Full-text Indexing Doesn't Work For Pdf Files

Oct 26, 2007

I have SQL 2005 on 64 bit cluster OS is Windows server 2003 SP2.
We have full-text enabled on one table of the database. It has doc,xls,pdf and swf type of documents. Now full text works for word and excel docs but not for pdf files.

I searched online and found two commands to execute after installing Adobe 6.0 ifilter. I did it last week and then server was rebooted last weekend so it restarted all the services
exec sp_fulltext_service 'load_os_resources', 1

exec sp_fulltext_service 'verify_signature', 0

still pdf full text search is not working. Does this ifilter from Adobe works for 64 bit?

many errors as below are loged into the log file
Informational: Full-text Full population initialized for table or indexed view '[dbname].[dbo].[tablename]' (table or indexed view ID '862626116', database ID '10'). Population sub-tasks: 4.
2007-10-21 06:00:50.59 spid30s Warning: No appropriate filter was found during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[dbaname].[dbo].[tablename]' (table or indexed view ID '10', database ID '862626116'), full-text key value 0x000015E1. Some columns of the row were not indexed.

2007-10-22 06:01:34.07 spid28s The component 'offfilt.dll' reported error while indexing. Component path 'C:WINDOWSsystem32offfilt.dll'.
2007-10-22 06:01:34.07 spid28s Error '0x80030109' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[dbname].[dbo].[tablename]' (table or indexed view ID '862626116', database ID '10'), full-text key value 0x000013A1. Attempt will be made to reindex it.


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Full-text Indexing Doesn't Work For CSV Files.

Nov 21, 2007

I am able to perform full text searches if I inform SQL Server the file is a text file but when I set the correct type as a csv the file does not get indexed.

Also nocticed that I have two IFilters one that comes with SQL and the other with Office they have the same name and just the one that is on system32 handles CSV files, office files are processed correctly.

This are the IFilter locations:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4MSSQLBinnofffilt.dll

I have a valid CSV but when I run the FiltDump.exe command I get:
C:Temp>FiltDump 1075555.csv
FILE: 1075555.csv
Error 0x80030050 loading IFilter

This is the type of error log I get from SQL Server:
2007-11-20 15:30:18.46 spid24s Warning: No appropriate filter was found during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[FileStorage].[dbo].[Document]' (table or indexed view ID '6', database ID '162099618'), full-text key value 0x00000002. Some columns of the row were not indexed.

I will appreciate any help provided.

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* Doesn't Seem To Work With Full Text Search

Nov 4, 2007

If I use the following syntax it works OK

Where Contains(item_description '"stuff*"')

but if I put the '*' at the beginning it doesn't work. Is this syntax only OK as a post fix?

i.e. this doesn't work
Where Contains(item_description '"*stuff"')

Appreciate any help.

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Searching Database Text W/o Using Full-text Indexing

Mar 31, 2004

I am using the following plumbing code to search a database column for a keyword. I can't use full-test indexing so I came up w/ this work around. But It has many flaws so I'm looking for a better way. Thx in advance.

'Open sql connection

Dim datareader2 As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
datareader2 = cmdFindRowsWithKeyword.ExecuteReader
Dim strMsg As String
Dim intRowToFlag As Integer
Dim strRowsToGet As String
Dim strKeywordAsTyped As String
Dim strKeywordAllCaps As String
Dim strKeywordAllLower As String
Dim strKeywordFirstLetterCap As String
Dim FirstLetter As String

While datareader2.Read

intRowToFlag = datareader2(0).ToString
strMsg = datareader2(1).ToString

'Assign keyword as typed to variable
strKeywordAsTyped = txtSearchFor.Text
'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it to all uppercase
strKeywordAllCaps = txtSearchFor.Text
strKeywordAllCaps = strKeywordAllCaps.ToUpper
'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it to all lowercase
strKeywordAllLower = txtSearchFor.Text
strKeywordAllLower = strKeywordAllLower.ToLower
'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it so just the first letter is in uppercase
strKeywordFirstLetterCap = txtSearchFor.Text
FirstLetter = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Chars(0)
FirstLetter = FirstLetter.ToUpper
strKeywordFirstLetterCap = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Remove(0, 1)
strKeywordFirstLetterCap = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Insert(0, FirstLetter)

