Formatting Date As Integer

Aug 8, 2006

I want to for that format the date in YYYYMMDD and MMDDYY, with no '-' as data type is integer
I have used the following code (not the conversion function as I don€™t need Hyphen '-')
& for MMDDYY
I am getting the result
YYYYMMDD= 200688
MMDDYY =8806
but i want result in
YYYYDDMM = 20060808
MMDDYY = 080806
note: I need to convert in integer, finally, caz database data type is integer.
can any one give me solution
waiting for quick reply


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DB Design :: Convert Integer Date (MMDDYY) And Integer Time (HHMMSS) To DateTime Format?

Jul 20, 2015

Working on a new database where the Date and Time are stored in a Date Time Field.

Then working on an OLDER database file within the same SQL Database contains these 2 items as integers:

transDate = "71615" (July 16, 2015)
transTime = "12345" (01:23:45 AM)

How do we convert both of them into a single SQL DateTime field such as "2015-07-16 01:23:45.000" so that it can be used in a join restricting to a date time in a different SQL File that properly has the DateTime in it?

This works well for converting the transDate Part in the select statement:

   dbo.IntegerToDate(at.transDate) as transDate

   * That returns: "2015-07-16 00:00:00.000"

* The resulting data must work directly in a Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Query using either using the "on" statement or part of the "where" clause. In other words, NOT as a stored procedure!

Also must be able to be used as a date difference calculation when comparing the 2 files Within say + or - 5 seconds.

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Reporting Services :: Formatting A Date Field To Just Show Date Not Minutes?

Jul 6, 2015

A date field in a report returns the date value as:

2015-07-01 13:30:27.000

Is there any way I can script this to appear as:

01 July 2015 (or 01-07-2015 or 01/07/2015)  - basically to cut out the hours, minutes and seconds?

The best I have managed is: CONVERT (varchar(17),DATE,113) AS Date1 but this still leaves me with:

01 July 2015 13:30

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Convert A Date Specified As An Integer (e.g. 20070101) To A Date

May 28, 2007

My source database stores dates as integers (e.g. 20070101). I need to convert to a "real" date for my target system.

I'm guessing I need to create a derived column - could someone help me out with the appropriate expression?



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Formatting Date SQL Date To Remove Time

May 2, 2008

Hi,I need a way of changing the following SQL statement so that the dates are without the hh:mm:ss tt:"Select DISTINCT([StartDate]) From [Events]"How can this be done?Thanks,Curt.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Getting UTC Date From Integer?

Dec 29, 2014

I'm trying to get the UTC date from an integer. See my SQL below:

Declare @unix_date bigint
Set @unix_date = 3499288964
SELECT dateadd(day, @unix_date/(86400), dateadd(second, @unix_date
% (86400), '19700101'))

It returns '2080-11-20 00:42:44.000'. This is dead on except for the year (which should be 2014). I was thinking maybe my bigint value of 3499288964 was milliseconds or microseconds so I adjusted the seconds value (86400) in the select statement to reflect milliseconds (86400000) with no success and microseconds (86400000000) with no success as both of those gave incorrect results. Closest I got was with the seconds (86400) which of course returns the incorrect year.

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How To Create A Date From Integer

May 3, 2007

how to create a date from that?
date(year, month, day) does not seem to work.



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How To Convert Date To Integer?

Mar 27, 2008


I have checked the forums but couldnt find exact term.
I have written tsql statement but I dont know how to use that in SSIS
this is a update statement in oledb command component...
I wanna get integer like YYYYMMDD ( 20080325)

UPDATE [dbo].[d_cust] SET [per_xxx] = ? ,
[per_valid]=(select cast(CONVERT(varchar ,DATEADD(dd,-1,getdate()),112 )as int))

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Adding Integer Value To Date Time

Aug 4, 2015

I am trying to add integer value to the datetime to get the configurable "date".But it is not working out. Here is the code for it.

declare @Id int;
exec @Id = up_GetConfigurableDayInterval
print getdate() + @Id

The sp "up_GetConfigurableDayInterval", will return number of days to add the the current date time. But print getdate() + @Id , is not producing the updated result.But when ever i have replaced the variable "@Id" with a value, Say "5", it is producing the expected result.I have also tested the above code by the following:-

create table Temp(value datetime);
insert into Temp values(getdate() + @Id);
select * from Temp

But it is not having the new added datetime.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Convert Integer To Date

Oct 16, 2014

In VBA, CLng(Now) will return the integer portion of a date CLng(Now) returns 41928, CDate(41928) then returns 10/16/2014. Is there something equivalent in SQL Server that will allow me to convert an integer value to a date?

In short, how can I convert a 100 year date to Gregorian (any format)?

