look at this. I am not getting any error messages, but nothing is being added to the server. I am using MSDE for the SQL Server.

Here's my bussiness object:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
imports System.Data.oledb

NameSpace LoveShare

Public Class UserDetails
public UserID AS Integer
public FirstName AS String
public LastName AS String
public UserName AS string
public Password AS String
public Address AS String
public City AS String
public State AS String
public Zip As Integer
public Email AS String
End Class

Public Class User

Private objConn As New oledbConnection("Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=GARAGESALELOVESHARE;Initial Catalog=LoveShare1;User Id=sa;Password=notonthispost;")

Public function Login(strUsername AS String, strPassword As String) As Integer
dim intID as integer
dim objparam AS new oledbparameter
dim objcmd AS oledbCommand

objCmd = new oledbCommand("dbo.SPLoginUser", objconn)
objcmd.commandtype = commandtype.Storedprocedure

objparam = New oledbparameter("@UserName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.Value = strUserName

objParam = New oledbParameter("@Password", OleDbType.Char)
objParam.Value = strPassword

intID = CType(objCmd.ExecuteScalar, Integer)
Catch e As Exception
Throw e
End Try

If intID.toString = "" Then
return 0
End if
Return intID
end function

Public Sub AddUser(objUser As UserDetails)
Dim intId as integer
Dim objReader As oledbdataReader
Dim objCmdID As New oledbCommand("SELECT MAX(userID) FROM tblUsers", objconn)
Dim objcmd AS New oleDBCommand("spAddUser", objConn)
Dim objparam AS OleDbParameter
objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@FirstName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.FirstName

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@LastName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.LastName

objParam = new oleDbParameter("@UserName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.Value = objUser.UserName

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Password", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Password

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Email", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Email

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Address", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Address

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@City", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.City

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@State", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.State

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Zip", oledbtype.Integer)
objParam.value = objuser.Zip

objUser.UserID = CType(objCmdID.ExecuteScalar, Integer)
Catch e AS Exception
Throw e
End try

If objUser.UserID.ToString = "" then
objuser.UserID = 25
End if
End Sub
End Class
End NameSpace

Here's is my stored procedure for the registration:

@FirstName VarChar(255),
@LastName VarChar(255),
@UserName VarChar(255),
@Password VarChar(255),
@Email VarChar(255),
@Address VarChar(255) ,
@City VarChar(255),
@State VarChar(255) ,
@Zip [INT]

INSERT INTO tblUsers (FirstName, LastName, UserName, Password, Email, Address, City, State, Zip)
VALUES (@FirstName, @LAstName, @UserName, @Password, @Email, @Address, @City, @State, @Zip)

And here is the actual registration page

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Header" src="head.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Menu" src="Men.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Stats" src="Stats.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Footer" src="foot.ascx" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="system" %>
<%@ Import NameSpace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import NameSpace="LoveShare" %>

<script runat="server">
Public sub Submit(sender as object, e as eventargs)
If Page.IsValid then

dim objuserdetails as New LoveShare.UserDetails
dim objuser As New LoveShare.User



Session("UserID") = objUserDetails.UserID
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(objUserDetails.UserID, false)
lblMessage.text="Information entered incorrectly"
End If
End Sub


<body BGCOLOR="00ccFF">
<Table Width="800">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<LoveShare:Header runat="server" />

<Table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" Width="800">
<form runat="server">
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2" Align="center">
<Font size="6">Sign Up Today!<BR><BR></Font>
<td Align="Center">
<Font color="red">
<asp:label id="lblMessage" runat="server" />

<td Align="right">First Name:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbFirstName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbFirstName" ErrorMessage="First Name Required" Text="Forgot First Name" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Last Name:</Td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbLastName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbLastName" ErrorMessage="Last Name Required" Text="Forgot Last Name" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Desired UserName:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbUserName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbUserName" ErrorMessage="UserName required" Text="Forgot UserName" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Password:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbPassword" Textmode="Password" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbPassword" ErrorMessage="Password Required" Text="Forgot Password" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Verify Password:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbVPassword" Textmode="password" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbVPassword" ErrorMessage="Verify Password" Text="Forgot to verify Password" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Email Address:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbEmail" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbEmail" ErrorMessage="Email address required" Text="Forgot Email address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Verify Email Address:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbVEmail" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbVEmail" ErrorMessage="Must verify Email address" Text="Verify Email address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Street Address</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbAddress" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbAddress" ErrorMessage="Street Address Required" Text="Forgot Address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">City:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbCity" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbCity" ErrorMessage="City Required" Text="Forgot City" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">State:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbState" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbState" ErrorMessage="State Required" Text="Forgot State" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Zip:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbZip" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbZip" ErrorMessage="Zip Code Required" Text="Forgot Zip" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">&nbsp;</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:button id="btsignup" text="Sign Up" onclink="submit" runat="server" />




<LoveShare:Footer runat="server" />

Please help, I cannot figure out what is wrong

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Index Details

Mar 10, 2005

I need to get the index_name,colum_name and table_name in entire database.
Coule you let me know how I can get that details.

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Replication Details

Sep 28, 2006


I used my DB and some tables for replication earlier, now i removed my all replication subscription and publication and my DB is out of replication.

Now i am altering my table for PK then its giving err as follows:

Cannot alter the table 'mstparty' because it is being published for replication.

From where i can find details, i mean in which sys table all replication obj are stored.

There is no Replication now on DB then why still table 'mstparty' has a replication err when i alter table.

