I have two fields I am searching on .... address and zipCode
When I have both pieces of data, everything is fine, i get back the expected results, but i am unable able to search on the individual pieces. Here is the SQL I am using. It's placed within a store procedure in Sqlserver that I amreferencing from my VB.net code.... any help??
IF ((NOT @address IS NULL) AND( NOT @zipCode IS NULL)) BEGIN SELECT OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE ShpAddr_Address1 = @address AND ShpAddr_ZipCode = @zipCode END
ELSE IF NOT @address IS NULL BEGIN SELECT OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE ShpAddr_Address1 = @address END
ELSE IF NOT @zipCode IS NULL BEGIN SELECT OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE ShpAddr_ZipCode = @zipCode END
I am getting a new server online at a customer, and our system shows very funny erorrs under full load. No explanations could be found. Anyone has some? Here we go: Server failed to resume the transaction, desc: 360000054a. The transaction active in this session has been committed or aborted by another session., at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() and New request is not allowed to start because it should come with valid transaction descriptor. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException I am a little lost on those. Simple fact is that I do not find any description of those. Anyone an idea what causes these?
I have a very complex Stored Procedure called by a Job that is Scheduled to run every night. It's execution takes sometimes 1 or 2 hours and sometimes 7 hours or more.
So, if it is running for more than 4 hours I stop the Job and I run the procedure from a Query Window and it never takes more than 2 hours.
Can anyone help me identify the problem ? I want to run from the Job and not to worry about it.
Some more information: - It is SQL 2000 Enterprise with SP4 in a Cluster (It happens the same way in any node). - The SQL Server and SQL Agent services run using a Domain Account that have full Administrative access. - When I connect to a Query Window I also use a Windows Account.
- There is no locks or process bloking or being blocked while the job is running. - Using the Task Manager the processor activity is ok, no more than 30 % in any processor.
I have SQL Server 2000, and our web application is in WebObjects.
I built a trigger on a table that indicates if certain fields in a record have been changed since the last time a report was run from the application.
This trigger runs fine through the Query Analyzer, and runs fine with a direct input through enterprise manager. However, when the WebObjects application tries to update the table, and error is thrown.
Is anyone familiar with a reason why an application would throw an error on an update, when the DB tools do not? If we disable the trigger, the application has no problem updating the table.
Here is the relevant portion of the trigger:
create trigger t_press_run_change on dbo.press_run_line_item for insert, update, delete as
updatepress_run_line_item setis_changed = 1 from deleted d join press_run_line_item p on p.press_run_line_item_id = d.press_run_line_item_id where(p.is_changed = 0 or p.is_changed is null) AND ((isNull(p.print_quantity,0) <> isNull(d.print_quantity,0)) OR (isNull(p.spoilage_pct,0) <> isNull(d.spoilage_pct,0)) OR(isNull(p.ad_dimension_id,0) <> isNull(d.ad_dimension_id,0)) OR(isNull(p.quarter_fold_id,0) <> isNull(d.quarter_fold_id,0)) OR(isNull(p.max_qty_per_shipment,'') <> isNULL(d.max_qty_per_shipment,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_max_height,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_max_height,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_max_weight,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_max_weight,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_skids,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_skids,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_turns,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_turns,'')) OR(isNull(p.packaging_cartons,'') <> isNull(d.packaging_cartons,'')) OR(isNull(p.preprint_delivery_time,'') <> isNull(d.preprint_delivery_time,'')) OR(isNull(p.contact_id,0)<> isNull(d.contact_id,0)) OR(isNull(p.address_company,'')<>isNull(d.address_company,'')) OR(isNull(p.address1,'')<>IsNull(d.address1,'')) OR(isNull(p.address2,'')<>IsNull(d.address2,'')) OR(isNull(p.address_city,'')<>IsNull(d.address_city,'')) OR(isNull(p.address_state,'')<>IsNull(d.address_state,'')) OR(IsNull(p.address_zip,'')<>IsNull(d.address_zip,'')) OR(isNull(p.address_Country_id,'')<>IsNull(d.address_country_id,'')) OR(isNull(p.client_printer_id,'')<>IsNull(d.client_printer_id,'')))
I am trying to run DTS package (stored on SQL Server) using Visual basic but i am getting the following error
Runtime error '-2147217843 (80040e4d)'
Login failed for 'MyUserID'
************************************* i used the following code in VB program
Sub Command1_Click() Dim dtsp As New DTS.Package dtsp.LoadFromSQLServer _ ServerName:="MyServer", _ ServerUserName:="MyUserID", _ ServerPassword:="MyPassword", _ PackageName:="DTSDemo" dtsp.Execute End Sub
I can Run the package direct from SQL server but get error by Vb program. Any idea why it is so.
