Generate SQL Insert Statement Fro SQL Server Database
Jun 20, 2006
Good day,
I have seen in Enterprise manager there is a toll that can script the all tables in a database, but nothing that can generate the insert statements for all the rows in each table in a secified database.
Does any one know of a application, plug in, script that can generate the insert statments for all the tables in a database?
I Have an error: Server Error in '/quanlythietbi' Application. INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_yeucau_nhanvien'. The conflict occurred in database 'equipment', table 'nhanvien', column 'manv'. The statement has been terminated. Source Error: Line 129:mycommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@noidung_yc1",System.Data.SqlDbType.Text)); Line 130:mycommand.Parameters["@noidung_yc1"].Value = TextBox1.Text; Line 131:int i = mycommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); Line 132:if (i>0) Line 133:{and this is my code:string sqlstring = "Select * from yeucau where ngayGiaiQuyetxong='"+ Label8.Text +"' and date_yc='" + Label7.Text + "' and manv_yc='"+ TextBox2.Text + "' and noidung_yc='"+ TextBox1.Text+ "'";myconnection = new SqlConnection(stringconn);mycommand = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,myconnection);myconnection.Close();myconnection.Open();mycommand = new SqlCommand(insertquery,myconnection); mycommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ngayGiaiQuyetxong1",System.Data.SqlDbType.Char,10));mycommand.Parameters["@ngayGiaiQuyetxong1"].Value = Label8.Text;mycommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@date_yc1",System.Data.SqlDbType.SmallDateTime));mycommand.Parameters["@date_yc1"].Value = Label7.Text;mycommand.Parameters.Add("@manv_yc1",System.Data.SqlDbType.Char,10);mycommand.Parameters["@manv_yc1"].Value = TextBox2.Text;mycommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@noidung_yc1",System.Data.SqlDbType.Text));mycommand.Parameters["@noidung_yc1"].Value = TextBox1.Text;int i = mycommand.ExecuteNonQuery();if (i>0){lbcheck.Text = "Ä?ã Cáºp Nháºt Yêu Cầu.";} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don't know what I must do to repair it :(
When I run this query against PFGDSMRISSQLQ1 in Server manager 2005:use <database>INSERT INTO dbo.<table> (<column1>, <column2>, <column3>)VALUES (12598,2900,1.00)I get this error:Msg 8624, Level 16, State 1, Line 5Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.Can someone please help. Thanks!
i found that database log file can contain more records after performing backup database statement.
for example:
i create a database and limit the log file to 2mb. then i create a table and insert data.
If i backup the database before i insert data , the database file can contain 192 records unitl the log file is full.
If i don't perform the 'backup database' statement. The 'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)' indicate the utilization ratio is less than 40% after inserting 192 records
I list my code:
Code Snippet create database db_test on primary ( name=db_test, filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test.mdf' ) log on ( name=db_test_log, filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test_log.ldf', maxsize=2mb ) go backup database db_test to disk='db_test.bak' --- if i don't execute this line, log file can contain a lot of record go create table db_test..table1(col char(8000)) --insert data to fill up the database log declare @n int set @n=0 while @n<192 begin insert into db_test..table1 values(replicate('a',8000)) set @n=@n+1 end
question 2: i create a database and limit the log file to 2mb. Then i create a table and insert data in an endless loop.
After the inserting operation executing for a while, the 9002 error occurs, indicate the log file for the database is full. But the 'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)' command indicate the unilization ratio is low, and log_reuse_wait_desc in sys.database is 'CHECKPOINT' And I can insert data , and i'm sure the state of log_use_wait_desc is 'CHECKPOINT'.
As i known, the checkpoint can't truncate log under full recovery model. Only the back log operation can truncate the transaction log. So log is not full, why 9002 error is encounterd. and why the log_reuse_wait_desc return 'CHECKPOINT'?
