Formatting Totals With The Table Footer

Aug 30, 2007

Here's a scenario that i'm trying to figure out.

In the table details, i return order number, item, manufacturer, and total cost of the order.
This is what it originally looked like:

Order Number Item Manufacturer Total Order Cost
1 portable DVD Company A $100
1 portable DVD Company B $100
1 portable DVD Company C $100

2 portable DVD Company B $100
2 portable DVD Company D $100
2 portable DVD Company F $100

Grand Total $600

I can get the table to look like this after hiding duplicates:

Order Number Item Manufacturer Total Order Cost
1 portable DVD Company A $100
1 portable DVD Company B $100
1 portable DVD Company C $100

2 portable DVD Company B $100
2 portable DVD Company D $100
2 portable DVD Company F $100

Grand Total $600

The problem is the grand total. It should be $200 but it takes in the all total costs in the row because I have:

=FormatCurrency(Sum(Fields!TotalCost.Value)) in the footer and it'll sum up all.

I'm stumped here. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read.

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Page Totals: Table Footer Or Page Footer?

Nov 28, 2007

I currently have an Ungrouped Dataset being displayed in a Table. One of the columns include AMOUNT.
This is an example of what my report looks like atm:
**Report Name**

No Name Amount

Signed By XXXX

I would like to display a SUBTOTAL of the Amounts for each page and, on the final page, a TOTAL of the Amounts.
Yes the Last Page's SubTotal and Total will be the same.
Looking like:

**Report Name**

No Name Amount
Sub Total Amount
Signed By XXXX

**Report Name**

No Name Amount

(<-----no huge spaces between Table/Subtotal)
Sub Total Amount

Total Amount

Signed By XXXX


I've found a way to get a Page's SubTotal, but the way I found requires this to be put in a field on the Page Footer Section.
This means that on the final page, the SubTotal will be at the top of the Page Footer and not neccessarily directly beneath the table.

1. Is there a way to move the Page Footer so that its printed DIRECTLY under neath the Page Body instead of at the bottom of the Page?
2. If not, is there a way to have the SubTotal of each Page and a Final Page Total in the Page Body section.

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Footer Totals

Feb 4, 2008

I have a report, using a table, that is grouped by acct. The acct indicates either revenue or expenses. I have a total in my table that will give me the totals for revenue, and the total for expenses. At the end of the report, in the table footer, I want to add a Surplus/Deficit total, which would be the total revenue - total expenses, but I can't seem to get it right. I tried the following:
thinking that it would give me the total by the group, but I get the error that an aggregate function can only be used on page header and footer. How do I just get a basic grand total in my report?

Thanks in advance!

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Group Footer With Totals

Nov 30, 2007

I have a tabular report with grouping on the following fields:

Grouped rows: MDC, DrgDesc, ChronicOther
Detail row: Cases

The desired output follows:

Chronic 50
Other 25
Total cases for DrgDesc1= 75

Chronic 20
Other 33
Total cases for DrgDesc2 = 53


I have everything working up to the Total cases for each DrgDesc. I tried adding a group footer to the Cases row, however this sub-totals for Chronic and Other rather than summing them together. Example is below.

Chronic 50
Other 25
Chronic 20
Other 33


How can I achieve the desired result?

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Formatting Sub Totals In A Matrix

May 25, 2007

Would some one know how to control the formatting of Matrix Sub totals, such as Border around it, background color and font etc...I can't select the grey textbox that is rendered if sub totals are chosen from the context menu for a group.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Conditional Formatting On Text Color In Group Footer

Oct 19, 2007


I am having a problem trying to do some conditional formatting on the text color.

This textbox is in the Group Footer so i essentially want change the color to red if the SUM of one field in the group is less than the SUM of another field in the same group.

I am doing this:
=Iif(Sum(Fields!YTDChargeHours)< Sum(Fields!YTDForecast), "Red", "Black")

but i am getting this error:

[rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Color expression for the textbox €˜YTDChargeHours€™ contains an error: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.

Thanks in advance!

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Reporting Services :: Calculating Grand Totals From Group Totals

May 9, 2015

I have some data grouped in a table by a certain criteria, and for each group it is computed a subtotal for the group. Of the values from each of the group, I want to create a grand total on the report by adding every subtotal from each group.

Group1              Value
Sub Total 1:         30

Group2                 Value
Sub Total 2:           40

Now, I would like to be able to add subtotal 1 (30) to subtotal 2 (40) and my grand total would be 70. Can I accomplish this task in SSRS?