This is my procedure and the error is incorrect syntax near '01'
DECLARE @returnDay int
--Looking at current date, SELECT @returnDay = DatePart(day,GetDate()) --If is the 7th of the current moth then If @returnDay = 24
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail @query = 'SELECT a.HospitalName,a.HospitalCode,c.ProductName,b.UnitsDiscarded,d.FateOfProducts,b. DateEntered, b.DateCompleted,b.CompiledBy FROM test.dbo.Units b inner join Hospitals a ON (a.HospitalID = b.HospitalID) inner join Products c ON (b.ProductID = c.ProductID) inner join FateOfProducts d ON (d.FateID = b.FateID) where b. DateEntered = DateAdd(month, -1, Convert(CHAR(8), GetDate(), 121) + '01') order by a.HospitalID', @recipients=test@hotmail.com', @message='Submitting Results for the previous month', @subject=' results for previous month', @attach_results = 'true', @separator = '/s'
SELECT @@ERROR As ErrorNumber
What am I missing here now, I am quite new to stored procedures
When im testing in local machine... my app works fine... but when i publish it on server... the sql DateTime parameter get an error: ERROR ON SERVER : String was not recognized as a valid DateTime my code:SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StringDeConexao"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand("spcCadLjItem", con);oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
oCmd.Connection.Open();SqlTransaction trans = con.BeginTransaction(); oCmd.Transaction = trans; oCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@dt_exclusao", SqlDbType.DateTime)); oCmd.Parameters["@dt_exclusao"].Value = DBNull.Value; oCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); When I inspect the type of parameter on my machine its ok.. SqlDbType its DateTime... and runs perfectly...Why it doesnt work when i publish on server??????? tks!!
Hi, I am using Sql database in my asp.net application. the code runs fine on the machine where i m developing but when I try to run the code on other machine it gives following error-- error is related to access to database.(sql personal server is installed on local machine) I m giving the following connection string--- "Server=localhost;UID=sa;PWD=mypassword;Database=try1" I have reinstalled the sql server using mixed mode authentication and the same sa password but still problem continues.. THE ERROR IT GIVES IS--- Server Error in '/try1' Application.
SQL Server does not exist or access denied. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.Source Error:
Line 49: SqlCommand cmdSelect; Line 50: cmdSelect = new SqlCommand("select * FROM Departments", sqlConn); Line 51: sqlConn.Open(); Line 52: return cmdSelect.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); Line 53: }Source File: c:inetpubwwwroot ry1DataAccessCode.cs Line: 51 Stack Trace:
[SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.] System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction) System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction) System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() try1.DataAccessCode.getDept() in c:inetpubwwwroot ry1DataAccessCode.cs:51 try1.WebForm1.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwroot ry1Login.aspx.cs:35 System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain()
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573
I have a stored proceedure (which I will tag on at the end for those interested) which is taking at least 15 minutes to run when executed, but completes in 1 minute when the tsql statement is run in Query Analyser. Why is this?
I suspect that it may be connected to table indexing, but why then is this bypassed when QA is used?
Any advice appreciated.