I list my code:
Code Snippet create database db_test on primary ( name=db_test, filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test.mdf' ) log on ( name=db_test_log, filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test_log.ldf', maxsize=2mb ) go create table db_test..table1(col char(8000))
--insert data to fill up the database log declare @n int set @n=0 while @n<>-1 begin insert into db_test..table1 values(replicate('a',8000)) end
Hello Everyone How do you generate a script for all the current sql server logins and generate a script for database users for each database.? You can script operaoers, tables, databases, and a lot of other objects by using the “All Tasks” shortcut menu option, but I haven’t figured out to script logins and database users. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a SQL2008 database, running Standard Edition 64-bit, database owns by sa, connected to Management Studio using Windows Authentication mode. When I tried to generate scripts from a database, I got the following error messages:-
[Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. (SqlManagerUI)]
which happened at one particular table. I have reviewed this table definitions are normal, and I could select data from it.
I couldn't find any information anywhere relating to this error messages, except that someone got it when they were trying to change the authentication mode or sa password.
My problem is one of my query is returing party_codes . now i also want a column which returns serial numbers along with it . the serial numbers are not stored anywhere. they should be autogenerated. My query is combining two different databases and its using union in it so i can not use count in it . Is there any other way i can acheive . for eg Now my query output is party_code ---------- R06048 R06600 R06791 (3 row(s) affected) I want it like party_code serial number ---------- ------------- R06048 1 R06600 2 R06791 3 (3 row(s) affected) The serial number column should be auto generated in the select statement it self Is there any system rowid i can use . Please suggest
I'm trying to generate an update statement based off select statement results. A very basic example,
SELECT ListID FROM DListing WHERE Status = 2Results return 3 rows. 1234 2345 3456
How can I take those results and turn them into WHERE criteria for UPDATE statement?
Generated UPDATE statement should look like this.
UPDATE DListing SET Status = 1 WHERE ListID IN (1234,2345,3456)
I have started by creating a temp table to hold my SELECT results, but I don't know how to get those results into format for IN condition. Right now I get 3 UPDATE statements with 1 ListID in each IN condition.
CREATE TABLE #TempStatusUpdate(ListID INT) INSERT INTO #TempStatusUpdate SELECT ListID FROM DListing WHERE Status = 2 SELECT 'UPDATE DListing SET Status = 1 WHERE ListID IN (' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),ListID) + ') AND Status = 2' DROP TABLE #TempStatusUpdate
I need to write some insert statements, 1 per table, ~100 tables, all having the approximante form:
Select Into TableA Select * From TableB
Except that I need explicit statements:
Select Into TableA Col1, Col2, Col3, ... ColN Values ...
The reason is that I need to preserve the current identity values (it's a replication setup scenario). I can set Identity_Insert On, but then it wants the explicit column names and values.
Is there a wizard or utility that will generate the statements for me? With 100 tables in the db, I'm not looking forward to writing it all :-)
TIA, Arthur
PS. Given that it's Easter weekend, if you have an answer could you please e me directly? Thanks!
does anyone know if there is a way to generate an insert script basedon the records in a table? I want to distribute the contents of acouple of tables to customers without having to use BCP or DTS.Greetings Sjaak
Hi all,I have a problem trying to generate the u/m list of customer.I am trying to generate a list of customer whoes last commence date isjan 04 to current.It is part of a billing system which the customer come in and pay fortheir season parking in carpark. They can pay for various periodshortest being 1 i will have customer paying for 1 week, 1 month, 2 months or even 1year. Everytime a customer come in to pay, a new line at the incvoicewill be generated.My DB structure is as followedCustomer Table-Cust_Acc_No ----> (Primary Key)-Customer Name-Customer AddressInvoiceCust_acc_no-- Link to customer tableInvoice_no -- primary keyinvoice detailsinvoice_no -- link to invoice tablecommence_dateexpiry_dateamount_paidif i do aselect * from customer a, invoice b, invoice_details cwhere a.cust_acc_no=b.cust_acc_no andb.invoice_no=c.invoice_no andc.commence_date>1/1/04it doesnt works as it will showjohn, 1/1/04 - 31/1/04john, 1/2/04 - 29/1/04i do not want repetitive customer number just the latest commencedate.can anyone help?thanks
I have a question regarding generating SQL script from a database. If you use SQL Server Management Express, it lets you generate SQL script that can be used to recreate table structure, stored procedures, etc. But it does not include the actual data stored in the tables.
I rememeber they used to have this option to generate data script for the table in SQL 2000, but I can not find it in SQL 2005. I need to move one table from one database to another, but I need to generate SQL Insert Statements...
I have a web page where the user can select the language (FR, EN, BG, ...) in a drop down list.
