Generate An Error

May 9, 2008


I would like to know if it is possible to generate an error when the value of a field is null.
In my case, I do a right outer join between 2 tables (in a ole db source) and if the left id is null i want to stop the package in error (I use a conditional split to know if the id is null or not). How can I stop in error my package ?
I thought I could use a lookup to do that but I have too many data: after 10 minutes, there is still no data reaching the lookup.

Thanks in advance.

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Error Message: Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server. Only An Integrated Connection Can Generate A User Instance

Mar 3, 2008

 Hello everybody,I was configuring a SqlDataSource control using SQL Authentication mode.I first added a database file (testdb.mdf) through Solution Explorer-Add New Items. Then through Database Explorer I created a table named "info"Then while configuring  the SqlDataSource control I used the SQL Authentication mode and attached the "testdb.mdf" database file.Test Connection showed success. But when I hit the Ok button of the wizard it displayed the following error message:Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only an integrated connection can generate a user instance.While configuring the  SqlDataSource control I clicked "New Connection". Under Data Source section I tried both Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Database File. And in both the cases I attached a databese file(testdb.mdf).          Plz enlighten me on this.Thanks and Regards,Sankar. 

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Generate Model Error

May 22, 2007

New to Reporting Services. Installation seemed to go well. All green checks on the Reporting Services Configuration page.

In Reporting Services when I click New Datasource... My connection type is Microsoft SQL Server. This is my connect string... data source=PeninsulaPoint;initial catalog=UHSSelfService. I have checked the Windows integrated security radio button. Then I save the Datasource. I then edit the datasource to Generate the Model to be used in Report Builder. When I click Generate Model, give the Model a name and click ok I get the following error.

Cannot create a connection to data source ''. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
Invalid Authorization


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How To Generate A Severity Error Of 10 Or Less?

Jul 25, 2007


I'm studying SQL database and like to get an InfoMessage event raised by generating an error of severity level 10 or less.

How can I achieve this?

(I tried sql syntax errors, but they result in severity error levels 15 or 16)


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Failed To Generate User Instance ... Error

Jun 11, 2007

I am using a logon control on my site that is supposed to display an erro message when user id or password is wrong. Instead, when I enter the wrong password, I get: 
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.
when I trace the code, I see that the loginbutton_click event gets fired, it failes to validate the user id/password by checking DB, and sets the error label's text property to the error message and the dies with the above error message.
I appreciate your help.

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Tried Generate Script And Got An Error Message-for Deleting A Row

Jul 13, 2001

Hi, Thanx 4 ur response.. When I tried that I got an error message
14300: (SQL Server) Circular dependancies exist- Dependancy evaluation cannot continue.. Sorry to bug again--Are there any clues

Jim at 7/13/01 3:59:32 PM

Right click on the table and hit "Generate SQL Script" (under all tasks). On the options tab in the middle of the page check off all four contraint boxes. This will generate all of the sql to add and drop the contraints (and table, so remove this one before running).

King at 7/13/01 3:07:49 PM

Is there any way to delete an unwanted row on a table with 300 or more constraints with less modifications to contraints? Or is there any other way that can remove the unwanted row without much risk? Dropping the constraints is possible but re-adding the constraints may not be possible because the create constraint statements are not known. And readding the constraints may take time because the database physical size is around 1GB... Please help

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Generate Scrripts Systax Error With SQL 2005

Aug 31, 2007

I received the error "Line 12: Incorrect syntax near '('." in the following scripts that was generated from SQL 2005. The error occurred only on the tables that have PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED. How can I fix it.

USE [dbTest]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblUploadQueue](
[numuploadqid] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[vchrfilename] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[bitproccflag] [smallint] NOT NULL,
[vchrcreatedwho] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,
[dtmcreateddate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[vchrmodifiedwho] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,
[dtmmodifieddate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[numuploadqid] ASC

By the way, why it generated ) ON [PRIMARY] twice? I removed the second one but the error was still the same.

Thanks for your help.

