General Question About Massive SP Use

Jul 2, 2006


Would you say that it's ok for a web site code to make ALL of it's access to a db through SP and views? And I mean everything including inserting new records and updating others with no use with SQL in the code.

The advantage would be very strict control over the access, but in order to achieve this it would take many many SP and views to cover all types of actions, can you think about a disadvantage except all the work creating those SP?? what about the server resources and performance? how demanding it would be?


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Massive Inserts

Oct 15, 2004

Currenlty I have huge amounts of data going into a table.
I'm sending an xmldoc and using openxml with a cursor to seed them.

the question I have is whether to let duplicate keyed data rows bounce
and then check @@error and then do an update on the nokeyed field
to do a select on the keyed field and then do an insert or update based on the
selects results.

Speed is my goal.

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Massive .bak File

Feb 6, 2007

Rather than posting twice, I thought I would put both issues I'm having in one. Our server is Windows Server 2003 and we're running SQL Server 2005.

The first issue is this: We have several databases and I have scheduled their backups to run nightly which works just fine. A couple weeks ago, one of the databases .bak file grew from about 500MEG to 2GB overnight. Then, just a few days ago, it went from 2GB to 3.5GB. There is nothing unusual going on in the live db that would warrant such an increase in the .bak file. All the dbs are in the same backup job schedule but this is the only one affected. Additionally, I had autogrowth enabled on all the dbs but today disabled it for this particular db. Any ideas?

The second issue is my tempdb.mdf file on my C drive. It will go from just a few hundred KB's to 4.5GB overnight consuming most of what is left on my C drive. I'm afraid I'm in for a system crash if it continues. I have to stop SQL Server and restart it to clear the size. Is there a way to move the location of the tempdb.mdf file to my F drive?

I don't know if these two issues are related or not but certainly would like to hear from someone.

Sorry, in advance, for the large post.


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Massive Delete In DB

Sep 6, 2005

Hello,I have a huge database (2 GB / month) and after a while it is becomingnon-operational (time-outs, etc.) So I have written an SQL sentence(delete) that can reduce around 60% of the db size without compromisingthe application data needs. The problem is that when I execute it, thedb does reduce its size 60%, but the transaction log increases at thesame rate. Can I execute the sentence in a "commit" or"transaction" mode so to impede the SQL Server write in the log?Thanks for the help!Antonio

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SQL 7.0 Massive Row Locking Performance

Mar 3, 2000

When updating large sets a row at a time the performance is lacking in comparison to 6.5. When using PeopleSoft which uses cursors with a begin transaction with a loop inside and a commit after the loop completes, SQL 6.5 with Page locking could handle a 300,000 row transaction in 3-4 hours. 7.0 took 17.5 hours. The difference is 6.5 used 50,000 locks and 7.0 used 300,000 locks.

Does anybody have solution short of rewriting PeopleSoft ?

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Massive TRN File, But Small DB

Apr 5, 2006

Hi Everyone,

We have a large and active MSSQL 2000 database. Recently, after a rebuild of the server, we had a problem with the SQL service SQLSERVERAGENT. The service could not start as the service account lost local permission to the registry. During this time, all of the data being sent to the database from our application accumulated into the database .ldf file. By the time we were able to get the service restarted, our .ldf file was approx. 28 Gigs. When the service restarded, the .ldf file shrunk down to regular size,about 40 megs, and the .trx tlog file grew up to 28 gigs for that specific period (new file every hour).

The problem is, the database file (database.mdf) stayed about the same as it was before the service was restarted. When the .ldf transfered to the .trn none of the 28 gigs of data got stored in the database. What does this mean? Perhaps with the service stopped the application using the db saw problems and did not commit the data making it all useless? Or is it possible that the data in the .trn log just needs to be forced to commit to the .mdf???

Is there any way to verify the data in the 28 gig .trn file and figure out if we should get it stored to the database? If yes, how would we go about verifying it, and after that how would we force it to commit to the .mdf file? Am I on the right track here or is it not as I see it??