Please advice as i am not able to alter my table or tables which earlier i used in replication and now i removed replication.

View 5 Replies View Related

Contact Details

Apr 5, 2007

I have a database which has contact column eg. Mr Peter Smith

I am writing a new database which is to have three seperate columns.. saluation, first name and surname. What would be the best way to split the column up?? I was thinking on concentrating on the spaces??

Note: some conacts may not have saluation inc in the contact column, and in this case the saluation column should be blank...


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Getting Object Details In The DB

Apr 30, 2007


Is there any script or procedure which can give the object name , type ,status and owner in a database.


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OLAP Details Please

Aug 28, 2007

Can somebody please go in depth detail what exactly is done in OLAP? i know it deals with the data warehouse end. but what does the SQL DBA do in the OLAP end? please elaborate. thanks.

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How Can I Get The Details Of The Error

Jul 23, 2005

How can i get the details of the error in sql server 2000 such where itoccurs in which line. I need something like i get in sql query analyzer.--Message posted via

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Trigger Details

Apr 28, 2008

I Have so many user create trigger's in my database
like create trigger trig_name

Now i want to see what does what and delete the unnecessary ones.

How can i See the logic in the trigger.

I can get the trigger name but not the logic using this query .

SELECT S2.[name] TableName, S1.[name] TriggerName,


WHEN S2.deltrig = THEN 'Delete'

WHEN S2.instrig = THEN 'Insert'

WHEN S2.updtrig = THEN 'Update'

END 'TriggerType' , 'S1',s1.*,'S2',s2.*

FROM sysobjects S1 JOIN sysobjects S2 ON S1.parent_obj = S2.[id]

How to see the logic.

View 6 Replies View Related

Failure Details?

Dec 12, 2006

Where is, (or even does it exists) the best place to look for some details on when package execution fails if running as a scheduled job. Obviously when you run from the command line or in VS, there is plenty of output detail on progress and on the source of errors, but when you run it as a scheduled job, it just says step 1 failed in the sql server log, and package foo failed in the NT application log . Is there anywhere to find this info or do we need to build error traps into the package to write stuff out somewhere?



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Comprehensive Details For Setting Up SSE?

Nov 23, 2006

First, soapbox questions for someone who might have more direct pull with Microsoft (or at least knowledge of how I should work with what they've given us), then a more specific question:
Scenario: You install SQL Server Express (or any other version, it doesn't matter) and the feedback with all the little green checkmarks tells you it has installed successfully. "Oh goody," say people (like me) who are not super experienced with SQL Server, "it installed successfully; now I can jump in and start using it!" But it aint so--there are so many other hoops to jump through before it really becomes operational.
 After successful installation, why can't some link become visible indicating what you have to do after that? I mean, it's fine to wade through all the questions in this forum and get answers from all you nice and informed guys, AFTER the problems start coming; but I would rather not have to associate with you, to be honest, in terms of time spent that could be going into my projects.
Why isn't there a comprehensive guide right off the bat? That is, something referenced immediately that tells you such things as: how to register a database with emphasis on the fact that just creating a database won't do the trick for your application; how to set permissions and rights; that (what was I reading in the advice of one post?) you have to register both the database and the user, blah blah; all about instances, the web.config file, etc. etc. I mean, doesn't it seem logical that by virtue of a person installing the database, come on, that this is a pretty good indication that he/she in all likelihood is new at it? As it is now, all they tell you on the SSE site is that you have to have the .NET Framework installed; and the green checkmarks indicating that you've installed it correctly (sorry for mentioning that twice).
"OK, self," I say, "I have the Framework installed and SSE installed correctly, so let's get to work." Then the trouble begins. Unless Microsoft's purpose is to keep you tech guys and book writers in business, I don't understand why they don't give more up-front guidance. Any thoughts on why they work it this way? Bueller, Bueller? Anyone, anyone?
Now, to the question that's pressing me at the moment: I've installed SSE and I'm going through a tutorial ("How Do I: Create Data-Driven Web Sites?" on Yeah, the guy makes it look really easy. He creates a database then shuts down the connection. I try to do the same things and I'm informed that I don't even have a valid connection! How SQL-Server-Express fun and easy is that? It's a real AdventureWorks, if you ask me.
OK, that's my rant; and since MS didn't think in advance and implement my idea of a link to jump off from the installation menu, I have to face the reality of learning this by putting all the pieces together myself. So, my question is, before I try to go through the video and get more frustrated, WHERE DO I GO FOR THE MOST BASIC OF ALL THE STEPS I NEED TO DO, ONE BY ONE? This is like the second "beginner" video I've tried to go through but even these don't start at the very beginning with information on how to register a new database, making the user a part of aspnetWHATEVER, what permissions to dole out, etc.
Guidance is solicited and will be most appreciated. Thanks, Bryan

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Master-Details Insert

Jan 21, 2007

Master table (tlbProduct) having productID as Primary key and which acts as reference key for table (tlbCategory).Fields for tlbProduct are productID,productNameFields for tlbCategort are productID,CategoryID(primary key),CategoryName,Prizeboth productID,CategoryID are autoincrementing.but when i write two inserts simultaneously as follows insert into tlbProduct(productName)values(@productName)insert into tlbCategory(CategoryName,Prize) using sqldatasourceI get the error that ProductID value is null which is not providedBut (productId in both is autoincremented) and relationship is there in both tables How to resolve this problem without adding ProductID in second Insert?SWati 

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