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Table Footer

Nov 22, 2007

I have a report with a group total and a report total. The report total is the sum of all group totals. When I run the report in report manager (sql server 2005 SP2) it shows the report total on the last page of the report with the group total for teh client.
for instance the first page has
Report Title
Group Total

Second Page
Group Total

Last Page
Group Total
Report Total

When I export the report to pdf the Report Total is printing on its own separate page which is not what I want. I would like the report total be on the last page of teh report just like shown above. The report total is in the table footer.

Pls help.

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Trying To Get Daily Totals From Cumulative Totals In A Pivot

Oct 2, 2006

I have been providing sales data for a few months now from a table that is set up like this:

Date WorkDay GasSales EquipmentSales

9/1/2006 1 100.00 200.00

9/4/2006 2 50.00 45.00


As can be seen, the data is daily, i.e., on the first workday of September we sold one hundred dollars in gas and two hundred dollars in equipment. On the second workday of September we sold fifty dollars in gas and forty-five dollars in equipment.

Now, however, the data I have to pull from is cumulative. So, using the last table as an example it would look like this:


9/1/2006 1 100.00 200.00

9/4/2006 2 150.00 245.00


To make things more complicated, the powers that be wanted this data presented in this fashion:

Total Sales:


300.00 95.00 etc.

 So, I have been doing a pivot on a CRT to get the data to look like I want. The code is like this:

with SalesCTE (Month, WorkDay, [Total Sales])





cag.WorkDay AS [Work Day],

sum(cag.sales_gas + cag.sales_hgs) AS [Total Sales]


Branch ON CAG.[Oracle Branch] = Branch.OracleBranch

group by, cag.WorkDay


select * from SalesCTE



sum([Total Sales])

for WorkDay

in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],,[7],,[9],[10],[11],[12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23])

) as p

So, my question is:

How do I get the data to give back daily totals instead of the cumulative amounts for each workday? If the query was a simple one, I'd do something like

select [1] as [Day 1], [2]-[1] as [Day 2], [3]-[2] as [Day 3], etc.

but the query is far from normal, with the CRT and the pivot. I can't seem to get it to work how I'd like.

Any advice/answers? Thanks in advance!!!


P.S. I don't know how to get it to quit with the freakin' smileys.... I suppose you can figure out what my code is really supposed to look like above. Needless to say, it doesn't include a devil face and a damn music note...

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Is It Possible To Have More Than One Table Footer Rows ?

Jan 26, 2007

Well, we can add another table footer row by right-clicking on the footer row of the table and select, Inser Row Above, or, Insert Row Below.

But, I want to set different values to same properties of rows. Such as;

Row3.RepeatOnNewPage = False

Row4.RepeatOnNewPage = True

What do you say ?

-SMang the Frustrated Developer

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How To Do Subtractions In Table Footer?

Apr 24, 2008


I have a table with say 10 rows. How can I sum up the first 10 rows and subtract that total from the 10th row value?

Rows 1-9 have a specific value in the dataset and row 10 has a different value so I can distinguish the rows. However I can figure out the expression I should add to the table footer?

I am trying this...


So I am saying, if the row has a "recordType" value of something other than 1 then sum it and then subtract any value where the "recordType" is equal to 1.

But I just get am "#error" on the report footer when I run it.

Any help?


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How Do I Calculate A Sum From A Table Group With The Footer

Mar 28, 2008

I have a sum , which is filtered within its table group, and then i have a fields in the footer. How would i aggregate these too together and use the result in another row within the footer.

I tried entering this:

=SUM(Fields!Period_1.Value,"table2_Period") / Max(Fields!Goal_1.Value)

but i get an error:

[rsInvalidAggregateScope] The Value expression for the textbox €˜textbox129€™ has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a data set.

Build complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings

what am i doing wrong, please help!

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Table Footer Does Not Print On A Separate Page

Jul 27, 2007

I'm using SSRS SP2. I have a table with 1 group defined. I have a group footer that includes sub totals for each group. I have a table footer that includes my grand totals, but this footer will NOT print on a separate page even though I have 'Page Break At End' checked for the group. My groups correctly start on a new page, but when I get to my Grand Total footer line, it prints just after the last group sub-total line.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,

Dawn J

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Table Group Footer At Bottom Of Page: Possible?

Nov 29, 2007

I have a report (bills of lading for shipments) that uses a table to organize the data coming in and groups by customer. Each customer grouping has a header, body and footer in the table. A print run might generate 100 bills of lading, each between 1 and 4 pages long.

