GO Makes Things Hugley Faster

Oct 15, 2007

I have a data migration script that takes about an hour half to complete. The script conists of several insert statements that pull data from another sqlserver database while doing a fair amount of manipulation.

If I put a "go" in after every insert statement. The job finishes in 30Seconds. can some explain this huge performance change.

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How To Makes Sum In Sql

May 5, 2006

I want to get different sums from an item base. I have taken the number of every order (ord) from an order base and goes to the item-base like this:

Set Rss = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
sSQL= "SELECT array(sum(numitems)) from oitems where orderid= " & ord
Rss.Open sSQL, sDSN, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

I have not tried to run the sql- the array is just a dummy to show the idea.

Actually I want to make an array of the sum of items with the same numitems (i.e. the same productnumber)

if the sql runs I will write the array like this:

While Not rss.eof
response.write array(sum(numitems))
'or whatever way I have to write it

...anyone who has a good idea of how to do this?

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How To Do 2 Things In T-SQL

Apr 19, 2002

I am writting a T-SQL script to install my database. I have figured out all the sets except 2 areas.

1. Give login db_datareader / db_datawriter permissions to a DB
2. Add a DTS Package, it uses a script, and schedule it.

Here's how I do them in EM....

Issue 1: Security - Logins,
Right click on login, select properties
In database access tab, check Permit for DB
In database role, check public, db_datareader, db_datawriter.

Issue 2: DTS - Local Packages
Right click on local package, new package.
Create SQL connection & exe SQL task (attach seperate SQL script)
Right click on newly created package and schedule

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Why Minor Diff Makes Big Lag

Mar 31, 2008

The DB Enginee is SQL2005 SP1. In MSSMS

the following query always finishes within 1 minute

FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.key= t2.key
where t1.StartTime >= '3/19/2008' AND t1.EndTime <= '3/20/2008'
AND t2.StartTime >= t1.StartTime AND t2.StartTime < t1.EndTime

however, the following always takes 10+ minutes
declare @pStartDate datetime
declare @pEndDate datetime
set @pStartDate='3/19/2008'
set @pEndDate='3/20/2008'
FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.key= t2.key
where t1.StartTime >= @pStartDate AND t1.EndTime <= @pEndDate
AND t2.StartTime >= t1.StartTime AND t2.StartTime < t1.EndTime

Both return same result. The only diff. is the blue part. Why the second one performances so badly?

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Strange Things

Dec 6, 2007

Hello everybody ,
I want you to explain me something that i find a little strange.
Yesterday i had a problem with a huge log file and a friend in here helped me fix this by making a log back up and then shrinking it to 200 MB.Everything went fine.When i returned home i tried something else in a test environment..Here what happened:
I Got a full database back up.
I dropped the database.
I created a new one with 1GB mdf and 250MB ldf.
I vanished the log back -up
I restored the mdf file on the new database
The log file again had the same huge size after the restore.
How did this happen?

I sell my mother in law.Is anybody interested?

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Heaps Of Things

Feb 12, 2008

Hi all,
a question that has been in my mind for a while:

A HEAP is a table that has no clustered index.

Now consider a table that has a unique clustered index (primary key) on an identity column ?

For example:

create table Test
TestId int identity(1,1) not null,
constraint PK_Test primary key clustered (TestId)

Is there a recognised term for such a table ?


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Sorting Makes Table Invisible

Sep 13, 2006

I have a table which visibility can be toggled by a text box. By default it is invisible. After it is made visible, clicking a sortable column header makes the table invisible. Does this mean sorting makes the table go back to its default visibility?

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Add/Remove DataViewers Makes VS To Crash

Sep 14, 2006

Hi all,

I'm sick of VS crashing when I add/remove DataViewers any idea why this could happen ?


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Things To Consider While Designing Database

Dec 5, 2005

One interviewer has asked me the following question:
What are the things that you consider while designing database?
I have told about integrity constraints, and normal forms.
but he has added 15 more concepts like
1. indexers
2. Table columns
3. Table rows
4. search facilities
Can any one give full Idea on this question?
Thanking you     Ashok kumar.

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Things You Didnt Knew Before

Aug 23, 2005

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.

<edit> links removed </edit>

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Count(*) Locking Up Things ...

