FoxPro OLEDB Driver - Pass Parameters
Feb 2, 2006
Does anyone know if the VisualFoxPro 9.0 OLEDB driver supports parameters? Trying to pass parameterised queries from SSIS results in the error reported below, which implies it does support parameters, but that SSIS is not calling the driver properly somehow.
Error MsgBox:
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Parameters cannot be extracted from the SQL command. The provider might not help to parse parameter information from the command. In that case, use the "SQL command from variable" access mode, in which the entire SQL command is stored in a variable.
Provider cannot derive parameter information and SetParameterInfo has not been called. (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro)
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Aug 30, 2007
Hi all,
I created a package that extracts records from a .DBF file into an SQL Server database. I installed a Visual FoxPro plugin (vfpoledb). When I run the package from my PC, it runs smoothly. But, when I try to run the same package in another PC, it displays a DTS_E_OLEDBERROR "Class not registered" error. Anyone has an idea about what this means? thanks in advance.
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Nov 22, 2004
I'm having problem with an OpenQuery statement in stored procedure, which should be run on FoxPro linked server. I'm getting either an error messages or not the result I expected. I know that the problem is with WHERE part, without this part it works.
Here is the code:
DECLARE @LastDate datetime
SELECT @LastDate = MAX(DateChaged)
FROM tblPersonel
1. I tried:
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(FoxProLink, 'SELECT ACTIVE, EmpNumber FROM tblPersonel WHERE DateChanged >=''+@LastDate+''')
This line gives me an error msg:
Could not execute query against OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL'.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Operator/operand type mismatch.]
2. I tried to use CTOD() - FOXPRO function to convert character to date.
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(FoxProLink, 'SELECT ACTIVE, EmpNumber FROM tblPersonel WHERE DateChanged >=CTOD(''+@LastDate+'')')
-this doesn't give any error, but doesn't limit the result set as it should.
Thanks all.
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Oct 24, 2007
After installing sql2005 sp2 a simple select query to a linked server reports the following error message:
Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.
Before installing SP2 we used sql2005 without any service packs, the linked server worked fine.
The linked server is a Visual FoxPro database.
After uninstalling and installing the 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro 9.0' the issue stil remains.
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May 12, 2008
Where can I get "sybase ASE oledb driver" ? I tried to get the source data from Sybase using SSIS. But I don't see an option for "sybase OLEDB driver " under the connection manager. I tried to google and went to but still couldn't find it. could someone help?
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Sep 12, 2005
Hi all,
I don't know what exactly happened but my oledb provider for sqlserver seems to be damaged because when I try to connect to sqlserver (localy) it says:
Quote: :[dbnetlib] connectionOpen (connect()) SQL Server does not exist or access denied .Context: Error during initialization of the provider.
Is there anybody know how should I fix this and what can cause this?I ask because I want to prevent it in the feature! I run sql server 2000 on xp servivce pack 2.So I think it will a headache to install MDAC 2.8,isn't it?
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Feb 7, 2008
I'm getting a strange error in SSRS when there is no data returned from a OLEDB datasource.
Here are the steps to simulate the error
1. Create 2 shared datasources to the Adventure Database - one using ADO MD provider (Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (AdomdClient)) and another using OLEDB (OLEDB 9.0 for Analysis Services)
2. Create a new report and create a dataset with the ADO-MD provider and copy and paste the below query. (This query will not return any data)
SELECT NON EMPTY [Measures].[End of Day Rate] ON 0 ,NON EMPTY {[Date].[Date].&[10000]} ON 1 FROM [Adventure Works]
3. Run report. It will be blank as nothing is defined in the layout. But this shows that the query is executed in the dataset and is succesfull although the query does not return any data.
4. Create another report and create a dataset with the OLE-DB provider and copy paste the above query.
5. Run the report. It will come back with error in the lines of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". The reporting services log file will show that the query execution has failed although this is not the case when analysed from profiler.
