Function That Returns Table
Sep 5, 2006Hello,
Is there any way to write a function where I can write some code and at the end of the code return a entire table as parameter??
Is there any way to write a function where I can write some code and at the end of the code return a entire table as parameter??
We run std 2008 r2. I haven't looked at my friend's function closely yet bur he showed me that when he selects from the function with one column and the same where clause he uses on same func with select *, he gets no data under the column he requested.Â
But when he selects * he gets a single row.
I took a peek and see a bunch of left joins followed by a bunch of outer applies in his func. I suppose (thinking out load) if anything random like the order of rows returned or sql decisions on how query runs can affect his function, that might explain it. Â
Hi, How to write a SQL function that returns a string that contains xml string from "SELECT ....FOR XML"In other word, I want to put result of select .. for xml into a variable.Thanks
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a function that compares two columns in a row and will returnthe highest of the two values? Something like:Acct Total_Dollars Collected Total_Dollars_Due11233 900.00 1000.00Declare @Value as moneyset @Value=GetHighest(Total_Dollars_Collected,TotalDol lars_Due)Print @ValueThis function will return 1000.00 or the Total_dollars_Due??Is there such a creature???
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have following select-statement:
select [date], [close], AVG([close]) over (order by [date] rows between 2 preceding and current row ) as [ma]
from dax2
My Problem is that the first 2 rows in column [ma] are not correct. They Show a value since it is not a 3 days average. In the first row in column [ma]is the same value as in [Close]. In the second row in column [ma] is the average value of the first and second value of column [Close].
How can i achieve that this "erroneous" values are not inserted or rather are shown as null.
Hello All,
I have a situation where after creating roles and addding users to the roles then when i call Is_Member('MyRole') on my development box it tells me the user is a member of the Role,
But when i detach the database and deploy on a production server and call Is_Member('MyRole') it tells me that the user is not a member of the Role....
I went on to call the system stored procedures, sp_helprolemember to actualy determine if the user is in the 'MyRole' role and the procedure returned a list which i confirmed that the user actually exists in that role..
So am pretty confused when i call Is_Member('MyRole') and it gives me 0 meaning the user is not in the role....
Plss i need help on this thanks a million
Dear all hi,
I would like to create a function that will return to me the width of the column of the table without giving as a parameter the table name. I need it, as I want to exceed my data in this column to the column length. I want to fill the column data with trailing blanks until I reach the column width. The function len returns the length of the data in the column.
I know that If I have the table name I can find the column width through the system tables. I don€™t want this.
Is there a function that gets the name of a column and a string as arguments and returns the position of this string in the column given?
Thank you in advance.
From what I've seen, the CheckSum_Agg function appears to returns 0 for even number of repeated values. If so, then what is the practical use of this function for implementing an aggregate checksum across a set of values?
For example, the following work as expected; it returns a non-zero checksum across (1) value or across (2) unequal values.
declare @t table ( ID int );
insert into @t ( ID ) values (-7077);
select checksum_agg( ID ) from @t;
declare @t table ( ID int );
insert into @t ( ID ) values (-7077), (-8112);
select checksum_agg( ID ) from @t;
However, the function appears to returns 0 for an even number of repeated values.
declare @t table ( ID int );
insert into @t ( ID ) values (-7077), (-7077);
select checksum_agg( ID ) from @t;
It's not specific to -7077, for example:
declare @t table ( ID int );
insert into @t ( ID ) values (-997777), (-997777);
select checksum_agg( ID ) from @t;
What's curious is that (3) repeated equal values will return a checksum > 0.
declare @t table ( ID int );
insert into @t ( ID ) values (-997777), (-997777), (-997777);
select checksum_agg( ID ) from @t;
But a set of (4) repeated equal values will return 0 again.
declare @t table ( ID int );
insert into @t ( ID ) values (-997777), (-997777), (-997777), (-997777);
select checksum_agg( ID ) from @t;
Finally, a set of (2) uneuqal values repeated twice will return 0 again.
declare @t table ( ID int );
insert into @t ( ID ) values (-997777), (8112), (-997777), (8112);
select checksum_agg( ID ) from @t;
Any UDF that accepts a Month and Year and returns Start Date and End Date.