************************************************** *********************** IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_ValidateAIGL') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_ValidateAIGL GO
-- *** Global Non Program Specific Data Errors *** -- CHECK - that there are records in the DEB_IGL_PAYROLL_OUTPUT file.....none and the routine failed... IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID) INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT NULL, 100, 'No records were processed by the IGL run!'
-- CHECK - search for any records where the employee's EXPENSE_CODE is NULL INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT DISTINCT NULLIF(EmpNo, ''), 2, 'Employee "' + COALESCE(NULLIF(RTRIM(EmpNo), ''), '<Missing Employee>') + '" (Organisation Unit - ' + COALESCE(RTRIM(OrgUnitCode), '<No Organisation Unit>') + ') does not have a EXPENSE_CODE Code.' FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE NULLIF(ExpenseCode, '') IS NULL ANDIGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID
SELECT * FROM #IGLErrors -- CHECK - check that the BALANCE of DEBITs match the balance of CREDITs IF (SELECT SUM(Cash) FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IsCredit = 1 AND IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID) <> (SELECT SUM(Cash) FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IsCredit = 0 AND IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID) INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT NULL, 3, 'The total cash value for DEBIT elements does not match the total cash for CREDIT elements.'
SELECT * FROM #IGLErrors -- *** Program 1 and 2 errors *** IF @IGLProgramID IN (1, 2) BEGIN -- CHECK - search for any records where the employee's COST_CENTRE is NULL INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT DISTINCT NULLIF(EmpNo, ''), 1, 'Employee "' + NULLIF(RTRIM(EmpNo), '') + '" (Organisation Unit = ' + RTRIM(OrgUnitCode) + ') does not have a COST_CENTRE Code.' FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE NULLIF(CostCenter, '') IS NULL ANDIGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID
-- Check for EMPLOYEEs that were not transfered to the PAYROLL output (usually caused by missing ORG_UNITs or not picked up in -- the DEB_VIEW_APPOINTEE view...) INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT DISTINCT EMP_NO, 11, 'Employee "' + RTRIM(EMP_NO) + '" was excluded from the summary. Check their Organisation Unit codes!' FROM PSELive.dbo.COSTING_OUTPUT WHERENOT EMP_NO IN (SELECT DISTINCT EmpNo FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID) ANDPERIOD_NO = @PeriodNo ANDTAX_YEAR = @TaxYear
-- Check that there are no ELEMENTS in the COSTING_OUTPUT table that don't exist in the tbl_IGLElements table INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT DISTINCT ELEMENT, 12, 'Element "' + RTRIM(ELEMENT) + '" does not exist in the IGL Interface Elements table!' FROM PSELive.dbo.COSTING_OUTPUT WHERE ELEMENT NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT Element FROM tbl_IGLElements ) ANDPERIOD_NO = @PeriodNo
-- *** Add a error to indicate the number of errors *** IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #IGLErrors) INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT 0, 0, 'Warning, there are ' + CAST(Count(*) AS VarChar(5)) + ' recorded errors!' FROM#IGLErrors
-- Transfer the records to the ErrorsLog table ready for the user to view... DELETE FROM tbl_SYSErrorsLog INSERT INTO tbl_SYSErrorsLog (IGLProgramID, OutputLogID, KeyField, ErrorID, Description) SELECT@ProgramLogID, @IGLPeriodID, KeyField, ErrorID, Description FROM #IGLErrors ORDER BY ErrorID
GO GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_ValidateAIGL TO Public GO
Ok a network tech put an executive assistants database on sql with the upsize wizard in access. Only problem is that she cant input anything into the database, my guess is that its due to no Primary key in the new sql table. I have had this problem before am I correct in my assumptions???
I have one drop and create procedure script in one sql session and execute the procedure in other session. Now when i am compiling the procedure in first session, it gets completed successfully.
Now when i move to other session and try to execute the procedure, it gives me error saying :
"Invalid column name 'ColumnName'."
Now when I execute the procedure in same session in which procedure was compiled, it runs successfully. Once run, I go back to my other session and it runs again.