Oct 28, 2005

SQL 2000I have inherited an application where many of the automated processescall a proc that simply returns the number of records with a NEWstatus.In watching the process in SQL, I see this ends up blocking a lot ofprocesses - many like this are called every 5-30 seconds ...I wish to replace COUNT(*) with EXISTS if that will make things operatefaster with no locks ...Thoughts ...Thanks everyone !!Craig

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Things I Didn't Know Until Today

Jan 24, 2007

You can use a Select top @variable in sql server 2005:Thus:--'Throttle' the result set:Select Top (@MaxBatchSize)KeyID, LId, ArrivalDt, CaptureDt, Lat, LongFrom GPSDataOrder By CaptureDt DescMakes messing with Set Rowcount *so* redundant :-)

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A Couple Of Things With My New Report

May 11, 2007

I have made a report in SRS and am not sure of how to do some of the functions I need.

In SQL I can use UPPER to convert to upper case, SRS doesn't seem to like this. The report runs but the line that is to be upper case is missing. If I remove the UPPER word from my query it works fine just displaying in lower case. Am I doing something wrong?

In Excel 2007 (I am converting my report from Excel to SRS) there is a function called NETWORKDAYS (Returns the number of whole working days between start_date and end_date. Working days exclude weekends and any dates identified in holidays. Use NETWORKDAYS to calculate employee benefits that accrue based on the number of days worked during a specific term.) Is there something similar I can use in SRS?


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A Few Things To Do With Store Variables.

Jul 24, 2007


I'm creating a small application for my local school district that will allow them to do a small management of inventory.

Is there a way to create an executable script that will create the default databases the first time? If so, what all do I need to do for the script and to make it execute?
I want to make a section in my OPTIONS area where users can put the path to their db (will not be hosted on the same PC as the software) along with the username and password for the db. I know I can store this information in a predetermined variable in the program so that it can reference it off and on.

Could someone please help me with this..... If it's in the wrong forum please let me know.



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What Data Type To Use For This Different Things

Jun 16, 2007


I am a newbe in this and I tried to find the information on the msdn but could not find a god answer.

I am using VisualStudio Express 2005 and a SQL Server Express version.

In a Visual Basic application I use "radio buttons", "tick boxes", "Combo Boxes" and "Numeric Up Down".

But I cant figure out what data type to use to save the data in a SQL server.

It would be nice to have a document that maps the different data types to use in SQL Server according to what object you are using in the Visual Studio.

Thanks in advance.


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Making Things Easier

Jan 14, 2008

Good afternoon,

I've here a shell plugin and it's compiling fine and can be viewed in BI Dev Studio when choosing the DM technique using the proper wizard.

I also have here a K-Means implementation that estimates the number of clusters using a statistical semi-empiric index (the PBM index).

This implementation is done in C# and works fine. But it has to receive all the data of the database (all variables for each row) in order to do the proper vectorial calculations in a CSR (Compact Sparse Rows) way.

Besides, as you know, K-Means needs all the data at once because of the clusters mean (centroid) calculation.

So, I have some questions:

1) Where to place the call to the K-Means implementation in the shell passing as argument an object holding all the data ?

2) After this call, with the data clustered, what other objects must be modified in order to use Microsoft Cluster Viewer ?

3) I will need to create a new column or a new table on the database to specify which data belongs to which cluster. Can I open an ADO connection as I normally do in other programs from inside the plugin or is there another (easier/better) way to do so ?

Thanks a lot once more.

Best regards,

-Renan Souza

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Odd Things...I'm Totally Stuck

Aug 6, 2007

Hi all of you,

I've got a .dtproj project along with 10 dtsx packages. Up to here everything is fine, every package have its own source files, sql destinations and so on..
Issue comes when I try create a flat file source connection for the eleven one.

I get this message:

The component has detected potential metadata corruption during validation.
Error at Data Flow Task [Flat File Source [1]]: Failed to find any non-special error column in output "Flat File Source Error Output" (3).

It may not be possible to recover to a valid state using a component-specific editor. Do you want to use the Advanced Editor dialog box for editing this component?

Otherwise if I'm gonna to open a new .dtproj project separately no problem at all, I mean, appears the suitable window, "Connection Manager", "Column", "Error output" on the left and so on..

It's very strange. The rest of the packages, the same situation. Fortunately, all of them are stored on the server.

I don't get the point at all. Could you please tell me what the hell is happening?

Thanks in advance and regards,

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Express 2005: How To Makes Changes Without Stopping The Web Site?

