Fully Editable Datagrid

Nov 10, 2005

I have been trying to formulate a fully editabe datagrid for a couple of days with no luck.  I have used code from 4guys and some other sites and am at the point where I can render the datagrid correctly (as a bouncolumn and template column-textbox) but when I try to update the database it all falls apart.  I am getting "input string was not in a correct format" and the error references ...Dim id as Integer = Convert.ToInt32(sls.DataKeys(dgi.ItemIndex))I suspect the problem lies in the area of primary indexes and such.  The table I am using is a simple two-column table with usernames, passwords.  Username is the primary field. Here is the actual code I am using...<code><%@ Page Explicit="True" Language="VB" Debug="True" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %><html>

<script runat="server">Dim Connect As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnectionDim Adapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapterDim DS As DataSet = New DataSetDim ConnectString, SelectStatement As String

Sub Page_Load(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)

If Not IsPostBack Then SelectStatement = "Select * From Table"ConnectString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;UID=;PWD=;" & "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=;"

Connect.ConnectionString = ConnectStringAdapter.SelectCommand = New oleDbCommand(SelectStatement, Connect)Adapter.SelectCommand.Connection.OpenAdapter.Fill(DS, "Items")sls.Datasource = DS.Tables("Items")Page.DatabindConnect.Close()End IfEnd Sub

Sub Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)  Dim myConnection as New OleDbConnection(ConnectString)Dim updateSQL as String = "UPDATE Table SET password = @Password WHERE Username = @ID"Dim myCommand as New oleDbCommand(updateSQL, myConnection)

Dim dgi as DataGridItemFor Each dgi in sls.Items  'Read in the Primary Key Field  Dim id as Integer = Convert.ToInt32(sls.DataKeys(dgi.ItemIndex))  Dim password as String = CType(dgi.FindControl("txtPass"), TextBox).Text

        'Issue an UPDATE statement...    myCommand.Parameters.Clear()  myCommand.Parameters.Add("@ID", id)  myCommand.Parameters.Add("@Password", password)


    End Sub

</script><body><form runat="Server">

<asp:datagrid id="sls" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" datakeyfield="Username">   <Columns>    <asp:BoundColumn HeaderText="UserName" datafield="Username"/>

         <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Password">      <ItemTemplate>        <asp:TextBox runat="server" id="txtPass" Columns="10"              Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Password") %>' />      </ItemTemplate>    </asp:TemplateColumn>

  </Columns> </asp:datagrid><asp:button id="Update" text="Update All" runat="Server" onclick="Click"/></form></body></html></code>Anyone have any idea as to why the id variable (error message above) is causing problems?

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SQL Server 2000 - What Is Fully Patched And How Do You Get It Fully Patched Sp4+

May 14, 2008

Having read the following :

How to identify your SQL Server version and edition

How to obtain the latest SQL Server 2000 service pack

Service Pack 4 for Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Cumulative list of the hotfixes that are available for SQL Server 2000 SP4

A cumulative hotfix package is available for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 build 2187

Which appears to indicate
8.00.760 = sp3/sp3a
8.00.2039 = sp4
8.00.2187 = Cumulative rollup
8.00.2249 Final patch build number

I still have the following question which i would very much appreciate help in answering:
If support is required from Microsft what is the acceptable level of SQL Server patching before Microsoft will agree to look at a SQL Server problem. ?
SP4 Build 2039 + Build 2040 (awe fix)
SP4 Build 2187 cumulative rollup
SP4 Build 2249 fully patched as per KB894905
Do I need to apply builds 2187 to 2249 ?
If so where/how can I obtain the down loads from ( 8.00.2187 - 8.00.2249) ?

Have logged a call with microsoft support but as yet no responce.

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Editable Textbox On The Report

Jun 11, 2007


I want to put a textbox on the report such that the end-user can type in that textbox and then the text entered in the textbox could be captured by the report and could be used for further processing. Any pointers to this??



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User-editable Fields In A Report - How?