I have marked the group to force a new page when each new group occurs.

As it is the report runs beautifully EXCEPT that the footer prints wherever it happens to end up -- midway down the final page of the bill and looks quite goofy.

What I really need (and my client is really surprised that SSRS won't me) is to print the group footer at the bottom of the final page of each bill of lading.

Bills of lading may be several pages per customer, so until the group footer is hit, I don't want any footer info at all. As I said, it all works fine except for the final page of each bill, where the group footer occurs whereever it has ended up.



This post didn't get much of a response. So perhaps I should amend it -- If what I am trying to do is impossible, what would be the preferred way?

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Including Text And Count Function In The Same Table Footer

Feb 5, 2008


I know this is going to sound embarassingly obvious, but i cannot find a quick solution.

I have some data, I display that data in a table. Simple so far.

I have a table footer, which I want to display the total number of rows returned.

For example

"Total Rows Returned ="

Now I know how to get the total rows returned:


However when I try to put the two together like this:

= "Total Rows Returned =" + CountRows("Dataset1")

I just get the whole thing outputted, and no total for totalrows...

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

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Sum(calculated Member) In Table Footer Returns #Error

Apr 17, 2007

I have a table that contains a column for a calcuated member (x) of type decimal number. When I tried to display the total of this calculated member in the table footer (=sum(x)), I am getting "#Error" instead of the sum of all displayed calculated values.

Column X






#Error (footer cell, expression -> =Sum(x))

=First(x), =Last(x) and =Max(x) worked fine, not sure why Sum failed. Please help...


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Subtotals In Table (group Footer) Using Report Items 2005

Aug 31, 2007

How can I calculate a subtotal for a Report Item? I have a textbox(lets call it "PlusMinus") in the detail section of my table, which is a calculated textbox of two others (lets call them "Budget" and "Spent"). So, PlusMinus = (Budget - Spent). What I would like to do is get a subtotal for PlusMinus. I have tried several ways, using Sum() or RunningValue, even tried to write code, but I can't seem to get it right. Any ideas??

Thanks in advance!

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Year (date) Totals Comparing To Column Values In Same Table?

Jan 31, 2014

how to write condition for self table year records, such 2012 name and acctno match with 2013 name and acctno then total, provided below,

create table #tab1 (MasterKey int, AcctNo varchar(12),name varchar(25), SumaofShares numeric, request_dat datetime )
--drop table #tab1
insert into #tab1 values (1000, 100,'Tom', 2500, '10/01/2012')
insert into #tab1 values (1001, 101,'Bat', 1550, '08/11/2012')
insert into #tab1 values (1002, 102,'Kit', 1600, '06/12/2012')
insert into #tab1 values (1003, 103,'Vat', 1750, '04/15/2012')
insert into #tab1 values (1010, 104,'Sim',200, '04/21/2013')


i would like to get 4 columns output

how to get sumofshares (#tab1) and TotalOutStanding(#tab2) summ up with these values,

MasterKey (#tab1) and IssueKey (#tab2) are like primary key and foreign key

so the request is

need to calculate, sumofshares (#tab1) and TotalOutStanding(#tab2) as below

1)ShareBenefist = U and year( request_dat) in (2012 , 2103) and (Name for 2012 should match with 2013 name and 2012 Acctno should match with 2013 accounno) in (#tab1)
then '2012 and 2013 accts UN Veriverted'
2)ShareBenefist = V and year( request_dat) in (2012 , 2103) and (Name for 2012 should match with 2013 name and 2012 Acctno should match with 2013 accounno) in (#tab1)
then '2012 and 2013 accts Veriverted'
3)ShareBenefist = N and year( request_dat) in (2012 , 2103) and (Name for 2012 should match with 2013 name and 2012 Acctno should match with 2013 accounno) in (#tab1)
then '2012 and 2013 accts NONVERT'
4)year( request_dat) =2102 and Name and Acctno not match with 2013 account name and acctno (#tab1)
then '2012 last year accounts'
5)year( request_dat) = 2013 and Name and Acctno not match with 2013 account name and acctno (#tab1)
then '2012 This year accounts'

for ex 1) the below accounts in #tab1 has both 2012 and 2013 and acctno same in both years and name is same in both years so it is condired as

insert into #tab1 values (1012, 100,'Tom',800, '08/22/2013')

for ex 2)

insert into #tab1 values (1013, 101,'Bat',550, '09/15/2013')

for ex 4) 2012 records there is not match acctno and name in 2013 recods

insert into #tab1 values (1002, 102,'Kit', 1600, '06/12/2012')

for ex 5) 2013 records there is no match of name and acct no with 2012 records

insert into #tab1 values (1010, 104,'Sim',200, '04/21/2013')
insert into #tab1 values (1014, 100,'Pet',200, '02/21/2013')
insert into #tab1 values (1016, 110,'Sun',800, '03/22/2013')
insert into #tab1 values (1017, 111,'Bet',550, '12/15/2013')

