I am migrating an application from Oracel to SQL7. There is a view
in Oracle which uses a user-define function to generate a column.
Since SQL7 does not support user-defined functions in SQL, I wonder
if there is a workaround. Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks in advance.
In the 70-461 objectives it says: Ensure code non regression by keeping consistent signature for procedure, views and function (interfaces); security implications...I think I understand what this means in general. They want us to be able to create a view that will still be able to call the original data even if the table is modified. In other words, the view table shouldn't easily be broken. ie, type a code that does NOT ensure non regression, then change the code so that it does ensure non regression.
Fellow database developers,I would like to draw on your experience with views. I have a databasethat includes many views. Sometimes, views contains other views, andthose views in turn may contain views. In fact, I have some views inmy database that are a product of nested views of up to 6 levels deep!The reason we did this was.1. Object-oriented in nature. Makes it easy to work with them.2. Changing an underlying view (adding new fields, removing etc),automatically the higher up views inherit this new information. Thismake maintenance very easy.3. These nested views are only ever used for the reporting side of ourapplication, not for the day-to-day database use by the application.We use Crystal Reports and Crystal is smart enough (can't believe Ijust said that about Crystal) to only pull back the fields that arebeing accessed by the report. In other words, Crystal will issue aSelect field1, field2, field3 from ReportingView Where .... eventhough "ReportingView" contains a long list of fields.Problems I can see.1. Parent views generally use "Select * From childview". This meansthat we have to execute a "sp_refreshview" command against all viewswhenever child views are altered.2. Parent views return a lot of information that isn't necessarilyused.3. Makes it harder to track down exactly where the information iscoming from. You have to drill right through to the child view to seethe raw table joins etc.Does anyone have any comments on this database design? I would love tohear your opinions and tales from the trenches.Best regards,Rod.
Newbie here. I've only been using SQL for about a year now and have some minor questions about sql objects that reference other objects.
We have some views which reference other views in the joins. I will call one the primary view and the one being referenced in the joins as the secondary view.
Recently we made changes to the secondary view.
After which the primary views which referenced it would not work because of this change and had to be 'refreshed' by using drop/create scripts which essentially just dropped it and recreated the exact same view. I do not recall the exact error message that was returned other than it seemed to suggest that it could no longer see the secondary view since it had been changed. Nothing in the primary view was changed in any way, just the secondary.
Some here where I work have suggested off hand that this was a recompile of the primary view because the contents of the secondary changed.
My questions are:
1. Exactly why did this happen and is there a proper name for it when it does?
2. The same problem does not seem to occur when we have stored procedures referencing views in the joins which had just been changed. Why is that?
Thanks for any help on the matter. I greatly appreciate it.
Hello There,I'm trying to create a view that has calculations dependent oncalculations, where the problem resides is that each time I make acalculation I must create an intermediate view so I can reference aprevious calculation.for example lets say I have my_table that has columns a & b. now I wanta view that has a & b, c = a + b, and d = c + 1.this is grossly simplified, the calculations I actually use are fairlycomplex and copying / pasting them is out of the question.so what I have is my_view_a which makes column c, and my my_view_finalwhich makes column d (however, in my real application I have 5 of theseviews, a/b/c/d/e/)is there anyway I can consolidate all these views into one? I wasthinking of using a stored procedure with temp tables or somethingalong those lines.I just which I can use the aliases that I create for c in d in onestep.any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I have this function in access I need to be able to use in ms sql. Having problems trying to get it to work. The function gets rid of the leading zeros if the field being past dosn't have any non number characters.For example:TrimZero("000000001023") > "1023"TrimZero("E1025") > "E1025"TrimZero("000000021021") > "21021"TrimZero("R5545") > "R5545"Here is the function that works in access:Public Function TrimZero(strField As Variant) As String Dim strReturn As String If IsNull(strField) = True Then strReturn = "" Else strReturn = strField Do While Left(strReturn, 1) = "0" strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 2) Loop End If TrimZero = strReturnEnd Function
I need to be able to pass the output of a function to another function as input, where all functions involved are user-defined in-line table-valued functions. I already posted this on Stack Exchange, so here is a link to the relevant code: [URL] ...
I am fairly certain OUTER APPLY is the core answer here; there's *clearly* some way in which does *not* do what I need, or I would not get the null output you see in the link, but it seems clear that there should be a way to fool it into working.
Can anybody know ,how can we add builtin functions(ROW_NUMBER()) of Sql Server 2005 into database library. I get this error when i used into storeprocedure : ROW_NUMBER() function is not recognized in store procedure. i used MS SQL SERVER 2005 , so i think "ROW_FUNCTION()" is not in MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library. I need to add that function into MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library. Can anbody know how we can add that function into MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library?
I want to write function to call another function which name isparameter to first function. Other parameters should be passed tocalled function.If I call it function('f1',10) it should call f1(10). If I call itfunction('f2',5) it should call f2(5).So far i tried something likeCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[func] (@f varchar(50),@m money)RETURNS varchar(50) ASBEGINreturn(select 'dbo.'+@f+'('+convert(varchar(50),@m)+')')ENDWhen I call it select dbo.formuła('f_test',1000) it returns'select f_test(1000)', but not value of f_test(1000).What's wrong?Mariusz
Ok, I'm pretty knowledgable about T-SQL, but I've hit something that seems should work, but just doesn't... I'm writing a stored procedure that needs to use the primary key fields of a table that is being passed to me so that I can generate what will most likely be a dynamically generated SQL statement and then execute it. So the first thing I do, is I need to grab the primary key fields of the table. I'd rather not go down to the base system tables since we may (hopefully) upgrade this one SQL 2000 machine to 2005 fairly soon, so I poke around, and find sp_pkeys in the master table. Great. I pass in the table name, and sure enough, it comes back with a record set, 1 row per column. That's exactly what I need. Umm... This is the part where I'm at a loss. The stored procedure outputs the resultset as a resultset (Not as an output param). Now I want to use that list in my stored procedure, thinking that if the base tables change, Microsoft will change the stored procedure accordingly, so even after a version upgrade my stuff SHOULD still work. But... How do I use the resultset from the stored procedure? You can't reference it like a table-valued function, nor can you 'capture' the resultset for use using the syntax like: DECLARE @table table@table=EXEC sp_pkeys MyTable That of course just returns you the RETURN_VALUE instead of the resultset it output. Ugh. Ok, so I finally decide to just bite the bullet, and I grab the code from sp_pkeys and make my own little function called fn_pkeys. Since I might also want to be able to 'force' the primary keys (Maybe the table doesn't really have one, but logically it does), I decide it'll pass back a comma-delimited varchar of columns that make up the primary key. Ok, I test it and it works great. Now, I'm happily going along and building my routine, and realize, hey, I don't really want that in a comma-delimited varchar, I want to use it in one of my queries, and I have this nice little table-valued function I call split, that takes a comma-delimited varchar, and returns a table... So I preceed to try it out... SELECT *FROM Split(fn_pkeys('MyTable'),DEFAULT) Syntax Error. Ugh. Eventually, I even try: SELECT *FROM Split(substring('abc,def',2,6),DEFAULT) Syntax Error. Hmm...What am I doing wrong here, or can't you use a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function? SELECT *FROM Split('bc,def',DEFAULT) works just fine. So my questions are: Is there any way to programmatically capture a resultset that is being output from a stored procedure for use in the stored procedure that called it? Is there any way to pass a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function? Oh, this works as well as a work around, but I'm more interested in if there is a way without having to workaround: DECLARE @tmp varchar(8000) SET @tmp=(SELECT dbo.fn_pkeys('MyTable')) SELECT * FROM Split(@tmp,DEFAULT)
Hi everyone, I have a problem like this . I have tables Coursegroupcode, which has groupname, codeI have Courses That has Coursename, its code(group code),Term, Course Number Enrollment table which has Foreign keys Term,Course NUmber , SSN I need to get a view like thisI should list all the coursecodes and people enrolled for each course code for selected terms Course Table Primary keys(TERM,COUSE Number)Enrollment Table(Foreign keys) TERM ,COURSE NUMBER, SSNplease help
Can SQL Views insert to the tables they are created from?I have a database that is not well structured. It has a lot of redundency. What I want to do is create a SQL View that brings in all the data I need and have my application use that new SQL View instead of the data tables. Then I want to be able to insert new information to a SQL View that actualy gets inserted into the tables that the SQL Viewer is created from.Can this be done?Does this make any sense?
I have a query which unions the four select statements.....
the select statements are joined with other tables and views.....
