I am creating a function which is going to return a table. The Code ofr the function is as follows...
Create function udf_qcard (@cg1 varchar(25)) returns @rec_card table (t_cusip varchar(10),t_data varchar(70))
declare @t1_sys char(10),@t1_all varchar(11)
declare @temp_qcard table (tdata varchar(11) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS)
if (substring(@cg1,1,2)='Q$')
set @cg1 = (select substring(@cg1,3,len(@cg1)) where substring(@cg1,1,2)='Q$')
DECLARE c1 SCROLL CURSOR FOR select groups_system, substring(groups_alldata,3,10) from tbl_groups
where groups_system = @cg1 and groups_alldata like 'Q$%' and groups_seq>=1 FOR READ ONLY
insert into @temp_qcard values(@cg1)
FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @t1_sys,@t1_all
insert into @temp_qcard values(@t1_all)
declare @t2_sys char(10),@t2_all varchar(10)
DECLARE c2 SCROLL CURSOR FOR select groups_system, substring(groups_alldata,3,10) from tbl_groups
where groups_system = @t1_all and groups_alldata like 'Q$%' and groups_seq>=1 FOR READ ONLY
FETCH NEXT FROM c2 INTO @t2_sys,@t2_all
insert into @temp_qcard values(@t2_all)
declare @t3_sys char(10),@t3_all varchar(10)
DECLARE c3 SCROLL CURSOR FOR select groups_system, substring(groups_alldata,3,10) from tbl_groups
where groups_system = @t2_all and groups_alldata like 'Q$%' and groups_seq>=1 FOR READ ONLY
FETCH NEXT FROM c3 INTO @t3_sys,@t3_all
insert into @temp_qcard values(@t3_all)
FETCH NEXT FROM c3 INTO @t3_sys,@t3_all
close c3
deallocate c3
FETCH NEXT FROM c2 INTO @t2_sys,@t2_all
close c2
FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @t1_sys,@t1_all
Insert @rec_card select groups_q+groups_cusip,groups_data from tbl_groups
where groups_system in (select tdata from @temp_qcard) and groups_seq>=1 and groups_alldata not like 'Q$%' order by groups_alldata
While compiling this I am getting the Below error ....
Server: Msg 1049, Level 15, State 1, Procedure udf_qcard, Line 10
Mixing old and new syntax to specify cursor options is not allowed.
Server: Msg 1049, Level 15, State 1, Procedure udf_qcard, Line 23
Mixing old and new syntax to specify cursor options is not allowed.
Server: Msg 1049, Level 15, State 1, Procedure udf_qcard, Line 35
Mixing old and new syntax to specify cursor options is not allowed.
Can Anyone please help me how to resolve this issue...
Hi all, In my VWD 2005 Express, I created a website "AverageTCE" that had Default.aspx, Default.aspx.vb and App_Code (see the attached code) for configurating a direct SqlDataSource connection to the dbo.Table "LabData" of my SQL Server 2005 Express "SQLEXPRESS" via SqlDataSource, DataView, CType Function and the Page_Load procedure. I executed the website "AverageTCE" and I got Compilation ErrorBC30451: Name 'SqlDataSource3' is not declared:
Server Error in '/AverageTCE' Application.
Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'SqlDataSource3' is not declared.Source Error:
Line 8: <DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Select)> _ Line 9: Public Shared Function SelectedConcentration() As ConcDB Line 10: Dim dv As DataView = CType(SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView) Line 11: dvConcDB.RowFilter = "Concentration = '" & ddlLabData.SelectedValue & "'" Line 12: Source File: C:Documents and Settingse1enxshcMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005WebSitesAverageTCEApp_CodeConcDB.vb Line: 10 //////////--Default.aspx--////////////////////////// <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head runat="server"> <title>SQL DataSource</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server">
</div> </form> </body> </html> ///////////--Default.aspx.vb--//////////////////////////////// Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page End Class ////////////////--App_Code/ConcDB.vb--////////////////////// Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data.SqlTypes <DataObject(True)> Public Class ConcDB <DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Select)> _ Public Shared Function SelectedConcentration() As ConcDB Dim dv As DataView = CType(SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView) dvConcDB.RowFilter = "Concentration = '" & ddlLabData.SelectedValue & "'" Dim dvRow As DataRowView = dvConcDB(0) Dim ConcDB As New ConcDB ConcDB.SelectedConcentration = CDec(0)("Concentration") Return ConcDB End Function Call AverageValue (Conc1) Public Shared Function AverageValue(ByVal Conc1 As Decimal) Dim AverageConc As Decimal AverageConc = (Conc1 + 22.0) / 2 Return AverageConc End Function End Class ************************************************************** I have 2 questions to ask: 1) How can I fix this Compilation Error BC30451: Name 'SqlDataSource3' is not declared? 2) I just read MSDN Visual Studio 2005 Technical Article "Data Access in ASP.NET 2.0" and I saw the following thing: Types of Data Sources: SqlDataSouirce: The configuration of a SqlDataSoure is more complex then that of the AccessDataSource, and is intended for enterprise applications that require the features provided by a true database management system (DBMS). I am using the website application in VWD 2005 Express to do the task of extracting data values from the Tables of SQL Server 2005 Express via .NET Framwork, ASP.NET 2.0 and VB 2005 programming. Can VWD 2005 Express be configured to SQL Server 2005 Express (SQLEXPESS) for the SqlDataSource connection and do the data-extraction task via DataView, CType Function and the Page-Load procedure? Please help, respond and answer the above-mentiopned 2 questions. Many Thanks, Scott Chang
I'm trying to connect to an SQL database through my asp.net page and I'm getting an Compiler Error Message: BC30188: Declaration expected for the following codes:
DBConn= New OledbConnection("Provider=sqloledb;" _
DBInsert.Commandtext = "Insert Into GuestInfo" _
DBInsert.Connection =DBConn
DBInsert ExecuteNonQuery()
What I'm trying to do is connect to the SQL database and input new information to the database.