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Date Formatting

Oct 10, 2001

I'm currently getting a date in this format 2001-10-08 10:35:45
(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) how would I convert the date to this format
2001-10-08/10:35:45 (yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss)? The only thing added was the / between the date and time.

Thanks in advance,


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Date Formatting

Aug 6, 2004


I need to know how i can format the date so that the query results will come out as the format mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss?

Thanks alot.

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Date Formatting

Mar 7, 2008

Hello everyone,

I have a date field called book_flag_date of varchar data type.

The values in the table look like this:

3/4/2008 14:32:59


3/4/2008 14:9:0

The issue arises when I am ordering by. I want the value
3/4/2008 14:9:0 to format to 3/4/2008 14:09:00

Thank you very much for your help.

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Formatting Date In SRS

Sep 27, 2007

I am trying to format a date value as XX/XX/XX when I place a "d" in the format property it formats it as XX/XX/XXXX any ideas on how to change it to XX/XX/XX?

thanks in advance

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Date Formatting

May 25, 2007

How can I format the current date as yyyy-mm-dd and display it in a text box on the report. The FormatDateTime function only allows certain NamedFormat for the short and long dates but does not satisfy the above requirements. Any ideas?

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Date Formatting

Feb 13, 2007

My problem is with the paramater format date.

My code and data in SQL are showing the date correctly as dd/mm/yyyy.

When I run report in SSRS a couple of columns show the date mm/dd/yyyy.

The format option in all cells are set to 'd'. There is no difference between the properties on these cells.

The dates themselves seem to go wrong on the date "31/12/4000" and returns them as "12/31/4000".

Any help wqould be appreciated

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Converting Integer Values To Date-time?

Jul 15, 2014

As a DBA, I am working on a project where an ETL process(SSIS) takes a long time to aggregate and process the raw data.

I figured out few things where the package selects the data from my biggest 200 GB unpartitioned table which has a datekey column but the package converts its each row to an integer value leading to massive scans and high CPU.

Example: the package passed two values 20140714 and 4 which means it wants to grab data from my biggest table which belongs between 20140714 04:00:00 and 20140714 05:00:00.

It leads to massive implicit conversions and I am trying to change this.

To minimize the number of changes, what I am trying to do is to convert 20140714 and 4 to a datetime format variable.

Select Convert(DATETIME, LEFT(20170714, 8)) which gives me a date value but I am stuck at appending time(HH:00:00) to it.

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Date Time Formatting

Jan 24, 2008

Helo All -
I would greatly appreciate some help formatting the values for my sproc.
I need to call a sproc and pass it the values StartTime and EndTime from a web form.  The web form uses 3 DDLs for the Start Hour, Start Minute and Start AM/PM as well as 3 DDLs for the End Hour, End Minute and End AM/PM.
When I call the sproc, I get the error:
SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
Here is the sample column data: 2:06 PM which is stored as nvarchar in the sql db
Here is the Sub and the Sproc, 
Sub Protected Sub btnDateQuery_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDateQuery.Click
pnlFiltered.Visible = True
pnlShowAll.Visible = FalseDim StartTime As DateTime
Dim EndTime As DateTimeStartTime = ddlFromHour.SelectedValue + ":" + ddlFromMinute.SelectedValue + ":" + "00 " + ddlFromAMPM.SelectedValue
EndTime = ddlToHour.SelectedValue + ":" + ddlToMinute.SelectedValue + ":" + "00 " + ddlToAMPM.SelectedValueStartTime = CDate("2:07:00 AM")
EndTime = CDate("2:07:00 AM")Dim Query_TA As New dalDataFeedsdefsTableAdapters.spFilterExpectedEndTimeTableAdapterDim returncode As Integer = 0
Query_TA.GetExpectedEndTimeData(StartTime, EndTime)
Dim Select_TA As New dalDataFeedsdefsTableAdapters.spDynamic_Basics_TblTableAdapterDim dv As New DataView
dv = Query_TA.GetExpectedEndTimeData(StartTime, EndTime).DefaultView()Catch ex As Exception
Response.Write(StartTime + " - " + EndTime)
End TryWith DataFeedGridView
.DataSource = dv
End With
End Sub
SPROC ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spFilterExpectedEndTime]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@StartTime datetime,@EndTime datetime
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
select * From tmpBasics
where convert(datetime, ltrim(rtrim(starttime)), 114) >= @StartTime and dateadd(mi,convert(int, duration), convert(datetime, ltrim(rtrim(starttime)), 114)) <= @EndTime
order by convert(datetime, ltrim(rtrim(starttime)), 114)

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Help!! Date Formatting Nightmare!