Next to the drop down list there is a text box where user can type the some text (translation).
User can add several description
On my web page, i have a button this button collect all information create an xml file and save all in database (sql server 2008)
that's work fine for some language => FR, EN and so on
But for bulgarian (bulgare) and greece there are some problem...
Some characters when i display it in sql look like => ???s??. ? d??ta?? a?t?
The value encoded by the user is => Ένωσης. Η διάταξη αυτή
but the result after t sql xpath is => ???s??. ? d??ta?? a?t?
Here is it my sql code where you can find my temporary table and my xml file and my xpath query
declare @tblTranslation table (idDocID int, languageID varchar(10), value varchar(500)) declare @Translations XML
set @Translations = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><Items><Item><eleKey>EN</eleKey><eleValue>This is a test</eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>FR</eleKey><eleValue>test</eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>BG</eleKey><eleValue>Ένωσης. Η διάταξη αυτή</eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>HR</eleKey><eleValue></eleValue></Item><Item><eleKey>RO</eleKey><eleValue></eleValue></Item></Items>'
-- 2) fill the temporary table with information from the xml file
INSERT INTO @tblTranslation(idDocID, languageID, value) SELECT 1 , Convert(nvarchar(max), i.query('eleKey/text()')) as colKey , Convert(nvarchar(max), i.query('eleValue/text()')) as colValue -- FROM @translations.nodes('/Items/Item') as x(i) SELECT * FROM @tblTranslation
I'd I have a problem I'd like to post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statementsthat will create my table and insert data into the table.I can use the scripting feature in Enterprise Manager to generate CREATETABLE scripts.Is there a script I can run that will generate INSERT statements so I caninclude sample data.Thanks
I am using SQL 2012 SE. I have 2 databases say A and B with same structure and relationships. There are 65 tables in each database. A is already replicating data to database C for 35 tables. Now I need to move data from A to B which is greater than getdate()-1 everyday  for all the tables and once the move is done I need to delete this data from A. And samething the next day. Since this is for 65 tables its challenging to identify the insert order. Once the insert order is identified the delete order will be the reverse of it.
Is there a tool or any SP that could generate the insert order script? The generate scripts data only is generating the entire data and these databases are almost 400GB. So I thought of generating a schema only script and then create an empty database with it and then generate data only to identify the order of insert. But it wont generate anything since there is no data.
How are you guys doing? Hope all is well. This is my problem...I accidentally deleted a bunch of my SQL scripts and would like to generate the INSERT statements from Management Studio. I am currently using SQLExpress. Is there a way I can accomprish my task? Kindly advise.
I have a package in which, when a Cost Center has X as a value, I must insert not X but many different Y value, which are associated with X. How can I gather and treat those Y values? Only using a Script Component?
Have any seen Insert statement deadlocking itself ? Most of the articles published by Microsoft says to change the transaction isolation level from Read Committed to Read Committed Snapshot.Below is the XML file on the deadlock
I am using linked server to insert data to a table. When I do select, it does show me results but when I do insert, it does not work. My source/destination has exact same data types defined. Any idea?
insert into dbo.tb_PERSONNEL
What statement do I use, as part of an insert trigger, to insert xml data from the xml database to a flat file database, to check if a record with a specific ID exists to delete first then insert the changed record, instead of adding the changes or an updated from the original xml database.
What I’m trying to do is take the xml formatted data out of one sql server database and insert the data only in that xml into a another sql database. So I can play with the data.
Problem is if the data in the xml is updated or changed for a specific record on the original xml database then the trigger inserts another copy into the created database (which I don’t want).
I am having 2 tables one is staging temp and another is main import table.
In my staging table there are 3 column Col001,Id,Loaddate
in Col001 column data are present with '¯' delemeter.
I am having function which is used to load data from staging to import table using one function.
this function create a insert statement.
My Existing function
-- Description: To Split a Delimited field by a Delimiter ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_SplitFieldByDelimiter] ( @fieldname varchar(max) ,@delimiter varchar(max) ,@delimiter_count int
[Code] ....
I am unable to get correct statement with above function.