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Connection Error: Cannot Generate SSPI Context

Nov 11, 2007

While trying to connect to SQLSever 2000 or SQLSever 2005 from a application ,
a user is getting the error "Cannot generate SSPI context" while other users
can still connect to the server.
and moreover, this user were able to connect before.
and if he restarts his computer, then try to connect after a lap of time, it will connect.
but if he waits and opens other applications,and then tries to open the application,it will not work.

so how to resolve this problem?


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Error: Failed To Generate A User Instance...

Apr 25, 2006


When trying to add a new SQL database to a VS 2005 project I get this error:

Failed to generate a user instance of SQL server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

Any ideas what is causing this error and how to fix it?





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Urgent Help Needed !!! Cannot Generate SSPI Context Error

Dec 12, 2006

Dear Sir,

I tried installing sql server using mixed mode authentication but i am constantly receiving a error as follows and its getting shutting down

A connection could not be established to AICRR

Reason :Cannot generate SSPI context

Please verify sql server is running and check your sql server registeration properties(by right clicking on the AICRR node) and try again.

Please give me the resolution as soon as possible.



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SQL 2012 :: Cannot Generate SSPI Context Error When Password Changes

May 22, 2013

I regularly (every month or so) get the error "The target principle name is incorrect. Cannot generate SSPI context" when trying to remotely connect to my SQL 2012 instance. The SQL service is running using a managed service account. I understand this error can occur when the service account cannot authenticate with AD properly. Looking at the properties of the managed service account, the password for the account was automatically changed this morning - just when the error started.

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SQL 2012 :: Login Successful But Still Generate Error 18456

Feb 2, 2015

I recently attempted to change the password of the sa login. There were no issues while updating the password neither did I get an error when I logged in as sa. Everything appeared to connect and I was able to query a database. However, an error was logged (error 18456 severity 14 state 8) as though I did not log in successfully. Even though I can connect successfully, I don't like having these misleading errors in the SQL Server Log.

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Cannot Generate SSPI Context. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 0)

Apr 20, 2007


I am working on sql server 2005 .

when I am trying to connect to server:

following error is occuring:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to servername


Cannot generate SSPI context. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 0)

Could any one help What might be the problem ? for this ?



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MS SQL Server 2005: Collect Procedure For Dts Pipeline Generate Error

Nov 21, 2006

Dear experts,

My MS SQL Server 2005 is generating the following error. may i know what's wrong with it?

The Collect Procedure for the "DTSPipeline" service in DLL "XXX:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server (x86)90DTSBinnDTSPipelinePerf.dll" generated an exception or returned an invalid status. Performance data returned by counter DLL will be not be returned in Perf Data Block. The exception or status code returned is the first DWORD in the attached data.

Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Unknown Error Messages During Generate Script From Database

Mar 23, 2009

I have a SQL2008 database, running Standard Edition 64-bit, database owns by sa, connected to Management Studio using Windows Authentication mode. When I tried to generate scripts from a database, I got the following error messages:-

[Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. (SqlManagerUI)]

which happened at one particular table. I have reviewed this table definitions are normal, and I could select data from it.

I couldn't find any information anywhere relating to this error messages, except that someone got it when they were trying to change the authentication mode or sa password.

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Connecting To SQL Server 2005 Using Windows Auth/Cannot Generate SSPI Context Error

Jan 3, 2008

Hi-I have a program that I am developing on a laptop, then deploying it on a server.I have the prgram running passing a username and PW in the connection object, but like the idea of using windows authentication MUCH better.I just joined the domain, so I am domain/me for example.If I log into the server, and look at securities, logins and added domain/me to the logins.I then try and set up a sql connection via both visual studio, and sql server magt studio, and get the dreaded "Cannot generate SSPI context" error. Anyone else have this problem? SHOULD V.S. be using domain/me to connect?  TIA dan 

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SSPI Error '-2147467259 (80004005) Cannot Generate SSPI Context

Sep 14, 2007

We are runnig Windows server 2003 R2 and SQL Server 2005 Standard on the same computer.

We have workstations that log into our domain with Windows Authentication. The software loads just fine and then later up pops the error noted above.

Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated.


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Generate .sql ?

Jan 9, 2007

When MS published starter kits there were files .sql in App_Data. This files contained some sample data for a DB. How to create such files when I have database with data ?