Expected Results (just for format)

AcctTypeDescription,SumofShares, OtotalutStand
'2012 and 2013 accts UN Veriverted',2700,234
'2012 and 2013 accts Veriverted' ,2890,234
'2012 and 2013 accts NONVERT' ,4533,325
'2012 last year accounts' ,2334,567
'2012 This year accounts' ,2222,877

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Formatting Ints In Table

Oct 5, 2004

Hi I am storing a customer code in my db that will always be 9 digits long. Sometimes the first digit is zero which gets knocked off when added in.

e.g code 050101111 is stored as 50101111

Can anyone suggest a way of formatting it so it will always be 9 digits long. A similar thing can be done in Excel, anyone have any ideas?

much appreciated


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Problems Formatting My Table...

Jul 27, 2006

I have a table that looks like this...

City State Server Type
Chicago IL Svr1 Data
Chicago IL Svr2 Data
Chicago IL Svr3 Backup
Chicago IL Svr4 Backup
Atlanta GA Svr1 Data
Atlanta GA Svr2 Data

I already have a function to convert the server rows into a comma delimited string...
ALTER function dbo.fnGetServers (@City varchar(25), @State varchar(25), @Type varchar(25), @Tree varchar(25))
returns varchar(1000)
declare @NewSvrCol varchar(1000)
select @NewSvrCol = ''
select @NewSvrCol = @NewSvrCol + Server + ', ' from serverops.dbo.v_userviews where city = @City and State = @State and Type = @Type and Tree = @Tree
select @NewSvrCol = left(@NewSvrCol, len(@NewSvrCol)-1)

Any suggestions on how to display the table in the following format?

City State DataSvrs BackupSvrs
Chicago IL Svr1,Svr2 Svr3,Svr4
Atlanta GA Svr1,Svr2 NULL

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Query For Table Formatting

Oct 11, 2012

I have a table as below,

ClientId Balance '10/1/2012' '10/2/2012' '10/3/2012' '10/4/2012' '10/5/2012'
1 1000 1000 null null null null
2 2000 null 2000 null null null
3 3000 null null 3000 null null
4 4000 null null null 4000 null
5 4000 null null null 4000 null

How can I change above table into below format?

ClientId Balance '10/1/2012' '10/2/2012' '10/3/2012' '10/4/2012' '10/5/2012
1 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
2 2000 null 2000 2000 2000 2000
3 3000 null null 3000 3000 3000
4 4000 null null null 4000 4000
5 4000 null null null 4000 4000

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How To Retain Text Formatting In A Table

Aug 17, 2007

What is the best way to parse large amounts of formatted text data
into a table so that it can be retrieved with as much formatting
retained as possible - particularly paragraphs?  Will each
paragraph need to be inserted into its own row to be retrieved as a

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Formatting Attribute In Dimension Table

Apr 7, 2008

I have date and float in attribute in a dimension table. If deploy my cube and I try to create a report with RS, I can't format this data. The value seems to be a String so I have to do a CDate or a CDbl before formating it.
I have no problem when I try to format my measures.

Thanks for your help.

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Create Table For Phone Number Formatting?

Jul 15, 2014

I am trying to get my SQL create table to work for my phone number formatting and it is not. When I create the below code, the default is set to 3 numbers only.


(contact_id integer not null ,contact varchar(50) , jobtitle varchar(50), dept varchar(50), phone integer format '999-999-9999', phone_ext varchar(10), email varchar(50), constraint pk primary key (contact_id));

Is there some other way I need to format the phone portion so the default is 999-999-9999?

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Is There A Way To Do Mass Formatting Of Cells In A Table Instead Of Cell By Cell?

Oct 5, 2007

I'm working with MRS and I've got a table with a lot of entries. For each value in the table I'm trying to get the text colour to be set to 'red' when the value of the cell is less than 0. Otherwise remain black.

