maybe you are interested in this.
I wrote a java applet on www.sqlinform.com which is a SQL Code beautifier / formatter. It is for all kind of SQL (DB2, ORACLE; Access, Informix, etc). The only thing you need is a Java Runtime Environment (which should be available in most cases). You can beautify SQL statements out of program code and format them for Java, ASP, VB, PHP.
Hello, maybe you are interested in this. I wrote a java applet on www.sqlinform.com which is a SQL Code beautifier / formatter. It is for all kind of SQL (DB2, ORACLE; Access, Informix, etc). The only thing you need is a Java Runtime Environment (which should be available in most cases). You can beautify SQL statements out of program code and format them for Java, ASP, VB, PHP. Regards GuidoMarcel
Hello, I am 13 years old and trying to create a mmorpg(massively multiplayer online role playing game) and need a database so people can register, buy weapons, kill other people, etc. The only problem is, I only know javascript and html. I was wondring if anyone had free code for MS Server 2000 that users of my game register, and it records the users username, password, etc. Thanks so much,
Does anyone know of an sql beautifier? Meaning, a little app that will take out garbage tabs and spaces and put select, from, where, etc. on separate lines.
I've checked out tidy.sourceforge.net and sql beautifier, the latter lacking a version for Windows 2000 that works (I've emailed the support email address and haven't heard anything back yet).
Hi all--I'm trying to convert a function which I inherited from a SQL Server 2000 DTS package to something usable in an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005. Given the original code here: Function Main() on error resume next dim cn, i, rs, sSQL Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Server=<server_name>;Database=<db_name>;User ID=<sysadmin_user>;Password=<password>" set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set rs = DTSGlobalVariables("SQLstring").value
for i = 1 to rs.RecordCount sSQL = rs.Fields(0).value cn.Execute sSQL, , 128 'adExecuteNoRecords option for faster execution rs.MoveNext Next
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
This code was originally programmed in the SQL Server ActiveX Task type in a DTS package designed to take an open-ended number of SQL statements generated by another task as input, then execute each SQL statement sequentially. Upon this code's success, move on to the next step. (Of course, there was no additional documentation with this code. :-)
Based on other postings, I attempted to push this code into a Visual Studio BI 2005 Script Task with the following change:
public Sub Main()
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Class
I get the following error when I attempt to compile this:
Error 30209: Option Strict On requires all variable declarations to have an 'As' clause.
I am new to Visual Basic, so I'm on a learning curve here. From what I know of this script: - The variables here violate the new Option Strict On requirement in VS 2005 to declare what type of object your variable is supposed to use.
- I need to explicitly declare each object, unless I turn off the Option Strict On (which didn't seem recommended, based on what I read).
Given this statement:
dim cn, i, rs, sSQL
I'm looking at "i" as type Integer; rs and sSQL are open-ended arrays, but can't quite figure out how to read the code here:
This code seems to create an instance of a COM component, then pass provider information and create the recordset being passed in by the previous task, but am not sure whether this syntax is correct for VS 2005 or what data type declaration to make here. Any ideas/help on how to rewrite this code would be greatly appreciated!
I'm working towards MCAD and as elective I want to do the SQL Server course. The exam is on SQL Server 2000. I was just wondering whether the online course that Microsoft currently have a available for free at https://www.microsoftelearning.com/sqlserver2005/default.aspx would be useful and applicable to SQL Server 2000, or whether it is sufficiently different product to make it confusing to use this as a learning resource. Also if anyone can point me toward any webcasts for SQL Server that would be great. I listened to Fritz Onion's 15 part series when I studied for my ASP.NET exam and would like to do something similar for SQL Server 2000 if any are available.
SQL Stripes is an application that helps you, the SQL Server DBA, having complete control over your various SQL servers. From the high-level of monitoring essential components - to the low-level of analyzing your various databases, tables etc… This is *not* another Query-Analyzer like tool, nor does it intend to be. The idea is that each one of your servers gets a 'Stripe' which contains valuable real-time data on the selected server. SQL Stripes is an intuitive and easy to use application, which is intended to make your DBA life a bit easier.
SQL Stripes is completely free. Please send your feedback/questions/suggestions
I have a Linux machine here at work that I do some development on, along with a few other tasks. It's also on my primary machine at home. Is anyone aware of a SQL Server Management suite that will run (natively - not in a VM) on Linux? I've used Aqua Data Studio in the past, but I would rather not have to pay for another License just for a part-time use.I'm not looking for a full suite of graphical utilities. If I could get the basic functionality of Query Analyzer (query window, object scripting, etc..), I'll be happy.I've googled around, and the pickings have been rather slim. The only thing I've found is something called Transact-SQL Analyzer (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlanalyzer/). I haven't tried it yet, but I'll give it a shot. Has anyone used it before? It doesn't make mention of 2k5 support, either.
When I try to free previously registered DLL, server is starting to execute query and it takes a number of minutes and nothing happens.
Here is an example:
sp_addextendedproc 'xp_test','test.dll' //works fine
exec master..xp_test '999' //works fine
sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_test' //works fine
dbcc test(free) //do not work
I've tested it on:
SQL MSDE SP3 //i was getting an acces violation first: spid 51 Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0x00000000 SQL MSDE SP4 //but on this SP I have the same behaviour as on server 2005 / infinite query execution time SQL Server 2005 standard //infinite query execution time SQL Server 2005 standard with SP2 //infinite query execution time
I can't understand this because this started after chaning my machine.
It worked without any problems on the previous one and I've used this metod very often on the same dll which hasn't changed.