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Generate Xml

Oct 20, 2007

how generate an xml file from data in sqlserver2005
and read it in sql again

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Generate FKs

Nov 20, 2002

One of my first tasks on my current project was to generate all of the SQL scripts needed to rebuild the database. Of course, one of the catches was that everything needed to be separated out (table columns in different script from PKs different from FKs different from DEFAULTs, etc., etc.). And we wanted our own comment block inserted. So, I couldn't just use the Generate SQL Script from Enterprise Manager and be done with it. I was going to need to do some more work. Well, here's one of the scripts I wrote to build the FK scripts. Execute this script, then copy & paste the results into a new window. Break apart into separate .sql files as desired.

NOTE: Be sure to show results in Text (not grid) and change the display options in QA to return more than just 256 characters.

Author: Mark Caldwell
Date: 11/15/2002
Descrip: Generate scipt commands to ADD FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINTS for constraints already in DB.

NOTE: Be sure to set your Tools/Options/Results/Maximum Characters per column to a
large enough number (such as 2000) to display the entire command.

-- ' + + ' to ' + + '
IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(N''' + + '''), ''IsForeignKey'') = 1 BEGIN
PRINT '' -- DRP - ' + + '''
G' + 'O


PRINT '' -- ADD - ' + + '''
G' + 'O

FROM sysforeignkeys sfk
JOIN sysobjects so1 on sfk.constid =
JOIN sysobjects so2 on sfk.fkeyid =
JOIN sysobjects so3 on sfk.rkeyid =

Edited by - AjarnMark on 11/20/2002 02:46:11

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Generate Sql Script?

Oct 22, 2006

The web site I am building is working fine locally, but I am hitting some problems with setting it up on a remote hosting server.First off, how can I generate the sql script to populate the SQL db on the remote server?I am using VS 2005 Standard. Do I need to d/l the SQL Server Express?Once I get that going, I should be able to figure out the rest...but I'll prolly have another question or two.Thanks

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How To Generate Userid?

Feb 15, 2008

Hello everyone.

i need to auto generate the user id in id colunm in my sqldatabase table.i want it to generate in this fashion.(mycompanyname-todaydate-number.)eg (ibm-15thfeb-1)    (ibm-15thfeb-2)       (ibm-16thfeb-1)here i need this user id to be automatically displayed in my web form when doing registration of new user,then only after clicking the savebutton i want all the data along with user id to be inserted into the table in sqldatabase.thanksjack.   

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Generate AutoNumber

Jul 16, 2005

Hi, I have a question, I have created a table and with a primary key called "ID". However, I want the "ID" be auto increment as well. when inserting new record into the database.I'm using how can I do in the following format: "1", "2", "3", ............ etc. I've the code below but it's not working in the right way, what's wrong with my code?
Private Sub BtnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim ssql As String
Dim Itemid As Integer
Dim updcmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Itemid = 0
mysqladap = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select MAX(Item_id) From auction where item_type= '" & (Image1.ImageUrl) & "'", mySqlConn)
Itemid = (Itemid) + 1
ssql = "insert into auction (item_id,owner_name,owner_mail,owner_mobile,owner_phone,owner_ext,item_type,item_name,item_image,item_desc,item_cost,start_date) values ('" & (Itemid) & "','" & Trim(ownertxt.Text) & "' ,'" & Trim(emailtxt.Text) & "', '" & Trim(mobiletxt.Text) & "', '" & Trim(phonetxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(exttxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(DropDownList1.SelectedValue) & "','" & Trim(itemtxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(Image1.ImageUrl) & "','" & Trim(desctxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(costtxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(Today.Date) & "')"
updcmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(ssql, mySqlConn)
lblmsg.Visible = True
End SubAnyone can help me? Thanks.

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&#39;Generate SQL Scripts&#39;

Apr 2, 2001

Are there any scripts available with anyone, for generating SQL scripts for all the objects in a server?


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Generate Script

Apr 2, 2001

I want to transfer some procedures using a generated script. However, the procedures that create pre-existing tables will not be created. Is there a way to shut off the validation so that I can create these procedures without getting errors?