Sep 10, 2007

Is it possible to set up a report so that there's a column where the user can insert data of their own, which then gets saved to the underlying database?

What I'm thinking of is the ability to have a drop-down box at the end of each row of data in the report, whereby the user can select an option to specify the action they have taken in response to the data. Is this possible, and if so, how exactly would I achieve this?

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Im A Noob And I Need To Make Cell Editable In Studio

Jul 10, 2007

 I have created a table in sql studio and i need to make cell editable and be able to update them to the server. I have looked around here but all i can find is code for the site side, i need a way to do it in studio if possible. BTW im very new to this so im sorry in advance

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Trouble With Editable Data Grid In A Web Page

Apr 12, 2004

I try to find the way to create editable data grid (a view from MySQL database) in a web page. So, user can edit, add, or delete from one page instead of having switch edit, insert pages, one field in the view only. Any script I need to write or any special server behavior I can use?

Thanks a lot any one can help with.


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Custom Dataflow Component: How Do You Make Properties Editable?

Feb 13, 2007

I have a custom component that takes in unicode stream and converts it to ascii text. However I would like to make my default string length and code page editable in the standard GUI editor. Right now I can set the default to 1000 characters, but when I try to change it, it says "Property value is not valid"

Any ideas?


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Editing Underlying Boolean Data Without Making Cells Editable

Oct 5, 2007

I'm having a real hard time coming up with a solution to this problem.  I created a custom gridview control from Dino Esposito's "Extending Gridview" article which autogenerates a checkbox column that allows for multiple record selection.  Once a user checks a box, the entire row gets selected.  I added a dropdown list on the top of the page that has only two options, "Yes" or "No".  What I'm trying to do is update a boolean column called "contract" (I'm using the Pubs sample database) for all selected rows (via checkboxes checked) depending on whether the user selects "Yes" or "No" from the drop down menu.  For example,1)  the user selects "No" in the dropdown2) The user checks all rows in the checkbox column for which he wants the  all the values"contract" field set to "No"3) The user then clicks on a button called "Submit" and all selected records get updated to "No" under the "contracts" column.  The idea is to allow the user to change the boolean values from a field for multiple records.  Hence, making individual cells editable is pointless.  Anybody have an idea how to go about this?

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RAM Not Being Fully Used?

Dec 6, 2007

Hello All,

We have a server running Windows Server 2003 with SQL Server 2005, it also does some minor file-sharing usage.
I noticed that the over 3/4 of our 2GB of RAM was being used by SQL and the pagefile was over 1.5GB constantly.
Needless to say this caused performance issues, so I upgraded to 4 GB of RAM.
However it would seem that nothing has changed.
The same amount of RAM is being committed to SQL resulting in the same size pagefile and 2GB of unused memory.
Should my Windows Processor Scheduling and Memory Usage be set to Programs or Background Services/System Cache for best performance and best usage of memory with SQL server?
Also when I look at the MS SQL server properties, what should these settings be for best performance and memory usage as they are currently set to:
NOT use AWE to allocate memory
0MB - minimum server memory
2147483647MB - maximum server memory
0KB - Index creation memory
1024KB - minimum memory per query

Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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When Will It Be Fully Supported?

Mar 23, 2006

Having sucessfully tested mirroring, I've suggested we should implement it at my place of work.

However, they are non too pleased that it is not yet officialy part of SQL Server 2005 and therefore not supported, does anyone know when it will be in standard edition? because I really really need to know...


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Reporting Services :: Export Server Report Chart To Excel As Editable Chart

Jul 17, 2014

When I export the report in excel format the chart is displayed as picture. I want it to be displayed as editable chart.Does Office Writer work in this situation and did anyone use Office Writer to accomplish same type of problem.Is there any other method or product we can use instead of the office writer.

