I have a very puzzling situation with a database. It's an Access 2000 mdb
with a SQL 7 back end, with forms bound using ODBC linked tables. At our
remote location (accessed via a T1 line) the time it took to go to a record
was very slow. The go to mechanism was a box that the user typed the index
value into a combo box, with very simple code attached:
with me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[Index] = " & me.cboGoTo
If Not .NoMatch Then
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
end with
Now, one would say that going to a record is slow because I'm using
..FindFirst over a T1 line. And that's what I thought. However, as I was
working with the form, commenting out various sections not related to the Go
To, I found that the Go To functionality changed, though I didn't modify the
Previously, going to a record near the end of the 50,000 record recordset
took about 1-2 seconds, but going to a record near the beginning, took about
20 seconds. After the form changed, going to any record in the recordset
took about 1-2 seconds.
So the question remains: why did it take so long to go to a record near the
beginning of the recordset, but not near the end (and the ones in the middle
took an amount of time about halfway between the two), and what changed so
that now the form is working fine for all records?
I've compared the changed form with the previous copy, and I don't see any
differences. I've compared all code in the form module, and I've compared
all form properties. The forms are identical as far as I could tell. But
something happened as I was commenting/uncommenting code in the form that
got rid of the problem with it taking a long time to go to some of the
My first thought was that something got recompiled, and now the form is
fast. So I went back to the original version and changed some code and
recompiled, also did a compact and repair. But it was still slow. I also
tried doing an explicit decompile and then recompiled it. But it was still
So this is very frustrating that the form is now working fine, but I can't
see anything that's changed. If I don't see why the form is now fast, then
there's no reason to believe that it might not at some point go back to
being slow again. And then I'd just have to hope that something changes. It
would be good to figure this out.
Any ideas as to what might have changed here to cause the form's Go To to be
fast would be appreciated.
I have created an integration services package with a script-source reading data from Active directory. Pretty much data is read and written into a sql2005 database.
I have notised that when I run the package via right-clicking the package (Under stored packagesMSDB) and selecting "Run Package" it takes about 45 minutes for it to complete successfully. The same goes if I run the package from inside Visual Studio. However, when I create a job and put this package as one of it's tasks the task takes about 1h 40min. This is more then double the time! In neither case the server is occupied with soething else. And I have tried it several times so it wasn't just an "accident".
I'm trying to figure out how to determine why the same database is fast on my desktop but slow on a robust multiprocessor win2003 server.
I have a complex proc that takes about 27 seconds on my desktop sql server but takes almost 5 minutes on the server. The server processors are running at about 1% utilization while the proc is running.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this extremely poor performance?
Hi! we've got a curious problem. we've two identicall databases, same tables, same date, same indexes, same server, both replicated. One of them is our life database and the other is our development database. If I execute the following query at the development database the query takes less then one second. If I execute the same query at the live database the query takes about 4 seconds to complete. This is very unsatisfactory!! What I've noticed is, if I try to analyze the query in the tuning advisor on the developement database it completes without tuning tips. If I do the same on the live database I get the following error: TITLE: DTAEngine
Hi, I have a query that takes 15minutes to run the first time after sql server start but then for subsequent querys is superfast (less than 10 secs). Why? What could I do to speed up the first run? Here is the source:
Code Block SELECT Articoli.Articolo, Articoli.BarCodeVen, Articoli.Descri, Articoli.Merce, Articoli.CodIVA, Articoli.UMBase, Articoli.PrzBase, Articoli.Sconto1, Articoli.Sconto2, Articoli.ScontoFormula, Articoli.Ricarico, Articoli.TipoArt, Articoli.CatMerc, Articoli.CatOmo, Articoli.CatProvv, Articoli.CntrprtVen, Articoli.CntrprtAcq, Articoli.Dispniblta, Articoli.Vendita, Articoli.SiCli, Articoli.SiFor, Articoli.NotaPriv, Articoli.NotaPubb, Articoli.Immagine, Articoli.Produttore, Articoli.SiMatr, Articoli.OldCodArt, Articoli.Disattivo, Articoli.CatProd, Articoli.SotCatProd, Articoli.EsplKit, Articoli.ScaricoCom, Articoli.ImmagLun, Articoli.DataModCS, Articoli.ValorizPr, Articoli.Natura, Articoli.UMSecScelta, Articoli.SecScelta, Articoli.Acquisto, Articoli.CntConsumi, Articoli.NonMovimentabile, Articoli.ProvAgente, Articoli.Taglia, Articoli.Colore, Articoli.CodArtNeutro, Articoli.Collezione, Articoli.Assortimento, Articoli.Centro, Articoli.InibisciRicercaUnMis, Articoli.Commessa, Articoli.DescriTesto, Articoli.Disattivabile, Articoli.KwTipoArt, Articoli.KwTipoArtNeutro, Articoli.KwNeutro, Articoli.KwCollezione, Articoli.KwLinea, Articoli.KwModello, Articoli.KwMateriale, Articoli.KwComposizione, Articoli.KwPosRiga, Articoli.KwVarRiga, Articoli.KwPosColonna, Articoli.KwVarColonna, Articoli.KwPos3D, Articoli.KwVar3D, Articoli.KwGrpVarRiga, Articoli.KwGrpVarColonna, Articoli.KwGrpVar3D, Articoli.KwEtiMan, Articoli.KwAssortimento, Articoli.KwGrpFormule, Articoli.KwSpecimen, KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante, KwVarArticolo.Variante, KwVarArticolo.Posizione, KwVarArticolo.Categoria, KwVarArticolo.DescriVariante, KwVarArticolo.P07009Descrizione1 AS Descrizione1, KwVarArticolo.P07009Descrizione2 AS Descrizione2, CatOmo.Descri AS CatOmoDescri, KwModelli.Descri AS DescriModello, KwMateriali.Descri AS DescriMateriale, MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DatoTecnico, MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DBPosColonna, MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DBPos3D, MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.CompNeutro, MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.CompVarRiga, Articoli_1.Descri AS DescriCompNeutro, MFKwVariantiRiga.DescriVariante AS DescriRigaCompo, CatProvv.Descri AS CatProvvDescri, MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroT3, MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.CompVarRiga AS CompVarrigaT3, Articoli_2.Descri AS DescriCompNeutroT3, MFKwVariantiRiga_1.DescriVariante AS DescriRigaCompoT3, MFDBCompon_Acc1.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroAcc1, MFDBCompon_Acc1.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaAcc1, Articoli_3.Descri AS DescriCompNeutroAcc1, MFKwVariantiRiga_2.DescriVariante AS DescriRigaCompoAcc1, MFDBCompon_Acc2.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroAcc2, MFDBCompon_Acc2.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaAcc2, Articoli_4.Descri AS DescriCompNeutroAcc2, MFKwVariantiRiga_3.DescriVariante AS DescriRigaCompoAcc2, MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroSottop, MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaSottop, MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DescriCompNeutroSottop, MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DescriRigaCompoSottop, MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DatoTecnico AS DatoTecnicoSottop, MFDBCompon_RicSol.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroRicSol, MFDBCompon_RicSol.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaRicSol, MFDBCompon_RicSol.DescriCompNeutroRicSol, MFDBCompon_RicSol.DescriRigaCompoRicSol, MFDBCompon_Fodera.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroFodera, MFDBCompon_Fodera.