Hi,In order to establish a security enhanced SQL server setup, I triedto switch off network access by disabling all networking protocols,so that the server can only be reached through a pipe. Neverthelessthe server was visible in the network and could be accessed fromall clients. Does anybody know what is going on here?Georg
SqlCeEngine eng = new SqlCeEngine(@"Data Source=My Documents est.sdf"); eng.CreateDatabase(); eng.Dispose();
Then I put something in it:
SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source=My Documents est.sdf"); SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand("CREATE TABLE myTable (ID int, name nchar(10))"); cmd.Connection=conn; conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.CommandText="INSERT INTO myTable (ID, name) VALUES (1,'bill')"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
Then I try to get the maximum value from the first column.
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT max(ID) FROM myTable"; int index = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
At this point I get an InvalidCastException raised. Using the datareader to extract the value produces the same exception, however I can go through the Query Analyzer on the device and execute the query and it comes out fine...???
I run a query in QA which return funny characters (suppose to be chinese characters). I try saved as CSV and open in excel, still it remain as those funny characters... What can I do to get those output into the chinese character. It doesn't need to be in QA... but I need it in Excel. Thanks
When i run it from sql server data tools on the test box it runs fine. However when i run it from the ssisdb directly i get the below error.
reload table tablename1 from Excel file:Error: The "filetoload.Outputs[Excel Source Output].Columns[Product]" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "filetoload.Outputs[Excel Source Output].Columns[Product]" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
reload table t from Excel file:Error: There was an error with filetoload.Outputs[Excel Source Output].Columns[Product] on filetoload.Outputs[Excel Source Output]. The column status returned was: "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
Why does Error log show database restarting everytime a transactionlog backup runs?It also runs a checkdb as well.The log backups are scheduled through a maintenance plan.Is this normal?
I try to make SSSIS packages made on my pc accesible to an other user of SSIS (both running on Windows 2000). The packages are on a shared drive in our LAN.. Some configurationfiles are use to configure the Oracle DBconnection.The same files are on the same location on both PC's
The other user can open and run the packages but from the moment the lookup buffers are loaded, we get the following errors:
Error: 0xC0202009 at AB_ADDRESS_DF, LOOKUP_POST_ID [22801]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "OraOLEDB" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "".
Error: 0xC020824E at AB_ADDRESS_DF, LOOKUP_POST_ID [22801]: OLE DB error occurred while populating internal cache. Check SQLCommand and SqlCommandParam properties.
Error: 0xC004701A at AB_ADDRESS_DF, DTS.Pipeline: component "LOOKUP_POST_ID" (22801) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020824E.
i query a purchase order table, there is one column called PO_No, format: LP-0245111-0004 i make following statement to query: the middle code act as my id, using it search my records, the last 4 digit used to find the last purchase order number SqlSelectCommand2.CommandText = "SELECT PO_No FROM [PURCHASE ORDER] WHERE PO_No Like '%" & GetYearCode() & "%' ORDER BY Right(PO_No, 4) DESC" i checked my database, last record is LP-0545381-0300 in my debuging process, surprisingly found that selected record is LP-0545381-301 ! any one hav any suggestion? ^_^
Running eval. edition of Sql Server Standard 2005. "Insufficient product level" error is thrown during validation phase of an OleDBCommand data flow task. This task type is not licensed in Sql Server 2005 standard? The component runs a very simple sql update statement against a one row table in Sql Server 2005.
If it works from BIDS, should it not work from dtexec.exe on the same box?
Does dtexec run under the security context of the logged in user?
I have simple query which creates tables by passing database name as parameter from a parameter table .
SP1 --> creates databases and calls SP2--> which creates tables . I can run it fine via SSMS but when I run it using SSIS it fails with below error .The issue gets more interesting when it fails randomly on some database creation and some creates just fine .