Dec 5, 2005

I converted an Access Database to SQL Express. The dates were converted to datetime
I'm using VWD 2005
Here is the source of my date and the query.
sqlDate = (DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7))
sqlTxt = "SELECT Service_Orders.SStore_Assigned_Number, Store_Info.Store_Other, Service_Orders.PO_Number, Service_Orders.SWorkType, Service_Orders.Service_Order_Number, Service_Orders.SDate_Entered, Service_Orders.SContact, Service_Orders.SClosed FROM Service_Orders INNER JOIN Store_Info ON Service_Orders.Store_ID = Store_Info.Store_ID WHERE (Service_Orders.SDate_Entered >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + sqlDate + "', 101)) ORDER BY Service_Orders.SDate_Entered DESC"
This retrurns 0 records.
sqlDate = 11/28/2005 12:23:27 AM from the function above.
The query will return records with :
sqlDate = "2005-11-01 21:56:20"
I tried changing the CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + sqlDate + "', 1XX from 100 to 120 with no luck
I know this must be an easy fix, but it is beyond me.
I need to know how to
1. convert my date to the dateformat from "11/28/2005 12:23:27 AM" to "2005-11-01 21:56:20"
2. find out how to use the CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + sqlDate + "', 1XX properly
Thanks for any help in advance!

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Date Formatting Problems

Jan 30, 2006


I have around 1000 records each with two dates in a database in MSDE on
my PC.  I need to move the data to an on line SQL server and have
tried to use Microsoft Web Data Administrator to do this.  I can
export the data from the MSDE to an SQL file but it will not import
because the date format in the SQL file is "dd,mm,yyyy".

If I export from either the MSDE or the SQL server both produce files
with date in the format "dd,mm,yy" and yet I cannot import either!?!

It is impractical to change all the dates by hand.  I am on a
budget and do not have access to anything other than free software.

Can anyone advise me of the best way forward.

Thanks in anticipation.


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Question About Formatting A Date

Jan 19, 2004

I have a date string that is an integer 20040119 and I converted it to a varchar and then to date format-CONVERT(datetime, CAST(my_date AS varchar(8))) AS my_date
My result is 2003-12-31 00:00:00.000. How can I now format this string so I don't get the time string at the end?

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Complex Date Formatting

Jan 20, 2004

I hope I explain myself clear enough. I have an integer field of date values: 20031231. Some of the values in the field are zero. I want to convert the integer to 12/31/2003. Right now I am doing it with 2 views. The first view takes the zeros and converts them to null by using case. The second view uses convert to make it into the date string I want. Is there some way I can do it all in one view?

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Date Picker Formatting

Feb 27, 2007

Im sure we have all seen this error before:
"The value for the report parameter XXX is not valid for its type"

I have a report (RS 2005) that has 2 date parameters, "start" and "end".

My SQL in not very complicated at all, I have a simple WHERE date between @start and @end

But when I go to view the report in VS2005, I get the above error.

I am yet to find a decent fix for this, what is going on? the date I am trying is:
"26/02/2007" now, obviously its trying to us the en-US formatting, but im in Australia, so I want en-AU.

I have changed my report Language setting to be en-AU, my local settings in Region Setting is English (Australia). (BTW, I had to change the Language setting in my report through the XML, is there a better way to do this?)

How do I fix this?? I have searched an searched but no-one seems to be able to give a clear answer as to what is going on....

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Date Formatting Or Localization

May 31, 2007

I have written this ugly expression because I didn't know any other way. What I am trying to do is convert an English date string to a French string.


January 2005 ---> Janvier 2005

Thank you,



Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 1, "Janvier" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 2, "Fevrier" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 3, "Mars" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 4, "Avril" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 5, "Mai" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 6, "Juin" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 7, "Juillet" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 8, "Aout" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 9, "September" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 10, "Octobre" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 11, "November" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 12, "December" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value))


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Date Formatting Issue

Dec 10, 2007

Hello €“ I€™m developing a report that is using SSRS 2005 as the reporting software and Oracle as the database. The report contains a calendar control so that users can select a date range. (DateStart & DateEnd) However, the column that the report is querying against is not formatted as a date, but rather it is a number. (E.g. 12/10/2007 is 20071205 in the table)

I€™ve set up the report parameters with a data type of DateTime and then in the DataSet properties I€™m using the following values:

DateStart =RIGHT(Parameters!DateStart.Value, 4) & LEFT(Parameters!DateStart.Value, 2) & MID(Parameters!DateStart.Value, 4,2)

DateEnd =RIGHT(Parameters!DateEnd.Value, 4) & LEFT(Parameters!DateEnd.Value, 2) & MID(Parameters!DateEnd.Value,4,2)

Then, I€™m using the TO_NUMBER function in the SQL pane around each parameter.

The problem is, the calendar control is only sending a 1 byte number when the month and/or day is not 2 bytes. (E.g. 07/06/2007 is 7/6/2007, but I need to convert it to 20070706)

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to resolve this issue?