For example @Month = 01 and @Year = 2014 would return a StartDate of 2014-01-01 and an EndDate of 2014-01-31.
I have a field called CustomerName Varchar 100 and I wish to write a function that can do the following in a script component task
create a function called CleanString (ByVal CustomerName as String) As String
CleanString Returns the last word of a Customer name if the CustomerName field contains more than one word or if the CustomerName field does not contain Corp or Ltd
ie parse 'Mr John Tools' and the function returns 'Tools'
ie parse 'TechnicalBooks' and the function returns 'TechnicalBooks'
ie parse 'Microsoft Corp' return 'Microsoft Corp'
ie parse 'Digidesign Ltd' return 'Digidesign Ltd'
Any idea of a regular expression or existing piece of existing code I can have
thanks in advance
I've written sql code which takes a date and finds the Last Day of the Month one year ago. For example, it takes the date '2015-04-17' and returns the date '2014-04-30'. The code works fine in a query. Now I'm trying to turn this into a function. However, when I try to create the function I get the error:
Operand type clash: date is incompatible with int
Why is this error being returned?
Here is my function:
      RETURNS date
 DECLARE @Result date;
 SET @Result = convert(DATE, DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,dateadd(m, -11, @Input)+1),0)),101)
   RETURN @Result;
When I'm checking the syntax in Query Analyzer for the following code, I get the error:
"Must declare the variable '@TempVariableTable' "
spGetTableTesting returns a table
(@VALUE1 nvarchar(50),
@VALUE2 nvarchar(50))
DECLARE @TempVariableTable table
(Field1 int)
EXEC @TempVariableTable = spGetTableTesting @VALUE1,@VALUE2
How do I set the @TempVariableTable to the results from spGetTableTesting?
Hi. This is a SQL question.
I am trying to wrap a stored procedure with a UDF so I can do selects against the result. The following doesn't work, but is it possible to do something like:
Create Function test()returns @tmp table ( myfield int)asbegin insert into @tmp (field1) Exec dbo.MySprocWhichRequires3ParmsAndReturnsATable 5, 6, 10 output returnend
I am looking for a script, that returns all SPs, which related to a given table, incl. the access type.For example: the SPs SP_test1, SP_test2, SP_test3 are dependencies of MyTable
This should be the result:
--> SP_test1: select
--> SP test1: update
--> SP_test1: drop
--> SP test2: delete
--> SP_test3: insert
There are a lot of scripts, who returns the related SPs.
I'm trying to understand why I can enter a query such as:
select 5,"random"
from customers;
and get two columns with 5 and "random" in every respective column field.Why don't I receive a syntax error ?
HI all,In SQL Server, i have a function which will return a table. likecreate function fn_test (@t int) returns table asreturn (select * from table)now i want the function to retun the table based on some condition like belowcreate function fn_test(@t int) returns table asif @t = 1 return (select * from table1)else return (select * from table2)It is not working for me. Please give me your suggesstions. It's very urgent.Thank you in advance....
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Microsoft sql server 2005 with Microsoft JDBC driver.
To connect to the database I use the Torque/Village API.
The Torque/village code is dependent on getTableName() method of ResultSetMetaData. But the driver returns "" for this method.
Why is this so? Is it possible to get a patch for the driver which fixes this issue?
I have the following query:
select sq.*, p.numero, p.nombre
from paf p right outer join dbo.GetListOfSquaresForShippingLot(@lot) sq on sq.number = p.numero and sq.version = p.numero
The @lot parameter is declared at the top ( declare @lot int; set @lot = 1; ). GetListOfSquaresForShippingLot is a CLR TVF coded in C#. The TVF queries a XML field in the database and returns nodes as rows, and this is completed with information from a table.
If I run a query with the TVF only, it returns data; but if I try to join the TVF with a table, it returns empty, even when I'm expecting matches. I thought the problem was the data from the TVF was been streamed and that's why it could not be joined with the data from the table.