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Table Is Not Getting Updated Fully

Jan 31, 2008

Hi all,
i have a table1 with 3,25,000 records in US database.i want to upadate this table information in to table2 in SG database based on some condition (if prodid and skuno match in both tables, then update ordertransferind column in table2 from table1) what is happening is after 10,000 records query is not executing. in status bar it is displaying 'done'. but only 10,000 records are updating not the remaining ones. for this 10,000 records also it is taking more than 1 hour time. i tried by incresing the commandTimeout to max value(99999)...but still it is same...any advise...please suggest...
 i am using sql2005,visualstudio 2005....
 thanks for the help..

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Can You Fully Qualify A Server Name In T-SQL?

Jun 30, 2000

I know that you can fully qualify a database and dbo in a statement, but is it possible to do this for different servers? For example, if you have three different servers registered in Enterprise Manager, can you write a script that could query any of the three servers?

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Server Not Connecting Fully

Nov 11, 1999

I am managing a number of SQL Server 6.5 systems via lan and wan connections.
I have a couple of servers which, althought I have an administrator account on the server and access through the fire walls, I can only connect if I set up entries under the client config utility using named pipes with the relevant ip address.
The servers are set up to use both tcp/ip and named pipes. When I do connect I dont get the traffic lights, and Service manager shows the servers in indeterminate state although I know they are running OK.
When I expand the server in EM, the SQL Executive also does not appear, again the service is running.
I am connecting to the server as sa, and can perform all sa functions.
I have connected to the server through security manager and it shows me as an administrator with sa rights.
We are using standard security on these servers.

Anybody any ideas ?

Thanks in advance


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Not Fully Qualified Files

May 24, 2006

Hi all,

I need to create flat file connection managers. The connection Manager editor forces me to use fully qualified file names. Is there a possibility to use unqualified file names, because I need to reference to files in different directories with the identical file strcture.

Any Ideas?


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SQL Server CE V3.1 Not Installing Fully

Oct 25, 2007

I downloaded the windows installer: SQLServerCE31-EN.msi

When I run it, it creates a directory in Program Files The directory has a number of dll files, a Readme file, a word document, and a text document. There is no link to actually launch SQLServer though. I've tried repairing, and removing and reinstalling but the results are the same. Can someone help me figure out how to actually launch this application?


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Build Not Completing Fully

Nov 13, 2007

I have about 35 packages in a SSIS Project and have been successful at building and deploying until now. For some reason it build stops processing after 5 packages and does not update the bindeployment folder.

Are there any logs to which I can refer to find out what is going on? Any ideas why I am experiencing this weird behavior all of a sudden.

I had to delete a couple of packages from my project as I created new replacements for them. I then noticed however that the packages did not get deleted from the bin and deployment folders and so I manually deleted them from those directories. Could this cause any problems and if so can I fix it now?

I appreciate your help and advice!

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Schema, Owner And Fully Qualified Name

Mar 27, 2008

I have a database that has been upgraded from SQL 200 to 2005. The database was owned by 'Joe' and all objects were also owned by 'Joe'. In SQL 2000 when Joe logged in he could simply issue 'select * from table' and would get results.

The upgraded db now has a user Joe and a schema Joe. All objects now belong to the schema Joe. Joe the user has his default schema set to Joe and he is the owner of the schema. When Joe logs in and tries to 'select * from table' he gets an invalid object. He can 'select * from joe.table'.

How can I set it up so that the objects are still owned by the schema Joe and a simple 'select * from table' works when user Joe logs in? I was convinced that is he owned the schema and this was his default schema it should work.


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SQL Search :: Expansion Not Being Utilized Fully

Jun 3, 2015

SQL Server 2008 R2

Issue: In the globalts I have 


my where clause.. is similar to.'where Contains(Word, ''formsof(thesaurus,"'+@curWord+'") OR "'+@curWord+'*"'')'When i pass in Multi-Lan, i get results for Multi-LAN and MultiLAN.. however.. when i pass in Multilan.. i dont get results for Multilan nor Multi-lan.I have double checked my formats, and i have checked to see if this word was used in a previous expansion set.. everything checked out.  I also have many other expansions that function without issue. BT and Bluetooth are interchangeable.