I have two tables for insertion in one transaction scope. Table one have 10 rows. After first table insert statement (not yet committed) if I run select on first table from other session, it holds table until my insert is committed or rolled back and from (SSMS), it display 10 rows and then wait for transaction scope till finished. My question is do I need to use no lock hint in this situation. Or there is something wrong with isolation level. One saying that in this situation table should not hols select while insert is in transaction scope.
In a t-sql 2012 merge statement that is listed below, the insert statement on the merge statement listed below is not working. The update statement works though.
Merge test.dbo.LockCombination AS LKC1 USING (select LKC.lockID,LKC.seq,A.lockCombo1,A.schoolnumber from [Inputtb] A JOIN test.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type
[Code] ....
Thus would you tell me what I need to do to make the insert statement work on the merge statement listed above?
Hello everybody, I'm not completly aware of the SQL server 2005 possibilities so I'd need an hints from somebody with a wide knowledge to understand the direction to take!
This is what I have to do.
I insert into a table XML message. the messages are pushed automatically by an application I have no ""control" on and I get several messages "at the same time".
Everytime the message is inserted into the database I need to trasform the XML data into the correspondent relational value and I know already that in some cases it could take a while (1 second can be considered a while..) My worry is that in the moment I process one message I loose the other one inserted after ,,,
There is some tool that helps me to handte the process as I would..
I've have a need with SQL Server 2005 (so I've no MERGE statement), I have to merge 2 tables, the target table has 10 fields, the first 4 are the clustered index and primary key, the source table has the same fields and index.Since I can't use the MERGE statement (I'm in SQL 2005) I have to make a double step operation, and INSERT and an UPDATE, I can't figure how to design the WHERE condition for the insert statement.
I have a database which will be generated via script. However there are some tables with default data that need to exist on the database.I was wondering if there could be a program that could generate inserts statments for the data in a table.I know about the import / export program that comes with SQL but it doesnt have an interface that lets you copy the insert script and values into an SQL file (or does it?)
This seems like such a simple problem but I am new developer even through I have been on the administration end of things for some time. I will go into more detail about my tables and there relationships below. Anyway, I am trying to create a many-to-many relationship within ms sql server 2005. I have created both of my primary tables and also a junction table per the directions on microsoft's website all per ms's instructions as stated here...
At then end of these instruction it states as a NOTE: The creation of a junction table in a database diagram does not insert data from the related tables into the junction table. For information about inserting data into a table, see How to: Create Insert Results Queries (Visual Database Tools).
and these directions do not go into detail on how to do an insert on a junction table. And I cant find out how to do this anywhere on the internet... I did create a T-SQL INSERT statement in a trigger as listed below but I end up getting an error AS LISTED BELOW....
Here is how I set everything up...
PetitionSet table consists of:
PetitionSetID int auto-increment primary key PetitionSetName varchar(50) no nulls PetitionSetScope varchar(50) no nulls
the Petition table consists of:
PetitionID int auto-increment primary key PetitionSetID int no nulls PetitionName varchar(50) no nulls
the SetToPetitionJunction table consists of: PetitionSetID int PetitionID int
And, there is a composite key made up of both the PetitionSetID and PetitionID fields.
I have created the foreign key relationships with DEFAULT VALUES from the SetToPetitionJunction table to each column's respective corresponding column in each of the tables: PetitionSet and Petition.
The trigger is on the Petition table and it has the following code:
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go -- ============================================= -- Author: Name -- Create date: -- Description: -- ============================================= ALTER TRIGGER .[SetToPetitionJunctionTrigger] ON .[dbo].[Petition] AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
INSERT INTO SetToPetitionJunction (PetitionID, PetitionSetID) SELECT Petition.PetitionID, PetitionSet.PetitionSetID FROM Petition INNER JOIN PetitionSet ON Petition.PetitionSetID = PetitionSet.PetitionSetID
I have created an 2.0 front end to insert values into the PetitionSet table and the Petition Table. And in the detailsview for the Petition table I manually insert the PetitionSetID field to the number that corresponds to an auto-generated number on the primary key of the PetitionSet table. So I am maintaining referential integrity...
The first time it works and inserts one record in the Junction table containing the PetitionSetID from the PetitionSet table and the PetitionID from the petition table.
Then when I try to add in another petition for the same petition set number just like I did the first time and then I get this error...
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_SetToPetitionJunction'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.SetToPetitionJunction'. The statement has been terminated.