I have a question: is the SQL Server 2005 mobile edition free? or is it necessary to buy a licence when i use it combinated with a comercial program which i have delevoped by myself and i sell it?
I was looking for a 'free' intellisense tool that will prompt me with options when I am writing stored procedures in SQL Server Studio. Very much like the intellisense in Visual Studio. Does someone know about such a tool? I know there are tools of this type but they cost 600 to 1000 dollars for a single user.
This table takes up almost 80% of my database size, and the information is this table just captures the time spent by a user on the website(not very critical data)
I would like to know how to delete the entire index (which is what is occupying most space) to free up disk space. the index is a clustered index.
I have about 50 databases that are only accessed once a month and on a predictable schedule. Would it free up resources on the server if they were kept offline and brought online only when needed ?
I attended one of the SQL Server 2005 "Ready to Launch" parties a couple of years ago and was given a complimentary SQL Server Standard Edition CAL along with a copy of the SQL Server 2005 Standard setup DVD.
As there's no mention in the "Ready to Launch" pack of an included Server license I was wondering whether it is possible to install a copy of SQL Server 2005 on a standalone server and use the single CAL in a Production environment without having to purchase a Server license? The pack does include a Product Key - is this the Server license?
What is the percentage of FREE disk space that is needed for a backup? I have backups that are failing with no disk space errors. But there is enough disk. Does SQL Server need a percentage of free space all the time?
We have a new sales force automation application for sales rep to log their contacts, etc. It runs on mssql 6.5, sp 4.
They log in and leave their connections on without logging off or leave their coonections idle .
We set the user connections fiarly high but we are concerned that the max amount of user connections weill be consumed and the sql serve becomes locked.
My questions are:
1) Is there any parameter in the sql server configuration that will log off idle users have a certain time and dsiconnect them?
2) A backup of the database will be made each night. If there is no parameter, would it be a good idea to stop and start the sql server every night to release the idle connections?
3) If so, how to stop sql server from the commadn and start it with a command line command and do this in a batch file as a scheduled task?
4) Is there any other way to release these idle connections each night?
Any information you can supply will be appreciated. THanks.
While waiting for the fax of instructions to contact MS Support, I thought I would post here (tried several times and no fax...)
We get this message in the log file and then all hell breaks loose until it resets memory. The SQL Service continues working but nobody can connect for about 5 minutes and then is seems to reset itself. This has happened three times over the past two weeks. Only one time it did create the SQLDUMP files but all three occurences have practically the same entries.
We are running SQL Server 2005 x64 SP2 under Windows 2003 x64 SP1. We have 4GB RAM and SQL is configured to use 2GB of it. We have a large number of databases (about 400) on this one instance that experiences this problem. The server itself is not under a tremendous load. All of the databases were recently upgraded from SQL 2000 SP4 32 bit instance. The first occurence happened just days after the migration.
----- Log Entries -----
LazyWriter: warning, no free buffers found.
2007-06-14 14:15:56.18 spid3s Memory Manager VM Reserved = 4415288 KB VM Committed = 4398048 KB AWE Allocated = 0 KB Reserved Memory = 1024 KB Reserved Memory In Use = 0 KB
2007-06-14 14:39:56.82 Server Resource Monitor (0x1180) Worker 0x000000008000C1C0 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 148160 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 125 ms, user 62 ms, Interval: 65000. 2007-06-14 14:40:56.84 Server Resource Monitor (0x1180) Worker 0x000000008000C1C0 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 218536 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 328 ms, user 93 ms, Interval: 125046. 2007-06-14 14:41:56.84 Server Resource Monitor (0x1180) Worker 0x000000008000C1C0 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 288960 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 515 ms, user 125 ms, Interval: 185046. 2007-06-14 14:42:56.84 Server Resource Monitor (0x1180) Worker 0x000000008000C1C0 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 366008 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 718 ms, user 171 ms, Interval: 245046. 2007-06-14 14:43:56.84 Server Resource Monitor (0x1180) Worker 0x000000008000C1C0 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 435992 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 968 ms, user 296 ms, Interval: 305046. 2007-06-14 14:44:56.84 Server Resource Monitor (0x1180) Worker 0x000000008000C1C0 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 505160 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 1203 ms, user 390 ms, Interval: 365046. 2007-06-14 14:45:56.84 Server Resource Monitor (0x1180) Worker 0x000000008000C1C0 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 572488 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 1468 ms, user 468 ms, Interval: 425046. 2007-06-14 14:46:56.84 Server Resource Monitor (0x1180) Worker 0x000000008000C1C0 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 639056 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 1703 ms, user 500 ms, Interval: 485046.
I have a data table in my project that has a "text" (not varchar) field in it. I am trying to load this field with little paragraphs of text for showing on my pages. How do I get the free text loaded into the table? The database explorer and all the data grid controls cut the text off at one line. There doesn't seem to be any way to get multiline text into this table.
Table 1: AddressBook Fields --> User Name, Address, CountryCode
Table 2: Country Fields --> Country Code, Country Name
Step 1 : I have created a Cube with these two tables using SSAS.
Step 2 : I have created a report in SSRS showing Address list.
The Column in the report are User Name, Address, Country Name
But I have no idea, how to convert this Country Code to Country name.
I am generating the report using the Layout tab. ( Data | Layout | Preview ) Report1.rdl [Design]
Anyone help me to solve this issue. Because, in our project most of the transaction tables have Code and Code description in master table. I need to convert all code into corresponding description in all my reports.