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Statement Failed Not Fully Quailified

Nov 7, 2007

I have a database that is released as part of a thrid party product. I sent out an update but it failed at one of the customer sites because the objects were not fully quailified. The original statement work at all but one of the sites. The altered statement is what finally worked. The SQL Server instances are installation and configuration are controlled by our interface so all instances are installed and configured the same. Any idea on how this would happen? It has never happened on previous updates.

Original Statement:
SELECT * FROM tblProcesses WHERE ProcessName='Name'
INSERT INTO tblProcesses(ProcessName, GroupTypeID, ProcessDesc) VALUES('Name', 1, 'Description')

Altered Statement:
SELECT * FROM dbname.dbo.tblProcesses WHERE tblProcesses.ProcessName='Name'
INSERT INTO tblProcesses(ProcessName, GroupTypeID, ProcessDesc) VALUES('Name', 1, 'Description')

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How To Extract The Filename From A FULLY QUALIFIED NAME?

Nov 29, 2007

hi folks,

i am using foreach loop to load a whole load of files.
but these files are placed into various folders and with distinctive names.

each file is name is certain conventions that imply what sort of data is held in it. like


but within the foreach loop i have a variable with the FULLY QUALIFIED NAME (FQN)as in:


thus i would like to find out how i can extract the filename from the FQN?

could i use a derived column expression or a script task?

many thanks for your assistance,


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Known Bug: Visual SVN Integration Not Fully Working With RS/VS.net

May 21, 2008

Details here: http://groups.google.com/group/visualsvn/browse_thread/thread/b05c327597d9cfae

Why not email them here


and get them to hurry up and fix it!

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SQL ERROR Not Recognizing The Fully Qualified Table Name

Aug 8, 2007

 Why am im i getting this error I am trying to join four table from different databases.select INBTable.InBound_Calls, OUTTable.OutBound_Calls, INBTable.Line_Number as INLine_Number,
OUTTable.Line_Number as OUTLine_Number, INBTable.Hold_Time as INHold_Time,OUTTable.Hold_Time as OUTHold_Time, INBAbandonInfo.INAbandon_Calls as INBAbandon_Calls,
OUTAbandonInfo.OutAbandon_Calls as OUTAbandon_Callsfrom sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_Report20070807IN as INBTable
JOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_Report20070807OUT as OUTTableon INBTable.Line_Number = OUTTable.Line_Number
sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_GraphIN_INAbandon as INBAbandonInfoJOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_GraphIN_OutAbandon.Line_Number as OUTAbandonInfo
on INBAbandonInfo.Line_Number = OUTAbandonInfo.Line_Number
 My Error Message:
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 8
Line 8: Incorrect syntax near 'sql2'.

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Fully Qualified Query Accross Databases

Sep 21, 2007

Are there any perfmonace or query optimization limitations or issues that arise when issueing a fully qualified query across multiple databases on the same Instance of SQL Server. In other words are all features of query optimization fully supported in queries that span databases on the same Instance.

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When To Use Fully Qualified Names ([database].[schema].object)

Dec 29, 2006

I wihsh to discuss whether to use fully qualified names:[database].[schema].objectof objects to operate (create, query..) on is good or not?If someone change order of sql code blocks in my script - this may causelose of it's context (like: use master / use <mydb>..). I wish to have mysript independed on changes like this and always produce correct result.Does using full name make use of 'use <db>' statement unnecessary?

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Static Analysis Of Scripts Not Containing A SQL Object Fully Qualified Name?

Mar 21, 2008

Hello everyone...

Our team has a DBA governing body that refuses to accept any T-SQL script that our dev group writes where fully qualified names of the objects aren't used. These non fully named objects in scripts just aren't accepted in their world.

So, all the scripts the developers now have to write must have fully qualified names in them. Of course, the Query analyser in Managment Studio could care less about object names as long as ambiguity is not found. So, I need some sort of Static Code analysis of these scripts that my team creates in order to hand them over to our DBA's to run.

