I have a daily report which each morning generates monthly information for the current month which was implemented in December. Everything was working correctly untill January 1st. On the 1st the report generated blank since it was suppose to generate 1-31 Dec but but the currently month was Jan, so it failed. How do I program it so if it is the 1st of a month generates the previous month but still would generate current month but while in the current month? Any help is appreciated.
We are generating excel report using report viewer at run time but if excel report having more then 65000 record generating error Microsoft. Reporting Services.OnDemandReportRendering.ReportRenderingException: Excel Rendering Extension: Number of rows exceed.
Trying to generate a daily KPI report from our SQL server. I do not have access to write any functions. In the "start date" and "end date" section what numerical value would I enter to give me the equivalent of CURRENT_DATE ()?
I have been trying to figure this out for a while. I have a report that should run at 9AM, 12 Noon and 2PM every weekday. Due to the complexity of the report, I'm using snapshots. Since the lowest gap is 2 hours, I currently have it configured to create the snapshot every two hours. Since this is running all day, my servers are taking a lot of strain. In the report manager help, it suggests creating three daily schedules for the report. I cannot find a way to create more than one schedule for a report. Please let me know how I can do this. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Trying to get a report to run daily between certain hours. I can set a start time and an "end date" in Report Manager, but as far as I can tell, I can't say run hourly every day from X to Y. am I missing something?
If this isn't doable from RS, can I just find the associated job in the Agent and change the schedule of that job?
but instead putting 31, I'd like to pull the totaldays from the actual_date using the Extract function so I try this
SELECT sum(sf.ORDER_QNT)/EXTRACT(DAY FROM LAST_DAY(to_date('05/01/13','dd/mm/rr'))) as AVGPERDAY, dd.month_number FROM sales_fact sf, date_dim dd WHERE dd.date_id = sf.date_id AND dd.month_number = 1 GROUP BY dd.month_number;
The result is nice, but now when I change the date with the dd.actual_date it gives error
SELECT sum(sf.ORDER_QNT)/EXTRACT(DAY FROM LAST_DAY(dd.actual_date)) as AVGPERDAY, dd.month_number FROM sales_fact sf, date_dim dd WHERE dd.date_id = sf.date_id AND dd.month_number = 1 GROUP BY dd.month_number; Error at Command Line : 1 Column : 53
Error report - SQL Error: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression 00979. 00000 - "not a GROUP BY expression"
Hi, I have craated an interface for generating the rdl file through c# (User will select some fields for group and some for details and report will be generated accordingly). I am generating the XML for the rdl according to the schema. And the report is running fine in my local system where i am using sqlexpress but is not working in production. The problem is coming with the datasource as follows.
An error has occurred during report processing. Cannot create a connection to data source 'SOP'. Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection
I am using Integrated Authentication, below is the datasource code generated by c#
When i am pasting the RDL xml to my BI project's Report it is giving preview properly, but after deployment it is not coming. I have tried with SQL Authentication also by removing the IntegratedSqcurity element and changin g the connection string to add "sa" userid, but still it doesn't run and gives the same error and if i refresh the report with the refresh button of report viewer, it shows some Wrong String Format error.
When i am editing the dataset in the report designer(BI Project), the connection string is not storing password and username info in the xml of the rdl, i read somewhere that it stores these values in VS2005 and reporting service database with some encryption and don't keep in the xml. So it is seeming to me that i am not sending these credentials to reporting service while deployment through my c# code. Below is my deployment codebyte[] byteRDL;System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
byteRDL = encoder.GetBytes(reportDefination);
Property[] rsProperty = new Property[10];
//Property property = new Property();Warning[] warnings;
I want to select data from a cube using an MDX statement and show the data on a graph report.
I want to select the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly descriptions all in one column to make it easy to represent it on the report.
Then set the 'Date' Column to the x-axis and the Value column to the y-axis.
The user also must have the option to not show certain periods (Switch of daily and weekly)
My MDX works when I select from the SQL Management Studio but as soon as I copy the MDX over to the SSRS Report Designer is splits the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly values into seperate columns which makes it very difficult to report on.
