Just thought I'd point it out as something that needs fixing. This is inconsistent with every other MS product using the VS.net IDE framework.
I'd post it on Connect but then I'd wait 2 months to get "won't fix - this does not 'fit' with the current Katmai schedule" i.e. if I'm lucky (based on the new improved 3yr delivery of sql) it might get delivered in 2011. Wow.
Imagine if Xbox or PS3 designers told their customers, "sorry we know that up/down/left/right are in fact right/left/down/up, as you may expect on a game controller, but if you wait 3 years we might fix it"
I have a problem with a conditional format of the Color property in a matrix report. When the value of the textbox is greater than 0, the color should be Red otherwise it should be Blue. This is implemented via an IIF statement and works perfectly in Preview in Visual Studio 2005.
When the report is deployed, the formatting appears to be ignored and all values are the default value of Black.
Anyone else experienced this problem and, if so, is there a workaround?
I have a problem with a conditional format of the Color property in a matrix report. When the value of the textbox is greater than 0, the color should be Red otherwise it should be Blue. This is implemented via an IIF statement and works perfectly in Preview in Visual Studio 2005.
When the report is deployed, the formatting appears to be ignored and all values are the default value of Black.
Anyone else experienced this problem and, if so, is there a workaround?
I am having a problem trying to do some conditional formatting on the text color.
This textbox is in the Group Footer so i essentially want change the color to red if the SUM of one field in the group is less than the SUM of another field in the same group.
I am doing this: =Iif(Sum(Fields!YTDChargeHours)< Sum(Fields!YTDForecast), "Red", "Black")
but i am getting this error:
[rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Color expression for the textbox €˜YTDChargeHours€™ contains an error: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
My Expression in the data fields inside design mode is:
IIF(Fields!Row_num.Value mod 2 ,"White","LightGrey")
I am using a Dense rank Function at the dataset level in order to group id column wise. So Fields!Row_num.Value comes from that set.
Earlier it was BLANK values: Please see below for reference.
Tried IsNull on SQL Server already and does not work because there are no NULLs in the data I am retrieving. The empty cells happen when the matrix creates the crosstab report - where there is no data for a column. Everything else works well except the BLANK values being not colored as you see in the screen shot, im using ISNOTHING function to achieve those 0's if NULLS inside the report. But though we have a value inside the cell coming from report it does not colour the entire group.
My requirement is coloring the entire column group irrespective of the NULLs' or Blanks.
Have also tries several functions, but of no use. I am missing with a tiny thing I guess which I am unable to figure out.
Other Functions Tried:
=IIF(VAL(ReportItems!ROWCOLOR.Value) MOD 2,"WHITE","LightGrey") =iif(RunningValue(Fields!City.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) Mod 2, "LIGHTBLUE", "SILVER") =iif(RunningValue(Fields!DQLogDateTime.Value,CountDistinct, Nothing) MOD 2, "LightGrey","White")
I have a chart with series that needs conditional colour for three conditions. One condition must be transparent. I have tried the various IFF or SWITCH expressions below and some work fine in SSDT but when I deploy them to the browser the formatting is lost. This simple IFF expression works. The series is transparent as required both in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) and IE11 and Firefox browsers but I need two other conditions.Â
Both of the expressions below work in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) as expected but when deployed to the browser none of this formatting is rendered and all series are in blues even the ‘transparent’ series. No red at all.
I have tried deleting various files RDL and DATA. I have tried uploading the file from report manager in IE and I have tried editing the file in report manager.
Ok, so I'm a JSP guy and thing it should be easy to replace "@color" with t_color after I initialized it to red by String t_color = "red";and then calling the insert SqlDataSource1.Insert();here is insert command: InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [favcolor] ([name], [color]) VALUES (@name, @color)" I've tried InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [favcolor] ([name], [color]) VALUES (@name, "+ t_color+")" Ive tried InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [favcolor] ([name], [color]) VALUES (@name, "<%$ t_color %>" )" Is there any easy way to do this? or Can I set it like @color = t_color? Thanks in advance for ANY help JSP turning ASP (Maybe)Dan
When using the back color property for SSAS 2008 R2, is there a good way to match the number to the desired color? I found some color pickers online, but the numbers don't match the same colors in SSAS. How can I best determine the number needed for the color I want?
I'd like to know if there is a way to replace everything between these two integers (well, actually we can say two words as they are in the string format) with a single comma (i.e ,) and remove everthing leading and trialing to these two numbers please ?
In short , I would like to see the above line after string manipulation as follows :
Here is the problem. I am trying to write this: strLink2 = "<a href='JavaScript:OpenFile(" & strFileName & ")'>" & strFileName & "</a>" to SQL and then return it to a datagrid when I want it.
Easy enough, and as such all is well except for the fact that the Javascript doesn't work. In the grid it gets written as JavaScript:OpenFile(myfile). I need to add the single quotes around the file name so it writes JavaScript:Open('myfile').