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaFodera, MFDBCompon_Fodera.DescriCompNeutroFodera, MFDBCompon_Fodera.DescriRigaCompoFodera, MFDBCompon_Forma.Descri AS DescriForma, MFDBCompon_Tacco.Descri AS DescriTacco, MFVar3D_Pos1.DescriVariante AS Descri_Pos1, MFVar3D_Pos2.DescriVariante AS Descri_Pos2, MFVar3D_Pos3.DescriVariante AS Descri_Pos3, MFVar3D_Pos4.DescriVariante AS Descri_Pos4, MFListinoP00New.Prz AS P00, MFListinoP00New.InVigoreDa AS DataP00, MFListinoP05New.Prz AS P05, MFListinoP05New.InVigoreDa AS DataP05, MFListinoPUSANew.Prz AS PUSA, MFListinoPUSANew.InVigoreDa AS DataPUSA, CASE WHEN KwVarArticolo.P07009Descrizione2 <> '' THEN KwVarArticolo.P07009Descrizione2 ELSE CASE WHEN Articoli.CatProvv = '30SPORT' THEN Articoli.KwNeutro + KwVarArticolo.Variante + '.jpg' ELSE Articoli.KwNeutro + '.jpg' END END AS MFFoto, MFListinoRUSANew.Prz AS RUSA, MFListinoRUSANew.InVigoreDa AS DataRUSA, MFListinoRITANew.Prz AS RITA, MFListinoRITANew.InVigoreDa AS DataRITA, ArtMerce.Fornitore FROM Articoli INNER JOIN KwVarArticolo ON Articoli.Articolo = KwVarArticolo.Articolo INNER JOIN CatOmo ON Articoli.CatOmo = CatOmo.Categoria INNER JOIN KwMateriali ON Articoli.KwModello = KwMateriali.KwModello AND Articoli.KwMateriale = KwMateriali.KwMateriale INNER JOIN KwModelli ON Articoli.KwModello = KwModelli.KwModello AND Articoli.KwMateriale = KwModelli.KwMateriale LEFT OUTER JOIN ArtMerce ON Articoli.Articolo = ArtMerce.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN MFListinoRUSANew ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoRUSANew.VarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoRUSANew.Neutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFListinoRITANew ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoRITANew.VarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoRITANew.Neutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFListinoPUSANew ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoPUSANew.VarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoPUSANew.Neutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFListinoP05New ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoP05New.VarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoP05New.Neutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFListinoP00New ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoP00New.Neutro AND KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoP00New.VarRiga LEFT OUTER JOIN MFVar3D_Pos4 ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFVar3D_Pos4.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN MFVar3D_Pos3 ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFVar3D_Pos3.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN MFVar3D_Pos2 ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFVar3D_Pos2.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN MFVar3D_Pos1 ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFVar3D_Pos1.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN MFDBCompon_Forma ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Forma.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.Articolo = MFDBCompon_Forma.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFDBCompon_Tacco ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Tacco.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.Articolo = MFDBCompon_Tacco.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFDBCompon_Fodera ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Fodera.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Fodera.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFDBCompon_RicSol ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_RicSol.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_RicSol.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFDBCompon_Acc2 INNER JOIN Articoli AS Articoli_4 ON MFDBCompon_Acc2.CompNeutro = Articoli_4.Articolo INNER JOIN MFKwVariantiRiga AS MFKwVariantiRiga_3 ON MFDBCompon_Acc2.CompVarRiga = MFKwVariantiRiga_3.Variante ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Acc2.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Acc2.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFDBCompon_Acc1 INNER JOIN Articoli AS Articoli_3 ON MFDBCompon_Acc1.CompNeutro = Articoli_3.Articolo INNER JOIN MFKwVariantiRiga AS MFKwVariantiRiga_2 ON MFDBCompon_Acc1.CompVarRiga = MFKwVariantiRiga_2.Variante ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Acc1.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Acc1.