I can do this by setting the colour property cell by cell. But I have a lot of cells in the table. Is there a way to set the statement to apply to ALL cells in the table?

Basically I'm asking if there is a way to set the property in bulk instead of going through tediously cell by cell.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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ReportItems In My Footer

Apr 27, 2007

I am having a problem viewing my footer on all pages of my report. I have created a page footer that reads
="The " & ReportItems("textbox213").Value
I am getting the value on the first page only and then only getting "The" on the rest.
My "PrintOnFirstPage" and "PrintOnLastPage" are both marked True in the Page Footer properties. I am completely confused. This is not the only textbox in my footer I have two others both which print on all pages, but neither of them use the ReportItems.

Can anyone help on this?


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Footer Not Printing

Oct 1, 2007

Hi everyone,

For some odd reason the footer of my report never gets printed. The footer contains the page number and report name and is very important to my report. I made sure the margins are 1 inches for all sides, made sure Footers printing in first and last pages are checked in the properties section, and gave it a large amount of space around the textbox. Is there anything I am doing wrong? Also, the header and body prints correctly.


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Page Footer!

Nov 11, 2007

Hi everybody!
In my report i need to have one of my data set's fields in page footer! but i can't
Please help me.

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Skip Footer Row

Apr 23, 2008


There is an option in ssis to skip one or more header rows, but there isn't any thing to skip one or more footer rows.


header bla bla
1;"Joe";24;"New York"
3;"Phil";36;"San Francisco"
footer bla bla

I skip the first record in the source definition. So I have left 4 records. How do I skip the fourth (last) record? The value contains some statistics so I cann't look for a special value. Is there a way to skip the last record with a script component?


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Report Footer?

Oct 2, 2006

Is it possible to have both page footer and report footer in SSRS. If so, how?

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Getting Totals Help

Feb 22, 2004

I am using a web page to enter records into a table that tracks production on machine parts.

I get two recordsets and loop through them using vbscript to get the totals.

I use two because I first get all production data greater than the last date an event occurred. The second I get the totals for the day of because I have to back out shifts of production prior to the event, the day of the event (ie 3 shift per day, 3rd shift begins the day so a day looks like this 3, 1, 2. We do an event on shift 1. I have to back out shift 3 as it happened prior to 1. Once I have the two seperate totals I then write a record in the historical data table with the event, shift, production totals, etc.

My question is can I get the production totals from within SQL or is looping through the rs's in vb better?

the vb for the shift is similar to this
If last_event_shift = 1 then
DayProd = shift1prod + shift2prod
elseif last_event_shift = 2 then
DayProd = shift2prod
elseif last_event_shift = 3 then
DayProd = shift1prod + shift2prod + shift3prod
end if
TotProd = DayProd + GreaterProd

Here is the SQL for each rs
Data Greater than last date
Select Sum(Production)AS TotProd, dbo.Production.LineNum, EventType

From dbo.Production INNER JOIN dbo.EventDate ON dbo.Production.LineNum = dbo.EventDate.LineNum AND dbo.Production.EntryDate > dbo.EventDate.EntryDate

Where dbo.EventDate.LineNum = @Line
Group By dbo.Production.LineNum, dbo.EventDate.EventType

Data for the last date
Select Max(dbo.EventDate.ShiftRemoved) AS RemovedShift, dbo.EventDate.Set_Pos, Max(dbo.EventDate.CutOff)AS CutOff, dbo.EventDate.EntryDate, Sum(Production)AS TotProd, dbo.Production.LineNum, EventType, Shift

From dbo.Production INNER JOIN dbo.EventDate ON dbo.Production.LineNum = dbo.EventDate.LineNum AND dbo.Production.EntryDate = dbo.EventDate.EntryDate

Where dbo.EventDate.LineNum = @Line

Group By dbo.Production.LineNum, dbo.EventDate.EventType, Shift, dbo.EventDate.EntryDate, dbo.EventDate.Set_Pos

Thanks in advance,

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Mar 16, 2007

Hello All,

I have done a report that shows all the subtotals however, I want to show the grand total (the sum of each subtotal) in a row. I am using SQL server BI studio-2005. I know I can add a row but all the rows are detailed rows and subsequenlty reflect the subtotals for last record in the report. All I need to know what type of row do I need to add to show my totals.



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Row Number Of Group Footer

Mar 14, 2008

How would I get the rownumber() for a Group Footer in report designer not in my query?

I put the syntax rownumber(nothing), but it is giving me the row numbers for the detail section.

Any help would be appreciated.

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