Jan 24, 2008

 Are there any way I can make changes to my database without stopping the web site? I'm using SQL Server 2005 Express for my web shop. And each time I have to add or change a table or Stored Procedure I have to stop the site. What I do is to stop the web site (in IIS), restart the IIS and then open the database in the SQL Server 2005 Express Management tool. If I don't "release" the file first I get an error when I try to open the database file in the Management tool.But there must be a better way to do things? I also would like to take bacup of the database without stopping the site, but how? There must be others that have had the same problems? Regards, Sigurd 

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In Outter Joins, What Makes A Table Either Right Or Left?

Dec 16, 2002

Until today, I was always under the impression that left vs. right was determined by which side of the comparison operator the table was located.

In other words:
LEFT JOIN LeftTable.ID = RightTable.ID

would pull all the records from LeftTable and those that matched from from RightTable and that:

RIGHT JOIN RightTable.ID = LeftTable.ID

would pull exactly the same result set but I was wrong. So, if it is not the table position in relation to the comparison operator, is it simply that the tables listed first in the FROM clause aren the ones "Left" of those subsequently entered?

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Mirror Busy Makes Principle Slower?

Jun 6, 2008

Hi everyone,

A relatively simple question but I have no been able to find an answer.

We have a SQL Server mirror Active/passive with High availability. So the usual Witness with failover.

However, we are using the Mirror server for reporting and letting the users query without limit. We sometimes have problems (slowness) with the Principle server and I'm wondering the following.

If the mirror server in high availability mode is maxed out will this affect the principle server because it takes longer to commit the data on both servers?

It seems obvious but I would like a clear response.


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Irritating ADODB Error... Makes No Sense To Me

Aug 22, 2007

Hi Guys,

I've been programming with SQL 7 for about a year and my company has finally decided to go SQL 2k5.

I've come accross a really irritating error when writing to the DB via ADO in ASP pages. I have a column in a table that is auto-incremental.

In SQL server 7 you just make an ADODB.Command object and enter the SQL query 'insert into table (columns) values ('val...') now for SQL 7 I can completely leave out the auto-incremental column (called 'ErrorNo') and simply specify the other columns and values in my insert query.
e.g. where my table is called master_error:

ErrorNo int identity (1, 1) not null
,ReportedBy char(10)
,ExpectedFixDate datetime

With ErrorNo being an auto-incremental identity, my query would be

INSERT INTO master_error (ReportedBy, ExpectedFixDate) VALUES ('Ben','01 Sep 2007')

this works perfectly with ADODB.Command when writing to SQL Server 7 from IIS 5.0

however when I execute the exact same command on the exact same table using ADODB.Command writing to SQL Server 2005 from IIS 6.0 I get an 'error 500 internal server error'

IIS log states:
|166|80040e14|[Microsoft][ODBC_SQL_Server_Driver][SQL_Server]Cannot_insert_the_value_NULL_into_column_'ErrorNo'__table_'ReACToR_V1.0.dbo.master_error';_column_does_not_allow_nulls._INSERT_fails. 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.04506.30) 500 0 0

I thought perhaps SQL 2005 might have different syntax so I typed the query directly into SQL Server 2005's version of query analyser and guess what... it worked fine.

I can't tell where the error lies. I find it hard to beleive that the error is in the code of my ASP page as it works perfectly against a sql 7 db.

Any ideas?

Many Thanks,
Ben Ward

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Sort Transformation Makes A Lot Of Temp Files

May 29, 2007

Hi all,

I have a problem with a Sort Transformation, I have a CSV file with 200'000 rows the csv file is about 30Mb. When the rows are processed in the Sort Transformation, SSIS generates around 160 temp files of about 10Mb each.

How can avoid so many temp files to be generated ?

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SSIS Configuration Files - How Do You Use The Things?

Oct 16, 2006

http://blogs.conchango.com/jamiethomson/default.aspx has a lot of great tid-bits for SQL 2005.  I am currently on a tight deadine for 25 SSIS packages that need to be able to move from Dev to QA to Staging to Prod.  For the life of me I cannot get any of the packages to *READ* the config files created with the package config wizard.  All I want to do is move the connection string out of the package so we can change the config file and not have to touch (hand edit) each package. Any help is appreciated! 