---- Code
SELECT NON EMPTY { ([Measures].[ValueAfterLogic])} ON COLUMNS,
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Day Of Month] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Week Of Year Name] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Month] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[Quarter Of Year Name] ELSE NULL END +
CASE 1 WHEN 1 Then [Time].[Hierarchy].[YEAR] ELSE NULL END,
(SELECT ( {[KPI Values].[KPI Id].&[{97754C54-AB43-403D-A2C2-21C04BDE93E3}] } ) ON COLUMNS
FROM [Workplace])
WHERE ( [KPI Values].[KPI Id].&[{97754C54-AB43-403D-A2C2-21C04BDE93E3}])
we have data base in ms access and reports in crystal reports 5 recently we converted our data base to sql sever 7 and reports to crystal reports 8. when i opend directly in cystal reports and given data base connecting through oledb i am getting reports but from the application it is in vb6 the report window is poping up and latter a error msg saying un able to open sql server when i checked up the connection it is ok help me anil
I have been generating report models for users to use with Report Builder and there is no data when they select the model. I noticed that the tables I chose did not have a primary key and when I chose a different table, with a primary key, and generated a model from it, then there was data for the user to use in Report Builder.
Is there a documented work around or will I need to set a primary key on each table?
I am using ssrs and vs2005 to develop reports.The deployed reports are placed in the source directory(c:source) and i am using a asp.net page with a button on it to generate a report in .Pdf format and after generation this Pdf document will be placed in a destination folder(c: arget).
Can anyone help me out in solving this or atleast direct me as how to go on with it?
I have tried asking the same question in other forums. All i get is links
Please help me. I have the following requirement:
I have the following tables: Theater - TheaterId, TheaterName, Revenues,locationid, stateid State - StateId, StateName Location - LocationId, LocationName, StateId
I want to generate reports that will tell me the revenue generated for each theater in each location in a state. I want to run a batch process which will loop through the 3 tables and will passing the location and state id as parameters one by one. I want each report to be generated as a pdf and stored in a location. How do I do this?
Currently, I have a report that takes two parameters: StartDate and EndDate.
I would like to schedule the report to run on a Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly basis, but this doesn't work too well with StartDate and EndDate because the parameter is static. What is the most elegant way to implement this change?
I have been using ms sql 2000 database for generating reports up till now . but now as per a new requirement , i have to obtain data for generating the report from sql express & not ms sql 2000 , and that too in offline mode . i do not know how the structure of data is there in sql express .
1)do we have data stored in tables? or do we use xml ?
2)do we write similar queries as we write in ms sql ??
3) and lastly what is this offline stuff ???
Can any one please throw some light on comparison between sql 2000 and sql express in these three points.
Has anyone implemented or knows an easy refernce to implement F-statistic for single variable linear regression? I was told it's not implemented in SSAS, so it seems like implementing it manually is the only way to go.
Wasted a lot of time figuring out the possible cause of this. I was working in connected mode (with VSS), and when it tried to create a Report Model (after doing all its validations/checks), it had to check-out the project file, which is normal. But before doing so, it tries to check-out the .dsv file as well (data source view file from which report model is being generated). While attempting this, the visual studio crashes. I could never guess that this could be an issue. All the time I was trying to figure out if there was anything wrong with the data in my tables. So, for me, a simple solution worked - check-out the .dsv file before you start creating data model. I hope this may save time for others...
My problem is this: How do I dynamically generate a Report Model Definition with c#?
Is there some sort of method I could call from the ReportingService2005 web service? Or some sort of APIs I could use?
If I didn't have a dynamic database structure, I would just create a Report Model Definition with BIS and then deploy the same model to each customer. However, our product creates additional tables in the database, depending on what data users wish to collect.
There are currently 2 solutions for this problem. First, I can manually create a Report Model Definition through the Buisness Intelligence Studio (BIS). However, I wish to be able to dynamically generate the report model without having to go through BIS. Second, I could use C# and manually write the XML of the SMDL. However this seems problematic.
