Why does SQL add 4 zeros at the end of a money data type? I have to format my strings once they are retrieved because of this. I am not sure if I did something wrong, but shouldn't it only have 2 trailing zero's?
I've got several columns in my database stored as money type. For my purposes, when reporting this data I need to truncate trailing zeros after the decimal. I know I can create a function to do this. I think given the quantity of columns and the numerous queries accessing them, I will undoubtedly forget to use a function everywhere needed.
I thought user defined types may be a solution. I've never used them before. I would still like to store the data as a money type, but anytime it is accessed it would be formatted. Can user defined types do this, or is there a better way?
I have a special need in a view for a money column to look like money and still be a money datatype. So I need it to look like $100.00 (prefered) or 100.00(can make work). If I convert like this '$' + CONVERT (NVARCHAR(12), dbo.tblpayments.Amount, 1) it is now a nvarchar and will not work for me. How can I cast so it is still money? by default the entries look like 100.0000. They must remain a money datatype.
Hi, I need to represent two different (number) fields in the same textbox , one number format is C0 (Currency) and other one is Percentage(P1), how can i keep this number format applicable to appropriate fields?
for exaple this is the expression to represent the two fiels in one textbox.
Hello Nice simple T-SQL question that will no doubt prove totally uncontroversial :) Anyone know the easiest way to get from:123456789to123,456,789in T-SQL? Currently I cast my int as money, use convert to varchar with style 1 and then lop off the .00. Is there an easier way? Two things before you get all upset and start squealing about front ends:1) These are admin functions that I am running from SSMS. I don't want to go to the bother of creating an application when SSMS is perfectly adequate for what I need (namely to-a-large-degree unformatted result sets).2) I'm not too fussed about it just curious. Ta & tra la!
Can someone suggest a FAST way to select Currency values where the number has more than X decimal places? There are zillions of rows so looping in code is not the preferred solution.
Hi, I was wondering how I can have the integer og a number that haves decimals. I tried with FLOOR and ROUND function but it didn't work. Does anyone knows how to do this? Thanks
Hi everybody.Here's my Product tableID int,Title nvarchar(50),Price moneyHow can I get value from price field like thisIF PRICE is 12,000.00 it will display 12,000IF PRICE is 12,234.34 it will display 12,234.34Thanks very much...I am a beginner. Sorry for foolish question
hello everyone...,i have problem in money format...i have moneytable is containning: userid money A 20000,0000 B 40000,0000userid type varchar(50)money type money i have store procedure like this:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[paid]( @userid AS varchar(50), @cost AS money, @message as int="1" output)ASbegin transactiondeclare @money as money select @money = moneyfrom moneytablewhere userid=@useridif (@money > @cost)beginset @money = @money - @costUPDATE moneytable SET money = @money WHERE userid=@useridset @message ='1'endelsebeginset @message = '2' endCOMMIT TRANSACTION when i execute this procedure. i insert value to userid Acost 100,0000 it can not decrease, because cost 100,0000 is same with 1000000, why is like that?i want cost 100,0000 is same with 100. how can i do that? thx...
I use asp.net 2.0 and sql server 2005 for a web site (and Microsoft enterprise library).When I run aplication at local there is no problem but at the server I take this error:Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'dbname.dbo.shopProducts', column 'productPrice'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.productPrice coloumn format is money. It was working correctly my old server but now it crashed.How can I solve this problem? And why it isn't work same configuration? My code:decimal productPrice;Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("connection");string sqlCommand = "update shopProducts set ......................,productPrice='" + productPrice.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + "',..................... where productID=" + productID + " ";db.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sqlCommand)
Ok my last formatting question.How can I insert a money value as a padded string in another table?example $1.25 gets inserted to another table as 00000125I want 8 total characters and no decimalanother example would be 4,225.99 becomes 00422599can this be done?thank you!!
Hello I have a chart, staple chart, where the Y-axis shoes the revenue in my system. The X-axis shows a period of time. The revenue is shown without any format at all €¦ not good cause when the revenue gets up to 25miljon the user is counting zeros.
What I usually use to format money values: =Format(Sum(Fields!revenue.Value), "# ### ### ###") With spaces on the thousands. In Sweden it is usually shown like this.
25million is 25 000 000.
But when I go to the Chart Properties->Data->Values Edit, in this part I have under Value: =Sum(Fields!revenue.Value) €¦ so I thought I could do the same here and put in my =Format(Sum(Fields!revenue.Value), "# ### ### ###") €¦ but no. It didn€™t work. The chart is empty.
What can I do to make the values of the revenue for each month in the format of my choosing? Or even better how can I make the report choose Swedens money format?
I'm designing a database that stores personal details of students and teachers for a school. I, wish to know if a there is away of formatting the bit data type to male/female. Cause i am only able to achieve 0 and 1 in this data type. So is there any way to change it, or is there any other data type suitable to provide only two options Also the database should be protected in a way that students may not be able to view or change. Only teachers/admin have the right to access/modify the data.
Presently I have a column which represents the amount of money someone spent and for some reason, the fields are being outputted like this 29.8600.
This field is infact suppose to 29.86. Now initially this file was an excel spread sheet and I imported it into sql server 2000 and the datatype is money. What would i use to get the desired field.
Hi there! I'm using a Switch statement in my SQL as follows:
SELECT symbol, Switch(timestamp Is Null,Null, timestamp <= 005959, 0, timestamp<=235959,23) AS period INTO averageprice FROM stocktrades;
Now here's my problem. The Data Type stored in the 'period' field of this new table I've created, dubbed averageprice, is a Text field and I want it to be a Number field. I've tried my best to figure this out and I'm still looking so any helpful hints or solution would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
I am trying to insert 1000000.00 into my sql table from a webpage. I as long as the amount is 999.99 or less it works fine, once higher then that amount it gives me an error. Below is the code I am using to do the insert, it gets the error on the insert and the update both: I am getting the error on the price inserting the FormatCurrency(txtprice.Text) SelectStatement = "Insert crewchief (crewchief, price, car_num) Select '" & txtcrewchief.Text & "', " & FormatCurrency(txtprice.Text) & ", '" & txtcarnum.Text & "'" Adapter.SelectCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(SelectStatement, myConnection) MyCommandBuilder = New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(Adapter) Adapter.Fill(MatcherDS, "temp") Any ideas on why?
How can I create a trigger to do this for me, when the data is imported; or should I make a stored procedure to run when when I import the data. This data is found in a text file that is imported to the table daily. Any suggestions and or help would be greatly appriciated.
I have a field in a database which is a datatype Money. When I run a select query the data is coming back with 4 decimal places like 100.0000 but I only want 2 decimal places like 100.00.
I have a table in SQL 2005 with a field that has a value of type 'money'. When values are added, the field has 4 decimal places. Is there a way that I can make it only have 2 decimal places right away? Thanks!!!
in my sql, i want to change a decimal number to percent format number, just so it is convenient for users. for example there is a decimal number 0.98, i want to change it to 98%, how can i complete it?