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Count All Things Happened Today

Nov 11, 2007

Ive got a table of notes people have created, with a field called "timecreated" which has a default value of "GETDATE()" Im trying to write an SQL statement that will count up all of the notes that people have created today/ yesturday etc. i could do it if the timecreated value was a "short date string" styled date, but its set up like  : 11/11/2007 18:51:46 is there way of converting it before counting? if theres a simple way of doing this i would appricate any help thanks John

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Stored Procedures: How In The World Do I Use These Things?

Apr 11, 2008

I was told I can use them with SQLDataSources, but I have no clue how to do it.
I believe I have managed to set up the querry in the datasource correctly, but what do I need to do to actually use it in my VB code?
Any help is appreciated, and any tutorials you've found to be usefull on the subject are sure to help.

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Strange Things Happens With Identity Column

Apr 2, 1999

Hi Friends

I have a identity column in a table, while adding records,
it fills the column with different values, for eg. 75 after 90.
In which situation, it may occur and how to solve this.

Thanks in advance.


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Fixed A Few Things Still Having A GROUP Error

Feb 16, 2007


Here is the code as it now stands:

(select ir_tech_ojb TECHN
, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3) RESCODE
, compl_dte_ojb COMPLET
, res_name_sbb RES_NAME
, job_typ_ojb JOB
, job_class_ojb TYP
, order_no_ocr NUMB
, ls_chg_op_id_ocr OPR
, CommissionAMT NCommissionAMT
, COUNT(DISTINCT order_no_ocr) QTYW
from Parser.dbo.Parser_ocr
Inner Join Parser.dbo.Parser_ojb on order_no_ocr = order_no_ojb
Inner JOIN Parser.dbo.RGV_Codes on substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3) = CODE
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.sbb_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_sbb
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.hse_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_hse
where substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3) = CODE
and ir_tech_ojb between 950 and 999
and compl_dte_ojb BETWEEN '2007-01-09' AND '2007-01-22'
and prin_ocr = 8600
GROUP BY ir_tech_ojb, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3),compl_dte_ojb,CodeDes, res_name_sbb, ADDR1_HSE,
job_typ_ojb, job_class_ojb, order_no_ocr, ls_chg_op_id_ocr, CommissionAMT
union all
select ir_tech_ojb TECHN
, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 4, 3) RESCODE
, compl_dte_ojb COMPLET
, res_name_sbb RES_NAME
, job_typ_ojb JOB
, job_class_ojb TYP
, order_no_ocr NUMB
, ls_chg_op_id_ocr OPR
, CommissionAMT NCommissionAMT
, COUNT(DISTINCT order_no_ocr) QTYW
from Parser_ocr
Inner Join Parser_ojb on order_no_ocr = order_no_ojb
Inner JOIN RGV_Codes on substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3) = CODE
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.sbb_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_sbb
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.hse_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_hse
where substring (compl_cde_ojb, 4, 3) = CODE
and ir_tech_ojb between 950 and 999
and compl_dte_ojb BETWEEN '2007-01-09' AND '2007-01-22'
and prin_ocr = 8600
GROUP BY ir_tech_ojb, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 4, 3),compl_dte_ojb,CodeDes, res_name_sbb, ADDR1_HSE,
job_typ_ojb, job_class_ojb, order_no_ocr, ls_chg_op_id_ocr, CommissionAMT
union all
select ir_tech_ojb TECHN
, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 7, 3) RESCODE
, compl_dte_ojb COMPLET
, res_name_sbb RES_NAME
, job_typ_ojb JOB
, job_class_ojb TYP
, order_no_ocr NUMB
, ls_chg_op_id_ocr OPR
, CommissionAMT NCommissionAMT
, COUNT (DISTINCT order_no_ocr) QTYW
from Parser_ocr
Inner Join Parser_ojb on order_no_ocr = order_no_ojb
Inner JOIN RGV_Codes on substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3) = CODE
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.sbb_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_sbb
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.hse_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_hse
where substring (compl_cde_ojb, 7, 3) = CODE
and ir_tech_ojb between 950 and 999