This is the entire code for connecting and entering info into the database. The SQL Database's name is HMS. I'm stuck and I can't figure it out.
Hi all,Here is my error: Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure NewAcctTypeSP, Line 10Syntax error converting the varchar value 'The account type is already exist' to a column of data type int.Here is my procedure:ALTER PROC NewAcctTypeSP(@acctType VARCHAR(20), @message VARCHAR (40) OUT)ASBEGIN --checks if the new account type is already exist IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AcctTypeCatalog WHERE acctType = @acctType) BEGIN SET @message = 'The account type is already exist' RETURN @message END BEGIN TRANSACTION INSERT INTO AcctTypeCatalog (acctType) VALUES (@acctType) --if there is an error on the insertion, rolls back the transaction; otherwise, commits the transaction IF @@error <> 0 OR @@rowcount <> 1 BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION SET @message = 'Insertion failure on AcctTypeCatalog table.' RETURN @message END ELSE BEGIN COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN @@ROWCOUNTENDGO --execute the procedureDECLARE @message VARCHAR (40);EXEC NewAcctTypeSP 'CDs', @message;I am not quite sure where I got a type converting error in my code and anyone can help me solve it???(p.s. I want to return the @message value to my .aspx page)Thanks.
I've been looking over this and can't see anything wrong. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? ------------------
Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0117: 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection' does not contain a definition for 'ExecuteReader'
Source Error:
Line 16: SqlCommand myComm = new SqlCommand("SELECT users, password FROM users WHERE username='" + username + "' AND password='" + password + "'", myConn); Line 17: myConn.Open(); Line 18: SqlDataReader myReader = myConn.ExecuteReader(); Line 19: do Line 20: {
IF @art <>'/' INSERT INTO @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL AS ' ', dbo.CD.CDTitle AS 'CD Title',cd.cdtype as 'Section', convert(varchar,cd.cddate,106) as 'Release Date', dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track WHERE artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and artist.artist=@art Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @cd <>'/' insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL AS ' ', dbo.CD.CDTitle AS 'CD Title',cd.cdtype as 'Section', convert(varchar,cd.cddate,106) as 'Release Date', dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and cd.cdtitle=@cd Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @tra <> '/' insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL AS ' ', dbo.CD.CDTitle AS 'CD Title',cd.cdtype as 'Section', convert(varchar,cd.cddate,106) as 'Release Date', dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and track.track=@tra Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @gen <>'/' insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL AS ' ', dbo.CD.CDTitle AS 'CD Title',cd.cdtype as 'Section', convert(varchar,cd.cddate,106) as 'Release Date', dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and cd.cdtype=@gen Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @cdate<>'01/01/1900' insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and cd.cddate=@cdate Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @label<>'/' insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and label.label=@label Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf return end --------------------------------------------------------------------- upon running executing this function with valid values i am not getting any results. anything is wrong? thank you,
I have a SQL function which returns a varchar(max). This gets truncated when the length is greater than 8000. Could you let me know how do I get the return value in a function without it being truncated.
I have to work with some configuration data that is stored in rows as a comma separated values. Something like this:
Key1 A,1,Z,0;B,2,Y,9;C,,8,X;
Key2 Alpha,101;Beta,102;
Each group of data is separated by a semicolon and each value by a comma. The quantity of values may vary from one key to the other. Over this values sometimes I need to run some selects, so I went with the idea to get it as a table using CLR.
