General SSIS Package To Export Any Table Into CSV
Mar 18, 2013
I need to create an SSIS package that takes a table name as a parameter and exports out its data in a CSV file.The challenge is that if I use a data flow task and a flat file connection manager (for csv export), I have to specify the file/table structure. I will not know the table structure until the run time because it is input specific.I was thinking along the lines of using C# in a script task, but could not come up with a full blown solution.
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Mar 26, 2007
I tried to write a package for transferring SQL 2005 table to a flat file in
Visual Studio. However I got the unicode error message at the destination
even though I only use English. Does anyone has idea? Thanks.
The message is as following :
Error: Column "Status" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode
string data types.
Error: ... ( The same message with all the column in the source table)
Please help. Thanks.
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May 18, 2015
I have used BCP to perform this, but I now need an SSIS package. Is this possible to use an SSIS package to automate the task?
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Dec 17, 2007
Hello All,
I am a newbe at MS SQL 2005, so if this has already been answered elsewhere, please just point me in the right direction.
I have successfully used the Import/Export wizard in "execute immediate" mode to import a table from Oracle 10g to MS SQL 2005. Works like a charm, but when I take the saved pacakge (saved as a *.dtsx server side file) - with no changes to the package and execute it from the either the "dos" prompt or from Windows explorer it fails at the login to Oracle step. Yet when I check the package's "Connection Managers" source connection, all the settings, user-ids and passwords look fine. The package does indeed execute, but I receive an ORA-01017:invalid username/password within the trace file of the package, but nothing has been changed from the Import/Export wizard which ran beatifully, thus verifying the appropriate acccess rights to Oracle.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Feb 5, 2007
Anyone know why cells within a matrix that are formatted as numeric export to Excel with a cell format proprty of "General"? Cells within a table however export with an appropriate format.
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Jun 23, 2014
Using server 2012 on local machine, I created an SSIS package that will execute in integrated services and Visual Studio solution but will not work when creating a job. Other solutions work well except when exporting data. The program pulls data from query and exports into .csv file. The messages I get are -
Data flow task 1:error:destination- Stage.csv failed the pre-execute phase and returned code 0xC020200E
Data flow task 1:error:Cannot open the datafile "pathStage.csv".
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio11.0.3128.0
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools11.0.3128.0
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)6.1.7601.17514
Microsoft MSXML3.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer9.11.9600.17041
Microsoft .NET Framework4.0.30319.18444
Operating System6.1.7601
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Mar 22, 2007
I have created a package which export a table in SQL2k5 to a dbase file. I created a SQL native client and a MS Jet 4.0 OLE Jet DB provide. I make Source point to SQL native client connection manager and OLE DB destination point to MS Jet 4.0 OLE Jet DB provide connection manager in Data Flow specification. When I try to run the package, it saids all the columns cannot between unicode and non-unicode string data types. Is there any setting I need to change. Please help. Thanks.
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Oct 9, 2007
I am exporting 350 tables data from SQL Server 2005 to Access 2003.and getting the below error.
SSIS package "Package2.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043006 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0202009 at Package2, Connection manager "DestinationConnectionOLEDB": SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error".
Error: 0xC020801C at Data Flow Task, Destination 64 - CLIMBINGEXP [8065]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "DestinationConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Destination 64 - CLIMBINGEXP" (8065) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020801C.
Any clue?
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Mar 1, 2006
I have to extract data from a read only table using a globel temp table then export it to another OLE DB connection or to a flat file. But in the new SSIS packages it does not allow you to do thisusing the global ## symbols in front of a table name. How do I get around this?
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Feb 15, 2008
I originally thought that to schedule a job I had to import my package into the database (i.e.stored package). I found out however, that I didn't have to do that. I could just point my Job step to the package on the file store and it would run fine. I didn't have to import anything. What are the benefits/disadvantages of importing or not importing the package. I know if it is imported, I can point to the SSIS Package Store for the task instead of the file system.
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Jan 15, 2008
I'm pretty new with this whole SSIS, so I'm still trying to figure out what this whole thing is about. My question is, will SSIS allow me to copy an Oracle Database into SQL Server 2005 and also be able to schedule a time to run and update the new data for that day?
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Jun 14, 2007
This is less of a specific question and more of a request for for some advice as to possibilities and directions. Here's the current situation. My company is using SAP for its purchasing, inventory, etc. This system is pretty much opaque to me - it's managed by another group within the company, and changes to it go through a complicated approval process. At the same time, the majority of our users, internal and external, are looking at this same data through a more accesible and more user friendly collection of web applications - done in classic ASP, up through ASP.NET 1.1 and 2 - and stored in an assortment of MS-SQL 2000 databases. Data is exchanged between SQL and SAP via DTS packages, some nightly, some run more frequently.
There's some issues here - data is never quite synchronized between the two sides, sometimes the same data must be updated twice, leading to possible data integrity issues, etc. Given that, we're going to be moving to SQL 2005 within the next year or so. From everything I've understood, within that context, there are vastly better ways of dealing with out situation than the way we're currently doing it.