Thanks for the help

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DTS - Generate SQL Script

Jun 7, 2002

Is there a way to write a dts package that will Generate SQL Scripts for a particular database? I am just learning dts and would like to automate this process that I run on weekly basis.



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Generate Excel From Sp

Nov 13, 2006

can I generate excel from stored procedure?

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How To Generate Txt File

May 2, 2006

hi all,

how to generate txt file from sql table. I want text file with respective columns without any seperator between columns. and if for an example a column of int having 5 digits but i want it in text file with 10 digits with remaining all as blanks. guide me how to do this.
thnks in adv

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Generate A .txt File

Apr 28, 2008

This is my first time on sqlteam forum so a big hello to everyone!!

Firstly I am very noive user of sql to say the least, but i have be requested to create a .txt file

Its for a program that will read the txt file i create to produce a letter i.e I will be extracting, TITLE, FORENAME, SURNAME etc


Here is the my code so far, like i said i am a very novice user so try to help me and not condem me for my lack of knowledge!

Iv been asked to have these eight fields looping over and over for all the records in the database, So im not to how to do that and how to generate it in a txt file?!


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Generate SQL Script

Jul 29, 2005

--This procedure will generate the Structure of a table

Create Procedure GenerateScript (
@tableName varchar(100))
If exists (Select * from Information_Schema.COLUMNS where Table_Name=@tableName)
declare @sql varchar(8000)
declare @table varchar(100)
declare @cols table (datatype varchar(50))
insert into @cols values('bit')
insert into @cols values('binary')
insert into @cols values('bigint')
insert into @cols values('int')
insert into @cols values('float')
insert into @cols values('datetime')
insert into @cols values('text')
insert into @cols values('image')
insert into @cols values('uniqueidentifier')
insert into @cols values('smalldatetime')
insert into @cols values('tinyint')
insert into @cols values('smallint')
insert into @cols values('sql_variant')

set @sql=''
Select @sql=@sql
+case when charindex('(',@sql,1)<=0 then '(' else '' end +Column_Name + ' ' +Data_Type +
case when Data_Type in (Select datatype from @cols) then '' else '(' end
+case when data_type in ('real','money','decimal','numeric') then cast(isnull(numeric_precision,'') as varchar)+
','+case when data_type in ('real','money','decimal','numeric') then cast(isnull(Numeric_Scale,'') as varchar)
end when data_type in ('char','nvarchar','varchar','nchar') then cast(isnull(Character_Maximum_Length,'') as varchar) else '' end
+case when Data_Type in (Select datatype from @cols)then '' else ')' end
+case when Is_Nullable='No' then ' Null,' else ' Not null,' end
from Information_Schema.COLUMNS where Table_Name=@tableName
select @table= 'Create table ' + table_Name from Information_Schema.COLUMNS where table_Name=@tableName
select @sql=@table + substring(@sql,1,len(@sql)-1) +' )'
select @sql as DDL
Select 'The table '+@tableName + ' does not exist'


Failing to plan is Planning to fail

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Generate Script

Apr 22, 2007

i recently moved from sql server 7 to sql 2005 -- in sql 7 if i wanted to generate an sql script then It would generate a whole script ---
in sql 2005 - when i do generate it seems to attach a file --
I want to generate a script that I can then modify and use to create a new db -- is this possible?

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Custom Generate IDs

Jun 4, 2007

Hi All!

I was thinking of creating a custom generated IDs for my table. I would like the ID to be something like "HR001" or "IT001", the two letter prefix would indicate the dept it belongs to. Initially I thought of having a table that will hold all the seed values for the IDs but I realize that this could have some concurrency problems if there will be a multiple number of users are creating a record at the same time. So now I have totally no idea on how to deal with the concurrency problem.

I will not be using this as a primary key because I already have the Identity field to be my primary key, though of course this field would definitely be unique. I will just be using this to display in the UI.

Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.


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Generate SQL-Scripts

Jul 13, 2007

Do someone know if there is a SP_ or XP_ function for help me create a script of create table? I can do it "on-line" by right click a table in Enterprise-Manager (all properties;generate sql-script), but I want to "call a command" to do this.
Very glad if someone know!

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