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN MFDBCompon_Tomaia3 INNER JOIN Articoli AS Articoli_2 ON MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.CompNeutro = Articoli_2.Articolo INNER JOIN MFKwVariantiRiga AS MFKwVariantiRiga_1 ON MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.CompVarRiga = MFKwVariantiRiga_1.Variante ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN CatProvv ON Articoli.CatProvv = CatProvv.Categoria LEFT OUTER JOIN Articoli AS Articoli_1 INNER JOIN MFDBCompon_Tomaia2 ON Articoli_1.Articolo = MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.CompNeutro INNER JOIN MFKwVariantiRiga ON MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.CompVarRiga = MFKwVariantiRiga.Variante ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DBNeutro WHERE (Articoli.KwCollezione = @KwCollezione) AND (Articoli.KwLinea = @KwLinea) AND (KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante = 52559872) AND (Articoli.CatProvv IN (@CatProvv)) AND (Articoli.Disattivo = '0') AND (KwVarArticolo.Disattivo = '0') AND (ArtMerce.Fornitore IN (@Fornitore)) OR (Articoli.KwCollezione = @KwCollezione) AND (Articoli.KwLinea = @KwLinea) AND (KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante = 52559872) AND (Articoli.CatProvv IN (@CatProvv)) AND (Articoli.Disattivo = '0') AND (KwVarArticolo.Disattivo = '0') AND ('ALL' IN (@Fornitore)) OR (Articoli.KwCollezione = @KwCollezione) AND (Articoli.KwLinea = @KwLinea) AND (KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante = 52559872) AND (Articoli.Disattivo = '0') AND (KwVarArticolo.Disattivo = '0') AND (ArtMerce.Fornitore IN (@Fornitore)) AND ('ALL' IN (@CatProvv)) OR (Articoli.KwCollezione = @KwCollezione) AND (Articoli.KwLinea = @KwLinea) AND (KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante = 52559872) AND (Articoli.Disattivo = '0') AND (KwVarArticolo.Disattivo = '0') AND ('ALL' IN (@CatProvv)) AND ('ALL' IN (@Fornitore)) ORDER BY Articoli.CatProvv, Articoli.CatOmo, Articoli.Articolo, KwVarArticolo.Posizione
I have a very unusual situation - we converted a client from DB2 7.2 to MS SQL Server 2000, SP3. There is one report that runs very quickly when ran on the Database Server, but it takes a long time to complete when it is ran from a client system. This query is ran from within the application and not from within Query Analyzer.
Has anyone else here ever encountered this issue? What did it turn out to be? I am leaning away from it being a network issue.
I have a package which completes in 3 minutes when ran from Visual Studio but when deployed to SSIS (same machine) it rans for more than 2 hours. What could be the reason for this?
In an ASP, I have a dynamically created SQL statement that amounts to "SELECT * FROM Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable WHERE Col1 = 1" (Col1 is the table's primary key). It returns the data immediately when executed.
However, when the same record is updated with "UPDATE Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable SET Comments = 'blah blah blah' WHERE Col1 = 1", the page times out before the query can complete.
I watched the program in Profiler, and I saw on the update that sp_cursorfetch was being executed as an RPC once per each row in the table. In a table of 78000 records, the timeout occurs well before the last record is fetched, and the update bombs.
I can run the same statements in Query Analyzer from a linked server and have the same results. The execution plan shows that a Remote Query is occurring on the select that returns 1 row, and a Remote Scan is taking place on the update scanning 78000 rows (I guess this is where all the sp_cursorfetch calls are happening...?).
How can I prevent the Remote Scan? How can I prevent the execution of the RPC sp_cursorfetch for each row in the remote table?
We have a static class that makes an HTTPWebRequest to get XML data from one of our vendors. We use this as input to a stored proc in SQLServer2005. When I compile this class and call it from a console application in visual studio it executes in milliseconds, everytime. When I compile it, create the assembly and clr function and execute it in SQLServer, it takes around 14 seconds to execute the first time, then on subsequent requests it is again really fast, until I wait for 10 seconds and re-execute, once again it is slow the first time and then fast on subsequent requests. We do not see this behavior when executing outside SQLServer. Makes me think that some sort of authentication is perhaps taking place the first time the function is run in SQLServer? I have no idea how to debug this further. Anyone seen this before or have any ideas?