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Execute Massive SQL Statement

Jan 3, 2006


I thought this was a neat solution I came up with, but I'm sure it's
been thought of before. Anyway, it's my first post here.

We have a process for importing data which generates a SELECT statement
based on user's stored configuration. Since the resulting SELECT statement
can be massive, it's created and stored in a text field in a temp table.

So how do I run this huge query after creating it? In my tests, I was
getting a datalength > 20000, requiring 3 varchar(8000) variables in
order to use the execute command. Thing is, I don't know how big it could
possibly get, I wanted to be able to execute it regardless.

Here's what I came up with, it's very simple:

Table is named #IMPORTQUERY, one field SQLTEXT of type TEXT.

declare @x int, @s varchar(8000)

select @x = datalength(sqltext) / 8000 + 1, @s = 'execute('''')' from #importquery

while @x > 0
select @s = 'declare @s' + cast(@x as varchar) + ' varchar(8000) ' +
'select @s' + cast(@x as varchar) +
'=substring(sqltext,@x,@x+8000),@x=@x+8000 from #importquery ' +
replace(@s,'execute(','execute(@s' + cast(@x as varchar) + '+')
, @x = @x - 1

set @s = 'declare @x int set @x=1 ' + @s


At the end, I execute the "@s" variable which is SQL that builds and
executes the massive query. Here's what @s looks like at the end:

declare @x int set @x=1
declare @s1 varchar(8000)
select @s1=substring(sqltext,@x,@x+8000),@x=@x+8000 from #importquery
declare @s2 varchar(8000)
select @s2=substring(sqltext,@x,@x+8000),@x=@x+8000 from #importquery
declare @s3 varchar(8000)
select @s3=substring(sqltext,@x,@x+8000),@x=@x+8000 from #importquery

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Massive Amoutns Of Reading

Jul 23, 2005

Our database server has started acting weird and at this point I'm eithertoo sleep deprived or close to the problem to adequately diagnose the issue.Basically to put it simply... when I look at the read disk queue length, thedisks queues are astronomical.normally we're seeing a disk queue length of 0-1 on the disks that containthe DB data and index. (i.e non clustered indexes are on a disk of theirown).Writes are just fine.Problem is, all our databases are on the same drive, and I can't seem tonail down which DB, let alone which table is the source of all our reads.Now, to really make things weirder.. during the busier times of the daytoday (say 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM) things were fine.At 4:20 PM or so it was like someone hit a switch and read disk queue lengthjumped from 0-1 up to 100-200+... with spikes up to 1500 for a split secondor so.What's the best way folks know to nail down this?Thanks.----

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Massive Slowdown With Query

Dec 29, 2007

If I remove the TOP 200 this query returns about 2.5 million rows. It combines a lot of records and turns it into much more programmer friendly results. The query slowed down from 2 seconds to about 13 seconds as it has grown from about 10k to the now couple of million.

Code Block

,[ProfileItemType].[Name] AS pt_name
INNER JOIN [UserProfile]
ON [ProfileItem].[ProfileId] = [UserProfile].[ProfileId]
INNER JOIN [ProfileItemType]
ON [ProfileItem].[ProfileItemTypeId] = [ProfileItemType].[ProfileItemTypeId]
WHERE [UserProfile].[UserId] IN (
SELECT [UserCriteria].[UserId]
FROM [UserCriteria]
Zipcode IN (
SELECT [Zipcode]
FROM [ZipcodeProximitySQR] ('89108' , 150))

AND [UserProfile].[UserId] = [aspnet_Users].[UserId]
AND [UserCriteria].[UserId] = [UserProfile].[UserId]
AND [Location].[Zipcode] = [UserCriteria].[Zipcode]
AND [aspnet_UsersInRoles].[UserId] = [aspnet_Users].[UserId]
AND [aspnet_UsersInRoles].[RoleId] = [aspnet_Roles].[RoleId]
) AS t
FOR pt_name IN ([field1],[field2]],[field3]],[field4]])
) AS pvt

The line: FOR pt_name IN ([field1],[field2]],[field3]],[field4]]) I change the values from the long names to read field1, field2... because it was irrelevant but confusing because of the names.

Here is the showplan text

Code Block
|--Table-valued function(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ZipcodeProximitySQR].[PK__ZipcodeProximity__5E54FF49]))
|--Top(TOP EXPRESSION:((200)))
|--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId], [aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Users].[UserName], [aous].[dbo].[Location].[City], [aous].[dbo].[Location].[State], [aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Birthdate], [aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleName]) DEFINE:([Expr1039]=MIN(CASE WHEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[Name]=N'height' THEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[Value] ELSE NULL END), [Expr1040]=MIN(CASE WHEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[Name]=N'bodyType' THEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[Value] ELSE NULL END), [Expr1041]=MIN(CASE WHEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[Name]=N'hairColor' THEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[Value] ELSE NULL END), [Expr1042]=MIN(CASE WHEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[Name]=N'eyeColor' THEN [aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[Value] ELSE NULL END)))
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join)
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join)
| |--Sort(ORDER BY:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId] ASC, [aous].[dbo].[Location].[City] ASC, [aous].[dbo].[Location].[State] ASC, [aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Birthdate] ASC, [aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleName] ASC))
| | |--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Zipcode])=([Expr1043]), RESIDUAL:([Expr1043]=[aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Zipcode]))
| | |--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[ProfileItemTypeId])=([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[ProfileItemTypeId]))
| | | |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItemType].[ProfileTypes]))
| | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[ProfileId]))
| | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]))
| | | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]))
| | | | | |--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId])=([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[UserId]), RESIDUAL:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]=[aous].[dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[UserId]))
| | | | | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId]))
| | | | | | | |--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId]))
| | | | | | | | |--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join, WHERE:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Zipcode]=[Expr1044]))
| | | | | | | | |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserCriteria]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId] < {guid'E3D72D56-731A-410E-BCB1-07A87A312137'} OR [aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId] > {guid'E3D72D56-731A-410E-BCB1-07A87A312137'}), WHERE:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[Male]=(1) AND [aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[SeekingMale]=(0)) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | | | | | | |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1044]=CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nvarchar(5),[aous].[dbo].[ZipcodeProximitySQR].[Zipcode],0)))
| | | | | | | | |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ZipcodeProximitySQR].[PK__ZipcodeProximity__5E54FF49]))
| | | | | | | |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserProfileIds]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]=[aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | | | | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleId]))
| | | | | | |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[aspnet_Roles_index1]))
| | | | | | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[aspnet_UsersInRoles_index]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[RoleId]=[aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | | | |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserCriteria]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[UserCriteria].[UserId]=[aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Users].[_dta_index_aspnet_Users_5_37575172__K2_K1_K4_3]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[aspnet_Users].[UserId]=[aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[UserId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[_dta_index_ProfileItem_5_1714105147__K2_K1_K3_4]), SEEK:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileItem].[ProfileId]=[aous].[dbo].[UserProfile].[ProfileId]) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr1043]=CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nchar(5),[aous].[dbo].[Location].[Zipcode],0)))
| | |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[Location].[CityLocation]))
| |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileType].[PKProfileTypeProfileTypeId]))
|--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([aous].[dbo].[ProfileTypeItem].[ProfileTypeItem]))

Here is a link to the execution plan from Microsoft SQL Server management Studio.

There are no table scans, but the Hash Match from the inner join is pretty bad.

Can anyone give me a pointer or two?

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Deleting Massive Data From A Table

Jan 20, 2014

I have to delete a ton of data from a SQL table. I have a unique identifier called the version. I would like to use if not in these versions then delete. I tried to using the statement below, but learned the hard way that it created an error this is the message I got....

Msg 9002, Level 17, State 4, Line 3...

The transaction log for database 'MonthEnds' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'.

I was reading about truncate, I am not sure how I would do this or how I would setup the statement.

Delete Products
where versions were not in (('48459CED-871F-4971-B888-5083990332BC','D550C8D3-58C7-4C74-841D-1C1675F19AE3','C77C7817-3F04-4145-98D3-37BB1610DB35',


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SSIS Using MASSIVE Amounts Of Memory

Feb 8, 2008


I have a series of SSIS packages, all of which are ultimately executed by a parent package.

I'm consitently getting "OutOfMemory" errors when working with the packages which is temporarily solved by closing Visual Studio and re-opening the package(s)... This solution is short lived however as the OutOfMemory error occurs quite quickly after re-opening, often after doing nothing other than altering a variables default value and attempting to save the package.

The average size of the packages in question (.dtsx files) is around 7,000kb with the largest being 12,500kb. The total size of all the solution's packages is ~75,000kb.

The Processes tab in Task Manager shows a Mem Usage counter for devenv.exe *32 of around 20,000kb when Visual Studio is first opened however, when a single ~6,000kb dtsx file is opened this counter jumps to +300,000kb and when the entire solution is opened (When the parent package is executed), the Mem Usage counter for devenv.exe *32 is a massive +800,000kb!!!

Is this normal SSIS behaviour or do I have a major problem? Any tips or suggestions as to how to resolve this issue would be gratefully received.

FYI, "SELECT @@VERSION" gives me "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (X64) Feb 10 2007 00:59:02 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2) "

My Server is Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 SP2 with 8GB of RAM.

Thanks in advance.


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Massive DTS Delete/import: Logging Problems

Feb 14, 2005

Hey all,

We are using SQL Server 7 on Win 2k and there are some DTS packages set up which empty some large tables (delete from) and then import some datafiles.
The imported files are about 13 GB and during the process the log file gets to about 10GB and then runs out of disk space.

Is there a trick to empty a table without logging it? (a la LOAD Replace from Null in DB2)?
How can I go about keeping the log file size down during this operation?

I think the DB is set to autocommit, the trunc log on chkpt. is set on as is the select into/bulk copy (altho I'm reasonable sure we arent availaing of the bulk copy for the import).

Help? :)

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Massive Data Import, How To Avoid Dublicates?

Dec 4, 2006


I am currently working on a project where I have to import a huge amount of data from CSV files into a database.
I don't want to have dublicate keys in my table, but my CSV file contains them. That means the line more at the end of the file contains the mor up to date information that I have to store.

I try to fix this problem since serveral weeks, but my algorithm is very slow and blocks all other processes on the server. At the moment I am copying all records into a temp table that occure more than once in the CSV file. After that I am running through this table line by line and check if the key already exists in the target table and then either make an insert or an update.

Does somebody know a better process?

I hope somebody can help me... :(

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Delete Records From A Massive Table (heap)

May 21, 2013

So I've stumbled across an audit table on one of our systems that has reached a hearty 180M rows in size.

The table is a heap (no indexes whatsoever).

Each record has a datetime value indicating when it was created.

I need to delete everything that was created prior to the last 6 months; what is my best plan of attack?

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Massive UPDATE And SELECT TOP 1 QUERIES, Slowing Down...

Apr 10, 2007


SQL Server 2005 Standard 9.0.1399 64bit

Windows 2003 64-bit

8gb RAM

RAID-1 70gb HD 15K SCSI (Log Files, OS)

RAID-10 1.08TB HD 10K SCSI (Data Files)

Runs aproximately _Total 800 Transaction/Second

We deliver aproximately 70-80 million ad views / day

8 Clustered Windows 2003 32-bit OS IIS Servers running 2.0 websites

All 8 servers talking to the one SQL server via a private network (server backbone).

In SQL Server Profiler, I see the following SQL statements with durations of 2000 - 7000:

select top 1 keywordID, keyword, hits, photo, feed from dbo.XXXX where hits > 0 order by hits


UPDATE XXXX SET hits=1906342 WHERE keywordID = 7;

Where the hits number is incremented by one each time that is selcted for that keyword ID.

Sometimes these happen so frequently the server stops accepting new connectinos, and I have to restart the SQL server or reboot.

Any ideas on why this is happening?