Any ideas on how to solve this? What I'm trying to acheive is to use the NoRows property of table to display a message when there is no data. But I'm not able to pass the above hurdle when no data is returned from the dataset.
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 13, 2007
Hi Friends,
Inititally we were using ODBC driver for DB2. My reports we working fine(preview mode) with date type parameters.
But When I changed it to OLEDB driver for AS400 DB2 it is throwing the exception while previewing the same report.
Driver Name: "IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider"
ERROR Message: "The parameter fromDate doesnot have expected value?"
Please help me.
Thanks in advance
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Feb 1, 2006
I have discovered some shortcomings in the way inline table valued function parameters are treated in the OLEDB datasource. You can select the user designed function ine the Generic Query Builder and test it with the required parameters. However when you attempt to set up the parameters for the result ing SQL Command Text you get and error message to the effect that the parameters cannot be retrieved from the datasource. Once again this is disappointing because Report Services seems to deal with the parameters perfectly well.
Dick Campbell
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Dec 11, 2007
hi, please someone can help me. I get error 0x80040E14L // The command contained one or more errors. I think that the error is in the sql update command.
this is my code:
IDBCreateCommand * pIDBCrtCmd = NULL;
ICommandText * pICmdText = NULL;
IRowset * pIRowset = NULL;
ICommandPrepare * pICmdPrepare = NULL;
ICommandWithParameters * pICmdWParams = NULL;
ULONG ulNumCols;
IColumnsInfo * pIColumnsInfo = NULL;
LONG lNumCols;
IAccessor * pIAccessor = NULL;
ULONG cParams;
OLECHAR * pNamesBuffer = NULL;
ULONG ulNumRowsRetrieved;
HROW hRows[5];
HROW * pRows = &hRows[0];
BYTE * pData = NULL;
WCHAR * pStringsBuffer = NULL;
DBBINDING * prgBinding = NULL;
DBBINDING rgBindings[2];
ULONG cbRowSize;
DBPARAMS params;
HACCESSOR hAccessor;
hr = m_pIDBCreateSession->CreateSession(NULL,IID_IDBCreateCommand,(IUnknown**)&pIDBCrtCmd);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto Exit;
hr = pIDBCrtCmd->CreateCommand(NULL,IID_ICommandWithParameters, (IUnknown**)&pICmdWParams);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto Exit;
hr = pICmdWParams->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandText,(void**)&pICmdText);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto Exit;
hr = pICmdWParams->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandPrepare,(void**)&pICmdPrepare);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto Exit;
LPCTSTR wSQLString = OLESTR("UPDATE Pendientes SET Pendiente = ? WHERE IDAnimal = ?");
hr = pICmdText->SetCommandText( DBGUID_DBSQL,wSQLString);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto Exit;
if (FAILED(hr))
goto Exit;
pICmdWParams->GetParameterInfo(&cParams, &rgParamInfo, &pNamesBuffer);
hr = pICmdText->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, (void**)&pIAccessor);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto Exit;
rgBindings[0].iOrdinal = 1;
rgBindings[0].obStatus = 0;
rgBindings[0].obLength = rgBindings[0].obStatus + sizeof(DBSTATUS);
rgBindings[0].obValue = rgBindings[0].obLength + sizeof(ULONG);
rgBindings[0].pTypeInfo = NULL;
rgBindings[0].pObject = NULL;
rgBindings[0].pBindExt = NULL;
rgBindings[0].dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED;
rgBindings[0].eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_INPUT;
rgBindings[0].cbMaxLen = sizeof(int);
rgBindings[0].dwFlags = 0;
rgBindings[0].wType = DBTYPE_I4;
rgBindings[0].bPrecision = 0;
rgBindings[0].bScale = 0;
rgBindings[1].iOrdinal = 2;
rgBindings[1].obStatus = rgBindings[0].obValue + rgBindings[0].cbMaxLen;;
rgBindings[1].obLength = rgBindings[1].obStatus + sizeof(DBSTATUS);
rgBindings[1].obValue = rgBindings[1].obLength + sizeof(ULONG);
rgBindings[1].pTypeInfo = NULL;
rgBindings[1].pObject = NULL;
rgBindings[1].pBindExt = NULL;
