New to Reporting Services. Installation seemed to go well. All green checks on the Reporting Services Configuration page.
In Reporting Services when I click New Datasource... My connection type is Microsoft SQL Server. This is my connect string... data source=PeninsulaPoint;initial catalog=UHSSelfService. I have checked the Windows integrated security radio button. Then I save the Datasource. I then edit the datasource to Generate the Model to be used in Report Builder. When I click Generate Model, give the Model a name and click ok I get the following error.
Cannot create a connection to data source ''. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
Invalid Authorization
Our company is doing some basic research into using analysis services as a solution for our customers. I've taken our database and built an analysis services project in BI Studio and deployed it to Analysis Services on my local machine I connect to Reporting Services in Management Studio, create a folder for the cube, give my Windows user acct. Content Manager permission, create the Data Source (conn string = "Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=(local)SQLServer2k5;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=STI-PDB" -- copied from the Analysis Services project in BI Studio), and go to "Generate Model". What I get is an rsModelGenerationError, sub [Create Perspective From Cubes] with a connection issue at the base:
Either the user, <computername>Thomas, does not have access to the STI-PDB Database, or the database does not exist. () (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services)
Now, in the Database Engine, my Windows account has the db_owner database role for STI-PDB and it's default schema is dbo, which all the objects are created under. What am I missing here?
Hello everybody,I was configuring a SqlDataSource control using SQL Authentication mode.I first added a database file (testdb.mdf) through Solution Explorer-Add New Items. Then through Database Explorer I created a table named "info"Then while configuring the SqlDataSource control I used the SQL Authentication mode and attached the "testdb.mdf" database file.Test Connection showed success. But when I hit the Ok button of the wizard it displayed the following error message:Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only an integrated connection can generate a user instance.While configuring the SqlDataSource control I clicked "New Connection". Under Data Source section I tried both Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Database File. And in both the cases I attached a databese file(testdb.mdf). Plz enlighten me on this.Thanks and Regards,Sankar.
I get the following error when I try to load the mining model in the mining model viewer
Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[NeuralNet].[GetAttributeValues]' function does not exist.
I get a similar error when I try to load the Load Mining Accuracy Chart
Failed to execute the query due to the following error:
Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[AllOther].[GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource]' function does not exist.
I would like to know if it is possible to generate an error when the value of a field is null. In my case, I do a right outer join between 2 tables (in a ole db source) and if the left id is null i want to stop the package in error (I use a conditional split to know if the id is null or not). How can I stop in error my package ? I thought I could use a lookup to do that but I have too many data: after 10 minutes, there is still no data reaching the lookup.
In the previous thread I said when I want to create a model and structure, in process time one error appeared that I said. Now I think this error is because of my structure now I€˜ve one request i send my project and please see that and say what is this error? Thanks a lot. For creating mining structure and mining model I use the code of chapter14 file that one person had put for me
Please run this project and then say whay when I process my model ,the process do incorrectly. in this code button 1 is for showing the anme of data bsase and table and column of that in currenyt server and then with button 2 i want ot creat model and struture and data source data source view now please run this code and then say whay i have error for process model . please run and answer me thanks a lot
I am trying to get the training error of the model processed which can reveal how much the model fits the cases. The training error can reveal how many cases (from training set) are classified correctly. The lower traing error is, the more the model fits the training set. (Maybe overfitted) But I found it hard to get. I saw the life chart in AS 2005 which I am not quite understand and don't know how to code it in my program.
Is there some way to getting traing error or predicting error?
I am now using this awful way to get the training error:
select t.*,CollegeTree.CollegePlans as pred
from collegetree prediction join openquery(DSource,'select * from CollegePlans') as t on CollegeTree.StudentID = t.StudentID and ... where t.CollegePlans = CollegeTree.CollegePlans;
and then use datareader.ItemCount to get the count of cases which classified correctly.
Keyword: train error,predict error, data mining, analysis service
Hi, I am using a logon control on my site that is supposed to display an erro message when user id or password is wrong. Instead, when I enter the wrong password, I get: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed. when I trace the code, I see that the loginbutton_click event gets fired, it failes to validate the user id/password by checking DB, and sets the error label's text property to the error message and the dies with the above error message. I appreciate your help.
Hi, Thanx 4 ur response.. When I tried that I got an error message 14300: (SQL Server) Circular dependancies exist- Dependancy evaluation cannot continue.. Sorry to bug again--Are there any clues
------------ Jim at 7/13/01 3:59:32 PM
Right click on the table and hit "Generate SQL Script" (under all tasks). On the options tab in the middle of the page check off all four contraint boxes. This will generate all of the sql to add and drop the contraints (and table, so remove this one before running).