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ASAP Help Needed Need Sql Guru To Help With Massive Script Issue

May 3, 2007

I need some help I have this massive sql script the problem is I tried to put it in to the query string box in my sql reports and it will not take it this script will run if I break it up but I think it is to large is there a sql guru out there that can show me how to reduce the size of this script maybe by using an out parameter to a stored proceedure. I just dont know what to do and need to produce the report from this script.  Below is the entire script
SELECT  'Prior Year All ' as 'qtr', COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'transcount',  COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'patientcount',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) AS 'tcost',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'dtcost',  AVG(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgTDisc',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) + SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'TGrossAmtBilled',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'PatAvgT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgPercentDiscT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'RefAvgT',  JOB.JURISDICTION,                        PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME,                         PAYER.PAY_COMPANY,                         PAYER.PAY_CITY,                         PAYER.PAY_STATE,                         PAYER.PAY_SALES_STAFF_ID,                         JOB.PATIENTID,                         JOB.INVOICE_DATE,                        JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID,                        JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME,                        INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO,                         INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE AS Expr1,                         INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE,                        INVOICE_AR.CLAIMNUMBER,                        PATIENT.LASTNAME,                        PATIENT.FIRSTNAME,                        PATIENT.EMPLOYERNAME,                        JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION,                        SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION,                        PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.TRANSPORT_TYPE,
            (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed Successfully') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS  'CompletedSuccessfullyItems',
             (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with complaint') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithComplaintItems',                                                  (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Show') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoShowItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Charge') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoChargeItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with Situation') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithSituationItems',
                        (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Not Completed') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'NotCompletedItems',
                        (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Cancelled Prior to service') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CancelledPriorToServiceItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Cancelled During Service') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CancelledDuringServiceItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed Successfully') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'AwaitingforcompletionItems',
                        (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Pending for review') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like'%T ')) AS 'PendingforreviewItems'
FROM JOB                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR                                  ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER                                 ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                  LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES                                 ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT                                ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME                                ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE                                ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME               LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY                                ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID
WHERE                 (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0)AND                 (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                 (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12))AND                (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%')AND                (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')  
GROUP BY                         JOB.JURISDICTION,                        PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME,                        PAYER.PAY_COMPANY,                         PAYER.PAY_CITY,                         PAYER.PAY_STATE,                         PAYER.PAY_SALES_STAFF_ID,                        JOB.PATIENTID,                         JOB.INVOICE_DATE,                        JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID,                        JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME,                        INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO,                         INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE,                        INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE,                        INVOICE_AR.CLAIMNUMBER,                        PATIENT.LASTNAME,                        PATIENT.FIRSTNAME,                        PATIENT.EMPLOYERNAME,                        JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION,                        SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION,                        PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.TRANSPORT_TYPE
SELECT  'Current Year 2007 All ' as 'qtr', COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'transcount',  COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'patientcount',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) AS 'tcost',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'dtcost',  AVG(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgTDisc',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) + SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'TGrossAmtBilled',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'PatAvgT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgPercentDiscT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'RefAvgT',  JOB.JURISDICTION,                        PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME,                         PAYER.PAY_COMPANY,                         PAYER.PAY_CITY,                         PAYER.PAY_STATE,                         PAYER.PAY_SALES_STAFF_ID,                         JOB.PATIENTID,                         JOB.INVOICE_DATE,                        JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID,                        JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME,                        INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO,                         INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE AS Expr1,                         INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE,                        INVOICE_AR.CLAIMNUMBER,                        PATIENT.LASTNAME,                        PATIENT.FIRSTNAME,                        PATIENT.EMPLOYERNAME,                        JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION,                        SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION,                        PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.TRANSPORT_TYPE,
            (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed Successfully') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (@startDate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS  'CompletedSuccessfullyItems',
             (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with complaint') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (@startdate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithComplaintItems',                                                  (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Show') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (startdate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoShowItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Charge') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (@startdate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoChargeItems',

View 8 Replies View Related

Massive Bulk Delete / Data Purge Problem

Jan 28, 2008

I've got a large MS Sql Server 2000 database that has 15 indexes, with roughly 180 million rows representing 240 GB worth of data. Due to the massive size of the database we are trying to purge it down to a smaller dataset, about 40 million rows, in order to speed up the query performance and to be able to defrag the indexes (which are 30-50% fragmented). To complicate the matter, this table is also a publisher in a transactional replication setup, with one subscriber. Also, the system needs to be up constantly so I'm only allowed about a 3-5 hour period to take an outage a week.