rgBindings[1].dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED;
rgBindings[1].eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_INPUT;
rgBindings[1].cbMaxLen = 8;
rgBindings[1].dwFlags = 0;
rgBindings[1].wType = DBTYPE_I8;
rgBindings[1].bPrecision = 0;
rgBindings[1].bScale = 0;
cbRowSize = rgBindings[1].obValue + rgBindings[1].cbMaxLen;
hr = pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_PARAMETERDATA,2,rgBindings,cbRowSize,&hAccessor,NULL);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto Exit;
pData = (BYTE*) malloc(cbRowSize);
goto Exit;
*(DBSTATUS*)(pData + rgBindings[0].obStatus) = DBSTATUS_S_OK;
*(int*)(pData + rgBindings[0].obValue) = 9;
*(ULONG*)(pData + rgBindings[0].obLength) = 8;
*(DBSTATUS*)(pData + rgBindings[1].obStatus) = DBSTATUS_S_OK;
*(int*)(pData + rgBindings[1].obValue) = 0;
*(ULONG*)(pData + rgBindings[1].obLength) = 4;
params.pData = pData;
params.cParamSets = 1;
params.hAccessor = hAccessor;
hr = pICmdText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL,¶ms,&lNumCols,NULL);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto Exit;
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Nov 8, 2007
I am using Oracle 7.3 against SSRS. I have created an inline query with 7 unnamed parameters. I have named them in SSRS parameters window and selected NULL and ALLOW BLANK check boxes for all the parameters.
What I think should happen is: I should be able to pass the combination of parameters NOT all of them, because I have selected NULL and Blank check boxes. But in my case the query is not giving me any results if I pass 2 of 7 parameters. I can see the results only when I pass all 7 parameters.
Please Help me...
Is there a way I can create a Dynamic WHERE condition using ORACLE 7.3 as database and OUT REF cursor as out parameter for generating parameters. An Example would be great.......
I am much familar with SQL Server and creting a dynamic query is no problem. Because of this new assignment in Oracle 7.3 I am pulling my hair to solve this perticlaur problem...
Please guys / gals help..
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May 11, 2007
Firtsly - I am new to SSIS if my approach could be improved then I welcome suggestions.
Scenario: I have a large SSIS package that consolidates / summarizes work week information from several data sources. Currently each data flow task in the control flow calculates the from and to date that is filtered on, for example:
I would like to remove these statements that appear in most steps and replace them with a global variable that is used throughout the package. This statement would only appear once & it would make the package much easier to run after failure etc.
Problem: I am using Data Reader Source with the 'SQLCommand' property specified. It looks like parameters are only supported if an OleDB connection is used?
So I switched to an OleDB connection and no parameters are recognised in the string - a forum search reveals that parameters in sub queries are not always found properly. The solution to this problem appears to be, to set 'Bypass Prepare' to True but this is a property for the Execute SQL task, not the Data Flow Task source.
Does the Data Reader Source control from Data Flow Source toolbox section support parameters?
Can anyone suggest a fix to the OleDB Source issue with Parameters?
Is there a better way to solve my problem e.g. Using Execute SQL Task instead of Data Flow tasks etc
Example SQL:
This SQL is an example of the SQL for the OleDB Data Source (within a Data Flow task)
SET @Attempts =
FROM dbo.Radius_Login_Records
SET @Failures =
FROM dbo.Radius_Login_Records
AND Authen_Failure_Code IS NOT NULL)
SET @Successes = @Attempts - @Failures
FROM dbo.Radius_Login_Records
AND EAPTypeID = 25)
FROM dbo.Radius_Login_Records
AND EAPTypeID = 13)
@Attempts AS ConnectionAttempts,
@Failures AS ConnectionFailures,
(CAST(@Successes AS DECIMAL(38,2)) / CAST(@Attempts AS FLOAT) * 100) AS SuccessRate,
@OcaV1Hits AS OcaV1Hits,
@OcaV2Hits AS OcaV2Hits
Please remember, I'm new to SSIS - so be detailed in your response. Thanks for your help!