I now know many ways that do not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have what should be a simple string formatting issue -- removing all alpha characters from a phone number. T-SQL below is simple and works just fine:
declare @home_phone as char(14); set @home_phone = '(123)979-3206'; set @home_phone = REPLACE(@home_phone,'-',''); set @home_phone = REPLACE(@home_phone,'(',''); set @home_phone = REPLACE(@home_phone,')','');
The condensed version below works equally well:
set @home_phone = REPLACE((REPLACE((REPLACE(@home_phone,'(','')),')','')),'-','');
Either script above returns correct result:
select @home_phone; Result = '1239793206'
HOWEVER, within SSIS Derived Column expressions, this function fails to remove parentheses. First of all, Expression Builder doesn't like outer single quotes (turns red) which I resolved by using double quotes resulting in the following expression:
Unfortunately, this expression fails to remove parentheses and instead returns: '(123)9793206'
I've tried several different permutations--no inner single quotes; adding more inner single quotes; etc., but so far no success. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
I have a field in one of my tables that has the RGB colors stored as 255,255,255 format. Is there a way to convert this to Hex color code to be used inside SSRS for a conditional color expression?
'17686568 - Bill Statement - 11/16/2006 - Stm. Date - 10/27/2006'
Above is the data string that I am trying to pull the information from. Here is the function I'm currently using:
cast(substring(c.itemname,charindex('Bill Statement - ',c.itemname)+18,10) as varchar)
...which gives me what i want most of the time, but beacuse the date is not equally formatted through out the database and the date can look like 5/4/2012 and using the above formula it will show up as 5/4/2012 -
So my question is how can i trim off the dash part when the data shows up like 5/4/2012 - ?
I'm trying to put conditional formatting on a field, that behaves as follows:
The data in the field is varchar, and sample data is either:
NULL 3.0 :0 11.7 :1 (these are ratios of a sort)
I want to evaluate the first 3 characters of the string as numbers.
Example: Mid(fieldvalue,1,3) = "3.0" or "11."
Any data that is greater than 1.99, I want to make the background dark red, anything else including nulls, zebra formatting. I have the following expression built so far and it appears to work, except when the value is null. If the value is null, it leaves the background color white.
This is the warning: [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The BackgroundColor expression for the text box "Asthma" contains an error: Input string was not in a correct format.
=iif( isnothing(Fields!Asthma.Value) ,(IIf(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2 = 0,"#b8cce4","#dbe5f1")) ,(iif(mid(Fields!Asthma.Value,1,3)>1.99 ,"DarkRed" ,IIf(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2 = 0,"#b8cce4","#dbe5f1"))))
My logic is, if the field is null, zebra format, if mid of the value is > 1.99, dark red, everything else zebra formatting. As I said, this seems to work except for nulls.
Because I have two fields separated by line feed (chr(10)), I need to format the first field as bold. Obviously, that Format(...,"Bold") does not work. Anybody has came across this before, please enlighten.
I'm trying to figure out how to insert a special character that will make the values in the column BOLD when I use that table as reference in my Word Mailmerge. For starters, I was able to insert char(10) as carriage return, so when I use the values from that table in my mailmerge, the char(10) is effective, meaning, the carriage returrn is working, but how about making the font bold? Please help.
Example is:
insert into table(customer_address) values ("123 hayworth drive" + char(10) + "new land grove" + char(10) + "chicago" + char(10))
This value when used in a Word Mailmerge, will be displayed as: 123 hayworth drive new land grove chicago
Now, how do I insert a special character for bold font?
Hi everybody, I'm sending text based e-mails using SMS and I need some lines to be bolded. I don't want to switch to HTML based just to make some lines bold. But, I cannot figure out how I can make the lines bold in SMS. I didn't see any options in SMS to bold a line of text. Is there any any function available for varchar datatype that will bold the text or something like that? or will I have to go to HTML based e-mail? any help is greatly appriciated. devmetz
i have a table, that i am trying to compare values. I want to highlight the cheapest field's contents (price) for each tuple. The field itself could be different for each field depending on its price. the table i have is below;
im not sure if this would be a good format for the table, i cant figure out how to find out which field is the lowest value and how at all i would be able to make the value itself bold or stand out somehow.
In SSRS I am trying to get a textbox value to hold text with a mixture of formatting, along the lines of "name (country)" where the "name" part is bold and the "(country)" is normally formated.
I am using SSRS to generate letters to be sent out for my company. I have run into a few problems and some I was able to solve with work arounds but this one I am having the most difficulty with.
I have a text box with like a paragraph of text and I want to have just a few words within the paragraph to be bolded. There are some parts that I needed underlined so I used a rectangle to encapsulate a word i needed underlined and then set the rectangle bottom border to solid and then sent it behind the text box. Which will create a fake underline for the report.
but as for bolding a few words I am at a loss. I tried to create multiple textboxes all side by side by each other but that didnt work out because there were too many formating complications and SSRS isnt exactly WYSIWYG and it was becoming a mess. So, I need another way to bold words without using text boxes side by side by side.
I know that you can make an expression that will make it one color if a certain condition is met and a different one if it is not but is there anyway to make it so that if a number is less than another it's one color, if it's greater it's a different color and if they're equal it's a third color? Thanks for the help.
Can anyone tell me how can i make a column chart bar in two different colors.. acutally i have different teams in a table and each team as assigna a traget to achieve.. i want to present that each team in the chart with their column bar... but as i have two field target and achieved.. so i want a single bar wihich will be into two color Target and achive..
| | | | --- This is total Target | | | | | | --- This much they have achieve.... |___________ |__________|
Hi everyone, I am trying to get this to work, but I know its all screwed up. I want Fields!PERCENT_OF_STD.Value to display red if its less than 100% or greater than 200%. If its neither, then just be plain black. This is what I came up with: