Generate Lab Statistics From Data

Oct 11, 2007


I'm a network admin who understands sql but have no reason to write it everyday so I have no idea how to approach this problem.

I am trying to generate usage statistics of our computer labs. I have written a few scripts that populate a sql 2005 database with the following information:

[datetime] [username] [computer] [event]
2007-10-10 15:25:03 tom earth logon
2007-10-10 15:39:09 john mars logon
2007-10-10 15:41:13 dave pluto logoff
2007-10-10 15:47:29 john mars logoff
2007-10-10 15:59:48 tom earth logoff

Each time a user logs on or logs off one of our lab computers the information is inserted into this database.

It seems that was the easy part. Lacking any local sql experts, I'm pondering where to go from here to generate usage statistics.

What I'm thinking is a SQL query (which I don't know how I'd write) that would calculate the session time and insert it into a new table. A session is defined as the time between a logon and logoff where the username and computer match.

The new table would look something like this:

[user] | [computer] | [sessionTime] | [day]
tom | earth | 00:34:45 | 2007-10-10
john | mars | 00:08:20 | 2007-10-10

The logic of the query finds the first logon event and matches it with the first logoff event in which the username and computer match. It then subtracts the logon datetime from the logoff to calculate session time.

Is this a reasonable approach? Is the query easy to write?

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Auto Created Statistics And Missing Statistics

Jul 20, 2005

Hello group.I have an issue, which has bothered me for a while now:I'm wondering why the column statistics, which SQL Server wants me tocreate, if I turn off auto-created statistics, are so important to theoptimizer?Example: from Northwind (with auto create stats off), I do the following:SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'Sweden'My query plan show a clustered index scan, which is expected - no indexexists for Country. BUT, the query plan also shows, that the optimizer ismissing a statistic on Country, which tells me, that the optimizer wouldbenefit from knowing this.I cannot see why? (and I've been trying for a while now).If I create the missing statistics, nothing happens in the query plan (andwhy should it?). I could understand it, if the optimizer suggested an indexon Country - this would make sense, but if creating the missing index, queryanalyzer creates the statistics with an empty index, which seems to me to beless than usable.I've been thinking long and hard about this, but haven't been able to reacha conclusion :) It has some relevance to my work, because allowing theoptimizer to create missing statistics limits my options for designingindexes (e.g. covering) for some rather wide tables, so I'm thinking why notturn it off altogether. But I would like to know the consequences - hopesomebody has already delved into this, and knows a good explanation.RgdsJesper

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Unit Of Time-statistics In Client Statistics

Aug 1, 2006

What is the unit of the numbers you get in the Time Statistics-part when running a query in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio with Client Statistics turned on?

Currently I get mostly 0´s, but if I try and *** up a query on purpose I can get
it up to around 30... Is it milliseconds or som made up number based on clockcycles or... ?

I would also like to know if it´s possible to change the precision.

- Nikolaj

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Generating Various Statistics From Data In MSSQL7

Jul 20, 2005

Sorry about the huge post, but I think this is the amount ofinformation necessary for someone to help me with a good answer.I'm writing a statistical analysis program in and MSSQL7 thatanalyzes data that I've collected from my business's webpage and thehits it's collecting from the various pay-per-click (PPC) engines.I've arrived at problems writing a SQL call to generate certainstatistics.Whenever someone enters our site from one of the PPC search engines, Iwrite out a row to the Hits table. In that table are the followingcolumns:HitID - the Unique ID assigned to each hit that comes into the siteKeyword - the keyword the user searched on when he or she came to thesiteSearchEngine - the PPC engine the user came fromSource - this is pretty much always 'PPC'...if we were to do otherthings, like a newsletter, then this would be different.TimeArrived - the date and time the user arrived at the website. Ihave no idea why I didn't call it "datearrived," since I use "date"and not "time" pretty much everywhere else...(I don't think the rest are important, but they might be, so I'llinclude them for completeness's sake)Referring URL - the URL the user came fromReferring Website - the string between the 'http://' and the first '/'in the URL. I know it's redundant information, but when I designedthis part, I didn't know how to parse it out afterwards, so I justfigured I'd duplicate it.Page Visited - the page the user first arrived atWhen a person comes to the site, I also write out a session cookiecontaining the user's hitID. If the person fills out an enrollmentform (a process which we refer to as "responding"), I attach thatsession ID to the form. The response form (and thus the responsestable) is long; these are the important fields:id - a unique ID for each responsedate - the date and time of the responsestatus - a varchar field containing a status code. I would have madeit a number, but I wanted it to be viewable from looking at the rawdatabase.hitid - the HitID of the user, taken from the session cookie. If thereis no session cookie (for whatever reason), the HidID is written outas 0. While it wouldn't occur often, I can't guarantee that there willnever be more than one response record attached to a singular hitid.Later, some of the responses turn into "confirmations", which meansthat they've actually ordered from us, not just filled out the form.This usually happens about three or four days after the initialresponse. When this happens, the status of the response is changed toa phrase containing the word "confirm" in it (there are a few of them,but they all contain that word).So now that we've collected all this marketing intel., I need toanalyze it.I've written a parser that takes reports from various pay-per-clickcompanies and puts them into a table called PPC. Information in thiscolumn is written out as one record per search engine per keyword perday. The schema is as follows:id - a unique ID for the record in the tabledate - the date to which the information in the record appliessearchengine - the PPC engine to which the information applieskeyword - the keyword to which the information appliesclicks - the number of clicks on the applicable keyword on theapplicable search engine on the applicable day.impressions - same as clicks, but for impressionscpc - the cost per click on the applicable keyword ...avgpos - (I don't always have a value for this field) The averageposition that the keyword was shown in for the applicable keyword ...With this data in, the last step is actually analyzing the threetables for useful statistics on the various keywords, search engines,and time frames. That's the step I've been trying to complete.So what I need is a SQL call that I can run that generates a tablewith the following information:SearchEngineKeywordCost / Click - When calculating the CPC, I can't just take an averageof all the records. I need to calculate the total amount spent per day(clicks * cpc), add that up for every day, and then divide that by thenumber of total clicks. Just doing an average doesn't take intoaccount the fact that some days we'll get more clicks than others.Total Spent - # Clicks * CPC#Responses - counting the number of records in the responses table#Confirms - counting the number of records in the responses table with"confirm" in their statusTotal Spent / #ResponsesTotal Spent / #ConfirmsOh yeah, and I want to be able to order by any four of the fields inany order, narrow my selection to only those keywords that either areor contain a user-specified string, further narrow my selection toonly those records that fit other user-specified criteria for any ofthe columns in the table I'm generating, and select only the top xrecords (where x is a user-specified number). I already haveuser-controls that output the SQL for all of these things, but I needto have places in which I may put that SQL in my call.After many trials and tribulations, I've come up with the followingSQL call. Right now, its output for nearly every row is incorrect, Ithink in a large part due to the fact that the method that I'm usingto generate the number of clicks is yielding incorrect values.If you'd like to help me and you think that modifying the followingcall is easier than writing a whole new one, be my guest; if you'dprefer to write a new one, I'm game for that, too. I'm just concernedwith its working right now, and any help you can give me is greatlyappreciated.Anyway, here's the call:/*sp_dboption @dbname='NDP', @optname='Select Into', @optvalue=true;*//*Running the above might be necessary to get the "Select Into"s towork*/Drop table ResponsesPPCDrop table ConfirmPPCDrop table TempPPCSELECT Responses.[ID] as [ID], Responses.Status, PPC.SearchEngine,PPC.KeywordInto ResponsesPPCFROM Responses, PPCWHERE Responses.HitID IN(SELECT Hits.HitIDFROM HitsWHERE Hits.SearchEngine = PPC.SearchEngineAND Hits.Keyword = PPC.Keyword)SELECT ID, Status, SearchEngine, KeywordInto ConfirmPPCFROM ResponsesPPCWHERE Status LIKE "%confirm%"Order by SearchEngine, KeywordSELECT PPC.SearchEngine, PPC.Keyword,SUM(PPC.Clicks), /*I noticed that thiscolumn gives me incorrect values(I don't need it in my final report, but it's useful for debugging).For some keywords, it gives me huge numbers(e.g. 265 clicks on one word that got ~10 clicks /day over five days),and for others, it doesn't give me enough. I think this is a majorpartof what's throwing off the rest of the statistics*/Case SUM(PPC.Clicks) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSESUM(PPC.clicks * PPC.cpc) / SUM(PPC.Clicks) END as CPC,SUM(PPC.clicks * PPC.cpc) AS TotalCost,count(ResponsesPPC.ID) As NumResponses,Count(ConfirmPPC.ID) As Confirms,(Case Count(ResponsesPPC.ID) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSESUM(PPC.clicks * PPC.cpc) / count(ResponsesPPC.ID) END) ASCostPerResponse,(Case Count(ConfirmPPC.ID) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSESUM(PPC.clicks * PPC.cpc) / count(ConfirmPPC.ID) END) AsCostPerConfirmFROM (PPC LEFT JOIN ResponsesPPC ON PPC.SearchEngine =ResponsesPPC.SearchEngineAND PPC.Keyword = ResponsesPPC.Keyword)LEFT JOIN ConfirmPPC ON PPC.SearchEngine = ConfirmPPC.SearchEngineAND PPC.Keyword = ConfirmPPC.KeywordGROUP BY PPC.SearchEngine, PPC.KeywordOrder by PPC.keyword desc/*Drop table ResponsesPPCDrop table ConfirmPPCDrop table TempPPC*//*I don't drop them right now so I can look at them,but normally, one would drop those tables.*/Thanks a lot for your help,-Starwiz

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Data Warehousing :: Generating STATISTICS (Automation)

Jul 21, 2015

Is it possible to write a SP (Automate) to generate STATISTICS on any database and then use the output to create the stats on that database.

I ran the tuning adviser and it suggested indexes with lot of STATISTICS on the dev environment. This dev environment is replicated in several other environment with data size in these environment varying. I would  like to know if I can create a SP which generates STATISTICS information pertaining to specific database environment for the query in question for tuning. 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Data Statistics For Population And Distribution

Aug 19, 2015

I have been asked to create a report for one of our clients. The report is pretty basic but I am concerned about the overheads with my planned approach.The report is at a table and field grain to include values for:

* Min column value
* Max column value
* Number of discrete values
* Number of populated values (not NULL)

My current plan is to have a cursor over a limited view of sys.tables and sys.columns that will run a dynamic SQL query to import the results into a table that I can then output.There must be a better way of doing this and I don't have access to any DQS services.

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How Do I Copy The Index Statistics To A Development Database Server Without Data.

Jul 16, 2007

I want to be able to reproduce my production execution plans on development with copying data.

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Generate Sample Data

Sep 18, 2005

I am needing to o exactly what Zippygoose says (with ordered ID numbers). How do yo make an insert statement that will make a loop until let's say the ID reaches 8000??

Thanks in advanced,

User needs to fill his tables with sample data.
(Sorry for the edit, but I prefer to split this thread instead of continuing an old one (2003!!)).

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Help!!!!to Generate Random Data....

Jul 8, 2007

Dear All,
I have some problems with the assignment from my professor.

Suppose there are two tables storing first names and last names, one table with column of first name and gender, the other with last name.

how to write stored procedures to get a random first name + random last name for Males or Female. like you got a list of all M & F first name and last name, then you try to match first name with any other last name (I believe this is random).

and the task is to write a script so each time when a female or male full name is need, it will return a random name for the requested gender.

I am totally struck and no idea how to deal with it, in fact I am just a beginning in SQL server, and I know there is a stored procedure to generate random number, however, I can't see the use of it here,,,,:eek:

Could anyone help me out ? thanks very much !!!:beer:

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How To Use Data To Generate A Report

Jun 26, 2006


I have one problem in my project. Generating the report plz help me.

I have one table called Emp, which consists of fields, empid,tdate,attn,reason.

empid | tdate | attn | reason

2281 6/3/2006 Present null
2282 6/3/2006 Tour Hyderabad

2283 6/3/2006 Present null
2281 6/4/2006 Present null
2282 6/4/2006 Present null
2283 6/4/2006 Tour null

I want to generate a report as given below based on the date submitted by the user.

Frm Date: 6/3/2006 To Date: 6/4/2006

empid Present Tour Absent No.of working days
2281 2 2
2282 1 1 1
2283 1 1 1

Please write the query and reply back to me. ASAP.

Thanx in advance.

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Generate Script With Data

May 10, 2007


Can Anyone tell me how to generate script with all table data from one database.I can generate script with table structure but not with table data.I want to generate with Table data.



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Generate Script And Insert Data

Oct 13, 2006

I have a question regarding generating SQL script from a database.
If you use SQL Server Management Express, it lets you generate SQL
script that can be used to recreate table structure, stored procedures,
etc. But it does not include the actual data stored in the tables.

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Generate Data Of All Days Of Last Month

Jun 9, 2014

What query should i use to generate a data of all days on last month, for example, if today is june so last month would be may.

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Generate SQL Script With Table Data

Aug 24, 2005


i have one problem in database to creating SQL script

i want to copy table strucure with table data

Pls help

Shailesh Kavathiya

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Generate Db Scrip Including Data In Tables

Oct 10, 2007

i'm not able to generate a sql script with the data in the tables! using sql express.
i need this script to ganerate the same database with its datas in a new sql server.
thanks in advance

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Need To Generate Test (Dummy) Data In SQLServer 7.0

Nov 1, 1999


Does anyone know if SQLServer 7.0 will generate dummy data for specific columns in tables?



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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Generate CSV With Custom Data

Feb 26, 2015

It might be an old question but wanted to see, if we have any latest techniques (other than bcp).

SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM MyTable

If I want to export the output of the above query to a csv on a network folder? I would like to avoid usage of SSIS package or BCP (as user needs to get additional rights to execute bcp).

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How To Generate 13 Digit Number From Two Data Colu

Aug 22, 2007


I have two below datacolumns

'code'- varchar 255 (Unique number) data : chr456Umx
'Packs'- integer data : 6

Is it posible to generate 13 digit number using the above two columns,
The reason is if I run the procedure I will get same 13 digit all the time depending on the above two colums

below is the sample procedure I am using

@imglink nvarchar(255)


Select code as sku,
PdtBarCode as [standard-product-id],
'EAN' as [product-id-type],

--generate 13 digit number

make+' '+model+' ' +', Price for '+cast(NumPacks as varchar(8)) +' '+'Packs' as title,
make as manufacturer,'

from tablename
where ......

Advance thanks

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DB Engine :: How To Generate Null Row Two Different Date In Data

Oct 8, 2015

how to generate null row two different date  in data in sql ,,for example as below

name   age  DOB

ram      20    04/05/1988
kumar  30  04/05/1988
jonh   25     05/06/1988

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Can We Extract Data From A XL File To Generate A Sql Report

Apr 17, 2008

Hi All,

can we extract data from a XL file to generate a sql report?


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Transact SQL :: Only Generate Email If Table Contains Data?

Jul 1, 2015

I am wanting to fire-off an email with the failed jobs anytime they are deposited into a table.  My syntax fires off an email even when the table does not contain data, it just sends a blank email.  this will only generate an email if teh table contains data?  

if exists (Select from FailedJobs)
exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'DatabaseMail'
@recipients = ''
@from_address = ''
@query = 'Select * from failedjobs'
@subject = 'List Of Failed Jobs'
@attach_query_result_as_file = 1;

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How To Generate / Populate Already Existing Column With Sequential Data

May 8, 2012

I have a table which is already populated with data (Microsoft SQL 2008). I have now created a new column (int) which i want to populate with sequential numbers so that the new column created will serve let me know how many records exist in the table at a glance.

what SQL statement I need to write that will automatically polulate the newly created column with 1,2,,3,4,5 etc so that I can sort of number the records within the table.

I have 50000 records which I need to number and I really dont want to number the column manually via hand editing.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Generate Data Models Of All Databases

Feb 12, 2015

I need to generate data models of all databases for an instance. How can I accomplish this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Generate Test Data Using Only VS 2013

Sep 29, 2015

I've been tasked to generate some test data (a few thousand rows) into a new table in a new database. This database is a whole new idea, so I can't write a query to pull pieces of data from other databases. I cannot consider any third party tools, such as what Redgate or Idera has to offer. I can't consider free tools such as what I've found on GitHub. I've been instructed to restrict myself to Visual Studio 2013 and whatever I can get that works within that.

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Trigger To Generate Mail If Particular Kind Of Data Get Inserted In A Tag

Feb 25, 2014

We are having xml data in a column. Is it possible to write a trigger to generate a mail if particular kind of data get inserted in a tag.

For ex:

<File AF="910" PTO="ATN_P76035_PSQO" NNO="54545465" KTNNN="AX2" KL="" AD="99" PrqnT="AX2" Stab="21545" KE="45454" TE="65465" Rsaa="BBBB" AK="54544.AX2.POEAX2.546546546.NONTP.NONTP" AK2="">

In the above xml data if we have the value 21545 in Stab tag the trigger needs to be executed and mail needs to be sent to a distribution list.

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Transact SQL :: Generate Unique Username From Data Columns

Oct 19, 2015

I am trying to achieve the below problem statement, however I am getting stuck at the looping part.

EX: We have three columns

First Name |  Last Name | Mothers Name

I want to generate the username field using above columns, so lets consider, I have following data

First Name |  Last Name | Mothers Name
a                    b                  cdef
a                    b                  cdfg
a                    b                  cdfj

Expected Usernames:

1: a.b
2: a.b.c

Basically, it has to be FirstName.LastName.(incremental letters from MothersName until the name becomes unique)

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How To Generate Condition Based Aggregate/summary Data

Jun 14, 2006


I have a source table with App_Id, App_Type , Tier_Type, Date_Id as columns. I have a destination table with Date_Id, Total_App_Count, Booked_App_Type_Count, Approved_App_Type_Count columns.

I need to count the Total number of records , count of records with App_Type = "Booked" and count of records with App_Type = "Approved" and populate in my destination table.

What all the steps i need to create in SSIS to get this results ?



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SSRS :Generate Live Data Report (Example Stock)

Feb 21, 2008


I have requirement to cache report server as soon as data get refreshed in datbase.My database get refreshed every 10 minutes.
I am working in stock and bond domain were data changes very frequently.My user want to see almost live data whenever accessing report in report manager.they also want to cache some data for better performance.Can any one tell me step's to improve performance of reporting services .
Kindly suggest me.

Monika Singh

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Unable To Generate Model Off Of An Analysis Services Data Source

Feb 21, 2007


Our company is doing some basic research into using analysis services as a solution for our customers. I've taken our database and built an analysis services project in BI Studio and deployed it to Analysis Services on my local machine I connect to Reporting Services in Management Studio, create a folder for the cube, give my Windows user acct. Content Manager permission, create the Data Source (conn string = "Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=(local)SQLServer2k5;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=STI-PDB" -- copied from the Analysis Services project in BI Studio), and go to "Generate Model". What I get is an rsModelGenerationError, sub [Create Perspective From Cubes] with a connection issue at the base:

Either the user, <computername>Thomas, does not have access to the STI-PDB Database, or the database does not exist. () (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services)

Now, in the Database Engine, my Windows account has the db_owner database role for STI-PDB and it's default schema is dbo, which all the objects are created under. What am I missing here?

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Transact SQL :: Method To Generate Insert Statements For Data In A Table

May 30, 2013

I have a database which will be generated via script. However there are some tables with default data that need to exist on the database.I was wondering if there could be a program that could generate inserts statments for the data in a table.I know about the import / export program that comes with SQL but it doesnt have an interface that lets you copy the insert script and values into an SQL file (or does it?)

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Reporting Services :: Generate Data Vertically In Group By According To Dates?

Apr 27, 2015

I have a table in which records are inserted daily and with them i am storing the dates also. Now in SSRS i need to show the data for one week . The format should be like :

<style type="text/css">
.tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}
.tg td{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;padding:10px 9px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}
.tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:10px 9px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}

[Code] ....

In above example Business Name , Phase, Activity will repeat lonely but its work description will be generated in next section according to that business name and that date. How to achieve this task ? I have referred : [URL] ....

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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot Generate SSPI Context.

May 24, 2007


I am using .net 2 to connect to sql server 2005 - All works fine. When I move the sql server machine date forward (to test the application) the above message is returned.

Any ideas as to why this message is generated when I move the clock forward will be gratefully received.


Pete Clements

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SQL Data Source Control...Generate Insert, Update && Delete Statements...

Apr 23, 2008

I have an SQL data source on my page and I select "Table".  On the next screen I pick the fields I want to show.  Then I click the "Advanced" button because I want to allow Inserts, updates and deletes.  But its all greyed out abd I can't check this option. The UID in the connection string I am connecting under has the correct permissions in SQL server to do inserts, update and deletes too.  Anyone know why it would be greyed out? The connectionstring property in the aspx code is dynamic but this shouldn't be the reason because I have used this before with success

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