I tried to solve that problem by creating a T-SQL multiline TVF that is supposed to generate a temporary table. This didn't fix the problem.
What can I do? Does anybody know if I can force the TVF to render its data somewhere so the JOIN works? I was thinking a rowset function could help, but I just can't figure out how.
Let me know if you want the code for the CLR TVF. This is the code for the T-SQL TVF:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetTabListOfSquaresForShippingLot]
@ShippingLot int
@result TABLE
Number int, Version int, Position smallint,
SubModel smallint, Quantity smallint,
SquareId nvarchar(5),
ParentSquareId nvarchar(5),
IsSash smallint,
IsGlazingBead smallint,
Width float,
Height float,
GlassNumber smallint,
GlassWidth float,
GlassHeight float
FROM dbo.GetListOfSquaresForShippingLot(@ShippingLot)
I am databinding a dataset formed from a stored procedure,(all done on page_load).
However, the reference to the column name is not recognised with the following error being returned.
Column with name "CalcVal" was not found.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Column with name "CalcVal" was not found.Source Error:
Line 152: chartCommand.Fill(chartDs);
Line 153: Chart1.DataSource = chartDs;
Line 154: Chart1.DataBind();
Line 155:
Line 156: }
This worked before deployment and the other controls which are bound to data using stored procedures seem to work. However, these other data sources are all sqlDatasoure controls.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
I have found issues relating the to user ID and password which seems to depend on whether the web server and data server are the same machine or whether they are remote from each other.
Hi.I have a table (websitehits) which holds statistics about websites.This table has a date field (datecounted). What I need is to create aquery which returns a list of dates between two date ranges (say ayear ago from today and a year from now) which only shows dates thathaven't been used in the websitehits table for a given website.For example if my table contains something like:Website Datecounted HitsSite101/01/046000Site101/02/046500Site101/03/046250Site201/03/041000Site201/04/041200Site201/05/041500So if query for ‘site1' then I'd get a list of all dates between30/11/03 to 30/11/05 with the exception of the dates 01/01/04,01/02/04 and 01/03/04.So far I've tried to do this using another table named calendar whichcontains a very long list of dates and to use this to produce the list– but I'm not getting very far.By the way I'm using sql server, an I need this query to generate alist for an asp page - so I need to pass the website name as aparameter so I guess I need to make this query as a stored procedure.Does anyone know how this can be done?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi all,
I executed the following sql script successfuuly:
USE pubs
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AuthorsForState(@cState char(2))
RETURN (SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE state = @cState)
And the "dbo.AuthorsForState" is in the Table-valued Functions, Programmabilty, pubs Database.
I tried to get the result out of the "dbo.AuthorsForState" by executing the following sql script:
USE pubs
SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN
I got the following error message:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'shcInLineTableFN'.
Please help and advise me how to fix the syntax
"SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN"
and get the right table shown in the output.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
Hello All.
I am struggling with the below join block in my stored procedure.
I can't seem to get the duplicate row problem to go away. It seems that SQL is treating each new instance of an email address as reason to create a new row despite the UNIONs.
I understand that if I am using UNION, using DISTINCT is redundant and will not solve the duplicate row problem.
Primary Keys: none of the email address columns are primary keys. Each table has an incrementing ID column that serves
as the primary key.
I am guessing I am encountering this problem because of how
I have structured my Join statements? Is it possible to offer advice without a deeper understanding of my data model or
do you need more information?
Thanks for any tips.
select emailAddress from Users union
select user_name from PersonalPhotos union
select email_address from EditProfile union
select email_address from SavedSearches union
select distinct email_address from UserPrecedence union
select email_address from LastLogin) drv
Left Join Users tab1 on (drv.emailAddress = tab1.emailAddress)
Inner Join UserPrecedence tab5 on tab5.UserID=tab1.UserID
Left Join PersonalPhotos tab2 on (drv.emailAddress = tab2.user_name)
Left Join LastLogin tab4 on (drv.emailAddress = tab4.email_address)
Left Join EditProfile tab3 on (drv.emailAddress = tab3.email_address)
Left Join SavedSearches tab6 on (drv.emailAddress = tab6.email_address
I have a stored proc that inserts into a table variable (@ReturnTable) and then ends with "select * from @ReturnTable."