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Jan 9, 2007
Hi there,
In order to prevent lookup errors in a lookup transformation, I've decided to go for an OleDb Command Transformation.
This transformation should check the lookup and, if it turns out to be null, ir returns a dummy value. Otherwise, it would return the lookup value.
This should be done by doing something like this:
select coalesce( (select ID_Table2 from ID_Table2 where FK_Table1 = ?), 0)
suposing Table2 has an atribute called "FK_Table1" that should match a column in the data flow.
Now, such command result in this message:
"An OLE DB record is available. Source "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Syntax eror, permission violation, or other nonspecific error".
But, it I remove the coalesce and type the following command:
select ID_Table2 from ID_Table2 where FK_Table1 = ?
It presents me no errors and allows me to continue.
Did i did anything wrong or is this something that is not possible to be done?
I know i have the option to use a script task to do this operation, but that would turn the maintenance process a little more difficult.
Otherwise, i know i could also re-direct the error from the lookup transformation and handle it. Though, my package has about 10 lookups and that would turn my package a lot more complex than
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
André Santana
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Mar 14, 2008
Hello All,
I understand that the parser is having issues parsing my second command but I was wonder if anyone had stumbled on a work around for this:
-- OLEDB Source has no problem with this:
FROM some_table
last_update_dt = ?
-- OLEDB Source errors on this:
FROM some_table
Convert( char(12), last_update_dt, 112 ) = Convert( char(12), Cast( ? as DateTime), 112 )
The first SQL statement won't return the desired rows because of the wonderful time stamp, the second works well but the provider won't parse it. I have used the "SQL command from variable" to work around this but we have some tables with 200+ columns, so the only way to use the "SQL command from variable" is to do a select *, which I'm trying to avoid, for both performance reasons and company standards.
Any thoughts?
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Dec 1, 2007
I am new to sql server reporting services. When i pass more than 30 parameters ,my report is showing parameters which is not a desired one even though i am making showparameterPrompts property to false.
can any one tell me how to pass more no of parameters to the Report.
Advance thanks
Srinivas Govada
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Oct 31, 2007
I have a stored proc with 28 commmands but only 24 are loaded. If I move the parameters around the ones that didn't show are visible and the ones after the 24th parameter don't show up. Is there some sort of limit on parameters for OLEDB commands that execute stored procs in the exec procname @p = ? construct?
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Jul 5, 2006
Provider cannot derive parameter information and SetParameterInfo has not been called. (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle)
I am getting the above error while opening the parameter box at OLEDB source for Oracle using SQL command option at Data Access Mode?? Can you any one please help me in this regard and trouble shoot this problem..
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Dec 1, 2003
MY DBA wrote a trigger, that upon hitting the delete button for a payment,
the payment would be transferred to another table and the trigger would
call a sp as well. since the trigger is calling the sp, I should only supply the parameters.
How do you do that w/o calling the procedure?
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Nov 27, 2007
Hi there!
My report uses an OLAP query with a (multi-valued) parameter, the generated MDX query contains something like "...ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@Region, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM [cube]) ...".
The report works fine using the Report Manager frontend. Now I want to pass this parameter directly within the query string:
https://servername/ReportServer?/PathTo/MyReport&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=HTML4.0&Region=[foo].[bar 123].&[baz]
But I cannot get Reporting Services to accept the parameter via URL access (instead of complaining about a missing parameter value). I've already tried quoting/encoding the brackets, spaces, and the ampersand, putting the dimension in curly braces and/or quotes... No success.