So far I've tested several methods of delete following all best practices (batch deletes, using indexes in delete's where clause), and have come up with deleting/commiting 500 rows at a time. The problem is that it still takes 3-4 seconds to delete this many rows, on a 8 GB RAM, 4 processor machine that is not currently used or replicated.

I'm at a loss on a way to pare down the data with a delete as the current purge script will take 7 hours a day for about 3 months. Another option I'm considering is to do a truncate and copy the data back over from the replicated database, but again this has its own set of problems, i.e. network latency and slow inset times. Yet another option would be to create a replica of the table on the production db, copy the data to it, then rename the table.

Any one have experience with purging such a massive amount of data? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

View 6 Replies View Related

General T-sql Help.

Oct 19, 2005

The following is my code.  What I am trying to do is find all the students a teacher as assessed during a give time.  Then find out which assessment was done the most recently.  After that I will then be aggregating those results.  I have never written any pl/sql or T-SQL... heck I don't even know what to call it!The first sql command is doing what I want it to.  I can only assume the cursor is working correctly.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.BryanALTER procedure Domain@UserID numeric,@StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime
AS-- Variable DeclerationDECLARE @SessionID varchar(1000)DECLARE @EachSessionID numeric
--Cursor to find all Children that the teacher has assessed for the given timeDECLARE ChildID_cursor CURSORFORSELECT DISTINCT childID FROM capsessionWHERE userid = @UserIDAND sessiondate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate-- looping through all Children to find there most recent assessment.OPEN ChildID_cursorDECLARE @ChildID numeric FETCH NEXT FROM ChildID_cursor INTO @ChildIDWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)BEGIN IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2) BEGIN  DECLARE SessionID_cursor CURSOR   FOR  SELECT  TOP 1   CAPSessionID  FROM         CapSession  WHERE     (ChildID = @ChildID) AND (SessionDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate)  ORDER BY SessionDate DESC END FETCH NEXT FROM ChildID_cursor INTO @ChildIDENDCLOSE ChildID_cursor
OPEN SessionID_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM SessionID_cursor into @EachSessionID SET @SessionID = ''WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)BEGIN IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2) BEGIN  SET @SessionID = @SessionID + @EachSessionID+ ',' END FETCH NEXT FROM ChildID_cursor INTO @ChildIDENDCLOSE SessionID_cursorRETURN @EachSessionID

View 3 Replies View Related


May 30, 2008

Hi, I wanna know if one has to undergo the 'sql video tutorials' on this website before trying to understand data access tutorials, again on this site.
Are the two related by any chance. Also I am not able to find the customer database files he has created in tutorial # 5, dumb to ask, but what to do?, anyone willing to shed light!!!

View 2 Replies View Related

General SQL Abilities...

Jan 12, 2003

Hello everyone,

as you might have seen, I'm a total newbie to this Site and M$ SQL.
I browsed the forum to see if there are already matching answers to my question, with no success.

My question:
As a MySQL & PHP user I ask myself if there is a possibility to use M$ SQL the way I use MySQL and PHP!?
Is there a way to generate dynamic websites with M$ SQL 2000 and a webserver running PHP sources?
A brief yes or no would really help me, if you have any links or resources on this topic, I'd be glad to hear about it.


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&#34;General SQL Error&#34;

Mar 1, 1999

I get the error "General SQL Error" when reading or writing to a memo field in Sql Server through a frontend build in Delphi 4.
I'm Using the latest BDE.
I have recently installed this onto a NT enviroment in the same manner as my own enviroment but get the error message above.