and compl_dte_ojb BETWEEN '2007-01-09' AND '2007-01-22'
and prin_ocr = 8600
GROUP BY ir_tech_ojb, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 7, 3),compl_dte_ojb,CodeDes, res_name_sbb, ADDR1_HSE,
job_typ_ojb, job_class_ojb, order_no_ocr, ls_chg_op_id_ocr, CommissionAMT
union all
select ir_tech_ojb TECHN
, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 10, 3) RESCODE
, compl_dte_ojb COMPLET
, res_name_sbb RES_NAME
, job_typ_ojb JOB
, job_class_ojb TYP
, order_no_ocr NUMB
, ls_chg_op_id_ocr OPR
, CommissionAMT NCommissionAMT
, COUNT(DISTINCT order_no_ocr) QTYW
from Parser_ocr
Inner Join Parser_ojb on order_no_ocr = order_no_ojb
Inner JOIN RGV_Codes on substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3) = CODE
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.sbb_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_sbb
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.hse_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_hse
where substring (compl_cde_ojb, 10, 3) = CODE
and ir_tech_ojb between 950 and 999
and compl_dte_ojb BETWEEN '2007-01-09' AND '2007-01-22'
and prin_ocr = 8600
GROUP BY ir_tech_ojb, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 10, 3),compl_dte_ojb,CodeDes, res_name_sbb, ADDR1_HSE,
job_typ_ojb, job_class_ojb, order_no_ocr, ls_chg_op_id_ocr, CommissionAMT
union all
select ir_tech_ojb TECHN
, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 13, 3) RESCODE
, compl_dte_ojb COMPLET
, res_name_sbb RES_NAME
, job_typ_ojb JOB
, job_class_ojb TYP
, order_no_ocr NUMB
, ls_chg_op_id_ocr OPR
, CommissionAMT NCommissionAMT
, COUNT(DISTINCT order_no_ocr) QTYW
from Parser_ocr
Inner Join Parser_ojb on order_no_ocr = order_no_ojb
Inner JOIN RGV_Codes on substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3) = CODE
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.sbb_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_sbb
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.hse_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_hse
where substring (compl_cde_ojb, 13, 3) = CODE
and ir_tech_ojb between 950 and 999
and compl_dte_ojb BETWEEN '2007-01-09' AND '2007-01-22'
and prin_ocr = 8600
GROUP BY ir_tech_ojb, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 13, 3),compl_dte_ojb,CodeDes, res_name_sbb, ADDR1_HSE,
job_typ_ojb, job_class_ojb, order_no_ocr, ls_chg_op_id_ocr, CommissionAMT
union all
select ir_tech_ojb TECHN
, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 16, 3) RESCODE
, compl_dte_ojb COMPLET
, res_name_sbb RES_NAME
, job_typ_ojb JOB
, job_class_ojb TYP
, order_no_ocr NUMB
, ls_chg_op_id_ocr OPR
, CommissionAMT NCommissionAMT
, COUNT(DISTINCT order_no_ocr) QTYW
from Parser_ocr
Inner Join Parser_ojb on order_no_ocr = order_no_ojb
Inner JOIN RGV_Codes on substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3) = CODE
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.sbb_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_sbb
Inner JOIN csg_hist.dbo.hse_base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_hse
where substring (compl_cde_ojb, 16, 3) = CODE
and ir_tech_ojb between 950 and 999
and compl_dte_ojb BETWEEN '2007-01-09' AND '2007-01-22'
and prin_ocr = 8600
GROUP BY ir_tech_ojb, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 16, 3),compl_dte_ojb,CodeDes, res_name_sbb, ADDR1_HSE,
job_typ_ojb, job_class_ojb, order_no_ocr, ls_chg_op_id_ocr, CommissionAMT)
order by 1, 2,3, 5;

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 150
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'group'.

Could the error message be in the INNER JOIN?

What do I need to check for next.

Thanks for eveyrone's help so far.


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Join Excludes Things It Shouldn't

Feb 28, 2008

I've got a problem with this query. I'm not great at joins and so I'm not sure how to fix this.
I have items not in the CMO table (the last join), but I still want them to at least show up. They're being excluded:

LSI.Q2 = 1 OR
LSI.Q3 = 1 OR
LSI.Q4 = 1 OR
LSI.Q5 = 1 OR
LSI.Q6 = 1 OR
LSI.Q7 = 1 OR
LSI.Q8 = 1 OR
LSI.Q9 = 1 OR
LSI.Q10 = 1 OR
LSI.Q12 = 1 OR
LSI.Q13 = 1 OR
LSI.Q14 = 1 OR
LSI.Q15 = 1 OR
LSI.Q16 = 1 OR
LSI.Q33 = 1 OR
LSI.Q34 = 1 OR
LSI.Q39 = 1 OR
LSI.Q39 = 0 OR
LSI.Q40 = 1 OR
LSI.Q40 = 0 OR
LSI.Q51 = 1 OR
THEN 'Y' ELSE ' ' END AS Complete

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HELP: ASP.NET Won't Connect To SQLexpress After Deploying To IIS, Try A Lot Of Things...