'If the string contains the keyword as typed in all caps all lowercase or w/ the 1st letter in caps then flag that row.
If strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAsTyped) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAllCaps) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAllLower) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordFirstLetterCap) <> -1 Then

cmdFlagRowsWithKeyword.Parameters("@recid").Value = intRowToFlag
Dim datareader3 As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
datareader3 = cmdFlagRowsWithKeyword.ExecuteReader

End If
End While

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Full Text Indexing

Sep 30, 2007

full text indexing
In SQL Server 2005, if I set full text indexing enables in column MyDesc and
1. use “Select * from MyTable where MyDesc LIKE ‘%abc%’â€? would this be using full text indexing? Or  have to use Contains to get it be in use?
2. Once I create the full-text index, should I be setting it to populate periodically? Isn’t it populating itself? 

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Full-text Indexing

Jan 6, 2008

right-click do on database and selected properties,selected files page check box "use full-text indexing" is disable.
how can enable check box above  for sql server 2005 on windows xp?

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On The Fly Full-Text Indexing

Mar 5, 2008

How might it be possible to have on the fly full-text indexing utilizing the FREETEXT and CONTAINS statements so that when I enter a piece of data into the database it is immediatly searchable using the full-text indexing features?

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Full Text Indexing

Oct 2, 2005

Hello,I wanna learn Full Text Indexing feature in MS SQL, Please let me know where could i have a good resource about it. I tried google but i didnt find what i need.regards

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Full Text Indexing

Apr 1, 2002

Recently the full text catalogs no longer work on my sql server. We have tried a lot of different things to get them working and all have failed. I am totally at a loss. The service is running under the local admin and the local admins have sysadmin permissions. We have removed the catalogs and re-added them. We have removed the catalogs changed the DB to disable full text indexing. Checked the registry for the left over entries. Run sp_fulltext_service 'clean_up'. We have tried many difference combinations and tried restoring from backup. Nothing works. If anyone has ANY ideas I would greatly appreciate the help. We are running SQL 7.0 with SP3.


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Full Text Indexing

Aug 29, 2003

I have a SQL Server Instance on my workstation (Windows XP Pro) I'm trying to use the Full Text Indexing - but the stupid thing is greyed out in my enterprise manager. Any one know anything I can try?

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Full-Text Indexing

Jul 13, 2004

I have a table of product inventory I want to be able to search using the CONTAINS and/or FREETEXT functions. There are actually 4 columns I want to be searchable: brand, product name, etc. Since the table can have only one full-text index, should I just define an index on all 4 columns? It would be large in relation to the table, but the table itself is small (~600 rows). The index would not exceed the 900 byte limit.

Will this give me problems in terms of workability or performance? Is there a better approach? I could also just use LIKE searching, but it's significantly less sophisticated.

Thanks in advance.

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Full-Text Indexing

Dec 21, 2005

I am working on programming a knowledge base using ASP and MS SQL and we're running into the problem of how to search it... In that past we've just had a type of like statement... but this isn't really a search function and isn't really doing the trick...

So, what I'm thinking is that we might be able to use the full-text indexing service on Microsoft SQL server and then somehow search the full-text index from an ASP page and then procede with the db interface from there.

Are there better ways of searching MS SQL databases which I'm not aware of? Is it possible to access the full-text index from an ASP page and how would you do this? Are there documents that people could recommend on how to setup full-text indexing on MS SQL Server?

Thank you in advance, ( )


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Full Text Indexing

Mar 7, 2005

I'd like to incrmentally populate my products full text catalogue everytime a product is added, i'm using the following code:

exec msdb.dbo.sp_fulltext_catalog [ @ftcat = ] 'Products'
, [ @action = ] 'start_incremental'
[ , [ @path = ] 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMssqlFtdata' ]

I get the syntax error Line 166: Line 166: Incorrect syntax near 'Products'.

what is wrong with the code? Any help would be appreciated

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Full Text Indexing

Jul 6, 2007

Dear experts,
what exactly is full text indexing? and how that was useful......

i've seen this concept while creating databases

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Full-text Indexing

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,Is there a query or a method that can return the list of all theindexed words in a column that has been full-text indexed in sqlserver 2000? I need to get the words returned above in aContainstable[] query on another column to get a rank that can suggesta degree of similarity between the two.Thanks,J

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Full Text Indexing

Apr 29, 2006

is there a way to enable full text indexing on SQL Server 2005 Express?

i know that the advanced edition can do so, but i am wondering if there is a registry hack or something that i can use instead of reinstalling.

any ideas?