Note** I am not passing any database of name '20'
Exception handler error :
ERROR :: 615 :: Could not find database ID 20, name '20'. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPID: 111 Origin: SQL Stored Procedure (SP1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could not find database ID 20, name '20'. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Error in SSIS
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "EXEC SP1" failed with the following error: "Error severity levels greater than 18 can only be specified by members of the sysadmin role, using the WITH LOG option.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.I have sysadmin permission .
I have an SSIS package that runs fine through command pormpt although when I try to run it from a SQL Servr Agent Job CmdExec step it bombs out. Please help this has me stumped...the SSIS package uses an XML connection string so certain key settings such as connection strings and email info can be changed easily. Currently this is all on the same machine. I have not moved it beyond where I am developing.
On the command line I am using the following command...
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.
Started: 6:59:40 PM Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.29 Source: Data Flow Task Validating: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.29 Source: Data Flow Task Validating: 33% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.71 Source: Data Flow Task Validating: 66% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.73 Source: Data Flow Task Validating: 100% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77 Source: Data Flow Task Validating: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77 Source: Data Flow Task Validating: 33% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77 Source: Data Flow Task Validating: 66% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77 Source: Data Flow Task Validating: 100% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79 Source: Data Flow Task Prepare for Execute: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79 Source: Data Flow Task Prepare for Execute: 33% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79 Source: Data Flow Task Prepare for Execute: 66% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79 Source: Data Flow Task Prepare for Execute: 100% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.81 Source: Data Flow Task Pre-Execute: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.84 Source: Data Flow Task Pre-Execute: 33% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.90 Source: Data Flow Task Pre-Execute: 66% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.90 Source: Data Flow Task Pre-Execute: 100% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92 Source: Data Flow Task Post Execute: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92 Source: Data Flow Task Post Execute: 33% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92 Source: Data Flow Task Post Execute: 66% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92 Source: Data Flow Task Post Execute: 100% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92 Source: Data Flow Task Cleanup: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.93 Source: Data Flow Task Cleanup: 33% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.93 Source: Data Flow Task Cleanup: 66% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.93 Source: Data Flow Task Cleanup: 100% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.95 Source: Send Mail Task The SendMail task is initiated.: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:42.09 Source: Send Mail Task The SendMail task is completed.: 100% complete End Progress DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0). Started: 6:59:40 PM Finished: 6:59:42 PM Elapsed: 1.984 seconds
When I try to use the same command within SQL Server Agent Job using a CmdExec step I get the following error...
Description: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "S:connectionscontacts.dtsConfig". End Info Warning: 2006-08-16 18:40:03.15 Code: 0x80012012 Source: contactsPackage Description: The configuration file name "S:connectionscontacts.dtsConfig" is not valid. Check the configuration file name. End Warning Warning: 2006-08-16 18:40:03.15 Code: 0x80012059 Source: contactsPackage Description: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed. End Warning Info: 2006-08-16 18:40:03.20 ... Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
Hi, when I copy and paste results from query analyzer into Excel it appears that values with zeroes at the end loose the zeroes. Example, if I copy and paste V128.0 into an Excel cell it comes out as V128 or if I copy 178.70 it displays as 178.7 - any ideas? I'm using SQL Enterprise Manager for 2000.
Currently I have two SSIS jobs on my machine. The problem I'm having is, only one of the jobs executes succesfully, the other one fails for incorrect user login. Both jobs use the same configuration database and all the packages on both jobs have the protection level set to "DontSaveSensitive". Both jobs have been deployed in the exact same manner, yet only one succeceeds and the other fails.