There I find the first problem: I didn't find a way to return a "variable" column with a CLR function, I had to create a SP. Ok, now I execute spGetConfigurationAsTable 'Key1' and I can obtain something like this:
A 1 Z 0
B 2 Y 9
C 3 X 8
But I'm faced with a second problem: How can I run a query over this? I didn't find a way to run a query over an output of a SP. And I can't INSERT the result into a temporary table because I cannot CREATE the table static (remember the columns may differ from one configuration to the other).
So, it seemed a pretty simple task and a neat solution, but I'm kinda stuck. Is there a way to run a query over the SP output? Or is there a way to have a variable table output from a CLR UDF?
Here is the code of the CLR SP I use to obtain the data, and also the (non-working) CLR user defined function.
Code Snippet public partial class StoredProcedures { [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure] public static void spGetConfigurationAsTable(string Key) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Context Connection=true"); string SqlCmd = string.Format("SELECT Value FROM Configuracion WHERE [Key] = '{0}' ", Key); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlCmd, conn); conn.Open(); string Value = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); if (Value.Length > 0) { char SeparatorRow = ';'; char SeparatorColumn = ','; if (Value.Split(SeparatorRow)[0].Split(SeparatorColumn).Length > 35) return; StringBuilder SqlCreate = new StringBuilder("DECLARE @Output TABLE ("); for (int i = 0; i < Value.Split(SeparatorRow)[0].Split(SeparatorColumn).Length; i++) { SqlCreate.AppendFormat("[{0}] varchar(50),", Convert.ToChar(65 + i)); } SqlCreate.Remove(SqlCreate.Length - 1, 1); SqlCreate.AppendLine(");"); StringBuilder SqlInsert = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string row in Value.Split(SeparatorRow)) { if (row.Length > 0) { SqlInsert.Append("INSERT INTO @Output VALUES ("); // busca las diferentes "columns" ~ Charly foreach (string column in row.Split(SeparatorColumn)) { SqlInsert.AppendFormat("'{0}',", column); } SqlInsert.Remove(SqlInsert.Length - 1, 1); SqlInsert.AppendLine(");"); } } string SqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM @Output;"; cmd.CommandText = SqlCreate.ToString() + SqlInsert.ToString() + SqlSelect; SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); SqlContext.Pipe.Send(reader); reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); } conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); } };
Code Snippet public partial class UserDefinedFunctions { [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction] public static IEnumerable fGetConfigurationAsTable(string Key) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Context Connection=true"); string SqlCmd = string.Format("SELECT Value FROM Configuracion WHERE [Key] = '{0}' ", Key); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SqlCmd, conn); conn.Open(); string Value = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (Value.Length > 0) { char SeparatorRow = ';'; char SeparatorColumn = ','; if (Value.Split(SeparatorRow)[0].Split(SeparatorColumn).Length > 35) { // throw exception } string ColumnName; for (int i = 0; i < Value.Split(SeparatorRow)[0].Split(SeparatorColumn).Length; i++) { ColumnName = string.Format("[{0}] varchar(50),", Convert.ToChar(65 + i)); dt.Columns.Add(ColumnName, Type.GetType("System.String")); } foreach (string row in Value.Split(SeparatorRow)) { if (row.Length > 0) { dt.Rows.Add(row.Split(SeparatorColumn)); } } } return dt.Rows; } };
I have this assignment where i have a table full of two digit exam scores and I have to write a function that eliminate x number of top values and x number of bottom values and return all the middle values. When the function is called, obviously a number is entered such as 3 and the top 3 and bottom 3 scores are not returned. i.e. SELECT * FROM GetMiddleValues (3);
If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish this, that would be great.
I've been working this for a while. Kind of new to SQL Serverfunctions and not seeing what I am doing wrong. I have this functionCREATE FUNCTION dbo.test (@Group varchar(50))RETURNS smalldatetime ASBEGINDeclare @retVal varchar(10)(SELECT @retVal= MIN([date]) FROM dbo.t_master_schedules WHERE(event_id = 13) AND (group_ =@Group))return convert(smalldatetime, @retVal, 1)ENDThe error I get isServer: Msg 296, Level 16, State 3, Procedure test, Line 6The conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted inan out-of-range smalldatetime value.1) I tried declaring @retVal as a smalldatetime and get the error "Mustdeclare the variable '@retVal'.'2) If I run that same query in query analyzer (manually inserting theparm) it returns 11/14/2006. That's what I want.If I change the function to this and run itCREATE FUNCTION dbo.test (@Group varchar(50))RETURNS varchar(50) ASBEGINDeclare @retVal varchar(50)(SELECT @retVal= MIN([date]) FROM dbo.t_master_schedules WHERE(event_id = 13) AND (group_ =@Group))return convert(smalldatetime, @retVal, 1)ENDIt now works but the return value is Nov 14 2006 12:00AMWhat am I doing wrong?TIA
Hi all--I've got a derived column transformation where I am adding a field called Import_Date. I'm telling it to add as a new column and use the function "GetDate()" to populate the field. When I run the package, it returns NULL as the data value for all rows. Any idea why this might be happening?