Here is the class:
Code Snippet
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.IO;
namespace Predict.Services { public static class Foo { public static string GetIntradayQuote(string symbol) { string returnQuote = "";
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)(WebRequest.Create("http://data.predict.com/predictws/detailed_quote.html?syms=" + symbol + "&fields=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,30"));
StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
returnQuote = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
streamReader.Close(); response.Close();
return returnQuote; } } }
When I run call it from a console app it is fine.
I compile it into a dll and then create the assembly and function as follows:
Code Snippet
drop function fnTestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS
drop assembly TestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS
create ASSEMBLY TestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS from 'c:DataBackupsCLRLibrariesTestGetIntradayQuote_SJS.dll' WITH PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS
CREATE FUNCTION fnTestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS(@SymbolList nvarchar(max)) RETURNS nvarchar(max) AS EXTERNAL NAME TestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS.[Predict.Services.Foo].GetIntraDayQuote
declare @testing nvarchar(max)
set @testing = dbo.fnTestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS('goog')
print @testing
When I execute the function as above, again, really slow the first time, then fast on subsequent calls. Could there be something wrong with the code, or some headers that need to be set differently to operate from the CLR in SQLServer?
I have a very complex Stored Procedure called by a Job that is Scheduled to run every night. It's execution takes sometimes 1 or 2 hours and sometimes 7 hours or more.
So, if it is running for more than 4 hours I stop the Job and I run the procedure from a Query Window and it never takes more than 2 hours.
Can anyone help me identify the problem ? I want to run from the Job and not to worry about it.
Some more information: - It is SQL 2000 Enterprise with SP4 in a Cluster (It happens the same way in any node). - The SQL Server and SQL Agent services run using a Domain Account that have full Administrative access. - When I connect to a Query Window I also use a Windows Account.
- There is no locks or process bloking or being blocked while the job is running. - Using the Task Manager the processor activity is ok, no more than 30 % in any processor.
I am able to run a query which runs FAst in QA but slow in theapplication.It takes about 16 m in QA but 1000 ms on theApplication.What I wanted to know is why would the query take a longtime in the application when it runs fast on SQL server?How should we try debugging it?Ajay
(Using win2k, sqlserver2k, framework 1.1) I have an fairly data-heavy application that uses Windows authentication (Trusted connection/aspnet account) to connect to Sql Server. The site uses IIS basic authentication.
On the dev server everything works fine but when I move to the live server things get strange and it starts to crawl along. (Pages load OK but then it just crawls as it loads the datagrids etc. Sometimes it brings back incomplete/incorrect data )
BUT When I use Sql Authentication to connect to Sql Server and there is no problem at all!
Ok, there is something obviously wrong with the live server (which is identical setup to dev)but I dont know where to start.
Hello, My company Intranet has a form that agents can use to post their comments about the company to upper management, but our customer service department would like to modify the form so that the agent has to pick from a comment type. The dropdown options on the form will be as follows: ComplimentsComplaintsGeneral CommentsSuggestions Each dropdown option has a designated table in a SQL DB.Using postback on the same page, I need to change which fields of the form are visible based upon which dropdown selection the user chooses, and I need the fields to then be inserted into the table that corresponds with the dropdown selection item. For example: If the Compliments dropdown selection is picked, I need a text box to show for the user's location, the name of the customer, account number, and the message box. Once the submit button is clicked, the characters in these boxes need to be inserted into the Compliments table using its data adapter. However, if the user selects Suggestions, the name of the customer and the account number should not be visible, since these fields do not exist and when the submit button is pressed, the Suggestions table should be updated. If you need more information, I will provide whatever is needed. As always, thanks for everyone's assistance. Chris
Hi, I got a problem. I installed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 version. And I created a Compact database. I created an connection in SSMSE to connect the database and opened a query form. then, i run the following sql:
Select * from Table1
It returned 3 records to me. After that, I used program to insert record into this table. Then i ran this sql again, it still show me 3 records. I closed the query form, and re-created a new query form, then run the sql, it returned 4 records to me.