It executes as expected in Query Analyzer but when I call it from an ADO connection the recordset returned is closed. All the documentation that I have found suggests that table variables can be used this way. Am I doing somthing wrong?
Not too long ago I was looking to change a primary key in a table from one column to another, the standard accepted procedure to so procedure to do so (I was told) was:
1) drop primary key constraint from old_key_column
2)add primary key constraint to new_key_column
3) drop old_key_column (optional).
In order to carry out the first step, I needed the name of the primary key constraint, at which point I asked around for a command that would return that name (and would quite probably take as a parameter the name of the column that key is related to). The answer was :
Try this:
select name 'constraintName' from sys.indexes where object_id=object_id('<tableName>') and is_primary_key=1
Unfortunately this command never worked for me. Probably because I don't have a table sys.indexes in my DB, but I can see a table sysindexes in the system tables folder, then again that table doesn't have an object_id column, but it has an id column, finally this column only contain obscur numbers.
So I am asking you all (again) for help, do you know about a command that returns every single constraint related to a column (or a table, or both).
One more thing, I am running SQL SERVER 2000, I do know that there are graphic ways to do those very operations (in the enterprise manager or the query analyzer) and I do know those ways (that's how i got past the problem mentioned earlier), I just think that knowing how to do it programmatically would be a plus.
PS: I am a total newbie to T-SQL (and a still a beginner in SQL, so please take it easy with me )
I have a table that contains a column for a calcuated member (x) of type decimal number. When I tried to display the total of this calculated member in the table footer (=sum(x)), I am getting "#Error" instead of the sum of all displayed calculated values.
Column X
#Error (footer cell, expression -> =Sum(x))
=First(x), =Last(x) and =Max(x) worked fine, not sure why Sum failed. Please help...
OK heres the situation, I have a Categories table and a Products table, each Category can have one or many Products, but a product can only belong to one Category hence one-to-many relationship.
Now I want to do a SELECT query that outputs all of the Categories onto an ASP page, but also displays how many Products are in each category eg.
CatID | Name | Description | No. Products
0001 | Cars | Blah blah blah | 5
etc etc
At the moment I'm doing nesting in my application logic so that for each category that is displayed, another query is run that returns the number of products for that particular category. It works ok!
However, is there a way to write a SQL Statement that returns all the Categories AND number products from just the one SELECT statement, rather than with the method I'm using outlined above? The reason I'm asking is that I want to be able to order by the number of products for each category and my method doesn't allow me to do this.
Many thanks!
I have a simple query that joins a largeish fact table (3 million rows) to a view that returns 120 rows. The SKEY in the view is returned via a scalar function. The view returns instantly if queried on it's own however when joined to the fact table in the simple query below results in a query execution plan that runs forever. Interestingly if I change the INNER JOIN to a LEFT OUTER JOIN the query returns the matched results almost instantly.
Inner Join Dimension.Age_Band ON
Group By
I know joining to a view using a column generated by a scalar function is not a good recipe for performance. I also know that I could fix this by populating a physical table with the view first as I have already tested this though I hoping not to have to go down that route.
Why a LEFT OUTER JOIN works and not an INNER JOIN or anyway I can get the query optimizer to generate an execution plan that works?
we are facing problem in executing a stored procedure from Java Session Bean,
coding is below.
pst = con.prepareStatement("EXEC testProcedure ?", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
pst.setString(1, "IN");
rs = pst.executeQuery();
System.out.println(" Row Number "+rs.getRow());
System.out.println(" Procedure is "+rs.getString(1));
same sp working perfectly with SQL Server 2000
am getting a error message
Exception: A server cursor cannot be opened on the given statement or statements
. Use a default result set or client cursor.
If a SP doesnt have a temp table, then there is no issue, SP executes perfectly, but if a SP has a temp table, this error occurs.
SP :
create proc testProcedure
@countrCode varchar(3)
select countryname INTO #TMPCOU from country where countryCode = @countrCode
Its really very urgent. Please help me...!