So what I'm looking for is just a general impression of what can be done, with SSIS and SAP. Any approaches that might prove more fruitful, an y pitfalls to watch out for, that sort of thing.
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Jun 20, 2007
I need to load Excel files, which have 200+ columns. There is a check for every column, some are simple type and range checking, some checking involve a little bit complex logic that depends on other columns. The legacy problem use a VB code check each column one by one, row by row, and color the problematic cells.
- What's the best practice to do it?
- How to generate a human readable error log in SSIS? the output error log is so hard to read.
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Sep 16, 2015
One of my report has different data types like decimal,percentage and integer values.
When I exported the report to excel , all the values are showing as "general" data type.
How to get excel data type same as ssrs report data type by default when exported to excel?
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Aug 30, 2006
Hey, I've a few jobs which call SSIS packages. If I run the SSIS package, it runs fine but if I try to run the job which calls this package, it fails. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? None of my jobs that call an SSIS package work. All of them fail.
Thank you
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Nov 18, 2007
Hi all,
I have created an SSIS package to export rows of data from SQL to Access using SSIS package. The package is executed from web application. Below is what i want to achieve:
-User enters a date range
-SSIS package will export data between the date range from SQL to Access database.
-When user enter another date range, I want to clear the contents of the Access database. (Im using Execute Sql Task--- Delete tablename)
The problem is that when I look at the table after the second user request, the fields will show #deleted. Only after i click refresh will the new data appear. How can I make the data appear without manually refreshing the Access table.
Thks alot.
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Sep 7, 2007
My current project requires me to both rename the MDB file for an Access database and rename the table it contains. The Access files comes in with random names, each containing one table with a specific name. Based on the table name it contains, I rename both the file and the interior table to a standard name which a later package in the process references.
A foreach container loops through all the mdb files in the applicable directory, containing a script task and a file system task. The script task uses GetOleDbSchemaTable to extract the table name, then loops through an array of table names from the client's configuration, comparing it to a similar array of constant names and getting the matching one. The file system task then uses that found name (or the original table name if a conversion is not found) to rename the file to match that standard name. So far, so good.
Now I have to rename the table within the file as well. All of the examples of code I'm finding on the 'net refernce ADOX, but I haven't been able to figure out how to use that in a script task, assuming that's what I want to do in the first place.
Anyone have any experience with doing things like this?
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Oct 20, 2007
I have created an SSIS package that is designed to move data from SQL Server 2000 to an Access db. I have set the package up to accept four parameters. They are:
the name of the SQL Server Database, which is used in an expression to provide the source connection manager connection string;
the full path to the Access db destination database which is used like #1 above.
the SELECT statement used in an OLE DB Source object to get the data from the source table
the table name which is used by an OLE DB Destination object.
I know that the source and destination tables have exactly the same structure and do not require a transformation.
In order to change variables 3 and 4 from above and have it work, I go through the following steps:
I change the variables to appropriate values.
Go to the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Source object and click on "Refresh". This produces an error in the OLE DB Destination object that is something like "Validation error. Data Flow Task: DTS.Pipeline: input column "strRECTYPESUFFIX" (301) has lineage ID 17 that was not previously used in the Data Flow task.
Go to the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Destination which brings up the "Restore Invalid Column Reference Editor". I mark all the columns that show up with the option to <Delete invalid column reference> and click OK
I then reopen the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Destination, go to the 'Column Mappings' tab click 'Refresh', then in the upper pane where the input and output columns list appear I right click and choose "Map Items by Matching Names"
At this point I no longer have the error and the package will execute without any problems.
I am doing this so that I can load the SSIS package in VB.NET (2.0) so that I can then set these variables programmatically and then execute the package. The problem is that this actually performs steps 1 and 4 above. 2 and 3 are left out and the package fails miserably.
I have found some information that would be helpful if I could get my hands on the appropriate object. I realize that the data flow component would return VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA from the Validate method, and that could be repaired with the ReinitializeMetaData method of the data flow component ( I assume that is the object to be using in this case). But I do not know how to grab the "Data Flow Component" as an object based upon the "Package" object I have loaded so that I can check if it is valid and manipulate it if necessary.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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Apr 19, 2007
Hello all,
I have an issue with my SSIS package not using the package configuration specified in my SQL server table. This is a simple scenario where I need to move data from a csv file to a SQL server table.
I have 2 connection Managers - one for the location of CSV file and another for the SQL database connection string. I chose to Enable Package configuration. Two configurations -
a. Environment variable to store the database connection string.
b. SQL server table configuration for flat file connection manager.
The location of the CSV file is the idea is to change the path as and when needed in the SQL table.
No errors..everything works fine except that the properties of the flat file connection manager is not being pulled from the SQL server configuration table. It uses the location I had specified during design time.
How do I force the SSIS package to use the configuration specified in the SQL table always.
I've been spending a lot of time on this with no success. Please help..