------------ King at 7/13/01 3:07:49 PM
Is there any way to delete an unwanted row on a table with 300 or more constraints with less modifications to contraints? Or is there any other way that can remove the unwanted row without much risk? Dropping the constraints is possible but re-adding the constraints may not be possible because the create constraint statements are not known. And readding the constraints may take time because the database physical size is around 1GB... Please help
I received the error "Line 12: Incorrect syntax near '('." in the following scripts that was generated from SQL 2005. The error occurred only on the tables that have PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED. How can I fix it.
USE [dbTest] SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblUploadQueue]( [numuploadqid] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [vchrfilename] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [bitproccflag] [smallint] NOT NULL, [vchrcreatedwho] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, [dtmcreateddate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [vchrmodifiedwho] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, [dtmmodifieddate] [datetime] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_tblUploadQueue] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [numuploadqid] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, FILLFACTOR = 90) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
By the way, why it generated ) ON [PRIMARY] twice? I removed the second one but the error was still the same.
hi, While trying to connect to SQLSever 2000 or SQLSever 2005 from a application , a user is getting the error "Cannot generate SSPI context" while other users can still connect to the server. and moreover, this user were able to connect before. and if he restarts his computer, then try to connect after a lap of time, it will connect. but if he waits and opens other applications,and then tries to open the application,it will not work.
When trying to add a new SQL database to a VS 2005 project I get this error:
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
Any ideas what is causing this error and how to fix it?
I've searched forums and found responses from 2006 forward, but none that I'd find satisfactory, so if anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.
I'm using SQL have SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 SP2. I've successfully used SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio to create reports and charts from data stored in an Oracle 10g database.
I have a distributed team and while I'm creating the official reports, I need them to be able to utilize the Report Builder to create their own reports for day to day management of their own activities.
I created a Data Source and a Data Source View successfully. When I tried to utilize the Report Model Wizard to create a report model the builder can use, I get an error. ORA-02179: valid options: ISOLATION LEVEL { SERIALIZABLE | READ COMMITTED }
I've read that this was ''fixed" with SP2. I've also read that there are work-arounds (which I don't necessarily understand). However, I've read plenty of MS documentation that says that this should work.
Can anyone provide any clarity around where my problem lies and how I might mitigate?
i try to process datamining with DMX first i create new mining: CREATE MINING model ForexData ( timeseri DATE KEY, Xhnow TEXT DISCRETE, Muccl TEXT DISCRETE, Change TEXT DISCRETE, XH5be TEXT DISCRETE, XH3be TEXT DISCRETE, XH1be TEXT DISCRETE , XH1ne TEXT DISCRETE PREDICT_only, XH3ne TEXT DISCRETE PREDICT_only, XH5ne TEXT DISCRETE PREDICT_only)Using Microsoft_Association_Rules (Minimum_Probability = 0.4, Minimum_Support = 0.01) after that i use insert into statement:
INSERT INTO mining model ForexData(Change,Muccl,Timeseri ,XH1be,XH1ne,XH3be,XH3ne,XH5be,XH5ne)OPENQUERY([Forex DB],'Select Change,Muccl,Timeseri ,XH1be,XH1ne,XH3be,XH3ne,XH5be,XH5ne FROM dbo.dataprice')
there is the fisrt time i deploy ForexData so, it return an error:
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'timeseri' attribute of the 'ForexData_Structure ~MC-timeseri' dimension from the 'Analysis Services Project1' database was being processed.
i dont know about it, i have read some docs and comments on web but can solve this problem, can you help me? as soon as posible, please
i have create a data source and data source view by BI and it return database is 'Analysis Services Project1'. and data source name: 'Forex DB' ;data source VIEW name: 'Forex DB' ;
nick yahoo: remember_somebody; contact to me if you can, i really need these infomation
Last week we reset the Model datable to autogrow. Now I get an error when I try to go into it. (I discovered this since I can no longer go into the interface of the program). I wasn't here when the changes were made to the Database Model, but the change was made because the transaction log was filled up.
Hallo I've got a problem with the Report Model Wizard, when i run them i become following error: Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.
The datasource is a Access DB, when i do the same procedure with one of our other db (mssql) it works, but i need the report model to the Access DB.