I'm really hoping for some MS API that I'm missing out on here. Thanks for the help.
Hi, Is there possibility to get somehow statistic for mostly used SPs in the SQL Server 2000 Database? Any field in sysobjects for number of executions for certian SP?
We are having an occasional problem occur where a process will not stop blocking.
We are trying to trace the problem, but in the interim, I would like to set up an alert that notifies me when a process has been blocking for too long.
Are any of the lock wait times good statistics to use for such an alert? If not, is there anything else I could look at from the alert level?
If I had to, I could periodically create a table of sysprocess spids that are at the top of blocking chains, then test for a spid that lingers. I'm hoping I can avoid this and use the built-in monitoring instead, though.
I was wondering if it was possible to call reporting server web service directly from my sql server stored procedure. The call that I need to make to reporting web service needs to generate the report in a PDF format.
Is there a DMV or similar in SQL 2012, or SQL 2008, that shows when a statistic was last used by the optimizer? I would like to cleanup some of the auto-generated stats, assuming it's possible to do so. In particular I'm looking to drop those statistics that were created by one-off queries, data loads, etc, and are now doing nothing but adding to the execution time of Update Statistics jobs.
When creating a report using reporting Services with a cube as a datasource, visual studio 2005 hangs. I have applied SP1 to visual studio.net 2005 .
This is the query generated by query designer in reporting services. When I try to drag and drop another dimension to slice it by , visual studio hangs.
The fact table has just 10,000 records. Are the number of dimensions used to slice the cube too many? How do I optimize this query?
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Avg MT Rate - Speech], [Measures].[Change in Avg MT Rate], [Measures].[Edited Lines Per 1000], [Measures].[Speech Utilization], [Measures].[Time Saved %], [Measures].[Speech Edited for Rev 1], [Measures].[Change in Account Productivity], [Measures].[Hours Saved], [Measures].[Lines Per 1000], [Measures].[Average MT Rate - Total Production], [Measures].[Typed Lines], [Measures].[Productivity Time in hours - Edited Docs],[Measures].[Productivity Time in Hours - Typed Docs],[Measures].[Productivity Time in Hours]} ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Dim Customer].[Customer Name].[Customer Name].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Customer].[Dictator Site Name].[Dictator Site Name].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Date].[The Month].[The Month].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Date].[The Year].[The Year].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim MT].[Creator Last Name].[Creator Last Name].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim MT].[Creator First Name].[Creator First Name].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@FromDimDateTheYear, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@ToDimDateTheYear, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@FromDimDateTheMonth, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@ToDimDateTheMonth, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM [ETL DW])) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS
Coming from Oracle background:How do you carry thiese admin tasks in SQL 2000 Environment :Check instance availabilityCheck listener availabilityCheck alert log files for error messagesClean up old log files before log destination gets filledAnalyze tables and indexes for better performanceCheck tablespace usageFind out invalid objectsMonitor users and transactionsThanks for help.
Ok this may have been answered somewhere but to be honestly I don't even know what I need so its hard for me to search for it. Here is what I have going on lets see if anyone out there can answer this one. I have a 20 year old system that is tied to some lab equipment that we use for coal testing. The equipment runs back to an old win98 PC which is running a DOS program that has long since been abandoned by the manufactures. I can't upgrade the program because it will mean upgrading the hardware which is somewhere in the neighborhood of $100k at least. The program saves everything in what I believe is a dBase IV file (.dbf) and using Excel I can easily see the data inside. What I am trying to do, if I can figure out a way other than writing my own custom app, is to do a daily export/import of the data from the dbf file into a more usable database, then create some spiffy forms to mess with the data. Each day the dbf file is wiped out by the ancient program and a new one is created. My database experience is somewhat limited I have at best a rudimentary knowledge of SQL but I should be able to follow along even if I have to do a little research. Mainly what I am looking for is a way to import the dbf file into an already existing database (new or existing table) automatically via a script or something. I want to retain all the data from past days with out editing the the original DBF file. Can this be done or am I just asking the impossible?