On my own enviroment and a friends enviroment I do not get any errors.

Can someone please give me some help on this or a direction to run in ?



View 1 Replies View Related

General SQL Questions

Apr 3, 2008

1. What is the SQL error you receive when you try to fetch data from a cursor after it has run out of data?

2. After a SQL statement is executed, what does a negative value in the SQLCODE variable indicate?

View 7 Replies View Related

General Recommendation

Sep 26, 2004

Hi, folks. I've a production SQL machine with more than 20 users making transactions 24 hrs in 6 days a week. I've only Sunday for maintenance. The server has fixed 2 GB RAM allocation for SQL. Is it good to Restart SQL ( or machine) to clear the Buffer-Cache( or is it good to keep the cache) .... :rolleyes:


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General DB Help Needed

Mar 16, 2006

:eek: I am not going to lie, I am taking a DB course and am finding it extremely difficult to understand. :o

We are doing Relational DB & ER modeling as well as table normalization.

I only have 1 hour to take an upcoming and know I will score poor on my own.

Anyone want to help me out with my quiz?

I can post the Q's here.

Thanks much

View 14 Replies View Related

General DB Query

May 3, 2004

Hi! How do you query an entire db for a value?

I know how to do table queries from the SQL Analyzer, but not a full DB search.

Like, if I wanted to find a value '137.51 in a DB, what would I use?

Many thanks!


View 1 Replies View Related

Best General SQL Forum

Apr 28, 2008

I'm not impressed with the speed/quality of responses from this forum...

Can anybody recommend a more active forum?

View 20 Replies View Related

General Search

Oct 5, 2007


is there a search function in MS SQL server 2005 to search for a name of a table or a name of field or entry in a field?

what/how should be the fastest way to do it?

thank you

View 4 Replies View Related

General Questions

Mar 11, 2008

Maximum Number of rows allowed in sql server 2005 tables ?
Maximum Number of columns allowed in sql server 2005 tables ?
What are all the built in string functions can be allowed for 'TEXT' DataType in sql server 2005?

View 1 Replies View Related

General Q About Formulae

Aug 3, 2005

Before I go into specifics, this is my problem. I've have a tablethat gets updated with large amounts of data on a monthly basis.Sometimes (rarely) identical rows of data are on one months import thatalready exist from the previous month. I can identify these rows from acombination of two fields (sampleID and testname).My question is this. Would it be an appropriate 'fix' if I created anew 'formula' field on the table comprising of a concatentation ofthese two fields and then made that an index field (no duplicates)? Myguess would be that if we then tried to import a record with a sampleIDand testname that already existed, then the import for that recordwould simply fail.Would this work? Is there a better way? My background is more withAccess so apologies if I'm not using the right terminology.Simon Harris

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General Question

Jul 26, 2007

hi...i would like to know best practice when assigning a value to a variableexample belowsetorselectdeclare @var1 varchar(25)set @var1='abc'select @var1='abc'to meset is implicitselect implies conditionsi see both used all over the place here at my new witch is better practicetksMJ

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Which General SQL NG Is More Active??

Jul 27, 2007

Is more active thanmicrosoft.public.sqlserver.server, or is it the other way around??Which NG is better for general and 'learning SQL 2005' types ofquestions??Thank you, Tom

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General Questions

Jul 20, 2005

New to using databases that are NOT Access. New to MS SQL Server. I'dlike help understanding some concepts.Firstly, I'd like to know how to connect to a database using MS SQLServer on a remote web server using Windows XP; I know the IP and havethe username and password to connect...but what program do I use?Suggestions, appreciated.Secondly, I'd like to make changes to the remote database - anyonesuggest programs to use?Regards,OZ

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General Question

Mar 28, 2006

I have a general question about transactions and commands that are replicated in a Transactional replication.

My screen shot says:

A total of 5 transaction(s) with 85 command(s) were delivered.

I know what a transaction is, but what is a command?

I am assuming a transaction is


committrans, correct?

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