I have a problem with "timeout expired. Thei timeout periode elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occured because all pooled connections were use and max pool size was reached" Then i explore and found out that i did not close my SqlDataReader, SqlDataAdapter, SqlCommand or my connection.
But i have a function that return a SqlDataReader. Is this function will cause a connection problem?
Thanks in advance
Public Function GetDataReader(ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal DBCon As DB.DBConnection) As SqlDataReader Dim MyCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, DBCon.GetConnection()) If DBCon.GetConnection().State = ConnectionState.Closed Then DBCon.GetConnection().Open() End If Dim dr As SqlDataReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader() Return dr dr.Close() End Function
Hi,how do I do a simple formula, which will search a field for specialcharacters and return a value.If it finds "%" - it returns 1elseIf it finds "?" it returns 2endIf this is the incorrect newsgroups, please direct me to the correct oneregards Jorgen
I'm trying desparately to write a PadRight function in SQL Server 2005. I seem to be failing miserably because the trailing spaces disappear when the data is returned. First of all, why does SQL Server think I want my string trimmed? And second, how do I overcome this? Code below:
Code Snippet CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[PadRight] (
@sourceString NVARCHAR(4000), @length INT, @padCharacter NCHAR(1) = ' ', @trimBeforePadding BIT = 1 ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(4000) AS BEGIN
DECLARE @returnStringLength AS INT, @toReturn AS NVARCHAR(4000) SET @toReturn = LEFT(@sourceString, @length)
IF @trimBeforePadding = 1
SET @toReturn = RTRIM(LTRIM(@toReturn)) SET @returnStringLength = LEN(@toReturn) IF @returnStringLength < @length
SET @toReturn = @toReturn + REPLICATE(@padCharacter, @length - @returnStringLength) RETURN @toReturn END GO
I'm running the following test query on a single table:
SELECT sph.datestamp, sph.stocksymbol, sph.closing, DATENAME(dw, sph.datestamp), CASE DATENAME(dw, sph.datestamp)Â Â Â WHEN 'Monday' then 'Monday'Â Â ELSE (SELECT CAST(sph2.datestamp AS nvarchar) FROM BI_Test.dbo.StockDB AS sph2 WHERE sph2.DateStamp = DATEADD(d, -1, sph.datestamp) AND sph2.StockSymbol = 'NYA')Â END AS TestCase,
[Code] ....
And here's an example of the output I'm getting:
Why the exact same subquery in the THEN of the second CASE statement is returning NULL when the first one completes as expected?
I have a SSIS package that reads data from a dump table, runs a custom script that takes date data and converts it to the correct format or nulls and formats amt fields to currency, then inserts it to a new table. The new table redirects insert errors. This process worked fine until about 3 weeks ago. I am processing just under 6 million rows, with 460,000 or so insert errors that did give error column and code.
Now, I am getting 1.5 million errors. and nothing has changed, to my knowledge. I receive the following information.
Error Code -1071607685 Error Column 0 Error Desc No status is available.
The only thing I can find for the above error code is
To add to the confusion, I can not see any errors in the data written to the error table. It appears that after a certain point is reached in the processing, everything, or most records, error out.
SP is taking more time for compilation.SP has 30 update statement all are using indexed column in where clause.how can i force SP to take less compilation time.
Hi,I'm using SQL Server 2000 MSDE on a laptop running Windows XP.I have a couple of SP's that that quite some time to compile. So I waswondering: is there any way to have the database *not* recompile them everytime after a reboot?BOL says: "As a database is changed by such actions as adding indexes orchanging data in indexed columns, the original query plans used to accessits tables should be optimized again by recompiling them. This optimizationhappens automatically the first time a stored procedure is run afterMicrosoft® SQL ServerT 2000 is restarted."Now the SQL Server is restarted a lot, because laptops don't have endlessbatteries <g>Cheers,Bas
Using small stored procs or sp_executesql dramatically reduces the number ofrecompiles and increases the reuse of execution plans. This is evident fromboth the usecount in syscacheobjects, perfmon, and profiler. However I'm ata loss to determine what causes a compilation. Under rare circumstances theusecount for Compiled Plan does not increase as statements are run. Seemsto correspond to when there is no execution plan. It would seem to me thatcompilation is a resource intensive task that if possible (data and schemaare not changing) should be held to a minimum.How does one encourage the reuse of compile plans?Is this the same as minimizing compilation?Looks like some of this behavior is changing in SQL 2005....Thanks,Danny
I started with an inline table returning function with a hard coded input table name. This works fine, but my boss wants me to generalize the function, to give it in input table parameter. That's where I'm running into problems.