The DBA's intend to make this inspection a manual process (they have time to kill I guess)... but my team doesn't have that luxury. It is not easy to ensure all scripts have this qualification in them with some many of them being written.

Does anyone know of any algorithim, tool, or options that could help me detect the presence of non-fully qualified names in T-SQL scripts?

Thanks for any ideas...
Ron D.

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Report Server Queue Not Fully Utilizing Resources

Mar 30, 2007

We've set up a report farm with two servers, both 64 bit with 4 CPUs each. One has 16Gig and the other 8Gig of memory. We're using Windows NLB and the load test software confirms that the NLB is working. When we run a number of concurrent reports, both servers get utilized, but they only work on a few at a time. The report server queue doesn't seem to be fully utilizing the hardware. From a prior post I've learned that the report server queue automatically runs 4 reports per CPU. This is not occuring for our setup. Has anyone else experienced the same? Are there any configurations that need to be set to open the queue up? The reports are heavy (300,000 records grouped and summed). Does this affect the queuing process?

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SQL And DataGrid

Aug 10, 2007

I need to take 8 indiviual parts of a table and combine then into 1 Column of a Datagrid.  Is this even possible, if so how?
The DB contains:
Comp1 Comp2 Comp3 ... Comp8
The DG should say
header --> Comp
Data --> Comp1, Comp2, Comp3, ..., Comp8

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May 6, 2004

hey all

i have 2 tables
1. Location (locid, name)
2. Product (pid, locid, productname, ...etc)

right now i do a select * from product where locid ='locid', and a datagrid with colums
ProductId | ProductName | AvailableIn

how do i do a select * from Location where locid ='locid' and show Location Name in the datagrid?

ProductId | ProductName | AvailableIn
123456 | testing | Somewhere (instead of the locid)


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Do I Need To Fully Process The CUBE, If Structural Change To Fact Table Happens

Mar 31, 2007

I have a requirement.

I have a CUBE in SQL 2000. I need to change the structure of Fact Table and i need to add one more dimension to my CUBE.

What are the problems will arise if i do this. i need to Fully process the CUBE?

PLS help me

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Reporting Services :: Server Not Fully Functional After Migrating To New Domain

Jun 19, 2015

I had to migrate my report server (2008R2) to a new domain. I built new server and restored the old ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB into new server and also restored the certificate from old server. The Report Server is running but I don't have full access to all server futures anymore, looks like it's AD authentication messed up. My new account is Admin on new server but I can't see all options, like New Data Source, or wehn going on report level to manage to see all option such as Parameters, Subscriptions, Data Source.

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Are Integration Services Fully Supported On Named Instances Of 2005?

May 30, 2008

Hi folks
I have deployed a package from file resources to sql server named instance. I did not receive any errors. msdb..dtspackages90 table have rows for my package.
But when I try to connect to integration services using ssms like 'serverinstance', I am getting an error saying that 'serverinstance' names are not supported by integrated services and I should use just a servername.
What am I doing wrong? Is that really integration services are not supported on named instances or i miss something?

Thank you, Gene.

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Sqlcmd With Trusted Connection And IP Address Or Fully Qualified Hostname

Nov 9, 2006

The command sqlcmd seems to fail when using trusted connection and an IP address or a fully qualified hostname. For example:

sqlcmd -E -S nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the real IP address of the machine, or

sqlcmd -E -S hostname.domain.com

where hostname.domain.com is the fully qualified hostname of the machine, gives the error:

Msg 18452, Level 14, State 1, Server 380GX280B05, Line 1
Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server c

On the other hand, sqlcmd -E -S works, and so does sqlcmd -E -S hostname, or sqlcmd -E -S tcp:hostname,1433.

This is on a clean machine, with SQL Server 2005 freshly installed as Administrator with mixed authentication, and the test runned also by Administrator.

Is it normal or is it a bug?



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