I need to develop a language specific dwh, meaning that descriptions of products are available from a SAP system in multiple languages. English is the most important language and that is the standard. But, there are also requirements of countries that wants productdescriptions in their language.Â
Productnr Productdesc Language 1       product    EN 1       produkt    DE
One option is to column the descriptions, but that is not very elegantly. I was thinking of using bridge tables to model this but you have to always select a language in a filter (I think)..
I'm thinking of a technical solution, such that when a user logs on, the language is determined and a view determines whether to pick a certain product table specific for a certain language. But then I don't have the opportunity to interchange the different language specific fields in a report (or in my case PowerPivot).
We have our Production server having database on which Few DTS packages execute every night. Most of them have Bulk Insert stored procedures running.
SO we have to set Recovery Model of the database to simple for that period of time, otherwise it will blow up our logs.
Is there any way we can set up log shipping between our production and standby server, but pause it for some time, set recovery model of primary db to simple, execute DTS Bulk Insert Jobs, Bring it Back to Full recovery Model AND finally bring back Log SHipping.
It it possible, if yes how can we achieve this.
If not what could be another DR solution in this scenario.
I regularly (every month or so) get the error "The target principle name is incorrect. Cannot generate SSPI context" when trying to remotely connect to my SQL 2012 instance. The SQL service is running using a managed service account. I understand this error can occur when the service account cannot authenticate with AD properly. Looking at the properties of the managed service account, the password for the account was automatically changed this morning - just when the error started.
I recently attempted to change the password of the sa login. There were no issues while updating the password neither did I get an error when I logged in as sa. Everything appeared to connect and I was able to query a database. However, an error was logged (error 18456 severity 14 state 8) as though I did not log in successfully. Even though I can connect successfully, I don't like having these misleading errors in the SQL Server Log.
When I attempt to generate a datasource model I get the following error messages: ------------------------------------------------ More than one item in the Entity 'Customer' has the name 'Customer Merge Custs'. Item names must be unique among immediate siblings. (DuplicateItemName)
More than one Field in the Entity 'Customer' has the name 'Customer Merge Custs'. Field names must be unique within an Entity. (DuplicateFieldName)
More than one item in the Entity 'Pricing Service Layout Detail' has the name 'Pricing Service Extensions'. Item names must be unique among immediate siblings. (DuplicateItemName)
More than one Field in the Entity 'Pricing Service Layout Detail' has the name 'Pricing Service Extensions'. Field names must be unique within an Entity. (DuplicateFieldName) ---------------------------------------------------
Examining any of the above tables in SQL Server Management Studio does not reveal any duplicate column names. In fact, 'Customer_Merge_Custs' does not appear to be a column in 'Customer' nor does 'Pricing_Service_Extensions' appear in 'Pricing_Service_Layout_Detail'.
As an experiment, deleting the table 'Pricing_Service_Extensions' and regenerating did make the two associated messages go away.
I am trying to deploy my report model project to remote server which is our QA environment using Visual Studio. In my Project Property I have set the Traget Data source folder and model folder and URL. But I am getting this error any idea??? =================================== A connection could not be made to the report server "ReportServer URL for my remote server" . (Microsoft Semantic Model Designer) =================================== Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml'. The request failed with an empty response. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.SemanticQueryDesign) ------------------------------ Program Location: at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.RSConnection.GetSecureMethods() at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.RSConnection.IsSecureMethod(String methodname) at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.RSConnection.GetItemType(String Item) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ModelDesigner.Project.ReportServiceClient.GetItemType(String item) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ModelDesigner.Project.ReportServiceClient.CheckAuthorized() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ModelDesigner.Project.ModelClientManager.GetCredentials(String url) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ModelDesigner.Project.ModelProjectDeployer.PrepareDeploy()
What kind of permission/role do I need to have inorder to deploy report model project on to the server. I am able to deploy same project on my local machine using visual studio.
I am trying to write some DMX queries to create and populate a mining model as a SSMS analysis services project. I followed the following steps:
1. Create the mining model using a CREATE MINING MODEL ... query.
2. Followed by the - INSERT INTO MINING MODEL ... query, which fetches prediction data from another mining model to populate the mining model.
3. I now want to use this new model for prediction, which requires processing the mining model first. When I process the model, it throws the following error:
Error (Data mining): The 'XYZ_Structure' structure does not contain bindings to data (or contains bindings that are not valid) and cannot be processed.
Please suggest if I am making a mistake in the above procedure. I will appreciate all help in overcoming this issue.
Auxilliary question: How do I process the mining model programmatically?