Why? It's very strange and difficult to operate, right? Is there anyone know how to make the SSMSE to return whole records without any close query form and re-create query form operation?
Hi everyone, What is the main difference between first form normalizations and second form normalization ? In my opinion, they are both generated for the same operation which is to prevent redundancy(in other words; duplication of data in several records). So would you please explain it to me ?
HiI have a Platinum database which stores dates in integer form e.g the dateis formatted as below:Column_name Type Length Precision------------------------------ ------------------------------from_date int 4 10Some of the dates in the Platinum database are as follows:729115729359730059730241730302730455How can I bring them into SQL 2000 as valid dates.Thanks for your assistanceSam CJoin Bytes!
my system has 2 db's - sql server 2000 & db2 @ separate locations. i have a select query which needs 2 pick up consolidated data from both the tables. also the schema on the db2 has minor changes when compared with the schema on sql server 2000.
while searching on microsoft i came across the technique of creating a linked server. would this be possible 2 implement in my scenario. also would in this case, be advised that i create another view in the db2 server which has changed the db2 schema to the sql server schema format??
One or more files listed in the statement could not be found or could not be initialized. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 5009)
I accidentaly created a log file on my drive E:, but every time that I try to delete the log file it keeps on returning the same error. Can someone please help me delete the log file.
hii have over million records in my DB, what is the best way to get the results fast in case i need to get details of an employe name say "robert", if i do it normally it will take long, should i use index or is there any other good way.thanx in advancecheers
Hello everybody . I have 40 GB db running mostly transaction processing. I set up 1. back full backup 2 times a day (takes 30 -40 min) 2. log backup every 15 min 3. custom log shipping 4. We don't won't use Cluster.
Once in while becouse of nethwork, or other problem log shipping fails, so I have to restart log shipping all over starting from restore in stand by mode last full back of my db.IT takes 2-3 hrs just to do this restore !!!
1. So I am asking advice is any way I can bring down time for restore ? 2. Should diffrential backup be taken ? 3. We will not use Custer
hello all !for MS SQL 2000i am having a table with > 100 000 rowsI must clean itDELETE FROM myTable WHERE Name LIKE 'aser%' AND info IS NULLDELETE FROM myTable WHERE Name LIKE 'tuyi%' AND Info = 'ok'DELETE FROM myTable WHERE Name LIKE 'hop%' AND info LIKE 'retro%'.....about 20 DELETE commandswhat is the best way to do it ?thank you
Hi everyone im in deep in need of help in a very easy query and few questions i want to ask,, i use msn boy22202@hotmail.com please i want to contact anyone who use sql server 2005 that can help me in it.... thank you
I need to insert data to a temp table in SQL , I have
CREATE TABLE TMP_X ( doc_name varchar(200) )
--select * from TMP_X
INSERT into TMP_X values ( '...,
but its saying there isn't a match, and i know why its trying to insert all the data as one row, but i need them as seperate rows as i want only 1 column.. is there another INSERT type function ?
If I have a table with one column and i want to insert a few 100's rows of names I can't use the INSERT stmt as that does one row at a time , how can i achieve this ?
I have stoopidly enough deleted default Db. That causes Enterprise Manager to be unable to work with my DB's. The default DB I deleted had no other functions other then being default DB, I mean it was outdated, and I had other DB's that contained all my importent work. They are still running, and I can view DB driven site hosted at localhost, even though default DB no longer excist. I am even able to upload new content, or add new users, so this means all my other DB's are fine. I can even see SQL server icon in my bottom right corner of my desktop, and it shows server running.