In one forum, someone suggested that an input parameter for a table is possible in 2012, and the example I saw used "sysname" as the parameter type. It didn't like that. I tried "table" for the parameter type. It didn't like that.
The other suggestion was to use dynamic sql, which I assume means I can no longer use an inline function.
This means switching to the multi-line function, which I will if I have to, but those are more tedious.
Any syntax for using the inline function to accomplish this, or am I stuck with multi-line?
A simple example of what I'm trying to do is below:
Create FUNCTION [CSH388102].[fnTest] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @Source_Tbl sysname ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( select @Source_Tbl.yr from @Source_Tbl )
Error I get is:
Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Procedure fnTest, Line 12 Must declare the table variable "@Source_Tbl".
If I use "table" as the parameter type, it gives me:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fnTest, Line 4 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'table'. Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure fnTest, Line 12 Must declare the scalar variable "@Source_Tbl".
Hi, We are using .Net 2.0 for developing our application, All the file in this application are source safed, Whenever we do modification in the code it take longer time to build approax it takes around 2 min to display the default page (login page).
Please do send out your suggestions to reduce the time take for the build, is there any setting need to be done in IDE to make the build process much faster.
I would like to know if the execution plans of stored procs also get migrated when we do migration to 2005 from 2000 using attachdetach method or we will need to re-run the stored procs?
The thing is when I am running the Stored procs in 2005, its performing really slow in first run.
How can we say whether the SP is successfully compiled or not if we are compiling it on the server as a part of the TSQL script since it does not throw any message like ORACLE does.
In oracle, system will let you know whether the the procedure is successfully complied or not?
I€™m having a test regarding to the image data type. The test program is written with sql native api and just update the image data type column, but I looked the SQL Compilations/sec and Batch Requests/sec counters in SQLServer:QL Statistics using Perfmon, both values are almost the same. It seemed whenever the stored procedure is called, SQLServer compiles it and makes execution plan again. But when I had a test without image data type, SQL Compilation/sec was 0. SQL version is Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (Intel X86) (Build 2600: Service Pack 2).
Is SQL server working the way expected or am I missing something?
hi,when i execute :CCommand<CManualAccessor, CBulkRowset, CNoMultipleResults> rs;rs.SetRows(100);HRESULT code_resultat = rs.Open(session, requete, &propset, NULL,DBGUID_DBSQL, FALSE);with a requete with length = 13000, it works perfectlybut when my requete length is 200000 (example : SELECT * FROM myTABLEWHERE id_table IN("lot of number : more then 30000 number"))i have code_resultat = DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND (= 0x80040e14)and when i explore the IErrorInfo message, i have :minor = 565 and the message issource :Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Serverserveur has made a stack overflow during compilation...Is there a solution to extract to data ?in a fast way ...thanks in advance ...Mike
I am wondering something, once we've created a job that executes a package at a given time interval, does that package get recompiled each time the job spins up and executes the package? Or is the package compiled once and then that compiled code is executed each run after the first run?
What I'm seein is this; I have a package that reads data from flat text files and then dumps that data into the database. The package will take 3 minutes to execute when executing on a single file, but when it's looping through ~50 files, it will take ~30 minutes to execute, that is less than a minute per file. Why is this?
Hopefully I'm just forgetting something and not setting a checkbox or radio button somewhere. The job is set up as an SSIS job, not as a command line job.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Wayne E. Pfeffer Sr. Systems Analyst Hutchinson Technolgy Inc.
Hi, I would like to find out about SSIS compilation. Can you mention anything regarding this issue or can you point me out to a website for this topic please?
When i run the Execute SQL Task i get the following error:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "exec dbo.myProc " failed with the following error: "End tag 'ROOT' does not match the start tag 'LagArtNr'. ". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Sicne the XML is valid I have no idea why the task fails... I have read this link... http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=619288&SiteID=1 ... where using FOR XML RAW should do it, but it doesn´t help me
I am re-writing old DTS packages(from sql 2005) to convert them to SSIS packages(sql 2014) and in one of the script task, the old activex script does not run.