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Sep 29, 2006
I need to run a make-table query against an Access database out of an SSIS package. I tried to do this with an OLE DB Command Task but it fails to create the table even though the task execution comes back successful. Any thoughts???
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Jan 26, 2006
I have two SSIS projects each with different packages. I have setup the packages with configurations stored in a SQL Server table in MSDB. When I create the configuration on the second project it overwrites all of the first projects configurations. Is there a way to to get two different project configurations stored in the same SQL Server table? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Aug 16, 2005
Is there anyone know if a simple SSIS package (moving data from source table to target table) or task can be called repeatedly using a variable that obtains value once a time from a metadata table containing only table names. Basically, I would like to pass in a table variable to the SSIS package or task to start the ETL for different tables. Thanks a lot!
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Jun 6, 2015
I have requirement of sending table data or result of an query as an email with SSIS package.
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Nov 9, 2015
I have created a package that will insert new rows into destination1 if the AnID does not exist in Source1.
This uses a data flow task which contains a oledb source, lookup and oledb destination.
Field Name AnID Acol1 Acol2 Destination1 Field Name AnID Acol1 Acol2
I want to be able to update the destination1. Acol1 and destination1. Acol2 if the Source1.Acol1 or Source1.Acol2 have changed.
To do this, would I need to create separate data flow task that includes a source, lookup and destination.
Or is this possible to build into my insert new records data flow task...
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Apr 2, 2008
Hi All,
can anybody help me in creating the SSIS package to transfer the data from SQL table in database engine to OLAP cube in Analysis services
Thanks in Advance.
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Oct 6, 2015
How can I get table name and schema names of the source and destination in ssis package to insert into audit table....??
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Apr 19, 2007
Hi all,
I am passing flat file source as a variable to Dtexec Utility. (like package.variables[User::varFileName].Value;"D:sourcedata.txt).
Destination table is having one more column.
I want to add custom value in that column at run time by parameter to Dtexec(User::varDate)
I dont know how to do it, please help me.
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Nov 6, 2007
In Past, I created DTS package on 2000 version, that import TXT file into SQL 2000 table.
Now I migrated the DTS to DTSX (SSIS) package, and all is working fine. but I can not find how can I edit or modify the target table name in DTSX(SSIS) package in BI Studio.
can you some body help.
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Jul 21, 2007
I am copying a simple table from a Sql Server 2005 database to an *.sdf mobile database.
I am brand new to SSIS and I am probably doing something wrong. But after executing the SSIS package all the rows and all the fields are NULL in the destination database. I put a datagrid viewer between the OLE DB Source and the Sql Server compact edition destination and I can see the real data which is obviously not ALL NULL.
Does anyone have a clue as to why it would be doing this?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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Oct 6, 2007
I am Importing data in datatable using SSIS package . I made trigger on that table on insert. The trigger on insert is not firing on that table
Please help
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Jun 20, 2006
Hi ,
i was used the Follwing DataFlow for my Package.using Oracle 8i
FalteFile Source -------------> Data Conversion --------------->OLEDB Destination (Oracle Data table)
using above control flow to map the Source file to Destination . When i run the SSIS Package teh Folwing Error i got
"Truncation Occur maydue to inserting data from data flow column "columnName " with a length of 50 "
regarding this Error i i understood its for happening Data Length . so that i was changed the Source Column Length Exactly Match with the The Destination table.
still i am getting this Error. pls any one give me a solution . SHould i Change the DataType also?
pls give your suggestion
Thanks & Regards
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Mar 6, 2007
Hello everyone,
I'm not at all comfortable with SSIS so please forgive me if I overload you all with information here:
I need to create a data table using SSIS which does not delete the previous days data. So far all the data tables we use to write reports in Visual Studio are constructed in SSIS as follows.
1 - Excecute SQL Task - DELETE FROM STOCK
2 - Data Flow Task
4 - OLE DB Destination (Creates table STOCK)
The data tables which are created this way are stored in a data warehouse and scheduled to refresh once a day, which means that any data from yesterday is lost when the updates run. So, I tried to create a table which never has its previous days' data deleted by using just the last three steps above - and it worked great in Visual Studio, no problem at all. However, when I added this SSIS Package to the Update Job in SQL Server Management Studio, the job totally rejected the packed with the message: "The command line parameters are invalid. The step failed".
I thought I could work around this problem by asking the job step to excecute a simple SQL query to insert the data from table1 into table2 (and would thus negate the need for a SSIS Packege at all), but it threw me a curve ball with some message about not being able to use proxy accounts to run T-SQL Scripts.
If anyone knows how to create a SSIS package in which the data never expires please could you impart some wisdom my way. I only need to do this once for a specific report.
Please, when answering, bear in mind that I'm a simple fellow with little understanding of the inner workings of SQL Server and its various components, so please use short sentences and simple words.
Thanks in advance,
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Jun 2, 2015
I need to insert data into Header & Detail table. As shown in the below xml,
RecordID is identity-column and incremented by 1, after new record is saved into Header table. Need to assign the same recordID for the detail also.
Expecting output should be like as shown below:
How can we accomplish this requirement.
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