Thank you


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Date Formatting In Drop Down List

Feb 14, 2006

I am trying to make a dropdownlist with a date. Where should I define
that I do want only the date, not the hour. So far it shows something
like "14-02-2006 0:00:00" whereas I just want "14-02=2006". I tried
"CAST(CONVERT (varchar(25); Ma_Fecha; 112) AS datetime)" in the SQL
Statement but it doesnt seem to work.[CODE]Dim sSQL As String = " SELECT    "sSQL = sSQL & "   Ma_Date,sDate "sSQL = sSQL & " FROM vwMareaMain "Dim comm As New SqlCommand(sSQL, objConn)Dim dataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(comm)dataAdapter.Fill(objDS2, "vwDate")Me.cboDate.DataMember = "vwDate"Me.cboDate.DataValueField = "Ma_Date"Me.cboDate.DataSource = objDS2.Tables("vwDate").DefaultView[/CODE]

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Formatting For A Birth Date Field??

Sep 16, 2006

Hello, I'm new to SQL Server, working for a non-profit computerizing alot of its data.I imported a table of people's names, birth dates, etc. into SS2005from Access, and the birth_date was imported as an Access date/timefield, giving it the datetime datatype in SQL.The column values look like:10/14/1964 12:00:00 AMWhere and how do I learn to specify that all fields like this should bein ISO format of yyyy-mm-dd??Do I have to create a new column and put all the dates into it??Should I just convert the data in queries/views??Use a constraint to format the data??I can redo the Access table if necessary, it is only 300-some rows.I tried BOL but it was not helpful...The end users will likely enter mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy and it will haveto be stored properly in the database table as column/fieldbirth_date...Thank you, Tom

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Running Count &&amp; Date Formatting

Dec 28, 2007

Hi All,

I am wondering how to achieve a running count on the rows being displayed in a table list. Not sure how to get it to show 1 for first row, 2 for second row, 3 for third row and so on. Example

No | Name
1 | John
2 | Jane
3 | Jim

I am also wondering on the date format in SSRS. When I try to format the date 10/31/2007 in a DD/MM/YYYY format it does not come out so good. Basically I go to the cell property and choose custom formatting, input the formatting string d/mm/yyyy but it only shows 31/00/2007. Can you guys tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thanks for the help.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Formatting Date Of Birth Using RSA ID Number

Nov 8, 2012

I need creating date of birth using ID number the ouput that im looking is a follows

e.g. RSA ID: 800101 (80 is year, 01 is month and 01 is day) that will be 1980 01 01
e.g. RSA ID: 000101 (00 is year, 01 is month and 01 is day) that will be 2000 01 01

The desired format I need is to take the above and create date of birth with the below format as required by the application used.

01 Jan 1980
01 Jan 2000

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SQL 2012 :: Select Statement For Date Formatting

Apr 6, 2015

Select '"' + CAST( GETDATE() as varchar(100) ) + '"' as Obs_dt_1

I get this output---> "Apr 6 2015 4:07PM"

But what I really need is for it to show in this format---> "2015-04-06 16:08:05.317" .... How do I do the select ?

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Date Formatting - Pull Information From Data String

Jul 9, 2013

'17686568 - Bill Statement - 11/16/2006 - Stm. Date - 10/27/2006'

Above is the data string that I am trying to pull the information from. Here is the function I'm currently using:

cast(substring(c.itemname,charindex('Bill Statement - ',c.itemname)+18,10) as varchar)

...which gives me what i want most of the time, but beacuse the date is not equally formatted through out the database and the date can look like 5/4/2012 and using the above formula it will show up as 5/4/2012 -

So my question is how can i trim off the dash part when the data shows up like 5/4/2012 - ?

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Reporting Services :: Conditional Formatting Date Ranges In SSRS

Jun 1, 2015

Running into an error [BC30205] and no values get colored using this syntax

=iif(DateDiff("d",Fields!Last_Reboot.Value,Now()) > 30  And DateDiff("d",Fields!Last_Reboot.Value,Now()) <= 59, "Orange", NOTHING),IIF(DateDiff("d",Fields!Last_Reboot.Value, Now()) >60, "Red",

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Data Access :: Date Formatting (Convert Minutes Into HH:MM Format)

Jun 20, 2015

Please find below my query and result , how to display [Total Service Time ] in HH:Min format (Currently values in minutes)

SELECT  DISTINCT  dbo.sectn_dept.sectn_sc AS Customer,
MONTH(dbo.incident.date_logged) AS Month_Number, DATENAME(month,
dbo.incident.date_logged) AS Month, YEAR(dbo.incident.date_logged) AS Year, 
dbo.incident.incident_ref PM_ref,
dbo.product.product_n "Product",

[Code] ....
Need to Display [Total Service Time] in below Format:

But Some values are repeating ....

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