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Full-text Indexing

Sep 22, 2006

Hello everyone,

My questions are about installation (setup) and perfromances.

I have seen that, by default, all database user's files are set to : Use full-text indexing.

If we don't use full-text search at all, would it be a good idea to turn it off?

It seem impossible to turn it off at database creation using the T-SQL : CREATE DATABASE statement. Is it?

Having this parameter set to ON by default must incur an overhead. Rigth?

Best regards.


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Full Text Indexing On A Table

Dec 31, 2007

I am using sql server express edition and when  i try to apply full text indexing on the table - the setting is set to "NO" and i am unable to set it to Yes
please advise - thanks Jeff

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Full-Text Indexing Error

Apr 4, 2008

Trying to make a full-text table of a few tables in SQL server 2000 using the SQL Server Managment Studio. I am getting the following error when I then try to view the columns using the table. The column it is having a problem with is just a varchar text column. I have tried a few different tables and each time it has a problem with one of the columns. It does not give me an error when creating the full-text table. Anyone have any information on this?
 I check on a full text table I made a while ago and it is giving me the same error but searches on it seem to be working, but cannot tell if it is using the one column it is having an issue with.
Property TypeColumnName is not available for FullTextIndexColumn '[MyColumnName]'.    This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due    to insufficient access rights.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

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Full-text Indexing Not Enabled

May 9, 2008

I´m trying to enable full-text indexing in SQL Server Management Express 2005.
I can see the option is there (Database name - Properties - Files), but the options is blurred and I´m not able to select it.
How do I solve this problem?
Getting desperate trying now... 

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Full-Text Indexing: Best Practices?

Oct 4, 2005

Hey guys,

I'm about to deploy full-text searching to complement
ASP.NET/C#.NET.  I unfortunately have not had much experience in
Full-Text Indexing...

I will be creating catalogs for each table in the database (end-users
pretty much require that we are able to search by
anything).   I see that there is a catalog population
schedule...typically, what is the best practice for updating the
catalogs?  The database entries will most likely be updated
frequently, as it contains the end-users curriculum vitae.  Would
once a day, say midnight, be a sufficient schedule?

And also, as it pertains to best practices, is the method I am applying
the best way to do this (a catalog per table)...I have about 30 tables
in a relational model...is there a better way to catalog the entire
thing instead of table by table?

Thanks a lot for the help!


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Full-text Indexing Wizard

May 3, 2001

I'm getting the following error while trying to setup full-text searching.

"The Microsoft Search service cannot be administered under the present user account"

Search service is using "Local account" to start
I'm logged into the server w/ "sa" right now.

Thanks for any help

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Problem With Full Text Indexing.

Jun 29, 2001

I was trying Full text indexing on my database. it seems to work fine on all databases except one. On one particular database it returns '0 results' immediately even though the table has a large number of records.
The search returns just fine if tried on the same table on a different database on a different server.

Does anyone have a faintest clue as to what could be wrong ?
please reply ASAP.



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Full Text Indexing Question

Oct 11, 2000

I am having a few tables in my database on which I am implementing
FullText Searching.
As the tables are huge, full population of the catalog takes a lot of time.
I want to go for incremental population but I did not have a timestamp column
for this purpose when I initially designed the database.
Is there any way to ensure incremental population without the timestamp column? Because of the design constraints I do not like to have a timestamp column and would like to avoid it if it is possible.
But with out that SQL performs a full population and it is taking more than two hours now for full population and I also have several databases on which I have to do the same but the structure is more or less the same.
What are the performance issues when users are accessing the database when full text catalog population is in progress?Does it slow down reads and writes?It is a web based application for the internet catalog for industrial suppliers and needs to be online with no performance degradation.
Any help and info on this is greatly appreciated.

Sushruth Nanduri.

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Full-Text Indexing Disabled?