Now I am in the need of adding tables and rework some of my excisting tables and stored procedures, but I am not able to do that with Enterprise Manager, due to the lack of default Database.
How do I correct this problem? I have gotten one tip of doing the following: EXEC sp_defaultdb 'User', 'DB' but I am not sure what to do with this.....tried to run it from command line, and put my username and the DB I would set to default but nothing happend.
So I need more details, step-by-step guiding will work, as I don't know a hole lot about Enterprise Manager and SQL.
Btw, this is my error in Enterpr.Managr:
A connection could not be established to MyComputerVSDOTNET2003
Reason: Cannot open default database. Login failed..
Please verify SQL server is running and check your SQL server registration prpoerties and try again
Hello everybody, please advice: what is the fastest standard method of user interface access to SQL database? I am looking for fast display of one master record plus related dependent records, plus fast scrolling through master records with display of dependent records as fast as posible. Perhaps a standard problem with standard solution? At current state of matters, I am still much slower then with my old Access97 database.
I notice this morning that my tempdb grows very fast. I have 26GB in my hardrive and all the space occupied by tempdb and finaly the qeury got failed due to 0 space in hardrive and there is no space to grow tempdb. The select query supposed to bring about 40000 rows. I ran this same query in different server that is not growing even 1 mb. I checked the tempdb option the Trunc log on checkpoint is true.
Why this problem happening ?. I have just dbo permission to access all the database. Do you have any advice regarding this?. Thanks, Ravi
Hello everybody We need to move table T1 from database A to T1 database B on same server
size of table T1 15 GB and 40000000 rows
database B just created and will act as warehouse
could it be done simply by 1.creating table T1 on db B and then 2.set db to simple recovery 3. insert into B.dbo.T1 select * from A.dbo.T1 4. create all the indexes on table T1 in db B
I have a database of about 5Gb of size. Some queries where taking more than 1 minute to complete execution (all of them are stored procedures). Because of that lack of performance, I call the command DBREINDEX for each table, executed the sp_updatestats system stored procedure and finally I executed the sp_recompile system stored procedure for each sp in my database.
After all this task, queries completed in a matter of a few seconds instead of minutes. Strange enough is that some hours later (about 6 hrs), after normal use (this database belong to a Client/Server information system), the problem appeared again: Queries started to take too long to complete.
I am assuming that indexes are degrading too fast so that they required another ReIndex, but I am not sure.
I insert a record to a table and "later" I update it. I have two fields to capture time information: Created and LastModified. My update is very simple: update .... set ..,[LastModifiedDate] = GetDate() where id = @pId.
Now my problem is that I am seeing the created and lastmodified times as the same (in format 2007-09-05 12:38:42.383) !!??!
The record has definitely been updated (other fields are populated).
There is a big table with several million records. I am developing a query that retrieve the first rowset that meets WHERE condition. Any suggestions for the fast query? Thanks a lot.
I have made some stored procedures to check if a user is involved with a certain record. basically every stored procedure contains the following logic.
example spCheckClientRelated: select @res = count(*) from client_role where client_id = @cid and employee_id = @eid
if (@res = 0) begin ... next select end if (@res = 0) begin ... next select end .... return @res end
so far so good. But the final check in CheckClientRelated tests if a user is related to one of the sales projects for that client.
I allready have the spCheckSalesProjectRelated that returns 1 or 0 similar to the example above
so I want to find an efficient method that selects all the sales_project_id 's from the sales_project table where client_id = @cid (i use offcourse select @sid = sales_project_id from sales_project where client_id = @cid at the moment)
And then I have to execute the spCheckSalesProjectRelated method for each @sid and @eid. This if offcourse where my problem is located. I don't know how to do a fast check for every selected @sid, until spCheckSalesProjectRelated returns 1
As you probably can determine from my question, sql is not really my domain, and I'm certainly not an expert, but I don't mind reading or looking up some stuff, so even a clue or a direction to look in would be most appreciated