Jul 31, 2007


I have finish building my ASP.NET site using VS 2005 and it compile just fine. Than I try hosting it to the web via IIS v5.1 and I am getting permission error from SQL express.

I have posted a detail question in experts-exchange.com and since you need a user account to even view the thread, I have taken the liberty to save the thread as .html file and host it to my ISP site. You can see the detail problem I am having here: http://users.accesscomm.ca/mm/EEdetail.html

I am going to list out some stuff I have done:

1. I have two database that need access, the ASPNETDB.mdf for user login and another database (PhotoDataBase.mdf) to store information relating to the photo I uploaded to my ASP.NET site.

2. I have already follow this How to site: http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlexpress/archive/2005/05/05/415084.aspx and setup:
- TCP/IP enable, as shown here:
- I have started SQL Browser service
- The firewall part I am not so sure about. I am currently using Zonealarm....

3. I have installed SQL Server Management Studio Express(SSMSE) and attach the two database to it.

4. I have set SSMSE server properties to accept both SQL and window authentication.

5. I have made sure that both database "read only" setting to false

6. I have setup SQL login with User ID = SQLLOGIN

Here is the original connection in web.config:
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|Da
taDirectory|PhotoDataBase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

and here is the new connection I just type in web.config that replace the original one:
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|PhotoDataBase.mdf; Server=MINGDESKTOP; Integrated Security=False; uid=SQLLOGIN; Password=XXXXXX;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

and the error i get are the follow:

Server Error in '/' Application.An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)Source Error:An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

7. I did haven't done much to ASPNETDB.mdf yet and the error i get right now are the following:

Server Error in '/' Application.
Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'MINGDESKTOPASPNET'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'MINGDESKTOPASPNET'.

Please help! I am really running out of ideas.... and I need to have this setup in a few days....


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Installation - Can't Remember One Of The Things I Installed...

Feb 21, 2008


A while ago I installed SQL CE on my decive. Unfortunately, it crapped out at one point so I'm reinstalling what needs to be put back on. I'm pretty sure I just used the CAB files to do this (but I might be mistaken). In any case, I remember there being an application that allowed me to do queries, browse data, etc. on my device's databases... I'm pretty sure it was just something included with SQL CE.

I already have the CF installed. I have all of the SQL CE CABs installed as well (I think)... but for some reason I simply cannot remember what CAB or other installation that would contain the browser, query creation thing, and so on...

Anyone have any idea what I'm rambling on about? Thanks!

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Can I Achieve These Things Using Reporting Services?

Apr 17, 2008

I have a main report and some subreports.
What i want to achieve is the subreports would be dynamically sent parameters to and the layout would change depending on some
parameters sent from the main report.
So there ia going to be a main report that is constant but the subreports data and layout could change.

Another question is can i have an expression that would hide a subreport if there is no data in the subreport?

Any ideas would be appreciated

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Two Mvp's Saying Two Different Things About The Definition Of Cluster Aware

Nov 12, 2007

one MS forum MVP seemed to be saying that a connection retry strategy is the key to making an app "cluster aware". Another MVP on sql server forums at sqlteam.com seems to be saying that this isnt how one makes an app cluster aware from a sql perspective, eventhough she seems to agree that a 15 second double retry strategy is a good thing. Am I missing what "cluster aware" really means?

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Multiselect List Box Width And Other Things

Jan 9, 2006

When I create a multivalue report parameter I have noticed that the multi-select list box that is created is never really wide enough for the data that I am listing in the box. Is there a way to control the width and possibly the height, of this list box either staticly or dynamicly?

Another problem that I am having is with the way a report displays from within the web browser. It seems that when a report will need to scroll to the right that it gets either cut off or there isn't a scroll bar on the first page of the report. If there is more than one page to the report I can go to the second page and then come back to the first page and the scroll bar appears.

Are there any fixes or workarounds for these problems? Or have I just not read far enough into the documentation?

Wayne E. Pfeffer

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