When i execute the query i get ODBC timeout error........
But the strange thing is that if i execute the view individually once and again execute the query it works fine.......and later it justs works fine....
Is there a performance hit running a sp against a view versus a base table. The view just excludes several of the records based on some criteria, and all the data I will be retreiving is included in the view. Or should I just stick my criteria in the SP to exclude the data?
I have some rather complex views to work with. Do they slow you down? Would it be better to move a view into a stored procedure? Is there any difference between these three solutions? <B>1.Using views:</b> Create view X As Select Col1, Col2, Col3 from Table1 Go
Create view Y As Select Col1, Col2, Col3 from Table2 Go
Create proc Z As Select X.Col2, X.Col3, Y.Col2, Y.Col3 From X inner join Y on X.Col1 = X.Col1 GO
<b>2.Using just a stored proc:</b> Create proc Z As Select X.Col2, X.Col3, Y.Col2, Y.Col3 from (Select Col1, Col2, Col3 from Table1) X inner join (Select Col1, Col2, Col3 from Table2) Y on X.Col1 = Y.Col1
<b>.Joining tables</b> Create proc Z As Select Table1.Col2, Table1.Col3, Table2.Col1, Table2.Col3 FromTable1 inner join Table2 on Table1.Col1 = Table2.Col1 go
My First time building "Views" in SQL...... I'm trying to figure out how to return a 1 instead of a two when I Count the number of records that return inn my view.
here's what I have;
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.idCalendar, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.erNum, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.PayDate, COUNT(dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.TransAmt) AS Shifts, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.[Employee Number], dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.YCode, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.XCode, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.ZCode, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.eeLink FROM dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_SysVarRestEeShiftPayCodes ON dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.Code = dbo.tbl_SysVarRestEeShiftPayCodes.PayCode INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_SysVarRestEeShiftRules ON dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.YCode = dbo.tbl_SysVarRestEeShiftRules.YCode AND dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.ZCode = dbo.tbl_SysVarRestEeShiftRules.ZCode WHERE (dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.Sequence <> N'0') AND (dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.Week < 3) GROUP BY dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.idCalendar, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.erNum, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.PayDate, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.TransAmt, dbo.tbl_SysVarRestEeShiftRules.DailyHours, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.[Employee Number], dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.XCode, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.YCode, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.ZCode, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.eeLink, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.Sequence, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.Week HAVING ('IIf' > '1,1,0') AND ('if' > '1,1') AND (dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.erNum LIKE N'5648 ') AND (SUM(dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.TransAmt) >= dbo.tbl_SysVarRestEeShiftRules.DailyHours) AND (dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.PayDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2005-09-06 00:00:00', 102)) AND (COUNT(dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.TransAmt) > 0) ORDER BY dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.PayDate, dbo.tbl_ProcTimesheet.[Employee Number]
When it counts shifts, I only want to return a maximum of i, as in either you had a shoft that day, or not. I gave up trying to figure out the "IF" string in SQL, and for the life of me I can not figure this out.
Does anyone know a good site with info on how to construct an SQL View?
MS SQL Server 2005 What happens if 2 or more users use the same View at the same time or while other user is using it, normally from Crystal Reports 10 It rebuilds again? Or?
I have a SQL server: SQL2005 2 databases db_repl: contains replicated data from mainframe db_my: my database
db_my.vwRepl_WorkOrders: Select 1,2,3 from db_repl.dbo.WorkOrders db_my.vwWorkOrdersOpen: select 1,2,3 from db_my.vwRepl_WorkOrders where Status=1
which approach is more optimal to do in order to find open work orders from Texas: [select 1,2,3 from db_repl.dbo.workOrders where Status=1 and State=1 or select 1,2,3 from db_my.vwWorkOrdersOpenwhere where State=1] Is it best practice to use 'subviews' that acess db_repl directly or acess views in my_db that acess db_repl (2 hops or more if views call other views that call other views) Answer might be the obvious but just in case I am missing something here . Thanks!
Can someone tell me when I would get an error like the one below: "Update or insert of view or function failed because it contains a derived or constant field."
Here is how I create a VIEW
Now, I am trying to update data using the view UPDATE [vSample] SET [CURRENT_QUANTITY] = 598.00 WHERE (1 = 1)
I have tried casting the number 598.00 as int and no luck. Can someone please help or guide me on this problem?