GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[TblAreaCatmap] TO [admin] Prevent Grant From Being Automaticly Add To Each Column
Oct 15, 2007
GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[TblAreaCatmap] TO [admin] prevent grant from being automaticly add to each column?
Is there a way when you issue a grant select to a table or a view to not also grant select for each column.
The problem is when you use the grant command it automaticly adds the grant command to each column. I want to grant the permission at the table level so when the table is scripted it only has a single grant command instead of a grant for the table and a grant for each column which is not needed.
The sql managemnt studion interface will allow you to do this but onlt by using the interface. If you issue the above command from a query window it also creates A GRANT FOR EVERY COLUMN. How can I stop this behavior.
I am writing a stored procedure which updates a table, but when I run the stored procedure using a login that I have granted execute privileges on, then I get a message that I cannot run an update on the table. This would happen in dynamic sql... while my SQL has parameter references, I don't think it is considered dynamic SQL?
sproc: CREATE PROCEDURE [schemaname].[SetUserCulture] @UserID int , @Culture nvarchar(10) AS UPDATE dbo.SecUser SET Culture = @Culture WHERE UserID = @UserID
In SQL Server 2005 SP2 I want to grant the ability to create views to a user but in order to do this it requires that the users has the ability to grant alter on a schema.
Is there any way to grant this privilage without granting alter on schema also?
Have a certificate and symmetric key that i have used the following to GRANT to logins. How can I find out which SQL logins have the GRANT CONTROL and GRANT VIEW DEFINTION?
I have a user who needs access to views like(dbo.viewnameabc1,dbo.viewnameabc2 and so on...) dbo.viewnameabc* and anytime the user creates the view he already have the permission to view those views....
Hi thereI'm still finding my way in SQL server so the problem might be very simple (hopefully...).Would anybody have any idea why: grant select on table1 to ReadGroup works fine, and grant create table to ReadGroup works fine, yet grant select to ReadGroup results in Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'to'.? Any help would be immeasurably appreciatedCheers!
i want to create new sql user and grant him two tables access. we have several databases created on same server so we want to allow only two table in ABC database. user should not be able to see other databases and their tables. And user also should not be able to access any other tables in ABC database except two tables.
is there any query to deny all tables in schema for all clauses (Select, Update, Insert) then grant two tables to user with select clause?
I'm trying to grant a user group select access to all the views in a database. I already made a query which creates a result set whit the SQL Syntax I (displayed below) need but it seems to be impossible to get this result set executed after creation.
use [AdventureWorksDW2008R2] SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON [' + SCHEMA_NAME(Schema_id) + '].[' + name + '] TO [DOMAINGROUP]' FROM sys.views;
so here i go explaining my problem: I create an empty database. then I use the .net aspregsql tool to make the tables and the procs and everything, and it does. when i view my database it has the 11 empty tables the sprocs and the roles and everything. BUT when I open up the "asp website configuration" to add some users, it gives the following error:EXECUTE permission denied on object 'aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion', database 'masfeni_fakebetsdb', owner 'dbo'.
I have created a table with .. username, password, grant username and password are nvarchar grant is a bit I want to check the availability of the username and password and then check if it is granted to access or not .. so I made a selection query for getting the grant when username ==x and password = y x=data come from another page y=data come from another page then put the selected grant or deny ( true or false) in a data set .. and then check if it is grant ( true) to complete what I want >>> else ( deny ....( false )) to return a reponse of deny username or password... but everytime the dataset is empty .. this is my code ... sqlConnection1.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter("select grant_deny from users where username='"+Request.QueryString["username"]+"' and password='"+Request.QueryString["password"]+"'",sqlConnection1); da.Fill(ds,"users"); sqlConnection1.Close() if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["grant_deny"].ToString()=="true") { . . . . } else { Response.write("error"); } what is wrong ..?? and if there is anyone has another solution for what I want .. I appriciate any sample code,... thanks in advance..
Can I grant select only permission on all objects in the database? I have users that I need to give view access only on stored procedures, triggers, and functions. Thanks.
I want to Grant permission for a table which is residing at another server's database. I have added the server as a linked server to my database and i am able to do all DML (Insert, Update, Delete) operations from the source server to the target server's table. But i am not able to Grant permission for the table.
I need to check if any user in the database is assigned any permissionWITH GRANT OPTION. Please let me know how do I check this. Also let meknow if assigning rights WITH GRANT OPTION is possible from enterprisemanager.Thanks in advanceKamal
Is it possible to grant all privilege for all tables of a specified database through script? Because i have to send the script to user side and i can't do it manually in Enterprise Manager.regards,
it is possible to grant all privilege (CRUD) to specified table to user. But, now, i want to grant all privilege (CRUD) of all tables, views, sp, ... of database to the user. is it possible?regards,
GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::SqlQueryNotificationService TO guestI need to run that T-SQL command to allow Query Notifications and I keep getting this error.Cannot find the service 'QueryNotificationService', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.I am logged in with my user account with Administrator rights along with just about every permission I can think of for the SQL Server account. I even logged in as SA and it also fails when trying to run this command. This is being done on SQL Express. So I also logged into my Windows 2003 Server with a fresh install of SQL Server 2005 Dev Edition and this also fails with the same error.Clearly I need some permission correction or something else is missing from both installations.Please help!
I run the following query...using sql analyzer dbo.aCVChangeSQLPassword 'user1','user1',''I am logged in as user1 in the sql analyzer...It chnages my password, in sql server, however gives me this message...Grantor does not have GRANT permission.Password changed.(1 row(s) affected)Server: Msg 4613, Level 16, State 1, Procedure aCVChangeSQLPassword, Line 27Grantor does not have GRANT permission. Line no 27 has the folliwng code that I execute...