Normal (url-encoded) query parameters work fine, I just can't pass OLAP parameters (dimensions like "[foo].[bar 123].&[baz]") this way. I think ReportServer doesn't like the way I'm trying to quote them...
How do I quote dimension parameters correctly?
Thanks and best regards,
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Dec 26, 2007
Hi Gurus,
I want to pass 0 value to all subreport parameters in the beginning when main report is run. This is because i dont want subreport query to run.
when user clicks on '+' in main report, i want to pass the parameter values so that the subreport will run with correct parameters for that particular main report row.
My purpose of doing this is to achieve speed with subreport
Thanks a lot in advance.
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May 8, 2008
how do u pass parameters to a subreport.... i tried doin it but got an error msg sayin "Sub report cannot be displayed"
any solution????
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Mar 27, 2008
I have recently had a few reports that are built around the userid parameter start failing to pass the userid parameter. If I run the report and hard code the userid everything runs just fine, but I am not able to collect the userid when the user is logging into the report server. Any thoughts or suggestions?
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Jun 9, 2006
In a Data Flow task, my data source is the VMark UniVerse ODBC Driver. I have question marks in my SQL Command. I have two variables set up in the task (intended) to provide values to those unnamed parameters. Here is the important portion of that command:
How do I tell SSIS to use the variables as the source for the values of the two unnamed parameters? I get a "Wrong number of input parameters to SQL statement" error when I try to run the package.
I see how to do it in the Execute SQL Task (there is a Parameter Mapping page), but I don't see a similar page anywhere in the data flow task.
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Jan 23, 2007
Can someone help me with this error, so the page can show the rocords, its works on my PC but not at my host.
I get this error:
Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: No value given for one or more required parameters.Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace:
[OleDbException (0x80040e10): No value given for one or more required parameters.]
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextForSingleResult(tagDBPARAMS dbParams, Object& executeResult) +267
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandText(Object& executeResult) +192
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommand(CommandBehavior behavior, Object& executeResult) +48
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderInternal(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) +106
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) +111
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) +4
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +141
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +137
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) +83
System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(DataSourceSelectArguments arguments) +1770
System.Web.UI.DataSourceView.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, DataSourceViewSelectCallback callback) +17
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.PerformSelect() +149
System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl.DataBind() +70
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.DataBind() +4
System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl.EnsureDataBound() +82
System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompositeDataBoundControl.CreateChildControls() +69
System.Web.UI.Control.EnsureChildControls() +87
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +41
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +161
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +161
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1360
My code is:
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="CMS_Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="cmssystem_CMS_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="CM_form" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="CMSqlDataSource">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="CMSqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:CMConnectionString %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:CMConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [SiteMainID], [SiteMainIdentity], [SiteMainText] FROM [MainSiteText] ORDER BY [SiteMainID]">
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Jul 15, 2007
how do i pass the paramenters and storedprocedure to dataview from code-behind?
the below code have sqldatasource control but i want to pass through code-behind everything...
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
EmptyDataText="There are no data records to display." DataKeyNames="NewsId">
<asp:BoundField DataField="NewsId" HeaderText="NewsId" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="NewsId" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="PostDate" HeaderText="PostDate" SortExpression="PostDate" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="PostedBy" HeaderText="PostedBy" SortExpression="PostedBy" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="PostedByName" HeaderText="PostedByName" SortExpression="PostedByName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Title" HeaderText="Title" SortExpression="Title" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Body" HeaderText="Body" SortExpression="Body" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="LastUpdated" HeaderText="LastUpdated" SortExpression="LastUpdated" />
<asp:CheckBoxField DataField="IsVisible" HeaderText="IsVisible" SortExpression="IsVisible" />
</asp:GridView> i have storedprocdure which accepts 4 parameters 3 paramenters which user will supply and 1 parameter will be supplied from code-behindwhat i mean by that is:the 4 parameters storedprocedure accepts is:empid, start_date, end_date (user will supply those 3 parameters)internal_id - which internally pass along with other 3 parmeterssomething like this:internal_id, empid, start_date, end_dateany thoughts?thanks.