Apr 22, 1999

I'm attached to two different SQL 7 servers and neither one has the options enabled for full-text indexing. I am the DBO for those databases and the services are running.

Any ideas what's missing? I'm using SQL 7 clients tools on my NT Workstation.

Also, are there samples of using the index/search within ASP?

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Full-Text Indexing Problem

Jan 22, 2002

I've created a Full-Text index on a table using Enterprise Manager. I've followed all of the steps outlined in BOL but I can't seem to get it to populate. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong.

Sidney Ives
Sentara Healthcare
Norfolk Virginia

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Indexing,full Text Searching

Dec 30, 2005

hello friends..

do indexing and full text searching needs cideamon.exe ?

cideamon exe eats much cpu.I want to disable it but I am afraid that disabling cideamon.exe affects mssql indexes to work.


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Full Text Indexing Question

Jan 5, 2005


I am using full text indexing to index an image column where I am storing HTML documents. Currently I have an extra column in my table storing the file extension (htm) so the indexer knows which filter to use for every row.

HTML is the only format I'll be indexing, so is there a way for me to set this somewhere else so I don't have to have a column full of htm values - this seems really wasteful, those htm's add up when there are millions of rows...


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Full Text Indexing Question

Nov 29, 2007

If I have a table which has multiple child rows in another table, how I can index both tables to search the parent row, and all child rows in one go for a given term?

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Ignored Words In Full Text Indexing

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Just found out that this error can be solvedServer: Msg 7619, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_ft, Line 2A clause of the query contained only ignored words.triggered when executingSELECT TOP 1000 * FROM ADS JOIN ADSFULL ON ads_adid = fads_adidWHERE (ADS_ADID IN (SELECT FADS_ADID FROM ADSFULLWHERE (CONTAINS(*, '"opel" AND "and" AND "astra"'))))can be solved by changing the language specific file with noise words ...but that's not really an option in our server configuration.Now I wondered is there a way to query via TSQL a list of the noisewords ...so I can exclude them before parsing the query??I also dedected I can not catch the error in my stored procedure with theinstruction IF @@error ... So is it true that I can only handle this errorin my client software that calls the stored procedure??Thanks a lot.--Kind regards,Perre Van Wilrijk,Remove capitals to get my real email address,

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2005 EE: Using Full-text Indexing

Jul 10, 2006

Hello,I am learning SQL Server 2005 Expres Edition. I need to create fulltext index on Books.Remarks column in my database. I tried:CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG FTC_Books AS DEFAULTCREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON Books (Remarks) KEY INDEX IX_Books_Remarks ONFTC_BooksUnfortunately I got error:Full-Text Search is not installed, or a full-text component cannot beloaded.I don't understand this because I marked all options during setup.Please help/RAM/

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Full-text Indexing Failed

May 6, 2006

I have been trying to set up full-text indexing. All the CONTAINS searches, however, always returns 0 row. It seems the index is always empty. Could you please help figure it out?

Here is how I created the full-text catalog and index:


Then from the full-text crawl log, I found

2006-05-06 10:59:15.14 spid15s Error '0x80040e09' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '[dbs].[abc].[kb]' (table or indexed view ID '2073058421', database ID '5'), full-text key value 0x00000007. Attempt will be made to reindex it.
2006-05-06 10:59:15.14 spid15s The component 'sqlfth90.dll' reported error while indexing. Component path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COMsqlfth90.dll'.
2006-05-06 10:59:15.14 spid15s Informational: Full-text retry pass of Full population completed for table or indexed view '[abc].[dbo].[kb]' (table or indexed view ID '2073058421', database ID '5'). Number of retry documents processed: 4. Number of documents failed: 4.
2006-05-06 10:59:15.14 spid15s Changing the status to MERGE for full-text catalog "ft_catalog" (7) in database "abc" (5). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

I tried to find if the index contains anything. 0 is returned from the following query.


Thanks for help.

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Enable A Table For Full-Text Indexing

Aug 31, 2007

I am using SQL SERVER 2005 Express. I am trying to set up Enable a Table for Full-Text Indexing. I am following these instructions:
How to: Enable a Table for Full-Text Indexing (SQL Server Management Studio)

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