I created very simple table with 3 columns and one is varchar(max) datatype
When i insert records thru VC++ ADO code i am getting this error
Exception Description Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check e
ach OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done. and Error Number:: -2147217887
ODBC Driver: SQL Native Client
SQL server 2005
[ID] [int] NULL,
[Name] [varchar](max) NULL,
[CITY] [varchar](50) NULL
VC++ code
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <strstream>
#include <iomanip>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
_RecordsetPtr pExtRst = NULL;
_bstr_t bstrtDSN, bstrtSQL;
bstrtDSN = L"DSN=espinfo;UID=opsuser;PWD=opsuser;";
_variant_t vartValueID,vartValueNAME,vartValueCITY;
_bstr_t bstrtValueID,bstrtValueNAME,bstrtValueCITY;
hr = pExtRst->Open(bstrtSQL, bstrtDSN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText);
hr = pExtRst->AddNew();
bstrtValueID = L"1";
vartValueID = bstrtValueID.copy();
vartValueNAME = bstrtValueNAME.copy();
bstrtValueCITY = L"Santa Clara";
vartValueCITY = bstrtValueCITY.copy();
pExtRst->GetFields()->GetItem(L"ID")->Value = vartValueID;
pExtRst->GetFields()->GetItem(L"NAME")->Value = vartValueNAME;
pExtRst->GetFields()->GetItem(L"CITY")->Value = vartValueCITY;
catch(_com_error e)
printf("Exception Description %s and Error Number:: %d",(LPTSTR)e.Description(),e.Error());
return e.Error();
return 0;
if i use regular SQL ODBC driver, no error but its truncating the data
Adv Thanks for your help
I'm using SS 2012.
I started with an inline table returning function with a hard coded input table name. This works fine, but my boss wants me to generalize the function, to give it in input table parameter. That's where I'm running into problems.
In one forum, someone suggested that an input parameter for a table is possible in 2012, and the example I saw used "sysname" as the parameter type. It didn't like that. I tried "table" for the parameter type. It didn't like that.
The other suggestion was to use dynamic sql, which I assume means I can no longer use an inline function.
This means switching to the multi-line function, which I will if I have to, but those are more tedious.
Any syntax for using the inline function to accomplish this, or am I stuck with multi-line?
A simple example of what I'm trying to do is below:
Create FUNCTION [CSH388102].[fnTest]
-- Add the parameters for the function here
@Source_Tbl sysname
select @Source_Tbl.yr from @Source_Tbl
Error I get is:
Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Procedure fnTest, Line 12
Must declare the table variable "@Source_Tbl".
If I use "table" as the parameter type, it gives me:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fnTest, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'table'.
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure fnTest, Line 12
Must declare the scalar variable "@Source_Tbl".
The input table can have several thousand rows.
I would like to create a table valued function that fetch through the table below using a cursor and return the records that are unique
EmpidChDateSiteuseridinitsal finsalNote
-------------------------------------------- ----------
236102015-4-21 22:02:10.8072570 0.696176161 change inisal value
236112015-4-21 22:02:11.0502570 0.696176161change inisal value
236122015-4-21 22:02:11.1202570 0.696176161 change inisal value
236132015-4-21 22:02:11.2452570 0.696176161change inisal value
Does anyone know where to find or how to write a quick user defined fucntionthat will return a table object when passed the string name of the tableobject. The reason why I want dynamicallly set the table name in a storedprocudue WITHOUT using concatination and exec a SQL String.HenceIf @small_int_parameter_previous = 1 then@vchar_tablename = "sales_previous"else@vchar_tablename = "sales"Endselect * from udf_TableLookup(@vchar_tablename )So if I pass 1, that means I want all records from "sales_previous"otherwise give me all records from "sales" (Sales_Previous would last yearssales data for example).udf_TableLookup would I guess lookup in sysobjects for the table name andreturn the table object? I don't know how to do this.I want to do this to avoid having 2 stored for current andone for previous year.Please respond to group so others may benfiit from you knowledge.ThanksErik
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