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Aug 11, 2007
How do I pass values from my ASP.NET page code into my Stored Procedure, to become parameters to be used in my Stored Proc?
Much thanks
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Feb 29, 2008
I’ve got the following piece of ASP code, which updated a
table through the standard edit/update command filed options.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionStrings:CAT_SYSTEMConnectionString %>"
PsnQualifications SET quantity=@quantity WHERE rowstatus=1 and
PsnQualifications SET rowStatus=0, lastUpdateOn=getdate(), lastUpdateBy=@createdBy
WHERE rowstatus=1 and qualId=@original_qualId"
<asp:Parameter Name="original_qualId"
<asp:Parameter Name="quantity"
<asp:Parameter Name="original_qualId"
<asp:Parameter Name="createdBy" DefaultValue="TEST"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="masterKey"
My problem is that I need to pass the contents
of the VB variable ‘createdBy’ into the DeleteParameters option.
This is defined in the code as: Dim createdBy As String = getUserLoginName(Me.Page)
How do I pass this into the update and/or delete part
of the command field on the ASP page?
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Apr 23, 2012
I don't know how to pass parameters required (dates) to a query1, if I'm using a subquery (query2) which is using the results of query1, but I'm not showing that field on that subquery (query2)
id - autonumeric
id_user - id from user
dates - date of register
id - user id
name - user name
SELECT Table1.id_user, Count(Table1.id_user) AS CuentaDeid_user
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.datess) Between [begining] And [ending]))
GROUP BY Table1.id_user
ORDER BY Table1.id_user;
subquery (query2)
SELECT query1.id_user, query1.CuentaDeid_user,
FROM query1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON query1.id_user =;
This is just an example, the think is that I want to know that if it's possible to pass the parameters requested in query1 from the SQL of the subquery (query2)?
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Jun 11, 2008
I have a table with queries. I need to execute those queries and pass results into a variable. Then use that variable/result to execute other queries to make business decisions.
TABLE-A :has queries below
select count(*) from employee
select count(* ) from mangers
I want to execute those queries and store results in @counts. How I execute all queries in table A and pass that to a variable?
Then I have another SQL task(may be SQL task) which use the value @counts make some decisions
If @count > 1 then pass
If @count <1 then fail
How can I do that?
I am still new to SSIS and not very familiar with variables. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Nov 28, 2013
I am trying to use one sql store procedure but don't know how to pass the parameters. I am posting here my store procedure:-
create procedure dynamic_pivot
@select varchar(2000),
@PivotCol varchar(100),
@Summaries varchar(100)
) as
declare @pivot varchar(max), @sql varchar(max)
[Code] ....
My table looks like below:
emp_id, time_code, date, time_charged
RB, VAC, 20130222, 8
RB, HOL, 20131128, 8
RB, VAC, 20130311, 8
My output should be:
emp id VAC HOL
RB 16 8
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Aug 17, 2007
In a matrix report with column and row groupings, how to pass the parameters to the drill-through report? The column grouping could open up into multiple columns and the same to the row groupings. I have a navigation link to a drill-through report on a total field in the matrix report and the drill-through report is required three parameters, one from the parameter from the matrix report (this one I can map to easily), second parameter is one of the value from the column grouping field and the third parameter is one of the value from the row grouping field. How to select those values from the column/row grouping.
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Dec 27, 2007
How do you create a link on one report to run another report passing a parameter (or two).
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Apr 5, 2007
I defined the following stored Procedure as the datasource
CREATE PROCEDURE p1(@cond String)
SELECT Id,Name from table1 Where @cond
@cond is a long sql , for example
Id in (select sunId from table2 where .......)
my question is
how can I pass the parameters( @cond ) to RS2005?
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