I have a vbs script to try to prove that I can perform vbs scripting in either a job step or a dts package The script is
dim rs, sql,adoconn, adocommand, dataconnstring
set adoconn = createObject("ADODB.CONNECTION") Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set adocommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") adoconn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=myserver;Database=pubs;U id=myuser;Pwd=mypass;"
adoconn.Open sql = "select * from import" rs.Open sql, adoconn,adOpenForwardOnly while rs.EOF = false sql = "insert into zz default values" adocommand.ActiveConnection = adoconn adocommand.CommandText = sql adocommand.Execute
rs.MoveNext wend
rs.Close adoconn.Close set adoconn = nothing
However, when I run this from windows explorer it works fine, but when I try to run it as an activeX script, I get the error ActiveX scripting: Function not found
As a cmdexec step in a job, I use the line c:inetpubwwwrootvbsvbstest1.vbs It failed with the error The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x119BDBD264AD9B4597A9302786F0E250 (reason: %1 is not a valid Win32 application). The step failed.
What is wrong with the vbs script ?, or do I need to invoke it a different way ?
I have jobs (DTS packages) for several different tasks that I would like to run sequentially, rather than trying to estimate how long each will take and schedule them individually.
I'm trying to run a job which moves data from one machine to another. I can manually execute the package successfully, but the job always fails. I get the dreaded error message 18456, "login failis for user "". I have double checked the logins for both machines,(sql server agent AND the sql server authentication). Also, I can run a select statement (from server_ to server_2) successfully from query analyzer i.e.
Select * from <linked_server_name>.<database>.<database_owner>.<table_name>
however, if I run this query from server_2 to server_1 I get the failed login message similar to the error message found in the job history. Since both servers accept nt logins, where is my problem? They are both set up as linked servers, and they are both mssql oledb. Any suggestions will be appreciated! thanks
I have created a package that takes a Visual FoxPro .dbf and imports into SQL7. If I run the job, it works fine. If I schedule the job it fails stating that I can't find the .dbf, the same one that it just found when run manually. What gives?
My procedure compliles and runs. l 'm running it as 'exec Statement' it should prompt me for the start and end date but it does not. Where have l gone wrong in my logic l've declared all the variables need. Please advice
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Statement]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[Statement] GO
Create Procedure Statement As Begin
declare @Startdate As datetime declare @Enddate As datetime
declare @Customer_No As char(15) declare @loanno As char(15)
declare @transaction_date As datetime declare @transaction_type As char(3) declare @reference As varchar(20) declare @notes As varchar(255) declare @transaction_amount As decimal (9,2) declare @transaction_description As varchar(50)
declare @debit_amount As decimal (9,2) declare @credit_amount As decimal (9,2) declare @counter As int declare @balance As decimal (9,2) declare @user_changed As char(8)
declare c2 CURSOR FOR SELECT loan_no FROM loan where customer_no = @Customer_No ORDER BY loan_no
-- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch. WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN
declare c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT transaction_record.loan_no, transaction_record.transaction_date, transaction_record.transaction_type, transaction_record.reference_no, transaction_record.notes, transaction_record.transaction_amount, transaction_type.[description] FROM transaction_record inner join transaction_type on transaction_type.transaction_type = transaction_record.transaction_type where loan_no = @loanno and transaction_Date between @startdate and @enddate and transaction_amount <> 0 ORDER BY transaction_date
OPEN c1 FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @transaction_date, @transaction_type, @reference, @notes, @transaction_amount, @transaction_description
-- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch. WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN If (@transaction_amount < 0) Begin set @credit_amount = @transaction_amount set @debit_amount = 0 End Else Begin set @debit_amount = @transaction_amount set @credit_amount = 0 End
If (@counter = 0) Begin set @balance = @transaction_amount End Else Begin set @balance = @balance + @transaction_amount End
FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @transaction_date, @transaction_type, @reference, @notes, @transaction_amount, @transaction_description End CLOSE c1 DEALLOCATE c1
Good afternoon, i'm new to Functions on the SQL server
I'm trying to create a dynamic query that would select the the column passed to the function from a certain table
my table called selected_Date, and has StartDate, and EndDate columns
when the user select for example "StartDate", i pass this as a variable to the function which runs the query. but i always gets back the passed string as a result..
Some users complain that there computers run slow around noon. later it is fine. Anybody can tell me what is the problem? We have entivirus software installed on. Also i am runing back up database on the server. Many thanks.